Access Lagos State free Unified Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Financial Account Curriculum for Senior Secondary School –
SSS3 Financial Accounting Scheme of Work First Term
Nigeria financial system -meaning and component of money market -characteristics of operators of money market -capital market Functions
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]describe the Nigeria financial system Ii] identify the component of Nigeria financial system Iii] write out the usefulness of money and capital market Iv] discriminate between money and capital market
Students as a class mentions and explains various financial institutions in NigeriaStudents in pairs present projects on money and capital markets Students in groups explain differences and similarities between money and capital markets
-collaboration and communication -critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio-visual Resources Field trip to financial institutions e.g. bank Web Resources
Capital market Meaning , types and functions of capital market -meaning and reasons for regulations, types of regulations -condition for enlisting in capital market
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] write short note on capital market Ii] distinguish between types of market Iii] narrate the reasons for regulation of capital market Iv] criticize the conditions for enlistment in capital market
– students as a class divide into groups to present projects on different types of market Students in small groups explain the importance of regulation of capital market Students in pairs, identify and explain the requirements for enlisting a company into a capital market
-critical thinking and problem solving -collaboration and communication -leadership and personal development
Audio-visual resources Real objects such as AGM report, dividend warrant, share certificate Web resources
Capital market Advantages of capital market to a] individual [b] investors [c] government [d] economy [e] individual companies
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] appraise the impotence of capital market to the parties involved Ii] evaluate the importance of capital market to Nigerian economy
-students as a class divide into groups -Group A: project presentation on merits of capital market to individual investors Group B: merits to the government Group C: merits to the individual companies
Critical thinking and problem soling -collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development
Audio-visual Resources Real objects such as AGM report, dividend certificate Web Resources
Loan capital -debenture types Distinction between shares and debentures
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] describe the meaning of loan capital Ii] classify debenture into various types Iii] differentiate between shares and debentures
-students as small groups, explain who a creditor is -students as a class explain debenture and its types through the student responses -students in pairs make presentations on differences between shares and debenture
-collaboration and communication -critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio –visual Resources Visit to company’s Real objects e.g share certificate, AGM, dividend warrant Web resources
Security and exchange commission
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Students in small groups , identify and explain SEC
Collaboration and communication Leadership and
Audio –visual Resources Field trips to security
Meaning and objectives Functions and tools of regulations -regulation Surveillance and monitoring Investigations and enforcement
I] narrate the background of SEC Ii]enumerate SEC functions Iii] list out registration process in SEC Iv] purchase the monitoring Investigation and enforcement process of SEC
Students as a class make presentation on the objectives of SEC and its way of controlling the activities of the capital market. Students in pairs explain registration process
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]recall the meaning of NSE Ii] purchase its functions Iii] identify major players in NSE Iv]narrate the background of Abuja stock/commodity exchange
Students as a class present projects on the function and operation of NSE. Students in pairs identify jobbers and brokers and their activities in NEM
Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development Digital literacy
Audio-visual Excursion to Nigeria stock exchange (NSE) field trips Web Resources
Mid -Term Break
Mid -Term Break
Mid -Term Break
Mid-Term Break
Mid-Term Break
Acquisition/purchase of business Meaning , reasons for terminologies Format
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recapulate the essence of business acquisition Ii]identify the terminologies associated with purchase of business
Students as a small groups, explain the term ‘purchase’ Students in pairs state why a business acquires another business Students in pairs to explain the accounts to prepare on acquisition of a business
Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio –visual resources A chart showing different companies /business Web Resources
Purchase of business Account Format and preparation of purchase of business account
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define purchase of business Ii]draw up the format Iii] prepare purchase of business account
Students as a class , explain purchase of business Students in small groups, identify the format of various accounts to prepare. Students in pairs, use the format to purchase exercise on purchase of business account
Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio Visual resources Flex of format of business purchase account Accounting financial
Public sector accounting Meaning terminologies Sources of government revenue -capital and recurrent expenditure
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]recall the meaning of public sector accounting Ii] categorizes the sources of government revenue
Students as a class mention various sources of government income and how government spend its income Students in small groups present flash cards of classification
Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio—visual Resources Flash cards of classification of government expenditure and revenue Web resources
Iii recapitulate the meaning of capital and recurrent expenditure
of government expenditure Students in pairs identify capital and recurrent expenditure
Preparation of public sector accounting -types of funds , heads and sub-heads -capital and revenue account Difference between public sector account and private sector account
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]List the basis for preparation of the account Ii] itemize the types of funds Iii] distinguish between public sector accounting and private sector
-students as a class use the format to practice sector accounting -students in small groups make presentations on differences between private and public sector
Collaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal development
Audio-visual Resources Flash cards of classes of government revenue and expenditure and preparation of public sector accounting using Excel Web Resources
Access Lagos State free Unified Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Financial Account Curriculum for Senior Secondary School –
Financial Accounting Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term
Preparation of personal cost budget
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]explain personal cost budget Ii] prepare personal cost budget
Students a class mention items contained in personal budget Students as a class explain budget
Critical thinking and problem solving personal development
Audio-visual resources A sample of government budget Web Resources Peachtree software(employee and payroll)
Bench account -meaning, types local and foreign -reasons for branch account Prepare Branch memorandum account Branch returns account Branch debtors account Branch profit or loss account Branch markup and margin Differences between branch and departmental account
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define branch account Ii] state the types of branch account Iii] outline the reasons for branch account Iv] breakdown the accounts involved in branch account v] differentiates between branch and departmental account vi] prepare branch account
Students as a class identify business organisations that have headquarters and branches within Nigeria e.g. slot, Mr. Biggs etcStudents in pairs mention other examples of such business organisations Students in small groups, mention the accounts to prepare in branch account Students in small groups , mention the accounts to prepare in branch account Students in small groups outline the need for branch account Students as a class present projects on differences between branch and departmental account
Critical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development
Audio visual resources School’s building structure A chart showing international companies having branches in Nigeria Web Resources
Joint venture Account Meaning, differences between joint venture and partnership prepare joint venture memorandum account
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] explain joint venture Ii] discriminate between joint venture and partnership Iii] prepare joint venture memorandum account and joint venture individual account
Students as a class explain the meaning of Joint VentureStudents mention other organisations that could come together , temporary for the purpose of performing a task Students in small groups , mention the account to prepare in Joint venture Students act as co-venture and take record of their activities with one another Project presentations
-collaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development
Access Lagos State free Unified Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Financial Account Curriculum for Senior Secondary School –