BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 – 6 (NERDC)

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Information Technology Curriculum

Year 4 – 6 NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Upper Primary School, Common IT Gadgets, Drawing with the Computer

Table of Contents
Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Computer SoftwareContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Starting up the ComputerContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Data and InformationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: BASIC CONCEPTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideInformation Technology Curriculum for Primary 5ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material   Evaluation GuideTopic: Care and Protection of ComputersContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: BASIC CONCEPTS OF INFORMATIONContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideInformation Technology Curriculum for Primary 6ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Drawing with the ComputerContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Precautions in the Use of ComputersContentsTeacher’s Activities           Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: BASIC CONCEPTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Internet IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: IT and the SocietyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4


Week 1

Topic: Computer hard ware

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of computer hardware components
  2. List the hardware components of a computer


  1. Meaning of Computer Hardware: (Hardware is the part of computer system we can see and touch)
  2. Hardware Components
    • Keyboard
    • Monitor
    • System unit
    • CD /DVD -ROM

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Shows the hardware components that make up the computer
  2. Displays pictures of the hardware components

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the hardware components in groups
  2. Draw and label the hardware components

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Keyboard
  2. Monitor
  3. System unit
  4. Joystick
  5. Mouse
  6. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of hardware
  2. Identify two components of the computer hardware

Week 2

Topic: Computer Software

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of software
  2. Mention common operating system, games and word processing software and state the uses of the software above
  3. List examples of each type of software above
  4. Play games software on a computer
  5. Type text using MS-Word
  6. Draw and paint simple objects using the PAINT


  1. Meaning: (A set of instructions given to computer to make it function)
  2. Types of software (Mention only common operating systems including those of mobile phones

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Boots the computer to demonstrate what the operating system does
  2. Guides pupils to identify different types of common operating systems and that of phone.
  3. Types short text to demonstrates word processing
  4. Draws objects to demonstrate graphics
  5. Plays available game in computer/mobile phone to demonstrate entertainment
  6. Writes notes on the chalkboard for pupils to copy

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat each activity demonstrated by the teacher

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A computer system with all the necessary software installed

Evaluation Guide

  1. State what software means
  2. State three different types of software
  3. Write down two examples of each type of software
  4. Mention the uses of each type of software mentioned
  5. Use PAINT software to draw a chair and ball

Week 3

Topic: Starting up the Computer

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the term booting
  2. List ways of booting
  3. Describe the steps for booting a computer
  4. Boot a computer


  1. Meaning of Booting
  2. Types of Booting:
    • Cold booting
    • warm booting
  3. The steps for booting

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays an already connected computer set
  2. Explains what booting is
  3. Demonstrates how to boot a computer system

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the teacher demonstrate how to boot a computer system
  2. Practice booting a computer
  3. Boot a computer system

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer system           
  2. Power source   

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define booting
  2. Mention three steps in booting a computer system
  3. State two ways of booting

Week 4

Topic: Data and Information

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of data and information
  2. Mention sources of information
  3. Describe computer as Input – Process – Output (IPO) system
  4. List characters on the keyboard as data


  1. Meaning of:
    • Data (unprocessed facts)
    • Information (processed facts)
  2. Sources of information:
    • Radio;
    • Television;
    • Newspaper;
    • Computer
  3. Computer as IPO system:
    • collects data and enter it using keyboard;
    • processes data through central processing unit;
    • produces results as information through the output devices

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Brings some information devices to the classroom and plays/shows them to the pupils
  2. Demonstrates the uses of computer as a source of information

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and make use of information devices
  2. Use keyboard to enter data

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Radio
  2. Television
  3. Newspaper/ magazine
  4. Computer System
  5. Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of data and information
  2. List three sources of information
  3. List three way computer can be used as sources of information
  4. Use keyboard to enter characters as data

Year 4 ICT, NERDC Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4. History of Computers, Data and Information


Week 1

Topic:    Common IT Gadgets

Performance objectives

  1. State what IT stands for
  2. Identify IT gadgets
  3. Operate common IT gadgets


  1. IT: Information and Communications Technology
  2. IT gadgets:
    • Computer
    • Mobile phones
    • Remote control
    • V sat dish
    • DVD, etc
  3. Operating common IT gadgets:
    • Computer
    • GSM phone
    • Remote control

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays common IT gadgets in class
  2. Guides pupils to identify the gadgets
  3. Leads pupils in class discussion on use of IT gadgets
  4. Guides pupils to draw the IT gadgets
  5. Demonstrate how to operate IT gadgets and guides them to operate them

