History Scheme of Work JSS1 Lagos State

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history scheme of work
history scheme of work

Universal Basic Education Curriculum. Lagos State History Scheme of work JSS1. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum. Schemeofwork.com


Week: 1/2

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Meaning of History

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able explain:

1. Explain the meaning of History to the students.

2. Mention the father of Objective History to the students

3. Discuss the Importance of History 

4. State the country of Origin of History and the Continent

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class engage in a class discussion on the Concept-History, meaning, objectivity, freewill and determinism, multicausalism etc.

2. Students name the ’father ‘of Modern History, the first History book

-HISTORIES, author’s reasons and effects of the publication etc.

3. Students relate the Historical Origin of Modern Objective History, Country of Origin, Continent, and the Importance of History, etc.

3. Students to write their individual home assignment- ‘My History’ in their notebooks as a reference material.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication

2. Critical thinking and Problem solving.

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

i. Map of the World

ii. Map of Nigeria.

iii. Biography of Notable Personalities

iv. Video Clips, Audio Clips etc.

iv. Magazines, Journals etc.

v. Pictures, Photographs etc.

Vi. Internet Resources


www.Herodotus.com etc.

Week: 3

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Differences between History and Story- telling.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Storytelling

2. What is History?

3. Examine the Differences between History and Storytelling.

4. Relate the Features and Importance of History, i.e. Objectivity Multicausalism, etc.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students as a class brainstorm on the Concepts “History and Storytelling” etc.

2. Students differentiate between History and Storytelling in a tabular format.

3. Students discuss the various advantages of History and the limitations of Storytelling, etc.

4. Students examine the various features, importance of History to the students i.e. factual, time based, detailed, ethical truth, objectivity, multicausalism, etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Critical thinking and Problem solving.

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Drawings of scene of a storyteller and the audience 

ii. Relevant pictures, photographs etc.

iii. Audio and Video clips.

iv. Newspaper cuttings Journals, etc.

V. Internet Resources www.storey telling .com. etc.


Week: 4

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Sources of History

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Explain Sources of History?

2. Mention Two Broad Sources of History you know.

3. Describe the Features, Advantages and Disadvantages of the two Broad Sources in History.

4. Relate the other allied sources, in

History features and importance today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students explain the meaning of a Source and give relevant examples etc.

2. Students mention the two Broad Sources in History and give examples etc., i.e.

a. Primary Sources -Oral Sources, Archeology, Sitology etc.

b. Secondary Source-Written Sources, Botanical

 Evidences, etc.

3. Students in groups relate the features, Importance, merits and limitations of the Two Broad sources in History and mention the impacts of other allied sources on History today.

4. Students as a class prepare an imaginary food, i.e. Jollof- Rice, mention the ingredients needed for the palatable meal, teacher then relate the imaginary food to the various Sources in History i.e. primary sources e.g. oral sources, secondary sources

E.g. written sources etc.  

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Critical thinking and Problem solving.

3. Digital Literacy

Learning Resources:

1. Post card of Archaeological Artifacts, etc.

2. Journal, Magazines,

 Picture, Photographs etc.

3. Oral history Objects i.e. Drums, Beads, Calabash ,class activity on Oral evidence -Current events, COVID 19/20 20 pandemic etc.

4. Internet Resources

www.sourcesofHistory.com. Etc.

Week: 5

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Primary Sources in History

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. What are Primary Sources in History?

2. Mention the origin, examples, features and the reasons for the growth of the primary sources in History

3. Relate the Significance of Primary Sources in History on Historical development today.

4. Explain the Merits and the Demerits of Primary sources in History.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups discuss Primary Sources in History i.e. origin, importance etc.

2. Students mention examples of Primary Sources in History i.e.

a. Oral Sources-

I. Oral Tradition i.e. Legends, Folklores, Dress Culture, Dance Steps Music, Poems, Proverbs etc.

ii. Oral Evidences are History

Obtained in Oral form from a Participant or a Witness i.e. Nigerian General

Election 2019, COVID 19/20 Pandemic in Nigeria etc.

b. Physical History i.e. Archeological materials or Artifacts, i.e. pottery, bronze objects, iron implements, weaving looms etc.

