History Scheme of Work JSS3 Lagos State

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history curriculum
history curriculum

History Curriculum for Secondary School. Lagos State History Scheme of work JSS3. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum.



Week: 1

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Revision of JSS 2 History work and Examinations

Learning Objectives:

General revision of JSS 2 History and Examinations

Learning Activities:        

General Revision of all learning activities used during the JSS 2 History work and Examinations.

Embedded Core Skills:

General Revision of all Embedded Core Skills used in the JSS2 History.

Learning Resources:

General Revision of all learning resources used during the JSS 2 History session.

Week: 2

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Origin and Organization of the Trans Saharan Trade.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1.  Describe Trans Saharan Trade

origins, mention the commodities of the trade, name the three major trade routes and the main traders etc.

2. Give reasons for the introduction of Trans Saharan Trade, means, modes, of transport and means of exchange etc.

3. Relate the effects of the Introduction, problems, challenges, and limitations on Nigeria today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class relate the origin, mention the commodities, name the main three trade routes and the major traders, in the Trans Saharan Trade network etc.

2. Students discuss the reasons for the introduction, importance, means and mode of transport, means of exchange of the Trans Saharan Trade etc.

3. Students relate the effects of the introduction, problems, challenges, and the limitations of the Trans Saharan  Trade on Nigeria, today.

4. Highlight the significance of the Animal –Camel to the growth and development of the Trans Saharan Trade in Africa

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Creativity and Innovations

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of Africa and West Africa.

2. Cardboards, Posters, Video, Audio clips

 Journals, newspapers etc.

3. Pictures of a long Caravan trade route with Camels as means of transport etc.

4. Internet resources,


Week: 3

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Early European contact with Nigeria coastal states

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe Europe, mention    European countries etc.

2. Relate the origin, reasons for the Early European contact with Nigeria.

3. Explain the effects of early European contact with coastal states and the Impacts on Nigeria today.

Learning Activities:        

1.  Students   describe Europe Continent, mention the European countries, name the 1st European country to visit Africa, etc.

2. Students explain the origin, the reasons for the Early European contact with Nigeria.

3. Students relate the effects of the early Europeans contact and the impacts on Nigeria today.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communications.

2. Creativity and Innovations

3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of the World and Africa.

2. Photographs, Pictures of Early Europeans

3. Samples of items brought by the Early Europeans i.e. mirror, umbrella etc.

4. Internet Resources

www.early Europeans contact / Nigeria.con

Week: 4/5

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Slavery and Slave Trade in Pre –Colonial Africa

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe the concepts of slavery, slave trade, mention the forms of Slavery in pre colonial Africa.

2. Students examine their origins, reasons for the introduction of Slavery and Slave trade in Nigeria.

3. Students relate how Slaves are obtained in Africa, etc.

4. Students discuss the effects of the introduction of Slavery and Slave Trade on Nigeria today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students outline the Concepts “Slavery, a Slave, Slave trade” etc.

2. Students describe their origins, reasons for the introduction of Slavery and Slave trade.

3. Students identify how Slaves are obtained and discuss the three major forms of Slavery in Africa etc.

4. Students as a class examine the negative and the positive effects of the introduction of Slavery and Slave trade on Africa today, etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Critical thinking and problem solving.

2. Collaboration and Communication.

3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of Africa and the World.

2. Pictures of a captured Slave, Slave Markets [Baracoons] etc.

3. Audio and Video clips, Journals, Magazines etc.

4. Internet Resources,

www.slavery and slave trading/Africa.org.

Week: 6

Subjects: HISTORY

.Topic: Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Slave-trade in Africa

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Relate the Concept – Trans Atlantic Slavery and Slave trade, origin, originator, first place African Slaves where got, number of the Slaves obtained, etc.

2. Examine the reasons for the introduction of the Trans Atlantic Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa, etc.

 3. Describe the organization structure of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa, etc.

4. Relate the positive and negative effects of the introduction of Trans Atlantic Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa, etc.

Learning Activities:         

1. Students as a class describe the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery, origin, originator, first country in Africa where slaves were gotten, numbers, etc.

2. Students relate the reasons for the introduction of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery, etc.

3. Teacher explain the organization structure of Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Slave Trade i.e. Triangular trade and Middle passage, etc.

