Machine Woodwork Scheme of Work SSS2 Lagos State

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Wood Work Scheme of Work
Wood Work Scheme of Work

Access Unified Machine Woodwork Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork

SSS2 Machine Woodwork Scheme of Work First Term

1Safety aidsBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Give brief introduction on safety aids ii. Justify the reasons for safer aids.i. The students in small groups discuss various safety aids. ii. Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Charts and pictures showing different safety aids.
2First aid in machine woodwork.By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: : i. Define First Aid.
ii. List typeset injuries.
iii. First a treatment.
i. The students as a class explain of Aid. ‘ ii. The students in small groups discuss types of injuries in woodwork shop ii. Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
First aid box Charts showing different injuries.

3Maintenance of hand toolBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
i. Define maintenance ii. Enumerate types of maintenance.
iii. Analyze methods of maintaining wood work hand tools iv. Compare methods of storing woodwork hand tool
v. Compare and contrast lubrication  and lubricant used in wood
The students as a class demonstrate how to sharpen blunt blade.
ii. The students in small demonstrate how to.set saws.
iii. Students go online for more info
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Real objects on: i. All classes of woodwork tools. ii. Oil store, files, saw.
4Safety habit in the operation of woodwork machine.  By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to i. Define safety habit. ii. Analyze what must be done before using woodwork machine iii. Safety procedure before using woodwork machine. iv. What should be avoided when working with woodwork machine.i. The students as a class demonstrate various safety habit
ii. The students in small groups describe various P.P.E devices.
iii. Students go online for more info  
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Chaff and P.P.E(Peronal Protective Equipment) Devices  

5Surface planning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to i. Analyze the main features and working principles of surface plainer. ii. State the Functions of surface planning machine. ii. Analyze parts of circular sawing machine.The students as a class explain the operational functions/uses of surface planning machine.
ii. Students go online for more info https://en.m.wikipedia.orgiwiki/surface_planning_machine  
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Surface planner  https://en.m.wikipedia.orgiwiki/surface_planning_machine  
6Drilling machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to i. Explain its operation and safety/functions.The students as a class describe the operational function and parts of a drilling machine. ii. Students go Online for morei. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & CollaborationDrilling machine or charts
   info machineiii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
8Route machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Define router machine ii. explain its safety precaution uses ii.  Analyze its mode of operations.i. The students as a class demonstrate the operation of router machine
ii. The students in small groups show different pattern /Design that can be carried out on a router machine.
iii. Students go online for more info
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Router machine charts showing router machine.

9Radial arm sawBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. State necessary precaution to be observed when using radiat at saw machine iii. Explain the basic principles of operations.i. The Students as a class demonstrate the operation of radial arm saw. ii. The students in small groups state the functional parts and uses of radial arm saw. https://en.m/ Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Radial arm saw or chart https://en.m/  
10Narrow bandsawBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. identify all the parts of narrow bandsaw
ii. States their function(s) iii. Analyse how to observe all safely precaution when operating narrow band saw machine. iv.  explain the uses of narrow band saw.
i. The students as a class demonstrate the operation of narrow bandsaw.
ii. The students in small groups describe all the functional parts of the narrow band saw.
iii. Students go online for more into https://en.m/  
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Narrow band saw or chart https://en.m/  

11Narrow bandsawBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Sketch the narrow bandsaw and labelled its pas.The students as a class explain the uses of narrow bandsaw.
ii. Students go online for more info https://en.m/  
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Narrow band saw or chart https://en.m/  
12Field trip/visit to sawmill/furniture industryBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. To familiarize students to all the machine learnt above.The students take note o their observations in the course of the field trip.i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
13Revision / Examination

Machine Woodwork Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1Res ion and welcome test.      
2Cutting listBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Explain purpose of cutting list ii. Produce simple cutting list of a tableThe students as a class Demonstrate the usage of cutting list with emphasis on the wooden
ii. Students go online for more info
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Wooden box.  
3Combination planning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Analyze the main feature of a combination planning machine. ii. State the functions of the major parts iii. Identify hazard related to the use of combination planning machine.  The students as a class explain the physical featured of a combination planning machine.
i. The students in small groups describe the working principles of be combination planning machine.
 iii. Students go online for more info
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Combination planning machine

4Combination planning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Analyse the working priorities of combination planning machine. ii. Justify the safety regulation guiding the operation of the machine  i.  The students as class explain the machine to the students ii Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Combination planning machine or charts.
5Combination planning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Justify the safety precaution of the mortising machine.
iii. Explain the working principles.
i. The students as a class describe the mortising machine.
i. Explain he safety of  machine as it relates to a specific task.
iii. Students go online for more info
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Mortising machine or charts
6Combination planning machineBy the end o the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Mention types of operation that can be carried out on mortising machine. ii. Use the machine to perform different functions like hollow and chain mortising.The students in small groups describe how hollow and chain mortising machines are used for mortising in a wood.  ii. Students o online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Mortising machine.
8Combination planning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Explain the rules & regulations observed when using sanding machine, ii. Analyze the principle of operation of the sanding machine, disc sander, belt sander and drum senderThe students as a class demonstrate the operation of sanding machine. ii. Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Sanding machine or chart
9Drilling machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. State the peculiar safety precaution that must be observed when using drilling machine. ii.State and explain the uses of drilling machine. iii.  Analyse the working principle of drilling machine.i. The students as a class explain the working principle of drilling machine ii. The student in small groups demonstrate the use of a drilling machine. iii. Students go online for more info. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.
Drilling machine or charts