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and recognize each IT gadget displayed
  2. Participate actively in class discussion
  3. Operate IT gadgets under teacher’s supervision
  4. Draw IT Gadgets

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Computer
  2. Remote control
  3. Mobile phones
  4. V-sat dish

Evaluation Guide

  1. State what IT stands for
  2. List at least two common IT gadgets
  3. State at least one use of any two different IT gadgets

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 5


Week 1

Topic: Computer Games

Performance objectives

  1. Play the games
  2. Predict actions of the key players
  3. Suggest possible solutions to the key problems


  1. Academically inclined adventure games e.g. Prince, Test drive, Dave, Mario, etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays latest adventure games
  2. Demonstrates adventure game e.g. Prince
  3. Asks leading questions on the problems encountered by the adventurers

Student’s Activities

  1. Play adventure computer games to predict actions and results
  2. Provide answers to teacher’s questions

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Computer with adventure games (.e. Prince, Dave, Test drive) installed

Evaluation Guide

  1. Play computer adventure games in groups
  2. Predict the action of the key players
  3. Suggest possible solutions to the key problems

Week 2

Topic: Care and Protection of Computers

Performance objectives

  1. List ways of taking good care of a computer system
  2. State reasons for taking care of computers
  3. List ways of protecting computers


  1. Steps for caring for Computer Hardware
    • Position the computer properly.
    • Keep in an appropriate (air conditioned) environment.
    • Avoid liquid dropping into the system.
    • Avoid food particles.
    • Use dust covers.
    • Unplug the system when not in use for long
  2. Reasons for taking care of computer:
    • avoid damages;
    • protect the system;
    • prolong the life of the files in the system;
    • make the user comfortable for maximum efficiency
  3. Ways of protecting computers e.g. use of password, use of antivirus

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates ways of caring for the computer
  2. Guide pupils to clean the system using neat duster
  3. Explains to pupils why they need to take good care of the computer system
  4. Guide the pupils to draw up a roster for caring for the school computers
  5. Explains ways of protecting computers using password and antivirus

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch teacher demonstrate care of the computer
  2. Participate in caring for the computers in the school computer laboratory
  3. Listen to the teacher, ask and answer questions, participate in class discussions
  4. Clean the computer system in their school
  5. Examine antivirus packages and how it works

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Neat duster
  2. Cotton wool
  3. Computer system
  4. Furniture
  5. Spirit
  6. Antivirus CD

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name three ways of caring for the computer
  2. Give two reasons for caring for the computer
  3. List two ways of protecting computers



Week 1

Topic:    Internet I

Performance objectives

  1. Define:
    1. The internet,
    1. World wide web (www)
    1. Electronic mail (e-mail)
    1. e-mail address
    1. Website
  2. Identify:
    1. Internet browser on the computer
    1. e-mail address
    1. Website address on the address bar      
  3. Access the internet        
  4. Send and receive e-mail              
  5. Mention the benefits of internet            
  6. Mention the misuse of the internet       


  1. Terms and their meanings:
    1. Internet (the largest computer network in the world.
    1. e-mail address worldwide web (www) etc
  2. Internet browsers:
    1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
    1. Netscape,
    1. Mozilla etc
  3. Creating e-mail account
  4. Sending and receiving e- mail
  5. Chatting on the internet
  6. Uses and benefits of internet
  7. Abuses of internet:
    1. Fraud,
    1. Pornography

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads pupils to define the internet, e-mail address, website, web browser
  2. Organizes visit to cyber café to demonstrate the various uses of internet
  3. Guides pupils to: create e-mail accounts,
    1. write valid samples of e-mail and website addresses.
    1. send and receive mails.
    1. chat on the internet

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussion
  2. Watch teacher’s demonstration
  3. Practice writing valid e- mail and web addresses
  4. Visit a cyber café and do the following:
    1. create e-mail accounts,
    1. write valid samples of e-mail and website addresses.
    1. send and receive mails.
    1. chat on the internet

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Internet connected computer lab or cyber café

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe the:
    • Internet,
    • World wide web (www);
    • Electronic mail, (e- mail)
    • e-mail address;
    • Website
  2. List three internet browsers
  3. Distinguish between e-mail and website addresses
  4. State three uses of internet
  5. State two abuses of internet

Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 6


Week 1

Topic:    Learning Word Processing With the Computer

Performance objectives

  1. Identify Word processing Software
  2. Mention some of the uses of Word Processing software
  3. Identify and use the Title Bar, Menu Bar and Tool Bars
  4. Create and edit documents
  5. Save and retrieve documents


