Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 1 Lagos State

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Fishery scheme of work 2
Fishery scheme of work 2

SSS 1 Fishery Scheme of work. Trade Subject SS1 Syllabus Fishery for Senior Secondary School –

SSS 1 Fishery Scheme of Work First Term

1Basic concept in fisheries (a) Meaning of Fisheries, All processesBy the end of the lesson, students should e able to:
(i) explain the terms fisheries (ii) compare and contrast types of aquaculture (iii) draw a wall labelled diagram of a fish
1. Students as a class discuss
and analyze the term fishery:
2. Students in small groups discuss the similarities and differences between the types of aquaculture. 3. Student individually draw a named fish of their choice and present it to the class.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and Personal development
– Citizenship

– picture of fishes
– video clips of fishes and other aquatic animals real fish or model
visit to fish farms
2Identification of fish species/ breedsBy the end of the lesson, students should e able to: i. identify various species of fish ii. Outline the names of the
common species of fishes identified
iii.  draw a well labelled diagram of fish.
1.Students in small groups visit the internet using a mobile phone per groups each and identify various species of fish. 2. Individual students draw and label catfish. 3. Students in the same groups create charts of different species of fish (group-project).  – Leadership and Personal development – Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and problem solving

– Pictures of fishes -video clips of fishes an other aquatic animals
– real fish or model visit to fish farms  
3Classification of fishes (a) Based on body structure (b) Habitat (e.g. fresh water, Blackish, salt water) (c)  Others e.g. Body covering – scale, exo-skeleton, fin etc.By the end of the lesson, students should e able to: (i) Identify various classification of fishes (ii) outline examples of fishes in which category of classification. (iii) Differentiate between each category of classification.Students as a class identify the different classification of fishes
from the charts provided by the teacher.
2. Students pair up to discuss the examples of fishes under each class.
3. Students in groups discuss differences between the classes of fishes.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and Personal development
– Citizenship
Tilapia fish, Catfish, Seawhale, Lagoon water, Fresh water

4Sub-divisions of
(a) capture fish (subsistence artisanal etc.)
(b) Culture fisheries  (subsistence,
commercial, etc.)
(c) Industrial fisheries

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(i) describe the term capture fisheries (ii) enumerate the sub-divisions of fisheries (iii) examine the term African fishing. (iv) Differentiate between the sub divisions.  
1 Whole das discussion on the meaning of the capture fisheries and Artisan fishing
2. Students as class identify the sub-divisions of fisheries. 3. Students in groups differentiate between the sub-divisions of fisheries 4.  Students demonstrate fish capturing at the school farm. – A field trip should be embarked upon.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and Personal development
– Citizenship
Chart showing the fishermen and the wild Cast not YouTube.

5Importance of fish
(a) Food e.g. protein, fat and oil etc.
(b) learning and
(c) socio-cultural
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:              (i) explain the usefulness of fish as food, medicine, employment, income generation learning and research, sporting and festival, raw, material. 1. Whole class brainstorming on the uses of fish as food, medicine and employment purposes.
2. Students, small in groups analyse the relationships between fishery and the
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and Personal development
Chart showing the fishermen and the wild cast not YouTube.
 e.g. sporting, festival, angling, boating etc.

(ii) relate the importance of fishery to national economic development
(iii) predict various job
opportunities in fishery
(iv) designs model of Aquarium
nation economy
3. Students as a class mention job opportunities/profession in fishery.
4. Students in the same groups create a model of aquarium Project.
– Citizenship 
6Importance of fish
(a) Employment
(b) income generation   (c) aesthetic/ beautification

By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i.  examine employment importance of fish ii. Demonstration of generating income from fish iii. design and scale aquarium1. Whole class discussion careers in fish farming 2. Students in groups explore ways of marketing fish for income purpose. 3.  The students in the same group create different design of aquarium (group project) 4. Students visit the web for help on making aquarium– Leadership and Personal development – Digital Literacy – Critical thinking and problem solving.
– Citizenship Communication and collaboration

Picture of an Aquarian Chart showing fishing activity.    
8Importance of fish, industrial/commercial purpose e.g. raw material (leather, gelatin, coral beads etc.)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. itemize the economic importance of industrial fishery. ii. identify some industries that make use of the fish raw materials,
a name the raw materials generated in industrial fishery
1. Whole class brainstorm on industrial fishery. 2. Students in small groups discuss some industries that produce raw materials from fish. 3. Think pair share on the raw materials generated in industrial fishery– Leadership and Personal development
– Communication and Collaboration
– Creativity and
Critical thinking and problem
Video showing a practical industrial fishery. Field trip to ljora Olopa fish market in Lagos.    