3. Students describe the features of Primary Sources in History and the impacts on Nigeria socialization today.

4. Students in think pair share format examine the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Primary Sources in History

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication

2. Leadership and Personal Development

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

I. Samples of Artifacts

Costumes i.e. beads iron Implements, pottery etc.

Ii Audio and Video clips of Traditional dance and musical instruments etc.

iii. Relevant Pictures and Photographs etc.

Iv. Internet Resources,

http://www.primarysourcesinhistory.com etc.


Week: 6

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Secondary Sources in History

Learning Objectives:

1. Students describe Secondary Sources in History.

2. Students mention the examples of Secondary Sources in History i.e.

a. Written sources e.g. text books, maps, magazines journals newspapers etc.

b. Ethnographic evidences

c. Sitology.

d. Botanical resources

e. Linguistic evidences etc.

3. Students in small groups relate the features and importance of Secondary Sources, i.e. research material, make History relevant, and interesting, objective in concept, synergizes history etc.

4. Students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Secondary Sources in History today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students describe Secondary Sources in History.

2. Students mention the examples of Secondary Sources in History i.e.

a. Written sources e.g. text books, maps, magazines journals newspapers etc.

b. Ethnographic evidences

c. Sitology.

d. Botanical resources

e. Linguistic evidences etc.

3. Students in small groups relate the features and importance of Secondary Sources, i.e. research material, make History relevant, and interesting, objective in concept, synergizes history etc.

4. Students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Secondary Sources in History today.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Critical Thinking and Problem solving

2. Leadership and Personal Development

3 Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Maps of Nigeria, Africa, World, etc.

2. Audio and Video Clips etc.

3. Magazines, Journals, Posters,

Biographies and Autobiographies, etc.

4. Internet Resources,

www.secondarysourcesinhistory.com. Etc.

Week: 7

Subject: HISTORY


Week: 8

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Other Sources of History.

Tertiary Sources of History

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1`. Describe Tertiary Sources in History

2. Mention examples, features, and significance of Tertiary Sources in History.

3. Describe how Tertiary Sources in History are obtained.

4. Discuss the Advantages, and Disadvantages of

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups mention examples of Tertiary Sources, i.e. Bulletins, Tertiary Students Project, Memoranda, Archival Records, etc.

2. Students as a class explain the Importance of Tertiary sources on History today.

3. Students describe the origin and features of the Tertiary source in History.

4. Students relate the Advantages and the Disadvantages of Tertiary Sources in History.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication.

2. Creativity and Innovation.

3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Sample of Tertiary Project work,

 Archival records / Materials etc.

2.Video and Audio Clips

3 Magazines, Newspaper cuttings, etc.

4. Internet Resource,

www.tertiarysourcesinhistory.org, etc.

Week: 9

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Identification of the sources in History.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe tertiary Sources in History.


2. Identify the various sources in History.

3. Relate the importance of the links, sources to Historical developments.

4. Explain the advantages of the identified links to Historical experiences, etc.

5. Examine the negative usage of the Identified links  to History today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in think pair share format identify the various sources in History.

2. Students mention the Importance of the Identified sources in History

3.  Students describe the advantages of the Identified sources in History to Historical knowledge

4. Students in small groups discuss the impacts of the misuse of the Identified sources on the growth and development of History today.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Critical thinking and Problem solving.

2 Communication and Collaboration.

3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Samples of the Identified sources in History.

2. Arrangement of the various sources into their links i.e. Text books Magazines etc. as Secondary source in History.

3. Internet resources


Week: 10

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: How to access Sources in History

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Explain sources in History

2. Give examples of sources in History

3. How to access sources in History and relate the characteristics of sources in History.

4. Relate the Importance of History in our ever changing dynamic world.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups mention the sources of History, merits and the limitations, etc.

