English Language Scheme of Work SSS 2 Lagos State

100 Min Read
English Scheme of Work 2
English Scheme of Work 2

SS2 Unified Schemes of work for Senior Secondary School Lagos State. English Language Scheme of Work SSS 1. Schemeofwork.com

SSS2 English Language Scheme of Work Second Term

1Welcome Tests
B. Revision:
I. Grammar: Nominalizbtion of adjectives and verbs vesl
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) analyze
nominalization of adjectives and verbs;                                         (ii) describe the process
of nominalization of adjectives and verbs
(iii) convert or transform adjectives and verbs
into nouns
* Students, in small groups, analyze nominalization of adjectives and verbs.
* Students, in pairs, generate sentences from from newly formed nouns.
* The representative of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique
Critical Thinking
and Problem
Collaboration and

Flash cards
Websites https://thefreedictionary.com/Nominalization-Creating-Nouns     https://www.thoughtco.com/nomalization-in- grammar-1691430
 Oral:Consonant soundsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to,
(i) classify all the twenty four consonant
sounds in English into voiced and voiceless consonant sounds
(ii) contrast consonant sounds with
(iii) produce consonant
sounds correctly.

Students in small groups brainstorm on the twenty four consonants. They.classify
them into voiced and
unvoiced consonants with adequate examples
Students, in small groups,
– bring out words that contain these consonant sound from narrative passage
Students in pairs compare and contrast consonant
sounds They generate sentences contain these consonant sounds
* Critical thinking and Problem
* Communication and collaboration
* Leadership and Personal

Charts or consonant sounds Flash cards Recorded records Audio tapes Audio visuals Websites
https://usefuIenolisno-phonetics/practicecossonant-centrs   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/phonemic_contrast     
 iii SummaryBy the end of the Lesson, students should be able
i) explain what summary is
(ii) outline features of summary
(ui)-outline the dos donts of summary
(iv) summarise a given passage.
• Students in small groups read carefully the given short prose passage They discuss the content of the passage
• Students as a class discuss the dos and don ts of summary writing
• Students in pairs underline the main points in the passage
• Students, small groups, compare underlined main ideas and compile the best for class presentations. • Students, as individual, attempt to summarise a given passage.
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Creativity and Collaboration

A short prose passage
* A chart on the features of summary
* A charts on the dos and don’t of summary A sample of summary  
Websites https://studycom.academy/lesson/what-is-a-summary-defination_ lesson-quiz.html.  

Learners are to be guided to learn the following
bombastic, dearth, hiatus, implacable, stingy, dour, ebullient, ignominious, impinge, tome
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence..(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital literacy.
Dictionary online/hard copy

2ORAL: consonant clusters
– Cluster of  two consonants
– Cluster of the consonants
Cluster of  four/flve consonants

By the end of the lesson;, students should be able to:
(i) explain what a
– consonant cluster is; (ii) identify a consonant
duster or consonant clusters in any given word;
(iii) analyze consonant clusters with regard to their places of’ occurrence in words

• Students, in small groups, listen to a recording of consonant sounds on a tape recorder.
• They generate consonant cluster from two/three/four/five consonants either at the beginning, middle or end of English words Students, in pairs, produce the consonant sounds appropriately

• Critical thinking
Problem Solving
• Communication and
• Leadership and Personal

Flash cards
Recorded words
Audio tapes Audio visual Websites
associate with human body system and functions
A comprehension passage that has
numbered gaps
indicating missing words which student must fill in the appropriate words
By the end of the lesson students should be able to
(i) identify words that are associate with human body system
(ii) generate sentences that contain those words
(iii) enumerate the
functions of each of  the words
• Students in a group read and discuss the story line of the passage on human body system
• Students in pairs sort out from a given jigsaw puzzle words that are associated with human body system and functions Students in pairs work together to generate sentences that contain
• Critical thinking and Problem Solving
• Communication and Collaboration
• Leadership and Personal Development

Charts Pictures

Websites https://www.espressoenglish.ne/english-vocabulary-words-inside-the-human-body/  
 WRITING: Expository Controlling HIV/AIDS in
Nigeria or managing
population explosion Nigeria

By the end of the lesson Students should be able to (i) explain what an
expository essay is
(ii) discuss HIV/AIDS or
population explosion (iii) discuss how to control ,
manage population
explosion in Nigeria
(iv) write an expository essay on
A. How to control 1- HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Or
how to manage population
• Students as a class analyse different
expository essays
• Students in small pairs discuss the causes, effects and prevention of HIV/AIDS among youths
• Students in pairs develop an outline on the content of the essay Students as individual write well reasoned essays on the assigned topic
Critical thinking and
Problem Solving
Communication and
• Leadership and Personal

Websites https://www.goggle.com/amo/s/scialert.net/fulltext/amp.php%3fdoi=jas.200613321337.  
 WORDS FOR THE WEEKLearners are to be guided to learn the following words:
partisan, reposes vivacious surmise malediction, stoic, tangential, mores,
Students as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy
Dictionary online/hard copy.

i Nouns
ii Noun Phrase
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to:
(i) explain what nouns are;
(ii) analyse different types of nouns; (iii) distinguish a noun phrase from a noun clause;
outline functions of noun phrases in different sentences
• Students, as a class, generate varieties of sentences with a view to identifying noun phrases and clauses in them.
• Students, in pairs, classify expressions in the sentences generated into noun phrases and clauses.
• Students, in small groups,
use the samples provided to explain the functions of noun phrases in different sentences
• Critical thinking and
Problem Solving
Communication and
• Leadership and

Charts A short prose passage; Newspapers clipping and their function
Websites https://www.grammar.monster.com/lesson/nonshtm  https://englishclub.com/grammar/noun-what.htm  https://grsrnmar-monster.com/lossonnophrases.htm.  

 Oral: Transcription Monosyllable words
Bi/Disyllable words Polysyllable words

By the end of the lesson,
(i) transcribe any given word;
(ii) pronounces/transcribed words;
(iii) generate dopious examples of monosyllabte/ disyllable/polysyllable words and highlight the main stress,
• Students, in small groups, listen to how words are divided into units/segments in a tape recorder. • Leader of each group produce each segment, while the rest of class respond appropriately by identifying where the stress falls.
• Students, in pairs, follow the samples provided to transcribe given words.
• Critical thinking and Problem Solving Communication and collaboration
• Leadership and. Personal  Development

Pronouncing dictionary
A chart on word transcription Audio visual

 Vocabulary development
Words associated with Health e.g
Diagnosis blood bank contagious, counseling, sickly etc
A compression passage that has numbered gaps missing words which students must fill with the appropriate words

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) outline words associated with health
(ii) explain the meaning of
the words;
(iii) use each of the words appropriately.
• Students, in small groups,
read and discuss the
comprehension passage
on Health
• The representative of
each group present a
summary of the passage,
while members of the
class explain the meaning
of the words associated
with health.
• Students, work as
individuals to do more
exploration on internet on
words associated with
nea’th °‘
btos: c-dassoatcnsi&&i
• Critical Thinking
• Creativity and Imagination
Digital Literacy

• A short comprehension passage that has numbered gaps indicating missing words alongside; • A list of options from which the most suitable is taken; pictures
Websites https://www.english-for-students.com/health-vocabulary.html  

Learners are to be guided to learn the following words paradigm, obtuse, sublime, paragon, reciprocate, solvent frugal, surrogate vilify exonerateStudents as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and
(i) Digital Literacy

Dictionary online/hard copy


Structure Pronouns
Types of pronouns n,
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
interrogative pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Relative pronouns
Reciprocal, pronouns
indefinite pronouns

By the end of the lesson students should be able to; (i) analyse different types of pronouns;
(ii) discuss the functions of different types of pronouns;
(iv) use pronouns in different sentences,
• Students in a class analyse different types of pronouns. They discuss the uses of pronouns in given prose passage.
• Students, in pairs, construct sentences using
different pronouns. They identify the functions of the pronouns as they are used in given sentences. Students, in small groups, study the use of who, whom which and whose in different sentences with a view to explaining the principles underlying the uses.
• Critical thinking and Problem
• Leadership and

A Chart on es of
A recorded speech
A short prose passage    Websites.  https://www.gingersoftware.com/contentgrammer-rules/pronoun-2/

English Language

 Summay Reading to summatzeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain what a summary is;
(ii) discuss steps in summarize;
enumerate the dos and don’ts of summary writing; .
(iii) surnmarise given passages
• Students in small groups read a short prose passage and discuss the topic sentences of the passage
• Students in pairs, analyse the dos and don’ts of summary writing
• Leader or each grou present a summary of the passage, while members of the class respond appropriately. They edit and correct orally.
• Critical thinking
and  problem Solving
•Communication and
Collaboration • Leadership and Personal

A chart on the dos and donts of summary writing
Audio ylsual Websites https://studcom/acad emy/lesson/what-is-a-summary-defination-lesson-guiz.html

 Vocabulary development
Words associated with building and building
A compression passage that has numbered gaps missing words which students must fill with the appropriate words