4. Students in small groups discuss the effects of the Introduction of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery on Nigeria today, etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Communication and Collaboration.

2. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of the World and Africa.

2. Audio and Video clips, Journals, Magazines, etc.

3. Internet Resources,

www.trans atlantic slavery and slave trade In Africa. Com.

Week: 7

Subjects: HISTORY


Week: 8

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Abolition of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in Africa.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe the Concept- Abolition, Abolitionist, etc.

2. Mention the origin, reasons for and the structure of  the Abolition of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in Africa.

3. Name personalities that helped in the Abolition of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery i.e. William Wilberforce, Bishop Ajayi Crowder etc.

4. Relate the effects of abolition of Trans Atlantic Slavery and Slave Trade on Africa, etc.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class describe the Concept- Abolition, Abolitionist, etc.

2. Students mention major abolitionists and their activities etc.

3. Students relate the reasons for and the structure of the Abolition of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.

4. Students examine the effects of Abolition of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa, today etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of the World and Africa.

2. Photograph of Major European and African Abolitionists i.e,Thomas Clarkson, Bishop Ajayi Crowder, etc.

3. Internet Resources,

www.abolition movement in Africa .com.

Week: 9

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: European Exploration of Africa

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

 1. Explain the Concept “exploration”, mention major world explorers and Europeans in Nigeria i.e. Vasco Da Gama, Christopher Colombus, Mungo Park, Dr Baikie etc.

2. Give reasons for the Origun Organization of the European Exploration of Nigeria.

3. Relate the effects of European Exploration of Africa and Nigeria today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students describe the concept exploration, mention major World and European explorers in Nigeria and their discoveries in Nigeria, i.e. Mungo Park-origin of River Niger, etc.

2. Students identify the reasons for and the organization of European Exploration of Africa.

3. Students discuss the effects of European exploration of Africa on Nigeria today, etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communications.

2. Creativity and


3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of Africa and the World.

2. Pictures of River Niger, Photograph of Notable European Explorers and African Explorers and their respective discoveries, etc.

3. Audio and Video clips, Magazines, journals, etc.

4. Internet resources

www.european exploration/Africa.com.

Week: 10

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Legitimate Trade in Nigeria.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Discuss the Concept_ Legitimate trade, origin, articles means of exchange of legitimate trade, etc.

2. Explain the reasons for the introduction and the organization of legitimate trade in Nigeria, etc.

3. Relate the effects of the introduction of legitimate trade in Nigeria today.

5. Relate the formation, founder, structure, activities and problems of Royal Nigeria Company on Nigeria today, etc.

Learning Activities:        

1.  Students in a class group discuss the Concept – Legitimate trade, origin, articles, means of exchange etc.

2. Students examine the reasons for the introduction and the operations of legitimate trade in Nigeria, etc.

3. Students describe the impacts of Legitimate trade introduction on Nigeria today.

5. Students highlight the establishment, founder, reasons, activities and problems of the British Royal Niger Company in Nigeria, etc. 

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Creativity and Innovations

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Map of Nigeria.

2. Samples of articles of Legitimate Trade I e Groundnuts, Cocoa, Palm Oil, etc.

3. Photograph of Sir George Tubman Goldie- founder of the British Royal Niger Company, etc.

Internet resources

www.legitimate trade/ Nigeria.com.


Week: 11

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Christian Missionary Activities – Nigeria in the 19th Century.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe the Concept of Christianity, founder, Origin and the Spread in Nigeria, etc.

2. List and explain the three major forms of Christianity in Nigeria, i.e. Orthodox Christianity- Anglicans, Roman Catholics etc.

3. Examine the reasons and relate the activities of Christian missionaries in Nigeria in the 19th Century etc.

4. Identify the challenges faced by 19th Century Christian missionaries in Nigeria and how they were solved, etc. 

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups discuss the Concept _Christianity, Founder, a Christian, origin and the spread of Christianity to Nigeria, etc.

