English Language Curriculum for Primary 2

32 Min Read
English language curriculum schemeofwork

Year 2 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 2. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, fluency, Comprehension,Vocabulary Schemeofwork

Table of Contents
THEME 1: READINGTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Phonemic Awareness IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: fluency 1Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  fluency II  ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension ITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IVTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VI        ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary ITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to Spell and Pronounce WordsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Answering Factual Questions from Simple Passages Stories/Rhyme s ReadTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Asking and Answering Questions on Present, Past and Future ActionsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing Ownership  ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Songs and RhymesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Listening to and Telling Stories       ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Simple Oral Comprehension/ GamesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: introducing individualsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3:  GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals of nounsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Simple Present and Past Tense of Common VerbsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Correct Use of Apostrophe in PossessivesTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using the Present Continuous TenseTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide


Week 1

Topic:    Phonemic Awareness I

Performance objectives

  1. Learn sounds through songs; and
  2. Repeat sounds they hear.


  1. Using Songs and Rhymes to identify sounds.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teaches relevant songs to the pupils involving particular sounds.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher              
  2. Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught         

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wall chart showing the rhyme and
  2. Flash card showing the key words in the songs
  3. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Sing songs to emphasize some given sounds.

Week 2

Topic:  Phonemic Awareness II

Performance objectives

  1. produce the vowel sounds correctly
  2. pronounce words correctly; and
  3. Use combination of sounds to produce words.


  1. Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to decode unknown words – Production of sounds /a/ as in bat; /s: / as in sat.
  2. Pronunciation of given words correctly.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.
  2. Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ sat/rat/hat.
  3. Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
  4. Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher as he pronounces sounds.
  2. Say them after the teacher
  3. Identify each of the sounds on the chalkboard.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sound charts and flash cards      
  2. Wall chart containing words with /a/ and /s/
  3. Course book.    

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the sounds in isolation;
  2. pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
  3. Make simple sentences with given words containing sounds.

Week 3

Topic: Phonics I

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
  2. differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
  3. Produce consonant clusters correctly.


  1. Pronunciation of consonants and consonant clusters

–              Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context e.g. /b/, /d/ in words e.g. bed, dog

–              Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g. bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/ – dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood e.g.

(a)          This blade is very sharp.

(b)          I ate bread this morning.

(c)           Frogs live in water.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
  2. Demonstrates correct articulation of the sounds.
  3. Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
  4. Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
  2. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  3. Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.            

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Objects
  2. Pictures of objects.
  3. Flash cards.
  4. Flannel board
  5. Wall charts
  6. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pronounce consonant sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly; and
  2. Differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly

Week 4

Topic: Phonics II

Performance objectives

  1. identify mono and bi- syllabic word;
  2. read multi-syllabic words using prefixes, suffixes and known words parts;
  3. apply basic syllabication rules; and
  4. use structural analysis to decode words


  1. Identification of mono, bi- syllabic and multi syllabic words:
    • Identification of mono and 2 bi-syllabic words e.g. go/sit, teacher/under
    • Reading of multi-syllabic words such as umbrella, diamond etc.
    • Basic syllabication rules.
    • Basic decoding skills.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides simple words for pupils to read.
  2. Guides pupils to pronounce the words.
  3. Makes sentences with the words.
  4. Guides pupils to apply basic syllabication
  5. Guides pupils to use structural analysis to decode words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pronounce the words correctly
  2. Read the sentences individually and in parts.
  3. Apply basic syllabication rules.
  4. Use structural analysis to decode words

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Teacher-made words and sentences
  2. Words in flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the correct words;
  2. read the sentences correctly; and
  3. Decode words using structural analysis.

Week 5

Topic: fluency 1

Performance objectives

  1. Read different kinds of texts with fluency and confidence.


  1. Reading different kinds of 1 texts:-
    • fiction  
    • non-fiction
    • Informational, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the meaning of the different texts
  2. Ask the pupils to read the texts

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the texts after teacher‘s sample reading.
  2. Recall information in the texts.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Texts with illustration on charts
  2. Cardboard
  3. Chalkboard
  4. Children‘s text.
  5. Pictures and drawings.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Given texts and recall information in them.

Week 7

Topic:  fluency II  

Performance objectives

  1. Read class appropriate passages
  2. Accurately
  3. With expression
  4. With appropriate speed


  1. Repeated reading and fluency building strategies:
  2. Reading class appropriate passages
  3. Answering factual questions based on the passage

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides simple passages on HIV/AIDS and drug              
  2. Reads the passages the in class.
  3. Guides pupils to read the passages.
  4. Asks questions based on the passages.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages in class fluently.
  2. Identify keywords related to the topic of the passages and find out meanings.
  3. Answer questions based on the passages.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected reading passages on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse
  2. Charts and pictures to the passages

Evaluation Guide

  1. read the passages fluently;
  2. identify key words;
  3. say the meanings of key words; and
  4. Answer questions on the passages.

Week 7

Topic: Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. Listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
  2. Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.


  1. Answering Factual Questions from class appropriate Passages, Stories/Rhymes e.g. simple passage from the course book, a short poem or rhyme on food safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the passages to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
  2. Emphasizes the pronunciation of the key words.              
  3. Demonstrates stories/rhymes to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
  4. Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher.
  2. Pronounce the key words.
  3. Retell the story in the passage.
  4. Answer questions on what they have heard

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Supplementary readers.
  2. Pupils course book.
  3. Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
  4. Flash cards showing the key words.        

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer the factual questions from what the teacher reads out to them.

Week 8

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. identify main ideas and supporting facts in stories
  2. State the title of their story; and
  3. Identify the characters in the story.


Listening to and retelling stories e.g.

– Talk about facts learned in informational text (e.g. danger of food dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.)

– Identifying the characters and events in the story.

– Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns on the dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.
  2. Guides them in the narration and events in the story.
  3. Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story characters of the story and their actions to them.
  4. Asks them questions based on the story

Student’s Activities

  1. Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
  2. Mention the characters in the story
  3. Answer questions on a given story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
  2. Different pictures to illustrate the story.              

Evaluation Guide

  1. narrate a story correctly;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of story.

Week 9

Topic: Comprehension III

Performance objectives

  1. listen to class appropriate passages read to them;
  2. retell the story in the passages; and
  3. Answer simple comprehension questions.


  1. Oral comprehension games
  2. Read passages that interest pupils
  3. Read class appropriate stories  to the  pupils

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
  2. Tells the story in the passage to the pupils.
  3. Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
  4. Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
  2. Retell the story in the passage
  3. Answer simple questions based on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures of objects and persons
  2. Charts  
  3. Course book.    

Evaluation Guide

  1. retell the story in the passage; and
  2. Answer given questions from the story.

Week 10

Topic: Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. Read the simple sentences and answer factual question on them


  1. Reading class appropriate texts:
  2. Reading simple sentences on a series of informational texts e.g. Danger of wrong use pesticides
  3. Answering factual questions on them.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provide simple sentences for pupils to read
  2. Guides pupils to read
  3. Ask factual question about sentences and guides pupils to answer them.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read sentences silently and aloud
  2. Find answers to questions individually, in pairs or groups.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Selected sentences from various sources based on health or other issues of interest to the children.
  2. Flip charts and cardboards.
  3. Supplementary reading materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read out the sentences correctly; and
  2. Answer questions correctly.

Week 11

Topic: Comprehension V

Performance objectives

  1. read the passages correctly; and
  2. Identify facts and other kinds of information in the passages.


  1. Reading class appropriate passages and identifying facts and other kinds of information in them e.g. the use of herbal medicines, occupations, customs and traditions of the people.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides relevant passages.
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
  3. Explains to pupils how to find facts and other kinds of information from passages.
  4. Asks pupils to identify facts and other kinds of information.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read silently and aloud.
  2. Identify facts and other information in passages individually, in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Selected passages from supplementary readers and course book.
  2. Flip charts and cardboards.
  3. Chalk/white board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read passages and identify facts and other kinds of information.

Week 12

Topic: Comprehension VI        

Performance objectives

  1. read the given narrative and expository passages fluently;
  2. answer questions on the passages;
  3. dramatize the story in the given passages;
  4. make predictions
  5. recall sequence of events
  6. draw conclusions; and
  7. Recognize cause and effect.


