Definitions, aims and objectives of health education.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Health Education. ii- Identify the Objectives of health Education. iii: – Highlight aims and objectives of health education. iv-State ways of maintaining of good heath v. Mention factors involved in maintenance of good health.
i- Students as a class discuss on definition of Health Education (mental, emotional health etc.) ii- Students in pairs highlights the aims and objective, purpose of Health Education. iii. Group discussion on factors involved in the maintenance of good health.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
Website Resources: health/aims-and… https://www.sarthakscom/792940/what-are-the-aims… ii- Instructional Materials: – Flash Cards -Poster – Cardboard -Video clip Video Resources Video link:Youtube Concept, Aims, Objectives; Scope and Principles of health
Mental Health
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of mental health and identify types 2. Enumerate factors that promotes mental health 3. identify mental health problems and prefer solution 4. Highlight the importance of mental and social health
i- Students as a class discuss the definition of mental health and its types. ii-Students in pairs itemize factors promoting mental health Students in small groups identify causes of mental health problems and prefer solutions. iii-. Group Discussions on the differences between Physical and Health Education.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define circulatory system ii. Identify the components of circulatory system. iii. Differentiate between arteries and veins iv. Identify types, functions of circulatory system v. define, excretory system vi: -Draw the structure of excretory system vii:- Enumerate the functions of excretory system.
i. Students as a class discuss on the following definition circulatory excretory system ii. Students in pairs differentiate between arteries and veins iii. Students in small groups identify the component of circulatory system and state its functions. iv. Group project and presentation Student in small groups draw the structure of excretory system, Skeletal system, muscular system, and list their functions.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i: – Define accident and disaster ii: – Mention types of accidents and disaster iii: – Enumerate ways of preventing accidents and disasters
i- Students as a class discuss on the definition of accident and disaster: (safety, accident, injuries, hazard, carelessness crash, drowning etc.) ii: – Students in pairs itemize types of accident and its causes.
Suggest relief measures in case of accidents and disaster iv: – Differentiate the Classification of Accident, (Home/Domestic, School, Transportation and Workplace). v: – Investigate the causes and prevention of Accident. (Home/Domestic, School, Transportation and Workplace). vi: – Recommend the safety measure to be taken.
iii. Students in small groups deliberate on ways of preventing accidents and disasters, and suggest relief measures in the event of an accident and a disaster. iv: – group Presentation on disaster management .
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
Poster Charts Video clips –Video Resource: Video link: YouTube accident disaster
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i: – Explain the meaning of family health ii. Mention aspects of family health Explain maternal and child health and give example e.g. ante natal, family planning, family budget
i: – Students as a class discuss definition of health, family, family health, sickness, food clothing self- worth etc. Students in pairs explain the meaning of maternal and child health iii. Group Discussion on strategies set out on healthy growth.
i- Collaboration & Communication. ii- Leadership & Personal Development iii- Digital Literacy
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: – i. Define ageing and death ii. Highlight the characteristics of the elderly person iii. State ways of relating with the elderly iv identify common causes of death. v. State ways of life longevity.
Students as deliberate on definition of ageing, death, longevity. ii- Class work on common causes of death iii. Group discussion on circumstances of an elderly person and ways relating to them.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i:- Define pollution ii:- Identify types of pollutants iii: – Explain the meaning and sources of pollutants
Students as a class discuss or concept of pollution, types, causes, sources. (air, water, land, noise, environmental Pollution, etc.). ii; Group Work on the sources of pollutants. iii: Class projects presentations on environmental pollution.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
2- Charts / Posters 3 Pictures / Photographs 4-Video clips 5-Video clips iv: – Video resources 1: Video Link: – YouTube on pollution 2 – Video Link: – Learn about pollution/Environmental Defilementicarton
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – Explain the concept of health hazard of pollution. Enumerate consequences of health hazard of pollution (man, Animal plants and environment) State solutions to pollution and its hazards.
i:- Students as a class discuss the definition of health hazard of pollution. ii- Group discussions on consequences of health hazard of pollution. iii Class presentations on solutions to pollution and is hazard.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Define waste disposal 2. Identify types of waste e.g. sewage refuse 3. Discuss methods of waste management.
