Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS2

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SSS1 Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work First Term

1Fabrication and welding workshop layout– Identify the standard workshop
– Describes standard welding workshop
– State the criteria for a Workshop. Arrangement
Students in small groups draw on the board various layout of workshop showing gang-waysCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Workshop charts Posters Video clips
2Potential sources of accidents in the- workshop and personal safety in the workshop– Identify potential sources
– Demonstrate the correct safety measures
– Identify personal safety clothing available – Identify and explain the various general safety rules and regulations in a workshop environment  
Students-in pairs discuss the various sources of accidents at the workshop and ways of avoiding such accidentsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Stacking tools
3Care and maintenance of equipment and machines– Define maintenance – List the types of maintenance in fabrication and welding
– Detect a faulty machine or equipment
– Prevent a downtime/ breakdown of machine or equipment or equipment
Students as a class take turn-in-oiling machine, gauging of oil and grease gun or nipple. -Students in small groups discuss various ways to maintain and prevent machine when they are in both good and bad working conditionsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Maintenance chart Video clips  
4Marking out of primary shapes on metals– Mark out and cut primary shapes such as squares, rectangles, circle etc.students in pairs :marking out of shapes, triangle, square, rectangleCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Diagrams and Posters Steel rule Sci square Punch, Sheet

5Bending of sheet metals into objectsDemonstrate ways in bending sheet metals with the right tools while taking the necessary precautionsVisitation to the workshop, students in small groups are guided to perform the following task: Cut out sheet metals into shapes Bend shapes into objects Develop different shapesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Snips, Anvils, Mallet Bender, Roller

6Soldering of sheet metals– Identify the various tools and equipment for soft soldering
– Select type of joint for a particular job
– Describe and apply procedure for making a simple soldered joint
students as a class display tool and equipment for soft soldering and students in pairs identify and discuss their- uses Students in small groups practice the methods of applying soft solder to sheet metal Students in small groups select types of soft soldered I joints and sketch themCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Soldering iron Soldering lea Flux Blower
7 Mid-term break   


8Hard soldering & Brazing– Differentiate between soft soldering, hard soldering and brazing By the end of the lesson, students should be able to; – Identify various hard Soldering tools and equipments – Describe the process for making hard soldering jointStudents in a discussion differentiate explicitly the significant difference between hard soldering and brazing NOTE: the process of brazing is similar to hard soldering. However, the melting point of brazing of the spelter is higher Assignment: students research where brazing can be used instead of hard solderCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Brazing lamp Picture of bra up

9ForgingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; – Explain the term forging. Recognize forging as useful skill for producing tools – Identify hand forging tools. – Handle forging tools correctly. – Care and maintenance of forging tools.  Students in small groups discuss forging as a process of heating and shaping metals with tools Students in pairs identities shown samples of tools and equipment for forging. Emphasis the various shapes of tongs Students in small groups demonstrate the techniques for handling and using the hand forging tools in the workshop e.g. upsetting, drawing down, are flatteringCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Forging tools and equipment Chad showing care and maintenance of tools and equipment

10Forging process and operations– Outline the various forging operations – Perform forging operations – Design and make a project involving forging operationsUsing pictures and charts, Students in pairs outline various operations Student in groups demonstrate the various ways of performing some basic forging operations PROJECT WORK Design and make, an artefact involving use of some forging process e g. hook and eyeCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development

Critical thinking  and Problem  solving

Creativity and Imagination
Forging operations

11Project work Students design and make artefact involving soft and hard soldering joints and write a report individually or in groupsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination

Access free Unified Fabrication and Welding Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Welding Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos StateSchemeofwork

Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1  Welcome test  
2Heat treatment– Explain heat treatment Describe the heat treatment Processes – use the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram to explain the behaviour of plain carbon steel when heated and cooled Quench a plain carbon steel after heating during hardening and tempering – Apply heat treatment processes in making artefactsStudents in small to discuss heat treatment and use the iron- carbon equilibrium diagram the behavior of plain carbon steel when heated and cooled NOTE: Ensure that student demonstrate heat treatment application to a high level in their project Student write on how they strengthened the work place by heat treatmentCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal DevelopmentCritical thinking  and Problem  solvingCreativity and ImaginationHeat treatment processes Simulation of the behavior of plain carbon steel when heated and cooled Quenching a heated plain-carbon steel

