English Language Curriculum for Primary 3

39 Min Read
English language curriculum schemeofwork

Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3. Folktales, short stories, syllables words, regular and irregular plurals – Schemeofwork

Table of Contents
THEME 1: READING      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material   Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IVContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIII      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: VocabularyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: WRITINGContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Writing Three to Four Sentences on Everyday Activities using Present and Past TensesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: HandwritingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Writing Answers to Questions on Simple Comprehension PassagesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Pronunciation of Consonants and Consonant ClustersContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Simple Dialogues Expressing Present, past and Future Actions.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Oral Comprehension    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Aural DiscriminationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Auxiliary VerbsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing Future Actions in the NegativeTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using Past Continuous TenseTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Present Perfect Using –Ed and –en endingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Present Perfect with “since” and “for”ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Interrogation with Response Using Present Perfect.    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide


Week 1

Topic: Phonemic Awareness     

Performance objectives

  1. Pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.


  1. Aural discrimination of the sounds
  2. / 3/ and / ^/ burn – born firm – form perch – porch

–              I can burn this bush. A new child is born

–              The firm sent a form to me

ii. / ↄ / and /ↄ:/ cot – court spot – sport.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the sentences containing the sounds
  2. Distinguishes between the sounds.
  3. Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
  4. Asks pupils to repeat after him.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to and repeat after the teacher.
  2. Distinguish between the sounds.
  3. Pronounce the words.
  4. Read the sentences following the teacher‘s example.

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
  2. Distinguish between the sounds in words and in sentences using the correct stress and intonation.

Week 2

Topic: Phonics I

Performance objectives

  1. produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly; and
  2. Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and in sentence contexts.


  1. Pronunciation of vowel sounds and diphthongs
  2. Vowels egg a, e, I, o, u. and
  3. Diphthong
  4. Production of vowels and Diphthongs in words and sentences

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates and pronounces the words containing the vowels and diphthongs.           
  2. Shows objects or pictures while repeating the words correctly.
  3. Engages pupils in role play.
  4. Dictates words containing vowels and diphthongs for pupils to copy.

Student’s Activities

  1. Produces the sounds in each of the words correctly.
  2. Write dictations based on the use of these words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant pictures of objects.
  2. Flash cards
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pronounce the sounds correctly
  2. Write correctly the words containing vowels and diphthongs as dictated br the teacher

Week 3

Topic: Phonics II

Performance objectives

  1. Produce must syllabic words 2 and 3 syllables words
  2. Identify 2 and 3 syllables words
  3. Complete 2 and 3 syllables words


  1. Production of must syllabic words
  2. 2 syllables words e.g. teacher, coffee, father, and mother.
  3. 3 syllables words e.g. photograph
  4. Identification of the words in sentences
  5. Completion of  2 and 3 syllables words

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains with example 2 and 3 syllable word
  2. Leads pupils to give and pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words.         
  3. Identifies 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  4. Guides pupils to complete 2 and 3 syllable words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively
  2. Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
  3. Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  4. Complete 2 and 3 syllable words

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
  2. Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  3. Complete 2 and 3 syllable words

Week 4

Topic: Phonics III

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals
  2. Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.


  1. Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals:
  2. regular plurals: with ‗s‘ ending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls
  3. Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child/children.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes out examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Guides pupils in the formation of plurals.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Form regular and irregular plurals.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Chalkboard
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash cards Etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Give the plural forms of five words.

Week 5

Topic: Fluency I

Performance objectives

  1. read simple sentences correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation
  2. Respond to simple commands appropriately.


  1. Responding to simple commands with emphasis on stress and intonation e.g.

–              Reading simple sentences with appropriate stress and intonation.

–              Simple commands.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation
  2. Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
  3. Guides pupils in making sentences and responding to commands.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s sentences and commands.                  
  2. Repeat the sentences after the teacher.
  3. Follow teacher‘s Commands appropriately.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary text.
  3. Charts containing simple sentences
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. read simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to given commands correctly.

