Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Food and nutrition curriculum schemeofwork

Technology Curriculum Education Research Center Senior Secondary. Federal Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1Introduction to foods and Nutrition Definition of Nutrition.
Importance of human nutrition e.g. maintenance good health
Factors affecting foods and Nutrition e.g. availability of foods; income, food in season, ignorance, storage/preservation facilities etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages of preservation
Teacher : – Leads the discussion on the definition of Nutrition, it’s importance and factors affecting food Nutrition – Write out the storage facilities available – Practical work on preservation Students : – Participate in the discussion – Write down the chalk/white board summary in their note books – Submit notes for necessary correction. Instructional Materials: – Pictures on flipchart of well nourished individuals and families – Pictures on flipcharts of malnourished individuals and families
2Careers in Foods and Nutrition List the careers of study in foods and nutrition e.g. TeachingDietetics Hotel and catering managementCommunity Nutrition etcRelationship between foods and Nutrition and other subjects e.g. Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry etcTeacher : – Leads the discussion on the career of study in foods and Nutrition. – Draws a chart on the careers associated with foods and Nutrition – Makes a list of subjects related to foods and Nutrition Students : – Draw the chart on foods and Nutrition careers – Express desirable interest on any of the careers Instructional Materials: – Charts on careers on Foods and Nutrition – Gender sensitive photograph on foods and Nutrition related careers e.g. chef etc
3Careers in Foods and Nutrition Setting up restaurantRestaurant personnel/safety and hygieneEquipment availableA visit to a standard restaurantTeacher : – Plan an excursion to a standard restaurant – Practice work on hygiene – Make a list of restaurant equipment Students : – Write an application for job based on chosen career   Instructional Materials: – Charts on restaurant personnel and equipment
4Basic Food Nutrient Definition of food Classes of food nutrientsFoods in the locality ( local food/staff)Teacher : – Discussion on food in the locality, classes of foods – List some local food items Students : – Make a chart showing various food items in the locality Instructional Materials: – Samples of various food stuffs
5Basic Food Nutrients : Classification  of foodSources of foodFunctions of foodTeacher : – Using a food table, give the classes, sources and functions of foods Students : – Arrange the foodstuffs according to their nutrients (Food groups) Instructional Materials: – Charts showing class, source and functions of food
6Various Food Nutrients e.g. Carbohydrate Types and chemical structureFunctions, sourcesDigestion and absorptionMetabolism and dietary deficiencyTeacher  : – Display foods containing carbohydrate and explains the digestion of carbohydrates – Discuss the deficiency of fats and oil Students  : – Identify the food stuffs on display – Arrange the food stuffs according to their nutrients – Participate in the discussion Instructional Materials : – A chart showing various food items – A chart showing foodstuffs, nutrients and their functions
7Fats and Oil (Lipids) Types and sources Functions Digestion and absorptionMetabolism and dietary deficiency
8Protein Types and sourcesFunctionsDigestion and absorption Metabolism and dietary deficiency“   Discuss the dietary deficiency of protein
9Scientific Study of Foods Measurements, units and accuracy (use of scale, cups, tins, bottles and measuring spoons)Practical on the use of measuring equipment“    

Scientific study of foods: Measurements, units and accuracy( use of scale, cups, tins, bottles and measuring spoons)Practical on the use of measuring equipmentTeacher : – Demonstrates weighing some food stuffs – Stress the importance of accurate measurement in weighing food stuffs Students : – Practice weighing foodstuffs – Record the weight of the measured foodstuffs Instructional Materials : – Various  foodstuffs – Weighing scale, graduated measuring cups, milk tins, bottles, spoons etc
11Scientific –Study of Foods Action of heat on various food nutrientsTest for food nutrientsProteinCarbohydratesFats and oilTeacher : – Demonstrate the test for ; protein , carbohydrate etc Students : – Observe the demonstrations and record their observations Instructional Materials : – Raw samples of various food stuff.
12-13Revision and ExaminationRevision and Examination

Technology Curriculum Federal Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for SS 1.-Schemeofwork


1Digestive System Meaning of digestionDefinition of absorption and metabolic terms e.g. Enzymes, absorption etcDigestion and absorption of nutrient ( carbohydrates, protein etc) in the mouth and stomachTeacher : – Defines “Digestion, absorption and metabolic terms. – Discussion on the digestive processes in the mouth, esophagus, stomach Students : – Participate in the discussion – Copy the digestive process summary on the chart Instructional Materials : A chart showing a summary of digestive process
2Digestive system Functions of enzymes e.g. ptyalin, amylase, hypsin etcThe role of water in digestion and absorption.Teacher : Discussion on the functions of the enzymes and the importance of water in the digestive process Students : – Write down the chalk/white board summary in their note books Instructional Materials: A chart showing a summary of digestive process
3Reproductive Health Definition of reproductive health Identification of male and female organsFunctions of the parts  Teacher : – Discussion on reproductive health , explanation on male and female organs Students : – Participate in the discussion Instructional Materials: Chart showing male and female reproductive organs
4Reproductive Health Cont. The relationship between nutrition and reproductive healthDietary deficiency diseases, e.g. kwashiorkor, obesity, marasmus etcTeacher : – Discussion on the relationship between nutrition and reproductive health Students : – Point at the parts on the chart Instructional Materials: – Chart showing food that enhances reproductive health

Reproductive Health Cont. Sign and symptoms, causes of dietary deficiency diseasesTeacher : – Discussion on the dietary deficiency diseases, including signs, symptoms and causes/cure. Students : – Describe the pictures on display Instructional Materials: –  Pictures of obese persons, kwashiorkor children
6Kitchen Plans Equipment and Tools Kitchen plans – Types of kitchen (Modern and Traditional)Selection, uses and care of kitchen equipment.Factors to consider in choosing kitchen equipment e.g. Affordability, need for equipmentTeacher : – Explains different types of kitchen. – Discusses the election, uses and care of kitchen equipment and fools – List factors to consider when purchasing kitchen equipment Students : – Participate in the discussion on kitchen plans Instructional Materials: – Charts showing kitchen layouts
7Kitchen Plans Equipment and Tools Use of different cleaning agent and abrasives(Commercial and local) e.g. Vim, eggshell, fine sand, paw-paw leaves, etcPractical on local Cleaning Agents.Teacher :  – Demonstration of the cleaning of the kitchen equipment using local/commercial cleaning agents Students : – Practice cleaning some kitchen equipment Instructional Materials: – Display of abrasive local and commercial
8Kitchen Safety and Hygiene Methods of handling kitchen equipment properly Reasons for maintaining safety in the kitchen.Kitchen waste and disposal measuresTeacher : – Labels the kitchen equipment and tools on display – Highlights the importance of kitchen hygiene Students : – Identify the kitchen equipment on display Instructional Materials: – Display of kitchen equipment and tools.
9Kitchen Safety and Hygiene Cont. Kitchen pestsPreventive measures e.g. fumigationNetting of doors and windows- regular cleaning.Rules for personal hygiene.Teacher : – Practical work on cleaning of the kitchen Students : – Observe the demonstration on cleaning of the kitchen Instructional Materials: – Chart showing kitchen fumigants and cleaning equipment  
10Kitchen Safety and Hygiene Content and use of First -Aid box –       Simple first aid treatment e.g. cuts, burns and scalds etcTeacher : – Demonstrates the treatment of a minor cut or burn using some items from the First –Aid box Students : – Role-play a fall with a cut on student leg and administer treatment from a First-Aid box. Instructional Materials: – First- Aid box

Technology Curriculum Education Research Center Senior Secondary. Federal Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for SS 1.-Schemeofwork


1KITCHEN Safety and Hygiene (Cont.) Food handling practices Food borne diseasesFood sanitation laws e.g. NAFDAC, SON (Standard Organization of Nigeria)Teacher : – Discusses reasons for proper handling of kitchen equipment, personal hygiene, food hygiene and waste Students : – Participate in the discussion. – Clean a kitchen under teacher’s supervision Instructional Materials: – First Aid box, chart showing some kitchen pests – Fumigants e.g. raid, mortein etc.
2ICPC Definition , function of ICPCPenalties for such offencesMisappropriation of family food budget e.g. diversion of food budget to personal usageTeacher : – Explains consequences of family food budget misappropriation Students :Participate in the discussion, ask and answer questions Instructional Materials: – Photography of a criminal in handcuffs

Food Study Main food e.g. cereal/grainsTypes of cereal/grainsNutritive value of cereal or grainsTeacher : – Display the cereal and grains Students : – Identify the cereal and grain Instructional Materials: – Samples of cereal and grains e.g. Rice, Wheat, maize, cereal
4Food Study Main foods e.g. cereal/grainsProcessing, uses and choice of cereal/grains e.g. process cereal/grain into flour.Practice photo album on different cereal.Teacher : – Processes flour from different cereal and grains. Students : – Identify processed flour on display Instructional Materials: – Processed flour from different cereal and grains

Food Study Main foods e.g. cereal / grainsDifferent cooking method of cereal and grains e.g. boiling, roasting frying PracticalTeacher : – Demonstrates the cooking methods for cereal and grains Students : – Observe the cooking demonstration. – Practice in groups the preparation of meals from cereal and grains. Instructional Materials: – Pictures of cereal and grains
6High/Low Extraction Rate – Flour Differentiate between high extraction rate flour and low extraction rate flourUsefulness of low extraction rate flourTeacher : – States  the difference between high extraction rate flour and low extraction rate flour  Students : – Utilize the low extraction rate flour in cookery Instructional Materials : – Display of both low and high extraction rte flour
7Legumes Types of legumeImportance of legumeNutritive value of legumesTeacher : – Leads the discussion on legumes Students : – Participate in the discussion. – Identify the legumes Instructional Materials : – Samples of legumes e.g. beans, bambara nuts, groundnuts, soybeans, etc  

Legumes Cooking methods for legumes PracticalTeacher : – Demonstrates preparation of meals from legumes Students : – Observe the demonstration – Practice in groups the preparation of meals from legumes Instructional Materials : – Samples of legumes e.g beans, bambara nuts, groundnuts, soybeans, etc

Fruits Types of fruitsNutritive value of fruitsFactors affecting the choice of fruitsPreparation and serving fruits e.g. drinks, juice, salad, whole, jamPractical workTeacher : – Displays fruits in season. – Guides the discussion on the topic. – Demonstrates the preparation and service of some fruits Students : – Identify the fruits on display. – Participate in the discussion – Practice the preparation and service of some fruits Instructional Materials : – Samples of different fruits – Chart showing different fruits
10Vegetables  Types, Nutritive valueFactors affecting choice of vegetablesCooking method for vegetableMethods of serving salad, garnishingTeacher : – Displays various vegetables – Leads the discussion on vegetable – Demonstrations of cooking method of vegetables Students : – Identify the vegetables on display – Observe the demonstration – Practice cooking of some vegetables Instructional Materials : – Samples of vegetables. – Chart showing some drawing of vegetables.  
11-12Revision and ExaminationRevision and Examination

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