2. Students mention and explain the various forms of Christianity in Nigeria.

Students relate the reasons and the activities of Christian Missionaries in 19th Century Nigeria and the impacts on Nigeria today

4. Students relate the challenges faced by Christian missionaries in Nigeria, solutions and the Importance of the First African Anglican Bishop Ajayi Crowder to the growth and development of Christianity in Nigeria today, etc.  

Embedded Core Skills:

1 Creativity and Innovations.

2. Collaboration and Communications.

3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1.Map of Nigeria.

2.Photograph of Prominent Missionaries i.e. Bishop Ajayi Crowder, etc.

3. Pictures, Journals, Historical Flash backs.

4. Internet Resources,


Week: 12

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Revision

Learning Objectives:

Revision of all JSS3 Topic and learning objectives.

Learning Activities:         

All learning activities done in the JSS3 History

Embedded Core Skills:

All embedded core skills used during the JSS3 History.

Learning Resources:

All learning resources used during the JSS 3 History session.

Week: 13

Subjects: HISTORY

Topic: Examination

History Curriculum for Secondary School. Lagos State History Scheme of work JSS3. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum.


1Revision of last term’s workRevision of last term’s work and examinationAll teaching aid and resources used in first term.All embedded core skills used during the JSS 3 First term.All learning resources used during the JSS 3 first term.
2&3The legitimate trade (i.e. the trade of palm oil.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the concept of Legitimate Trade, Origin, Articles etc.Explain the reasons for the introduction and organization of Legitimate trade.Describe the positive and negative effect of Legitimate trade introduction on Nigeria today.Students in small groups examine the concept of Legitimate trade, origin, articles etc.Students as a class brainstorm and mention the factors for the introduction and organization of Legitimate trade.Critical Thinking and Problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Digital literacy.Maps of the World, Africa and Nigeria.Photographs of British colonial i.e. Sir George Tubman Goldie etc. Journal, newspaper cutting, magazines etc.Internet resources www.british  
4&5British colonization of Nigerian territoriesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the British colonialists reasons for their emergence in Nigeria.Highlight the various ways the British used in colonizing Nigeria.ExplorersTradersMissionariesOutline the effects of British Colonialism on Nigeria.Students as a class brainstorm and describe the concept- colonialism, British emergence in Nigeria, etc.Students in small groups examine the various ways the British used in colonizing ?Nigeria i.e. Explorers, Traders, Missionaries, etc.Students as a class discuss and relate the positive and negative effects of British colonialism on Nigeria today.Critical thinking and problem solving.Digital Literacy.Collaboration and communicationMap of Europe, Africa and Nigeria.Pictures of the structure of British central system in Nigeria Journal Archival Material etc.  
6British colonization of Nigerian Territories (Contd.)by the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Show how the British conquered Nigerian territories.Relate how the British Colonialist forced traditional rulers to sign treaties with them and impact on Nigeria today i.e. 1861 occupation treaty of Lagos Island under Oba Dosunmu.Describe the use of warfare tactics on traditional rulers in Nigeria e.g. Oba Overamwen of Benin Kingdom in 1897 etc.Students as a class brainstorm on the various methods the British used in the conquest of Nigerian Territories.Students in small groups examine how the British used forced treaty on Nigerian territories i.e. 1861 Lagos occupation, etc.Students in small groups discuss the British use of warfare tactics on Nigerian territories i.e King Jaja of Opobo etc.Collaboration and communicationLeadership and personal development.Digital literacywww.british-colonilization-of-nigerian-territories  

