Furniture Making Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Furniture Making Scheme of work
Furniture Making Scheme of work

Access free Senior Secondary School Furniture Making Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus Lagos State –

SSS1 Furniture Making Scheme of Work First Term

1Workshop safety; Rules and regulationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                  1. state the sources workshop accident:                                                                  2. state the general safety rules and regulations in The Furniture workshop:                                                      3. describe safe working conditions and techniques;                                             4.bemonstrate appropriate safety habits in the future workshopI. Students are to list types of workshop safety• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Posters/Charts Video clips and software                                   B. WEB RESOURCES
2Personal safety: Personal Protective, Equipment (PPE)and Personal Safety HabitBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        1. Define Personal safety                            2. Identify OPE wears                                                      3. Define Personal Safety Habits                                                     4. Outline Personal Safety Hand at woodwork placeStudents are to sketch different safety equipment on a card board• Communication and collaboration.                      â€¢ Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Posters and Charts                               B. WEB RESOURCES

3Hand tools Geometrical Percussion and Impelling Holding and Supporting Cutting toolsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                   1. Define hand tools.                               2. Classify cutting tools into four (4) classes.                                              3. explain Geometrical tools c..            4. List (6) six Geometrical tool                          5. Sketch two (2) Geometric tool                   6. State the uses of Geometrical tools listedStudents are grouped to identify drawing, sketch on a card board to suit each group.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES  Real hand tools for demonstration e.g. Try square, tape rule, pencil                                      B. WEB RESOURCES
4Hand toolsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:                                                    1. Holding and Supporting tools/Percussion and impelling tools 2.ldentify tools in the class of holding and supporting tools                                             3. State the uses of tools Identified                4. Identify percussion and impelling tool                                                                5. State the uses of tools– Student in small groups according to tools classification and ask them to sketch.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL REOURCES                        Real tools for demonstration.                     F cramp, G Cramp bench stopper etc. hammer, pincers, mallet etc.                     B. WEB RESOURCES

5Cutting tools Boring cutting toolsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:                                      1.define Boring cutting tools                                        2. list and explain the uses of boring tools,                                                    3. sketch boring tools.                             4.display tools classified under boring outing tools.                             5. identify the tools and state Their usesStudents ass class to sketch impelling tools on a cardboard• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                           Scraper, Ripsaw, tendon saw, smoothing plane, chisel etc                                  Real tools for demonstration                                                                                                                                                 B. WEB RESOURCES https://en.m.wikipediaorg 
6Cutting tools            a. scraping andBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                              Students ass class to sketch impelling• Communication and collaboration.                     A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES


 abrading cutting tools.               b. shaving and pouring cutting tools1. Define scraping’ and abrading tools                                                       2. identify and list the tools                              3. state the uses of tools Listed                           4. define the term scraping tools                         5. paring cutting tools                                     6. identify the tools                                           7. list and explain their usestools on a cardboard• Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.Scraper, Ripsaw, tendon saw, smoothing plane, chisel etc                                   Real tools for demonstration                              B. WEB RESOURCES https://en.m.wikipediaorg.  https://en.m.wikipediaorg/wiki/workbench-woodsworking   

8Wood work bench and applianceBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                            1. sketch and label wood work bench 2. state the uses of workbench and functions of the parts                                          3. list workbench appliance and states their uses                                    4. sketch applianceStudents as individuals to sketch a workshop bench and label it parts• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                Wood work bench and appliance                                         B. WEB RESOURCES  
9Multipurpose tools, special purpose tools         1. Plough plane. 2. Spoke shave rebate and router planeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                            1. Define multipurpose and special purpose and tools                                              2 identify the tool displayed                                  3 State the uses of the took,,Students as a class draw/sketch according to their groups.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Demonstrate the real tools, plough plane, spoke shave and rebate plane                                       B. WEB RESOURCES
10Woodwork MachineBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to                                1. Identify machine tools and their important safety device for each machine listed.Students in small groups identify different woodwork machine in the workshop• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUD1O VISUAL RESOURCES                           Real machine for demonstration State device used on machine and the precaution to be observed when using the machine        B. WEB RESOURCES
11Woodwork portable power toolsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                            1. Identify portable power tools used in woodwork.                                                  2. uses of identified tools portable power tools the precautions to be observe when operating themStudents in small groups states portable power tools used in woodwork shop• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         â€¢ Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                            Portable power tools/machines drilling e.g Jig saw, drilling machine Router                                                          B. WEB RESOURCES
12Field TripField trip to woodwork/industry where the machine are usedObserve machine in operation A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                          Wood Work Industry           B WEB RESOURCES

Furniture Making Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

2Seasoning of timberBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                  1. define timber Seasoning                             2. State the reason for seasoning.                   3. list the method of seasoning                                  4. sketch two Seasoning                                 5. compare and contrast the two common seasoningstudents in small groups                                   Students are to mention types of seasoning and draw them• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                         Posters and charts of woo B. WEB RESOURCES
3Defect in Timber growth defectBy the end of Be lesson, student should be able-to:                                          1. define defect in Timber                                      2. list different defect that occur in timber during growth                                             3. sketch the growth defect in timberStudents as a class around the school premises to see defect in growing• Communication and collaboration.                      â€¢ Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURSES                         Charts and video clips                   B. WEB RESOURCES
4Defect in Timber                              i. grain defect              ii. seasoning defect                           iii. conversion defectBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:                                            1. Identify defects that occur during seasoning                                                    2. Identity defect that occur during conversion sketch three                                     3. point out defect that occur during seasoning sketch four and real woodStudents are ask to state different types of defect they know.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISJAL RESOURCES                                                   Posters and chart of decay woods                                             B. WEB RESOORCES

