Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

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Foods & Nutrition Scheme of work
Foods & Nutrition Scheme of work

Senior Secondary School Technology Curriculum. SS 2 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work Federal –


1        Kitchen equipment and utensils.     Identification of different equipment for various tasks. a.       Large equipment                        -mechanical equipment. b.        Small equipment.              Teacher Guides the discussion on Identification of correct kitchen equipments.Demonstrate how to use one kitchen equipment.Supervise the students practice. Students Identify kitchen equipment.Participate in class discussion.Practice using one kitchen equipment each. Learning materials Charts on kitchen equipments.Visit to an institutional kitchen.  
2Labour saving devices. Use of labour saving devices.Importance of labour saving devices.Factors to consider when choosing labour saving devices.  Teacher Leads the discussion on labour saving devices.Demonstrate on the use of some of the devices available.Correct notebooks and make necessary corrections. Students Listen and participate in the discussion.Ask and answer questions.Practice using the saving devices. Learning materials Pictures of both small and large labour devices e.g. cut outs, photographs of labour saving devices.

Labour saving devices. Operation of labour saving devices.Care and maintenance –practical.Teacher Demonstrate on the operation of labour saving devices.Demonstrate the care and maintenance. Students Observe the teacher’s demonstration.  Participate using the saving devices. Learning materials Blender, fruit extractor, mixer.Liquid soap, sponge.Clean towel.
4Time and energy management in food preparation. Meaning of time and energy management.Tasks that require time and energy management e.g. laundry, cake making etc.Teacher  Explain the meaning of time and energy management.Discusses its importance.Displays a chart on the guidelines for time and energy management.Displays time and energy saving devices. Students Participate in class discussion.Ask and answer questions.Identify time and energy saving devices in the chart. Learning materials Charts showing drawing of time and energy saving devices.Time and energy saving devices.Charts stating guidelines for time and energy management.
5Time and energy management in food preparation. Importance of time and energy management in food preparation.Teacher Discusses the importance of time and energy management in food preparation. Students Participate in class discussion. Learning materials Charts showing the importance of time and energy management in food preparation.

Flour mixture    1-    Types of flour in cooking.     -whole wheat flour.     -all purpose, instant blending flour etc.    Flour from local foodstuff.Raising agents. -Air, baking powder, yeast, Palm wine, steam.                  Teacher Explains the types of flours in flour mixtures.Guides the discussion on raising agents such as air, baking powder, yeast etc.Demonstrates how to mix, use different types of flour mixtures, cakes, brew etc. Students Participate in class discussion.Ask and answer questions.Practice how to prepare products from flour mixtures. Learning materials Flours, raising agents.Flavourings and colourings in flour.
7Flour mixture Flour mixturesCakes, burns, sweets,(puddings and jellies). Practical.Teacher Displays process flours from local foodstuffs.Supervises student’s work.Gives a chalkboard summary. Students Listen attentively. Demonstrate the use of flour mixtures.Copy notes from chalkboard. Learning materials Baked products of flour mixture.  
8Flour mixture Flour mixtures- Pastries and breads. Practical continues.Teacher Describes the natural and artificial flavourings. Displays process flours from local foodstuffs. Students Observe each of the flour.Participate in bread making. Learning materials Flours.Raising agents.Flavourings.  
9Flour mixture Food flavourings and colourings.Natural and artificial.Food colouring materials.Teacher Displays the natural and artificial flavourings and colourings. Students Participate in the class discussion.Differentiate each. Learning materials Natural and artificial colourings and flavourings.  
10Food study (egg) Types of eggs.Nutritional value of eggs.Test for eggs e.g. water, eye view test.Teacher Displays the different types of eggs. Explains theNutritional value of eggs.Uses of eggs in cookery.Demonstrate the test for egg freshness. Students Identify the eggs on display.Listen to the teacher.Ask questions.Draw the structure of an egg. Learning materials Diagram of an egg structure.Different types of egg samples.  
11Egg cookery Uses of egg in cookery.Baking, binding agents, raising agents, thickener. Practical.Teacher Demonstrate methods of cooking eggs.Gives chalkboard summary.Collects notebooks and make necessary corrections. Students Draw the structure of an egg.Practice how to test for egg freshness.Practice cooking eggs in groups. Learning materials Diagram of an egg structure.Different types of egg samples.  