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) outline words associated with building and building construction
(ii) Discuss the functions of
each of the words
(iii) use each of the words appropriately.
• Students, in small groups,
read and discuss the
comprehension passage
on building and building construction
• Students, in pairs, generate sentences with words associated with
building and building construction
• Critical Thinking
• Problem Solving

A list of words in building and building
construction Pictures of building Real objects
A short comprehension
passage that has numbered gaps indicating missing words alongside a list of options from which the most suitable is taken Websites
https://www.dictionary.cambride.org/topics/building-and-engineeering/construction-work-and-working https://relatedwords.org/relatedto.building%20construction
 WORD OF THE WEEK1. Learners are to be guided to learn the following words
parsimony, virtuoso, revoke, surreptitiously, expurgate, vacuous, manifest, incendiary, remiss, querulous
Students as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each
word in at least a sentence  
Communication and
Collaboration (ii) Digital Literacy

Dictionary online/hard copy

5Oral Stress
Word stress
Two-syflab e rrcts
Three sylle cr
Four- sytabe ond
Five-sy abe ids
Six-syllabe words
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) explain the meaning of syllable and stress
(ii) identify two, three, four, five and six syllable words.
(iii) pronounce any given word appropriately the right syllable stressed.
• Students as a class explain the meaning of stress
• Students in pairs generate words that contain four, five and.six two/three/four/five/or six syllable words. • Students, in small groups, relying on the rules on stress placement provided by their teacher stress several poly-syllabic words.
• Representatives of the groups articulate the words to show the stressed syllables in them.
• Critical thinking
and  problem Solving
Communication and
Collaboration • Leadership and PersonalDevelopment
A chart on word stress
Recorded speech
Audio Visual
Pronouncing dictionary
Websites https://www.engiishclubcom/pronuncunciaion/word-stress-what.html   https://www.stnilesintemational.com/study-end-services/word.ts-for-english-language-learners  

English Language

Listening to answer questions on a passage
By the end of the lesson, students should e able to:
(i) enumerate listening skills;
(ii) distinguish between listening and hearing;
(w) listen to any speech and answer questions on it…
• Students, in small groups, read a given short prose passage. They generate questions on the content of the passage.
Leaders of each group present summary of the passage, while members of the groups listen with rapt attention. They
Critical Thinking
and Problem,
Creativity collaboration
A recorded speech A short prose passage
Websites https://www.thebalancecareers.com/tvpe-of-listening-skillls-wifh-examples-2063759  https://www.mindtool.com-commskll/activelistenig.ht
 Writing: Argumentative
Should female
circumcisin be
abolished? Or
Military rule is better
than civilian rule
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) distinguish argumentative essay  from other essays
(ii) specify the vocatives of a debate; (iii) Enumerate the feature of an argumentative essay;
(iv) write an argumentative
essay on any.given
• Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the content of an argument.
• Students, in small groups, work together to formulate at least four points each or
the content of the argument.
• The Leaders of each groups
present the group work for or against the topic:
‘Should female circumcision
be abolished’
Students, as individuals, write freely on the argument:’ Military rule is better than Civilian rule’
• Creativity and Imagination
• Problem Solving
and Critical Thinking –

A chart n the
features of an
argumentative essay:
A sample of an
argumentative essay
A video clip of a
debate V Websites https://www.dictonary.com/browse/argument 
 WORDS FOR THE WEEK:Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
serendipity, verdant, scthing, reprieve,
parial, maelstrom,
Students as individuals or as a group, look up the
meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at east, a sentence.
(i)Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy
online/hard copy

6(a) Structure: plural forms of nouns – formation of plural nouns
– formation of plural compound nouns ,
e.g. grown up —-
grown-ups —-girl-friend–girl-friends, passer-by  —-passers-by mother-in-law —
mothers- in-law secretary-general -secretary generals
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) discuss singular and plural forms of nounS;
(ii) analyse the formation
of pIurals
(iii) discuss thê formation’
of plural compound
(iv) use plural nouns correctly in speech.

• Students, in small groups, highlight compound nouns in given short prose passage.
• Students, in small groups,
brainstorm on the formation of plural nouns with copious examples. The representatives of each group present their  group work to the whole class for a critique
Critical Thinking and Personal
Critical Thinking and
Problem Solving
Flash cards Dictionary A chart on the formation of piu.al ouns
Websites emyenqlisn.com/plural-forms-englishtsn

 (b) Comprehension (reading to extract the main points from a passage
(ii) summary
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) read any given passage and extract the main points from it;
(ii) distinguish between topic sentence and supporting details;
(iii) summarize any given passage.
• Students, in small groups,
read and discuss a given
comprehension passage.
• The representatives of each
group present a summary of
the passage read.  
• Students, in pairs, highlight the topic sentence and supporting details in the given passages Students, in pairs, summarise the topic sentence in their own words. They read through the summary and correct orally
• Critical thinking and
Problem Solving
•Communication and Collaboration
• Leadership and
A short prose. passage Newspaper clipping Websites

English Language

 (c) Oral: stress
stress pattern (rules guiding the placement of stress in two or more syllable words)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) analyse different stress pattern;
(ii) discuss the rules guiding the placement of stress in words;
(iii) pronounce any given word correctly
• Students, in small groups, brainstorm and analyse different stress pattern.
• Students in small groups
discuss the rules that governs different stress pattern.
The leaders of each group produce the sound, while members of the class respond appropriately.
• Critical thinking and Problem Solving
Communication and Collaboration
• Leadership and personal

Chart Sample of the rules guiding the placement of stress in words Prononcing dictionary
https://www.thought.com-words-syllable-strss-patterns-in-english-121204  https://www.myenglish/language-guide/english-phonology/syllable-and-stress/%3fmap
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following word
wistful xenohobia, youngsters, upbraid, distend, hierarchy,inept, pungent, rectitude
Students as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in at least a sentence

(i) Communication and collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy 

Online/ hard copy Dictionary

7Midterm tests Open Day
Mid-term Holiday
Words for the week
Refute, medley, abducted
choreography, coronation, diffident, derelict, emend, efface
Students as a group look up the meanings dictionary and use each word and Last a sentence Students as individuals or as(i) Communication and collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy 
Online/ hard copy
8(a) Comprehension ( Reading A selected passage Students are expected to read and make notes on it)By the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i) read any given passage (ii) make notes on any
given passage . (iii) enumerate the main points of any given passage   
• Students in small groups read and discuss a given comprehension passage • Students, in pairs, generate questions on the content of
the passage and subsequently provide answers to Those questions
• Students work together to infer the main points in selected passages Students as individuals summarise the main points in their own expressions

A selected prose passage Audio visual Websites https://www.readingrocket.org/helping/target/comprehension 
 (b) Oral: Emphatic
By the end of the lesson students should be abl to: (i) explain what emphatic stess is;
(ii) specify the focus of any given message;
(iii) attempt questions on
Emphatic stress  
Students in small groups distinguish emphatic stress from main/primary stress. They generate sentence stress with copious examples. The leaders of each group produce the words that are stressed in selected sentences, while members of the class respond appropriately.• Critical thinking and Problem Solving • Citizenship and Collaboration
• Leadership and. Personal

Recorded speech
Audio visuals Websites https://www.tammy/englishblog.com/20171051/how-to-answer-question-on-emphtic.html?m=1 

English Language

 (C) Summary:
Summarize an
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) read any given argumentative essay and highlight its main point.
(ii) distinguish between the key points and the supporting details of any given argumentative essay;
(iii) summarize any given passage without mindless lifting
• Students, in small groups, brainstorm on a given argumentative essay. They highlight the main points of the passage.
• Students, in small groups, critically analyse the differences between key points and supporting details of any given argumentative essay. Students, in pairs, compare their summaries. They edit and correct orally
 A selected
Argumentative Essay
Video clip of a debate Website
 (e ) Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words
pliable pittance vapid,sublime, abdicate accede, abnegation apathetic, animated, coalesce
 (i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy (iii) Leadership
Dictionary Online/ hard copy
9Structure Adverbs and adverbial phrases Types of adverbs and adverbial phrasesBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(i) explain adverbs and adverbial phrass
(ii) give examples of adverbs and adverbial phrases
(iii) enumerate the functions of adverbial phrases in different sentences  
• The whole class brainstorms on different types of adverbials
• Students in pairs generate sentences using different adverbs/ adverbials
• The leaders of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique
Students in pairs highlight
the adverbials and state their functions
•  Critical Thinking
•  Problem Solving Collaboration
Relevant prose
Past question SSCEI
NECO past questions

words associated with colour smell, taste (Adjectives)  
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able to:
(i) specify the adjective or
words that gre sort out from a given gsaw
words that are-
smell taste associated with sense
(ii) use any,of given – •organs they generate adjectives correctly in sentences that contain sentences those words
• Students as a class identify words that are associated
to with sense organs • Students in small groups
• Problem solving and Critical Thinking Collaboration and Creativity

•  Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Collaboration and creativity

Charts Pictures Real objectives Video clips Websites
(i) identify the tone
(ii) identify the purpose
(iii) identify the figurative

By the end of the lesson
students should be able to:
(i) identify the tone of any spoken message;
(ii) identify the purpose of any spoken message;
(iii) identify the figurative expressions in any
spoken message
• Students in small groups read and discuss a given
comprehension passage.
• Students, in pairs generate questions on the passage. They highlight figurative languages used in the passage. Students, in pairs, work together to provide answers to those questions. The leaders of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
• Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
• Collaboration
Rewarded speech
Audio visuals

https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/listening-skills.html  https://www.mindtools.com/commskl/activelistening.  

