Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 | User Interface design of GSM phones (UID) Definition of Interface | Guide students to define user interface |
2 | User interface design of GSM phone (UID) Types of user interface designs MUID, 2. GUID, 3. TSUID | Guide student to list user interface design |
3 | Various user interface designs Comparison of various user interface design | Compare various user interface design |
4 | User interface design The importance of user interface design | State the importance of user interface design |
5 | GSM phone accessories and functions definition of accessories of GSM phones | Guide students to define GSM phone accessories |
6 | GSM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Identification of accessories of GSM phones | Display GSM phone accessories and ask students to identify each one |
7 | Function of GSM phone accessories The Function of GSM phone accessories | States the function of GSM phone accessories |
8 | Common menu and sub – menus Explanation of main menu and sub- menu of different GSM phones e.g phone book, message and call register | Demonstrates with different handsets to compare menus |
9 | Function of GSM phone menus and Sub menu Function of different GSM phone menus and submenus e.g phone book, message, call register etc. | State the function of different GSM phone menus and sub-menus e.g phonebook, messages, call register etc. |
10 – 11 | Practical General practical and troubleshooting | Demonstrate with different handset |
12- 13 | Revisions and examinations | Go through all the theories as well as practical |
Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 | Hard ware components The essential component which includes : CPU, SIM Socket, earpiece, keyboard etc | List and display the essential hardware components e.g. CPU, SIM socket, earpiece, keyboard etc |
2 | Hardware component Hard component of CPU, SIM, earpiece , mouthpiece etc | Displays the Basic components of the CPU, SIM, earpiece, mouthpiece etc. |
3 | Software components Software component of GSM phones | List the component of GSM phones |
4 | Function of GSM hardware and software. The function of hardware components of CPU, SIM socket, earpiece, mouth piece, key pad etc | Identifies and displays common tools equipment for hard ware repairs. |
5 | Software components functions The function of software component with examples | Identifies and displays common software tools for repairs |
6 | GSM repairs tools and equipment Common tools and equipment for hardware repairs such as : star allen key, star precision set, normal, normal precision set | Identify common tools and equipment for hard ware repairs |
7 | GSM Phone tools & equipment Common tools and equipment for hardware repairs e.g. multi meter (analogue and digital) and computer set. | Classified common tools and equipments for hard and software repairs |
8 | Common software tools for repairs such as Unlocking and repair softwareFlashing software The uses of tools identify above | Demonstrate the uses of common tools and equipments for hard and software repairs |
9 – 10 | Cares of tools and equipment Care and maintenance of tools and equipment in the GSM phone repairs | Guides the students to identify the basic care and maintenance tools and equipment |
11 – 12 | Practical and revisions General practical and revision | Guides students on the major maintenance and repairs |
13 | Examination | Examination |
Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 -2 | GSM phone safety practices GSM phone care and maintenance procedures | Identify and emphasizes GSM phone care and maintenance procedure |
3 | Trouble shooting and repair (I) Trouble shooting hardware faults of GSM phone e.g. antenna, service port, LCD and power pack | Guides students to troubleshoot hardware faults of GSM phones |
4 | Trouble shooting and repair (II) Trouble shooting hardware faults of GSM phone e.g. key pad switch, charging system, mouth piece (micro phone) and earpiece (speaker) | Identify the faulty GSM phones and repair |
5 | Trouble shooting and repair (III) Trouble shooting hardware component e.g. ringer, sim terminals, switch ports etc Repair faulty hardware components | Identify hardware of GSM phones and repairs faulty hardware components |
6 | Trouble shooting and repair (IV) Trouble shooting Contact service providerPhone lock code | Guide student to trouble shoots software faults of GSM phones |
7 | Trouble shooting and repair (V) Trouble shooting Dual SIMSIM card rejectedVirus attack | Participate in the trouble shooting process |
8 | Trouble shooting and repair (VI) Trouble shooting fix and repair software fault | Rectifies software faults Fix and repair software faults |
9 – 10 | Practices and revisions | Participates in the practical |
11- 12 | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination |