Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 2 Lagos State

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Fishery scheme of work
Fishery scheme of work

Fishery Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Schemes of Work SS2 Fishery for Senior Secondary School –

SSS 2 Fishery Scheme of Work First Term

1Revision of S.S. I SchemesBy the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: Recall previous topics taught in SS1Students participate in the welcome test and SSS 1 work.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Last term’s examination questions Students notes books Previous term’s charts, etc.
2Culture systems (Types)  (a) Monoculture
(b) Polyculture
(c) Integrated Farming
(d) Others Fish
By the end of the lesson,  students should be able to (i) explain the term culture
system (ii) culture different types of culture systems
(iii) compare and contrast various culture systems in fish farming (iv). contrast common system with any other available culture system.
– Students, in small groups.
(a) discuss present and produce a chart of each culture system
(b) discuss the comparisons between the various culture systems in fish farming.
– Find out other available
culture system on the
internet and compare them with the ones taught.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Pictures/Chart of various culture system, visit video clips.

3Culture Systems
(a) intensive system
(b) Semi Intense
(c) Extensive system
By the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: i. identify the types of culture system management. ii.  examine the importance of each management system
iii. Compare and contrast the management system  
– Students as a class
brainstorm on the
various culture system
– Small groups discussion
on the importance of
each management
– Students in the same
groups compare the
various management
system and present to
the class.

– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
4-5Water Quantity
(a) Meaning, uses
(b) Sources of water (c) Condition of water that promote good health of fish for
survival (physical,
chemical, biological etc) e.g. colour, odour, taste, sediment, etc.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain water quality
(ii) compare different sources of water
(iii) justify importance of water for culture
(iv) test the condition of water of the school fish pond.

-Whole class, brainstorm on water quality. – Small groups discussion on (a) Importance of water for fish culture -Student in the same groups, carryout water – quality test of the school fish pond in the laboratory. (Practical) – Students, individually write reports on the experiments.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
– Charts/pictures show different  sources of water
– Real water e.g. ponds ocean water, sea water etc
– Visit to the sea/fish ponds
– Video clips  

6.Water Quality parameters
(a) Definition and
(bi) Dissolved Oxygen (ii) pH
(iii) Temperature
(iv) Turbidity/ Suspended, solid
(v) Conductivity
(vi) Others  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain water quality parameters
(ii)describe the effect of. insufficient oxygen in a fish pond (iii) categorize the parameters into different condition and sources
(iv) predict the outcome of high temperature in a fish pond.
Whole class discussion on the meaning of water quality parameters.
Small groups discussion on the consequence of insufficient oxygen in a fish pond.
Small groups activities on categorizing various parameters into different water conditions and sources. Students in the same groups discuss the effect of high temperature in a fish pond, and proffer solution to it.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Videos and Pictures parameter results. Real materials e.g. p litmus paper, thermo    

8-9Methods of monitoring water quality and materials (a) Use of D.O meter D.O) meter (b) Wrinkter method (c) Use of pH meter – pH meter
(d) Use of litmus paper- Litmus Paper (e) Others
– Optimum water
(Analysis/level of inclusion)
(a) D.O (5.0mg/l) ) (b) pH (65-8.0) (c) Turbidity (Less then 30cm seochi disc measurement)
(d) Temperature (25°C-32°C)     (e) Other
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) explain monitoring of water quality (ii) describe various methods of monitoring water quality (iii) outline appropriate material /equipment used in monitoring water quality. (iv) determine the optimum level of each water quality parameter. (v) demonstrate the use of water quality monitoring methods and materials.– Students, as a class treatment on the meaning of monitoring of water quality – Whole class discussion on the various materials of monitoring water quality. – Students in small groups measure the quality of water parameters of a fish pond and determine if it is good/ok for fish culture. Individual students write report of the experiment and submit at the next lesson.– Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination
– Critical thinking and Problem solving  
-Charts/pictures showing different water quality parameters
– Real objects. e.g. thermometer, pH water, litmus paper etc Model Video clips Visit to fish farms>parameter>whichinstruments

10Water pollution (a) Causes/Pictures (b) Effects (c) Control/PreventionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) explain water pollution (ii) identify sources/causes of water pollution (iii) Evaluate the causes, and effects of water pollution (iv) predict control/preventives measures for water pollution.  Whole class discussion on water pollution – students, in small groups watch a two minutes video to observe some cause of water pollution (of spillage, over filling, over-crowding, chemicals etc) and discuss some control measures against it. Write an essay on prevention of pollution to water bodies.– Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination
– Critical thinking and Problem solving  
– Charts/pictures showing different sources of water
– Charts/Pictures showing different sources focuses of
water pollution – Samples of polluted water
– Video clips of polluted water.

Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 2 Second Term

1Revision of Last Term work
Fish feed
Definitions and types (Natural & Artificial)  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain the term fish feed (ii) describe the different types of fish feed
(iii) compare different types of fish feed  
1 Whole class discussion on the meaning of fish feed,
2. Small groups presentation of different samples of natural and artificial fish feed (project; Group / individual). 3. Students, pair up to differentiate between types of fish feed and share with the class.
Fish feed album production (individual project)
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture. Charts of differ fish feed
– Real model fish feed
– Video Clips
– Visit to feed industries.>com>commercial  
2Natural fish feed Plankton: Zooplankton and
phytoplankton e.g. algae, rotifer, amoeba Others
earthworms, insects, larvae, pawpaw leaves, maggot etc.  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) identify natural fish farm (ii) Recognized the sources of natural fish farm  (iii) predict availability of each natural fish food.  
1. Students as a class, name the natural fish feed presented to them from a chart.
2. Students pairs up and discuss different sources of natural fish feed and share with the class.
3. Students groups discussion on the availability of the natural fish feed.
4. Students, in the same groups, formulate fish feed on their own (project group/individual)  
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Pictures/charts of  fish food.
Real model natural feeding earthworm/maggot
Video Clips
Visit to fish farm.

3Artificial fish feed
Pelleted and non-pelleted
Sinking and fixating
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify artificial fish feed (ii) compare and contrast different types of artificial fish feed
(iii) evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of types of fish.
1.Whole class discussion on  artificial fish feed
2.Small groups comparison between different types of artificial fish feeds
3.Students, as a class examine
the advantages and
disadvantages at types
of fish feed
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination  
– Pictures/Charts
fish feed
– Real Object of
and other seeds Video of fish feed  
4Materials/Food stuff  artificial fish food (a) Plant source e.g. rice, bean soya beancake, wheat ban, cotton seed cake, red oil, corn flour, garri etc.
(b) Animal source:  Fish meal, bone meal, blood meal etc.
(c) others: e.g. Vitamins premix, salt etc.  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) identify different material used in preparation of fish (ii). explain  blood meal production. (iii). appraise the availability of the feed stuff at their local environment.  1. Whole class discussion
– on different materials
– used in fish feed
– Preparation 2. Small groups discuss on
the meaning of  blood
3. Students, in the’ same groups, create S chart of
different material used in preparation of fish feed
(get help from the internet).
– Digital literacy -Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture/charts of
Real Model of fish ingredients e.g. white blood meal etc
– Video clips Visit to feed mills.   www.fishfeedmachine


5Nutritional value of fish food stuff of artificial fish feed (i) Energy/ carbohydrates e.g. Corn wheat, garri, rice bran etc. (ii) Protein e.g. soya bean, fish meal, blood meal, groundnut cake etc.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to.  (i) describe various classes of  food nutrients
(ii) interpret nutritive values of  each feed materials available
(iii) compare the nutritive values  of each feed ingredients with others.  
– Students, are guided to  explain various classes of food  nutrients.
2. Students, in small groups, analyse the classes of food found in each feed presented to them.
3. Students, in the same groups, differentiate between the nutritive values of the feed presented to them.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture /charts showing of nutritional value ingredients
Charts showing fish food nutrients
– Feed ingredients
– Pomal on livestock
– Visit to feed mill. www.fishfeedmachinea(FST.269.
6Methods of fish feed preparation
– Trial and Error method
– Pearson square
(Just to mention)
calculate the nutritive value of fish feed. (feed formulation).
– Fish feed requirement e.g. Based on (i) age (ii) Size etc
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: (i) explain the rationale behind fish feed preparation. (ii) explain different methods of feed preparation (ii) demonstrate the methods (iii) prepare a feed formulation for fish.
1. Students as a class guided to discuss the rationale behind fish.
2. Students, in the same groups, discuss the reasons for fish feed preparation.  3. Students, in small
groups, prepare a feed
using the methods discussed.
4. Students, visit the link
below and study methods of feed formulation. https://youtubeO3ZsOgQ
Leadership and personal development.
Creativity and Imagination Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and imagination.  
– Picture/Charts showing feed preparation
– Video showing various categories of fish and their feeding habit
– Visits to fish farm / feed mill>formulation