Students as a class the definition of Sewage and waste disposal e.g garbage, refuse, bin incinerator, open dump, pit latrine, water system (W.C) ii. Group work on method of waste disposal iii. Class discussion on waste management.
i. Leadership & Personal Development ii. Collaboration & Communication iii. Digital Literacy
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i- Identify last term topics. ii- Revises the last term work on definition of mental health, definition and objectives of health education iii: -Identification of body system iv: Enumerate ways of relating with elderly people. v. Differentiate between pollution and waste disposal vi. Outline the maternal and the child health of the family. vii. Highlight the general prevention and the natural disasters.
i. Students as a class discuss on the definition of mental health, health education. ii. Group Work on waste disposal a d effects of pollution hazard on health iii- Quiz Presentation on systems of the body iv.- Class Project on accident and disasters management
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identify the various agencies providing First Aid Services e.g. Red Cross, Girl Guards, Saint John’s Ambulance Boys Scouts, LASEMBUS etc. ii. State duties of agencies providing services iii: – Name the materials for first aid box.
i.- Students as a class discus agencies providing First Aid services ii. Students in small groups enumerate duties of agencies providing first aid treatments iii. Class project on materials for First Aid / equipment.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Identify features of the respiratory system ii. Explain importance of good health in relationship to the body. ii.-Highlight the functions and care of human body, its structures, organs: iii. – draw the internal and external (nasal cavity, nostal larynx main bronchus, oral cavity) respiratory organ. iv- Explain Aerobic & Anaerobic respiration
i. Students as a class discuss the meaning of respiratory system and identify its features. ii. Students in pairs explore the need of human body by explaining the importance of good health in relation to the body iii. Students in small groups give examples of aerobic and anaerobic activities. Group projects. iv. Students in small group draw the internal and external (nasal cavity, nostril larynx, main bronchus, oral cavity)
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
i. Website Resource my Instructional Materials: 1:- Pictures 2:- Posters 3:- charts 4: – flash cards – 5:-Visual aid of respiratory system 6-Work sheets 7-Small balloon 8-Colored constrsction paper 9-Clue and scissor 10- straw and cotton Video resource 1:-Video link: -YouTube Respiratory system made Easy
v. Give examples of Aerobic & Anaerobic activities.
respiratory organ to explain the aerobic and anaerobic respiration and present to the class. Students as a class list examples of aerobic and anaerobic activities.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Define and identify types of housing 2. Highlight criteria for good housing 3. Explain the components of a standard house
i- Students as a class discuss the meaning of housing e.g. spaces, construction, sheltering etc. ii. Group work on criteria for good housing. iii. Group projects Presentation on components of a standard house.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define & explain industrial health ii. Create program for industrial personnel communities and safe environment iii. identify industrial hazards iv. Discuss effects of locating industries in residential environment v. Explain solution to industrial hazards
i- Students as a class discuss the meaning of industrial health ii- Group Work on effects of coating industries in residential environment ii Presentation on program for Industrial personnel communities and safe environment. iii. Class work on cardboard showing solution of an Industrial hazard.
By the end of lesson, students should be able to: 1. Define the Nervous system 2. Draw and label a structures of the Nervous System 3. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary actions 4. Explain the disorders of the nervous system.
Students as a class explain the definition of nervous system e.g. (complex, transmitting, spinal cord, sympathetic chain, etc.) ii- Group work on disorder of nervous stem iii. Group work on the difference between voluntary and involuntary actions iv. Group project Students as a group draw and label the structures of the nervous system.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define adequate diet ii. Define calories, state the quantity of calories needed by different age groups. iii. State factors affecting individual calories requirement Itemize basic nutritional diseases and
i. Students as a class explain the meaning of diet, calories, unit, nutrient, food, unit, energy, weights. ii. Group work on calories and roles of adequate diet. iii. Presentation on calories and the quantity of calories need by different age group
1- Collaboration & Communication 2- Leadership & Personal Development. 3- Digital Literacy 4- Creativity & imagination
their symptoms iv. Identify the role of adequate diet in health v. Discuss factors influencing feeding e.g. choice availability, age, etc.
iv- Class project on nutritional disease and their symptoms.
– Video resources Video link: -YouTube what is calories? Video link: -YouTube on calnhn
Nutritional process
Student should be able to: 1. Define Nutrition and Nutritional process in the following area: 1. Ingestion 2. Digestion 3. Absorption 4. Assimilation 5. Metabolism 6. Defecation or Egestion
I-Students as a class discuss the definition of nutrition, nutritional processes (metabolism, growth, ingestion, absorption, ingestion, assimilation, excretion) etc. ii- Group work on the process of nutrition iii- Presentation on ingestion and assimilation. iv- Class project on digestive system.
1- Collaboration & Communication 2- Leadership & Personal Development. 3- Digital Literacy 4- Creativity & imagination
Student should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of beverage 2. Differentiate between alcoholic and non-alcohol beverages 3. Explain the value of non-.alcoholic beverages 4. Highlight the effects of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
i- Students as a class discuss the definition of beverage e.g. drink; Pepsi, Coke, Bornvita etc. ii- Goup work on non-alcoholic / beverages iii- Presentation on types of beverages. iv: Class project on effects of aIcoholic and eon-alcoholic.
