English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 to 6

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English language curriculum schemeofwork

Grade 1 – 6 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 to 6. Telephone Conversation,multi-syllabic words, concepts of print – Schemeofwork.com

Table of Contents
English Curriculum for Primary 1Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concept of Print II        Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print III     Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonemic Awareness I ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonemic Awareness IITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IVTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print V      Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonemic Awareness IIITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: phonics 1  Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: concepts of Print VITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics II  Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IVTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics V  ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: comprehension IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension II         ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension III        ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary Acquisition I        ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary Acquisition IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary Acquisition IIITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary Acquisition IV      Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Concepts of Print I      ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Songs and Rhymes       ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Simple greetings and Commands     ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Identification of persons, objects, colors and animals.ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing possessionTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing gratitude and farewell.ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide   Topic: Asking and Answering Questions    Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Indicating Singular/ Plural forms.Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Articles “A “and “An” Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Present and Past ActionsStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideEnglish Curriculum for Primary 2Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Phonemic Awareness IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: fluency 1Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  fluency II  ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension ITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IVTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VI        ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary ITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Vocabulary IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to Spell and Pronounce WordsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Answering Factual Questions from Simple Passages Stories/Rhyme s ReadTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Asking and Answering Questions on Present, Past and Future ActionsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing Ownership  ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Songs and RhymesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Listening to and Telling Stories       ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Simple Oral Comprehension/ GamesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: introducing individualsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3:  GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals of nounsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Simple Present and Past Tense of Common VerbsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Correct Use of Apostrophe in PossessivesTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using the Present Continuous TenseTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideEnglish Curriculum for Primary 3ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material   Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Phonics IIIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fluency IITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IVContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIIContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension VIII      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: VocabularyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of Print IITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: WRITINGContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Writing Three to Four Sentences on Everyday Activities using Present and Past TensesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: HandwritingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Writing Answers to Questions on Simple Comprehension PassagesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Pronunciation of Consonants and Consonant ClustersContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Simple Dialogues Expressing Present, past and Future Actions.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Oral Comprehension    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Aural DiscriminationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Use of Auxiliary VerbsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Expressing Future Actions in the NegativeTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using Past Continuous TenseTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Present Perfect Using –Ed and –en endingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Present Perfect with “since” and “for”ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Interrogation with Response Using Present Perfect.    ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideEnglish Curriculum for Primary 4ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IVContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Comprehension VContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Concepts of printContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2:  WRITINGContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Guided Informal Letter, e.g. Letter to a FriendContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Narrative and Descriptive Composition Descriptive:ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Aural Discrimination in Vowels and ConsonantsContents     Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Oral Composition Descriptive and NarrativeContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using Question TagsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Stress and IntonationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Songs and PoemsContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 4: GRAMMATICAL ACCURACYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Nouns and pronounsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Adjectives and AdverbsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Question TagsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Adverbial Clauses using “if‟ and “when”Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideEnglish Curriculum for Primary 5ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Phonics IITeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Comprehension IContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Comprehension IIContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Comprehension IIITeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Comprehension IVContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: VOCABULARY      Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: WRITINGTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Guided Narrative Composition on “the Day l Met the Federal Road Safety Corp Officials on the Road‟.Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material            Evaluation GuideTopic: Descriptive Composition (Elements of Soil)ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Teaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Writing and Responding to Formal and Informal InvitationsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Responding to Formal InvitationsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:  Writing and Responding to Letters of Congratulation s and SympathyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Responding to Letters of Congratulation s or SympathyContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideEnglish Language Curriculum for Primary THEME 3: LISTENING AND SPEAKINGTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Using the telephoneContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Oral Composition (talking about self and family).Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Debates on simple and familiar topics.Teacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide

English Curriculum for Primary 1


Week 1

Topic: Phonological Awareness

 Performance objectives

  1. Identify and name sounds made by various animals; and
  2. Reproduce sounds made by animals.


  1. Auditory perception and discrimination
  2. Sounds of domestic animals such as cat, horse, dog, cock, cow, goat, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Identifies the sounds of various animals.
  2. Asks pupils to imitate the sound of the various animals

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify the sounds of the various animals as listed by the teacher.
  2. Try to produce the various sounds.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Picture books.  
  2. Pictures of animals.        
  3. Appropriate rhymes.     
  4. Teacher‘s demonstration.           

Evaluation Guide

  1. name various sounds that animals make; and
  2. Mimic sounds made by animals.

Week 1

Topic: Concept of Print II        

Performance objectives

  1. Identify letters of the alphabet in printed words and sentences.


  1. The Alphabets A-Z.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes words on the board and call on pupils to name letters in the word.
  2. Writes sentences on the board and lets pupils name letters in the sentence.
  3. Frames a word in a sentence and guides pupils to name letters

Student’s Activities

  1. Points to and name letters in a word.
  2. take turns to frame printed words and name letters in the word
  3. Trace and letters in sand trays.
  4. Trace letters in writing books.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Frames
  2. World Charts
  3. Writing books
  4. Sand Trays

Evaluation Guide

  1. name the letters in given prints; and
  2. Match letters printed on cards to names of the alphabet.

Week 2

Topic: Concepts of Print III     

Performance objectives

  1. Name upper and lowercase 1 letters in printed words and sentences; and
  2. Recognize and name upper and lower case letters in words and sentences.


  1. Identification of Upper and Lower case Letters.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify and name:
    • All upper case letters; and
    • Lower case letters

Student’s Activities

  1. Trace and letters in sand trays.
  2. Trace letters in wrong books.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Simple story books.
  2. Pupils’ text books.
  3. School library

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify upper case and lower case letters in words and sentences; and
  2. Match letters printed on cards to names of the upper case and lower case letters.

Week 2

Topic: Phonemic Awareness I 

Performance objectives

  1. produce and identify basic sounds correctly;
  2. distinguish the sounds of the different letters of the alphabet correctly; and
  3. Reproduce sounds of letters of the alphabet.


  • Sounds of letters:
    1. Production of basic sounds in given words correctly, e.g. /a,/b/,/d/

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents and pronounces basic sounds correctly.
  2. Presents and pronounces letters of the alphabet correctly.
  3. Guides pupils to distinguish sounds of different alphabets correctly.
  4. Guides pupils to pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly.

Student’s Activities

  1. Produce sounds and pronounce letters correctly.
  2. Listen to teacher‘s pronunciation of letters of the alphabet.
  3. Identify sounds of given alphabets.
  4. Reproduce sounds of letters.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flash cards/Alphabet charts.
  2. Toys
  3. Pictures/ Drawing.
  4. Real objects.
  5. Tape recording / Sound charts.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce sounds of the letters of the alphabet correctly; and
  2. Identify letters and sounds in given words.

Week 3

Topic: Phonemic Awareness II

Performance objectives

  1. Listen to one-syllable words and recognizes words that begin with same letter sounds;
  2. Recognize words that end with same letter sounds;
  3. Identify rhyming words;
  4. Identify beginning and end sounds;
  5. Blend sounds to form one- syllable words e.g. ex, to, my, do, etc.; and
  6. Segment one – syllable words into separate letter sounds.


  1. Word sounds and syllables

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Use pictures to lead pupils identify sounds at the beginning and ending of a word e.g. dog, cat etc.
  2. Guides pupils to:
  3. identify  and count the number of sounds in a syllable
  4. Identify letter sounds at the beginning, middle and end of spoken word: blend letter sound into words and 
  5. segment words into letter sound

Student’s Activities

  1. Take turns to identify sounds or letters in words;
  2. Listen to sentences and clap to each syllable in a word (e.g. sis-ter; man-go; hap-py; etc.) Syllables in speech.
  3. Build new words by blending letter sounds.
  4. Distinguish between sounds at the beginning, middle and end of the words.
  5. Play listening games: Listen to poems, Rhymes etc. and clap each time they hear a word.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Word Cards
  2. Audio Tape
  3. Tape Recorders
  4. Listening Game syllables in words;

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify beginning and ending sounds in one syllable words;
  2. clap to the number of syllables in words;
  3. form three-letter words by blending letter sounds; and
  4. Recognize letter sounds at the beginning, middle and ending of one syllable words.

Week 3

Topic: Concepts of Print IV

Performance objectives

  1. Recognize that groups of words makes a sentence and
  2. Identify common punctuation marks in books and other printed materials


  1. Punctuation marks: question marks and comma etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Write common punctuation marks on the board and explains the meaning
  2. Guides pupils to locate  punctuation marks in printed materials

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher‘s explanations.     
  2. Identify punctuation in textbooks and other printed materials.                               

