Financial Accounting Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Financial accounting scheme of work
Financial accounting scheme of work

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

SSS1 Financial Accounting Scheme of Work First Term

1Introduction to financial accounting Meaning of book keeping -meaning of financial accounting -differences between book keeping and financial accounting Importance of accountingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define book keeping and accounting Ii] compare and contrast between book keeping and accounting Iii]justify the study of financial accounting-students as a class explain what book keeping and accounting is -students in small groups draw up similarities and differences of book keeping and accounting with the group leader to present -students in pairs analyse and share the importance of financial accounting -whole class to visit this link for history of accounting   https://www/ and communication -critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development -digital literacyAudio-visual resources Flash cards   Web resources https://www.topbookeepingcourse   https://courses.ju,
2History of Accounting worldwide and Nigeria users of accounting information -internal and external users and their needs of accounting informationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:  [i] narrate the emergence of accounting worldwide and Nigeria specifically Ii] enumerate the beneficiaries of accounting information Iii] identify the needs of both internal and external users   -students  to present in small groups, he present evolution of accounting worldwide and in Nigeria -students as a class discuss the beneficiaries of accounting information -students in pairs explain the qualities of a good accounting information  -Critical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication -leadership and personal developmentWeb resources   audio-visual resources cowries and currency notes

3Advantages and limitations of accounting –accounting process cycle -identify and analyzing business transactions and events -recording in the journals -posting to the ledger Extraction of trial balance Preparation of financial statementsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recapitulate the features of Accounting information Ii] explain the accounting process cycle in correct order Iv] justify the order of accounting process cycle-students in  small groups presentations groups A: merits and demerits of accounting Group B: analyse accounting process cycle Group C: explain extraction of trial  balance from ledger balances -students in pairs to explain accounting cycle-Critical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication -leadership and personal developmentAudio –visual Resources Accounting process charts Posters on accounting process cycle Concept mapping of accounting process cycle   Web Resources   Peachtree accounting   

4Career opportunities in book keeping and accounting Accounting  professional bodies Accounting professional ethnics   By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] list out current opportunities in book keeping and accounting Ii] mention professional bodies  regulating accounting profession in NigeriaMention their future careers -students in pairs mention accounting professional bodies in Nigeria and outside Nigeria -students in small group mention qualities of a good accountant  Communications -critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development Resources Magazines cuttings on pictures of professionals in business sector   Web Resources 

5Accounting equation and double entry -purpose and functions of source documents -introduction to subsidiary books Meaning of subsidiary books, types of subsidiary booksBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]state original accounting equation and reorganize it Ii] identify and apply the double entry principle in posting business transaction Iii] paraphrase the meaning of source document-students in small groups mention assets and facilities of a business -students in pairs explain the meaning and functions of source documents Students as a class explain the meaning of subsidiary books and give the types of subsidiary booksCritical thinking and problem solving -communication and collaboration   Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Receipt, invoice, cheque, stub, vouchers, pay-in-slip, teller, bank statement   Web Resources   youtube:accounting instruction/bean counter https://www.youarticilibrary  
6Sales journal and purchases   journals return inwards journals and return outwards journal Cash bookBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] outline various sources documents Ii] prepare sales and purchases day books Iii] post transactions into return inward and return outward journalsIndividual students bring samples of cheque leaves Invoice , receipts, pay in slip, withdrawal slip, point of sales machine ATM card etc Students in small groups, discuss the uses of source documents brought by the students -students as a class post entries into sales and purchases day books-critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Format of the journals and cash book Illustrate  questions and real objects Using Excel to draw the formats Real objects such as cheque leaves, invoice , receipts, withdrawal slip, ATM machine and POS machine   Web resources   YouTube: Accounting instruction/bean
     Counter https://www.youraticlebrary
7Mid-Term BreakMid –Term Break    Mid-Term Break
 8Working exercises on sales journal and return inwards journal -working exercises on purchases journal and return outward journalsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] solve problems on subsidiary books of account Ii] explain the meaning and types of discounts Iii] calculate the trade discount on the journal-students in small groups, identify various subsidiary books -students as a class post transactions to various subsidiary books -students in pairs to explain discounts and types  collaboration and communication -critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development  Audio-visual  resources Real sales journal Illustrative questions Charts YouTube, accounting Instruction/bean Counter using Excel to prepare journal
9The ledger Classifications  of accounts Cash book-meaning and types Single column cash bookBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] use concept mapping to classify ledges into personal, impersonal and private Ii] define cash book Iii] identify the types of cash book Iv] explain the use of each column cash book-students in small groups , classify ledgers with adequate examples -students in pairs define cash book and the types -students as a class work exercise on single column cash bookcollaboration and communication -critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacyAudio-visual Resources Diagram showing the  classification of ledgers Real cash book Improvise cash book   Web Resources YouTube: Ca Naresh Aggarwal using Excel to prepare  cash book  currency notes 