Week 6

Topic: Fluency II

Performance objectives

  1. read class appropriate stories and poems
  2. Identify values and lessons in given stories and poems.


  1. Reading class appropriate stories and poems on:

–              Discipline

–              Courage

–              Courtesy

–              Road safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents class appropriate story and poem for pupils to read.
  2. Leads pupils to read and retell what they have read
  3. Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.
  4. Guides pupils to dramatize the story.
  5. Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons in the stories and poems.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the story and poem.
  2. Dramatize the poem.
  3. Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry and story books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given simple stories and poems; and
  2. Identify values/ lessons learnt.

Week 7

Topic: Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. listen carefully to a story;
  2. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words; and
  3. Re-tell the story in their own words.


  1. Oral Comprehension based on:

(a)          Stories – e.g.

–              stories built on any topic such as Road Safety, National Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Dangers of Chemicals, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.;

–              Stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English, e.g. ―The house that Jack built‖.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Tells a story slowly, stressing important points with the correct intonation.
  2. Asks questions and gives pupils the opportunity to re-tell the story.
  3. Guides and supervises pupil’s activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
  2. Re-tell the story.
  3. Answer questions on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book or Supplementary Readers.
  2. Relevant pictures or real objects.

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer questions on the main points in the story; and
  2. relate a story in their own words;

Week 8

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. read simple non-fiction passages correctly;
  2. answer questions on the passages
  3. explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage; and
  4. identify and discuss issues of national values in a given passage


  1. Reading class appropriate passages (non-fiction) and answering questions on them e.g.

–        Simple passages based on national values e.g. discipline and courage; respect for elders etc.

–              Identification and use of new words in sentences

–              Identification and discussion of issues of national values in the passage.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read a given passage silently individually or aloud in turns.
  2. Asks questions and guides pupils to answer them.
  3. Guides pupils to identify and explain the meaning of difficult words
  4. Leads pupils to use new words in the passage in sentences.
  5. Guides pupils to identify and discuss national values in the passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passage silently to get the main ideas contained in it.
  2. Read it again to get the details.
  3. Identify and explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage.
  4. Identify and discuss national values in the passage.
  5. Answer the comprehension questions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.
  2. Simple passages from magazines and other relevant materials available to the pupils.
  3. List of new words to learn from passage on flip chart or chalk board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given passages correctly; and
  2. Answer questions on the passage.

Week 9

Topic: Comprehension III

Performance objectives

1              read simple poems; and

2              identify values and lessons in given poems.


1. Reading simple poems on

–              Discipline

–              Courage

–              Courtesy

–              Road safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents a relevant poem.         
  2. Guides pupils to read and dramatize the Poem.
  3. Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.      
  4. Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the poem.
  2. Dramatize the poem.
  3. Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read a given simple poem; and identify values/lessons learnt.

Week 10

Topic: Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. Read folktales/ stories correctly.
  2. Identify values in the folktales/lessons learnt.


  1. Folktales and short stories on how to use chemicals safely; and identifying and discussing values and lessons learnt.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read the given folktales/short stories.
  2. Explains the meaning of folktales and their sources.
  3. Guides pupils to discuss the folktales/short stories—characters, lessons learnt, etc.
  4. Guides pupils to recall the folktales/ short stories.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read given folktales/short stories
  2. Discuss the characters and lessons learnt etc. in pairs or groups and make presentations.
  3. Recall folktales/ short stories.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Collection of popular folktales/short stories
  2. Course book
  3. Flash cards of new words
  4. Chalk/white board

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read folktales/short stories
  2. Recall the folktales/short stories.

Week 11

Topic: Comprehension V

Performance objectives

  1. read information on charts, diagrams, calendars, etc.;
  2. Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars.


  1. reading charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars  etc. to obtain information

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Shows pupils relevant charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.  
  2. Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
  3. Asks questions and guides pupils to find answers to them from the charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.               

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe charts,                graphs, diagrams, calendars presented by teacher
  2. Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Calendars.
  2. Course book.
  3. Relevant charts, diagrams, graphs.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars etc.
  2. Answer questions on charts, diagrams, graphs and calendars.

Week 12

Topic: Comprehension VI

Performance objectives

  1. write answers to questions based on a passage
  2. read simple passages effectively;
  3. Skim simple passages for main ideas.


Written Comprehension:

(a)          Answering questions from comprehension passages taken from the course book or supplementary reader’s e. food additives, food adulteration and food safety;

(b)          Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.

(c)           Copying identified

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
  2. Asks questions on them.
  3. Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher‘s pattern reading and explanation.               
  2. Read them slowly the second time, noting the main points and details.
  3. Answer the questions provided in their own handwriting on the chalkboard and into their exercise books.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.
  2. Supplementary Readers.
  3. Any other relevant material.

Evaluation Guide

  1. write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read; and
  2. Skim given passage for main ideas.

Week 13

Topic: Comprehension VII

Performance objectives

  1. Read selected stories on their own
  2. Retell the stories


1. Extensive/ independent Reading:

– Reading selected stories and chapters from books

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher selects appropriate fictional material and chapters from the book          
  2. Asks questions on the book

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils read selected material independently
  2. They answer questions on what they have read.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary reading materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read given materials correctly.
  2. Answer questions on the materials correctly.

Week 14

Topic: Comprehension VIII      

Performance objectives

  1. Describe a simple event or a natural disaster and explain the probable cause(s) of such event.
  2. Pick out important features of the event with emphasis on the causes.


  1. Descriptive Comprehension: description of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm that wreaked havoc on the community.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads discussion on a given topic.
  2. Asks pupils to describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed e.g. a rainstorm.
  3. Guides pupils to explain the probable cause(s).

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed
  2. Explain the causes of the event or natural disaster.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures showing the effect of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm.
  2. Real objects.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed.

Week 15

Topic: Vocabulary

Performance objectives

  1. substitute words in poems
  2. explain the relationship between words; and
  3. Develop new words.


  1. Vocabulary Acquisition:
    1. Using poems on discipline, courage, courtesy, road safety etc. expand children‘s vocabulary.
    1. Substitution of words poems.
    1. Explanation of the relationship between word
    1. Development of new words.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents a class appropriate poem.
  2. Guides pupils to read the poem.
  3. Guides pupils to substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
  4. Explains relationship between words to pupils.
  5. Guides pupils to develop new words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the poem.
  2. Read the poem.              
  3. Substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
  4. Explain the relationship between words              
  5. develop new words

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given simple poems
  2. explain the relationship between words; and
  3. Substitute four words in the poem with others.

Week 16

Topic: Concepts of Print I

Performance objectives

  1. Recognize that title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, diagrams are components of printed materials, etc.
  2. Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars etc.


  1. Recognition of title page, margins, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, labels, etc. in printed texts/materials.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Shows pupils title page, illustrations, margins, picture, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. in texts.
  2. Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
  3. Asks questions and guides pupils to identify graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe, graphs, diagrams, labels etc.  In texts presented by teacher.   
  2. Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.    

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary Reader
  2. Course book.
  3. Relevant charts, diagrams, graph, labels, signs etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify diagrams, graphs, title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, in texts etc.

Week 17

Topic: Concepts of Print II

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly recognize reading materials e .g newspapers, journals, magazine, reference books, ICT, etc.


  1. Recognition of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides samples of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT.
  2. Leads pupils to identify the materials.
  3. Explain their special features.

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe reading materials and explain their special features      

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected reading materials.
  2. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. List and explain the features of some reading materials.



Week 1

Topic: Use of Capital Letters, Punctuation Marks – Full Stop, Comma, etc.

Performance objectives

  1. get an understanding that capital letters‘ and higher cases‘ mean the same thing
  2. use capital letters/higher cases correctly; and
  3. Use the punctuation marks e.g. comma, semi-colon, exclamation marks, etc. correctly.


  1. Various uses of capital letters/higher cases
  2. Uses of full stop and comma. E.g. at the end of sentences and for listing a series of items respectively and for separating ideas or clauses in sentences.             

