Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS1

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Scheme of Work

Access Free Unified Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work for SSS1. SS1 Fabrication Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State

SSS1 Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work First Term

1Introduction to
Fabrication and
Define, welding and fabrication
By the end of the lesson, students should able to:
— Differentiate between
fabrication and welding
— Explain the prospects in fabrication and welding  
Students in a whole class
discussion discuss career
opportunities in studying
fabrication and welding.
as a class

Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Real objects in welding and fabrication Charts
Video clips etc  
2SafetyBy the end of the lesson, students should able to: -Apply/safety rules to all practical activities in a metal workshopStudents as a class display safety clothing and identify and use
the various safety clothing on workshop learning activities Students use charts or illustration to discuss the reasons for various general workshop safety rules
Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Video clips.  
3Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Identify various protective gear used in the
workshop and its
-practice connect usage of
the workshop gear for the right task.  
Students visit the workshop to practice wearing of the productive gears such as apron, safety boot, hand gloves, helmet, welding shield, spat, legging and
discuss the functions of each etc.
Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationSafety wears
Safety tags and
4Causes of accident and hazard  -Identify sources of accidents in the workshop.
-Demonstrate the correct safety measures to prevent accident in the workshop  
Students in small groups discuss the various sources of accidents and avoid accidents at the workshop. Students demonstrate the
right safety measures taken to avoid accident from occurring in the workshop.
Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
safety Symbols
Video clips
5First Aid and fire Fighting-Identify the contents in the first aid box and its correct usage. –  identify fire codes to enable precise solution in an outbreak.Students in small groups takes
turn to demonstrate the to correct usage of the content found in the first box.

Students in pairs identify fire codes and ways to fight and spread the outbreak to other places.
Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts showing the contents of the first aid box
Firefighting codas  

6Workshop Tools Classification of tools hand tools into categories -measuring tools, marking out tools, driving tools, cutting tools, holding tools and power tools. Machine tools-Students should be able  to attain skills required for the, safe use of metal work
tools and equipment appropriately.                         – Be aware of the functions of different tools and equipment                                          -Classify tools with their mode of use. 
Students in groups sketch or produce pictures of different tools and equipment on aboard and present to the class using its classification.

Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and Imagination 
7Mid-term break    

8Measuring and
marking out tools
-Identity types of
measuring tools and their
Apply the appropriate techniques in using and caring of measuring tools
– Analyse the S. I. and
imperia units of
Students in a whole classes activities in a workshop, identify samples of measuring tools, and demonstrate its safe use and handling Students demonstrates and measurement from datum, the use of vernier caliper, micro meter, steel rule, tape rule etc. Demonstrates marking out procedures.

Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationPosters of vernier cal/pep micro meter. steel rule, ‘tape rule Conversion tables Typical tools (Real objects)
Video clips
objects –
Video clips
9Holding and Driving– Identify the different types of holding tools
-Sketch and label the holding tools
– Handle and use the holding tools correctly
In a metal workshop students identifies the various types of holding tools and its uses Students demonstrate the right techniques in using the holding tools.                                          Students also demonstrate how to care and maintain the holding tools Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Real objects
Video clips

10Cutting  tools– Recognise various types
of cutting tools
Select appropriate cutting
tools for the job
-Differentiate between cross and draw filing
File process of metal

Students in groups differentiate between cross and draw filing via sketches Students in the workshop practice the filing techniques on principal exercises that necessitate the use of different files.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationTypical tools
Charts of cutting tools
Video clips  
11Power tools-Identify simple power tools                                                      -Demonstrates the use of
power tools
-Operate power tools Demonstrates the
-Sketch and label the
power tools
Demonstrates the use of
power tools Demonstrates the operational techniques of the power tools.
Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Typical power tools
Video clips  

12Revision and prospects Guide the students to carry out practical prospects involving cutting and filing activities such as bottle opener, hinges etc. Materials required for prospects

Access Free Unified Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work for SSS1. SS1 Fabrication Syllabus for Senior Secondary School Lagos State

Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Welcome Test end Revision
2Workshop EquipmentBy the end of the lesson student should be able to – Identify types of machines and its functions used in Fabrication and Welding -Handle the workshop Equipment correctlyStudents n pairs identify the displayed  machines and equipment used in fabrication and welding and state its functions and advantages over the rest Students present charts with sketches and labels of the equipment. Students demonstrate the right techniques for handling equipment for particular jobs on given exercisesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationTypical machine as bending machine guidelines, rolling machines, swap machines etc.