2. Students examine the Concept Mono causalism and Multicausalism in Historical discuss, i.e. synergy with relevant sources in History e.g. Oral sources and Written sources combined to explain the 2019 General Elections in Nigeria, etc.

3. Students in a whole class discussion relate the importance and impacts of multi causalism in accessing, detailed, comprehensive, objective, Historical experiences,  exposures, and expertise i.e. Archeology/Siteology  -Organized Excursion to Notable Historical sites in their  locality, i.e. (a) National Museum Onikan  Lagos,  (b)First Storey  building in Nigeria located at Badagry, in Lagos State etc.

4. Students in the class highlight the significance of Multi causal concepts in accessing Historical facts, synergy and the complimentary impacts to Historical development in our everchanging dynamic global world etc.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Collaboration and communication
  2. Critical thinking and problem solving.
  3. Digital Literacy.

Learning Resources:

i. Samples of sources of history i.e. textbooks, pictures, photographs etc.

ii. Organized excursion to important historical sites, Conferences, Seminars by Objective and Academic Historians on accessing sources of History.

iii. Audio-Visual materials etc.

iv. Internet Resources,

www.historiography and multi causalism in history.com etc.

Week: 11

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Importance of History-Individual

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Relate the various Importance of History to the Individual i.e. better understanding of the Past, Present and the Future, etc.

2. Examine the History of the individual, correction of past and present mistakes for future advancements, etc.

3. Highlights History as a reservoir of knowledge to the Individual.

4 Helps the Individual to have a better understanding of themselves and their environment etc.

Learning Activities:         

1. Students as Individuals in class explain the importance of History to their lives.

2. Students relate the impacts of History on their environment etc.

3. Students recall the positive aspects of History on their past present and future endeavors i.e. education, etc.

4. Students recollects the disadvantage of non-adherence to History, i.e. gangsters in school and the negative experience in history.     

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Critical thinking and problem solving.

2. Collaboration and Communication.  3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Class discuss on the relevance of history, etc.

2. Journals, Newspaper cuttings, etc.

3. Autobiographies and Biographies of notables.

4. Internet resources,



Week: 12

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Importance of History-Society and Nation.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Discuss the Importance of History to the Society and the Nation.

2. Relate how History transmits cultural values, improves intergroup relations etc.

3. Describes how History enhances Nationalism, Patriotism and Unity within the Society and the Nation, etc.

4. Examine the Merits and Limitations of History to growth and development in Nigeria today.

Learning Activities:        

1. Students in small groups relate the Importance of History to Societal growth and National development.

2. Students explain the relevance of History to the Society i.e. cultural socialization, economic specialization, religious belief, and identities etc.

3. Students in the class displays Nationalism and Patriotism by standing up for the Nigerian National Anthem, and the Nigeria Pledge, etc.

4. Students in class groups discuss the advantages and the challenges of the non-adoption of History to the Society and the Nation today.

Embedded Core Skills:

1. Collaboration and Communication

2. Citizenship.

3. Digital literacy.

Learning Resources:

1. Map of Nigeria.

2. Photographs of Nigerian Nationalists, and notable personalities.

3. Students view the Nigerian Flag in their school etc.

4. Pictures of societal dress culture i.e. Yoruba women Iro and Buba, etc.

5. www.nigeriannationalism.com

Week: 13

Subject: HISTORY

Topic: Revision & Examinations

Universal Basic Education Curriculum. Lagos State History Scheme of work JSS1. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum. Schemeofwork.com


