Garment Making Construction Scheme of Work SSS2 Lagos State

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Garment Making Scheme of work
Garment Making Scheme of work

Access Unified Garment Making Construction Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos

SSS2 Garment Making Construction Scheme of Work First Term

1Revision of last terms work/resumption testBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 1. Recall the memory previous topics taught.                                                2. Participate in the welcome test.1. Whole class brainstorm on the revision of SSS1 third term’s work.                                                                       2. Whole class participate the welcome test.                                                                3. Individual student model1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                                    1. SSS1 third term examination papers                                                                                     2. Students notebook.

Ways of obtaining patterns
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                              
   1. Identify ways of obtaining patterns with t advantages and disadvantages                                                                2. Differentiate between ways of obtaining pattern.                                                   
  3. Describe steps for draping on a dress form and demonstrate draping
1. Whole class discussion on ways of obtaining patterns with their advantages.                          2. Students in small groups point out steps for drape on dress form.                                           3. Gallery walk on draping.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                                                  2. Students leadership and personality development                                                                                                                         3. Communication and collaboration.                               I Real objects (fabric, dress form dummy)                                                                    Site link                                                                                  1.                                                               2.                                                                                          3.

3Body measurementBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 1. Outline tools for talking body measurement. E.g. tape measure, pencil papar.etc.                                                                                      2. Discuss principles involved in taking accurate body measurement.                                                                     3. Indicate essential body part to be measured.                                                                                                 4. Take their measurement correctly.1. Whole class brain storm on tools for (airing body measurement-and principle involved in taking accurate body measurement                                                             2. Student in pairs take their body measurement and record it in their note. (practical)1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                                    1. Real objects (students) 2.Charts rim part of body to measured                                                                            Site link                                                                          1.                                           Site link                                     2.                                                                 Video link                                                                                                                                                         
4Freehand buttingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                                                                                          1. Explain the term’s freehand cutting and the techniques involved in freehand cutting.                                                                                                2. Discuss merits and demerits of freehand cutting.                                                                                                           3. Demonstrate freehand cutting on baby dress, skirt or blouse1 Whole class participate In tile discussion of freehand cutting and the techniques involved                                                                                                          2. Students in small groups practice freehand cutting-on brown paper later on fabric. 3.Students form note on merits and demerits of freehand cutting.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                                                  2. Students leadership and personality development                                                                                                                         3. Communication and collaboration.                                4. Creative and imagination                                                                                                          1. Real objects                                                            Site link                                                                                                                                                                        Video link                      

5Figure typesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                                                                                          1. Identify figure types end differentiate between them E.g. tall and slender, short and plumb etc.                                                                                                                       2. Determine appropriate and inappropriate colours for different figure types.                                                                                                                     3. Examine and describe patterns and styles for different figure types. E.g. flowering designs and one color for tall an slender figure.                                                  4. Solve figure problems using style features.                                                                   i. Whole class brain storm on types of figure and describe patterns and styles for figure types.                                                                2. students in small groups present different figure types among themselves.                               3. Small groups describe appropriate and inappropriate types1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                                                  2. Communication and collaboration.                          3. Students leadership and personality development                                                                                                                                               1. Real objects (students)                                                                            2. Charts on different figure   Site link                                                                                                                                                  3.https://www.sernanticsc/paper/Figure-Types-and-Challenges-of-Making-GAnikweze/60cdff6cd0l7d70473995fac270b1ddftd                               Video link                                                                                    4.

6Figure types combine with body shapesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                1. Outline body shapes:                                                                             2. Differentiate between types of body shapes, E.g. pear body shapes and apple body shapes etc                                             3. Explain body traits on each body shapes and the do’s and don’ts on body shapes.                                                         4. Assess figure types in selection of styles.1. Whole class discussion on figure types combined with different body shapes outline,                                              2.Students in small groups to present different body shapes from their groups and select styles for them.1. Students Leadership And Personality development                                 2. Digital literacy.1. Charts on different body shape                                                       2. Real objects (students)               Site link                                                                                     1.                                                                                                                              2.                                                          
8Drafting of bodice blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                             1. Recall the meaning of pattern drafting and other names for block pattern E g basic pattern foundation pattern master pattern etc                                                                                                2. Write materials required for drafting and draft basic block using flat method                                                                                                                                                                        3.draft front block bodice and back1 Whole class share ideas on recalling other names for block patterns arid itemise materials needed                                                2. Individual student uses their body measurement to draft front block bodice using flat method (practical work)                                                                               3. Students submit their drafted bodice block for correction1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Communication and collaboration            3. Creative and imagination     Digital literacy                                                  1. Real objects                                             2. Charts on bodice block                  Site link                                                                                   1.https://www.thecreativecurator/how-to-draft-female-bodice-block/                                         Video link                                                 1.    