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes sample sentences using higher cases, punctuation marks such as full stop, comma, colon, semi- colon, etc.
  2. Explains various uses of comma.
  3. Asks pupils to give similar examples
  4. Asks them to write their own examples in their books

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the examples given by the teacher
  2. Listen to teacher‘s explanation
  3. Make similar sentences of their own
  4. Write teacher‘s examples in their books
  5. Do several exercises on the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected passages from course book.
  2. Sample sentences showing the various uses of capital/higher cases and the punctual marks.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Use the capital letters/higher cases and punctuation marks correctly.

Week 2

Topic: Writing Three to Four Sentences on Everyday Activities using Present and Past Tenses

Performance objectives

  1. Use habitual sentences in both present and past tenses. Examples:


  1. Audu dances well.
    1. He eats amala very well


  • Audu danced yesterday.
    • He ate amala.


  1. Writing three to four sentences on habitual activities using present and past tenses.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher explains what habitual sentences mean.
  2. He writes samples of habitual sentences in present tenses as well as in past tenses.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation
  2. Write examples of habitual sentences in their book
  3. They write similar sentences as homework.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts on sample tenses
  2. Work book.
  3. Any other relevant their book

Evaluation Guide

  1. Write habitual sentences correctly.

Week 3

Topic: Handwriting

Performance objectives

  1. read simple passages on the content column;
  2. copy the passage into their exercise books in their own handwriting;
  3. write clearly and legibly; and
  4. Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.


  1. Passages highlighting national values e.g. discipline, honesty and courage.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads to give a model example.
  2. Writes passage on the board.
  3. Guides the pupils to identify some difficult words in the passage
  4. Shows them the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
  5. Asks pupils to copy passage into their notebooks
  6. Supervises and makes corrections where necessary.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s reading.
  2. Read the passage following teacher‘s example.
  3. Identify some difficult words in the passage
  4. Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
  5. Copy the passage into their writing exercise book.
  6. Do corrections where necessary.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Passages under content column.
  2. Any other relevant reference materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given passages correctly; and
  2. Copy correctly the given passage into their exercise books.

Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3 Schemeofwork

Week 4

Topic: Writing Answers to Questions on Simple Comprehension Passages

Performance objectives

  1. write answers to questions based on a passage
  2. read simple passages effectively;
  3. skim simple passages for main ideas; and
  4. Identify words and verbs already learnt.


  1. Writing answers to comprehension passages from the course book, supplementary readers and any other structures
  2. Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.
  3. Copying identified words and structures in legible handwriting.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
  2. Asks questions on them
  3. Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher’s pattern
  2. Reading and explanation.
  3. Read it slowly the second time, noting the main points and details
  4. Copy in their own handwriting on the chalkboard into  their exercise book

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.    
  2. Supplementary readers.              
  3. Any other relevant material.      

Evaluation Guide

  1. write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read;
  2. skim given passage for general ideas; and
  3. Identify words and structures already learnt.



Week 1

Topic: Pronunciation of Consonants and Consonant Clusters

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
  2. differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
  3. Produce consonant clusters correctly.


  1. Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context
  2. Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g.: /b/ bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/
    • dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood /g/ – grass, /k/ – clipper, quick, /pl/ please, /pr/ – price, /s/ slate, /sm/ smiles, /tr/ train, /st/ stone, /spr/ spread e.g.
      • This blade is very sharp.
      • I ate bread this morning.
      • Spread the clothes on the grass

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
  2. Demonstrates correct articulation of articulation of the sounds
  3. Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
  4. Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch the teacher write the sounds on the board.
  2. Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
  3. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  4. Practice the correct pronunciation of the words/sounds in sentence context.
  5. Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Objects.
  2. Pictures of objects.
  3. Flash cards.
  4. Flannel board
  5. Wall charts
  6. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly and
  2. differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly

Week 2

Topic: Making Simple Statements and Responding to Simple Commands with Emphasis on Stress and Intonation.     

Performance objectives

  1. make simple statements correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to simple commands appropriately.


