Access free Unified Food and Nutrition Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State –Schemeofwork
SSS2 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work First Term
1 | Meat Cookery | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain meat and list types of meat Describe the structure of Meat Discuss the Nutritive value of Meat Enumerate the Factors affecting the choice of Meat Justify the methods of cooking Meat and Meat dishes | Whole class discussion on meat, types and structure of meat Think, pair and share on nutritive value of meat and factors affecting the choice of meat Small group discussion on methods of cooking meat and meat dishes and the leader present the results for others to learn Students are to broaden their knowledge on meat by studying the contents of the link: https://www.slideshare:net/anasomoray/meat-meat-cookery-13924002 | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy | Chart showing the diagram of well labeled cow |
2 | Poultry | By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Explain Poultry with examples and the Structure of poultry Demonstrate the Preparation of Poultry Discuss the Nutritive Value of Poultry factors to consider when choosing Highlight factors to consider when choosing Poultry Justify the methods if cooking Poultry dishes | Whole class brain storming on poultry, examples and structure of poultry Small groups to demonstrate the preparation of poultry and discuss its nutritive value Whole class discussion on factors to consider when choosing poultry Think, pair and share on methods of cooking poultry and poultry dishes. | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Chart showing a diagram of a Fowl. |
3 | Eggs | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain eggs, its uses and nutritional valueDiscuss how to test for the freshness of an eggAnalyze the structure of an egg Justify the methods of cooking eggs and egg dishes | Whole class discussion on eggs and its Nutritional value Small group discussions on the uses of eggs and the leader presents the results for others to learn Whole class brain storming on tests of the freshness of an egg Think, pair and share on methods of cooking eggs and egg dishes | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Creativity and imagination | Charts Showing The Structure Of An Egg (Well Labelled). 5 Raw Eggs, Salts, Water, Bowl, Light Bulb. Https://, is%20found%20yolk. https:/ |
4 | Milk and Milk Products | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Milk and Milk products Identify different types of |Milk and Milk Discuss the nutritive value of milk Highlight different methods of preserving Milk and Milk Products. Identify milk dishes | Whole class brainstorming on milk, types of milk and milk products. Small group discussion on nutritive value of milk Think, pair and share on different methods of preserving milk and milk product Whole class discussion on milk dishes | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development | Different types of Milk e.g. Evaporated Milk, powdered milk, Yoghurt, Cheese |
5 | Sea-Foods | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Sea-Foods. Classify types of Fish Highlight the nutritive ValueEnumerate factors to be considered when choosing sea-foods Justify methods of cooking fishes | Whole class discussion on food additives Small group work on classification of food additives into Natural and Artificial additives Whole class discussion on the uses of food additives Gallery work on Natural and Artificial food additives. Small group discussion on methods of cooking fish and fish dishes. | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Creativity and Imagination | Samples of Condiments and Seasonings e.g. Onion, Curry, Thyme, Locus Beans etc. |
6 | Food additives | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain food additive with examples e.g. Flavoring, Herbs, Spices and Colouring.Classify Food additives into Local and Foreign Highlight the uses of Food additives in Cookery and put into albums or cardboard and should be well labeled | Whole class discussion on definition of Cereals Small group discussion on structure of cereals Individual drawing of Cereals Small group discussion on nutritive value of cereals and the leaders presents the results for others to learn Whole class discussion on processing of cereals and methods of cooking cereals Whole class discussion on the importance of cereals in the diet | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Citizenship Leadership skills and personal development | Raw samples of various types of Cereals e.g. Rice, Corn, Wheat, Guinea Corn, millet etc. Diagram on Cereal>wiki>Cereals |
7 | Mid-Term Break | ||||
8 | Practical on Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Milk, Sea-Foods and Food additives | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Prepare and serve different dishes on Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Milk, and Sea-Foods, Make use of Food additives in preparing the dishes | Students participating in group practical on preparation of dishes on meat, poultry eggs, milk and sea food while – making use of food additives | Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Citizenship | Raw ingredients for practical on Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Milk, Sea – Foods and Food additives |
