Introduction to Foods and Nutrition Definition of terms: Foods, nutrition, nutrients, health and balanced meal Importance of studying Foods and Nutrition in our society
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Foods and Nutrition as a subject Discuss the following terms: Foods, nutrition, nutrients, health and balanced meal iii. justify the importance of studying Foods and Nutrition in our society
Whole class discussion on definition of foods and Nutrition Class discussion on definition of terms using food charts and food brought by students Small group discussion on importance of studying Foods and Nutrition in our society and the leader of each group presents their write ups for other groups to learn.
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Citizenship Leadership skills and personal development
a) Human Nutrition b) Relationship between foods and Nutrition and other subjects
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term Human Nutrition Discuss the importance of Human Nutrition e.g. maintenance of good health etc. Classify the factors affecting Human Nutrition e.g. availability of food, income, storage facilities. Justify the relationship between Foods and Nutrition and other subject
Whole class discussion on human nutrition  Class discussion on importance of human nutrition.  Small group discussion on relationship between foods and nutrition and other subjects and the leader of each group presents their results for others to learn.  1) Students learn more on human nutrition by watching this video clip:>watchhumannutrition
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
1) Charts showing nourished individuals 2) Pictures of malnourished individuals 3) People around the such as teachers and students 4) https://www.>watchhumannutrition
Careers in Foods and Nutrition Project – Making of an apron/cap or scarf
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i) Highlight Careers in Foods and Nutrition e.g. teaching, Dietetics, Food Science and Technology, Community Nutritionist, Clinical Nutrition, Food Research and Development Hotel and Catering Management, Hospitality and Tourism ii) Analyse factors that influence Career choices e.g. Peer group, interest, Background, Parental Influence etc. iii) Discuss the characteristics required for Foods and Nutrition Careers
Short roleplay by students on careers in Foods and Nutrition  Whole class discussion on factors that influence career choices  Individual project on making of apron and cap or scarf  Students learn more on careers in Foods and Nutrition by this link:>nutrition
Citizenship Communication and Collaboration Creativity and Imagination Digital Literacy
Charts showing different careers in Foods and Nutrition e.g. Food Dieticians Caterers, Teachers, Food Scientist, Hotel Manager etc Resource Persons 1 yard of while China fabric, needle and thread>nutrition
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Carbohydrates under the following headings; Component elements Classification FunctionsFood sourcesSymptoms of dietary deficiencies
Whole class discussions on components elements of carbohydrates Whole class discussion on classification of Carbohydrates Small group discussion on food courses, functions and dietary deficiencies Carbohydrates and the leader presents the results for other to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Raw food sources and charts showing Food sources and deficiencies diseases of Carbohydrates>article>watchcarbohydrates
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discuss the Component elements and the formula for proteins Classify proteins into: Animal and vegetable proteins with examples. Explain the functions of proteins Identify food sources Describe the symptoms o fits dietary deficiencies
Whole class discussion on component elements of protein and classification. Small group discussion on food sources, functions and symptoms of dietary deficiency of proteins and the leader presents results for others to learn. Students learn more on proteins by watching this video clip:>watch-proteins
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
Raw food sources and charts showing Food sources and deficiencies diseases of proteins:>watch-proteins
Fats and Oils
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discuss the component elements of Fat and Oil Distinguish between Fats and Oils Explain functions of Fats and Oils Identify the Food sources of Fats and Oils – Animal and Plant sources Describe the symptoms of fits dietary deficiencies
Whole Class Discussion On Components Element Of Fats And Oils and the differences between Fats and Oils Small group discussion on functions, food sources and dietary deficiencies of Fats and Oils. The leader presents the results for others to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Raw Food sources and charts showing Food sources and deficiencies diseases of Fats & Oil>watchfats&oils
Open Day and Mid – Term Break
By the end of the lesson; students should be to: Classify vitamins into: water and Fat soluble Vitamins with examples Identify Vitamins with their chemical names Discuss the functions of each Vitamins State the Food sources of each Vitamins Analyse the symptoms of dietary deficiencies of each Vitamins
Whole class discussion on components and classification of Vitamins Whole class recitation of the chemical names of each type of vitamins Small group discussion on the functions, food sources and dietary deficiencies of each type of vitamins. The leader of each group presents results for others to learn Students learn more on Vitamins by watching this video clip:>watchvitamins
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