8.Feeding: regime frequency and period) 
(Definition and
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: (i) explain feeding regime
frequency, period etc. (ii) calculate feed quality 
require to feed fishes based on body weight (iii) relate feeding regime frequency and period to production and management
1. Whole class discussion on the meaning of feeding – regime frequency and period. 2. Students-visit the school farm, weigh an animal and calculate feed quantity based on that 3. Small groups discussion on the relationships between feeding regime frequency and period to fish production and management.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Charts showing  different feeding regime and frequency.
Farm demonstration Visit to fish farm>afaffairs>channel-catfish>articlecatfish
9.Methods of feeding
– Spot Feeding Method
– Broadcasting feeding method
feeding Methods
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: (i) explain the methods (ii) justify the various methods of feeding (iii) demonstrate the methods.              
1. Students as a class discuss the various methods of feeding 2. Small groups discussion on reasons for feeding. 3.  Students in the same groups carryout feeding methods at the school farm.      – Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
Charts/picture showing different feeding method. Video showing different feeding method Farm demonstration
10.(a). Basic concepts of entrepreneurial
(b). Entrepreneurship
(c). Qualities of an entrepreneur
(d). Importance of entrepreneur-ship
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: 1.   explain the term entrepreneurship 2.  examines the concept entrepreneurship education critically 3.   Outline the importance of entrepreneurship 4. Analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur.
1.  Whole class discussion on meaning of entrepreneurship 2.  Students in small groups discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class. 3. Students as a class discus the importance of entrepreneurship 4. Students in the small groups, critically analyse the qualities of entrepreneur.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal

Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 2 Third Term

1Revision of Last Terms work.
Pond construction
(a) Requirement a Factors required for fish pond construction e.g. Adequate water, supply, soil, vegetation,
Topography, etc. (b) Material, e. g Digger, Survey, Wheel barrow, hammer, blocks cement, excavator etc.
(c) Procedures /steps e.g. Site selection, surveying, clearing and stumping, dam construction,
construction of core trench and other components etc. (Practical Activities)
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to (i) Define factors required for fish pond construction
(a) select the best pond affordable types of pond for environment.
(iii) carry out practical process of pond construction  
1. Students as a class are guided to describes the factors required for fish pond construction.
2. Whole class discussion on the best type pond for construction.
3. Students, in small groups construct a fish pond in the school (Project Group).    
– Creativity and Imagination – Critical thinking and Problem solving – Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
Picture/Charts Show various steps in construction and materials needed Practical activities Video clips of construction -School fish pond
– visit to a fish farm>cdroom>gen>1142845
2Preparation of a new pond Flush in water and drain out after 2ldays -Check leakages – Remove suit and debris – Lime (for earthen ponds) – Flush in water – Fertilize – Stock Finger By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to (i)  describe the process involved in preparation of pond (old and new) (ii) explain the purpose for carrying out each process
(iii) demonstrate the activities
(iv) demonstrate the activities in preparation – of (old and new)
– Lastly, the need for pond preparation.
1. Students, as a class, watch video on pond construction and share their thought on it. 2. Small groups discussion on the purpose for carrying out each of the pond construction process.
3. Students, in pairs – discuss reason for pond construction and share with the class. 4. Whole class carryout pond construction at the school farm.
– Creativity and Imagination – Critical thinking and Problem solving – Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
– Video Clips
– Pictures/Charts
various pond pre
– Water pump machines.   -Liming materials
– Organisational – Working implement, spade, rake, etc
– Test Kit
-Litmus paper -Search disc (Model)
– Plastic bowls
Visit to fish farm

3Pond Management (a) Definition  (bi) Do weeding (ii)De—sitting/De mudding  (iii)   Monitoring of crater quality  (iv) Daily check of leakages (v) Feeding (vi) Liming (vii) Fertilizer application (vii) Regular draining of water (ix) Impediment  (x) Sorting.   By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: (i)  Explain the meaning of pond management (ii) outline various management packages in fish pond (iii) design different methods to carry out each pond management practice t (iv) demonstrate the activities involved in pond management practices.
1. Whole class discussion
on the meaning of pond’
2. Students, think pair
 share on types of
management practices.
3. Students in small
i. create any method
of their choice for managing the school
fish pond
ii. carryout various
activities in pond management
– Creativity and Imagination – Critical thinking and Problem solving – – Pictures/Charts – Water pump – Liming materials
– Working implement: hoe, digger, spade
barrow etc.
– Test kit
– Fish feed
– Scoop net
-Plastic bowls
– Video Clip
– Visit to fish farm>swimmanagement