9 | Starchy Roots and Plantain | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain starchy roots and Plantain,Enumerate the different types of Starchy Roots and the nutritive value Discuss the different types of Plantain and their nutritive value Highlight the different types of dishes made from Plantain. | Whole class discussion on starchy roots and plantain Small group discussion on the different types of starchy roots and types of Starchy roots and the nutritive value Think, pair and share on dishes made of plantain Students learn more on starchy roots and plantain using following link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy | Raw food samples of starchy roots and Plantain |
10 | Practical on Starchy Roots and Plantain | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Prepare and serve dishes on Starchy roots and Plantain e.g. unripe plantain powder meal, unripe pottage, Yam Pottage, Fufu, Dundu | Group practical work on preparation of dishes on starchy roots and plantain | Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Raw Ingredients For The Pratical E.G. Unripe Plantain Powder, Yam, etc |
11 | Time Management in Food preparation | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of Time management and the advantages of Time management Highlight the Principles guiding the effective use of time e.g. dovetailing Enumerate the steps in making Time Plan. Prepare a time Plan for different cooking duties | Whole class brainstorming on time management and its advantages Whole class discussion on principles guiding the effective use of time and steps in making time plans Group work on time plan for different cooking duties Students study more on the topic using this link: | . Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy | Wall clock. Chart showing drawing of Time saving devices. Chart stating guidelines for Time management |
12 | Revision | ||||
13 | Examination |
Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
1 | Welcome Test/Energy Management in Food preparation | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Answer questions given to them from the previous topics taught Explain the meaning of Energy Management Discuss the advantages of Energy management Highlight the Principles guiding the effective use of Energy Enumerate the Steps in managing energy in Cookery Justify the meaning of Fatigue | Individual participation in welcome test Whole class discussion on energy and energy management Small group discussion on advantages of energy management and the leader presents the results for others to learn Whole class discussion on principles guiding the effective use of energy and also the steps in managing energy in cookery Whole class discussion on fatigue | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Past questions Kitchen tools and Labour Saving Devices e.g. Tray, Blender, Microwave Oven, etc.… Uses, – electiopn-Care-2151/#:~:text=Labour%20saving%20devices%20are%20the,and%20energy%20ofhomemaker.&text=1.,the%20drudenergy%20of%20the%20homaker |
2 | Kitchen Equipment and utensils | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term: kitchen equipment Identify kitchen equipment for various taskClassify Kitchen equipment according to their types Analyze the Selection, uses, care and storage of Large and Small | Whole class discussion on kitchen equipment Small group discussion on types of kitchen equipment used for various tasks Whole class discussion of classification of kitchen equipment according to their types Small group discussion on the selection, uses, care and storage of large and small equipment, fixtures and appliances with pictures/ diagrams | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy | Kitchen Equipment and Utensils Chart showing various kitchen Equipment and Utensils and their uses |
3 | Labour Saving Devices | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Labour Saving DevicesDiscuss the uses of various Labour Saving Devices Discuss the factors to consider when choosing Labour Saving DevicesHighlight the Care and Maintenance of various Labour Saving Devices | Whole class discussion on labour saving devices Small group discussion on various saving devices Whole class discussion on factors to consider when choosing labour saving devices Group work on care and maintenance of various labour saving devices and the leader presents the results for others to learn | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Gallery walk | Various Labour Saving Devices such as blender, mixer etc. Chart showing various Labour Saving Devices and their uses |
4/5 | Special Nutritional Needs Infants and Children Adolescents Adults and AgedPregnant and Lactating Mothers | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain special nutritional needs and identify different age groups in the family Discuss uses of various labour Saving Devices Discuss the factors to consider when choosing Labour Saving DevicesHighlight the Care and Maintenance of various Labour Saving Devices | Whole class discussion on nutritional needs of different age groups in the family Small group discussion on meal planning for different age groups e.g. infants, toddlers etc. Whole class discussion on members of the family with different physiological needs Whole class discussion on meal planning for different physiological stages, e.g. pregnant women, aged, invalids | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy | Food items, Dishes, Cooking Utensils Chart showing samples of planned meal for infants, Children, Adult, Pregnant woman etc. |