  1. Word Processing Software;
    • Microsoft Office Word
  2. Uses of the Word Processing Software
  3. Word Processing Environment:
    • Title Bar, Tool Bars and their uses
    • Menu bar and its uses
  4. Word Processing Skills; e.g.
    • opening the Microsoft Office,
    • quitting the software,
    • creating documents,
    • editing documents,
    • saving documents
    • retrieving documents

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains what Word Processing software is
  2. Mentions some uses of the Word Processing software
  3. Minimizes and restores document to demonstrate Title and Menu Bar options
  4. Guides class by typing and moving within the documents to demonstrate creating and editing of documents
  5. Types and moves within the document to demonstrate:
    • saving of documents
    • retrieving of documents

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and learn what Word Processing software is and what it is used for
  2. Observe the teacher and learn to use the Title and Menu Bars
  3. Type and move within the document to demonstrate creating and editing of documents
  4. Type and move within the document to:
    • save documents
    • retrieve documents

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A functional computer system

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify Word processing Software
  2. Mention at least three uses of Word Processing software
  3. Identify and use the Title Bar, Menu Bar and Tool Bars;
  4. Create and edit documents
  5. Save and retrieve documents

Week 2

Topic: Drawing with the Computer

Performance objectives

  1. Identify computer drawing packages
  2. Draw geometrical figures (lines, ellipses and rectangles)
  3. Do freehand drawing of objects and figures
  4. Use the ‘fill’ tool to color objects and figures
  5. Use the alphabet tool to label drawings
  6. Print a drawing


  1. Drawing Packages (Corel Draw, Paint Artist etc.)
  2. Drawing with Paint Artist:
    • Geometrical drawings
    • Freehand drawings
  3. Painting objects (using the Fill tool)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides class to  identify drawing packages in the system
  2. Guides pupils to:             
    • explore the paint environment and identify its components
    • draw objects and figures using Paint Artist          
    • use the fill tool and alphabet tool to color and label their drawings
    • print their drawings       
  3. Writes down the procedure of drawing with Paint Artist on the chalkboard

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify the drawing packages in the system
  2. Open the drawing packages in the system
  3. Draw lines, ellipses and rectangles
  4. Draw objects like boxes, fish, tins, cow, fan, cars etc using freehand
  5. Use the fill tool to color their objects
  6. Label their drawings using the alphabet tool
  7. Print their drawings

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Common objects or pictures/drawings of common objects like boxes, fish, tins, cow, fan, cars etc
  2. A functional computer system with Paint Artist software (or Corel Draw) installed
  3. Papers
  4. Printer

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention one computer drawing package
  2. Draw geometrical figures (lines, ellipses and rectangles)
  3. Do freehand drawing of objects and figures
  4. Use the ‘fill’ tool to color objects and figures
  5. Use the alphabet tool to label drawings
  6. Print a drawing

Week 3

Topic: Precautions in the Use of Computers

Performance objectives

  1. Identify some precautions that should be taken in the use of the computer
  2. Enumerate some precautions that should be taken by computer users
  3. State reasons why we should take care of human ware (users of the computer)


  1. Precautions in the use the computer hardware. E.g. use of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), stabilizers and surge protectors; not overloading the sockets etc
  2. Care for the Human ware:
    • sitting posture
    • Use of anti-glare
    • positioning of the monitor
    • positioning of the hands
    • keeping dust and moisture away
  3. Why we should care for the users:
    • To reduce fatigue
    • To avoid minor and serious injuries
    • To improve efficiency
    • To protect sensitive organs like the eyes

Teacher’s Activities           

  1. Guides class discussion on:
    • Precautions in the use the computer hardware
    • Care for the Human ware
  2. Demonstrates correct arrangement of hardware e.g. monitor, UPS, sockets and stabilizers
  3. Demonstrates correct postures and sitting arrangements that are safe and that promote comfort and efficiency

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussion
  2. Observe the demonstrations and ask questions as well as answer
  3. Practice correct arrangement of hardware e.g. monitor, UPS, sockets and stabilizers
  4. Practice correct postures and sitting arrangements that are safe and that promote comfort and efficiency

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chairs
  2. Tables
  3. A functional computer system
  4. UPS
  5. Extension socket
  6. Surge Protector
  7. Printer
  8. Stabilizer

