Welcome Test/lime, Energy Management and Fatigue 1. Energy Management meaning, Advantages/Disadvantages 2. Fatigue meaning, types and prevention 3. Application of management process to energy. use.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Attempt test question correctly 2. Explain the meaning of time and energy management 3: Compare the advantages and disadvantages time and energy management 4. Choose ways of preventing fatigue
– Students actively participate in the welcome test. – Students as a class explain the meaning of time and energy management. – Students in pairs compare the advantages and disadvantages of time and energy management. – Students as individuals choose ways of preventing fatigue.
– Critical thinking and problem solving. – Communication and collaboration. – Creativity and imagination.
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. – Examination question papers and continuous assessment test questions -Pictures showing different types of fabric construction method -Real object; wool, crocheting pin, knitting pin etc.
Work Simplification 1. Meaning of Work simplification. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of work simplification 3. Guidelines for work simplification,
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the meaning of work simplification 2. Classify the advantages and disadvantages of work simplification 3. State the guidelines for work simplification
Students as a class discuss work simplification – Students in small group classify the advantages and disadvantages of work simplification. -Students in pairs state the guidelines for work simplification.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Creativity and imagination. – Leadership and personal development
Application for work simplification 1. A principle to specific household tasks e.g. meal preparation, laundry, sewing etc.
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Apply work simplification principles to specific house1cld tasks like a) Meal preparation b) Laundry c) Sewing
Students in small group apply work simplification principles to specific household tasks like meal preparation, laundry and sewing.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Creativity and imagination. – Leadership and personal development
human and social skills development 1. meaning of human and social skill as follows: human skills, social skills, types, importance and development 2. Ways of developing human and social skills
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the meaning of human and social skills 2. Investigate the importance of human and social skills 3. Describe the guideline for ways of developing human and social skill
– Students as a class discuss and present the meaning of human and social skills development. – Students in small groups investigate the importance of human and social skills development. – Students in pairs describe the guidelines of developing human and social skills,
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development – Citizenship
WEB RESOURCES. – https://www.skillsy ouneed.com/tips/social-skills.html -https://www.lifehack.org/artieles/communication/12- ways-improve- social-skills-and- make-you- sociable-anytime.html
Human Rights 1. Meaning of human right 2. Fundamental human right 3. Right of a child 4. Right of the women 5. Human right violation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1: Explain human right, 2. Identify the fundamental human right of every person in Nigeria 3 . Specify the right of a child 4. Acknowledge the different ways the right of a person can be violated
– Students as a class explain human rights. – Students as individuals identity fundamental human rights of every person in Nigeria. – Students in pairs specify the right of a child and acknowledge different ways the right of a person can be violated
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development – Citizenship
Sexually Transmitted Infections diseases 1. Meaning 2. Types, causes and signs 3. Prevention and treatment 4. Care and support for infected persons
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of STI, STDs and HIV/AIDS 2. the types and causes of STI, UTDs, and HIV/AIDS 3. Point cut the signs/prevention and treatment of STI, STDs and HIV/AIDS 4. Care for person with HIV/AIDS
– Students as a class brainstorm and explain the meaning of STI, STDs and HIV/AIDS. – Students as a class justify and present the types and causes of STI, STDs and HIV/AIDS. – Students in pairs point out the signs and treatment of STI, STDs and HIV/AIDS person
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Creativity and imagination. – Citizenship
AUDIO VISUAL – Pictures of infected patients. 3. Chart showing types of Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases.
Mid Term Test Open Day Mid- Term Holiday
Dating/ Courtship. 1. Meaning of dating and courtship. Importance of courtship.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Distinguish between dating and courtship 2. State the importance of courtship. 3. Asses the guidelines for healthy boy/girl relationship 4. Identify procedures for engagement
Students as p small group distinguish between dating and courtship. – Students as individuals state the importance of courtship. – Students act a role play on assessing the guidelines for healthy boy/girl relationship. – Students in pairs identify the procedures for engagement
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination.
Marriage. 1. Meaning of marriage, 2. Types of marriage. 3. Tips to successful marriage 4. Meaning of sex education
1. Discuss the Meaning of marriage, 2. Examine tips for successful marriage. 3. Explain sex education. 4. Predict consequences of sexual indulgence.