10Industries in fish production, fish products and by products allied industries e.g. cod liver oil-pharmaceutical Leather-leather industries Gelatin – chemical industriesBy the end of the lesson students should be able i. Identify various industries related to fish production. ii. explain the economic usefulness of byproduct of fish. iii. compare and contrast some of the byproducts of fish 1. Students as a class discuss economic usefulness of fish by product
2 Students in small groups distinguish between fish by products of fish
3 The students are to produce fish meal, extract fish oil and descale/deskin fresh fish and affair making necessary research.
Leadership and Personal development Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking and problem solving. Leadership and Personal developmentFish skin, fish scale fish oil fish meal video links on fish industries production>04-utilization  

SSS 1 Fishery Scheme of work. Trade Subject SS1 Syllabus Fishery for Senior Secondary School –

Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 1 Second Term

1Revision of Last Term work By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: recall previous topics taught in workStudents participate in the welcome test and last terms workCommunication and Collaboration
Critical thinking and problem
solving Leadership and Personal development- Creativity and
Imagination citizenship
Last term’s examination questions Students note books Previous term’s charts  
2Characteristics / features of capture fisheriesi. explain the terms used in capture fisheries ii. describe various methods of capture fisheries iii. justify the relevance of each methods iv. diagrammatically describe the instruments used in capture fishery. v. demonstrate any capture fishery method.Students as a class discuss the meaning of capture fisheries i. Students in small groups discuss the distinguishing features of capture fisheries. ii. Students as a class mention names of fishes in capture fisheries. iii. students make some fishing gears in various groups (cast net, Drag net, Set nets etc.).Leadership and Personal development Communication and Collaboration
– Creativity and
Critical thinking and problem
Various fishing gears (Net, Drag net, Set net, trap nets, https://www/  

3-4 Methods of capture fishery
– hook and the method cast netting
set netting
caging others

By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:
i. describe various methods of capture fishery. ii. justify the relevance of each
method. iii. diagrammatically describe the instruments used in capture fishery.
(iv) demonstrate any capture
fishery method.
1. Whole class brainstorm on
the method of capture fishery.
2 Small group discussions on the importance of each methods above and a leader present to the class.
3 Individual student draw an
instrument used in capture fishery.
4 Students in the same groups
demonstrate capture fishery
Leadership and Personal development Communication and Collaboration
– Creativity and
Critical thinking and problem
Cast Net, Cages ac Hook and Line, Basket 

5-6Materials for capture  fisheries
Hook and line – Nets cage
traps basket knives arrow/ spear harpoon
– trawlers -vessels
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(j) identify different materials for capture Fishery Iii differentiate between active
and passive gears
(is) categorize the materials used
in capture fisheries into active and passive fishing gears
(iv) construct various instrument
used In capture fisheries.  
Students are guided to
identify various materials used
in capture fishery from the charts produced by the teacher 2 SmaIl group discussion
active and passive fishing
3 Students in small groups separate-materials used in
capture fisheries into passive
and artificers,
4. Students in the same groups
design arid construct any
capture fisheries instrument of  
Communication and Collaboration
– Creativity and
Critical thinking and problem
solving Leadership and Personal development
Cast Net, Cages ac Hook and Line, Basket 

8Meaning of culture fisheryBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: i. describe the term culture fishery ii. give common examples of fish species in culture fishery iii. justify the relevance of culture fishery to Nigeria economy (e.g. employment, income generation etc.)i. students as a class discuss meaning of the term culture fishery. ii. Whole class discuss on examples of fishes in culture fisheries iii. students in small groups deliberate on the importance of culture fishery to them and the society. iv. Students in the same groups culture some selected fishes at the school farm for income purpose.Leadership and Personal development Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking and problem
School fish pond Picture showing fish pond, chart of various culturable species.   www.agrictech.fishery>fish_blog.  

9Fishery regulation
– Close season
– Catch quota
– Mesh size
Regular stocking Population control
– Preventions of
Ban on the use of poisonous materials – Landing tax Allocation of fishing areas
 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to.
i. describe the term fishery regulation ii. discuss the Importance o fishery regulator the nation’s economy.

Whole class brainstorm on fishery regulation ii. Students in groups discuss and present the topic fishery regulation and its importance to National economy. iii. Students in the same groups example the effect of unregularised fishing on the habitat and economy and share will the class.Leadership and Personal development Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking and problem
Pictures and Video of fishing in the wild and various equipment used.  

10Materials /facilities used in culture fishery Pond e.g. earthen Concreate, plastic net, e.g. scoop net, cast net etc. Cage Pen Happa Raceways Knives Basket Bowl Tank  By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i) itemize different materials used in culture fishery (ii) describe the features u d5ferent types of facilities for culturing fish.
iii) compare and contrast the various types of fishing facilities  (iv) develop any of the materials used in fishery.  
i. Students as a class identify materials used in culture fishery from the charts provided by the teacher.
ii. Whole class discussion on different facilities for culturing
iii. Students in small groups differentiate between the types of fishing facilities
iv. Students in the same groups construct mobile pond as a culturing facility (wooden/tarpaulin)  
Critical thinking and problem
solving Communication and Collaboration Creativity and Imagination  
Pictures of various types of culturing facilities. Visit to fish farm  

SSS 1 Fishery Scheme of work. Trade Subject SS1 Syllabus Fishery for Senior Secondary School –

Fishery Scheme of Work SSS 1 Third Term

1.Revision of Last Term workBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recall previous topics taught in second term  Students participate in the welcome test end last topics work.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal development
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Last term’s examination questions Students notes books previous term’s charts.
2Culturable fish species (identification and description)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) Identify some culturable fish species.
(ii) Outline characteristic features of culturable fishes, (iii) locate and relate each species to its habitat.