5Defect in Timber Defect caused by insectsBy the end of the lesson student should be able to:                                   1. Identify defect caused by insects.                                    2. List the defect caused by insect and fungi                                                                    3. sketch the defect and name the harmful insectsstudents as a class to timber storage store and laboratory to see different insects• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                      Decay woods and video clips                                             B. WEB RESOURCES
6Preservation of timberBy The end of the lesson, student should be able to:                                          1. define preservation                                    2. list different types preservation                           3. state reason for preservation                     4. demonstrate methods of preservationStudents as a class mention different preservatives chemicals they know• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISJAL RESOURCES                                                   Posters and chart of decay woods                                             B. WEB RESOORCES

8Timber preservativesBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:                                            1. Define preservative                                 2. state reasons for preserving timber    3. list three types of preservatives             4. state the characteristics of a good preservatives                                                    5. select the method of applying preservativesStudents as a class mention different preservatives chemicals they know• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A.AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                                      Spraying machine B. WEB RESOURCES

9Felling of woodBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:                                     1. explain wood felling                                                  2. identify reasons why wood roust be milled as soon as possible after felling                                                               3. list the machine used for felling– visit wood plantation i.e a forestation farm in Ogun state or. Ondo state• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                         Posters and chart or video clips                                                          B. WEB RESOURCES   
10Conversion of timberBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:                                         1. define conversion of timber                         2. list and explain the three methods of conversion                                                3. state reason for converting timber â€¢ Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                      Posters, chart and Okobaba Timber Conversion Mill             B. WEB RESOURCES
11Revision and test    
12& 13Examination    

Furniture Making Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

2Wood MachineBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                  1. list types of mood machines         2. state the satisfy precautions guiding different machines operation                                                           3.demonstrate the use of the machine.students in small groups                                   operational question about every machine available in the workshop i.e their functions• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                         Machines, posters and charts or machine magazine                           B. WEB RESOURCES
3Potable Power ToolsBy the end of the lesson, at dents should be able to:                                        1. Name and identify portable power tools.                                      2. Describe their uses                                 3. Demonstrate the use of portable power toolsStudents in small groups to use power tools to make design on woods• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                      Portable power tool charts and magazine containing magazines                       B. WEB RESOURCES

4Timber PreparationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Prepare a timber to a given size using the formula FEWTEL                                                                           1. F — First Face                                2. E — First Edge                                     3. W— Width                                           4. T— Thickness                                        5. E— End                                              6. L— Length– Students as a class demonstrate for each of the stages                                      – Give sign• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                      Real object for demonstration                             B. WEB RESOURCES
5Wood Work Joint Classes of wood work joint Widening Joint                                                                       – Framing Joint Ca case JointBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                1. State the three classes of joint               2. Explain framing joints                            3. List different types of framing joint                                                                      4. Sketch two types of jointsStudents as a class list classes of joint and draw them.• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Charts, Postal of types of widening joint                                   B. WEB RESOURCES

6Wood Joint Car case Joint / Housing JointBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                      1. Explain wood joint                                2. List joint under car case joint        3. Sketch joint under car case joint                                                    4. What is housing joint                            5. List joint under housing joint                6. Sketch joints under car case Joint                                                        7-Demonstrate a cabinet to explain the uses of joint and where it is used on a cabinet-Students as a class identify different Carcass Joint with the aid of sketches• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                   A cabinet for demonstration chart or postal showing different car case joints                              B.WEB RESOURCES



8Free Hand SketchingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                          1. Explain basic sketching principles of household furniture                                               2. Sketch common household furniture                                                           3. Demonstrate a cabinet householdStudent in small groups sketch different types of house hold furniture• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                           Charts, Video clips of household furniture B. WEB RESOURCES
9Furniture and Design    Drawing Instruments and their usesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                        1. List the drawing instruments used by furniture designer                                         2. Drawing board, Tee Square, Set Square (450500) sets, French curves        3. Explain their uses                                                4. Demonstrate how paper is fixed to a drawing board                                     5. Demonstrate how to prepare a border line and title blocks                                             6. Demonstrate the uses of the set and are respectiveStudent in small groups get paper on a drawing board and draw border lines• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A. AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES                              Drawing board                          Tee square                               Drawing set                                        Set square B. WEB RESOURCES

10Produce the working drawing of a drinking stoolBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:                                         1. Prepare the members of the stool               
2. Mark out the joint           
  3.Cut out the joints                                                     4. Assemble the parts temporarily        5. Glue and cramp parts together
Students in small groups produce drawing of a drinking stool,• Communication and collaboration.                      • Leadership and personal                         • Critical thinking and problem solving.                              • Creativity and imagination.A, AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES A working drawing of a drinking stool , drinking stool for demonstration B. WEB RESOURCES
11Revision &Test.   `
12 & 13Examination    

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