– Students as a class discuss the meaning of marriage. – Students as individuals examine the tips of successful marriage. – Students in small group explain sex education. – Students in pairs predict the consequences of sexual indulgence.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination. . – Citizenship
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Explain reproduction 2. Diagram the process of ovulation, menstruation and fertilization 3. Point out the signs of pregnancy 4. Sequence the stages of child birth,
– Students as a class brainstorm reproduction – Students in small groups diagram the process of ovulation, menstruation and fertilization – Students as individual point out the signs of pregnancy – Student pairs sequence child birth.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination. . – Citizenship
Parenthood 1. Meaning 2. Importance 3. Size of the family 4. Responsibility of parenthood
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Discuss parenthood. 2. Interpret the importance of parenthood. 3. Enumerate the size of the family 4. Formulate the responsibility in parenthood
– Student as a class discuss parenthood and interpret the importance of parenthood – Student in pairs enumerate the size of the family – Students as individuals formulate the responsibility of in parenthood.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination. . – Citizenship
Access Unified Home Management Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork.com
Home Management Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
Welcome Test/Child Development 1. Stages of development 2. Factors that influence child development 3. Importance of immunization for children 4. Good habits and character training 5. Toys and play materials in early childhood
By the end of the,. Lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Explain the principles of child development 2. Formulate the different stages of child development. 3. Highlight good habits and character training in bringing .up children 4. Provide adequate toys for children
Students as individuals actively participate in the welcome test. – Students as a class explain the principles of child development, – Students in pairs good highlights good habits and character training in bringing up children and provide toys for children.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination. .
Planning a family 1. Meaning of family planning 2. Guidelines in family planning 3. Advantages and disadvantages of family planning 4. Financial plans
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Discuss family planning 2. Evaluate the guidelines in family planning 3. Distinguish. advantages and disadvantages family planning. 4. Differentiate between long and short term financial planning
– Students as a class act a role play on family planning – Students in small groups discuss family planning and evaluate the guidelines in family planning. Students in pairs distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of family planning. – Students in small groups compare between long and short term financial planning.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – Creativity and imagination. .
AUDIO-VISUAL – Chart showing the guidelines in family planning. – Chart on financial plans. -Role play.
Scientific study of Food Nutrients 1. Tests For food nutrients 2. Effects of heat on food nutrients
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Perform the various tests food nutrients. 2. Interpret the result of the test for food 3. Discover the effects of heat on food nutrients.
– Students as class perform various tests on study of food nutrients. – Students as individual interpret the result of the test of food nutrients – Students in small group discover and present the effects of heat on food nutrients.
– Creativity and imagination. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Communication and collaboration. – Leadership and personal development
Food Storage and Preservation 1. Food Storage and preservation 2. Guidelines for purchasing food stuff 3. Wise buying
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of food storage and preservation. 2. Arrange the guidelines for
– Students as a class explain the meaning of food storage and preservation – Students in small group arrange the guidelines for purchasing food – Students in pairs show
Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development.
purchasing food stuffs. 3. Show the various food preservation methods. 4. Enumerate wise buying principles.
the various food preservation methods. – Students as individuals enumerate wise buying principles.
– Citizenship.
Practical on food preservation e.g. smoking, sun drying etc.
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to preserve food using different food preservation methods.
Students in small groups preserves food using different food preservation methods
– Communication and collaboration. – Creativity and imagination – Critical thinking and problem solving. -Leadership and personal development
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. 2. Real object: perishable foods e.g. fish, meat, poultry etc.
Flour mixtures 1. Flour and flour mixtures 2. Types of flour 3. Characteristics
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Discuss flour mixtures. 2. Determine different types of flour in the market. 3. Indicate the characteristics and use of flour. 4. Use different types of flour for cooking.
– Students as class discuss on flour mixtures. – Students in pairs determine different types of flour and indicate their characteristics. -Students as individuals use different types of flour for cooking.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development. – Citizenship.
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to Prepare, cook and serve different dishes using flour mixtures
Students in small groups prepare, cook and serve different dishes on flour mixtures.
– Communication and communication. – Creativity and imagination. -Critical thinking and problem solving.
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. -Real object: ingredients for flour mixtures. .
Beverages and Snacks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. Explain beverages 2. Classify beverages with examples 3. Explain snacks 4. Give some example of snacks
– Students as a class explain beverages and classify with examples. – Students in pair explain and give some examples of snacks
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Citizenship.