Raw Food sources and charts showing Food sources and deficiencies of Vitamins>watchvitamins
Mineral Salts
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Classify mineral elements into macro and micro elements with examples Explain the function of each mineral element Identify the food sources of each mineral element Highlight the symptoms of dietary deficiencies of each mineral element
Whole class discussion on classification of Mineral Salts into Macro and Micro elements Whole class discussion on functions, food sources and symptoms of dietary deficiencies of each mineral element Students learn more on mineral elements by watching this video clip:>watchmineralsalts
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Digital Literacy
Food sources and chart showing food sources of minerals elements: Charts showing different deficiency diseases of mineral elements>watchmineralsalts
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discuss the composition of water in the body Explain the functions of water. Identify sources of water to the body
Whole class discussion on composition and functions of water to the body Small group discussion on the food sources of water to the body and the leader of each group presents the results for others to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Drinking water, fruits, chart showing sources of water to the body>slidesho…foodsthataregoodsourcesofwater
Digestive system
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the following terms: Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation, Metabolism. Draw a well labeled digestive system Discussion the digestion of food in the mouth, stomach and small intestine. Discuss the role of water in digestions and absorption e.g. Carbohydrates Proteins and fats
Whole class discussion on digestive system Whole class discussion of digestion of nutrients from mouth to the small intestine using a well – labeled diagram of digestive system and cooked food Students draw a well labeled diagram of digestive system in their notes Whole class discussion on role of water in digestion and absorption
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Citizenship Creativity and Imagination
A chart showing a digestive process with the enzyme functions (reactions). Cooked food sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oil>watchdisgestivesystemofhumanbody>whatroledoeswaterplayindigestion
Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term
Welcome test/ Scientific study of foods – Food Test Carbohydrates Proteins, Fats and Oils
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Answer the questions given to them correctly Identify Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats in food sources Discuss the effects of heat on food nutrients
Individual participation in the welcome test Whole class demonstration on identification of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats in food items Small group discussion on the effects of heat on Nutrients and the leader presents results for others to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Past questions Raw food sources of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats, Iodine, Million’s Reagent, Burette solution, Sudan 111 solution, Plain white paper>watchfoodtests
a) The Food Composition Table b) Meal Planning c) Project on Food Composition Table (Flex)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term food Composition table and its purposes. Discuss the factors affecting Food Composition table Discuss Meal Planning terms e.g. Breakfast, Lunch, Supper/Dinner, Snacks, A course, A dish, A desert, A starter, A cover.Explain factors affecting Meal Planning Plan and Sketch out a day’s balanced meal
Whole class discussion on food composition table and its purposes Whole class discussion on factors affecting food composition table Small group discussion on meal planning and terms such as breakfast, lunch etc. and the leader of each group presents the results for others to learn Whole class discussion on factors affecting meal planning Individual sketching of a day meal plan Students refer to this website for their project on food composition table>wiki>food_compositiondata
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
A chart showing Food Composition Table Menu cards>wiki>foodcompositiondata
Reproductive Health
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Explain the term Reproductive Health Identify the Male and Female Reproductive organs Discuss the relationship between adequate nutrition and reproductive health
Whole class discussion on reproductive health Whole class discussion on identification of male and female reproductive organ Small group discussion on relationship between Nutrition and Reproductive health The leader presents the results for others to learn.
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Chart showing foods that will enhance good Reproductive health Charts showing male and female reproductive organs Teacher and Students>2013/02sexualandreproductivehealth
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Enumerate the following:Malnutrition Over-nutrition Under-nutrition Explain the meaning of Dietary deficiency Discuss the signs, symptoms and causes of Dietary deficiency diseases
Whole class discussion on malnutrition, over-nutrition and under-nutrition Whole class discussion on meaning of Dietary deficiency Small group discussion on signs, symptoms and causes of Dietary deficiency diseases and the leader presents the write ups for others to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Chart showing pictures of Obese persons, Kwashiorkor children and some other malnutrition diseases>watchwhatismalnutrition?