9Drafting of skirt blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                       1. Describe drafting of skirt block and measurement for drafting of skirt block                                                                  2. Practice drafting of skirt block using flat method                                                                            3. draft front block skirt and back skirt1. Student in pairs taking correct required body measurement for drafting of skirt block.                                                                                                                                       2. Individual student think, pair and share ideas or how to draft front block bodice using flat method. (practical work)                                                                      3. Individual students use his/her body measurement to draft front and back skirt block1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Communication and collaboration            3. Creative and imagination                                                      1. Real objects                                                2. Charts oh skirt block Site link                                                                                                                   1.                                                 Video link                                                                                                         1.
10Drafting of basic sleeve blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                           1. Recognise different types of sleeves and functions of sleeves on peoples garment                                                                                     2. Point out body parts to be measured for basic sleeve block                                                            3. short and long sleeve basic block using flat method with their measurementl. Whole class discussion on different types of sleeves                                                                             2. students in pairs measure body parts for drafting basic sleeve block and write it down                                         3. Individual students uses their measurement to draft short and long basic sleeve block using the method (practical work)                                              4. Students submits their work for correction1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Communication and collaboration            3. Creative and imagination                                                      1. Real objects                                                      2. Charts on sleeve block           Site link                                                              1.                                                                    Video link

11Project on drafting.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                              1. Correct and finish their practical on drafting the following patterns;                                                          i. Front and back bodice block.                                   ii. Front and back skirt-basic block.                                                          iii. Long and short basic sleeve block.1. Individual student makes necessary correction to perfect their work on drifting                        i. Bodice block.                                                                                       ii. Skirt basic block.                                             iii. Short and long sleeve stock                                   2.Studests submit their finished work for marking:1. Communication and collaboration            2. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Creative and imagination                                                       1. Real objects (brown caper, pencil etc.)                                           2. Charts on basic blocks. Site link                                                                                                                                               2.                   Video link                                         

Garment Making Construction Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1Revision of last terms work/resumption testBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 1. Recall the previous topics taught in first term.                                                               2.Participate in the welcome test1. Whole class brain storm actively in the revision of last term’s work.                                                   2. Whole class participate in the welcome test and submit for marking.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                                    1. SSS1 third term examination papers                                                                                     2. Student’s notebook.
2Drafting of shirt block patternBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                          1.Write materials needed for drawing shirt block.                                                                2. Recognise parts of body measurement required for drawing skirt block.                                                                                                   3. Discuss method of drawing front and back skirt block.                                                                                                          4. Sketch and draft shirt block using flat method.1. Students share ideas on materials needed for drawing shirt block and discuss method of drafting shirt block.                                                                                     2. Student in pairs take body measurement required for drawing skirt block.                                                                 3. Individual student uses their body measurement to draft shift block using flat method                                                  4. Students submit their work for correction Critical thinking and problem solving.                                                                  2. Students leadership and personality development                                                                                                                         3. Communication and collaboration.                                4. Creative and imagination                                                                                                          1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                                                2. Charts on shirt block.                                    Site link                                                                                                      1.                                                                                                      Video link                                                                                                      1.
3Drafting of Tie and shawl collars block patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                          1. Explain term’s used in construction of collar, block patterns.                                                                              2. Differentiate between drafting of the and shawl collars block patterns.                                                                                                      3. Draft tie and shawl collar block patterns using flat method.1.Whole.class discussion on term’s used in construction of collar patterns                                                             2. Individual students use their bodice block front and back neck to draft tie and shawl collar block patterns using method.                                                          3. Small group discussion to differentiate between drifting of tie and shawl collar block patterns, (practical work)1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Creative and imagination                                                       3. Communication and collaboration           1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                                          2. Bodice basic block pattern                                                         Site link                                                                               1.                                                                                                            2.                         Video link                                                                   1.                                                                                  2.