6 | Test Interpretation Project on Test interpretation | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Interpret questions correctly Write out the interpretation on any questions given | Whole class discussion on test interpretation Individual work on test interpretation | Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership Skills and personal Development Creativity and Imagination | Samples of cooking questions Samples of test Interpretation |
7 | Mid-Term Break |
8 | a) Flour Cookery b) Flours from local Foodstuffs e.g. Cassava Flour, Soya Bean Flour etc | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term flourDiscuss different types of Flour e.g. Soft Wheat Flour, Composite Flour, etc.Identify the different types of Flour that we can get from Local foodstuff e.g. Cassava, corn, etc Highlight the local flours that we have e.g. Soya Beans Flour, Cassava Flour, and Corn Flour etc. and the quantify the amount to be dishes used with others Enumerate dishes that can be prepared with the locally made flour. | Whole class discussion on flour, cereal, high and low extraction rate Whole class discussion on types of flour e.g. soft wheat flour, composite flour, instant blending flour, etc Small group discussion on different types of flour that we can get from our local food stuffs like cassava, soya beans flour etc. and dishes that can be prepared with our locally made flour and the leader presents the write ups for others to learn | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Various types of Flour e.g. Wheat flour Various types of Flour from Local foodstuff e.g. Rice Flour, Corn flour, Yam flour,phoshorus%2C%20copper%2C%20and%20folate |
9 | Raising Agents | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term Raising Agents Identify the different types of Raising Agents e.g. Yeast, Air, Streams etc.Evaluate the Composition of each types of Raising Agents | Whole class discussion on raising agents Small group discussion on different types of raising agents e.g. yeast Whole class discussion on the composition of each type of raising agent Students are to broaden their knowledge on the topic by studying the contents of the link; | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy | Samples of Raising agents e.g. Baking Powder, Yeast, Egg, etc;~:TEXT=BAKING%20POWER,make%20quick%20bread%20without%20yeat |
10 | Flour Mixture | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term Flour Mixture Discuss various ways of incorporating fats into flour mixtures: rubbing-in, melting, creaming and whisking methods.Identify different products made from Flour/ Flour Mixture e.g. Batter, Cake, Pudding, Pastries, Bread, etc. | Whole class discussion on flour mixture Whole class discussion on different ways of incorporating fats into flour mixtures Small group discussion on different flour products and method used in incorporating fats. For example: cake – creaming method Students are to broaden their knowledge on the topic by watching this video link: | Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Critical Thinking and problem solving Digital literacy | Samples of various types of Flour products e.g. Cake, Doughnut, Pastries, and Puddings etc. |
11 | Practical on Flour Cookery and Cake Decoration | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Prepare dishes made from Flour e.g. Pastry, Bread, Cakes, Flour, Chips and Meat envelopment (Pie) etc. Decorate cake | Whole class practical work on the preparation of flour dishes e.g. pastry, flour chips and meat envelop (meat pie) Whole class practical work on baking and decoration of cakes Students are to go online to study more about the topic using these links: | . Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy | Ingredient for making Flour products e.g. Flour chips, Cakes, Bread, etc Ingredient and materials for Cake decoration |
12 | Revision | ||||
13 | Examination |
Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
01 | Welcome Test/Convenience Foods | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Answer questions given to them from the previous topics taught last term Explain the term: Convenience foods, its uses and forms of convenience foods with examples Highlight the factors to consider when selecting convenience foods and canned foods Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods Enumerate dishes that can be prepared using convenience foods | Individual participation in the welcome test Whole class discussion on convenience foods, uses and forms Small group work on factors to consider when selecting convenience foods and the leader presents the results for other to learn Whole class discussion on advantages and disadvantages of continence foods Whole class discussion on dishes that can be prepared using convenience foods | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Past questions Samples of Convenience foods, e.g. Frozen foods, Packed foods, Dehydrated foods etc. |
2 | Preservation of Foods | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of Food Spoilage Identify the Causes and Agents of Food Spoilage Discussion the meaning and importance of Food preservation Justify the Principles underlining Food Preservation | Whole class discussion on food spoilage, causes and agents of food spoilage Small group discussion and presentation on food preservation and principles of food preservation | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Freezers, Oven, Refrigerators, Tray, Wire Gauze etc. |
3 | Methods of Preservation of Foods | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the various methods of Food Preservation | Whole class discussion on methods of food preservation Small group discussion and presentation on methods of food preservation by the leader for others to learn | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development | Freezers, Oven, Refrigerators, Tray, Wire Gauze etc. |
4 | Food Storage | By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Explain the term: food storage and its importance Discuss various ways by which perishable and non – perishable foods may be storedIdentify storage spaces and equipment e.g. refrigerator, Deep freezer, Barns, Granaries, Cupboards, Plastic containers etc. | Whole class discussion on food storage and its importance Small group discussion on the storage of perishable and non perishable foods Project work for students on food storage, space and equipment by using diagrams to illustrate Students are to go online to study more about the topic using this link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy | Tins, Plastics, Oven, etc. |
5 | Practical on Convenience Foods and Storage of Foods | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Prepare and serve dishes making use of Convenience Foods. Use different methods of Preserving Food e.g. Drying, Smoking, Salting etc, to preserve foods | Whole class practical work on dishes using convenience foods Small group project using different methods of persevation of food and the leader presents write ups for others to learn. | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Gallery walk | Practical ingredients |
6 | Budgeting: Food Budget | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Account for how they spend their weekly pocket money Explain the following terms Budgeting Income – Gross, Net Expenditure Family needs – Primary and Secondary Food Budget Discuss factors influencing budgeting and factors to consider when budgeting for food | Individual narration on how their stipends are being spent Whole class discussion on budgeting, income, expenditure, family needs and food budgeting Small group discussion on factors influencing budgeting and factors to consider when budgeting for food and the leader presents the results for others to learn Students are to go online to study more on budget using this link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy Citizenship | Charts showing the family budget and food budget |
7 | Mid-Term Break | ||||
8 | Food Purchasing b) Project on Shopping list | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the following terms: Bulk Purchasing Piece – Meal Impulse buying Shopping list Petty Cash Discuss the factors to consider before embarking on Bulk Purchasing Highlight the Advantages and Disadvantages of:Bulk Purchasing Piece – Meal Purchasing Prepare a Food Shopping List | Whole class discussion on bulk purchasing piece meal, impulse buying, shopping list and petty cash Whole class discussions on factors to consider during bulk purchasing Individual student prepares a shopping list using a given amount | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Creativity and Imagination | Diagram showing the shopping list of a Family |
9 | Consumer Education | By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Explain the meaning and principles of consumer education Identify consumer agents Justify the duties of Consumer agents | Whole class discussion on meaning and principles of consumer education Small group work on consumer agents and their duties. The leader presents the results for others to learn. Students learn more on Consumer Education using this link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy | A chart showing distribution network |
10 | Consumer Education (II) | By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Enumerate Government Agencies related to Consumer Education e.g. NAFDAC, SON, WHO, etc. Discuss the function of FCCPC – Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (2018).Justify the Consumers Practices e.g. Adulteration,Misbranding,Falsification etc. | Whole class discussion on Government agencies related to consumer education and their function Whole class discussion on FCCPC Small group work on consumer practices e.g. adulteration, misbranding etc. The leader presents the write ups for others to learn Students learn more on the topic using this link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy | Cut out of photographs of criminals in handcuff |
11 | Rechauffe | By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Explain the term: rechauffe Discuss the importance of using left over foods Enumerate methods and principles of preserving left – over foods Analyze some rechauffe dishes | Whole class discussion on rechauffe and importance using of leftover foods Students involvement on methods and principles of preserving leftover foods Whole class discussion on guideline to follow when using leftover foods Students learn more on rechauffe using this link: | Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership Skills and personal Development Digital literacy | Cut out photographs of displayed left-over foods |
12 | Revision | ||||
13 | Examination |
Achievement standards
At the end of the session, students are able to:
- Explain the important of food nutrient to the body
- Plan good meals for the family
- Differentiate between modern and traditional kitchen also safety in kitchen
- Identify different methods of cooking
- Analysis vegetable, legumes, fruits and cereals
- Highlight beverages and special diets
- Prepare foreign and traditional dishes
- Interpret cooking test and set a well-balanced meal