SSS2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work First Term
Mobe phone acronyms and terminologies, • GSM, CDMA, MMS, SMS: • Call barring and call forwarding • BSI, DOT, FPS etc.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Listen, define and explain in details the terms and terminologies in mobile phones
Students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the topic.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Relevant textbooks Technical manuals B. WEB RESOURCES
Mobile phone bands • Types of mobile phone bands • Importance of mobile phone bands
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain and outline the various types of mobile phone bands. List the importance of mobile phone bands.
Students as a class Give a detailed explanation on mobile phone bands, their various types and importance.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Construct a research on the various types of mobile phone and their special maintenance needs.
Students as a class Guide and lead the students on this research.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Relevant textbooks Technical manuals B. WEB RESOURCES
Introduction to User interface Design of GSM phones (UID). • Definition of UID • Types f UID
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: listen, identify and outline the difference types of UID.
Students as a class Demonstrate a proper Understanding of the topic
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES GSM phones with different interface/designs GSM phone catalogue internet. B. WEB RESOURCES
Comparism between various user interface designs. Importance of U1D
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Outline compare and contrast in details, between the various types of UID. List the importance of UID.
Students as a class Explain in detailed various types of UID. Outline the importance of UID.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES GSM phones with different interface/designs GSM phone catalogue internet. B. WEB RESOURCES
GSM Phone Accessories. Types of various accessories. • Functions of GSM phone accessories.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Construct a detailed research of the various types of GSM phone accessories and their functions.
Students as a class Explain and guide the students on this research.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES GSM phone accessories GSM phone catalogues B. WEB RESOURCES
Common menu of GSM phones. • Types of menu of GSM phones. • Functions of menus of GSM phones.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Develop and deliver a presentation on the menu of GSM phones and their functions.
students as a class -Explains in details on this presentation Access and award the student on this presentation.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES GSM phone accessories GSM phone catalogues B. WEB RESOURCES
Common sub-menus of GSM phones. Types of sub-menu of GSM phones. Functions of sub-Menu of GSM Phones
By the end of the lesson students should be able to. Listen, explain and outline the types of sub – menus of GSM phones and their functions.
Students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of this topics.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson students should be able to. Visit a mobile phone center and identify the GSM phone accessories, UID, menu and sub-menu. Develop and deliver a presentation on this site visit.
Students as a class Lead, guide and explain in details to the students during this visit. Access and award students on this presentation.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Visit to a mobile phone Center B. WEB RESOURCES
GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
Revision of previous term activities. Hardware components. • Types of hardware components of GSM phones
By the en of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall activities of the previous term Outline in details the various types of hardware components of GSM phones
Students as a class Refresh students on the activities of the previous term. Give a detailed explanation on the various types of hardware components of GSM phones.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Scrap GSM phones Diagram Technical manuals Faulty GSM phones B. WEB RESOURCES
• Software components. • Types of software components of GSM phones
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Outline in details the various types software component of GSM phones
Students as a class Give a detailed explanation on the various types of software components GSM phones.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES GSM phones Internet Technical manuals Videos Videos B. WEB RESOURCES
Function of GSM Hardware and Software components.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Construct a detailed research on the functions of both hardware and software components of GSM phones.
Students as a class Guide and lead the students on this research.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
GSM repair tools and equipment. Tools and equipment for hardware repairs. •Uses of the tools
By end of the Lesson, students should be able to: Outline in details different types of touts and equipment required for hardware repairs and their uses.
Students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of this topic. Practically display these tools and equipment to the students.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A.AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Hardware tools Demo CDs Faulty mobile phones Computers sets Cables B. WEB RESOURCES
Tools and equipment for software repairs. •Users of the tools.
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Outline in details the different types of tools and equipment required for software repairs and their uses..
students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of this topic. Practically display these tools and equipment to the students.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A.AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Unlocking and repair software Different types of mobile phonies Demo CDs B. WEB RESOURCES
• Care of tools and equipment • Procedures involved in the care and maintenance.
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Develop and deliver a presentation the care and maintenance of tools and equipment and procedures involved.