3-4Classification of metals Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals– Be aware of the various methods for producing ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals – understand the properties of ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals: Ductility, malleabilityStudents in pairs identifies add classify displayed items based on their properties into ferrous and non- ferrous metalsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationReal metals such cast iron, stair steal, mild steel. Steel. Aluminum, Copper,  Zinc, Bronze
5Cutting and Filling OperationWorkshop practiceStudents in groups cut; plates and rods to/ different shapes and sizes with the use of hacksaw snips, chisels etc. File work pieces to smooth finish. Student in classroom discussion identify methods of filling  

6Sheet Metal Workshop– Identify basic tools and equipment for sheet metalwork – Demonstrate the right techniques for marking out jobs correctly on sheet metalwork – Plan the solution of an identify problem using sheet metalStudents identify display sheet metal tools and equipment stating its functions   Students sketch and label equipment used for sheet metal workCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Samples of d makes and si sheet metal Items made metal.
7Mid-term break


8Joints and Applications in Fabrication and Welding– Identify the various joints in metalwork – Design and make simple artefact involving metalwork jointsStudents in groups make artefacts using any of the listed joints Paned down bottom joints Knocked up bottom joints Folded grooved seam joints                       Lap joint, Butt jointCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts Posters Video clips
9-11Surface PreparationState steps in surface preparation for welding. Prepare metal surfaces for weldingStudents take turns in assisting the teacher in surface preparation Students in small groups make a presentation with diagrams of various stages of surface preparation.  Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts showing various steps in surface preparation.

Fabrication and Welding Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1  Welcome Test and Revision  
2Introduction to weldingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – define welding in their own words -state the two types of welding – differentiate between arc and gas weldingGuides students to mention various methods of joining articles together   Guides students how to strike the arc and make beads in arc welding.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts, pictures, texts, books, arc welding transfer Gas welding Personal Equipment
3Welding Machines and Accessories.– Identify various tools and equipment for welding and its operations – Sketch basic welding tools and equipment  Guide students to identify equipment and parts of the various Oxy-acetylene equipment and accessories and discuss their uses. Display welding equipment and assist students to identify the various Electric arc-welding equipment, their parts and accessories. Students to sketch the various tools and equipment for both gas and electric arc – welding and label them accordinglyCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development.Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Arc welding machine welding machine accessories

5Principles of WeldingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: – Differentiate between gas and arc welding and explain situations where each may be used Apply the measures during welding operations. – Differentiate between two types of welding techniques and explain situations where eachDescribe step by step striking of arc and laying of beadsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts Showing principles of Welding machines
6Gas Welding– State the function(s) of oxy-acetylene accessories – Weld-metals, with oxy- acetylene gas Identify the oxy-acetylene welding components – Sketch the oxy-acetylene welding setTeacher shows the students all gas welding accessories like needle valves, cylinders, regulators; flame traps, flash back arrestors, hose, gas economizer, welding torch and nozzleCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Charts Posters Text books Gas cylinders Regulators Hose Nozzle, etc.
7 Mid Term Break   
8Flames Oxidizing flames Neutral flame Carburizing flame – Identify the three types of flame – Explain the characteristics/ features of each of the flames – State the uses of flame – Cut and weld with oxy- acetylene flame.Students in a small groups discuss and set the various types of flames and its functionsCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Welding torch Spark lighters Charts Posters Text books


9Oxy-Acetylene– States the functions of welding torch Describe the working torch Use and adjust the torch Sketch and labels a welding torchStudents in a small groups makes a presentation of a welding torch with labels of all its parts. Students in small groups take turns in adjusting the welding torch parts.Communication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal DevelopmentCritical thinking  and Problem   solvingCreativity and ImaginationWelding torch Spark lighters Charts Posters Text books
10Oxy-Acetylene– States the two types of oxy fuel cutting – Describe the principles of  oxy fuel cutting – Use and adjust cutting torch – Sketch and label cutting torch – Differentiate between welding and cutting torchesStudents in small groups demonstrates the setting of torches and the use of the cutting torch to cut thick iron plates, curvesCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Posters Text books Real objects
11Common Gas Preparation (Acetylene)– prepare the calcium carbide form of acetylene gas.
– Describe the water-carbide to water methods.
– Apply the necessary precautions during preparations
Students in pairs Demonstrate the production of acetylene by adding carbide to water or water to carbideCommunication and Collaboration Leadership and Personal Development
Critical thinking  and Problem   solving
Creativity and Imagination
Chemical formula tables Real objects Cathode Water
12Revision/ projects– Perform simple operations using gas and arcStudents as a class carry out an assignment on both as arc welding  

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