  1. Application of comprehensive passages to both narrative and expository passages
  2.     Reading simple passages based on narrative and expository texts.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides relevant passages.
  2. Reads the passages for pupils.
  3. Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
  4. Ask questions from the passages.
  5. Guides pupils to dramatize the stories in the passages.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read orally and aloud the given passages.
  2. Answer questions on the passages.
  3. Dramatize the stories on the passages.
  4. Recognize cause and effect in a passage.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected narrative and expository passages by the teacher.       
  2. Supplementary readers.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read the given passages fluently;
  2. answer questions from the passages; and
  3. Dramatize the stories from the passages.

Week 13

Topic: Vocabulary I

Performance objectives

  1. increase their vocabulary through the knowledge of antonyms and synonyms; and
  2. Use antonym and synonym words in sentences.


Antonyms and Synonyms:

  • Simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms.
  • Sample sentences of antonyms and synonyms.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher provides simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages
  3. Identifies antonyms and synonyms words.
  4. Guides pupils to read simple sentences on synonyms and antonyms.
  5. Guides pupils to make their own sentences with antonyms and synonyms.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read simple passages on antonyms and synonyms.
  2. Read simple sentences given by the teacher.
  3. Make their own sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Teacher -prepared passages on antonyms and synonyms.
  2. Teacher‘s examples of antonyms and synonyms on charts.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read passages on antonyms and synonyms;
  2. read sentences on antonyms and synonyms; and
  3. make their own sentences orally on antonyms and synonyms

Week 14

Topic: Vocabulary II

Performance objectives

  1. read passages on registers based on different subjects;
    1. identify new words from such passages;
    1. explain the meaning of new words;
    1. recognize and understand between 250 to 100 new vocabulary words ; and
    1. Understand multiple meaning words.


1              Registers in different subjects:

–              Reading passages based on registers of medicine, law, computer, etc.

–              Multiple meaning words (e.g. bank account, river bank)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides reading passages on various registers.
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages.
  3. Guides them to identify new words in the passages.
  4. Explains the meaning of new words.
  5. Guides pupils to understand multiple meaning words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils read the passages on various registers.
  2. Identify new words.
  3. Explain the meaning of new word.
  4. Give examples of multiple meaning words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Passages on different registers.
  2. New words from the passages.
  3. Readers on various registers.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read passages on various registers correctly;
  2. identify new words in the given passages;
  3. explain correctly the meaning of new words; and
  4. Give at least 3 examples of multiple meaning words.

Week 15

Topic: Concepts of Print I

Performance objectives

  1. recognize different print resources;
  2. interpret information from diagrams, charts and graph;
  3. recognize parts of a book- title, author, and illustration; and
  4. recognize that a group of sentences make up a paragraph and paragraphs make a story


  1. Basic concepts of print e.g.

–              Picture reading, identification of signs e.g. road signs.

–              Interpretation of diagrams, charts and graphs to give information.

–              Parts of a book-title, author, illustrations, etc.

–              Meaning of paragraph and passage.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the basic concepts of print.
  2. Guides pupils to recognize signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
  3. Guides pupils to interpret the signs, charts diagrams.
  4. Guides pupils to recognize parts of a book.
  5. Guides pupils to recognize what makes a paragraph and a passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teachers explanations on concepts of print.
  2. Identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
  3. Interpret the signs, charts and diagrams.
  4. Recognize parts of a book.
  5. Identify a paragraph and a passage.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Charts
  2. Graphs
  3. Diagrams
  4. Road signs
  5. Newspapers
  6. Books

Evaluation Guide

  1. explain the concept of print;
  2. identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs;
  3. interpret signs, charts and diagrams;
  4. mention the different parts of a book; and
  5. Define a paragraph.

Week 16

Topic: Concepts of Print II

Performance objectives

  1. identify color of things;
  2. observe objects and describe them
  3. list names of the principal colors; and
  4. Describe objects with reference to their colors, e.g. a red cap, a white shirt, etc.


  1. Description of objects according to their colors

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher provides many objects with different colors.
  2. Describes objects according to their colors.
  3. Guides students to name the colors of these objects.
  4. Asks pupils the color of the different objects.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils observe and listen to the teacher presenting and describing real objects in terms of colors.
  2. Repeat after the teacher.
  3. Describe objects or pictures with regard to their colors.
  4. Write sentences to describe objects by color.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects of different colors
  2. Picture/charts of different objects in their different colors.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify colors;
  2. observe objects and describe them;
  3. list names of principal colors; and
  4. Write the description of objects with reference to their colors.

SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                               CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 2


Week 1

Topic:    Review OF Year One‘s Work

Performance objectives

  1. use the structures learned in year one appropriately


  1. Review of work in the first year

Teacher’s Activities       

  1. Give oral test to find out areas where pupils need more support.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher.    
  2. Practice the exercise given by the teacher.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant instructional materials for teaching the structure, pronunciation and speech patterns identified by the teacher.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer oral questions correctly.

Week 2

Topic: Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to Spell and Pronounce Words

Performance objectives

  1. produce the vowel sounds correctly;
  2. pronounce words correctly;
  3. Use combination of sounds to produce words.


  1. Production of sound /a/ as in bag; /a: / as in bark.
  2. Spelling and pronunciation of given words correctly.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.    
  2. Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ farm, pack/park.
  3. Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
  4. Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher as he pronounces the sounds.
  2. Say it after the teacher.
  3. Identify each of the sounds on the board.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sound charts and flash card
  2. Wall chart containing /a/ and words and /a:/ and words
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the sound in isolation;
  2. pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
  3. Make simple sentences with given words containing the sounds.

Week 3

Topic: Answering Factual Questions from Simple Passages Stories/Rhyme s Read

Performance objectives

  1. listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
  2. Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.


  1. A simple passage from the course book.
  2. A short poem or rhymes.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads the passages to pupils
  2. Emphasize the pronunciation of the key words
  3. Demonstrate stories/rhymes to pupils
  4. Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher
  2. Pronounce the key words
  3. Retell the story in the passage
  4. Answer questions on what they have heard

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary reader
  2. Pupils course book
  3. Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
  4. Flash cards showing the key words.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer the factual questions from what the teacher read to them.

Week 4

Topic: Asking and Answering Questions on Present, Past and Future Actions

Performance objectives

  1. answer questions on present actions;
  2. answer questions on past actions;
  3. answer questions on future actions; and
  4. Respond to ‗what questions on the above actions.


  • Q – What are you doing now?
  • A – I am writing.
  • Q – What did you eat last night?
  • A – I ate rice last night. Q – What will you eat tomorrow morning?
  • A – I will eat bread tomorrow morning.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides ‗what questions for the pupils.
  2. Guides the pupils to answer the questions.
  3. Correct the pupil’s oral works.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher‘s questions about present, past and future actions.
  2. Answer questions on present, past and future actions.
  3. Ask and answer question in groups and in pairs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sentence strips
  2. Pictures showing various actions.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer questions on various actions either present, past and future.

Week 5

Topic: Expressing Ownership  

Performance objectives

  1. use possessive pronouns correctly; and
  2. Use the structures in meaningful situations to indicate possession.


  1. Using possessive pronouns as (singular) e.g. my, his, hers, mine.
  2. Using possessive pronouns as (plurals) as ours, theirs, and yours.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes some sentences using the structure: ―This is my book‖ etc.
  2. Uses simple drills to provide practicing exercises for pupils.
  3. Guides the pupils ‘activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat the sentences after the teacher.             
  2. Answer questions individually and in pairs.
  3. Express possessive words in sentences.               
  4. Identify possessive words in given sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures
  2. Real objects sentence – strips showing possessive pronouns
  3. Flash cards
  4. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. participate in oral questions and answer session
  2. use possessive word correctly
  3. Express possessions correctly in meaningful situation.

Week 6

Topic: Songs and Rhymes

Performance objectives

  1. Read simple rhymes fluently;
  2. Memorize the rhyme after discussing the content;
  3. Learn sounds through songs; and
  4. Recite rhymes using the appropriate intonations.


  1. Rhymes based on some virtues e.g. nature, love, family, kindness.
  2. Songs that can help the pupils to learn sounds in words.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Read the rhyme(s) slowly (several times) to the pupils.
  2. Demonstrate the action involved in the rhymes.
  3. Explain the message in the rhyme to the pupils.
  4. Teach relevant song to the pupils involving particular sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Read the rhymes aloud together, in groups and individually.
  3. Listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
  4. Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught.
  5. Memorize the rhyme.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wall chart showing the rhyme.
  2. Flash card showing the key words in the rhymes.
  3. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read simple rhymes correctly; and
  2. sing song to emphasize some given sounds

Week 7

Topic: Listening to and Telling Stories       

Performance objectives

  1. tell a story;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify the characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of the story.