10Cash book-double column cash bookBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define cash book Ii] identify the format of double column cash book Iii] explain contra entries Iv] prepare double  column cash book-students in small groups display lodgments and withdrawal of cash from bank -students in pairs prepare double column cash book -students as a class balance up the two column cash bookCritical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Cash book, cheque leaves   Web resources   youtube: c.a.naresh Aggarwal   using Excel to prepare Two column cash book
11Discounts-meaning Types, reasons for granting discount -calculation of discountsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]  explain the term discounts , identify the types of discounts , state the features of each types , justify the reasons for granting discounts Calculate discounts granted on a transaction-students as a class explain the meaning and types of discounts -students in pairs to justify the reasons for discounts -students as a class calculate discounts-critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy -leadership  and personal developmentAudio-Visual  Resources Flash  cards, graphs A sample question   Web  resources   using Excel to calculate discount     
13 &14Examination Examination    

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

Financial Accounting Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Welcome test and cash book-three column cash book working exercise on three column cash booksBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] post transactions into three column cash book Ii] balance up the three column cash book-students as a class post entries to the three column cash book -students  as a class balance up the three column cash book-Critical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-Visual Resources Recall /improvised cash book Display of work on the topics   Web resources youtube ca Naresh Aggarwal currency notes, using excel to prepare three column cash book
2Cash book three column cash book working exerciseBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] post complex transactions into three column cash book Ii] balance up the three column cash book-students in small groups, solve questions on three column cash book -students as a class visit the site for the meaning of petty cash book and terms used in petty cash book thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual Resources Real/improved cash book Display of work on the topics   Web Resources   YouTube c.a. Naresh Aggarwal using Excel to prepare three column cash book

3Petty cash book Meaning -terminologies Imprest system Reimbursement and working exercisesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] regulate the meaning of petty cash book and terminologies associated with petty cash book Ii] explain the concept of imprest system Iii] demonstrate the concept of reimbursement Iv] prepare a typical petty cash book-class presentation on the process of imprest system -students as a class, prepare petty cash book -student as  individual post entries to the petty cash book and calculate how much float is given-Critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy -Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual Resources Poster on the format of petty  cash book Picture of a petty cashier, real or improved petty voucher Reimbursement demonstrated in practical term   Web Resources   using Excel to prepare petty cash book
4Posting subsidiary books into ledges cash book, sales day book, purchases day book, return inwards and return outwardsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] transfer entries in subsidiary books to ledgersStudents in small groups post entries from subsidiary books to ledgersCritical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership andWeb resources   YouTube pratix Mehta using Excel to prepare the subsidiary books     
 Journal Journal paperIi] balance up the ledgers Iii] configure the format of journal proper Personal development 
5Trial balance Meaning , uses Rules for extraction, extraction of trial balance Working exercisesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] explain the meaning of trial balance Ii] discuss the rules guiding the extraction of trial balance Iii] extract a trial balance   -students in  pairs to I] define trial balance Ii] discuss the rules for extracting trial balance -students as a class prepare trial balance -students to visit the link below to study on accounting concepts and conventions accounting concepts and accounting conventions-critical  thinking and problem solving  -digital literacy Leadership and personal developmentAudio –Visual Resources Real /improvisd trial balance Flex showing rukes forextraction   Web resources Wikipedia Youtube willey YouTube-accounting stuff  Using Excel to prepare trial balance