  1. Making simple statements using the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Responding to simple commands appropriately.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes model statements with the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
  3. Guides pupils in making statements and responding to commands.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s statements and commands.
  2. Repeat the statements after the teacher.           
  3. Follow teacher‘s commands appropriately.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary text.
  3. Charts containing simple sentences.

Evaluation Guide

  1. construct simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to given commands correctly.

Week 3

Topic: Simple Dialogues Expressing Present, past and Future Actions.

Performance objectives

1              participate in simple dialogues using present, past and future tenses.

2              ask and answer simple questions correctly using present, past and future tenses; and

3              practice the use of the rising and falling tunes in questions and answers correctly.


1              Simple dialogues – dialogues in present, past and future actions.

2              Asking and answering simple questions using present, past and future tenses with the appropriate intonation e.g.

i.              Question: Where is the teacher? Answer: He is in the class.

ii.             Question: Who is Mall am Dikko? Answer: Mallam Dikko is the head teacher

Teacher’s Activities        

1              Explains what dialogue is

2              Gives examples of dialogue shown in the content column.

3              Gets pupils to engage in dialogues in present, past and future tenses, ensuring that the correct stress and intonations are observed.

4              Guides pupils to practice the use of the rising and falling tones correctly.

Student’s Activities

1              Listen to teacher‘s explanation.

2              Repeat the dialogues after the teacher observing the correct stress and intonation (rising and falling tones).

3              Practice the dialogues in twos and in groups, both inside and outside the classroom.

Teaching & Learning Material  

1              Course book

2              Sentence strip.

3              A volunteer pupil for rehearsal.

4              Other suitable materials.

Evaluation Guide

1              ask two questions and answer them correctly through simple dialogues; and

2              engage in dialogues using the rising and falling tones.

Week 4

Topic: Oral Comprehension    

Performance objectives

  1. to listen carefully to a story;
  2. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words;
  3. re-tell the story in their own words; and
  4. Tell similar stories.


  1. A story that will interest the pupils but built on any topic such as Road Safety, National, Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.
  2. Provide stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English e.g. the house that Jack built;
  3. Prepare them for future life.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Tells the story slowly stressing important points with the correct intonation
  2. Asks questions
  3. Gives pupils the opportunity to tell their own stories.
  4. Guides and supervise pupils ‘activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
  2. Re-tell the story
  3. Answer questions on the story.
  4. Tell similar stories in groups, about children‘s club or society they know, orally.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book or Supplementary Readers.
  2. Relevant pictures or real objects

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer questions on the main points in the story;
  2. relate story in their own words; and
  3. Participate in telling similar stories.

Week 5

Topic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.

Performance objectives

  1. produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly
  2. Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and sentence contexts.


  1. Pronunciation practice: e.g. a, e, i, u /i e / and / ea. / here hare ear air fear fare/fair beer bear/bare e.g. the hare was here yesterday.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates and pronounce the words or show objects or their pictures while repeating the words correctly.
  2. Let’s the pupils imitate him.
  3. Engages pupils in drills, using the minimal pair
  4. Dictates words to the pupils to copy.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Produce the sounds used in each pair of words correctly.
  3. Write dictation based on the use of these words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant pictures of objects.
  2. Flash cards
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. distinguish between the sound /id/ and / ed / by pronouncing them Correctly;
  2. Write correctly five words dictated by the teacher.

Week 6

Topic: Aural Discrimination

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation; and
  2. Distinguish between the different sounds in words and sentences.


1              Aural discrimination of the sounds:

i. / 3/ and / ^: / burn – born, firm – form, perch – porch

–              I can burn this bush. A new child is born

–              The firm sent a form to me

ii. / D / and / Ɔ: / cot – court, spot – sport.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the sentences containing the sounds
  2. Distinguishes between the sounds.
  3. Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
  4. Asks pupils to repeat after him.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s reading.
  2. Repeat after teacher.
  3. Distinguish between the sounds.
  4. Pronounce the words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
  2. Distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.