10(a) Basic concept of entrepreneurship  (b). Entrepreneurship education (c) Qualities of entrepreneur (d) importance entrepreneurshipBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Explain the term entrepreneurship ii. examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically. iii. analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur.1. Whole class discussion on the meaning of entrepreneurship. 2. Students, in small groups, discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. 3 Students as a class, discuss the importance entrepreneurship. 4, Students, in the same groups, critically analyze the qualities of an entrepreneur.i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy.>basic-com   Charts Picture  

Machine Woodwork Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term

1Welcome test and Revision.    
2Working RodBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Define working rod in machine woodwork. ii. Describe the purpose of working rod aid advantages/ Limitation. iii. Highlight the differences between height, width and thickness.i. The students so a class describe ore height, width and thickness of a drinking stool. ii. Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
Drinking stool.
3Route sheetBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Analyze the purpose of route sheet ii. State its advantages and limitation. iii. Prepare a route onset to workshop use.i. The students as a class explain route sheet in preparing materials for drinking stool or bedside cabinets.
ii. Students go online for more info.
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy

4Tenoning machineBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Explain safety rule on tenoning machine. ii. Analyze the working principles of the single end tenoning machine. is. State the relationship between terming and mortising. iv. Describe the setting of cutter head to ensure quick and accurate set  up. v. Enumerate different cutter block that can be mounted on tenoningThe students as a class explain tenoning machine safety and working principles. i. The students n small groups of the single end tenoning relationship to mortising. ii. The students as a class demonstrate methods of fixing cutter block in of Tenoning machine. Students go online for more info. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
  Tenoning machine or chart.  
5Spindle moulderBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Identify and explain the safety precaution observe in operating spindle moulder. ii. Highlight the parts of a spindle moulder.i. The students as a class,  explain spindle moulder. ii. The students in small groups explain safety precaution when using spindle moulder. iii. Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
Spindle moulder or chart.

6Spindle moulderBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Demonstrate the various operations perform on spindle router. ii. Explain how to fix new blade for new operation in spindle moulder.i. The students as a class demonstrate methods changing blade on a spade  moulder.
ii. The students in small group explain safety devices when changing the blade on spindle moulder.
i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
Spindle moulder or Chart    

  iii. Analyze safety devotes used on spindle moulder work changing the blade.  iii. Students go online for more info  
8Machine operatorsBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Define machine operation. ii. List types of machine operations ii. Identify the safety precautions to be observed when performing different operation on a woodwork machine. iii. Analyze the following operations carried out on wood work machine a. beveling  
  b. chamfering c. cross – cutting d.  ripping     e. trenching 
i. The students as a class describe different types of operations in wood work e.g beveling, cross cutting and trenching etc. ii. The students in small groups sketch the following operations carried out or woodwork machines. a. beveling b. chamfering c. cross – cutting d.  ripping e. trenching  ii Students go online for more info Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
Woodwork machine or Charts

9Basic              concepts of  marketing. a. Meaning of marking b) Methods of marketing c) importance of marketing (d) Marketing distribution on channel chart.By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: i. Describe the term marketing 2. explain the methods of marketing. 3. analyse the importance of marketing 4. create a flow chart of the Marketing of channel distribution– Students, as a class brainstorm on the topics marketing 2 Whole class discussion on the different methods of marketing 3 Small group discussion on why marketing is important. 4. Small groups activities on  chart of distribution channels of marketing.i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy pictures chart
10Marketing continued a. product branding b. producing packaging c. Costing d-.   PricingBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. highlight the factors to be considered in product processing 2. Distinguish  between the term packaging and branding, 3. develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business or a production unit said 4. creatively design a befitting setup package for their products.1. Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price 2. Students, in pairs, discuss the difference between packaging & branding 3. Students, in small groups present a feasibility stuck of  a said production or business setup (Group protect). 4 Students, in the same groups, produce or come up with befitting packages for their products.i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy
Branded products Packaged products Pictures Charts>blog    

11Field tripBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: familiarize themselves with the operations that can be performed on woodwork machine. i. Critical thinking & Problem solving, ii. Communication & Collaboration,
 iii. Leadership and Personal
iv. Digital literacy




At the end of the lesson, the students.

– are able to distinguish between the types of maintenance

– know what should be avoided when working with woodwork machine

– know the functions of the surface planning machine

– are able to analyze the parts of a circular sawing machine

– understand the mode of operations of the router machine

– know the basic principles of operation of radial arm

– know the necessary precaution to be observed when using radial arm saw

– are able to identify alI the part of the narrow bat saw

– understand the importance of the cutting list

– are able to identify hazard related to the use of combination planning machine

– understand the principles of operation mortising machine and drilling machine

– know the advantages/limitation of woodworking rod

– are able to distinguish between tenoning and mortising

– know the various types of cutter block that can be mounted on a tenoning machine

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