8British colonization of Nigeria Territories (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Relate the system the British used in colonization of Nigeria.Explain the system of Signing of forced treaties i.e. occupation of Lagos.Examine the way British took over Nigerian Territories i.e. waging of War i.e. Ijebu 1892 expedition Benin Massacre of 1987 etc.Students as a class brainstorm to describe the system British used in Colonization Nigeria Territories.Students in small groups explain the impacts of forced treaties by the British Colonialists on Nigerian Today.Students in a role pay highlight the reasons and effects of British Colonization in Nigeria i.e. Waging of wars Benin Massacre Ijebu Expedition satiru Sokoto revolt etc.Collaboration and communication.Leadership and personal development.Digital Literacy. 
9&10British Colonization of Nigeria Territories (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Students examine the concept Indirect Rule, origin, founder, reasons for the introduction on Nigerian Territories.Outline the advantages and disadvantages of British colonial political system indirect rule on Nigeria Territories.Describe the significance of British Politcal /system Indirect rule, the success/failure on Nigeria territories and the impact on Nigeria Political System.Students in small groups explain the origin, Founder, reasons for the introduction of Indirect rule system by the British on Nigerian Territories.Students as a class mention the advantages of British colonial indirect rule on Nigeria Today.Students in small groups examine the successes and failures of British Colonial political system indirect rule on Nigeria Today.Collaboration and communication.Leadership and personal development.Digital literacy.Map of Nigeria.Photograph of Lord Federick Lugard, Lady Mary Flora shaw, pictures of Aba women rulers in 1929, journal, magazine etc. Internet resources www.indireectruleinnigeria.  
11British Colonization of Nigeria Territories (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Outline the concept of direct rule system, origin, structure and reasons etc. Examine the advantages of direct rule on Nigeria Territories today.Highlight the importance of British colonial administration policy-Direct rule on Nigeria.Students as a class examine the concepts – direct rule, reasons, origin, structure, etc.Students in small groups mention the major achievements and disadvantages of direct rule on Nigeria i.e. Constitutional development of Clifford 1922.Creativity and innovation.Collaboration and communication.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria Political.Photographs of direct rule Colonial Governor in Nigeria, i.e. Sir Authur Richard, journals, magazines Old Newspaper cuttings.Web resources on  www.directruleinnigeria.  
12RevisionGeneral revision of learning activities in JSS 3 second term.General revision of all learning activities in JSS 3 second term.General revision of all embedded core skills in JSS 2 second term.Learning activities of all learning activities in JSS 2 second term.

History Curriculum for Secondary School. Lagos State History Scheme of work. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum.