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Simple story books.
  2. Pupils ‘text books.
  3. School Library.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify sentences in printed materials; and
  2. Recognize and name punctuation marks in books and other printed materials.

Week 4

Topic: Concepts of Print V      

Performance objectives

  1. identify the beginning and end of written words and sentences;
  2. recognize that sentences are read from the top to the bottom of the page
  3. Recognize that books are read from the front (beginning) to the back (end)


  1. Eye movement:
    • reading from left to right;
    • Top to bottom, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

1. Guides pupils to identify:

  • First and last word on a page; and
  • Where to begin reading of printed words on a page.

2.  Writes the some familiar words on the board and guide the pupils to read and point at the words as they read from left to right.

Student’s Activities

  1. Make correct eye movement and hold their reading materials correctly.
  2. Listen to story read and identify words that start the story, end the story, etc.
  3. Read and point to words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Word Charts.    
  2. Flash Card
  3. Books and reading materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read printed words correctly from left to right and from top to bottom.

Year 1 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 Schemeofwork.com

Week 4

Topic: Phonemic Awareness III

Performance objectives

  1. sing songs taught;
  2. recite rhymes;
  3. identify letter sounds in songs and rhymes;
  4. recognize rhyming words from given word sets; and
  5. Build rhyming word families.


  1. Songs and Rhymes

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Sings songs and recites rhymes with the pupils.
  2. Guides the pupils to repeat sounds of rhyming words in the songs and rhymes.
  3. Writes down sets of words on the board and lead pupils to identify word sets that rhyme.
  4. Uses Pocket Chart to help pupils build rhyming word families.

Student’s Activities

  1. Sing songs and recite rhymes after the teacher.
  2. Reproduce sounds of rhyming words in songs and rhymes.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Picture books with rhymes and songs
  3. Flash cards         
  4. Tape recorder  

Evaluation Guide

  1. Recite rhymes and sing songs;
  2. Make the letter sounds in rhymes and songs;
  3. Match rhyming words to given word; and
  4. Form new rhyming word sets.

Week 5

Topic: phonics 1  

Performance objectives

  1. Say the sounds of the alphabet correctly;
  2. recognize sounds of different letters of the alphabet;
  3. Describe the shapes of letters of the Alphabet; and
  4. Arrange the letters of the alphabet in the correct order.


  1. The alphabet

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Says the sounds of the alphabets.           
  2. Guides pupils to say the sounds of the alphabets.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher say the sounds of the alphabets.
  2. Participate in saying the sounds of the letters of the alphabets.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Cut – out letters of the alphabet.
  2. Sounds chart.
  3. Flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Recognize and say sounds of the letters correctly.

Week 5

Topic: concepts of Print VI

Performance objectives

  1. Identify words that begin and end sentences.


  1. Matching oral words to print

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads a story to the class and lets the pupils identify where the story start and ends in the book.
  2. Displays word chart on the wall and call on pupils to match words printed on flash cards to the words on the wall.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to words being read and identify words on word chart.    
  2. Read words written on  flash cards, find and match them to printed words in a book.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Word Charts.
  2. Flash Cards.
  3. Books and reading materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read words that begin and end sentences in books; flash cards, wall charts.

Week 6

Topic: Phonics II  

Performance objectives

  1. Build words by blending the sounds of letters of the alphabets.


  1. Blending sounds of Letters to form words e.g. /v/ -an (to form Van; or /c/ -an (to form Can); or /c/ -at (to form Cat); etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Prepare Pocket Charts.
  2. Makes sounds of letters of the alphabet for pupils to imitate.
  3. Guides pupils to blend the sounds of letters to form words e.g. /v/ -an (to form Van; or /c/ -an (to form Can); or /c/ -at (to form Cat); etc.
  4. Guides and directs drill exercises on blending sounds of letters to make new words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Imitate sounds of letters.
  2. Participate in class drills and exercises.
  3. Build new words by blending sounds of the alphabets.

Teaching & Learning Material  

1              Pocket Chart

2              Picture cards

3              Letter Cards

4              Word Charts

Evaluation Guide

1              pronounce the sounds of the alphabets correctly;

2              blend the sounds to build three letter words; and

3              build sounds of the alphabets to build at least five new, but simple, words.

Week 7

Topic: Phonics III

Performance objectives

  1. Read familiar words and text;
  2. Compare words with similar sounds;
  3. Apply long and short vowel rule correctly;
  4. Decode one-syllable word; and
  5. Monitor own reading and self corrects.


  1. Identification of familiar sounds in words e.g. house/mouse; try/fry; cat/bat/hat; etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

1.   Guides pupils to track familiar sounds:

–              From words read aloud;

–              When reading own writing; and

–              In spoken words.

2.    Provides pupils with appropriate drills and exercises to improve their reading.

Student’s Activities

  1. Track sounds in spoken words in texts read.       
  2. Participate in reading drills and activities and self corrects own reading.
  3. Read assigned books and stories.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pocket Charts
  2. Picture Cards
  3. Letter Cards
  4. Word Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. Track familiar sounds in  words; 
  2. identify sounds when re-reading own writing; and 
  3. Read and self-correct own reading.

Week 8

Topic: Phonics IV

Performance objectives

  1. use sounds of letters to form three-letter words, e.g. mat, cat, bad, bag, man, dog, rag; and
  2. Break large words into smaller words.


  1. Combining sounds to form two and three letter words (e.g. ―tonight from ―to‖ and ―night‖; ―into‖ from ―in‖ and ―to‖; etc.).

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads given words emphasizing the sounds in the words.
  2. Guide pupils to read given three letter words using sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Practice by imitating teacher‘s action.
  2. Read given two and three letter words.
  3. Clap to the number of syllables in a word.

Teaching & Learning Material  

1              Flash cards of given three letter words.

2              Chart of common three letter words

3              Class text

Evaluation Guide

  • Read given three letter words and correctly using sounds.

Week 9

Topic: Phonics V  

Performance objectives

  1. Break words into sounds;
  2. Break words into smaller words;
  3. Break words into parts and identify the word parts;
  4. Use letter-sound correspondence to build and read unfamiliar words; and
  5. recognize and use vowel diagraphs and r-controlled letter sounds to read unfamiliar words


  1. Decoding Strategies:
    • Sounding out words in text
    • Break words into smaller words
    • Words parts (compound words, digraphs)
    • Apply long and short vowels

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to:
    • Read words placed in a row (e.g. doll – dot
    • Dill and match text to the words).
  2. Teaches correct pronunciation of words syllable by syllable while clapping and counting syllables in words;
  3. Guides pupils to separate words into consonant and vowel sounds / parts.
  4. Build words by blending word parts (long vowels/short vowels/ diagraphs, etc.) to form new words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Match pictures to words read aloud.
  2. Listen and clap to syllables in words
  3. Use pronunciation and listening games to:
    • recognize words from sounds
    • identify word parts;
    • Break words into small parts,
    • build and read unfamiliar words
  4. Identify, read and build compound words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pocket Charts
  2. Listening Games
  3. Tape Recorders
  4. Audio Tapes
  5. Flash Cards
  6. Word walls

Evaluation Guide

  1. Sound out words they listen to;
  2. Identify smaller word in compound words;
  3. Identify the word parts in speech, words read aloud, etc.; and
  4. Build and read compound words and contractions.

Week 10

Topic: Fluency I

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly read letters of the alphabets;
  2. Read given text with fluency; and expression;
  3. Reflect appropriate pacing, intonation, punctuation when reading orally;
  4. Sight-read about 100-300 easily sounded words; and
  5. Read accurately without hesitations, omissions, repetitions, or mispronunciations.


  1. Reading Aloud with:
    • Pacing,
    • Intonation
    • Punctuation;
  2. Reading Variety of texts (poems, fantasy, etc.).
  3. Independent Reading.

Teacher’s Activities        

1              Prepare Pocket Charts.

2              Makes sounds of letters of the alphabet for pupils to imitate.

3              Guides pupils to the letters of the Alphabet fluently with in the correct order.

4              Helps pupils reflect pacing, punctuation and correct intonation while reading given text.

5              Gives class appropriate reading assignments to pupils to build speed and vocabulary.

Student’s Activities

1              Imitate sounds of letters.

2              Participate in class drills and exercises on reading.

3              Read a variety of texts (story books, newspapers, etc.).

4              Identifies and practice correct pronunciation of new words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

1              Pocket Chart

2              Picture cards

3              Letter Cards

4              Word Charts

5              Story books

6              News Papers

7              Magazines

8              Charts

9              Content Specific Texts

Evaluation Guide

1              read the alphabets in the correct order without hesitation;

2              pronounce the sounds of the alphabets correctly;

3              recognize and express appropriate pacing, punctuations and intonation in reading; and

4              sight-read high frequency words in texts.

Week 11

Topic: Fluency II

Performance objectives

  1. recognize common words  (e.g. my, you, I, are, is, yes, no, etc.) by sight;
  2. Read class appropriate texts and sentences accurately without hesitation; and
  3. Use decoding to identify new words in reading passages.


  1. Recognition of common one letter word ( e.g. A and I ) two letter words (e.g. is, my) and three letter words like (and, she, was)

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Write common one letter word ( e.g. A and I ) two letter words (e.g. is, my) and three letter words like (and, she, was)            
  2. Guides the pupils to:
    • correctly pronounce the words;
    • identify the words as letters of the alphabet; and
    • Use the words in oral context in own speech.
  3. Guides and directs oral drill reading exercises.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pronounce given words correctly.
  2. Use words in own speech.
  3. Participate in drill exercises involving sight-reading of simple words and sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pupil textbooks
  2. Story books
  3. School Library.  

Evaluation Guide

  1. Sight-read common one-letter, two-letter and three-letter words correctly;
  2. Use words in own speech; and 
  3. Sight- read simple sentences accurately without hesitation.

Week 12

Topic: comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. Identify main characters and setting of a story;
  2. Correctly answer questions about texts or stories read aloud,
  3. Explain sequence of events in stories (3-4) and indicate first, second, last, etc.; and
  4. Re-tell and dramatizes stories and parts of stories.


  1. Listening Comprehension:

–              Answering questions from stories.

–              Making connections and responding to story themes, plots and settings.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads a story to the class
  2. Guides pupils to identify characters in the story;
  3. Explain sequence of events;
  4. make connections between story themes and characters in the story e.g. problems encountered, how the problems were solved, lessons learnt, etc.; and
  5. Re-tell and dramatize parts of the story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to story read by the teacher.
  2. Identify characters and settings in a story.
  3. Answer questions based on story.
  4. Re-tell parts of the story.
  5. Dramatize the story.
  6. Draw pictures to depict parts of the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books. School Library.

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer questions based on stories read to them;
  2. describe sequence of events in a story;
  3. retell the story;
  4. dramatize parts of a story; and
  5. Draw pictures that depict events in the story.

Week 13

Topic: Comprehension II         

Performance objectives

  1. Describe information gained from texts in own words;
  2. Answer written comprehension questions based on materials read;
  3. Make predictions based on illustrations in stories or portions of stories; and
  4. Justify predictions of events in stories (draw a conclusion)


  1. Written Comprehension:
    • Making connections and responding to story theme plots and settings.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explain in own words the instructions and message in the text or story;
  2. Answer questions based on what is read;
  3. Make connections between story themes, characters in the story and life experiences; and
  4. Use pictures or portions of the story to make predictions and justify such predictions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read stories or texts from books.
  2. Explain in own words instructions in texts or story.
  3. Answer questions based on text or story.
  4. Dramatize the story based and connect information in story to life experiences.
  5. Make predictions about Events in the text or Story.        

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pupil’s text books
  2. Story books.
  3. The School Library

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain in own words meaning of information in print texts;
  2. Correctly answer questions based on texts or stories read;
  3. Predict events based on illustrations in texts or stories; and
  4. Justify predictions with information from the text or story

Week 14

Topic: Comprehension III        

Performance objectives

  1. Explain simple written instructions;
  2. Recognize main ideas drawn from looking at pictures, illustrations, tables, charts, graphs, etc.;
  3. Make predictions based on information contained in texts; and
  4. Justify predictions of events in stories (draw a conclusion)


1 Reading informational text:

–              Pictures,

–              Illustrations,

–              Tables,

–              Charts,

–              Graphs, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explain in own words the instructions and message in the text;
  2. Answer questions based on what is read;
  3. Interprets to the class appropriate Charts, Graphs, Tables, etc.;
  4. Make predictions based on information contained in Tables, graphs, Charts, etc.
  5. And justify such predictions.

Student’s Activities

  • Read and interpret given pictures, graphs, tables, charts, etc…
  • Explain given instructions in own words.
  • Answer questions based on materials read.
  • Make and justify predictions about events based on contents of given Tables, Charts, graphs etc.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Pupils Text books
  2. Charts.
  3. Graphs.
  4. Tables

Evaluation Guide

  1. carry out simple instructions correctly;
  2. interpret information contained in Pictures Tables, Charts, Graphs, etc.;
  3. predict events based on illustrations in texts and other given materials; and
  4. Justify predictions with information from the text.

Week 15

Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition I        

Performance objectives

  1. Name some basic words categories correctly;
  2. Sort pictures and words into basic word categories e.g. foods, colors, shapes, etc.; and
  3. Recognize and use abbreviations in simple sentences.


  1. Word Categories:

–              Colors

–              Shapes

–              Foods

–              Animals,

–              Toys, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Uses pictures to lead pupils to:
    • identify word categories, and    
    • Groups words into the different categories.
  2. Read stories to  pupils and check their understanding by making them use key words in the story, in a new sentence.

Student’s Activities

  1. Match pictures to words read aloud.
  2. Participates in Picture –Word matching game.
  3. Identify word families and sort words into categories/ families.
  4. Construct sentences using key words in the stories read.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books.
  2. Text books,
  3. Picture books.
  4. Word Cards.
  5. Poems.
  6. Dictionaries.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify word categories;
  2. Group words based on word categories correctly; and
  3. Use simple titles and abbreviations (Mr. Mrs. Dr. etc.) in sentences.

Week 16

Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition II

Performance objectives

1              recognize and explain common abbreviations;

2              use abbreviations appropriately in sentences; AND

3              correctly add endings to base word.


  1. Abbreviation and word endings e.g.

–              Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rev. etc.

–              -s, -Ed, -es, -ing, etc.

–              Symbols e.g. ₦; K; -; +;   =; ÷; ×; %; &; #; *; etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the meaning of abbreviations, like Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rev. etc.
  2. Guides pupils to:
    1. identify common word endings like – s; -es; -ed; and – ing; and
    1. Add endings to base word.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listens to teacher explanations.
  2. Construct words using abbreviations.
  3. Participate in drills and exercises involving abbreviations and adding endings to common words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books.
  2. Text books,
  3. Picture books.
  4. Word Cards.
  5. Poems.
  6. Dictionaries.

Evaluation Guide

1              identify and use abbreviations of common words; and

2              correctly add endings to words to build new words.

Week 17

Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition III

Performance objectives

1              explain the concept of synonyms and antonyms;

2              identify antonyms and synonyms correctly in own speech and in written texts and stories; and

3              identify homonyms.


  1. Synonyms Antonyms, Homonyms

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupil to Identifies words with (a) similar meanings; and (b) opposite meanings
  2. Gives the synonyms and antonyms of common word
  3. Identifies synonyms, antonyms and homonyms in stories.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the Teacher‘s explanations.
  2. Take turn to give the synonyms and antonyms of common words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books.
  2. Text books.
  3. Picture books.
  4. Word Cards.
  5. Poems.
  6. Dictionaries.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the concept of synonyms and antonyms; and
  2. Identify antonyms and synonyms correctly in own speech and in written texts and stories.

Week 18

Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition IV      

Performance objectives

  1. Explain meaning of new words in content-specific texts correctly;
  2. Use of new Vocabulary and grammatical constructions in own speech;
  3. recognizes and understand the meaning of 100-300 new words; and
  4. Manipulate word families.


  1. Numeracy, science, health, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Identify new and unfamiliar words in texts and stories read;
  2. Find the meaning of the new words; and
  3. Correctly use the new words in own speech.

Student’s Activities

  1. Find out the meaning of words in a dictionary.
  2. Participate in discussing new words and their meanings.
  3. Use words in new sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books.
  2. Text books,
  3. Picture books.
  4. Word Cards.
  5. Poems.
  6. Dictionaries.

Evaluation Guide

  1. explain the meaning of words;
  2. correctly use new words in own speech; and
  3. Demonstrate correct use of 100 -300 words in own speech.

Week 19

Topic:  Concepts of Print I      

Performance objectives

  1. Identify the front cover, back cover, Title, Author of a book, etc.;
  2. Identify upper and lowercase letters in printed words and sentences.


  1. Parts of a book:
    • Front Cover
    • Back Cover,
    • title, pages
    • Author, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads a story to pupils.
  2. Guides them to identify front cover, Back cover, Title and Author of the story book read.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the story.
  2. Take turns to identify parts of the book i.e. front cover, title, title page, back cover, author, etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Simple story books.
  2. Pupils ‘text books.
  3. School Library.

Evaluation Guide

  1. name the parts of a book; and
  2. Identify contents of the different parts.

SUBJECT:   ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                             CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 1


Week 1

Topic:    Sounds and Letters

Performance objectives

  1. Produce and identify basic sounds correctly; and
  2. Pronounce letters of the alphabet correctly.


  1. Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a, /b/, /d/.
  2. Correct pronunciation of letters of the alphabet e.g. A, B, C.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents and pronounces basic sounds correctly.
  2. Guides pupils to pronounce and identify basic sounds correctly.
  3. Presents and pronounces letters of the alphabet correctly.
  4. Guides pupils to pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly.

Student’s Activities

  1. Produce sounds and pronounce letters correctly.
  2. Identify sounds of given words.
  3. Listen to the teacher‘s pronunciation of letters of the alphabet.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Flash cards/Alphabet    
  2. Toys
  3. Pictures/ Drawing.
  4. Real objects.     
  5. Tape recording / Sound charts.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pronounce sounds of the letters of the alphabet correctly;
  2. Identify letters and sounds in given words.

Week 2

Topic: Songs and Rhymes       

Performance objectives

  1. Listen to songs and rhyme attentively;
  2. Sing songs taught; and
  3. Recite rhymes.


  1. Clear recitation of various rhymes
  2. Depicting nature, care, kindness and love.
  3. Short songs which appeal to children‘s sentiments.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents a rhyme reads it aloud, pronouncing the words clearly.
  2. Writes the rhyme on the chalk board and encourages pupils to recite the rhyme clearly.
  3. Introduces song by singing it clearly and encourages pupils to sing the song.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen while teacher recites rhymes.
  2. Recite rhymes after the teacher.
  3. Recite rhymes alone sounding words clearly.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Picture books with rhymes and songs
  3. Flash cards
  4. Tape recorder

Evaluation Guide

  1. Listen to rhymes attentively; and
  2. Recite rhymes and sing songs with demonstration where appropriate.

Week 3

Topic: Simple greetings and Commands     

Performance objectives

  1. Greet and respond to simple greetings with appropriate tones;
  2. Give and carry out simple commands; and
  3. Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands.


  1. Greetings at home and appropriate time for particular greetings e.g.: Pupil: ―Good morning dad, how do you do? ‖ Dad: ―Good morning Ade, How do you do? ‖
  2. Greetings at school e.g. Pupil: ‗‘Good morning Madam/Sir/Mr. Obi. ‘‘Teacher: ―Good morning Olu, how are you? ‖ Pupil: ―I am very well thank you Sir.‖
  3. Greetings in the community, neighbors, elders/clan heads, nurse, doctor. e.g. ―Good afternoon ‘Doctor/ Sir/Madam etc.
  4. Simple commands at home: e.g. ‗wake-up!‘, ‗go to bed‘, ‗greet your daddy‘

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Creates home and school atmosphere through role play characters e.g. Father, mother, elder, teacher etc.
  2. Demonstrates appropriate greeting for each character
  3. Encourages pupils to greet one another with appropriate gestures         
  4. Gives commands and demands appropriate responses from pupils.

Student’s Activities

  1. Role-play members of the family, home, school and class community.
  2. Demonstrate appropriate greetings for different people.
  3. Greet and respond to greetings from colleagues.
  4. Obey the teacher‘s commands.
  5. Model giving and obeying commands in pairs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures depicting modes of greeting among various groups
  2. Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. greet and respond to simple greetings; and
  2. Give and respond to commands using the appropriate tone.

Week 4

Topic: Identification of persons, objects, colors and animals.

Performance objectives

  1. identify self, family members e.g. father, mother brother and sister etc.;
  2. identify named objects: at home, on the way to and from school, and in the school compound;
  3. identify primary colors associating them with objects appropriately;
  4. identify named animals and
  5. Clearly pronounce names of objects, persons, colors identified.


  1. Introductions, such as: ―What is your name? ‖ ―My name is Tinu‖. ‗‘What is your father‘s/mother‘s/brother‘s/sister‘s name? ‘‘
  2. Identification of objects at home e.g. bed, mat, radio. ―What is this? ‖ ―Show me a cup‖. Etc.
  3. Identification of major colors: white, red, blue, yellow, black.
  4. Description of things according to their colors. e.g. ‗yellow bag‘, ‗red bucket‘. ―Give me the green book‖ etc.
  5. Identification of animals
    1. Domestic animals e.g. ‖cats, dogs and goats‖
    1. -Wild animals e.g. Lions, Elephants and Hyenas.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Introduces himself to the class ―My name is Abu‖.
  2. Asks different pupils their names, names of family members.
  3. Guides different pairs of children to introduce themselves to one another.
  4. Presents different household, classroom, and school objects, and guides pupils to identify them by name, e.g. a bag, a table.
  5. Associates colors with objects in the classroom.
  6. Guides pupils to identify objects of named colors.

Student’s Activities

  1. Say their names and those of family and class members clearly.
  2. Participate in self-introduction.
  3. Identify given objects by names and colors.
  4. Explain what domestic and non- domestic animals are with examples.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures
  2. Charts
  3. Real objects
  4. Brightly colored picture books.

Evaluation Guide

  1. introduce themselves
  2. identify persons by names;
  3. identify major colors; and
  4. Name some domestic and wild animals.

Week 5

Topic: Expressing possession

Performance objectives

  1. Use singular forms of possessives to express ownership.


  1. Using the possessives my, yours, his, hers, in simple correct sentences e.g.:
    • This is my pen.
    • This is your pen.
    • This is his/her pen.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains possessive forms: forms that show ownership.
  2. Lists possessive words.
  3. Uses possessives in sentences and encourages pupils to repeat his examples.
  4. Asks pupils to make their own sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s explanation.
  2. Repeat teacher‘s examples.
  3. Make their own sentences using possessives in clear correct sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Picture of objects
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name some possessives; and
  2. Use singular forms of possessives in simple correct sentences.

Week 6

Topic: Expressing gratitude and farewell.

Performance objectives

  1. Express gratitude correctly.
  2. Say farewell to people correctly.


  1. Expressing gratitude through role play
  2. Expressing farewell in various ways and situations.
  3. Expressing farewell.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Leads pupils to mention occasions when we should express gratitude e.g. when we receive gifts, when people show us kindness or are polite to us.
  2. Makes sentences expressing gratitude to children, parents, elders.
  3. Asks pupils to repeat the sentences.
  4. Guides children to role play a situation which allows them to express gratitude.
  5. Makes sentences expressing farewell in various ways e.g. goodbye, farewell, bye-bye.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher and repeat the teacher‘s expression.
  2. Dramatize different situations for using ―thank you‖, Ma/Sir/Daddy etc. e.g. after eating our food, when we receive gifts from people.
  3. Role play ―farewell‖

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures depicting relevant situations.
  2. Wall charts
  3. Course books
  4. Audio/video tapes.

Evaluation Guide   

  1. express gratitude to their peers correctly;
  2. make sentences using thank you; and
  3. Say farewell, bye-bye, good bye to people correctly.

Week 7

Topic: Asking and Answering Questions    

Performance objectives

  1. ask simple questions using ‗what‘; and
  2. answer simple questions correctly


  1. Simple questions and answers, such as:

I. ‗What is your name? ‘‗My name is Olu‘.

ii. ‗What is your father‘s name? ‘‗My father‘s name is Ahmed‘.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks simple questions from pupils using ‗what‘.
  2. Leads them to give correct answers to the questions.
  3. Pairs pupils and guides them as they take turns to ask one another questions and answer them.

Student’s Activities

  1. Answer teacher‘s questions e.g. ―My name is Akpan‖.
  2. Ask one another simple questions, giving correct answers to the questions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Flannel graph
  3. Real objects
  4. Audio-visual materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer two simple questions correctly.; and
  2. Ask two simple questions correctly using ‘what‘.

SUBJECT:  ENGLISH LANGUAGE                              CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 1


Week 1

Topic:  Introducing Nouns and Pronouns

Performance objectives

  1. identify Nouns and pronouns in phrases and sentences; and
  2. Correctly use nouns and pronouns in sentences.


  1. Nouns: e.g. Lagos, house, Hauwa, etc. Pronouns: e.g. she, they he, it etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains nouns and pronouns and their uses
  2. Guides pupils to identify and use nouns and pronouns in sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify nouns and pronouns
  2. Use nouns and pronouns in sentences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Real objects
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash card

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify nouns and pronouns in phrases/ sentences; and
  2. Use nouns and pronouns in phrases and single sentences of the own.

Week 2

Topic: Indicating Singular/ Plural forms.

Performance objectives

  1. singular forms of objects; and
  2. Identify Plural forms of object.


  1. Singular forms e.g. ball, 1 boy, and girl. Plural forms e.g. balls, boys, girls

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Gives examples of Singular forms
  2. Gives examples of Plural forms

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify Singular forms
  2. Identify plural forms of Objects

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Wall charts
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash card

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify singular forms;
  2. identify plural forms; and
  3. Use real objects to show singular and plural forms.

Week 3

Topic: Use of Articles “A “and “An” 

Performance objectives

  1. identify objects that use articles ―”A” or “An”


  1. Identification of objects using articles ―a‖ e.g. A goat; A dog
  2. Identification of objects using articles ―an‖ e.g. An egg; An umbrella

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Gives examples of objects using articles ―”a”
  2. Gives examples of those using article ―”an”

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify objects using article ” a”
  2. Identify objects using article “a”

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Pictures
  3. toys

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify objects that use:
    1. article “a”
    1. article “an”

Week 4

Topic: Present and Past Actions

Performance objectives

  1. Identify Present and Past actions E.g. I eat every morning. I ate rice yesterday.


  1. Identification of Present and Past actions

Teacher’s Activities       

  1. Gives examples of present and past actions e.g. eat/ate;

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify present and past actions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wall charts
  2. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Orally express present and past actions.

English Curriculum for Primary 2


Week 1

Topic:    Phonemic Awareness I

Performance objectives

  1. Learn sounds through songs; and
  2. Repeat sounds they hear.


  1. Using Songs and Rhymes to identify sounds.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teaches relevant songs to the pupils involving particular sounds.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher              
  2. Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught         

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wall chart showing the rhyme and
  2. Flash card showing the key words in the songs
  3. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Sing songs to emphasize some given sounds.

Week 2

Topic:  Phonemic Awareness II

Performance objectives

  1. produce the vowel sounds correctly
  2. pronounce words correctly; and
  3. Use combination of sounds to produce words.


  1. Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to decode unknown words – Production of sounds /a/ as in bat; /s: / as in sat.
  2. Pronunciation of given words correctly.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.
  2. Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ sat/rat/hat.
  3. Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
  4. Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher as he pronounces sounds.
  2. Say them after the teacher
  3. Identify each of the sounds on the chalkboard.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sound charts and flash cards      
  2. Wall chart containing words with /a/ and /s/
  3. Course book.    

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the sounds in isolation;
  2. pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
  3. Make simple sentences with given words containing sounds.

Week 3

Topic: Phonics I

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
  2. differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
  3. Produce consonant clusters correctly.


  1. Pronunciation of consonants and consonant clusters

–              Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context e.g. /b/, /d/ in words e.g. bed, dog

–              Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g. bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/ – dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood e.g.

(a)          This blade is very sharp.

(b)          I ate bread this morning.

(c)           Frogs live in water.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
  2. Demonstrates correct articulation of the sounds.
  3. Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
  4. Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
  2. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  3. Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.            

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Objects
  2. Pictures of objects.
  3. Flash cards.
  4. Flannel board
  5. Wall charts
  6. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pronounce consonant sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly; and
  2. Differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly

Week 4

Topic: Phonics II

Performance objectives

  1. identify mono and bi- syllabic word;
  2. read multi-syllabic words using prefixes, suffixes and known words parts;
  3. apply basic syllabication rules; and
  4. use structural analysis to decode words


  1. Identification of mono, bi- syllabic and multi syllabic words:
    • Identification of mono and 2 bi-syllabic words e.g. go/sit, teacher/under
    • Reading of multi-syllabic words such as umbrella, diamond etc.
    • Basic syllabication rules.
    • Basic decoding skills.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides simple words for pupils to read.
  2. Guides pupils to pronounce the words.
  3. Makes sentences with the words.
  4. Guides pupils to apply basic syllabication
  5. Guides pupils to use structural analysis to decode words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pronounce the words correctly
  2. Read the sentences individually and in parts.
  3. Apply basic syllabication rules.
  4. Use structural analysis to decode words

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Teacher-made words and sentences
  2. Words in flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the correct words;
  2. read the sentences correctly; and
  3. Decode words using structural analysis.

Week 5

Topic: fluency 1

Performance objectives

  1. Read different kinds of texts with fluency and confidence.


  1. Reading different kinds of 1 texts:-
    • fiction  
    • non-fiction
    • Informational, etc.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the meaning of the different texts
  2. Ask the pupils to read the texts

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the texts after teacher‘s sample reading.
  2. Recall information in the texts.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Texts with illustration on charts
  2. Cardboard
  3. Chalkboard
  4. Children‘s text.
  5. Pictures and drawings.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Given texts and recall information in them.

Week 7

Topic:  fluency II  

Performance objectives

  1. Read class appropriate passages
  2. Accurately
  3. With expression
  4. With appropriate speed


  1. Repeated reading and fluency building strategies:
  2. Reading class appropriate passages
  3. Answering factual questions based on the passage

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides simple passages on HIV/AIDS and drug              
  2. Reads the passages the in class.
  3. Guides pupils to read the passages.
  4. Asks questions based on the passages.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages in class fluently.
  2. Identify keywords related to the topic of the passages and find out meanings.
  3. Answer questions based on the passages.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected reading passages on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse
  2. Charts and pictures to the passages

Evaluation Guide

  1. read the passages fluently;
  2. identify key words;
  3. say the meanings of key words; and
  4. Answer questions on the passages.

Week 7

Topic: Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. Listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
  2. Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.


  1. Answering Factual Questions from class appropriate Passages, Stories/Rhymes e.g. simple passage from the course book, a short poem or rhyme on food safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the passages to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
  2. Emphasizes the pronunciation of the key words.              
  3. Demonstrates stories/rhymes to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
  4. Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher.
  2. Pronounce the key words.
  3. Retell the story in the passage.
  4. Answer questions on what they have heard

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Supplementary readers.
  2. Pupils course book.
  3. Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
  4. Flash cards showing the key words.        

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer the factual questions from what the teacher reads out to them.

Week 8

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. identify main ideas and supporting facts in stories
  2. State the title of their story; and
  3. Identify the characters in the story.


Listening to and retelling stories e.g.

– Talk about facts learned in informational text (e.g. danger of food dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.)

– Identifying the characters and events in the story.

– Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns on the dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.
  2. Guides them in the narration and events in the story.
  3. Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story characters of the story and their actions to them.
  4. Asks them questions based on the story

Student’s Activities

  1. Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
  2. Mention the characters in the story
  3. Answer questions on a given story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
  2. Different pictures to illustrate the story.              

Evaluation Guide

  1. narrate a story correctly;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of story.

Week 9

Topic: Comprehension III

Performance objectives

  1. listen to class appropriate passages read to them;
  2. retell the story in the passages; and
  3. Answer simple comprehension questions.


  1. Oral comprehension games
  2. Read passages that interest pupils
  3. Read class appropriate stories  to the  pupils

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
  2. Tells the story in the passage to the pupils.
  3. Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
  4. Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
  2. Retell the story in the passage
  3. Answer simple questions based on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures of objects and persons
  2. Charts  
  3. Course book.    

Evaluation Guide

  1. retell the story in the passage; and
  2. Answer given questions from the story.

Week 10

Topic: Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. Read the simple sentences and answer factual question on them


  1. Reading class appropriate texts:
  2. Reading simple sentences on a series of informational texts e.g. Danger of wrong use pesticides
  3. Answering factual questions on them.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provide simple sentences for pupils to read
  2. Guides pupils to read
  3. Ask factual question about sentences and guides pupils to answer them.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read sentences silently and aloud
  2. Find answers to questions individually, in pairs or groups.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Selected sentences from various sources based on health or other issues of interest to the children.
  2. Flip charts and cardboards.
  3. Supplementary reading materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read out the sentences correctly; and
  2. Answer questions correctly.

Week 11

Topic: Comprehension V

Performance objectives

  1. read the passages correctly; and
  2. Identify facts and other kinds of information in the passages.


  1. Reading class appropriate passages and identifying facts and other kinds of information in them e.g. the use of herbal medicines, occupations, customs and traditions of the people.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides relevant passages.
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
  3. Explains to pupils how to find facts and other kinds of information from passages.
  4. Asks pupils to identify facts and other kinds of information.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read silently and aloud.
  2. Identify facts and other information in passages individually, in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Selected passages from supplementary readers and course book.
  2. Flip charts and cardboards.
  3. Chalk/white board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read passages and identify facts and other kinds of information.

Week 12

Topic: Comprehension VI        

Performance objectives

  1. read the given narrative and expository passages fluently;
  2. answer questions on the passages;
  3. dramatize the story in the given passages;
  4. make predictions
  5. recall sequence of events
  6. draw conclusions; and
  7. Recognize cause and effect.


  1. Application of comprehensive passages to both narrative and expository passages
  2.     Reading simple passages based on narrative and expository texts.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides relevant passages.
  2. Reads the passages for pupils.
  3. Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
  4. Ask questions from the passages.
  5. Guides pupils to dramatize the stories in the passages.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read orally and aloud the given passages.
  2. Answer questions on the passages.
  3. Dramatize the stories on the passages.
  4. Recognize cause and effect in a passage.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected narrative and expository passages by the teacher.       
  2. Supplementary readers.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read the given passages fluently;
  2. answer questions from the passages; and
  3. Dramatize the stories from the passages.

Week 13

Topic: Vocabulary I

Performance objectives

  1. increase their vocabulary through the knowledge of antonyms and synonyms; and
  2. Use antonym and synonym words in sentences.


Antonyms and Synonyms:

  • Simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms.
  • Sample sentences of antonyms and synonyms.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher provides simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages
  3. Identifies antonyms and synonyms words.
  4. Guides pupils to read simple sentences on synonyms and antonyms.
  5. Guides pupils to make their own sentences with antonyms and synonyms.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read simple passages on antonyms and synonyms.
  2. Read simple sentences given by the teacher.
  3. Make their own sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Teacher -prepared passages on antonyms and synonyms.
  2. Teacher‘s examples of antonyms and synonyms on charts.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read passages on antonyms and synonyms;
  2. read sentences on antonyms and synonyms; and
  3. make their own sentences orally on antonyms and synonyms

Week 14

Topic: Vocabulary II

Performance objectives

  1. read passages on registers based on different subjects;
    1. identify new words from such passages;
    1. explain the meaning of new words;
    1. recognize and understand between 250 to 100 new vocabulary words ; and
    1. Understand multiple meaning words.


1              Registers in different subjects:

–              Reading passages based on registers of medicine, law, computer, etc.

–              Multiple meaning words (e.g. bank account, river bank)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides reading passages on various registers.
  2. Guides pupils to read the passages.
  3. Guides them to identify new words in the passages.
  4. Explains the meaning of new words.
  5. Guides pupils to understand multiple meaning words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils read the passages on various registers.
  2. Identify new words.
  3. Explain the meaning of new word.
  4. Give examples of multiple meaning words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Passages on different registers.
  2. New words from the passages.
  3. Readers on various registers.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read passages on various registers correctly;
  2. identify new words in the given passages;
  3. explain correctly the meaning of new words; and
  4. Give at least 3 examples of multiple meaning words.

Week 15

Topic: Concepts of Print I

Performance objectives

  1. recognize different print resources;
  2. interpret information from diagrams, charts and graph;
  3. recognize parts of a book- title, author, and illustration; and
  4. recognize that a group of sentences make up a paragraph and paragraphs make a story


  1. Basic concepts of print e.g.

–              Picture reading, identification of signs e.g. road signs.

–              Interpretation of diagrams, charts and graphs to give information.

–              Parts of a book-title, author, illustrations, etc.

–              Meaning of paragraph and passage.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the basic concepts of print.
  2. Guides pupils to recognize signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
  3. Guides pupils to interpret the signs, charts diagrams.
  4. Guides pupils to recognize parts of a book.
  5. Guides pupils to recognize what makes a paragraph and a passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teachers explanations on concepts of print.
  2. Identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
  3. Interpret the signs, charts and diagrams.
  4. Recognize parts of a book.
  5. Identify a paragraph and a passage.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Charts
  2. Graphs
  3. Diagrams
  4. Road signs
  5. Newspapers
  6. Books

Evaluation Guide

  1. explain the concept of print;
  2. identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs;
  3. interpret signs, charts and diagrams;
  4. mention the different parts of a book; and
  5. Define a paragraph.

Week 16

Topic: Concepts of Print II

Performance objectives

  1. identify color of things;
  2. observe objects and describe them
  3. list names of the principal colors; and
  4. Describe objects with reference to their colors, e.g. a red cap, a white shirt, etc.


  1. Description of objects according to their colors

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher provides many objects with different colors.
  2. Describes objects according to their colors.
  3. Guides students to name the colors of these objects.
  4. Asks pupils the color of the different objects.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils observe and listen to the teacher presenting and describing real objects in terms of colors.
  2. Repeat after the teacher.
  3. Describe objects or pictures with regard to their colors.
  4. Write sentences to describe objects by color.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects of different colors
  2. Picture/charts of different objects in their different colors.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify colors;
  2. observe objects and describe them;
  3. list names of principal colors; and
  4. Write the description of objects with reference to their colors.

SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                               CLASS LEVEL: PRIMARY 2


Week 1

Topic:    Review OF Year One‘s Work

Performance objectives

  1. use the structures learned in year one appropriately


  1. Review of work in the first year

Teacher’s Activities       

  1. Give oral test to find out areas where pupils need more support.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher.    
  2. Practice the exercise given by the teacher.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant instructional materials for teaching the structure, pronunciation and speech patterns identified by the teacher.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer oral questions correctly.

Week 2

Topic: Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to Spell and Pronounce Words

Performance objectives

  1. produce the vowel sounds correctly;
  2. pronounce words correctly;
  3. Use combination of sounds to produce words.


  1. Production of sound /a/ as in bag; /a: / as in bark.
  2. Spelling and pronunciation of given words correctly.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.    
  2. Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ farm, pack/park.
  3. Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
  4. Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher as he pronounces the sounds.
  2. Say it after the teacher.
  3. Identify each of the sounds on the board.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sound charts and flash card
  2. Wall chart containing /a/ and words and /a:/ and words
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce the sound in isolation;
  2. pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
  3. Make simple sentences with given words containing the sounds.

Week 3

Topic: Answering Factual Questions from Simple Passages Stories/Rhyme s Read

Performance objectives

  1. listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
  2. Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.


  1. A simple passage from the course book.
  2. A short poem or rhymes.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads the passages to pupils
  2. Emphasize the pronunciation of the key words
  3. Demonstrate stories/rhymes to pupils
  4. Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher
  2. Pronounce the key words
  3. Retell the story in the passage
  4. Answer questions on what they have heard

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary reader
  2. Pupils course book
  3. Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
  4. Flash cards showing the key words.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer the factual questions from what the teacher read to them.

Week 4

Topic: Asking and Answering Questions on Present, Past and Future Actions

Performance objectives

  1. answer questions on present actions;
  2. answer questions on past actions;
  3. answer questions on future actions; and
  4. Respond to ‗what questions on the above actions.


  • Q – What are you doing now?
  • A – I am writing.
  • Q – What did you eat last night?
  • A – I ate rice last night. Q – What will you eat tomorrow morning?
  • A – I will eat bread tomorrow morning.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides ‗what questions for the pupils.
  2. Guides the pupils to answer the questions.
  3. Correct the pupil’s oral works.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher‘s questions about present, past and future actions.
  2. Answer questions on present, past and future actions.
  3. Ask and answer question in groups and in pairs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sentence strips
  2. Pictures showing various actions.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Answer questions on various actions either present, past and future.

Week 5

Topic: Expressing Ownership  

Performance objectives

  1. use possessive pronouns correctly; and
  2. Use the structures in meaningful situations to indicate possession.


  1. Using possessive pronouns as (singular) e.g. my, his, hers, mine.
  2. Using possessive pronouns as (plurals) as ours, theirs, and yours.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes some sentences using the structure: ―This is my book‖ etc.
  2. Uses simple drills to provide practicing exercises for pupils.
  3. Guides the pupils ‘activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat the sentences after the teacher.             
  2. Answer questions individually and in pairs.
  3. Express possessive words in sentences.               
  4. Identify possessive words in given sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures
  2. Real objects sentence – strips showing possessive pronouns
  3. Flash cards
  4. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. participate in oral questions and answer session
  2. use possessive word correctly
  3. Express possessions correctly in meaningful situation.

Week 6

Topic: Songs and Rhymes

Performance objectives

  1. Read simple rhymes fluently;
  2. Memorize the rhyme after discussing the content;
  3. Learn sounds through songs; and
  4. Recite rhymes using the appropriate intonations.


  1. Rhymes based on some virtues e.g. nature, love, family, kindness.
  2. Songs that can help the pupils to learn sounds in words.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Read the rhyme(s) slowly (several times) to the pupils.
  2. Demonstrate the action involved in the rhymes.
  3. Explain the message in the rhyme to the pupils.
  4. Teach relevant song to the pupils involving particular sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Read the rhymes aloud together, in groups and individually.
  3. Listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
  4. Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught.
  5. Memorize the rhyme.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Wall chart showing the rhyme.
  2. Flash card showing the key words in the rhymes.
  3. Approved course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read simple rhymes correctly; and
  2. sing song to emphasize some given sounds

Week 7

Topic: Listening to and Telling Stories       

Performance objectives

  1. tell a story;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify the characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of the story.


  1. Telling story using an appropriate style of narration;
  2. Identifying the characters and events in the story; and
  3. Explaining the beginning content and closing of a story.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns.
  2. Guides them in the narration.
  3. Explains the characters of the story and their actions to them.
  4. Asks them questions based on a given story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
  2. Mention the characters in a story
  3. Answer questions on a given story.
  4. Explain the moral lessons in the story.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
  2. Different pictures to illustrate the story.

Evaluation Guide

  1. narrate a story correctly;
  2. state the title of their story;
  3. identify characters in the story; and
  4. State the moral of story.

Week 8

Topic: Simple Oral Comprehension/ Games

Performance objectives

  1. listen to a short passage read to them;
  2. retell the story as it was read to them; and
  3. answer simple comprehension questions


  1. Reading passages that will interest the pupils.
  2. Reading short stories to the pupils.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
  2. Tells a story to the pupils.
  3. Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
  4. Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
  2. Retell the story to teacher and other pupils.
  3. Answer simple questions based on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures of objects and persons.
  2. Charts
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. listen attentively to a given passage/story;
  2. retell the story directly; and answer given
  3. Questions from the story.

Week 9

Topic: introducing individuals

Performance objectives

  1. introduce themselves individually; and
  2. Introduce themselves in pairs by using appropriate words.


  1. Guiding pupils to introduce themselves
  2. Using words like – my name is Mary
  3. This  is  my friend to introduce themselves

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Introduces his or herself to the pupils
  2. Emphasizes on the words that makes that introduction
  3. Ask people to introduce themselves individually

Student’s Activities

  1. Introduces themselves individually by mentioning their names.
  2. Introduce themselves to their partners in pairs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pupils in the class            
  2. Picture that shows two people introducing themselves.
  3. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Make correct introduction of themselves.

Grade 1 – 3 NERDC English Curriculum for Primary 1 to 3 – Schemeofwork


Week 1

Topic:    Introducing Adjectives and Adverbs

Performance objectives

  1. identify and correctly use:
  2. Adjectives
  3. Adverbs


  1. Adjectives e.g.
    1. This is a beautiful dress
    1. The car is yellow.

2              Adverbs:

  1. He eats slowly
  2. She runs fast.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher to present Adjectives and Adverbs.
  2. Guides pupils on the correct use of: Adjectives and Adverbs.
  3. Leads pupils to identify adjectives and Adverbs in short sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Read adjectives and adverbs presented by the teacher
  2. Identify them in sentences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Charts
  3. Chalk board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify adjectives and adverbs in sentences

Week 2

Topic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals of nouns

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals; and
  2. Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.


  1. Regular plurals: Plurals with ‗spending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls.
  2. Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child- children

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher writes out on the board examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Guides them in the formation of plurals.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Form regular and irregular plurals

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts  
  2. Chalkboard
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. Give the plural forms of five words.

Week 3

Topic: Simple Present and Past Tense of Common Verbs

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and use simple past and present tense of common verbs.


  1. Production of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form e.g. run/ran; come/came

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate use of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
  2. Guides pupils to use present and past tense of common verbs in sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
  2. Pupils produce their own sentences using the present and past tense of common verbs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display

Evaluation Guide

  1. correctly identify and produce a list of simple present and past tense of common verbs;
  2. Make simple sentences using present and past tense of common verbs.

Week 4

Topic: Correct Use of Apostrophe in Possessives

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly use apostrophes in possessives.


  1. Apostrophes in possessives e.g.
    1.  It is the boy‘s toy.
    1. It is a boy’s college.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate use of apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Leads pupils to use apostrophes in simple sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s presentation on the use of apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Produce their own sentences using apostrophes in possessives.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Correctly identify apostrophes in possessives.
  2. Use apostrophes in possessives.

Week 5

Topic: Using the Present Continuous Tense

Performance objectives

  1. identify and use present continuous tense correctly


  1. Identification and use of present continuous tense. E.g. I am eating; He is running.
  2. Guided examples of present continuous tense.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify present continuous tense in sentences
  2. Leads them to make sentences using present continuous tense

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
  2. Use present continuous tense correctly in sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Pupils charts on display.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
  2. make four sentences using the present continuous tense

English Curriculum for Primary 3


Week 1

Topic: Phonemic Awareness     

Performance objectives

  1. Pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.


  1. Aural discrimination of the sounds
  2. / 3/ and / ^/ burn – born firm – form perch – porch

–              I can burn this bush. A new child is born

–              The firm sent a form to me

ii. / ↄ / and /ↄ:/ cot – court spot – sport.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the sentences containing the sounds
  2. Distinguishes between the sounds.
  3. Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
  4. Asks pupils to repeat after him.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to and repeat after the teacher.
  2. Distinguish between the sounds.
  3. Pronounce the words.
  4. Read the sentences following the teacher‘s example.

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
  2. Distinguish between the sounds in words and in sentences using the correct stress and intonation.

Week 2

Topic: Phonics I

Performance objectives

  1. produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly; and
  2. Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and in sentence contexts.


  1. Pronunciation of vowel sounds and diphthongs
  2. Vowels egg a, e, I, o, u. and
  3. Diphthong
  4. Production of vowels and Diphthongs in words and sentences

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates and pronounces the words containing the vowels and diphthongs.           
  2. Shows objects or pictures while repeating the words correctly.
  3. Engages pupils in role play.
  4. Dictates words containing vowels and diphthongs for pupils to copy.

Student’s Activities

  1. Produces the sounds in each of the words correctly.
  2. Write dictations based on the use of these words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant pictures of objects.
  2. Flash cards
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pronounce the sounds correctly
  2. Write correctly the words containing vowels and diphthongs as dictated br the teacher

Week 3

Topic: Phonics II

Performance objectives

  1. Produce must syllabic words 2 and 3 syllables words
  2. Identify 2 and 3 syllables words
  3. Complete 2 and 3 syllables words


  1. Production of must syllabic words
  2. 2 syllables words e.g. teacher, coffee, father, and mother.
  3. 3 syllables words e.g. photograph
  4. Identification of the words in sentences
  5. Completion of  2 and 3 syllables words

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains with example 2 and 3 syllable word
  2. Leads pupils to give and pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words.         
  3. Identifies 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  4. Guides pupils to complete 2 and 3 syllable words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively
  2. Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
  3. Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  4. Complete 2 and 3 syllable words

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
  2. Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
  3. Complete 2 and 3 syllable words

Week 4

Topic: Phonics III

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals
  2. Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.