4Drafting of pockets block patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                          1. Discuss the term’s pocket and types of pocket fix on our garment. E.g. patch pockets, bound pockets, set-in-seam pockets etc.                                                                   2. Examine the uses of pockets Eg. to show kill for decoration, to keep flat things etc                                                                     3. Analyse different methods for drafting pocket block patterns used on their garment                                                                                                           4. Drafted patch pocket block are pocket set in-seams for their garment1. Whole class brain storm on types of pocket fixed on our garment                                                                              2. Students copy short note on drafting of pocket block pattern.                                                                        3. Individual students draft patch pocket block and pocket set-in seam block bodice pattern.                                                   4. Students submit their drafted pattern for correction.1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Creative and imagination                                                       3. Communication and collaboration           1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc)                                                    2. Charts on pocket                                      Site link                                                                                                                                                                              3.                                                                         Video link                                                                                      4.
5Drafting of cuffs block patternBy the end of the lesson, students should or able to:                                                     1. Identify the term “cuffs” and the types on our garment. E.g. Straight cuff and shaped cuff.                                                                                                  2. Analyse functions of cuffs1, Students in small groups recognise cuffs and discuss on types of cuffs seen on peoples garment.                                                                    2. Individual student form note on functions and method of making cuffs on garment.                              3. Individual students follows the                                                   1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Creative and imagination                                                       3. Communication and collaboration           1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                                         2. Pictures on cuffs                                                                                      Site link                                                                    3.              

3. Draft cuffs block patterns for their garment during construction.method of drafting cuffs to draft their block bodice patterns.                                                        4. Students submit drafted patterns for correction.Video link                                                                                                      4. 
6Drafting of waist band and belts blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                1. Analyse different types of waist band and belts attached en our garment. E.g. tie belt, miter belt, plain belt etc.                                                                           2. Discuss uses of waist band aid belts on our garment E.g to decorate, show skill, enhance waistline etc.                                                                  3. Draft waist band.9nd belts block patterns using flat method.1. Small group discussion on type and uses of waist band and baits attach on garment                                                              2. Individual student uses fist method to draft waist band and belts block patterns to accompany their drafted bodice and skirt patterns.1. Communication and collaboration            2. Critical thinking and problem solving                                                 3. Creative and imagination                                                      1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                                                                                           2. Charts on band and belts                                                    Site link                                                                                           1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2.             Video link                                                           1.                                               
8Drafting of basic trouser block patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                             1. Take and write correct body measurement for drafting basic trouser block E.g. waist, hip, crotch, trouser length etc. and materials required for drafting trouser.                                                                                       2. Analyse how to Draft front and back basic trouser block patterns.                                                                                                               3. Draft front and back basic trouser block patterns.1. Small group discussion on correct body measurement for drafting basic trouser block patterns.                                        2. Student in pairs takes their body measurement for drafting b5sic trouser block pattern.                                                                  3. Individual student uses their body measurement to draft front and back basic trouser block patterns.                                                            4. Students submit their drafted patterns or correction.1. Communication and collaboration            2. Critical thinking and problem solving                                                                            3. Creative and imagination                                                      1. Real objects Brown paper, pencil’ etc.)                          2. Charts on basic trouser block patterns.                                               Site link                                                                        1.                                                         Video link                                                                 

9Adaptation of patterns techniques , Adaptation of blouse pattern using bodice blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                                                       1. Identify the meaning of adaptation, techniques of adaptation and ways of adapting patterns. E.g dart manipulations, dart slashing and spreading                                                      2. Mater ways of stashing and spreading at darts                                                         3. Manipulate darts, slash and spread darts on their drafted block bodice patterns.                                                  4. Select manipulative ways to adapt their bodice block to any styles of their choice                            5. Choose slashing and spreading techniques to adapt their bodice bock , patterns to their choice of style1. Whole class brain stone on meaning of adaptation, techniques of adaptation and ways of adapting their patterns.                                    2. Individual student manipulates darts, slash and spread darts their drafted basic block patterns.                                                                   3 Students submit their manipulated patterns for correction.                                                                                    1. Creative and imagination              2. Communication and collaboration            3. Critical thinking and problem solving         1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil, French curve etc.)                                       2. Basic bodice pattern.                          Site link                                                                        1.                                                          2.                                            Video link                                                                                                     1.                                                                                                     2.                      