English Language

 Writing: Report writing (scientific report writing) A report of an experiment carried out by a student or a laboratory reportBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(i) discuss the format of a report writing;
(ii) state the features of a scientific report;
(iii) write a report on an experiment carried out by a particular student.
• Students in small groups discuss the format of report
• Students, in pairs, brainstorm oh the features of scientific report. They discuss the process of editing a good report • Each group leader makes a presentation of their group work to the whole class for a critique. Students work together to write a report on an experiment came out by the senior boy.
• Creativity and Imagination
• Problem Solving Critical Thinking

Video clips Audio tapes Pictures A sample of scientific report
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to
learn the following words:
connive, daunting, promulgate, rancor, serene, clandestine prescient, servile, torpid, trite
Students, as individuals or as group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary end use each word in at least a sentence(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy  
Online/ hard copy
 Structure: Adjectival phrases and clauses Functions

By the end of the lesson student  should be able to: i.distinguish between adjectival phrases and adjectival clauses; ii.identify and state function of adjectival phrases or adjectival clauses in any given sentence• Students in small groups, brainstorm and distinguish between adjectival phrases and adjectival/ Relative clauses
• Student in small groups generate sentences using different adjectival phrase and adjectival /Relative clause
• Students, in pairs, highlight the adjectival phrase/clause in different selected sentences. The leaders of each  group make presentation of their group work to the whole class for a critique.Other members of the class state the function of those adjectival phrases/clauses.
Critical Thinking Collaboration
A relevant prose
A relevant past
A practice exercise
 Oral: Rhyme

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) explain the meaning of rhyme (ii) identify words that rhyme (iii) describe the process of identifying words that rhyme  • Students in small groups
read selected poems. They identify the rhyming words
• Students in small groups
appreciate the use of rhyming words by the poets. They suggest the rhyme scheme The leaders of each group make presentation of their
group work to the whole
class for a critique
• Creativity
• Collaboration Oral

List of words that rhyme
A short poem that has rhyming words at the end of its lines websites
https://www.rhymezon.com  https://literarydevices.net/rhyme/
 Writing: Creative writing
– Features of a short play or stay
(i) plot
(ii) style
(iii) setting
(iv) theme
– Features of a poem
(I) use of verse
(ii) imageries
(iii) concise language
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) enumerate the techniques of creative writing; ..
(ii) discuss the features . of a short play or story.
(iii) enumerate the features of a poem; .
(iv) write a short play, stor’ or poem.
• Students, in small groups,
 present short plays in turns.
• Students, in small groups, analyse the plot and the moral lessons derived from the playlets.
• Students, in pairs, compose song or short poems to be recited. They examine critically the imageries, figurative language and tone of the poems. The leaders of each group make presentations on their group work to the whole class for a critique.
• Imagination and Creativity
• Oral Communication Collaboration
A sample of a short play, story or a poem websites
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativewriting. https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-creative-writing-defination-types-examples.html  

English Language

 Words for the week

Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
obfuscate, raze, alleviate, epitomise, hedonist, innovate, perplex, reconcile, rife, soluble, tedious
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy

11Structure: Phrasal verbs with two particle

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain phrasal verbs; (ii) Give copious example of phrasal verbs;
(iii) use phrasal verbs correctly in different sentences.
• Students, in small groups, brainstorm on what phrasal verbs are. They generate
sentences using different phrasal verbs.
• The representatives of each group make presentations to the whole class for a critique.
Students work as individuals to construct different sentences using phrasal verbs. They read through one another
sentences and correct.
• Critical Thinking
• Collaboration Problem
A chart on phrasal
A short passage that
has two or more
phrasal verbs
https://englishclu b.càm/vocabularyLhi asal-verbs-lim
Reading to paraphrase poems and dramatic works
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) paraphrase any given poem or dramatic works;
(i) distinguish between
key points and supporting points
• Students, in small groups, read selected comprehension passage.
• Students, in pairs, generate question on the passage.
Students, in pairs
paraphrase the selected
• Creativity
• Problem Solving Critical thinking

A short poem A short play Websites https://literaryterms.net/paraphrase/amp/  https://penandthepad.com/paraphrase-poem-8734590.htm  
 Letter writing Informal letter

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain meaning an informal letter
(ii) highlight the Features of an informal letter
(iii) write the frnatdf.an
informal letter
(iv) write a letter to a
parent friend brother etc
• Students in small groups brainstorm on different types of informal letters
• Students in pairs develop an outline on given contents of different letters
Students work as individuals to write freely on any given letter

• Problem Solving Critical Thinking

Charts on (i) features (ii) format of an informal letter
s:peo1an — crinal letter
 Words for the week

Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
despot, forage, plethora, undulate, feral, polemic, variegated, placid, pacific, berate
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and usg each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy

Dictionary Online/ hard copy

12Structure: Adverbial clauseBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain what an adverbial clause in given complex sentence;
(ii) identify an adverbial clause in a given complex sentence;
(iii) state the function of an adverbial clauses in a
• Students, as a class, identify different types of adverbial clauses
• Students, in pairs, generate sentences using different adverbs/ adverbials
• Students, in pairs, highlight the adverbials and state their functions.
• Creativity
• Collaboration

A relevant past SSCE/ NECO question websites
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/adverbiaiclause https://www.thougtco.com/what-is-adverbial-clause-1689190  

English Language

 Writing: Narrative essayBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) explain what a narrat1`ive essay is; (ii) discuss how to write a narrative essay; (iii) write a story  Students, in small groups, brainstorm on different types of essays. They analyse the differences between narrative and other types of essays.Students, in small groups, formulate at least five questions on the given narrative essay. Different groups of students respond to those questions. The leaders of each group make presentation on the …Leadership and Personal Development Creativity and CollaborationA sample of a story Pictures Websites https://illiteracydevices.net/ narrative-essay/https: //study.com/academy/ lesson/narrative-essay-defination-examples-characteristics.html
 Summary WritingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: (i) discuss how  to summarise (ii) highlight the dos and don’t of summary writing (iii) summarise any given passage without mindless liftingStudents, in small groups, read and brainstorm on a given passage. They highlight the main points of the passage
Students, in small groups, critically analyse the differences between key points and supporting details of any given passage.Students, in small groups, establish the relationship between topics sentences and the central ideals in each of the paragraphs in the passage.Students in pairs, compare their summaries. They edit.  
 Problem solving CollaborationA relevant past SSCE questions Chart Websites https://www.hunter.cunv.edu-rwc/handout/theWriting-process-1/invention/guidelines-for-writing-a-Summary http://www.Toppr.com-guidelines/English/writing-summary
 Words of the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words: Bound, apocryphal, annul, cajole, brazen, cacophony, banish, debacle, credulity, crescendoStudents as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in, at least a sentence(i) Communication and collaboration   (ii) Digital literacyDictionary Online / hard copy


At the end of the term, students are able to:

1. Convert adjectives and verbs into nouns

2. Produce consonant and vowel sounds appropriately

3. Write essays and letter on a given topics

4. Summarize given passage without mindless lifting

5. Identify different phrases/clauses in given expressions and state their functions

6. Answer questions on given comprehension passages  

Unified Schemes of work for Senior Secondary School Lagos State. English Language Scheme of Work SSS 1. Schemeofwork.com

English Language Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term

1(a) Revision: Last term’s word and examination
(b) Welcome test

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:  
(I) identify their mistakes in letter writing;
(ii)  correct the
punctuation errors and grammatical errors in
a given text 

• Students in small groups, critically analyse thir common mistakes and grammatical errors identified in their last terms work and examination.  
• Students, in pairs, read through their examination scripts, correct their mistakes and re-write them in their notes
• Students in pairs work together to do more exploit on internet on common grammatical.errors in letter, writing.
Critical Thinking and Problem
Solving Collaboration student Leadership and Personal

Unified examination past question Charts on letter writing

 Oral: consonant soundsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:.
(i) Explain what possessive apostrophe is;
(ii) show adequate examples of
contractions of words; (iii) state the rules of
possessive apostrophe; (iv) use apostrophe
correctly to show possession.
Students, in small groups, brainstorm Them egning of possessive apostrophe.
• They give copious
• examples of contractions
of words.
• Students, in pairs, generate different sentences that contain possessive, apostrophe. They analyse the rules of possessive apostrophe.
Students, in small groups, form more sentences based .or the generated rules
Critical ThinkingProblem Solving Collaboration  Charts – websites https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/puncution/apostropherules.html  https://magoosh.com/pro-writing/possesiveapostrophe?  
 (b) Structure: The use of possessive
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:.
(i) explain what summary is
(ii) outline features of summary: (iii) Outline the doe and don’ts of sumrnary;
(iv) summarise a given
• Students, in small groups, read carefully the given short prose passage. They discuss the content of the passage. • Students, as a class, discuss the dos and don’t of smmary writing.
• Students, in pairs, underline the main point of the passage.
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking.
Creativity and
* A short prose passagd
* A charton the features of summary
* A chart on the dos and don’t of summary
* A sample of

 (c) comprehension Reading to grasp main pointsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:.
(i) identify the topic sentence in each paragraph
(ii) justify the choice of the topic sentence identified (iii) use the main/central point in sentence
• Students, in small groups, read and discuss the comprehension passage.
• Students, in pairs, evaluave and integrate ideas ideas and information from the text to form their ovn interpretations.
• Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the topic sentence in each paragraph. They analyse the main idea and detailed ideas of the sentence topic.
CommunicationCritical Thinking
Problem Solving  
Extracts from Newspaper journals websites J/stud.com/acad sson/what-isn-definitionprocess.html http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Reading
 (d) Words for the week,

Lerners are to be guided to learn the following
words: morass, abject, blandishes, duplicity, ennui maudlin, abscond, alias, dither, emaciated.
Students do more exploit on internet for further studies on ‘ the usage of thech words, .

Digital LiteraryDictionary Online/ hard copy        
2(a) Structure:
Punctuation marks:
Question marks (?)
Exclamation mark (!)
Colon ( 🙂
Semicolon (;)
Hyphen (-)
By the end of the lesson, studnts should be able to
(i) list at least five uses of the following punctuation marks: Question marks :(?) Exclamation mark (!) Colon (:) Semi colon ( 😉
and Hyphen (-) (ii) Ue semi colon exclamation mark and question mark in
Students, in small group differentiate the uses of different punctuation marks they analyse how to use Question Mark, Exclamaon mark, Colon, Semi-colon and Hyphen.Students, in pairs, construct different sentences using these punctuation mark.
Student given passage with a view to identifying the various marks of punctuation used. 
Critical thinking  CollaborationCharts on punctuation
marks websites http://grammar.yourddictionary.com/punctuation/whav/fourveen-punctuation-marks.html http://www.enchantedlearning.com/grammar/punctuation/
development: press:
words associated With press
By the end of the lesson
‘students should be able to:
(i), list all words relating to journalism 
(ii)explain the.following terms, freedom of the press, headline news, press-conference, editor, mass media,  correspondent, dispatch, investigation,
journalist, press, releases, reporter, columnist
Students in small
groups, read and discuss  the given comprehension , passage on press freedom. The representatives of each group present a summary of the passage orally.Students, – in pairs generate words that are associated with press /media. They’
construct different sentences with these
and Critical Thinking , Collaboration and
-Pictures/ posters websites  https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/press    http://relatedwords.comorg/relatedto/associatedpress
Poetry for pleasure
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) listen to a given poem; (ii) explain new words as
they are used in a given poem;
(iii) identify the tone purpose and figurative,
expressions in the poem.
Students, in small groups listen to a short poem on a –
– tape recorder. They appreciate the choice of words, figurative languages and the themes of the poem.
Students, in pairs, critically appreciate the moral lessons derived from the poem. They analyse the tone of the poem. Students, in pairs, compose short poems on drug abuse
Imagination and
Oral Communication
and Personal
-Poetry books websites
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0961000605052158?journalCode=lisb  https://www.poemhunter.com/poems/pleasure/  

English Language

 Word & for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words:
enmity, inept, laudatory, pinnacle, divine, flabbergasted, extant, laconic, pertinacious, enervate
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and search word in, at least, a sentence(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Online/ hard copy  

3Oral: lntonation Expressing surprise disbelief (exclamation)By the end of the lessen, students should be able to:
(i) explain the term
‘intonabon (ii) recognice and use
appropiiate intonation
patterns associated with suronse or disbelief
(iii) give aDequate examples of intonation pattern expressing surprise or disbelief
Students, in small groups, analyse types of intonation. They share viewpoints on falling and rising tunes.Students, in pairs, brainstorm on the use of appropriate intonation pattern associated with surprise or disbelief The representatives of each group classify different
statements/sentences into falling or rinsing tunes
expressing surpnse or
Oral Communication Problem Solving Critical ThinkingTape recorded material https://dictionarycambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/intonation 
 Structure: Sentence type s
-Declarative -imperative -interrogative
By the end of the lesson students should be able to (l) list all the types of
(ii) classify sentences according to their functions and structures
it) Analyse any given passage into sentence types
Students, a class discuss different types of sentences (both functional and formal types)Students in small groups study a given passage and classify all the sentences in it into types. The leaders of each group make presentations or their group work to the whole class for a critiqueProblem Solving Critical ThinkingSentence strips Newspaper cutting https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/sentence/type.htm  https://academicguide.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grarnmar/sentencestructure
 Writing Formal letter Letter of complaintBy the end of the lesson students should be able to
(i) explain the features of a formal letter of
(ii) write a letter or complaint to the bank manager on order deduction of your savings
Students as a class, identify different letters of
complaints They state
their features in turns Students in pairs develop
an outline on a letter of
complaint to the manager of
Shop Rite Supermarkets
Students in pair read
through each others letter
writings and correct orally
Creativity and Imagination Critical Thinking Problem SolvingCharts on letter writing                    A model formal letter
 Word for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words:
cherish, capricious, eschew, perusal, renunciation,
rhapsodize spurious, tenable, catalogue, turgid, antediluvian.
Students as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in, at least a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy.
Online/ hard copy
 Word for the week

Learners a to be guided to learn the following words: turgid, cherish, capricious, eschew, perusal, renunciation, rhapsodizes, spurious, tenable, catalogue, antediluvianStudents as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy

4.               Oral: Filing tone (statement)By the.end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) differentiate between. falling tóne and rising . tone;
(ii) identify the finality of a statement;
(iii) give copious examples of falling tone
Students in small groups, critically differentiate between Falling and Rising Tune with copious
The representatives of each group clarify different statements into falling tone and rising tune.They highlight the falling tune in the finality of different statements
(i) Problem Solving Critical Thinking (ii) Collaboration and Communication-Audio tape
– Audio visual
– Class demonstration https://dictionary.carnbridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/intonation=fallig%20intonation%20describes%20how%20the.very%20common%20in%wh%2Dquestion.&text=we%20also%20use%20falling%20intonation,are%20completelety%201%E2%86%98   https://englishwithkim.comfalling-intonation-statements-questions
Reading for implied
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
(i) explain that implied mean; (ii) Identify the implied meaning of statement made in a giving sentences.
(iii) Distinguish between
stated and, implied
meanings in speech.
• Students in small groups’ ‘ students should be able, read and discuss a given comprehension.passage • Students, in pairs, brainstorm on how to identify the implied meaning of statement made in given sentence. The leaders of each groups
present a summary of their presentations to the whole class for a critique
(i) Problem Solving               (ii)  personal development Collaboration-Tape- recorded speeches
– Dialogue/ conversation
– Extract from short story
https://www.forbes.com/sites/womensmedia/2012/11/09/10-staps-to-effective-listenin/amp/ https://www.englishclub.com/listening/what.htm
 Writing: Informal letter Letter to friend in another town    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(I) explain the features of an informal. letter; .
(ii) write a letter to a friend in another town  
• Students, in small groups,’
brainstorm on different informal letters. They analyse the features of an informal letter
• Students, in small groups, compare and contrast life in
their villages with that of the cities. Students, in pairs, write and develop an outline on the. content of a given letter writing
(i) Creativity, and
(ii) Critical Thinking
and Problem Solving  
– Charts in letter
– A mode of an
Informal letter  https://www.Toppr.com/guides/english/writing/informal-letters/ 
https:///pinteret.com/amp/pin/810507264160042028 /
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words: 
monumental, moot, luxuriant, intrude, succinct, wheedle, brochure, herbivore, spasmodic, medley.
Students, as individuals or. as a group, look up the
meaning of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.
(i). Communication and Collaboration (ii). Digital Literacy(i) Hard copy dictionary
(ii) Online dictionary
5 Oral: Rhyme schemeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i). explain the term, rhyme scheme;
(ii) identify the pattern of rhymes at the end of each who of a given poem
(iii) write the rhyme scheme
Students, in small groups, listen to how to recognise ending rhyme in selected poems. They critically analyse, appreciate the rhyme schemes in different poems. The leaders of each group make presentations on the rhyme schernes. identify in the.selected ‘poems’(i) Problem Solving (ii) Collaboration
Oral -Communication  
– Chart on poetry https://literacydevices.net/rhyrne-scheme/ 

English Language

 Structure: Pronouns – Personal – Relative By the end.of the Lessons
students should be able
(i) explain the following
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun;
(ii) identify personal and,
relative pronouns in a
given. passage;
(iii) state the features of
relative pronoun
•Students, as a class, discuss the different types of pronouns. They generate sentences using different pronouns.
• Students, in pairs, differentiate personal pronoun from relative pronouns. They use these pronouns in subjective and objective forms. Students, in small groups, work together to study the rules governing the use of personal and indefinite pronouns.
Critical Thinking Communication

Sentence strips Real objects https://www.grammarly.com/blog/pronouns/ https://www.grammarlybook.com/pronouns.asp
 Comprehension: listening to summarise speech, lecturers and note makingBy the end of the lesson, students
lectures and should be able to
(i) identify the main
points in a given
speech.  lecturers and
note making;
(ii) write key points of the
• Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given lecture note. They identify the main points in each paragraph.
• Students work together to generate questions bn the passage.
Students, in pairs, provide V answers to those questions and correct where it is necessary.

Critical Thinking.Collaboration  Creativity

Real objects
Extract from newspaper ffcv https://www.forbes.com/sites/womensmedia/20212/11/09/10-steps-to-effective-listening/amp/ https://www.englishclub.com/listening/what.html 
 Words of the week:Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
abduct; abrogate, dirge, dilatory, embellish, entail, novice, nefarious, orthodox, paliate.
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary online/hard copy.

6Oral: Rising tone By the end of the
lesson, students
should be able to:
(i) explain the term,
‘rising tone’
(ii) identify indication of
(iii) use the correct
intonation patterns in
polite statements.
Students, in small groups, critically differentiate between Rising Tune and Falling Tune with copious examples.
• The representatives of each
group clarify different
statements into falling tune
and rising tune.
• Students work together to. highlight rising tune to show tentativeness in different
Students, in pair, use
appropriate intonation
patterns in polite statements.
Personal Development Collaboration
Tape recorded materials Class demonstration using provided texts. https://englishwithkint.com/rising-intonation-question
 Vocabulary development: words associated with environmentBy the end of the lesson,
Words students should be able with to:
(i) explain the meaning of
environment; ,
(ii) discuss atloast seven
types of environment
(iiij state the importance of
a clean enviionment.
• Students, in smalrcups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage on environmental pollution.
• Students, in pairs, analyse at least seven types of environmental problems.
• Students, in pairs, formulate guidelines for the agencies in charge of environmental pollution
Students work together to
hiqhlight the importance of a clean environment
Critical Thinking and.
Problem Solving and

Charts on environment Flash cards https://www.englishclub.com.org/relatedto/enivorment https://www.englishclub.com/reading/evironment/environment-vocab.htm

English Language

 Structure: Pronouns – Personal – Relative By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) differentiate between a short story and a play/ drama;
(ii) explain each of these. features of a Story/ play/ poem;
(iii) write a short story, a play or a poem.
• Students, in small groups brainstorm on different types
of create writing. They differentiate between short • story, novel and short play/drama.
• Students, in pairs, analyse the features of different creative writing. They develop and write outlines on given topics.
Individual students write a minimum of five chapter short
stories/five act plays/collection of poems for submission three weeks after.
Critical Thinking Collaboration Creativity

Charts on genres of literature.
A model or a short story/ play https://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Creativewriting https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-iscreative-writing-definition-types-examples.html
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words paucity, ostracism, acclaim, acerbic, bereft, nomadic, beguile, munificence, palette, phlegmatic.Students as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and
(ii),Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy

7Mid-term tests
Open Day Mid -term Holiday
Words for the week
  (i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy
8Oral Consonant
/p/ and /b/
/t/         /d/
/k/       /g/ /f/       /v/ /s/      /z/
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(i) recognise and pronounce correctly these sound;
(ii) differentiate between voiced and voiceless sounds with adequate
• Students in small groups, watch a short film recording of consonant contrast. They classify consonants into voiced and voiceless in pairs
• Students, in pairs generate words that contain the consonant contrast
The leader of each group produce the sound contrast while members of the group respond appropriately.

Oral Communication.
Problem Solving
critical Thinking
Flash cards
Audio tapes ro visual
https://usefulenglish.ru/phonetics/practice-consonant-contrast https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199492.001.0001/acprof-9780199492-chapter-5
 Student: introduction to sequence tenseBy the end of the Lesson student should be able to:
(i) explain what sequence of tense is;
(ii) recognise appropriate sequence of tenses within the same sentence;
(iii) use effectively sequence of tenses within the same sentence.
• Students as a class brainstorm on the
sequence of tense. They
• express different times by using different tenses.
• Students, in pairs, use sequence of tenses within the same sentence with copious examples. Students compare their sentences and discuss the corrections orally
Problem Solving. Critical Thinking
Sentence strips Charts http://www.Toppr.com/guidelines/English/tense/sequence-of-tense/#:test=rule%201.tense%20in%20the%20subordinate%20clause.&text=When%20the%20rincial%20cIause%20in,honesty%20is%20the%20best%20policy. http://www.thouhtcom/sequence-of-tense-english-grammar-191952

Reading for critical evaluation. :
 By the end of the lesson, students should be  able to:
(i) listen attentively to selected passages;
(ii) detect evidence of illogically inconsistency, fault, reasoning, misleading statement
• Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage. The Leaders of each group present a summary of the passage orally while members of the group detect evidence of illogically, inconsistency, faulty, reasoning and misleading statements.Critical Thinking. Problem Solving Collaboration  Drill books Selected passages https://www.skillsyoungeed.com/learn/criticalreading https://wwwcsuohio.edu/writing-center/critical-reading-what-criticalreading-and-whv-do-i-need-do-it
 (a) Word for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words:
propriety, preclusive canvas, exigent, requisition, carouse, forestall tranquil, heterogeneous unctuous.
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and                                      Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online hard copy
9Structure: Phrasal verb – verb with more than one
particle Examples
Got on with
Got through with
Got back on
Look out for
Look down on
Look up to
Put in for
Put up with
By the end of the lesson students should be able to
(i) explain the term phrasal verb
(s) identify verb, that take more. than one particle;
(iii) use such phrasal verb, correctly in sentences
• Students as a class highlight the use of phrasal verbs with more than one particle Students in pairs identity phrasal verbs in a short narrative passage and attach contextual meanings to them. Students, in pairs construct different sentences using different phrasal verbs and state their meanings in context(i) Communication
 (ii) Critical Thinking
(iii) Problem Solving
Dictionary Flash cards Sentence strips https://englishclub.corn/vocabulary/phrasal-verbs-list.htm https://gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/verbs/phrasal-verbs/
development: Words associated with building and budding construction
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
Explain words Associated with building and building construction
(i) explain what building is. (ii) use each of the following words in sentences A block layers b. 
foundation c. walls d. plans e. p
(iii) list at least twenty words associated with building lot of land f, contractor g. roofing h. labouring etc.
•Students in small groups read and discuss a given comprehension passage on building construction
• The representative of each group presents a summary of the passage • Students in small groups generate words that are associated with building and building construction
* Students work as individuals to do more exploits on internet on building construction
Problem Solving. Collaboration Oral CommunicationDictionary
Flash cards Pictures of building https://beaufortonline.com/buildingandconstruction-terms-dictionary/ https://relatedwords.org/relatedto/building%20construction  
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to
learn the following words:
culvert, ideograph mychotophobia, cymosely grunge, unsightly, wishy-washy, asylum, consensus, hospice.
Students as individuals or as a group, lookup the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in at least a sentence(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Online/hard copy
 Structure active and passive sentences                By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) differentiate between active and passive sentence patterns;
(ii) write the active and passive forms of verb using adequate examples;
(iii) construct different sentence in the active and passive voice forms.
• Students, in small groups,- work together to compare and contrast active and passive sentence patterns Students in airs
construct sentence using
active and passive.voice

Collaboration passage Critical thinking A            A relevant prose A relevant past SSCE/  NECO questions A practice exercise
https://primaryresources.co.uk./english/active.htm#:text20Passive https://www.grammarly.com/blog/active-vs-passivevoice/

 Vocabulary development: technologyBy the end of the lesson,  students should be able
(i) list all words associated with technology;
(ii) explain the followings, a. e-mail b. Facebook c. network d. password e. satellite f, keyboard g. innovation h. YouTube i. username j. virus,
• Students, in small groups, read and discuss the given comprehension passage on technology.
• The representatives of each group present a summary of the passage orally
• Students, in pairs, generate words that are associated with technology. They construct different sentences with these words.
For further studies students visit the site below: .
> Problem Solving and
Critical Thinking
Collaboration and
Chart Sentence strips https://www.britannica.com/technolgy/technology https://wwwen.wikioedia.org/wiki?Technoloqy. 
 Writing: ArticlesBy.the end of the
lesson students should be able to:
(i) differentiate between article writing and letter writing
(ii) list and discuss the features of an article writing
• Students, as a class, discuss the differences between article writing and letter writing
• Students in pairs distinguish writing an article for publication and writing a letter to the editor They compare and contrast their futures with adequate samples of article writing and letter writing
•Students, in pairs, develop and write different outlines on given article writing and letter writing.
Critical Thinking

Pictures posters Dictionary https://wiki.grammar-monster.com/glossary/articles/htm    https://www.grammar/y.com/blog/articles/
 Words of the weekLearners are to be guided to
lëarn’the following words’.
nuzzle, platitude, feisty,
oust, disarmament,
vestige, exude, rattle,
tantalizing unbridled
Students, as individuals or . as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and Collaboration (i) Digital LiteracyDictionary Online/hard copy
 Recognition of differentBy the end of the lesson,
stress pattern students should be able to:
(i) explain what stress pattern  is;
(ii) identify where the . stress falls on (either first/seconder third syllable);
(iii) recognise the stress
pattern that is odd/ different form other
Students, in small groups, brainstom, on’ different stress
pattern with copious examples.
• Students, in pairs, identify
where stress falls on two/three or four syllable words,
• The leaders of each group produce the syllable that receive the stress loud, while members of the group,  respond approximately Students answer question on
different stress pattern..
• Oral Communication    • Collaboration Critical Thinking  Charts on syllable and stress https://wwv.sciencedrect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X99926967   https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/stre-pattern.
 Vocabulary development: words associated with cultural .

By the end of the lesson,
students should be able
(i) list all words associated with cultural. entertainment
(ii) explain the importance of cultural entertainment;
(iii) use words associated with cultural entertainment in
• Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage on cultural entertainment.
• Students, in pairs, analyse at least different types of cultural entertainment.
• Students work together to highlight the importance of cultural entertainment to a nation.
Critical Thinking and Creativity Problem Solving’and Collaboration

Chart Sentence strips https://relatedwords.org/relatedto/entertainrnent#:text=Accordingtothe%20amusement%20television%20and20gam https://www..myenglishpages.com/site.phstressvocabulry-lessonentertainment.php 

 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words:
Unbridled, wedge, airily, outstanding, meritorious,, indefatigable, articulate, virile hopelessness, ebb
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each Word in, at least, “a sentence(i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy


At the end of the term, the students are able to:

  1. Use punctuation marks appropriately;
  2. Write good reports on different experiments;
  3. Answer questions on given comprehension passages;
  4. identify the main and supporting ideas in given, comprehension passages;
  5. Sumnarize given passages without mindless lifting;
  6. Answer questions on same consonant, vowel sounds, rhyme and stress.

English Language Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term

1 By the end of the lesson,
Revise students should be able to:
(i) recall types of tenses;
(ii) explain tenses with examples;
iii. Identify the tenses in
sentences.  (iv) differentiate each of the
tenses from one another
(v) use the tenses appropriately in sentences.
i. Students, in small groups, analyse different types of  tenses with copious examples  ii.Students, in pairs, highlight tense used in a given prose passage iii. Students in pairs, differentiate past, present and future tenses.
They construct different sentence-by using different tenses..
iv. The representatives of each group present their.group work to the whole class for a critinue.
https://www.myenglishpages.com/sitephpfiles/grammar-lesson- tense.php   
 Words for the weeklearner’s are to be guided to learn the following words
acronym  troupe, socialism,
ardour, professionalism,
behemoth, calumny, compliment, indigent, dissemble.
Students do more exploit on internet for further studies on
the usage of these words.  
Digital Literacy    Dictionary Online/  hard copy  

2Grammar: sentences  a. condition clause (likely condition) b. unlikely condition c. impossible condition d. complex sentencesBy the end of the lesson,
students should be able  to
(i) explain the following
 term conditional clause, likely condition, unlikely condition, impossible condition, complex sentence
(ii) use conditional clauses to form sentence
(iii) describe the characteristics of clauses in complex sentences  
i. Students in small groups brainstorm on the use of conditional clauses
ii Students in pairs discuss likely condition unlikely condition and impossible condition in complex sentences
iii. Students, in pair use conditional clauses to form different sentences
iv. Students work together to state the functions of those conditional clauses as they are used in complex sentences
v. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Developments        
Sentence strips Passages containing conditional clauses Newspaper cuttings
https://www.learngrammar.net/english-grammar/sentence-definition-n-types https://engilishclub.com/grammar/sentence/what-is-a-sentence.htm  
 Writing: Essay speech writing for special purpose (i) welcome address (ii) farewell address (iii) an address given on a prize giving dayBy the end of the lesson
writing for students should be able to:  (i) outline the features of
address a speech;
address given on  (ii) explain what a speech
day is;
(iii) distinguish between a
speech and an article;
(iv) write speeches for
different purposes.

i Students in small groups differentiate speech wilting from report writing. They discuss the
features of speech/talk
i. Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage on,
iii. Students, in pairs, analyse different speech for special occasions or different purposes. iv, Students, in pairs’, develop and develop outline on the content of a given speech.
v. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole classifora critiqup.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving

A mode of a speech talks https://w.toppr.com/guides/english/writing/essay/  https://grammer.yourdictionary.com/writing/how-to-write-an-essay.html   

 Vocabulary development: words associated with publishing and printingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to
(i) list the words associated with publishing and printing;
(ii) explain words associated with publishing and printing;
(iii) explain the process of publishing and printing,  

i. Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage on publishing and printing.
ii. Students, in pairs, general sentences on words that are associated with publishing and printing.
iii. Students, in pairs, highlight the process of  publishing and
printing. They explain the process in turns.
iv. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a
Oral Communication Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving      
Newspapers/ books https://d/ictionary.cambridge.org/topics/media-and-word-processing/ https://.englishclub.corn/vocabulary/20publishing.htm            
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guideto learn the following words:
balk, complicit, impecunious, encumber, mollify, frivolous,
confection, disrepute, benevolent, generous
Students, as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at east, a sentence(I) Communication and ‘Corroboration
(i) Digital Literacy

Dictionary Online/ hard copy
 Gramnar: Affixation
Prefixes as word extension

By the end of the lesson, students should be able
(i),expIain what affixation
(ii)identify the basic root words;
(in) pronounce the uses of the words
(iv)form ney.words using prefixes
i. Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the use of  ii. Students in pairs, generate  words using affixation, They construct sentences with
iii. Students work together to• classify newly formed words Into prefixes roots and clauses.
iv Therepresentavesofecoh
work to the whole class for a    
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development            
( Charts
( Flash cards (Dictionary Cards containing the meaning of the new words
https://www.rnacmillandictionary/british/affixation https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-affixation-words-1688976
 Writing: Summary
Summarisirig a talk or a lecture    
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to
(i) mention the words associated with industries;
(ii) explain the term- industries      
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;
(i) mention the words associated with
(ii) explain the term- industries    
Creative collaboration communication Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development Problem Solving imagination    
Newspapers and magazine cuttings other relevant materials https://www.collegerefers.tumblr.com/post/97532551425/how-to-wrive-a-lecturer-summary-efficiently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyBZ19etAws   
development: Words associated with industries      
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) mention the words associated with industries;
(ii) explain the term- industries) differentiate between industries and
companies; V
(iv) use the identified words appropriate ‘contexts.        
i. Students, in small gruups, read and discuss a given comprehension passage on industries
ii. Students, in pairs, brainstorm and discuss the contributions of industries to national development.
iii. Student  in pairs, differentiate be,sen industries and escapades.
. work together to generate sentences with words that are associated with
industries • V
v. The representatives of each group present their group work
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving        
Pictures Newspaper cuttings Clot text https://relatedwords.org/relateto/industrial    

 Words for the weekLearners are to be
guided to learn the following words:
arcane, battery, plenitude, interject, laconic, primeval, quandary, tranquil, rail, vacillate
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given word in a dictionary, and use each word in, at east, a sentence(i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online! hard copy
 Grammar: Verb forms and passive and formsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to
(i) explain the two terms        (a) active voice (b) passive voice; (ii) differentiate between their forms;
(iii) identify the active  to passive sentence pattern; (iv)construct active and passive sentences;
(i’) change active sentences to passive
i. Students, in small groups, :
distinguish active voice and passive voice.
ii. Students, in pairs, discuss how to change active voice into passive voice.
iii. Students, in pairs, convert active voices into passive voices and vice versa.
iv. The representatives of each, group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Text book Diagrams Illustrations on charts https://www.grammar/y.com/blog/verb-forms/ https://www.eslbuzz.com/english-verb-regular-and-irregular-verbs/
 Oral: Spelling
Using the dictionary spelling of words,
Some Words, miss pelt, secretary necessity complimentary Sutter, supplementation and soon.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able
to:  (i) describe  the term  dictionary
(i) state at least seven functions of the dictionary
(iv) use the dictionary to look up the rneanings, word
classes, illustrations, idiomatic uses and origins of words
i. Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the functions a good dictionary.
ii. Students, in pairs, do look for the meaning, pronunciations and usages of selected  pages iii. Students, in pairs, generate sentences with these words. They go through each other’s sentences and correct orally.
Problem Solving Collaboration Critical Thinkinghttps://www.grammar-monstercom/Glossary/articles.htm#:text=the%20articles%20are%20the%20words,is%20called%20the%20defineite520articles https://www.Grammarly.com/blog/articles   
 Writing: Article Writing article for publication in a localBy the end of the lesson, students hovld be able to
(i) .explain what an article is;
(ii) state thefeatures of an article;
(iii) write an article for publication  in a national newspaper on a given topic.        
i. Students, in snall groups, analyse the differences between article writing and  letter writing.
ii Students in pairs highlight and discuss the features of article writing.
IL Students; in pairs, devetop and write on’the cdtent oL. a given article.
iv. Studehts, work as individuals vrite article on indiscipline among teenagers on a national daily newspaper.    
Creativity Collaboration Critical Thinking                              ( Sample of article from newspapers magazines
Textbook https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/articles.htm#:text=theé%2Oarticles%20are%2Othe%20words,is20called%2Othe%2Od_nite%2Oarticle .
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following
arboreal, camaraderie, exalt, gaudy, mawkish, diffident, forum, idolatrous, ornate,
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at east, a sentence    (i) Communication and Collaboration (ii) digital literacy        Dictionary Online/ hard copy          

5Oral: Stress placement on two syllable wordsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) define stress;
ii) state the rules governing stress placement on two syllable words;
(iii) place the stress on the appropriate part of the word;
(iv) distinguish between placement of stress on two syllable verbs.
i. Students, in small groups, divide words into units/ segments; They watch how the syllables that receive stress are pronounced/ produced
ii. The leaders of each group produce the stressed syllables with extra force, while members of the group respond appropriately.
iii. Students, in pairs, analyse where the stress fall on two syllable words that are nouns and verbs.
iv. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Recorded tape
Flash cards Charts https://pronuncian.corn/2syllable-word-stress#:text=ln%20two%2Dsyllable%20words2C%20nouns,when%20the%20stressed%sllable%20moves https://www.myenglish/language.com/linguistics-language-guide/enlisho/sllables- 
 Comprehensions:Reading to paraphrase poems and dramatic works.  By the end of the lesson, students. should be able to
(i) read to understand the poems and dramatic works;
(ii) explain the key words for poems and dramatic work;
(iii). identify the theme and features
(iv) summarise the poem
(v) write a Short play, poem on a story.
i. Students, in small groups, read aloud and appreciate selected poems.
ii. Students, in pairs, critically appreciate the themes and figures of speech used in those poems.
iii. Students, in pairs, summarise the poems in their own words. They go through each other’s sentences and correct orally.
iv. Students work together to compose songs/write short poems on hard work. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a
Oral Communication
Critical Thinking
Leadership and personal
– selected plays from texts – Appropriate
costumes/ props
– other anthologies
https://passnownow.com/lesson/reading-paraphase-poems-key-words-associated-dramatic-works-phrasal-verbs-two-partiles/ https://penandthepad.com/paraphase-poem-8734590.html  
 Grammar: Rules of concord  By the end of the lesson, students.should be able to:  
(i) explain the term concord;
(ii) outline.the rules of concord;
(iii) use the rules in appropriately sentences.
i. Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the rules that govern concord.
ii. Students, in small groups, generate sentences using different rules of concord.
iv. The leaders of each group make presentations of their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Sentence strips Charts https://akadpmia.com./20-rules-of- concord-and-examples/   
https://grammar.yourdictiona.com/sentences/20-rules-of-subiect- agreement.html
Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
incendiary, winsome, rapport, sovereign, vitriolic quaint, pathology, acrylic, gourmet, abhor,  
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at east, a sentence.   (i) Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy

 Structure: Affixation SuffixesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
(i) recall what affixation is; (ii) state the basic root words;
(ii state the !iifferent forms of suffixes;
(iv) form new words using suffixes;
(v) explain the meaning of the new words
i. Students, in small groups, walyse affixations into prefixes, roots and suffixes.
ii. Students, in pairs, generate new words by adding prefixes and suffixes to roots.
iii. Students work together4o form new words using prefixes and suffixes. They generate sentences with the new words,
lv. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique
Imagination Collaboration Communication
Critical Thinking
Flash cards Dictionary Card containing the meaning of new words https://en,wikipedia.org/wiki/suffix https://www.enchantedlearning.com/gramrnar/prefixsuffix/index.shtml
 Writing: Summary Summrisingby taking notesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:  (i) analyse a given passage; .
(ii) identify the topic sentence. main points; (iii).write down the relevant
(iv) summarise a given passage by using the points written down.
I. Students, in small group, read and discuss a given passage.
ii. Students, in sniall groups, highlight the topic sentence in each paragraph. They discuss the main points.
iii. Students, in pairs, generate questions on te passage. They work together to write down the relevant points in each paragraph.
iv. The leaders of each group present their group work to the whole class for critique.
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving.
Newspaper/ magazine Texts https://study.com/academy/lesson/instructional-strategies-for-summarizing-note-takinq.html https://effectiveinstructional.weebly.com/summarizing-note-takinq.html.
Words associated with engineering
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
(i) explain the term engineering;
(ii) identify words  associated with engineering;
(iii) explain the meaning of the words;
(iv) use the identified words correctly in sentence.
i. students, in small groups;
reed and d:scuss a given compreenscn passage on engineering .
ii, Students, in pairs, generate words t.’at are associated with engineering.
iii. Students in pairs, construct sentences usng these words correctly
iv. Students ok together to generate questions on the passage. They give answers to these questions.
v. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Flash cards
Other relevant materials https://myvocabulary.com/word-list/engineering-vocabulary/ 

 Words, for the weekLearners are to be guided to learen the following words:
consigned, repentant, sagacity, wrath, patent, paragon, rancid, sedentary, verdant, councillor.
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication and
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/hard copy
7Mid-term tests
Open Day
Mid —term Holiday
Word for the week
Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:
acupuncture, subjugate, parody, renown, transient, zealous, yoke, wizened, vocation, vex,
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanins of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.
Dictionary, online or hard copy
(l) Communication and
Collaboration .
(i) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy

8Oral: Vowel sound
comparison of /i/  and /i:/;
/u/ and /u:/
// and /a: /
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) describe the production of the vowels /i/ and /i:/; /u/ and /u:/;  /æ/ and /a:/;  /Ɔ/ and / Ɔ:/  sounds; (ii) distinguish between vowel /i/and vowel /i:/; /u/ and /u:/;  /æ/ and /a/: /Ɔ/ and / Ɔ:/  (iii) identify the sound in words.

i. Students, in small groups, watch how vowel sounds are pronounced on a tape recorder,
ii, The leaders of each group produce the sounds in pairs, while members of the group respond appropriately.
iii. Students, in pairs, cempare short and long vowel sounds They generate sentences with words that contain these sounds.
lv. The representatives of each
group present their group
work to the whole class for a
Oral Communication
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Flash cards
Vowel chart
 Structure; Adjuncts Conjunct and disjunctsBy the end of the lesson, students shold be able to
(i) explain adjuncts are; (ii) differentiates among the three terms Adjuncts, conjuncts, disjuncts;
(iii) identify the terms in sentences;
(iv) make sentences of their own using adjuncts.

i. Students, in small groups. distinguish between adjuncts, conjuncts and disjuncts. They generate sentences that contain adjuncts, conjuncts and disjuncts.
ii. The leaders of each group. make presentation on their group work to the whole class for a critique.
ii. Students, in pairs, construct sentences using different adjuncts. They go through each others sentences and correct orally.
Oral Communication Critical Thinking
Leadership and  
personal Development

Selected sentences
and passages
Reading for specific structural patterns identification of types of sentences in a given passage
By the end of the lesson,
students should be able
to .
(i) read a given passage;
(ii) identify the wipes of ‘ sentences in a given . passage; .
(iii) generate examples of
sentence types.
i. Students, in small groups,
read and discuss a given. comprehension passage.
ii. Students, in pairs, generate question on the passage. They supply answers to these questions.
.iii.students, in pairs, highlight various types of sentences ‘wed in the given passage.
iv. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving

( Textbbooks Newspaper  cutting)
https://www.custa.edu/studygides/readingcomp/306readparagraph/html     https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/101111j1467-1770.1964.tb01l300.x
 Writing: Expository- How  to improve family functioning through love cooperation,
communication and soon
Ey the end of the lesson, students should be able . to:
(i) explain the following terms: family, love, operation, communication;
(ii) discuss how family functioning can be improved through love, cooperation and soon;
(ti) describe the style of , an expository essay; (iv) write an expository essay on the given topic.
i. Students, in small groups, analyse different types of expository essays. They differentiate expository essay from narrative essay.
ii. Students, in pairs, discuss now to improve family functioning through love, communication .
it. Students, in pairs, develop outline on the content of the essay. They discuss the features of expository essay.
iv, Students work as individuals to write freely on a.given topic.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development ,
Problem Solving
Imagination .

