NERDC Year 4 PVS Home Economics Curriculum for Primary 4. Parts of the human body, Personal clothing, Food nutrient –
Week 1
Topic: Meaning, Scope and Importance of Home Economics
Performance objectives
- Define and explain the meaning of Home Economics
- Enumerate the different areas of Home Economics
- List various careers in Home Economics
- Outline the importance of Home Economics to the society.
- Meaning of Home Economics.
- Scope (Areas) of Home Economics.
- Careers in Home Economics.
- Importance of Home Economics to the society.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines and explains the meaning of Home Economics.
- Enumerates the scope of Home Economics
- Lists the careers in Home economics
- Explains the importance of Home Economics to the society
- Gives a board summary
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussion.
- Ask and answer questions.
- Give examples of people in Home Economics careers
- Copy the board summary
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chart showing the scope and careers in Home Economics.
- Chart and pictures illustrating careers in Home Economics, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Define and explain the meaning of Home Economics;
- List three areas of Home Economics;
- Mention five careers in Home Economics;
- Explain five reasons for the importance of Home Economics to the society
Week 1
Topic: Personal Grooming and Use of Basic Cosmetics
Performance objectives
- Identify parts of the human body;
- State functions of the parts of human body.
- Enumerate the traditional and modern materials used for taking care of the body and their uses.
- Demonstrate how to take care of the body.
- Use basic and safe cosmetics correctly
- Parts of the human body:
- Head: hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ear, neck, nose.
- Trunk: chest, arm, belly, pubic region,
- Limb: legs: legs, hands, with nails.
- Functions of each part
- Classify materials used for the care of the body, stating their uses.
- Reasons for daily care of the body
- Care for each part of the body.
- Correct use of basic and safe cosmetics.
- Adverse effects of some chemicals used in cosmetics.
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays a properly labelled chart of parts of the body.
- Discusses reasons for taking care of the body;
- Brings all materials for taking care of the body to show pupils
- Displays different materials for taking care of the body on table including traditional ones or “uhie” (Igbo) or “osun” (Yoruba). Antimony or Otajele (Igbo) or Tiroo (Yoruba”’ laali” (Yoruba) “lalle” (Hausa).
- Displays other cosmetics e.g. oils. Creams, pomades, powder, nail/polish, body spray, perfume, lipsticks, eye pencil.
- Classify cosmetics into safe and dangerous cosmetics
- Explains directions on labels
- Demonstrates the correct use of each cosmetics on the body.
- Gives board summary
Student’s Activities
- Touch different parts of their own body;
- Display their finger, toe, and nails for inspection;
- Observe clean nails, clean clothing.
- Differentiate between traditional and modern materials for the care of the body.
- Identify information on containers of cosmetics e.g. use, expiry date, making list of ingredients.
- Bring empty containers of cosmetics containing labels
- Copy the board summary
Teaching & Learning Material
- A labelled diagram of the body.
- Soap, towel, sponge, water, tooth paste and brush, chewing stick, etc
- Traditional and modern cosmetics;
- Baby doll;
- Labelled chat of safe and harsh or dangerous cosmetics.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify different parts of the body and their uses
- State how to wash their body;
- Name materials for cleaning the body;
- Identify clean pupils;
- Identify different basic and safe cosmetics for good grooming.
- Use baby doll to demonstrate the care of different body parts.
- Mention one side effect of harsh cosmetics
Week 2
Topic: Types and Care of Personal Clothing
Performance objectives
- Identify types of personal clothing;
- Mention reasons for wearing clothes and footwear’s;
- State the reasons for caring for clothing
- Mention the steps in care of clothing
- Demonstrate how to care for shoes/bags e.g. polishing
- Launder personal cloth.
- Types of personal clothing: shirts, blouses, skirts, pants, trousers, vests, scarves, wrappers, pajamas, nightgown, footwear’s, caps etc.
- Reasons for wearing clothing:
- Protection
- Beauty
- identification/status
- for special occasions e.g. party
- Laundry agents, tools and equipment:
- agent e.g. water, soap/detergents
- Tools e.g. basin, bath
- Equipment e.g. Iron washing machine
- Steps in care of clothes
- Washing
- Ironing
- Airing
- Storing
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays a variety of personal clothing/ items.
- Produces a chart of variety of personal clothing articles.
- Discusses the reasons for wearing clothes, and care of clothing articles
- Provides pictures of people of various professions in uniforms e.g.
- Nurses
- Police
- Fire service etc.
- Demonstrates steps for caring of personal clothing
- Gives board a summary
Student’s Activities
- Identify and name different kinds of clothing
- Practice how to hang and store their clothes and reasons for wearing clothes
- Identify different people from the pictures according to their type of clothing.
- State the materials needed for taking care of clothes.
- Demonstrate how to launder clothes.
- Copy the board summary
Teaching & Learning Material
- Different articles of clothing
- Laundry agents e.g. soap, water, detergent, etc.
- Laundry tools and equipment e.g. irons, line/rope for hanging clothes to dry, basin, pegs
Evaluation Guide
- State three reasons for caring for clothes;
- Mention three materials for laundering clothes;
- Explain steps in laundering of clothes
- Launder a personal clothing
NERDC Year 4 PVS Home Economics Curriculum for Primary 4. Parts of the human body, Personal clothing, Food nutrient –
Week 1
Topic: Food: Classification and Functions of Food
Performance objectives
- Define food.
- State reasons for eating food
- List the six classes of food and their uses
- Mention classes of food nutrient
- Explain the functions of each food nutrient
- Mention deficiency diseases of nutrients
- Meaning of food
- Classification of foods and their sources
- Classes of food nutrients and their functions
- Explain an adequate diet
- Deficiency diseases of each nutrient
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines food and states reasons for eating of food
- Discusses the types of food nutrients, sources and their functions with the pupils.
- Provides real food items and chart of the classes of food based on their nutrients.
- Displays charts and discusses deficiency diseases of nutrients.
- Gives a board summary.
Student’s Activities
- Define food
- Observe the chart on display.
- Classify the real food items on display
- Copy the board summary
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts on food groups
- Real food items
- Charts on food nutrients, sources and functions
- Pictures of people affected with deficiency of nutrients e.g. marasmus.
Evaluation Guide
- Define food.
- Explain five reasons for eating food
- List the six classes of food and one source each.
- State one function of each food nutrient.
- Mention two deficiency diseases associated with food.
Home Economics Curriculum for Primary 4
Home Economics Curriculum for Primary 5