10(a) Basic concepts of entrepreneurship                                      (b) Entrepreneurship education           (c). Qualities of an entrepreneur (d). Importance of entrepreneurship1. explain the term entrepreneurship                                            2. examine -the concept entrepreneurship education critically                                                                                                              3. Outline the importance of entrepreneurship                                                4. analyse the qualities of an entrepreneurship1. Whole class brain discussion on the meaning of a entrepreneurship                                                         2. Student in small groups discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class                                                       3. Students1 as a class, discuss the importance of entrepreneurship                                                                                                                                         4. Students in the same groups critically analyse the qualities of an entrepreneurship1. Communication and collaboration            2. Critical thinking and problem solving                                                                                                          3. Leadership and Personality                                           >                                    Charts                                              Pictures                                                              

Garment Making Construction Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1Revision of last terms work/resumption testBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 1. Recall the previous topics taught in second term.                                                               2.Participate in the welcome test1. Whole class brain storm on the revision of last term work.                                                   2. Whole class participate in the welcome test and submit for marking.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                                    1. Second term examination papers                                                        2. Students notebook
2Adaptation of gown pattern using the blouse patterns or bodice blockBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                 1. Assemble blouse patterns or bodice blocks to adapt gown patterns                                                                   2. Demonstrate on adaptation of gown patterns using adaptation techniques                                                                3. Adapts gown patterns for Themselves correctly1. Whole class think pairs and share ideas on assemble their blouse patterns or bodice blocks to adapt gown patterns                                                           2. Individual student follows the techniques of patterns adaptation to adapt gown patterns of their choice1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                                        2. Charts on front and back bodice block (Brown paper pencil etc.)                                                            Site link                                                        1. Video link                                                                    1.

3Adaptation of shirt patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:          1. Describe the techniques of pattern adaptation on shirt and materials required for shirt adaptation                                                                            2.Work on shirt adaptation using shirt (ran and back block patterns                                                       3. Make shirt styles for themselves using shirt blocks pattern correctly.                       1 Students in small groups explain the techniques for patterns adaptation on shirt and itemize the materials required for adaptation                               2. Students in pairs work on shirt adaptation patterns by arranging the shirt blocks for correctly.                                 3. Individual student create shirt styles of their choice using shirt blocks for correction..1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc)                                         2. Charts on front and back shirt block pattern                                      Site link                                                                                                                                     1.  2.              Video link                                                                      1.
4Adaptation of sleeves patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:          1. Analyse the techniques of patterns adaptation on long and short sleeves eg puff set in sleeve                                                        2. Assemble short sleeve blocks long sleeve blocks and bodice blocks to adept short and long sleeve patterns.                                               3. Work on short and long sleeve patterns using pattern adaptation techniques              I Whole class analyse the techniques of patterns adaptation on short and long sleeve E.g puff sleeve and set in sleeve                                                          2. Small groups work on arrangement of short, long and bodice block to adapt short and long sleeve patterns.                                               3. Individual students adapts short end long sleeve patterns that will fix into their bodice block adaptation patterns.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc)                                             2. Long and short sleeve block                                                        3. Bodice block pattern                          Site link                                                1. Video link                                                                      1.

5Adaptation of collars patternsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:          1. Explain the techniques of1. Whole class brain discussion on adaptation of collars patterns and the techniques to use.                                                  1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                               1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc)                                             2. Collar basic block                                                  