1Welcome test/RevisionGeneral revision of all JSS History Scheme of WorkAll learning activities discussed in JSS History.All embedded core skills used during JSSAll instructional materials used in JSS History.
2Amalgamation of Nigeria and Impacts etc.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the concept “Amalgamation” and discuss the Nigeria before almagamation.Relate the activities of Lord Fredrick Lugard and Miss Flora Shaw later Lady Lugard on Nigeria today.Identify the stages(phases) of Nigeria’s amalgamation and relate the administrative structures on Nigeria today.Students display two Maps of Nigeria before and after the Amalgamation.Students describe the concept -Amalgamation.Students in small group give the reasons, stages and effects of British Colonial government Amalgamation of Nigeria today.Students mention the activities of Lord Lugard and Miss Mary Flora Shaw later Lady Lugard on Nigeria today.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Creativity and innovation.Digital literacy.Map of Nigeria before the amalgamation.Map of Nigeria after the amalgamation.Photographs of Lord Fredrick Lugard and Flora Lugard.Newspapers, Journals etc.Internet Resources www.amalgamation/ng.org.  
3British Colonial Political Administration in Nigeria: Indirect Rule SystemBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define the Concept “Indirect rule system”, its structures, features and operations in Nigeria.Discuss the reasons and effects for the introduction of Indirect Rule System in Nigeria.Identify the successes and examine the shortcomings of Indirect Rule system in Nigeria.State the reactions of Nigerians to Indirect Rule systems Aba 1929 Women Riots, Okeiho-Igboho uprisings etc.Students as a class describe the British colonial Political system of administration – Indirect Rule.Students describe the Origin, founder, Reasons and Effects of the Introduction of the Indirect Rule System in Nigeria.Students as a class explain the structure, features and the operations of the Indirect Rule System in Nigeria.Students identify the successes and failures of the Indirect Rule system in Nigeria.  Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Digital literacy.Diagrams showing the political structure under Indirect Rule system.Map of Nigeria.Photographs of Colonial Administrators.Photograph, video clips of Nigerians who resisted Indirect Rule System i.e. Aba women rioters, etc.Journals, magazines etc.Internet resources www.indirectrulesystem/ng.com.  
4British Colonial Economy in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe Colonial Economy, the features of British Colonial Economy in Nigeria.Explain the reasons and effects for the introduction of British Colonial Economy in Nigeria.Describe the role and importance of the British Colonial Economic Policy on Nigeria.Relate the position of Nigerian Women and the role of Community Marketing Boards in the operation of Colonial Economy in Nigeria and the impact on Nigeria Today.Students explain the concept- Colonial Economy, features, reasons for the establishment, and the effects on Nigeria.Teacher describes the advantages and disadvantages of British Colonial Economy on Nigeria.Students relate the roles played by Nigerian Women, Commodity Marketing Boards etc. In the British Colonial Economy and the impacts on Nigeria today.Collaboration and communication.Creativity and innovation.Digital literacy.Map of Nigeria showing the location of commodity centres in Nigeria i.e. Groundnut Pyramids in Kano etc.Pictures of Banks, Insurance houses etc.Video clips, pictures, magazine, journal.Internet resources etc. www.Britishcolonialeconomy/ng.com.Weight and measures instruments i.e. scales, gallons, tape rule etc.
5British Colonial social Development and Inter group Relations in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe British Social Development and Inter Group relations and the characteristics of British Colonial Social Development on Nigeria.Examine the reasons, effects and impacts of the introduction of the British Colonial Social Development in Nigeria i.e Western Education, Prison Services, Post Telegraph, Western Housing models etc.Identify the patterns of British Colonial Social Development Policy and the Effects on Inter group relations in Nigeria.Students in small groups describe the concept “Social Development” and explain the features of the British Social Development in Nigeria.Students as a class brainstorm on the reasons and effects for the introduction of British Social Development in Nigeria.Students relate the advantages and disadvantages of British Colonial Social Development in Nigeria and the Impacts on Nigeria today.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Creativity and innovation.Digital learning.Map of Nigeria.Pictures of Roads, Railways, Sea-ports, Schools, Hospitals, Libraries etc.Journals, magazines etc.Photographs of British Colonial Officers.Internet resources www.britishsocialdevelopment/ng.org.
6Nationalism and Nationalist Movements in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the concepts of Nationalism and Nationalist Movement.Describe the activities of foremost black and African Nationalist in Africa and Identify the various forms of Nationalism in Nigeria.Examine the reasons and effects of the growth of Nationalism and Nationalist Movements in Nigeria on Nigeria today.State the various strategies adopted by the Nigerian Nationalists i.e. Labour Strike, Cultural Nationalism, Pamphlets, Women emancipation and relate how the World Wars effect the growth of Nationalist activities in Nigeria.Students describe the concept- nationalism, nationalist and Nationalist Activities.Students in small groups describe the reasons and effects of the growth of nationalism on Nigeria and activities etc.Students mention foremost Nigerian and World Nationalist i.e. Marcus Garvey, Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah, Herbert Macaulay, Mrs Funmilayo Ransome Kuti etc. And their forms of Nationalism etc.Students as a class discuss the impact of Nationalism on Nigeria today.Collaboration and communicationLeadership and personal development.CitizenshipDigital literacy.Photographs of Nigeria Nationalists I.e. Jaja of Opobo, sultan Attahiru of Sokoto, Herbert Macaulay, Michael Imoudu, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awoolowo, etc.Political Map of Nigeria.Internet Resources etc. www.nationalism/ng.com.Newspaper cuttings, magazines etc.