1.Revision of first term work and examinationRevision of all learning activities in the first term JSS1Revision of all learning activities used in the first term historyRevision of all embedded core skills used in JSS1 First term HistoryRevision of all learning activities resources used in the first term
2&3Centres of Ancient Civilization in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify centre of Ancient Civilization in Nigeria i.e. Nok, Igbo ukwu, Benin, Ile-ife etc.Relate the importance of Museum to historical development of Nigeria.Identify the significance of Wildlife Park, Zoo, Botanical gardens, Statues and Monument etc. to Nigeria development today.Student in a whole class Brain storm and name various centres of Ancient Civilization in their localities.Student in small groups examine the significance of museum to the development of tourism in NigeriaStudents as a class mention the relevance of Zoo, Statues etc. To the development of Nigeria.Creativity of innovation.Digital Literacy.Collaboration of Communication.Map of Nigeria depicting Various Centers of Ancient Civilization.Pictures, Drawings, Samples of Historical Artifacts.Organize excursion to historical site of significance in Nigeria i.e. National Museum Lagos, War museum, Umuahia.Internet Resources www.ancient.centers.of.civilization.
4&5Ancient Historical Sites in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify Nok on the Map of Nigeria.Describe the Nok culture origin, Features and the significance to Nigeria Society today.Explain the advantage and Limitation of the Nok Ancient Civilization in Nigeria today.Students in small groups locate Nok on the Map of Nigeria.Students as a class identify the features and significance of Nok Civilization.Students as a class brainstorm and describe the advantages and disadvantage of Nok Culture and civilization to Nigerian tourism today.Collaboration and Communication.Creativity and innovation.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria depicting Nok civilization.Sample of Artifacts, Picture, Drawing etc. Internet Resources www.Nok-ancient-centre-in-nigeria.  
6Ancient Historical Sites in Nigeria Ile-ife and BeninBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify Ile-Ife and Benin on Nigeria map.Examine the origin, features, significance and the impact of ile-ife ancient Historical Site to tourism Development in Nigeria.Relate the origin, structure, characteristics discoveries and effect of Benin ancient Centres of civilization on Nigerian Growth and Development.Students as a class identify Ile-Ife and Benin on Nigeria map.Examine the origin, features, significance and the impact of Ile-Ife ancient Historical Site to tourism Development in Nigeria.Relate the origin, structure, characteristics discoveries and effect of Benin ancient Centres of civilization on Nigerian Growth and Development.Civilization and Communication.Creativity and Innovation.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria indicating Ile-Ife and Benin historical site.Sample of artifacts drawings pictures etc.Internet Resources www.ileife.ancient.centre.ng.  
8&9Igbo Ukwu as an Ancient CivilizationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Mention the Igbo Ukwu as an ancient Civilization.Describe the Igbo Ukwu Origin, features, discoveries and the significance to Nigeria society today.Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Igbo Ukwu centre of Ancient Civilization in Nigeria today.Students in small groups identify the Igbo Ukwu on Map of Nigeria.Students as a class discuss the origin, features and significance of Igbo Ukwu.Students as a class analyse the advantages and disadvantages of Igbo Ukwu ancient civilization in Nigeria today.Collaboration and Communication.Creativity and Innovation.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria showing Igbo Ukwu Civilization.Samples of artifacts pictures drawing etc.Internet resources www.Igboukwu.ancient.centres.org  
10Other Notable historical sites in NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Mention other historical significance in Nigeria.Relate the origin, importance, features and discoveries in other notable historical sites in Nigeria I.e. Esie-soap Stones archeology Osun Oshogbo Groove, Ikami Monolattus rock etc.Describe the merits and limitations of Archeology to the growth and development of Nigeria socialization.Students in whole class discussion name the Various ancient centers of Significance in their locality.Student in think pair share relate the significance, features, socialization and discoveries in other notable historical sites of significance in Nigeria.Student in a small group activities examine the merits and demerits of Archeology to the growth and Development of Tourism in Nigeria.Creativity and Innovation.Collaboration and Innovation.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria.Samples of artifacts for other notable historical sites in Nigeria i.e. Esie Soap Stone Opa-Oranmiyan in Ile-Ife.Journals, Magazines, Video and Audio Clips Organized to historical Site.Internet Resources www.other-ancient-site-of civilization-in-Nigeria.org.  
11Indigenous Technology and Inter group relation in Pre colonial NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Indigenous technology and inter group relation.Examaine the processes, structure and features of indigenous technology and inter group relation in pre-colonial Nigeria i.e. salt making, wood carving.Mention the Various indigenous technology and inter group relations and the importance of Nigeria society today.Relate the advantages and disadvantages of the indigenous technology and inter group relation in Nigeria today.Students in a whole class discussion explain the concept “indigenous technology and inter group relation”Students in small groups relate the origin, features, processes of indigenous technology and the impact on inter group relation etc. In pre-colonial Nigeria.Students in small groups discuss the achievements of the various indigenous technology on Nigeria today.Student in a whole class discussion examine the advantages and disadvantages of indigenous industries on inter group relation in Nigeria societyCreativity and Innovation.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and Communication.Digital Literacy.Project work of specific indigenous industries in your school location i.e. moulding, bronze casting, mat weaving etc. Pictures of indigenous industries and technologists at work i.e. weavers on a loom Journal, Magazine etc.Internet resources www.indigenous-industries.org.  
12REVISIONRevision of all topicsRevision of all learning activitiesRevision of all embedded core skillsRevision of all learning resources.