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify at least three precautions that should be taken in the use of the computer
  2. Enumerate at least four precautions that should be taken by computer users
  3. State at least three reasons why we should take care of human ware (users of the computer)



Week 1

Topic:    Classification Uses Common IT Gadgets

Performance objectives

  1. Classify common IT gargets
  2. State the uses of some common IT gargets
  3. Operate at least two common IT gargets


  1. Classification of common IT gadgets;
    • Computers:-laptops, handheld computers, Palmtop, iPad, tab)
    • Audio/Video gadgets: – iPod, Home theatre, mp3, mp4, digital cameras, handy cams/ camcorders
    • Storage Devices: – flash drives, memory cards, and external hard drives/disc
    • Smart Phones: Blackberry, android phones, iPad
  2. Uses of some IT gadgets:
    • Word processing
    • Telephone conversation Multimedia (MMS) e.g. SMS, pictures, voice/ video messages. Photographs
    • Video capture
    • Music
    • Downloading various Applications e.g. Bible, Quran, Dictionary, GPRS, games etc.
    • Internet and social networks e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Skype etc
  3. Operating common IT gargets

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents some common IT gadgets or a chart showing the pictures of the gadgets
  2. Guides pupils to use some common IT gadgets e.g. copying/transfer of documents/music files etc with flash drives/Bluetooth/memory cards etc
  3. States the uses of some common IT gadgets

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the pictures and regalia of some common IT gadgets
  2. Use some common IT gadgets e.g. copying/transfer of documents/music files etc with flash drives/Bluetooth/memory cards etc
  3. Mention the uses of some common IT gadgets

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures/drawings of common IT gadgets like
    • Laptops
    • Handheld computers
    • Palmtop
    • IPad
    • Tab etc
  2. Flash drive
  3. Smart Phones
  4. Memory cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the different classes of IT garget
  2. Name four uses of some common IT gadgets
  3. Operate at least two common IT gadget e.g. copying/transfer of documents/music files etc with flash drives/Bluetooth/memory cards etc

Week 2

Topic: Internet II

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of;
    • Search Engines
    • Social Networks
  2. Use the internet for various functions in such as online registration, checking of results and use of social networks
  3. Mention the importance of using these functions of the internet
  4. Mention some forms of abuse of the internet


  1. Search Engines:
    • Google, yahoo, etc.)
  2. Online Activities:
    • Online registration
    • checking of results
  3. Social Networking Tools:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
  4. Importance of Internet tools
  5. Abuse of the internet:
    • Prostitution
    • Terrorism
    • Misinformation

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of search engines and social networks
  2. Guides pupils to use the internet for various functions in the internet such as online registration, checking of results, etc
  3. States the importance of using these functions of the internet
  4. Mentions some forms of abuse of the internet

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen as the teacher explains the meaning of search engines and social networks
  2. Use the internet for various functions in the internet such as online registration, checking of results and use of social networks
  3. Listens and ask questions as the teacher states the importance of using these functions of the internet
  4. Listens and ask questions as the
  5. Teacher mentions some

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A functional computer system with internet access software
  2. Papers
  3. Printer

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of
    • Search Engines
    • Social Networks
  2. Use the internet to perform various functions such as online registration, checking of results and use of social networks
  3. Mention the importance of using these functions in the internet
  4. Mention some forms of abuse of the internet

Week 3

Topic: IT and the Society

Performance objectives

  1. Mention some various aspects of the human society influenced by the computer
  2. Mention some wrong notions about IT
  3. Mention some career opportunities in IT


  1. Various aspects of the human society influenced by the computer:
    • Communication
    • Security
    • banking
    • Military
    • Education
    • Hospitality
    • Exploration and exploitation of natural resources e.g. oil and gas, minerals, space
    • Agriculture
    • Medicine
  2. Wrong notions about IT:
    • Too costly
    • encourages job loss

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains some various aspects of the human society that is influenced by the computer
  2. Explains some wrong notions about IT
  3. Mention some career opportunities in IT
  4. Brings in a resource person to enlighten the pupils on some careers in IT

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention the various aspects of the human society that is influenced by the computer
  2. Explain some wrong notions about IT
  3. List some career opportunities in IT
  4. Listens to the Resource Person and ask relevant questions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures/drawings or charts common aspects of the human society influenced by the computer
  2. An IT Resource Person

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention at least five aspects of the human society influenced by the computer
  2. Mention at least three wrong notions about IT
  3. Mention at least four career opportunities in IT


BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 4

BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 5

BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary 6

BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Lower Primary School 1 – 3 (NERDC)

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