(a) Definition meaning (b)  process (i) Role of stocking/ stocking density (2-4) fish per square metre depending on the culture system). (ii)  Methods of stocking (lower the fingerlings with container inside water to allow the fish to adjust to the new environment and swim out on their own. (iii) Period of stocking (early in the morning or late in the evening) (iv) Transportation of fingerlings (seed) should be done using oxygenated bags or clean containers.
By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to:  (i) explain stocking method and period of stocking. (ii) Interpret fish responses to various steeps in stocking (iii) carry out processes of stocking (iv) calculate pond stocking density. (v) predict the best period for stocking.    
1. Students. As a class – discuss the meaning of stocking and period of  stocking. 2. Students, in small groups visit the school farm. i. Observe and describe fish responses to stocking. ii. demonstrate the process involved in stocking iii. calculate pond stocking density and iv. predict when it is good for stocking   – Creativity and Imagination – Critical thinking and Problem solving – Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
Picture (charts
– Video Clips
-Oxygenated   Container – fingerlings – Glucose – Scoop net Test kit for water analysis Working implement e.g. bowl -Visit to fish farm  
5Fingerlings (a) Definition and meaning (b) Methods of hand-washing (i)   Using hock and line (ii) Spearing (iii) Netting (iv)  Trawling (v) Draining the water (partial/ complete Mention Test ongoing.  By the end of the lesson, 
students should be able to: (i) explain the meaning of the harvesting (ii) describe methods involved in fish harvesting (iii) Select the appropriate material method for  fish harvesting (iv) demonstrate processes involved in fish harvesting  
1. Whole class discussion on fish harvesting 2. Students, as a class examine different methods involved in fish harvesting 3.  Students in small groups predict the appropriate materials for fish harvesting 4. Small groups demonstration on fish harvesting.– Creativity and Imagination – Critical thinking and Problem solving – Communication and collaboration
– Leadership and personal
– Picture/Charts -Video clip – Hooks and line/ropel/twine Practical activities -Visit to fish farm>FAO_Training>General  

6Processing of fish
(i) De- Cutting
(b) De-gluing
(c) De-scaling
(ii) De- capitation
(a) Proper washing
Materials for fish
(a) Knives (b) Basins (c) fables (d) cutting slabs (e) hand gloves (f) oven  
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to: (i) explain the meaning of fish processing (ii) identify step involved in fish processing (iii) demonstrate the activities individual in fish processing (iv) carryout necessary precaution and maintenance practices in fish processing   (v) market processed fish.  
1. Whole class brainstorm on the meaning of fish processing.
2. Students, as a class, are guided to describe steps involved in fish processing.
3. Student visit the school farm:   i.  demonstrate the
activities of fish
processing ii. carryout maintenance
practices and pre-cautionary in fish processing.   4. Individual student exposure various ways of marketing fish.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
• Picture/charts showing various fish processing method
– Video clips
• Working implements e.g.
knives, cutlass, basin, tassel, bowl, nylon 
• Visit to any fish processing shop. 



8Fish production (a)  Meaning (b)  Methods of fish preservation (i) Sub-drying (ii) Wet- Smoking (iii) Dry smoking (iv) Frying (v) Freezing (vi) filleting (vii) Canning (viii)  Others (C)  Fish spoilage (d)   Factors causing spoilageBy the end of the lesson,
students should be able to: (i) explain the meaning of fish preservation and spoilage (ii) demonstrate the processes of fish presentation (iii) Predict the economic effects of fish spoilage (iv) carryout dry smoking
1. Whole class discussion on fish preservation and spoilage 2.  Small groups activity on fish preservation 3. Students, in the same groups discuss the effect of fish spoilage 4. Students preserve a named fish of your choice using any method stated (Project Group individual)– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
Picture /charts/ flashcard showing fish preservation process method
– Video clips showing fish preservation process
– Working implements e.g. refrigerator, salt, wire-guise coal and coal pot, fresh fish, oven etc – Visit to any fish processing shop.>presentation

5Basic concepts of marketing.
(a) Meaning of marketing  (b) Methods of marketing
(c) Importance of marketing
(d) Marketing /distribution channel chart  
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to 1. Highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag
2. Distinguish between Branding
3 develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business on the production unit.
4. Creativity every design a befitting package for their products.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. examine the term marketing 2. examine the methods of marketing 3. analyse the importance of marketing 4. create a flow chart of the marketing of channel distribution.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
https://marketbusinessnews.orh/financialgrossary>marketingtools/amp/ https://www/ -distribution-for-plaintain-inAbidian-cole-divore-figi-273770927  

6Marketing continued
(a) Product Branding
(b) Product Packaging
(c) Costing
(d) Pricing
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to 1. Highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag
2. Distinguish between Branding
3 develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business on the production unit.
4. Creativity every design a befitting package for their products.
1.  Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price. 2. Students, in pairs, discuss the difference between packages & branding. 3.  Students in small groups present a feasibility study of a said production or business set up (Group project) 4. Students, in the same groups, produce or come up with befitting packages for their products.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
Branded products Packaged products Pictures Charts  
7 – 11Fish Packaging and Marketing .
(a) Material used in fish packaging
(i)  Nylon /cardboard box (ii) Basket etc
(b) Primary and
secondary fish markets e g fish mongers bars/restaurants
market hotels
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of the packaging and marketing 2. identify various types  of fish packaging and marketing. 3. relate various packaging materials to different marketing types. 4.  Market smoked fish.
1. Whole class brainstorm on packaging and marketing 2 Think pair share on markets for selling fish 3. Students n small groups analyse the relationships between packaging materials and marketing types.

– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination.
– Picture/ Charts – Video clips – Nylon bag, basket cardboard, bones, fish Visit to fish markets>differentpackaging  

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