Senior Secondary School Technology Curriculum. SS 2 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work Federal –


1Milk and milk products. Types of milk (Aninet type).Fresh milk- pasteurized.Homogenized, sterilized, and evaporated.Cultured milk nono yoghurt.Plant milk source and soy beans.Types of milk products- wara (local cheese).The food value of milk.Uses of milk.  Teacher Explains the types of milk (aninet and plain  milk.Explain the food value of milk and milk products.Demonstrate the production of milk products.Practical. Students Participate in the discussion.Ask and answer questions.Participate in practical demonstration. Learning materials Sample of milk products. Tin milk. Nono yoghurt. Charts with labeled milk and milk products.
2Sea foods Type of fish in local and sea water. Classes of sea food e.g. fine fish, lean and shell.Food value.Methods of cooking.           –   e.g. baking, grilling, steaming and frying etc. Practical.  Teacher Explain the different types of sea food.Discusses the nutrional value of sea food.Demonstrates sea food cookery by frying, grilling.Supervises students practical. Students Participate in the discussion.Ask and answer questions.Participate in the practical cooking some sea foods. Learning materials A chart showing different types of sea. Samples of any available sea food. Real objects.
3Food study (meat) Definition of meat. Types of meat.Different cuts of meat.Food value.Factors to consider when choosing meat.Structure of meat.Teacher Explains the meaning of meat.Explain types of meat e.g. Cow- beef. -Pig- pork. -Lamb- mutton. -Crab- veal. Students Participate in the discussion. Ask and answer questions. Learning materials A chart showing the structure of meat. Pictures showing different meat cuts.                      
4Food study (meat) continued Structure of meat.Cooking method for meat.Effect of heat on cooking meat.Advantages and disadvantages of cooking method.  – (Practical demonstration).  Teacher Draw the structure of meat and explain.List the advantage and disadvantage of cooking meat.Demonstration (practical). Students Participate in the discussion.Ask and answer questions.Participate in practical demonstration. Learning materials A chart showing the structure of meat.A picture of different meat cuts (food and nutrition text book).
5Poultry Definition of poultry.Types of poultry e.g. chicken turkey, goose, game.The nutrive value.Structure of a chicken.Factors to consider when choosing poultry.Preparation of poultry for cooking.Cooking method –stewing, frying, grilling, roasting etc. Practical demonstration.  Teacher Explain the definition of poultry. Explain the different types of poultry. Discuss the food value of poultry. Explain the factors to consider when choosing poultry. Practical demonstration. Students Participate in the discussion. Ask and answer questions. Participate in practical demonstration. Learning materials Sample of poultry (chicken).  Real object. A chart showing the structure of poultry (chicken).  
6Condiment and seasoning. Types of herbs and spice local, curry, thyme and scent leaves.Local spices – ginger, garlic, pepper. Foreign herbs –bay leaf parsley. Foreign spices – curry powder, thyme.  Teacher Explain condiment and seasoning.Explain the different types of herbs and spices (local and foreign). Students Participate in the discussion.Ask and answer questions. Learning materials Sample of different herbs and spices (local) curry leaves, scent leaves.    
7Storage and preservation of foods. Meaning of food storage and preservation.Reasons for food preservation.Types of foods to be preserved (local and foreign). Teacher Explain the of food storage and preservation.Explains the meaning of food storage and preservation (local and foreign). Students Participate in the discussion. Ask and answer questions. Copy summary work. Learning materials A sample preserved food.
8Storage and preservation of foods. Preparation of food for preservation.Advantages and disadvantages of food preservation.Methods of food preservation.Teacher Explains the different steps in food preservation and storage.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of food preservation. Students Participate in the discussion. Copy summary work. Learning materials A chart showing steps involved in food preservation.

