NERDC Curriculum for Health Ages 0 – 3 years. Childhood Diseases, Immunization, Drug Use and Abuse, Personal Hygiene
Week 1
Topic: 1. Childhood Diseases, Ailment and Prevention
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Recognize and state different childhood illness
2. Mention their symptoms and preventive measures.
3. Refer sick children to appropriate health facility.
4. Prepare and administer ORT/SS solution
5. Manage common childhood illness
6. Ensure that the environment is clean and safe
7. Provide adequate feeding for sick children
8. Control of the spread of communicable diseases.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Show signs of good health
2. Report when not feeling well.
3. Avoid unhealthy Environment
4. Accept ORT/ Medication
1. Childhood diseases:
. Measles
. Polio
. Diphtheria
. Pertussis (whooping cough)
. Tetanus
. Tuberculosis
. Diarrhea
. Malaria
. Yellow fever
. Cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM)
. Hepatitis B
. Convulsion
. Coughs
. Colds
. Worm infestations
. Acute respiratory infection etc.
. Eye diseases
. Skin diseases
. Neonatal jaundice
. Sickle cell anemia
. Typhoid fever
2. signs/symptoms of childhood diseases.
3. Preventive measures
. Immunization
. Cleanliness
. Lives in well ventilated house
. ORT/SS solution
. Use of insecticide treated nets
. Periodic medical check- up
. De- worming
4. Health facilities
. Sick bay
. Primary
. Health Care center (PHC).
. Dispensaries
. Hospitals etc.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Discuss childhood diseases with primary health care staff
2. Watch films and diseases affected Children.
3. Prepare ORT/SS solution and administer when necessary
4. Observe children for signs and symptoms of diseases
5. Discuss the management of diseases with PHC staff
6. Refer children for treatment when necessary
7. Discuss preventive measures with PHC staff
8. Prepare an offer complementary foods to sick children
9. Advice parents to keep sick children at home
10. Report first Aid/ treatment administered to parents of sick child
Activities – Child:
1. Tell when not feeling well
2. Tell when feeling well
3. Continue to eat even
4. Accept treatment
5. Keep away from unhealthy environment
Caring/Learning Materials:
Poster/ pictures/ Charts showing signs of childhood diseases and healthy children
. Television clip
. Video player and tapes
. Radio jingles
. Clean water
. Bottles
. Container
. Towel
. Toilet Soap
. Basin
. Cups
. Salt
. Sugar
. Spoon
. Medicated soap
. Disinfectant
. Treated mosquito nets
. Clinical Thermometer
Evaluation Guide:
Child evaluation Guide
2. Fully immunized
3. Alert with glowing ski and bright eyes
4. Physically active
5. Eat well
1. Knowledge about common childhood diseases and their prevention
2. Preparation and administration of ORT/ SS solution prepared and administered
3. Common childhood diseases managed
4. Referral of sick child to health facilities
5. Clean and safe Environment.
Week 2
Topic: Immunization
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Mention types of immunization (Vaccines)
2. Ensure completion of Child’s immunization and Vit. A supplement
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Accept immunization officers/ vaccines
1. Vaccines
. DPT 1 & 2 & 3
. Measles vaccine
. Hepatitis B
2. Food Supplements
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Visit PHC centers to observe immunization exercise.
2. Participate in National immunization Days and Sub National Immunization Days
3. Keep records of immunization for the child.
Activities – Child:
Accept Immunization
Caring/Learning Materials:
Pictures/ photographs/ postal charts showing the various vaccines, and the consequences of failure to complete immunization
Evaluation Guide:
- healthy
- Immunization Completed.
Parents/Care giver
. Knowledge of different types of vaccines/ immunization
. Records of complete of immunization schedules shown.
NERDC Curriculum for Health Ages 0 – 3 years
Week 3
Topic: Drug Use and Abuse (1)
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- Always make referral when the child is sick.
- Advice the parents on danger of administering drugs not prescribed by Medical doctor.
- prevent the child against self-medication
- discuss drug abuse and its effects
- Refrain from indiscriminate use of drugs.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
- Accept and use prescribed Drug.
- avoid self-medication
- Drug abuse
- Forms of drug abuse
- Effects of drug abuse Preventions.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Keep all drugs away from the reach of the children.
- Discuss drug abuse with parents and children.
- Recite poems and tell stories on drug Abuse.
Activities – Child:
1. Use drug when given
Caring/Learning Materials:
- Charts and postal.
- Newspaper cutting
Evaluation Guide:
. Drug used only when administered.
. Drug usage compliance
. Parents/caregiver informed
Week 3
Topic: Drug Use and Abuse (II)
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- Identify generic drugs e.g. Anti-malaria, analgesics anti- pyretic sand anti-helminthes and use them correctly.
- Use identified generic drug correctly.
- Avoid the indiscriminate use of drug on children.
- Manage common Children illnesses.
Performance Objectives – Child:
Usage of Generic drug
- Anti-malaria
. Chloroquine
. Nivaquine
. Malarex
- Anagelsics
. Paracetamol syrup
. Novalgin
(c) Antipyretics
. Paracetamol
. Phenergan
(d) Antihelminthes
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Discuss the use of drugs with PHC staff
- Discuss the management of and appropriate use of drugs.
- Discuss what comprises drug abuse
- safe use of drugs
Activities – Child:
Caring/Learning Materials:
Posters/ photographs drugs, its abuse and consequences of drug Abuse.