Students as a class Construct and lead the students on a presentation. Access and award the student on this presentation.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Resources from the internet B. WEB RESOURCES
GSM safety practices • Procedure involved
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Identify and practices observe GSM safety Outline the maintenance procedures
Student as a class explain in details to the students emphasizing the need of safety GSM practices.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
Common hardware problems. • Damaged screen • Charging port • Mouthpiece • Earpiece piece • Keyboards etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -Listen and outline common software problems. Explain in details the the problems and -causes of such problems.
students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of this topic.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Faulty GSM phone GSM phone repair handbook Video clips GSM Phone Repair tools Internet B. WEB RESOURCES
(a) Basic concept of entrepreneurship (b) Entrepreneurship education . (c) Qualities of an entrepreneurship (d) Importance of entrepreneurship
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain the term entrepreneurship 2. Examine the concept entrepreneurship education. 3. Outline the importance of entrepreneurship 4. Analyse the qualities of an entrepreneurship.
1 Whole class discussion one meaning of entrepreneurship 2. Students, in small groups discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. Students as a class discuss the entrepreneurship education, and share their knowledge with the class. Student as a class discuss the importance of entrepreneurship. 4. Students, in the same groups, critically analyze the qualities of an entrepreneurship
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
Access Unified GSM Maintenance and repairs Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork
GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
Revision of previous term activities Presentation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall activities of the previous term. Develop and deliver a presentation on the site visited the previous term,
Students as a class Refresh the students on activities of the previous term. Access and award the students on this presentation
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
Common software problems. • Contact service Providing • Phone lock code • card rejected • Invalid SIM etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Listen and outline common software problems. Explain in details the problems and causes of such problems.
Students as a class Demonstrate a detailed Understanding of this topic
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
Basic trouble-shooting of GSM phones Dissembling and assembling • Testing of components such as batteries, vibrators, etc.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to Outline and identify basic mobile phone ICs and electronic components. Explain in detail basic trouble-shooting procedures in mobile phones.
Students as a class Give a detailed an practical explanation to this topic to the students.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Faulty GSM phones GSM phones repair handbooks Video clips GSM phone repair tools lnternet B.WEB RESOURCES
Trouble – shooting (hardware components) bulb and repair. • Metering method • Component testing • Signal tracing/injectors etc.
By e end of the lesson, students should be able to: Listen and identify hardware faults of GSM phones. Observe and repair faulty hardware components
Students as a class Explain practically on how hardware faults are detected and how to repair faulty hardware components.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Faulty GSM phones GSM Phone repair handbook Video clips GSM phone repair tools Internet
Trouble-shooting (Software components) faults and repair. •Flashing of mobile phones •Security unlocking/resetting counters etc.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Listen and identify software faulty of GSM phones Observe and repair faulty software components.
Students as a class Explain practically on how software faults are detected and how to repair faulty software components.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Faulty GSM phones GSM phones repair handbook Video clips GSM phone repair tools Internet. Computer B. WEB RESOURCES GSM phones repair handbook Technical phone manual
Preventive and corrective maintenance mobile phones. • Cleaning • Soldering and de-soldering • Re-balling etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Construct an intensive research on both the preventive and corrective maintenance of mobile phones.
Students as a class Demonstrate a detailed understanding of this topic. Guide and lead the students on this research.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
Practical/site Visit to a mobile phone service center
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Visit a mobile phone service center and identify the various types troubleshooting procedures (hardware & software components). Identify both the preventive and corrective measures for mobile phone maintenance.
Students as a class Lead, guide and explain in details to the students during this visit.
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Visit to a mobile phone service center B. WEB RESOURCES
Basic concept of marketing (e) Meaning of Marketing (b) Methods of Marketing (c) Importance of marketing d) Marketing/distribution channel chart.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Describe the term marketing 2. Examine the methods of marketing 3. Analyse the importance of marketing 4. Create a flow chart of the marketing of channel institution.
1. Students as a class, brainstorm marketing. 2.Whole, class discussion on the different methods of marketing 3. Small groups discussion on the different 4. Small group activities of chart of distribution channels of marketing
• Communication and Collaboration • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag. 2. Distinguish between the packaging and branding 3. Develop a feasibility study for setting in a profitable business in a production unit. 4. Creativity design a befitting package for their products.
Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price. 2. Students in pairs, discuss the difference between packaging and branding. 3. Students in small groups present a feasibility study of a said production on business set up (Group project) 4. Students in the small groups, produce or come up with befitting packages for the product.
• Communication and Collaboration            • Leadership and, Personal development • Critical thinking and Problem solving • Creativity and imagination