1- Collaboration & Communication 2- Leadership & Personal Development. 3- Digital Literacy 4- Creativity & imagination
Student should be able to: i. Tacco ii. Drugs 2. Identify the various types of drugs. 3. Explain the meaning of: i. Drug abuse ii. Drug misuse iii. Drug addiction iv. Drug tolerance v. Drug dependence 4. Discuss the reasons for smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. 5. State the effects of smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol.
i. Students as a class explain the meaning of tobacco drugs ii. Students in small group describe the meaning of the term behavior altering chemical such as psychoactive, mood, medicine, caffeine, alcohol, nicotne, cocaine etc. ii- Group Work on types of drugs – Presentation on drug tolerance and drug addiction – Class Project on effects of drug misuse / abuse and drug dependence. -Class work on the effects of smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: define First Aid Services, Respiratory System, Housing etc. ii: – Revises the last term work , behavioural altering Chemicals and nutritional system. Identify last term topics, Agencies Providing First aid services, Respiratory System, Housing. iii. Differentiate between Beverages and alcohol. Highlight the general values of nutritional system and diets for different groups.
-Students as a class discuss the definition of beverage and alcohol ii-Quiz presentation on systems of the body iii. Class work in differences between alcohol and beverages.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define the concept of non-communicable diseases. ii. List two division of pathogens (communicable and non-communicable diseases) iii. List different types of diseases iv. Name types of preventive measures.
i. Students as a class explain the concept of Non Communicable diseases and their prevertion (disease, Epilepsy, Asthma, obesity scuvy bellegra, rickets anemia, kwashiorkor, beri beri marasmus, exophthalmia) ii. Group work on causes of non-communicable diseases and their prevention.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Recite the meaning of disease. A- List kinds of disease due to growth in cell e.g. Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy Hemophilia, Heart disease etc. ii- Identify the diseases due to heredity and hormonal disorder e.g. Hypertension, Ulcer, Mental illness Rheumatism, Sickle cell etc.
Students as a class deliberate on the definition of Non-communicable diseases. Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Hemophilia/ Sickle cell and their prevention. – Group work on control measure on disease due to growth in cells, heredity and hormonal diseases – Class work on causes of hormonal diseases iv: – Presentation of disease and their prevention v:- Class project on cardboard on various types of diseases due to growth in cells, heredity and hormonal diseases.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Explain family challenges in Nigeria in widowhood ii. Identify agencies promoting healthy family living e.g. schools, community, religious groups, social, welfare etc iii. Suggest ways of overcoming family challenges
i. Students as a class explain the meaning of family life challenge e.g. chronic pain separation divorce issues, unemployment, finance illness, death etc. ii. Group Work on family challenges in Nigeria: e.g. expensive living, outside, influence, social media, owanbe party’s corruption etc. iii. Class work on lack of infrastructure iv. Presentation on the rates of unemployment in Nigeria.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to – i-Describe digestive system mesentery, esophagus. ii. 27kg food per day, gastrointestinal etc. iii. Digestive system draw and label the structure of digestive system iii- State the function of digestive system
i Students as a class describe the digestive system (mesentery, esophagus. ii. 1.27kg food per day gastro intestinal etc.) Group work: draw and label an alimentary canal. iii: – Class presentation on functions of digestive system.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -Define quack and quackery -Discuss types of quacks and quackery e.g. mechanical, electrical, homeopathy, medicine etc. -State the importance of checking labels and expiry dates -Highlight dangers of quack and quackery in Nigeria.
I-Students as a class discuss the meaning of Quacks and quackery. ii:- Group Work on types of Quackery e.g. medicine, electrical, homeopathy,. Mechanical etc. a: – Class wont on characteristics of quackery iv: – Presentation on difference between quack and quackery v: Class Project on cardboard on dangers of quack and quackery.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Define Health care services available in Nigeria. ii. Explain types of health care services Traditional Orthodox medicine Alternative methods of healing (Acupuncture, yoga, faith etc.) iii. Roles of health care service e.g. NAFDAC.
i Students as a class discuss the definition of consumer health care services E g permitting inspection investigation site sewage ii Group work on types of health. care services ui Class work on orthodox medicines iv Presentation on kr8dihnal medicines v Class project on cardboard on alternative methods of healing.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination
Students should be able to: 1: -Discuss factors influencing choice of consumer product and services e.g. Quality, Quantity, Authenticity, price, packaging. Cost Availability Accessibility Avoid ability – Advertisement.
-Students in small group discuss, the definition of factors influencing choice of consumer product e.g. Quality, Quantity authenticity, price packaging. ii Group work: consumer product – Class work on factors influencing choice of consumer product e.g. Quality, Quantity etc.
– Communication and Collaboration – Leadership and Personal Development -Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination