Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Scheme of Work. English Language Scheme of Work for SS3 First and Second Term. – Schemeofwork.com
1 | Speech | More on consonant sounds in sentences | Practice of rising and falling tones |
Vocabulary | Words associated with culture, development institutions and ceremonies | Students mention and describe cultural ceremonies in their places. | |
Comprehension summary | Silent reading of material that are topical | Students read articles and passages from their textbooks. They answer questions and summarise the points. | |
Structure | Revision of nouns and noun phrases | Teacher revises nouns, and students give examples. | |
Continuous writing | Expository composition reflecting current issues | Teacher and students discuss the topics; students develop their essays based on points raised. | |
2. | Speech | More practice with intonation The WH questions | Rising tone is indicated with an arrow while falling tone is marked. |
Vocabulary | Words associated with culture continued | Students discuss religions and marriages rites, burial etc in their culture. | |
Comprehension summary | Points to note in writing summary | Student’s identity main points from a comprehension passage. They phrase them into correct sentences. | |
Structure | Functions of noun phrases in sentences – subject of sentences | Students identify noun phrases, using definite articles. Eg. The school, the head boy. Mr. president. The Honourable Minister and their function s as subject sentence. | |
Continuous Writing | Exposing essays continued | Students write on electrons, drug abuse, examination malpractice or excursion. | |
3 | Speech | Introduction practice using tag – questions | Students learn how to tag questions in rising and falling tones. Eg. You came late, didn’t you? today is October the 6th isn’t it? |
Comprehension/Summary | Reading for contextual meaning of words | Students learn to distinguish words in isolation from wods in contextual. Eg. Chair + Man is nor the same as chairman. | |
Vocabulary | Words associated with motor vehicles | Teacher leads students to mention and discuss the parts and functions of a motor vehicle. | |
Structure | Verbs and verb phrases | Teacher revises verbs and verb phrases with students. | |
Continuous writing | Narrative Essays | Students narrate factual or fictional stories in a cohered order. | |
4 | Speech | Listening to speeches and taking notes | Students listen to the teachers and note rising and falling tones. |
Vocabulary | Words associated with road travel | Students relate their travel experience using appropriate words. | |
Comprehension/Summary | Identifying topic sentence in paragraph | Students read a paragraph of about 5 paragraphs and identify the topic sentence for summary. | |
Continuous Writing | Descriptive essays | Students write on the recent journey they undertook by. | |
5 | Speech | More on vowel sounds – monotony’s and diphthongs | Students practice to contract/ae/ad/a:/; with /a/ |
Vocabulary | Words associated with travelling control | Students and teachers discus words related to road travel – highway patrol, toll gate, vulcamser, mechanic flat tyre, etc. | |
Comprehension/Summary | Textbook passage on travelling generally | Students read, discus and answer comprehension question. | |
Structure | Modal auxiliary verbs forms and uses | Words like can will, shall, would, could, must, may etc are explained by the teacher. | |
Continuous writing | Letters – informal letters and features | Address, date, salutation and subscription for informal letters. | |
6 | Speech | Words with 2 consonant dusters occurring or final position | Eg. sports, bags, mops, dolls, tops, etc are practiced aloud. |
Vocabulary | Words associated with government and administration | Students read and pick words from a passage from the textbook on government, or give their own examples of words on administration. | |
Comprehension/summary | A passage on government or administration. | Students read and summarize the passage | |
Structure | Adjectival clauses | Teacher distinguishes clauses from phrases sentence, etc. student identify main and subordinate clauses, and their functions. | |
Continuous writing | Summarizing in a specified number of sentences | Rubrics from examination papers should guide teacher in directing the exercise. | |
7 | Speech | Listening to oral presentation by student on a given topic. | Teacher and students listen and comment on stress and intonation especially rising and falling tones and consonant. |
Vocabulary | Idioma and idiomatic expressions. | Use of phrasal verbs an idiomatic expressions. Eg. take up, take off, take after, take in, etc. | |
Comprehension/summary | Reading for implied measuring | Teacher and students read a passage and study the deep meaning. | |
Structure | Sentence analysis simple, compound, complex sentences | Students and teachers identify main verbs, finite verbs etc in analysis sentences. | |
Continuous writing | Letters-semi-formal letter writing | Address, date, solution and subscription for semi-formal letters. | |
8 | Speech | Test of rhyming | Mineral pairs of homophones, eg. fair/fare/air red/read [pt] maid/made, etcare pronounced alike. |
Vocabulary | Words associated with science and technology | Students mention and discuss current vocabulary cell phone Sms, ping, email browse upload, download, etc. | |
Comprehension/summary | Reading to identify the writers purpose | Students read a passage from their text or newspapers, if possible on ICT they summarize the writer’s purpose. | |
Structure | Identify grammatical names and functions | Teachers demonstrates with ample examples adverbial clauses and their functions in selected sentence | |
Continuous writing | Article writing for newspaper and magazines’ | Students are shown samples of articles from newspapers they try to write theirs on any topic their interests them. | |
9 | Speech | Words with 3 consonants dusters are the final position | Eg. aunts, crafts shifts, principles, elephant, eagles etc. |
Vocabulary | Foreign elements in English, French words | A list of loan words from French vis-a-vis, genre, sachet, bouquet, abattoir, chef etc. | |
Comprehension/ summary | Reading and listening for main points | Group reading, one group reads the other listens, vice versa. | |
Structure | Grammatical names and functions commands | Adverbial clauses underlined in reading passages for identification. | |
Continuous writing | Reading and summarizing selected passage | Points in summary writing – paraphrasing, no detrain punctuation etc. | |
10 | Speech | Word stress | Two syllable words stressed on the first syllable, table, comfort, export, import, tailor etc. |
Vocabulary | Identification of more two syllable words stressed on the first syllable | A text book passage for students to read and underline the expected words for oral practice. | |
Comprehension/summary | Reading and answer questions on a given passage | Appropriate textbook passage to read and answer questions on. | |
Structures | Subjects + verb agreement | Ample examples with present simple tense. | |
Continuous writing | Paraphrasing a prose passage | Students paraphrase a textbook passage. | |
11 | Speech | Sentence stress-emphatic stress | Differentiation between normal stress and emphatic stress with ample example. |
Vocabulary | Collocations eg whims and caprices, hook, line and sinker | Teacher lists such collocations as hue and cry, ups and down, pros and cons etc and explains their uses to the students. | |
Comprehension/summary | Reading argumentative passage | Students summarize an argumentative passage. | |
12 | Speech | Word-stress on 3 syllable words on the first syllable | Eg Policy, monitor, embassy, argument, interim, analyst, AB domen etc. |
General Revision | Revision | Revision | |
13 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Scheme of Work. English Language Scheme of Work for SS3 First and Second Term. – Schemeofwork.com
1 | Revision | Revision of WAEC, NECO, SSCE general instructions and requirement | Sample or past question papers on English language are reviewed |
2. | Speech | Vowels consonant in minimal pairs /i/aw/i:, /ae/aw/a:/ | Teacher draws up minimal pairs and drills the students consonant to them eg bit/beat, fit/feet, wick/weak, back/bark, fat/fart, cat/cart. |
Vocabulary | Words associated with law and order | The registers of crime and criminality, law and order are studied, words like accused, suspect, arrest, counsel, prosecutor, defence, lawyer etc. | |
Comprehension summary | Reading a passage on law and order | Students read selected passages and answer questions. | |
Structure | Revising pronouns and their uses | Subject and object pronouns are consonant and practiced eg I/me, we/us, they/them, he/him, and she/her. | |
Continuous writing | Argumentative, Essay, Debates | Features of both forms of writing are treated. Students write according to the form. | |
3 | Speech | Four consonant words occurring at the final position | Ample examples of such words, e.g sixths, glimpsed, prompt, tempts, etc. |
Vocabulary | Register of law and order control | More examples of words from the law – judge, magistrate, bailiff, remand, acquitted, sentence, etc. | |
Comprehension/Summary | Guidelines on answering questions on a given passage | Points to note in answering comprehension questions are highlighted. Students summarize the passage. | |
Structure | Adjuncts forms and functions | Teacher and students identify and explain the forms and functions of adjuncts in clauses of time, place, manner, comparison, result, etc from sentences. | |
Continuous writing | Report writing | Teacher helps to distinguish report from minutes so that students can write each well. | |
4 | Speech | Consonant contrasts | Minimal pairs of the words that high light the different sounds. eg kits/kids, feats/feeds, ferry/very, leaf/leave etc. |
Vocabulary | Registers for ICT | Words such as microchip, data, processing, bytes and software, etc are discussed. | |
Comprehension/Summary | Differentiating phrases from clauses | Teacher revises finite and non-infinite verbs, main and subordinate clauses as well as punctuation marks. | |
Continuous writing | Writing speeches | Students are guided to write valedictory speeches, welcome address or keynote address. | |
5 | Examination |
Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Scheme of Work. English Language Scheme of Work for SS3 First and Second Term. – Schemeofwork.com