STORAGE AND PRESERVATION OF FOOD: Making of jam/mamalade Important ingredients in jam making (sugar, pectin, fruit)Methods of preparation of jam/mamalade Practical demonstrationTeacher Explain the difference between jam and marmalade. Explain the importance of sugar, pectin, and acid fruit.Explain the methods of making jam/ marmalade. Students Participate in the discussion. Ask and answer questions. Participate in practical demonstration. Learning materials Samples of jam and marmalade.
10Test interpretation/practicalTeacher Discuss the general rules for making jam/ marmalade.Practical. Students Practical demonstration.  

Senior Secondary School Technology Curriculum. SS 2 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work Federal –


1Preservation of foods. Convenience foods. Definition of convenience foods.Preserving foods.Types of convenience foods.Advantages and disadvantages of convenience.  Teacher Explain the meaning of convenience foods.Explain preserving food in relation to convenience.      E.g. using chemicals and preservatives. Frozen foods.Dehydrated foods.Tinned or canned foods.Processed foods.Mention the various types of convenience foods. Students Participate in class discussion.Identify convenience foods.Ask and answer questions. Learning materials A chart showing a table of advantages and disadvantages of convenience foods.
2Preservation of foods. Convenience foods.Advantages and disadvantages.Guidelines for selecting convenience food.Practical on the use of convenience in food preparation.    Teacher Leads discussion on: Types of food preservation.Methods of food preservation.Guidelines for selecting convenience.Prepares food for preservation.Supervises the students work in groups. Gives a chalkboard summary. Students Demonstrate the use of convenience foods. Learning materials Charts      

Choice and storage of food stuffs. Storage equipments.Storage of perishable and non-perishable foods.Factors affecting food selection.Teacher Lead discussion on equipment.Explain the different between perishable and non-perishable examples.Explain the various factors affecting food selection. Students Copy the chalk/white board summary in their notebooks. Learning materials Charts showing perishable foods.
4Choice and storage of food stuff. Bulk purchasing.Shopping list market survey cost analysis.Storage method.Teacher Explain the meaning of bulk purchase.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bulk purchase.Explain the following term in relation to Bulk purchase. Shopping list.Market survey.Cost analysis.  Students Participate in class discussion. Draw up a good shopping list. Learning materials Samples of shopping list.
5Choice and storage of food stuff. Meaning of common terms.Price list.Food list.Bulk buying.Commercial foods.Home made foods.Brand name.Net weight.Gross weight.Teacher Lead in discussion.Explain the meaning of the various terms and their functions to food storage and food stuff. Students Participate in class discussion. Copy the chalk/white board summary in their notebooks. Learning materials Samples of food/ shopped items.  
6Test interpretation and practical 

Food budgeting Meaning of food budgeting.The family budget.Types of family budget e.g. primary and secondary budget. Factors influencing food budgeting.Teacher Explains the meaning of food budgeting.Discuss family and their types (primary and secondary budget).Explains the factors influencing food budgeting. Students      Participate in class discussions. Learning materials A chart showing a family budget.
8Food budgeting Types of food budgeting.Factors to consider when budgeting our food.Shopping list.Petty cash.Food cost.Making a price list. Periodical and preparing food budget considering the nutritional need of family members.Teacher Lists the various types of food budgeting. Explain the factor to consider when ……………. Students Write an imaginary budget for a family of four. Learning materials A chart showing an imaginary food budget.    
9Nutritional needs of the family. Meaning of the nutritional needs.Nutritional need of different e.g. infants and childrenAdolescentsAdults and the agedPregnant and lactating mother.Teacher Plan a simple and adequate meal for a family. Students Listen and participate in discussion. Learning materials Food items, dishes cooking utensils etc.
10Meal planning Factors affecting meal planning.Planning of adequate diet.Teacher Explain meal planning Discuss the factor affecting meal planning. Students Participate in the class discussion. Learning materials Sample of planned meal.

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