pattern adaptation on collars.  
2.Choose the techniques to adapt collars block corrective                                                                                             3.Adapt collars from the neck line of their shirts block or blouse block patterns.
2. Class works on arrangement   of shirts patterns or blouse patterns tar adaptation of collars.                                                                                              3. Individual student uses their shirts or blouse patterns to adapt any collars that will fix into their style patterns.2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             Site link                                                     1.                        Video link                                                                                               1.
6Practical construction of blouse arid shirt or unit method of sewing or application of unit method and basic sewingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                    1. Outline the writ methods and application of sewing.                                              2. Select and describe the basic sewing processes in making their blouses and shirts.                                                  3. Construct blouses and shirts styles adapted.1. Whole class discussion on practical construction of blouse and shirt styles.                                                            2. Individual student works on the construction of blouse and shirt using the adapted patterns styles.                                                 3. Press, label and package the finished garment neatly and submit.                                                                4. Individual strident mode their finished work. (practical work)1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc.)                                           2. Adapted blouse or shirt pattern, sleeves, collars etc                                                                              Site link                                                                                      1.–draft-a-shirt-sloper-or-block/                                                    2.                                                       Video link                                    1.                                                     2.
8Adaptation of skirt patterns. E.g (four gore skirt Circular skirt and yoke skirt and flared skirtBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                   1. Discuss techniques of skirt patterns adaptation                                            2. Explain the adaptation of skirt styles from the basic skirt blocks to four gore and flare skirt using their patterns.                                                                   3. Draft the adaptation of four gore skirt and flared skirt with their block patterns correctly.                                                                                                    4. Draft adaptation of circular and yoke skirt using their skirt block patterns.1. Students in small groups discuss adaptation of skirt patterns into four gore and flared skirt using any of the adaptation techniques patterns method.                                                          2. Individual student adapts four gore skirt or flared skirt from their skirt block patterns.  3. Students justify the differences between the adaption of circular and yoke skirt patterns.                                                   4. Individual student adapts circular or yoke skirt with their basic drafted patterns.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                2. Communication and collaboration.                 3. Creative and imagination             1. Real objects (Brown paper pencil etc.)                                           2. Skirt block pattern                         Site link                                                                                                                   1.                                                                                                                       2.                                                                                                              Video link                                                                                                                                                                                1.                                             2. 3.                                                                                                                                      4.
9Basic concepts of marketing.                       (a) Meaning of marketing                                  (b) Methods of marketing                            (c) Importance of marketing                                                         (d) marketing/ distribution channel chart.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                   1. describe the term marketing                                        2. examine the methods of marketing                                                                                                                                           3. analyse the importance of marketing1. Students, as class, brainstorm on the term marketing.                                2. Whole class discussion on the different methods of marketing                                                        GARMENT MAKING CONSTRUCTION     3. Small group discussion on why marketing is important                         4. Small groups activities on chariot distribution channels of marketing.– Communication and collaboration           – Critical thinking and Problem solving                              – Leadership and Personal development                                – Creativity and Imagination.                                                  pictures                                          chart

10– Marketing continued                        (a) Product Branding.                                 (b) Product Packaging                                           (c) Costing                                       (d) PricingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:          1. Highlight the factors to be considered product price tag;                      2. distinguish between the term packaging & branding                                    3. develop at feasibility study or setting-up a profitable business or a production unit;                                4. creatively design a befitting package for their products.                        1. Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product & branding                                    2. Students, in pairs, discuss the differences between packaging branding,                                                    3. Students, in small groups present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (Group project).                                                                 4. Students, in the same groups produce or come up with befitting packages for their products,– Communication and collaboration           – Critical thinking and Problem solving                              – Leadership and Personal development                                – Creativity and Imagination.Branded products           Packaged products                                      Pictures                                                                             Charts                                                                                      >blog                                                              

11Adaptation of trouser style from the trouser blocks NOTE                           Project on sewing of skirt/ trouserBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:          1. Apply the techniques on adaptation of trouser block to different trouser styles. E.g. flared trouser, bell-bottom trouser, baggy trouser etc.                          2. Describe the differences between the trouser adaptation styles.                                                               3. Draft flared trouser, bell-bottom trouser and baggy trouser from the trouser blog patterns1. Whole class discussion on adaptation of trouser styles from the trouser blocks.                              2. Individual student works on the adaptation of flared baggy and bell trouser using trouser blocks.                                                                         2. Individual student adapts any the trouser styles using their trouser block patterns.1. Critical thinking and problem solving.                                 2. Creative and imagination.                         3. Communication and collaboration.1. Real objects (Brown paper, pencil etc.)                        2. Trouser block front and back                                              Site link                                                                                                                3.  Video link                           1.  


At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:

1. Analyse disposal of fullness in garment e.g. Dart, Pleats, tucks, gathers, smoking etc

2. Choose and make edge finishing on garment

3. Recognise pattern making symbols with their meaning

4. Make body measurement with the right tools

5. Draft skirt block and sleeve block

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