6Accounting concepts and conventions Meaning and types of accounting Concepts Meaning and types of accounting conventionBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] write out accounting concepts and conventions Ii] distinguish between accounting concepts and conventions Iii] justify the need for accounting concepts  and conventionsStudents as a class explain accounting concepts  and conventions and the types -students in small groups draw up the differences between accounting concepts and conventions -students in pairs explain the reasons for accounting concepts and conventionsCritical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Flash cards, currency, class presentation Tabular format of differences between accounting concepts and conventions   Web resources  
7Mid-Term BreakMid-term Break  Mid-Term Break

8Final accounts of a sole trader -trading profit or loss account –meaning , reasons, formatBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define trading profit or loss account Ii] construct a trading profit or loss account from an illustration Iii] interpret the end result in trading , profit or loss account-students in pairs define trading profit or loss account -students as a class, prepare trading , profit or loss account -students in small groups interpret the end result in the trading , profit or loss account preparedCritical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Published final account of a trading organization format, flash cards   Web Resources YouTube-ca. Naresh Aggarwal using Excel to prepare the final accounts
9Balance sheet Meaning and format Assets and liabilities Working exercises on final accountsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to I] describe balance sheet in your own words Ii] state the purposes of balance sheet Iii] explain with adequate examples assets and liabilities-students in pairs give the meaning of balance sheet Students as a class , state the purposes of balance sheet -students in small groups, explain with examples. Assets and liabilities and prepare a balance sheetCritical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Format of balance sheets, flash cards, cuttings of balance sheets in published account   Web Resources Youtube-ca.Naresh Aggarwal
  Iv] draw out a typical balance sheet-students as a class prepare balance sheet   using Excel to prepare balance sheet

10Simple accounting ratio-meaning, types and working exerciseBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] appraise the need for adjustment to final account Ii] compare and contrast between types of reserves Iii] discriminate between provisions  and reserves -students as a class explain adjustment and give reasons for adjustments -students in small groups compare the types of reserves -students in pairs draw up the differences between provisions and reserves -critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy -leadership  and personal developmentAudio –visual resources Published final account of organizations Posters showing a typical format, flash card, students’ presentation on the topics, class work YouTube –Accounting stuff

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Financial Accounting Scheme of work for SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

Financial Accounting Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1Welcome test and introduction  to depreciation of fixed assetsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] students to define depreciation of fixed assets Ii] mentions some fixed assetsStudents as a class give examples of fixed assets -students in pairs define depreciation of assetsCritical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentWeb resources   audio –visual resources real objects such as bags, school uniforms , sandals
2 depreciation of fixed assets, meaning, reasons, elements, causes, characteristics of depreciation fixed assets, types of assets and nomenclature of their depreciation Assets Nomenclature of   Reduction in value Fixed    depr Assets   on Current  nill Assets    nill Liquid   depi Assets Wasting                                       amo                    Ritization Tangible Fictious assets  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] justify the reasons for depreciation Ii] explain the causes of depreciation Iii] enumerate the characteristic of a depreciable asset Iv] compare the nature of types of assets-students as a class justify the reasons and causes of depreciation -students in pairs, mention the characteristics of depreciable assets -students in small groups compare the nature of types of assets  Critical thinking -collaboration and communication -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Old and new furniture’s in the school Chart showing various types of assets in value Pictures of old and new vehicles Furniture, building, school bus, computers, etc    Web Resources
3Methods of depreciation Straight line and reducing balance Methods-meaning, merits and demerits of each method Depreciation scheduleBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] graphically represent the methods of depreciation Ii] describe in details straight line method and reducing  balance method Iii] compare and contrast the merits and demerits of each method-students in small groups, mention the methods of depreciation -students in pairs, explain straight line and reducing balance methods -students as a class compare and contrast the merits and demerits of each methodCritical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal developmentAudio-Visual Resources Charts showing various method Concept mapping on methods of depreciation   Web resources https://courses/  