Kitchen Management
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discussion the term Kitchen Differentiate between Modern and Traditional kitchen Explain the factors that influence the size of the kitchen
Whole class discussion on definition of kitchen Whole class discussion on differences between modern and traditional kitchen Small group discussion on factors that influence the size of the kitchen and the leader presents the results for others to learn
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Chart showing Traditional and Modern types of Kitchen>watchtypesofkitchen
Kitchen plans/ Layout
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Discuss reasons for planning the kitchen Outline factors to consider when planning the kitchen
Whole class discussion on kitchen planning Small group discussion on factors to consider when planning the kitchen and the leader presents the results for others to learn Students learn more on kitchen layout by watching this video clip:>watch7mostpopularkitchenlayouts
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
Charts showing various types of kitchen layout The kitchen layout in the laboratory>watch7mostpopularkitchenlayouts
Mid-Term Break
Kitchen Equipment Materials used in making kitchen equipment
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify different types of Kitchen equipment Classify the different materials used in making kitchen equipment E.g. Wood, Metal, Glass Identify the units of measurements e.g. Grams, Kilograms, LitresMake use of kitchen measuring tools e.g. kitchen scale, measuring cups and spoons etc
Whole class discussion on identification of different types of kitchen equipment Whole class discussion on materials used in making kitchen equipment: Wood, Metal, glass plastic, glass Whole class discussion on how to make use of Measuring tools in the kitchen using grams, kilograms, litres
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration
Display of Kitchen equipment and tools Measuring tools e.g. Measuring Cups, Weighing scales etc. https://www.homogcom>kitchenequipment
Cleaning agents and abrasives Project: Produce a Local abrasive and cleaning agent
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the following: Cleaning agents, Abrasives. Discuss the Local and Commercial cleaning agents and abrasives with examples
Whole class discussion on identification of cleaning agents and abrasive Individual project on production of local abrasives and cleaning agent
Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and Imagination
Various types of cleaning agent e.g. Liquid soap, Solid soap, Detergent Local and Commercial abrasives e.g. Vim, Fine sand, Ashes, etc. https://www.foodsafety-ca>blogtypesofcleaningagent
Safety in the kitchen
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the terms: Safety, Accident Describe common kitchen accident Discuss causes and prevention of Kitchen accident. Discuss First aid, First aid box, First aider V) Classify contents of the first aid box
Whole class discuss on safety and accident Small group discussion on common kitchen accident, the causes and prevention. The leader presents the results for others to learn Whole class discussion on First aider and contents of first aid box
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Kitchen equipment and Utensils Real Object of First aid Box>watchkitchensafety
Hygiene: Personal hygiene Kitchen hygiene Food hygiene
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the following term Hygiene Discuss the three types of Hygiene Discuss the personal Hygiene rules State the Kitchen Hygiene rules Explain the preventive measures to be taken in the kitchen to control pest e.g. Fumigation, Doors and Windows, Netting, Regular cleaning Kitchen waste disposal measures
Whole class discussion on hygiene Whole class discussion on the three types of hygiene Whole class discussion on personal and kitchen hygiene rules Small group discussion on preventive measures to be taken in the kitchen to control pests and the leader presents the results for others to learn Students learn more on personal and kitchen hygiene by watching these video clips:>watchpersonalhygiene>watchkitcjenhygiene
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
Fumigants e.g. raid, Mop and Mop buckets, Broom, Apron, water and Disinfectant, Soap, etc.>watchpersonalhygiene>watchkitcjenhygiene
Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term
Welcome test/food Hygiene
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Answer questions given to them. Explain the Sanitary rules of handling foods. Discuss food borne diseases
Individual participation in the welcome test Whole class discussion on sanitary rules of handling food Small group discussion on food Hygiene by watching these video clips:>watchBasicIntroductiontoFoodHygiene>watchfoodHygienevideo
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital Literacy
Past questions Hand gloves>watchBasicIntroductiontoFoodHygiene>watchfoodHygienevideo
i. Food Sanitation Laws ii. Food Laws regulatory Bodies
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: Discuss the Food sanitation laws Discuss 0food laws Regulatory Bodies that we have and their functions
Whole class discussion on food sanitations laws Whole class discussion on food laws regulatory bodies Students learn more on food laws regulatory bodies by clicking on this link:>books
Critical Thinking and Problem solving Digital literacy
Chart showing the Food Sanitation Laws Photographs of NAFDAC, NDLEA Officers.>books
Cooking of Food DefinitionReasons for cooking food Methods of cooking – moist and dry heat
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Cooking of Food Highlight the reasons for cooking for cooking food Discuss the method of Heat transfer (Conduction, Convection, Radiation etc.Justify the method of cooking under moist and Dry heat
Whole class discussion on reasons for cooking food Whole class discussion on methods of heat transfer Small group discussion on moist and dry heat methods of cooking food and the leader presents the results for others to learn
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Kitchen equipment and tools for cooking>watchmethodsofcooking
Cooking of Food Moist Heat method
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Enumerate the method of cooking food under moist heat method e.g. Boiling, Stewing, Frying, Steaming etc.Classify each methods under the moist heat method