3Fasteners Bolts, nuts and screws– Identify fasteners – Use fasteners for projects  Shows students some objects that are fastened together Differentiates between temporary and permanents fastener.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Posters Real objects
4-6Rivets and Riveting– Identify the various tools equipment for riveting operations – Explain the process of riveting – Sketch various shapes of rivet head – Identify the types of the rivet joint – Use the various types of rivet to join pieces of metal together – Design and make an artifact involving riveting – Identify rivet fault and remedyUsing sampled of riveting tools and equipment students in small groups identifies and discuss their uses Through demonstration, Student in pairs discuss riveting and explain the process of riveting Using samples of joint, student identify and discuss the various riveted joint Students in small group make the various types of riveted jointsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Tools and equipment for riveting Types of-rivet Types of riveted joints

7Mid – term break
8Templates-define templates – state, materials use for making templates in fabrication – list the methods of storing templates cut template for fabricated assembles– template materials Student in small groups Demonstrates the measurement, marking out and cutting at templatesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Sample of different designs charts showing the description of templates and physics demonstration Real objects of. template materials

9Job cutting techniques– identify job cutting techniques – cut materials to required Dimension – interpret cutting list – read the working drawing of projectsTeacher states the cutting techniques, Demonstrates the Cutting method Explains the working drawing to the studentsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Physical demonstration Charts for job cutting techniques and cutting list articles

10Surface Preparation (Fabrication)– list steps taken in surface preparation of fabrication – state the purpose of surface preparation – prepare metal surfacesStudent in small groups demonstrates the preparation of surfaces of work pieces for fabricationCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts showing the various steps taken in surface preparations of fabrication

11Surface Preparation (Welding)– Define surface preparation – state the purpose of surface preparation before welding – Prepare metal surface for weldingStudent in small groups demonstrates the preparation of surfaces of work pieces for weldingCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts showing the various steps taken in surface preparation Work pieces
12Completion and submission of given projects

Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1Welcome test/ Environmental HealthBy the end of the lesson, students in a whole class discussion should be able to:
– Identify the causes of health hazard and control methods in fabrication and welding
– Demonstrate hygiene in the workshop
Explain the consequence of accidents Demonstrates First aid procedures for cut injury, electric shock, eye injury, skin burns etc.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Posters Safety tags Symbols First Aid box Film show
2Electrodes– define electrode and state its qualities
– select electrodes for projects
– use electrode for welding
Students as a class are shown different types of electrode and filler rod Identification of different sizes and gaugesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Electrode of different sizes Charts Packets of electrode
3Electrode manufacture and storage– differentiate methods of electrode manufacture
– mention each method and
– explain process store electrodes safely
students in, small groups describes different methods of producing electrodesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts Text -books Posters

4Welding techniques– mention different types of welding techniques
– Identify right ward and leftward methods
– apply welding techniques
An Industrial visit to fabrication and welding industry Guides the students on welding techniques.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Audio Visual Text-books Posters
5Welding position.– perform overhead Welding techniques method
– Inclined welding techniques
students as a class demonstration and participation in welding and cutting different metalsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Audio Visual Text-books Posters
6Welding positionidentify 1G, 2G, 3G, 1F, 2F, 3F weld position weld pipes of different sizesstudents as a class demonstration and participation in welding and cutting different metalsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Audio visual Text- books Posters

8Welding in a Guide as students on how to in a confine space.Communication and CollaborationDiagram and picture a confine space


  – apply the necessary precautions Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Film show
9Fielding a container with inflammable substance– weld containers with inflammable substance
– identify inflammable substances
Film show or slides on processes of welding container that already contain inflammable fluid, grease and chemicalsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Diagram and picture of containers that already con fain flammable fluid substances
10Welding signs and symbols– Draw and mention all welding signs and symbols
– Interprets working drawing where all die signs and symbols are indicated.
students in small groups to draw welding and fabrication signs and symbolsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Text-books Charts showing welding signs and symbols .  
11Welding code– explain standard welding processes
– identify all standard regulation for each job outputs
Students as a class shown welding codes and were guided u welding codes.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem  solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts Text books Policy booklets Posters
12Revision and projectsDesign and construct different type of window grille and doors   

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