Week 1

Topic:    Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals in Speaking and Writing

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals
  2. use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences


  1. Regular plurals e.g. ball/balls; boy/boys.
  2. Irregular plurals e.g. child/children; foot/feet

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher presents the correct use of regular and irregular plurals in speeches.
  2. The correct use of irregular and irregular plurals in writing.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  2. to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Pictures of objects
  3. Charts
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings; and
  2. Pupils to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.

Week 2

Topic: Use of Auxiliary Verbs

Performance objectives

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
  2. Use auxiliary verbs in sentences.


  1. Auxiliary verbs e.g. may, can, will.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate the correct use of auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  2. Facilitates flash card games to aid pupils understanding of auxiliary verbs.

Student’s Activities

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences
  2. Pupils play games with flash cards facilitated by teacher.
  3. correctly use auxiliary verbs

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Flash card games

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
  2. use auxiliary verbs in sentences

Week 3

Topic: Expressing Future Actions in the Negative

Performance objectives

  1. make correct sentences in the simple future tense; and
  2. Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.


  1. Expressing future actions in the negative e.g. We will not be going to church next Sunday;

Q – Mummy, will we eat rice today?

A – No, we will not.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher explains and demonstrates what future action is.
  2. Teacher gives examples and asks questions in the future tense.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
  2. Give examples themselves.
  3. Ask and answer teacher‘s questions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sentence strips.
  2. Course book
  3. Other supplementary resources like newspapers or magazines.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Use future actions in the negative through sentence construction.
  2. Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.

Week 4

Topic: Using Past Continuous Tense

Performance objectives

  1. identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.


  1. Past continuous tense e.g. -He was going to school when he fell‘; ‗He was coming to the house when he met John‘.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher explains past continuous tense.
  2. Demonstrates the correct use of past continuous tense in sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s explanation
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary materials
  3. Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.

Week 5

Topic: Present Perfect Using –Ed and –en ending

Performance objectives

  1. identify present perfect using – ed ending
  2. identify present perfect using – en ending
  3. express correct use of present perfect with – ed ending; and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect with – en ending.


  1. Present Perfect using –Ed ending e.g. I have cleaned the kitchen; I have washed my clothes.
  2. Present Perfect using –en ending e.g. John has stolen a pencil; I have eaten my food.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to explains present perfect using both – Ed and – en endings.
  2. Leads pupils in constructing sentences in the present perfect tense

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils to identify correctly present perfect tense in sentences.
  2. use present perfect tense in sentences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Course book
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify present perfect tense in sentences; and
  2. express correct use of present perfect in sentences

Week 6

Topic: Present Perfect with “since” and “for”

Performance objectives

  1. identify present perfect with “since”
  2. identify present perfect with “for”
  3. express correct use of present perfect with “since” ; and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect with “for”.


  1. Present Perfect with “since” e.g. I have been awake since 8 o‘clock; Lunch has been ready since 2 hours ago.
  2. Present perfect with “for” e.g. I have been sick for two days; Mum has been in the market for two hours.

Teacher’s Activities        

1 Teacher to explain the correct use of present perfect with “since” and “for”.

Student’s Activities

1 Pupils correctly use present perfect with “since” and “for”; following teacher‘s examples.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Charts
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify present perfect with “since” and “for”; and
  2. Use “since” and “for” in sentence construction.

Week 7

Topic: Interrogation with Response Using Present Perfect.    

Performance objectives

  1. use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
  2. Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally in writing.


  1. Interrogation and Responses using present perfect e.g. Interrogation: Have you finished your homework?

Response: No, I have not. Interrogation: Are you going to play football with me today?

Response: Yes, of course.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes series of statements using the using the present perfect tense
  2. Transforms each statement into a question
  3. Gives the appropriate answer to pupils.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils say the statement after the teacher using the present perfect tense.
  2. Repeat series of statements using the present perfect tense of verbs after the teacher.
  3. Transforms each statement into questions again following teacher‘s example.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. charts
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
  2. Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally and in writing.


English Language Curriculum for Primary 1

English Language Curriculum for Primary 2

English Language Curriculum for Primary 4

English Language Curriculum for Primary 5

English Language Curriculum for Primary 6

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