1. Student as a class watch a two minutes video of culturable
fish species for identification.
2. Students in small groups:    i. discuss the characteristics of culturable fishes
ii. give the location of each species of fish and how they relate with their habitat and share with the class.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal development

Clarias garipines Orechromis niloticus
(Tilapia)>2 Picture showing culturable fish species.

3Qualities of culturable fish species
(a) hardy larvae                       (b) acceptability of artificial fish feed (c) tolerance to poor water quality  (d) ability to reproduce naturally (e) ability to reproduce artificially in captivity  (f) tolerance to overcrowding/high stocking density (g) fast growth (h) High resistance to diseases and parasites  (i) ease of breed in (ii) good market value (k) high fecundity.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) identify qualities of culturable fish species.
(ii) Compare other fishes with culturable species based on their qualities.
(iii) select the best among various culturable fish species.  
1. Students, as a class, are guided, to identify fishes that are cultivable from the charts provided.
2. Student in small groups examine, carryout test on water qualities and identity various qualities for each species.
3 Students, in the same groups discuss and make a presentation on the unique features that made catfish the most cultured fish.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Various fish species, fish of various culturable species, water test of fish breeding
4Characteristics of culturable fish species a presence/absence of scales b. shape of the mouth c. shape of the tail , d. shape of the fins e, general body shape

By the end of the lesson students should be able to (i) identify physical characteristics of culturable fish species e g scale
(ii) Illustrate the characteristics of common fish species.
(hi) compare various
1. Whole class discussion on the best characteristic
features of culturahle fishes
2 Students in small groups compare and contrast culturable fishes using their characteristics features.
3. Students, in the same groups, predict best fishes
Communication and Collaboration
Critical thinking and Problem solving
Leadership and personal

Pictures showing  characteristics (maul body shape)>c    

5 culturable fish species using their characteristics
(iv) select the best adaptable species, based on their characteristics
(v) draw feature’s of fish e.g. scale mouth, fin, tail etc
for culture based on their
characteristic feature.
4. Individual students draw a well labelled diagram of
different fishes.

6Pond (culturing facility)
(a) Definition and description. (b) Components of a fish pond.  
By the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: i. examine the term fish pond. ii. enumerate the component of fish pond iii. diagrammatically explain a fish pond  i. Students as a class are guided to discuss fish pond and is component. 2. Whole class discussion on components of fish pond. 3. Students, in small groups, construct a concept map of a
fish pond and display for a gallery walk.
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship – digital literacy
Picture of a well labelled pond.  
8Types of pond (culturing facility) a.   Earthen pond b.   Concrete pond c.   Plastic pond d.   OthersBy the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: i.  identify different types of pond ii.  explain the purpose of each types iii. compare various types of pond iv. draw any type of fish pond.1. Students, as a class, discuss the purpose of fish pond. 2. Small groups discussion on comparison between various fish pond and a leader present to the class.
3. Students in the same make a prototype of each of pond and present it (They can go on the internet for help).
– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture of a well labelled pond.  

9Conditions for sitting a fish pond. – Adequate water supply – Soil in the area vegetation – Topography Availability of fast growing fingerlings – Availability of supplementary feeds stuff.By the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: i. analyse the criteria for sitting a fish pond. ii. examine each criteria for sitting a fish pond iii. itemize the challenges involved in pond sitting iv. proffer solutions in the challenges affecting fish pond selection.2. Students as a class discuss the criteria challenges for sitting a fish pond and proffer solution to the challenges.

– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture pond construction site www.fao..orpchapter?    

10-11Pond Construction materials instruments. i. sharp sand ii. cement iii. gravel/granite iv.  iron rod v.  concrete block vi.   Shovel/spade vii.  Ranging pole viii. Wheel barrow ix.     Pin x.      Peg xi.     Mattock xii.    Theodolite xiii.    Head pan etc.  By the end of the lesson,  students should be able to: i. explain the term pond construction. ii. itemize the materials/ instrument used in pond construction. iii. Draw and label the instrument used in pond construction iv. sequential outline the steps involved in pond construction.1. Whole class discussion on the meaning of pond construction. 2.  Students, as a class mention different materials used in pond construction. 3. Students, in small groups, make a chart of the materials used in pond construction (they can refer to the internet). 4. Students in the same groups carryout steps involved in pond construction.– Communication and collaboration
– Critical thinking and Problem solving – Leadership and personal
– Creativity and Imagination – Citizenship
Picture of the instrument used to construction of fish pond. earthen fish pond construction on YouTube  

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