8Constitutional Developments in Nigeria: Road to IndependenceBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the concept “Constitution”, its types, features, etc.Identify the various pre-independence Constitutions in Nigeria i.e. 1914 Nigerian Council, 1922 Clifford, 1946 Richards etc.Discuss the reasons and impacts of Constitutional development on Nigeria today.State the merits and the weaknesses of each Pre-Independence Constitution in Nigeria.Students relate the concept “Constitution”, types and forms, features etc.Students describe the various Pre Independence Constitutional Development in Nigeria i.e. Hugh Clifford 1922 Constitution etc. Strength and Limitation.Students discuss the relevance of colonial constitution to the development and growth of Nigeria politics.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Citizenship.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria showing the regional structure.Photographs of Colonial Governor Generals in Pre-Independence Nigeria.Copy of Nigeria Constitution.Journals, newspapers etc.Internet resources www.constitutionaldevelopments.ng.comPictures of Nigerian Parliaments i.e. Lagos Enugu etc.
9First Democratic Civilian Government in Nigeria 1960-1966By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the concepts-Democracy, Civilian Government, mention the Major Political Parties in the first Nigerian democratic government and their leaders.Identify the major political actors in Nigeria’s first civilian government.Outline the reasons for the introduction of first democratic civilian government in Nigeria 1960-1966 and state the features of Parliamentary system of government in Nigeria.Examine the achievements, failures of Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa civilian government in Nigeria, relate the reasons for the First Military Coup de’tat in Nigeria-January 15 1966 and the effects on Nigeria today.Teacher explain the various systems of government I.e. civilian democracy, military autocracy to the students etc.Students mention the system of government in the first Nigeria Civilian Republic October 1, 1960 – 15 January 1966, Parliamentary democracy structure.Students in small groups discuss the successes and failures of the first Nigerian Civilian Parliamentary government .Students mention the major actors in the Nigeria first civilian democracy, i.e. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, -Prime Minister, Chief Dennis Osadebey-Premier Mid West Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello -Premier Northern Region etc.Collaboration and communication.Creativity and innovation.Leadership and personal development.Citizenship.Digital literacy.Map of Nigeria showing the four regional structures.Video clips of the political activities in the First Republic.Nigeria National Flag.Photographs of Major Nigerian Political Leaders.Journals, magazines, etc.Internet References, www.firstrepublic.ng.com
10Military intervention in Nigerian Poitics: First Coup D’etat: January 15,1966By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the Military, mention the branches of the Armed Forces and other Par Military organs in Nigeria.Examine the reasons and the effects of the first Military Coup  d’etat in Nigeria and relate the impacts on Nigeria today.Name the major actors in the first Military coup d’etat in Nigeria I.e. Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu etc.Name the Nigerian politicians assassinated during the first Military coup d’etat in Nigeria i.e. Sir Ladoke Akintola-Premier of Western Region etc.Students as a class discuss the concept-military,and their duties.Students discuss the meaning of coup d’etat, forms of coup d’etat counter coup d’etat etc.Students mention the major actors in the first Nigeria coup d’etat and the date.Students in small groups describe the reasons organization and the effects of the January 15, 1966 coup d’ etat in Nigeria to the students.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and communication.Leadership and personal development.Digital Literacy.Photographs of the first coupists in Nigeria.Photographs of Nigerian political leaders killed on 15 January, 1966 etc.Map of Nigeria.Journal, magazines, newspaper cuttings etc.Internet resources, www.firstcoupd’etatinNigeria.comPicture of soldier in Military uniform.
11First military rule in Nigeria: (1966-1999) (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe a Military Regime.Name the First Military Head of State in Nigeria.Discuss the reasons for the emergence of the first Military Government in Nigeria.State the achievement of the first Military Government in Nigeria. Examine the weaknesses of the first Military Government in Nigeria and the Impacts on Nigeria todayTeacher explains the reasons for the emergence of first military government to the students.Students mention the major actors in the first military government in Nigeria January 15 to July 25, 1966.Students as a class discuss the achievements and shortcomings of the first military government with the students.Students explain palace coup, counter coup, relate the reasons and effects of the counter coup of July 25, 1966.Critical thinking and problem solving.Creativity and innovation.Citizenship Digital LiteracyPhotograph of Major General J.T.U Aguiyi Ironsi etc.Pictures of a Military Barrack.Journals, magazines etc.Internet Resources, www.aguiyiironsi/ng.comMap of Nigeria showing the regions. Vi. Photograph of Military Governors in the regions i.e. Colonel Adekunle Fajuyi Western Region etc..
12RevisionGeneral revision of the JSS work.All learning activities engaged upon during the JSS Work.All embedded core skills used during the JSS SchemeAll relevant resources and materials used during the JSS class


At the end of the term, students are able to:

  1. Explain early European contact and slave trade
  2. Discuss Trans-Saharan trade and Slave trade.
  3. Explain legitimate trade in Nigeria.
  4. Discuss British colonization, amalgamation and British colonial economy
  5. Discuss nationalist movement, constitutional development.
  6. Explain first democratic government and military intervention.
  7. Missionary activities.
  8. Nationalism
  9. Indirect rule.
  10. Amalgamation of Nigeria.

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