Evaluation Guide:
. Generic drugs identified and correctly administered
Week 4
Topic: Personal Hygiene 1: (Care of the body)
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- care for the different parts of the body
- use available cleansing materials appropriately and regularly
- attend baby care training sessions whenever available
- Discuss consequences of neglecting care of the body
- bath the child regularly
- discuss oral hygiene
- demonstrate proper cleaning/ brushing of teeth and other parts of the body
Identify rhymes and song relevant to personal Hygiene
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
- Identify some parts of the body
- name some part of the body
3 keep all parts of the body clean
4. Recite rhymes and sing songs relevant to personal Hygiene.
1. Parts of the body
a. Head
b. Eyes
c. Mouth
d. Ears
e. Hands
f. Teeth
g. Legs
h. Skin
I. Armpit
j. Anus
k. Genitals etc.
2. Use of various cleaning materials
3. Oral hygiene (correct technique of brushing the Teeth.)
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Guide the child to identify parts of his/her body
- Observe proper cleaning methods for new born and young child
- Collect various cleaning materials,
- Clean the child regularly and frequently
- Observe adequate care while cleaning different parts of the body
- Demonstrate oral hygiene
- Check fingers, toes and nails
Give frequent and regular bath.
Activities – Child:
. Name and touch the parts of the body e.g. head, nose, eyes etc.
- Recite rhymes and sing songs e.g. my head, my shoulder, my knees, my toe etc.
- Clean the body
- Sing and act rhyme to demonstrate Cleaning methods
E.g. this is the way
I brush my teeth……
Caring/Learning Materials:
. Water
. Sponge
. Basin
. Towel
. Soap
. Pictures/charts
. /posters highlight body parts, care o body
. Dolls
. Comb
. Lotion
. Powder
. Oil
. Cotton wool/ gauze
. Body cream
. Petroleum jelly
. Tooth paste contain fluoride
. Tooth brush, chew stick
. Glycerin
. Cotton bud
. Tissue paper
. First Aid box
. Ash
. Charcoal
. Models of teeth
Evaluation Guide:
- name some parts of the body
- Clean body.
1. Knowledgeable about proper care of new born and young children
2. Proper care of the different parts of the new born and young child practiced
3. Use of appropriate cleaning materials for various parts of the body practiced
4. Knowledgeable about oral hygiene.
NERDC Health Curriculum
Week 5
Topic: Personal Hygiene II: Toilet Habits
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Provide appropriate toilet facilities
2. Describe good toilet habits
3. Give children proper toilet training
4. Avoid child abuse while toilet training
5. Recognize signs/ signal when a child needs to use the toilet.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Identify the proper place for toileting (potty).
2. Say when there is need to go to toilet.
3. Urinate or pass stool in the proper place e.g. potty or specified area.
4. Clean up after the use of toilet.
5. Wash hands after the use of toilet.
- Appropriate toilet facilities
- Napkins (disposable and washable)
- Potty
- Pit Latrine
- Water system
- Toilet habits
- changing of napkins
- Disposal of disposal Napkins
- washing of napkins
- Disposal of waste materials
- Toilet training
- Cleaning up after the use of the toilet
- Washing hands after the use of toilet
- Prepare sitting position when using the Toilet.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Discuss proper toilet habits
- Provide toilet facilities
- Demonstrate proper use of toilet Facilities
- Clean the child after the use of toileting
- Dispose of feces
- Changing of napkins when necessary
- Avoid child abuse during toilet training
- Assist the child in cleaning up after the use of toilet
- stimulate good toilet habits
- Provision of toilet facilities.
Activities – Child:
1. Use toilet properly
2. Practice good toilet habits.
Caring/Learning Materials:
. Potty
. Soap
. Napkins
. Toilets
. Basins
. Water
. Buckets
. Toilets roll
. Towel
. Training pants
. Kettle
. Disinfectant
. Nappies/ Pampas
Evaluation Guide:
1. Request for assistance for toileting and cleaning up
2. Proper use of toilet facilities maintained
3. Proper toilet habits Practiced
1. Knowledgeable about good toilets habits
2. Children are toilet trained.
Week 6
Topic: Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- recognize the needs of the orphans and vulnerable children
- Take care of the needs of the orphans and vulnerable children including
. Providing appropriate counseling and psycho- social support.
Provide materials for the OVC
Performance Objectives – Child:
Psychological diseases related to OVC.
- Social implications (fear withdrawal, isolation by discrimination etc.
- Needs of orphans and vulnerable children
. Supportive environment
. Asses to shelter
. Good nutrition
. Access to education
. Services on an equal basis with other children
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Identify the psychological distress conditions of OVC
- Discuss implication of psychological distress conditions of OVC
- Strengthen the protection and care within the extended families and communities of the children
Raise awareness in communities to create an enabling environment for the children
- Strengthen the coping capacities of families and communities.
- Support sustainable communication initiatives to reduce stigma and discrimination.
- Support the government’s policies protects the most vulnerable children
- Facilities the involvement of global community/ donor agencies
- Support institutional Care.
Activities – Child:
Caring/Learning Materials:
. UNICEF brochures
. International standards (UN World Fit for Children)
. A national framework for programming on OVC
. Guildlines on care and support for orphans and vulnerable children.
Evaluation Guide:
. OVC supported and made happy
Responded positively to all national and international support Activities.
NERDC Health Curriculum
Safety Measures Curriculum 0-3 years
Water and Environment Sanitation Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)
Health Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)