Group discussion on methods of cooking food under moist heat method Small group discussion on methods under the moist heat method Students learn more on moist heat method of cooking by watching this video>watch Methods of Cooking part 2
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Digital Literacy
Charts showing various foods on moist heat method of cooking e.g. moi-moi, Boiled Rice, Fried fish etc.>watch Methods of Cooking Part 1
Cooking of Food Dry heat method
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify the methods of cooking under Dry heat method e.g. Grilling, Baking, Roasting, Microwave Cooking etc. Highlight each method of cooking under Dry heat method
Group discussion on methods of cooking food under Dry heat method. Small group discussion on methods of cooking under dry heat method Students learn more on dry heat method of cooking by watching this video:>watch Method of Cooking Part 1
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Digital Literacy
Chart showing various food cooked by dry heat method e.g. Cake, grilled meat, Meat Envelop Oven.>watch Method of Cooking Part 1
Food Study Cereals
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the term Cereals with example Wheat, guinea Corn, etc. Draw the structure of cereals Explain the Nutritive value of Cereals. Discuss the processing of Cereals i.e. High and Low Extraction rate Highlight methods of cooking Cereals and Cereal dishes Discuss the importance of Cereals in the diet
Whole class discussion on definition of Cereals Small group discussion on structure of cereals Individual drawing of Cereals Small group discussion on nutritive value of cereals and the leaders presents the results for others to learn Whole class discussion on processing of cereals and methods of cooking cereals Whole class discussion on the importance of cereals in the diet
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Citizenship Leadership skills and personal development
Raw samples of various types of Cereals e.g. Rice, Corn, Wheat, Guinea Corn, millet etc. Diagram on Cereal>wiki>Cereals
Mid-Term Break
Foods Study Legumes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Legumes examples Draw the Structure of Legumes Classify Legumes into Pulses and oilseeds with examples. Explain the Nutritive value of Legumes. Discuss methods of cooking Legumes Mention Dishes made from Legumes Highlight the important of Legumes in the diet
Whole class discussion on Legumes Whole class discussion on structure of Legumes drawn by each student Small group discussion on Nutritive value of Legumes, Methods of cooking Legumes and Dishes made from Legumes. The leader presents the results for others to learn. Students learn more on legumes by clicking on this links:>sciencelegume>book. The Role of legumes in Human Nutrition
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Digital literacy
Raw food sources of Legumes e.g. Beans, Groundnut, Melon seeds, etc>sciencelegume>book. The Role of legumes in Human Nutrition
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Classify different vegetables Discuss the Nutritive value and Storage of Vegetables. Explain the factors affecting the choice of vegetables Identify the conservative method of cooking vegetables Highlight various methods of cooking vegetables. Justify the Importance of Vegetables in the diet. Vii List Vegetables dishes
Whole class discussion on classification of vegetables. Small group discussion on nutritive value, methods of cooking vegetables and storage of storage of vegetables. The leader presents the results for others to learn. Whole class discussion on importance of Vegetable in the diet and vegetables dishes
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Raw food sources of Vegetables e.g. Yam, Potatoes, Green Leaves, Onions, Pepper, Okra, etc.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Classify Fruits into Fresh and Dry Fruits with examples Discuss the Nutritive value and Storage of Fruits Analyze the Importance of Fruits in the diet Highlight the factors affecting the choice of fruits Mention Fruit dishes
Whole class discuss on classification of fruits into fresh and dry fruits Whole class discussion on nutritive value and storage of fruits Whole class discussion on Factors affecting the choice of fruits Small group discussion on fruit dishes and the leader present results for others to learn
. Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development
Different Types Of Fruits E.G. Orange, Pawpaw, Watermelon, Guava, Dates, etc.>wiki>fruit
Practical On Cereals, Legumes, Vegetables and Fruits
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Classify fruits into Fresh and Dry Fruits with examples Discuss the Nutritive value and Storage of Fruits. Analyse the importance of Fruits in the diet Highlight the factors affecting the choice of Fruits Mention Fruit dishes
Whole class discussion on hygiene Whole class discussion on the three types of hygiene Whole class discussion on classification of fruits into fresh and dry fruits Whole class discussion on nutritive value and storage of fruits Whole class discussion on Factors affecting the choice of fruits Small group discussion on fruit dishes and the leader present results for others to learn
. Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and Collaboration Leadership skills and personal development Citizenship
Raw ingredients for practical on Cereals, Legumes, Vegetables and Fruits
By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
Justify the importance of studying Foods and Nutrition in our society
Choose careers in Foods and Nutrition
Identify the Nutrients present in the food we eat
Plan meal for individual or family
Work towards having a good reproductive health in life
Identify signs and symptoms of any deficiency disease
Discuss the Nutrients needed for the treatment of any malnutrition disease
Describe different types of kitchen and kitchen layout
Identify different types of kitchen equipment with the materials they are made of
Make local cleaning agents and abrasives
Discuss how to maintain safety in the kitchen
Display Personal, Kitchen and Food Hygiene
Interpret the Food Sanitation laws
Experiment different methods of cooking
Highlight the Nutritional values of Cereals, legumes, vegetables and Fruits
Prepare various dishes from Cereals, Legumes, Vegetables and Fruits