4Working exercise on straight line and reducing balance methodsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] prepare depreciation schedule-students in pairs draw up a depreciation schedule -students as a class, complete depreciationCritical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personalAudio-Visual Resources Display of depreciation schedule , videos on the working of depreciation
  Ii] compute depreciation using SLM and RBMUsing straight line and reducing balance methodsDevelopmentWeb Resource
5Sum of the year digit, revaluation and other methodsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] explain sum of the year digit and revaluation method Ii] calculate depreciation using sum of the year digits and revaluation digits and revaluation methods  -students in small groups, explain sum of the year digits and revaluation methods -students as a class , calculate depreciation using sum of the year digits and revaluation methods  -Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development  Audio –visual Resources Charts showing formats   Web Resources

6Accounting for provision  for depreciation (new method)i.e. assets accounts provision for depreciation , profit and loss account extract and balance sheetBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to I] post the accounting entries to ledgers using the modern method of providing for depreciation Ii] show the treatment in profit or loss account and balance sheet Iii] prepare disposal of fixed assets accountStudents as  a class post entries into ledgers using the modern method of providing for depreciation -students in pairs explain the treatment of depreciation in profit or loss account -students in small groups , explain the treatment of disposal of assets in final account-Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development  Audio-visual Resources 1] Illustrative question 2] flash cards of necessary accounts   Web Resource Https:// Using Excel to draw the formats of the accounts    
7Mid-Term BreakMid Term Break   
8Preparation of final necessary end of the year adjustmentsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] itemize end of the year adjustments Ii] prepare final account with adjustments Iii] show the  effects of adjustments in profit or loss account and balance sheet  Students in small groups, list end of the year adjustments -students as a class, prepare final account with adjustments and also show the effects of adjustments in profit or loss account and balance sheetCritical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-Visual Resources Published account booklets of trading organizations illustrative questions   Web Resources   using Excel to prepare final account   

9Departmental account meaning, reasons basis of appointment and interdepartmental transferBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] describe departmental account Ii] determine the basis of common expenses appointment Iii] post entries into departmental trading profit and loss account  -students as a class go for excursion  to business organization with different sectors under the same roof -students in pairs explain basic of appointment of expenses -students as a class Critical thinking and problem solving -Collaboration and Communication Digital literacy -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual Resources Display of format of departmental account field trip to departmental stores https://www/ using Excel to draw the formats of departmental account
   Prepare departmental trading , profit or loss account  

10Bank reconciliation Statements , definition, reasons, terminologies and methodsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] define Bank reconciliation statement and inter the meaning of Bank statement Ii] identify causes of disagreement between cash (bank column only) and bank statement Ii] interpret bank statementStudents as a class, explain the term reconciliation and  define bank reconciliation -students in pairs, explain Bank statement by way of interpretation of bank, statement -students in  small groups, explain Bank statement by way of interpretation of bank, statement -for further study visit and practices of accounting/bank reconciliation Statement/nitro-and-importancecollaboration and communication -critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development  Audio-visual resources Cheque book and bank statement, cheque club   Web resources https// Peachtree accounting Software-banking 

11Working exercise on bank reconciliation statementBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] adjust cash book Ii] reconcile cash book with bank statement using different methodsStudents as a class prepare bank reconciliation  statement -students in  small groups prepare bank reconciliation statements using the three methods Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Format of bank reconciliation statement   Web resources 


At the end of SS1 session, students are able to:

I] under the basic accounting principles, apply the principle to prepare basic accounting ledgers

iii] Interpret and analyse financial transactions with a view to produce meaningful account information

iv] Prepare final accounts with necessary adjustments for trading organization

v) Reconcile bank account at any organization with the bank statement at any given period.

vi] Classify assets and identify the nomenclature of their depreciation, use appropriate methods to depreciate fixed assets and evaluate its effect on financial statement

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