GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

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Gsm Scheme of work 1
Gsm Scheme of work 1

Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –


1User Interface design of GSM phones (UID) Definition of InterfaceGuide students to define user interface
2User interface design of GSM phone (UID) Types of user interface designs MUID, 2. GUID, 3. TSUIDGuide student to list user interface design
3Various  user interface designs Comparison of various user interface designCompare various user interface design
4User interface design The importance of user interface designState the importance of user interface design
5GSM phone accessories and functions definition of accessories of GSM phonesGuide students to define GSM phone accessories
6GSM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Identification of accessories of GSM phonesDisplay GSM phone accessories and ask students to identify each one
7Function of GSM phone accessories The Function of GSM phone accessories  States the function of GSM phone accessories
8Common menu and sub – menus Explanation of main menu and sub- menu of different GSM phones e.g phone book, message and call registerDemonstrates with different handsets to compare menus
9Function of GSM phone menus and Sub menu Function of different GSM phone menus and submenus e.g phone book, message, call register etc.State the function of different GSM phone menus and sub-menus e.g phonebook, messages, call register etc.
10 – 11Practical General practical and troubleshootingDemonstrate with different handset
12- 13Revisions and examinationsGo through all the theories as well as practical

Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –


1Hard ware components The essential component which includes : CPU, SIM Socket, earpiece, keyboard etcList and display the essential hardware components e.g. CPU, SIM socket, earpiece, keyboard etc
2Hardware component Hard component of CPU, SIM, earpiece , mouthpiece etcDisplays the Basic components of the CPU, SIM, earpiece, mouthpiece etc.
3Software components Software component of GSM phonesList the component of GSM phones
4Function of GSM hardware and software. The function of hardware components of CPU, SIM socket, earpiece, mouth piece, key pad etcIdentifies and displays common tools equipment for hard ware repairs.  
5Software components functions The function of software component with examplesIdentifies and displays common software tools for repairs
6GSM repairs tools and equipment Common tools and equipment for hardware repairs such as : star allen key, star precision set, normal, normal precision setIdentify common tools and equipment for hard ware repairs
7GSM Phone tools & equipment Common tools and equipment for hardware repairs e.g. multi meter (analogue and digital) and computer set.Classified common tools and equipments for hard and software repairs
8Common software tools for repairs such as Unlocking and repair softwareFlashing software The uses of tools identify aboveDemonstrate the uses of common tools and equipments for hard and software repairs
9 – 10Cares of tools and equipment Care and maintenance of tools and equipment in the GSM phone repairsGuides the students to identify the basic care and maintenance tools and equipment
11 – 12Practical and revisions General practical and revisionGuides students on the major maintenance and repairs

Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Secondary School. SS 2 GSM Maintenance and Repairs Scheme of Work Federal –


1 -2GSM phone safety practices GSM phone care and maintenance proceduresIdentify and emphasizes GSM phone care and maintenance procedure
3Trouble shooting and repair (I) Trouble shooting hardware faults of GSM phone e.g. antenna, service port, LCD and power packGuides students to troubleshoot hardware faults of GSM phones
4Trouble shooting and repair (II) Trouble shooting hardware faults of GSM phone e.g. key pad switch, charging system, mouth piece (micro phone) and earpiece (speaker)Identify the faulty GSM phones and repair
5Trouble shooting and repair (III) Trouble shooting hardware component e.g. ringer, sim terminals, switch ports etc Repair faulty hardware componentsIdentify hardware of GSM phones and repairs faulty hardware components
6Trouble shooting and repair (IV) Trouble shooting Contact service providerPhone lock codeGuide student to trouble shoots software faults of GSM phones
7Trouble shooting and repair (V) Trouble shooting Dual SIMSIM card rejectedVirus attackParticipate in the trouble shooting process
8Trouble shooting and repair (VI) Trouble shooting fix and repair software faultRectifies software faults Fix and repair software faults
9 – 10Practices and revisionsParticipates in the practical
11- 12RevisionRevision

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