Universal Basic Education Curriculum. Lagos State History Scheme of work JSS1. Lagos State Ministry of Education Curriculum. Schemeofwork.com


1Revision of the first and second term History work and examinationRevision of all learning objectives used in the first and second term work and examination.Revision of all learning activities used in the first and second term History.All embedded core skills used during first term and second termAll learning resources used during first and second term.
2&3Major Centralized state People(Pre colonial) NigeriaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the meaning of centralized state in pre colonial Nigeria.Discuss the characteristics of pre-colonized people and state etc.Mention the major centralized state in pre colonial Nigeria.Explain the advantage and disadvantages of centralized state in pre colonial Nigeria on Nigeria TodayStudents locate the centralized state on the Map of Nigeria.Students relate the charateristics of centralized state in precolonial Nigeria.Students name the major centralized state in pre colonial Nigeria.Students as a class explain the merits and demerits of centralized state in the pre colonial Nigeria and impact on present day NigeriaCollaboration and Communication.Creativity and Innovation. Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria.Photographs of centralized state Journals, Magazine.Picture of centralized ruler i.e. Alaafin of Oyo, Emir of Kano.Internet resources www.centralized-people-in-nigeria.org  
4&5Major Centralized states in pre colonial Nigerian Sudan savannah zone Kanem Borno Empire Hausa landBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify the location of Kanem Borno empire and Hausa land on the Map.Discuss the origin, reason for their rise, socio-political and economic structure, activities of great rulers and Royal women of Importance, survival of Saifuwa dynasty and the fall of Kanem Borno empire in the 19th century etc.Relate thee legendary origin and migratory History of the Hausa, Socio Political and economic organization of the Hausas. Achievements of great kings and queens i.e. Queen Amina of Zaira, Sarkin Rumfa of Kano etc. And the incursion of the Fulani 1804 Jihad that led to the collapse of the Hausa states in the 19th Century etc.Examine the various innovation and Creativities of Kanem Borno Empire and hausa land on Nigeria today.Students locate the Kanem Borno empire and Hausa land and the map of Nigeria.Student Highlight the origin, Reasons for the rise, Sociaization, achievement of Great rulers and royal women of importance, long Survival of Serfuwa dynasty and the factors for the decline of Kanem Borno Empire in the 19th century.Students as a class discuss the origin, socialization activities of great kings i.e Sarkin Muhammed Rumfa, Queens i.e. Queen Amina rise of Hausa and and the emergence of Fulani 19th century Jihad that changed Hausa and the impact on Nigeria today.Collaboration and Communication.Creativity and Innovation.Digital Literacy.Leadership and personal developmentMap of Nigeria showing the Location of Kanem Borno and Hausa land.Pictures of the people engaged in tradition of craft works i.e. leather works Architectural design and part of the kings palace i.e. Emir of Kano Palace etc. Drawing of Queen Amina in Zaria. Journals, Magazines, Historical Flash backs et.Internet resources www.Kanuri.com  
6Major centralized state in precolonial Nigeria Semi, Guinea or Middle Belt savannah Zone i.e. Nupe, Jakuri, Igala e.t.c.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Mention the location of Nupe and Igala kingdom on the map Nigeria.Relate the tradition of origin, Reasons for the rise, Socio-Political and economic structure, activities of Great rulers i.e. Tsoede in the Growth and Development of Nupe Kingdom.Explain the tradition of origin, title of rulers, capital socio political and economic structure and the activities of Great Attah in Igala Kingdom.Outline the importance of Rivers to the people in the semi-savannah zone in Nigeria today.Examine the place of religion in Jukun society.Student locate the Nupe and Igalas on the Map of Nigeria. Nupe are called Tapa in Yoruba Land.Students describe the origin, rise of Socialization and activities of Etsu Tsoede in Nupe Land and the Impact on Nigeria today.Students as a class examine the tradition of origin of the Igala title of their kings Attah Igala political socialization and the achievement of the first Attah Ekelaze and the effect on Nigeria today.Students discuss the importance of Rivers, Innovation of the Nupe i.e. foods, goods, exchange system(PARO) Igunuko religious masquerade in Nigeria today.Critical thinking and problem solving.Collaboration and Communication.Digital LiteracyMap of Nigeria showing the Nupe and Igala in  Nigeria.Pictures of Nupe and Igala kings in their Royal regalia.Magazines, old Newspaper cutting, radio and Video Tapes etc.Internet Resources www.tsoede.com  
8&9Major centralized states in pre-colonial Nigeria forest zone old Oyo Empire and Benin Kingdom.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the location of the Old Oyo empire and Benin Kingdom on the map of Nigeria.Explain the tradition of origin and reasons for the rise and social activities of Great rulers i.e. Alaafin Abiodun etc. and their impact in Nigeria.Outline the origin, factor for the rise, social-political achievement of Great rulers i.e. Oba Ewuare the great I and importance to Benin Kingdom today.Examine the innovation and creativities on the old Oyo empire and Benin Kingdom in the precolonial Times.  Students in small groups discuss and locate the old Oyo empire and Benin Kingdom on the Map of Nigeria and West Africa.Students in a role play relate the activities of Alaafin Abiodun and the system of checks and Balances in the old Oyo Empire and the Relevance on Nigeria today.Students as a class discuss the origin and the system Ediaken Primogeniture and its impacts on Kingship in Benin Kingdom.Creativity and Innovation.Collaboration and Communication.Digital LiteracyMap of Nigeria and West Africa showing the old Oyo empire and Benin Kingdom.Samples of old Oyo empire and Benin Kingdom Craftworks e.g. calabash, bronze, ornament etc.Photograph of rulers, pictures of palace, journals, Magazines etc.Internet resources i.e. www.Old-Oyo-empire www.benin-kingdom.org
10Major centralized state in Nigeria Coastal Zone i.e. Niger Delta City, Calabar.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Locate the Niger Delta City, States and Calabar on Nigeria map.Explain the origin, rise, socialization and great activities of Great Kings etc.Relate the pre-colonial occupation of the Niger Delta state and Calabar.Examine the House system and importance of trade network to the development and growth of the Niger-Delta State and Calabar.Students in small groups mention the centralized people in Niger Delta city and Calabar.Students as a class analyze the ongoing rises of socialization and economic activities of great rulers and personalities i.e. Nana Omu-Itshekiri, King Jaja of Opobo to the growth and development of the areas.Students as a class have discussion relating to how the house system network can be traced to the growth and development of Niger Delta City state i.e. Itshekiri, Kalabiri etc.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.Collaboration and Communication.Digital Literacy.Map of Nigeria.Pictures of Niger Delta City and states.Photographs of Olu of Warri, Nana, Itshekiri, Jaja of Opobo Journal and Magazine, etc.Internet Resources www.jaja of opobo www.itshekiri.com www.nana-olomu-of-Itshekir.com  


At the end of the term, students are able to:

  1. Define History, differentiate between History and story-telling.
  2. List sources of History.
  3. Explain importance of History.
  4. Mention and explain Centres of Ancient civilization.
  5. Mention and explain Centralized and Non-Centralized states.

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