(Relevant pictures (Any other relevant supple.mentary
reading materials https://www.merriam-ebster.com/dictionary/expository    https://study.com/acaderny/lesson/what-is-expository-wrting-definition.html  

English Lanquage

 Word of the weekLearners are to be guided to barn the following words:
seminar, quandary, pariah, ruse, quagmire, putrid, ominous, novice noisome, mundane.
Students, as individuals or as a group look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in., at least, a sentence.Communication and Collaboration
(i) Digital literacy
Dictionary Online/hard copy

9.Structure: Prepositional phrases

By the end of the lesson, students should be able
(i) explain what prepositional phrases are;
(ii) state the functions of prepositional phrases in sentences;
(iii) identity prepositional phrases in sentences;
(iv) use prepositional phrases correctly in sentences.
i. Students, in small groups, brainstorm on the use of prepositional phrase.
ii. Students, in pairs, highlight prepositional phrase in complex sentences /given passage.
iii. Students, in pairs, analyse the functions of prepositional phrases in different sentences.
iv. Students work together to state the functions of prepositional phrases as they are used in complex sentences.
v. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Leadership and
personal Development
Problem Solving
Given passage Sentence strips Texts
: Words associated with hotel and catering industry

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain the following terms:   i. hostile                                              (ii) Catering industry;
 (ii) state the purpose of hotel and catering industry;
(ii) outline the words that are associated with hotel and catering.
i. Students, in small groups, read and discuss a g given comprehension passage on hotel and catering industry.
ii. Students, in pairs, generate words that are associated with hotel and catering industry
iii. Students, in pairs, construct sentences using these words correctly.
iv. Students work tdgether to generate questions on tle passage. The give answers to these questions.
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving

Visit to a hotel! Restaurant Pictures https://www.fluentu.com/bIog/english/hotel-english-vocabulary/ 
 Writing: Summary Summarising to get implied meanings
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 
(i) explain what implied meaning is;
(ii) read a given passage
to get the implied meanings.
(iii) Summarise the given passage to show they understand the implied
i. Students, in small groups, read and discuss a given passage.
ii. Students, in pairs, brginstorm on the implied meaning in the given passage.
iii. Students, in pairs, summarise the given passage to show they
understand the implied meanings.
iv. The leaders of each group make presentations of their groups work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving.
Textbook Newspaper/magazine cutting
Other relevant materials https://study.com/academy/lesson/imp ed-ain-idea-definition-examples.html  https://educationalresearchtecniques.com/2014/10/28/finding-the-implied-main-idea/ 
 Works of the week
Learners are to be guided to learn the following
mitigate, vindictive, superfluous, puerile, restive, saccharine, tedious, wily, maxim, nuance. 
Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.
(i) Communication and
(i) Digital Literacy

Dictionary Online/ hard copy  

10Structure idiomsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   i. explain what an idiomatic expression is ii.  differentiate between an idiom and a proverb; iii. state the idioms then appropriately iv. use the idioms in their appropriatelyStudens in snall groups brainstorm on the use of idioms ii. Students, in pairs differentiate idiomatic expression from proverb iii.  they give copious examples of idiomatic expressions with their meanings iv.  Students, in pairs, generate sentences using idiomatic expressions. They go through each other’s work and correct them.Creativity
Critical Thinking
Textbooks Charts https://www.smartwords.org/quotessaying/idioms/meaning.html.
Reading for critical evaluation (look for faulty reasoning, misleading statement, in consistency  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:  
(i) draw inference from the passage;
ii) establish the writer’s purpose;
iii) invalidate faulty conclusions from the passage.
i. Students, in small groups, read and souss a given comprehension passsage.
ii. Students, in pairs critically analyses the writer’s purpose and intention of the passage
iii  Stucents work together to generate questions to the comprehension passage .
iv. Studems work together to  generate questions on the comprehension passage. They give answers to these questions
Critical Thinking
Drill books,
Selected passhges Thacher trade materials https://www.englishclub‘reading/what.html  
development:: Words
politics and government  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(i) explain the term politics and government;
(ii) mention the words associated with politics and government;
(iii) use listed words it appropriate context.
i. Students, in small group read and discuss a given comprehension passage on politics and government
ii. Students, in oers benemte words that the associated with politics and government
iii. Students, in pair sentences       correctly.
iv. Students work together to generate questiom on the passage. They give answers to these questions.
iv. The leaders of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving  
Newspaper/magazines Pictures https://vocabulary.com/word-politics-/vocabulary  
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided
to learn the following words:
whimsical, temerity, salutation, resplendent, zephyr, lurid, judicious, intrepid, fraught, extol.
Students, as individuals or as agroup, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentenbe.(i) Comrnjnca::on anc Collaboration
(I) Digital Literacy

Dictionary Online/  hard copy

11Oral: Nasal consonants /mi/ /ni/ /ᶇi/By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(i) explain what a nasal sound is;
(ii) describe the production of /mi/ /ni/ /ᶇi/
(Ui) differentiate among the sounds ImI, /n!, / (iv) identify words that contain /mi/ /ni/ /ᶇi/; (v) produce words that contain /mi/ /ni/ /ᶇi/
i Students, in small groups, watch now nasal consonant sounds are pronounced one tape recorder.
ii. The leaders of each group
produce the sounds in pairs, while members of the group respond appropriatey iii. Students, in pairs, enerate sentences with words that contain these sounds.
lv. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a critique.
Creativity Collaboration V Communication Critical Thinkir Leadership and personal Development Problem Solving lmaginetionAudio tapes V Flash cards Pronouncing dictionary https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/nsasal.consonant#:textjaggicons:tewA%20nasal%2Qconsonant%2Qi/p2gjhp2Oliffhttps://thesesoundofenglish.org/nasal-sounds/  

English Lanquage

 Sructure: Clause
Adjectival clause

By.the end of fhe lesson, students should be able to:
(i) eplain what an adjectival clause is;
(ii) identify adjectival clause in sentences;
(iii) distinguish between adjectival phrases and adjectival clause;
(iv) state the functions of adjectival clauses in given sentences.

i. Students, in snll groups, brainstorm on the use of adjectival /relative clause.
ii. Students, in pairs, highlight relative/adjectival clause in complex sentences/ given passage. They distinguish adjectival phrase from adjectival clause.
iii. Students, in pairs, analyse the functions of adjeqtival /relative clause in different sentences.
iv. The representatives of each group presenttheir group work to the whole class for a critque.
Critical Thinking

Dictionary Sentences strip https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/parts-of-speech/ad ectives/adjective-clause.html  https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-adjective-clauses.html.     
 Comprehension: vocabulary

By the ene of the lesson students should be able to (i) read the given passage
(ii) list’the types of . transportation (iii) state at least four
advantages and
disadvantages of each types of transportation,
(iv) outline words that are . associated with each
type of transportation.    
i. Students in small groups read and discuss a given comprehension passage on transportation
ii. Students, in pairs, generate words that are associated with transportation.
iii. Students, in pairs, construct sentences using these words correcty. .
iv. Students work together to generate questions on the passage. They give answers to these questions.
v. The representatives of each group present their group work to the whole class for a
Leadership and personal
Problem Solving        
(Pictures Visit to the airport seaport railway station motor park https://www.britanica.dom/technoloqy/transportation-technoloqyhttps://dictionarycambridge.orq/dictionary/english/transportation     
 Word for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the following words wallow submissive vaifeous, reservoir, ribald, pugnacious, evince, tiradd, mandate, yob.Students as individuals or as a group look up The meanings of The given words in a dictionary -and use each word in, at least in a dictionary Online/ hard copy entence.(i) Communication and Collaboration
(ii) Digital Literacy
Dictionary Online/ hard copy  
Essay writing
Letter writing
Text of orals
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to  i. Write any given essay/ letter writing
ii. read a given passay to get the implied meanings, writer’s intention and purpose of writing; iii. summarise given passage in their own words; iv.  produce and recognise same vowel/consonant. sound, stress and rhyme.
Students, in small groups, are able to:
i. develop outlines on giving essays and letter writing; ii.  read and discuss the content”- of.any given comprehension Passage:
a. summarise any given passage using their own expression without lifting from the passage;
iv answer questions on same consonant / vowel sounds, rhyme, stress and phonetic symbols.
Creativity Collaboration  Communication Critical Thinkir Leadership and personal Development Problem Solving lmaginetionhttps://www.topic.comguides/english/writing/essay https://en.wikipedia.orgg/wiki/Oral_exam#-text=The%20oral%2&exam%20also%20oral.subject%20tc%20pass%20the%20exam.   
 Words for the weekLearners are to be guided to learn the foilowing words rhapsodize., flout,  sacrosanct, expiate, prudence, nurture, morose, laceration, innate, reprobate,Students, as individuals or as a group, look up the meanings of the given words in a dictionary, and use each word in, at least, a sentence.(i) Communication  and Collaboration
(i) Digital Literacy

Dictionary Online  hard copy

English Language


SS2 Unified Schemes of work for Senior Secondary School Lagos State. English Language Scheme of Work SSS 1. Schemeofwork.com

  ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS                      

At the end of the terms, the students are able to:
1. Use tenses appropriately in sentences;
2. Write speeches for different occasions! purposes:
3, Develop outlines and write articles for publication in national newspapers on given topics;
4. Form new words by using prefixes and suffixes:
5. Summarize given passages without mindless lifting;
6. Understand and use a wide range of vocabulary. .

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