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. -Real object: different types of beverages and snacks -Pictures of some prepared beverages and snacks
Practical on beverages and Snacks
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Prepare, cock and serve different beverages and drinks Prepare cook and serve
Students in small group present a demonstration practical on Beverages and Snacks
– Critical thinking and problem solving. – Creativity and imagination. – Leadership and personal
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. -Real object of practical ingredients for beverages and snacks.
come simple snack
Table Setting and Table Manners 1. Meaning 2. Types
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Differentiate between table setting and table manners. 2. Identify types of table setting 3. Acknowledge the requirement for table setting 4. Practice some table manners
Students as a class film table setting and table manners on YouTube – Students in small group differentiate between table setting and table manners. – Students as individuals acknowledge the requirement for table setting and practice some table manners.
– Digital literacy – Communication and collaboration. – Creativity and imagination. – Critical thinking and problem solving.
Access Unified Home Management Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork.com
Home Management Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
Welcome Test/Laundry equipment and tools 1. Classification 2. Uses, guidelines for utilization 3. Care
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Attempt test questions correctly. 2. Identify and classify laundry equipment and tools. 3. Explain the guidelines for using laundry equipment and tools 4. Show ways of caring for equipment and tools.
– Students as individuals active participate in the welcome test. – Student s as a class identify and classify laundry equipment and tools. – Students in small groups explain the guidelines for using laundry equipment and tools. – Students as individuals care for equipment and tools.
– Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development. – Citizenship
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. State different, types of laundry agents. 2. Assess the characteristics of laundry agent. 3. Point out the uses of laundry agents.
– Students as a. class state and present different types of laundry agents. – Students in small group- assess the characteristics of laundry agents. – Students as individuals point out the uses of laundry agents.
-Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal – development. Citizenship.
1. AUDIO-VISUAL. -Real object: soaps, stiffening agent, stain removals, water etc.
Stains and Stain Removals 1. Meaning 2. Types 3. Stain removing agents
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of stains 2. Categorize different types of stains 3. Remove some specific stains from family clothing and household,
– Students as a – class explain the meaning of stains, – Students in pairs categorize different types of stains. – Students as individuals remove some specific stains from family clothing and house hold.
-Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Creativity and Imagination
1. AUDIO VISUAL -Real object: different types of stain removals
Laundry Processes 1. reasons for laundry work 2. Guidelines for laundry work
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Outlines reasons for laundry work 2. Sequence the steps/guidelines for laundry work 3. Launder Specify items following the laundry steps.
Students in small groups outlines reasons for laundry work. Students in pairs sequence the steps for laundry work. Students as individuals launder clothes following the laundering steps.
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1 Explain the reason for storing clothing items and household linen 2. Assign facilities for storage clothing and household linen. 3. Describe guidelines for the storage clothing and household linen 4. Store specific items
– Students as a class explain the reasons for storing clothing items and household linen. Students in pairs assign facilities for storage of clothing and household linen. Students in groups describe the guidelines and storage of clothing and household linen.
– Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development.
1. AUDIO VISUAL – Real object: box, bags, wardrobe -Pictures of different storage of clothing
Interior Decoration 1. Meaning of interior decoration 2. Importance and uses of interior decoration 3. Guidelines for interior decoration 4. Flower arrangements .
At the end the lesson, Students should be able to: Explain the meaning and importance of interior decoration. 2. Discuss the uses of elements and principles of design in interior decoration 3. Enumerate the guidelines for interior decoration 4. Use flower properly in interior decoration. –
– Students as a class explain the meaning and importance of interior decoration. – Students in small group discuss the uses of elements and principles of design in interior decoration. – Students as individuals enumerate the guidelines for interior decoration and use flowers properly in interior decoration,
– Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development
Consumer Legislation 1. Types of consumer legislation 2. Functions of consumer legislation 3. Regulation Agencies
At the end of the lessons, Students should be able to: 1. Identify types of consumer legislation and agencies in Nigeria. 2. Examine the functions of consumer agencies and legislation. 3. Evaluate relevant regulation of the consumer legislation.
Students as a class identify
– Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development
Principles of Consumer education 1. Meaning 2. Importance 3. Principles 4. Types of consumer agent 5. Functions
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Discuss the meaning and the importance of consumer education. 2. Construct the diagram of consumer agents 3. Point out the functions of consumer agents,
• Students as a class discuss the meaning and importance of consumer education. Students in pairs construct the diagram of
– Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to 1. Identify consumption practices that are friendly to the environment. 2. Investigate consumption practices that are not friendly to the environment. 3. Promote environmentally friendly consumption practices.
Students in small group identify consumption practices that are friendly and investigate consumption practices that are not friendly to the environment. Students as individuals promote environmental in friendly consumption practices.
– Communication and collaboration. Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development