  1. Telling story using an appropriate style of narration;
  2. Identifying the characters and events in the story; and
  3. Explaining the beginning content and closing of a story.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns.
  2. Guides them in the narration.
  3. Explains the characters of the story and their actions to them.
  4. Asks them questions based on a given story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
  2. Mention the characters in a story
  3. Answer questions on a given story.
  4. Explain the moral lessons in the story.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
  2. Different pictures to illustrate the story.

Evaluation Guide

  1. narrate a story correctly;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of story.

Week 8

Topic: Simple Oral Comprehension/ Games

Performance objectives

  1. listen to a short passage read to them;
  2. retell the story as it was read to them; and
  3. answer simple comprehension questions


  1. Reading passages that will interest the pupils.
  2. Reading short stories to the pupils.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
  2. Tells a story to the pupils.
  3. Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
  4. Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
  2. Retell the story to teacher and other pupils.
  3. Answer simple questions based on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures of objects and persons.
  2. Charts
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. listen attentively to a given passage/story;
  2. retell the story directly; and answer given
  3. Questions from the story.

Week 9

Topic: introducing individuals

Performance objectives

  1. introduce themselves individually; and
  2. Introduce themselves in pairs by using appropriate words.


  1. Guiding pupils to introduce themselves
  2. Using words like – my name is Mary
  3. This  is  my friend to introduce themselves

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Introduces his or herself to the pupils
  2. Emphasizes on the words that makes that introduction
  3. Ask people to introduce themselves individually

Student’s Activities

  1. Introduces themselves individually by mentioning their names.
  2. Introduce themselves to their partners in pairs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pupils in the class            
  2. Picture that shows two people introducing themselves.
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Make correct introduction of themselves.

SUBJECT:  ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                    CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 2


Week 1

Topic:    Introducing Adjectives and Adverbs

Performance objectives

  1. identify and correctly use:
  2. Adjectives
  3. Adverbs


  1. Adjectives e.g.
    1. This is a beautiful dress
    1. The car is yellow.

2              Adverbs:

  1. He eats slowly
  2. She runs fast.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher to present Adjectives and Adverbs.
  2. Guides pupils on the correct use of: Adjectives and Adverbs.
  3. Leads pupils to identify adjectives and Adverbs in short sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Read adjectives and adverbs presented by the teacher
  2. Identify them in sentences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Charts
  3. Chalk board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify adjectives and adverbs in sentences

Week 2

Topic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals of nouns

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals; and
  2. Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.


  1. Regular plurals: Plurals with ‗spending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls.
  2. Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child- children

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher writes out on the board examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Guides them in the formation of plurals.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Form regular and irregular plurals

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts  
  2. Chalkboard
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. Give the plural forms of five words.

Week 3

Topic: Simple Present and Past Tense of Common Verbs

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and use simple past and present tense of common verbs.


  1. Production of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form e.g. run/ran; come/came

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate use of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
  2. Guides pupils to use present and past tense of common verbs in sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
  2. Pupils produce their own sentences using the present and past tense of common verbs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display

Evaluation Guide

  1. correctly identify and produce a list of simple present and past tense of common verbs;
  2. Make simple sentences using present and past tense of common verbs.

Week 4

Topic: Correct Use of Apostrophe in Possessives

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly use apostrophes in possessives.


  1. Apostrophes in possessives e.g.
    1.  It is the boy‘s toy.
    1. It is a boy’s college.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate use of apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Leads pupils to use apostrophes in simple sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s presentation on the use of apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Produce their own sentences using apostrophes in possessives.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Correctly identify apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Use apostrophes in possessives.

Week 5

Topic: Using the Present Continuous Tense

Performance objectives

  1. identify and use present continuous tense correctly


  1. Identification and use of present continuous tense. E.g. I am eating; He is running.
  2. Guided examples of present continuous tense.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify present continuous tense in sentences
  2. Leads them to make sentences using present continuous tense

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
  2. Use present continuous tense correctly in sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
  2. make four sentences using the present continuous tense


English Language Curriculum for Primary 1

English Language Curriculum for Primary 3

English Curriculum for Primary 4 to 6

English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 to 6

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