  1. Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals:
  2. regular plurals: with ‗s‘ ending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls
  3. Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child/children.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes out examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Guides pupils in the formation of plurals.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
  2. Form regular and irregular plurals.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Chalkboard
  3. Pictures
  4. Flash cards Etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Give the plural forms of five words.

Week 5

Topic: Fluency I

Performance objectives

  1. read simple sentences correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation
  2. Respond to simple commands appropriately.


  1. Responding to simple commands with emphasis on stress and intonation e.g.

–              Reading simple sentences with appropriate stress and intonation.

–              Simple commands.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Reads simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation
  2. Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
  3. Guides pupils in making sentences and responding to commands.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s sentences and commands.                  
  2. Repeat the sentences after the teacher.
  3. Follow teacher‘s Commands appropriately.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary text.
  3. Charts containing simple sentences
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. read simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to given commands correctly.

Week 6

Topic: Fluency II

Performance objectives

  1. read class appropriate stories and poems
  2. Identify values and lessons in given stories and poems.


  1. Reading class appropriate stories and poems on:

–              Discipline

–              Courage

–              Courtesy

–              Road safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents class appropriate story and poem for pupils to read.
  2. Leads pupils to read and retell what they have read
  3. Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.
  4. Guides pupils to dramatize the story.
  5. Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons in the stories and poems.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the story and poem.
  2. Dramatize the poem.
  3. Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry and story books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given simple stories and poems; and
  2. Identify values/ lessons learnt.

Week 7

Topic: Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. listen carefully to a story;
  2. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words; and
  3. Re-tell the story in their own words.


  1. Oral Comprehension based on:

(a)          Stories – e.g.

–              stories built on any topic such as Road Safety, National Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Dangers of Chemicals, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.;

–              Stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English, e.g. ―The house that Jack built‖.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Tells a story slowly, stressing important points with the correct intonation.
  2. Asks questions and gives pupils the opportunity to re-tell the story.
  3. Guides and supervises pupil’s activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
  2. Re-tell the story.
  3. Answer questions on the story.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book or Supplementary Readers.
  2. Relevant pictures or real objects.

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer questions on the main points in the story; and
  2. relate a story in their own words;

Week 8

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. read simple non-fiction passages correctly;
  2. answer questions on the passages
  3. explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage; and
  4. identify and discuss issues of national values in a given passage


  1. Reading class appropriate passages (non-fiction) and answering questions on them e.g.

–        Simple passages based on national values e.g. discipline and courage; respect for elders etc.

–              Identification and use of new words in sentences

–              Identification and discussion of issues of national values in the passage.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read a given passage silently individually or aloud in turns.
  2. Asks questions and guides pupils to answer them.
  3. Guides pupils to identify and explain the meaning of difficult words
  4. Leads pupils to use new words in the passage in sentences.
  5. Guides pupils to identify and discuss national values in the passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passage silently to get the main ideas contained in it.
  2. Read it again to get the details.
  3. Identify and explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage.
  4. Identify and discuss national values in the passage.
  5. Answer the comprehension questions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.
  2. Simple passages from magazines and other relevant materials available to the pupils.
  3. List of new words to learn from passage on flip chart or chalk board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given passages correctly; and
  2. Answer questions on the passage.

Week 9

Topic: Comprehension III

Performance objectives

1              read simple poems; and

2              identify values and lessons in given poems.


1. Reading simple poems on

–              Discipline

–              Courage

–              Courtesy

–              Road safety etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents a relevant poem.         
  2. Guides pupils to read and dramatize the Poem.
  3. Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.      
  4. Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the poem.
  2. Dramatize the poem.
  3. Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read a given simple poem; and identify values/lessons learnt.

Week 10

Topic: Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. Read folktales/ stories correctly.
  2. Identify values in the folktales/lessons learnt.


  1. Folktales and short stories on how to use chemicals safely; and identifying and discussing values and lessons learnt.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read the given folktales/short stories.
  2. Explains the meaning of folktales and their sources.
  3. Guides pupils to discuss the folktales/short stories—characters, lessons learnt, etc.
  4. Guides pupils to recall the folktales/ short stories.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read given folktales/short stories
  2. Discuss the characters and lessons learnt etc. in pairs or groups and make presentations.
  3. Recall folktales/ short stories.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Collection of popular folktales/short stories
  2. Course book
  3. Flash cards of new words
  4. Chalk/white board

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read folktales/short stories
  2. Recall the folktales/short stories.

Week 11

Topic: Comprehension V

Performance objectives

  1. read information on charts, diagrams, calendars, etc.;
  2. Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars.


  1. reading charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars  etc. to obtain information

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Shows pupils relevant charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.  
  2. Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
  3. Asks questions and guides pupils to find answers to them from the charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.               

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe charts,                graphs, diagrams, calendars presented by teacher
  2. Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Calendars.
  2. Course book.
  3. Relevant charts, diagrams, graphs.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars etc.
  2. Answer questions on charts, diagrams, graphs and calendars.

Week 12

Topic: Comprehension VI

Performance objectives

  1. write answers to questions based on a passage
  2. read simple passages effectively;
  3. Skim simple passages for main ideas.


Written Comprehension:

(a)          Answering questions from comprehension passages taken from the course book or supplementary reader’s e. food additives, food adulteration and food safety;

(b)          Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.

(c)           Copying identified

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
  2. Asks questions on them.
  3. Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher‘s pattern reading and explanation.               
  2. Read them slowly the second time, noting the main points and details.
  3. Answer the questions provided in their own handwriting on the chalkboard and into their exercise books.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.
  2. Supplementary Readers.
  3. Any other relevant material.

Evaluation Guide

  1. write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read; and
  2. Skim given passage for main ideas.

Week 13

Topic: Comprehension VII

Performance objectives

  1. Read selected stories on their own
  2. Retell the stories


1. Extensive/ independent Reading:

– Reading selected stories and chapters from books

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher selects appropriate fictional material and chapters from the book          
  2. Asks questions on the book

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils read selected material independently
  2. They answer questions on what they have read.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary reading materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read given materials correctly.
  2. Answer questions on the materials correctly.

Week 14

Topic: Comprehension VIII      

Performance objectives

  1. Describe a simple event or a natural disaster and explain the probable cause(s) of such event.
  2. Pick out important features of the event with emphasis on the causes.


  1. Descriptive Comprehension: description of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm that wreaked havoc on the community.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads discussion on a given topic.
  2. Asks pupils to describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed e.g. a rainstorm.
  3. Guides pupils to explain the probable cause(s).

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed
  2. Explain the causes of the event or natural disaster.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures showing the effect of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm.
  2. Real objects.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed.

Week 15

Topic: Vocabulary

Performance objectives

  1. substitute words in poems
  2. explain the relationship between words; and
  3. Develop new words.


  1. Vocabulary Acquisition:
    1. Using poems on discipline, courage, courtesy, road safety etc. expand children‘s vocabulary.
    1. Substitution of words poems.
    1. Explanation of the relationship between word
    1. Development of new words.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents a class appropriate poem.
  2. Guides pupils to read the poem.
  3. Guides pupils to substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
  4. Explains relationship between words to pupils.
  5. Guides pupils to develop new words.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in reading the poem.
  2. Read the poem.              
  3. Substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
  4. Explain the relationship between words              
  5. develop new words

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poetry books
  2. A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
  3. Pictures depicting values in the poem.
  4. Posters
  5. Flash cards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given simple poems
  2. explain the relationship between words; and
  3. Substitute four words in the poem with others.

Week 16

Topic: Concepts of Print I

Performance objectives

  1. Recognize that title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, diagrams are components of printed materials, etc.
  2. Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars etc.


  1. Recognition of title page, margins, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, labels, etc. in printed texts/materials.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Shows pupils title page, illustrations, margins, picture, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. in texts.
  2. Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
  3. Asks questions and guides pupils to identify graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe, graphs, diagrams, labels etc.  In texts presented by teacher.   
  2. Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.    

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Supplementary Reader
  2. Course book.
  3. Relevant charts, diagrams, graph, labels, signs etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify diagrams, graphs, title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, in texts etc.

Week 17

Topic: Concepts of Print II

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly recognize reading materials e .g newspapers, journals, magazine, reference books, ICT, etc.


  1. Recognition of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides samples of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT.
  2. Leads pupils to identify the materials.
  3. Explain their special features.

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe reading materials and explain their special features      

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected reading materials.
  2. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. List and explain the features of some reading materials.



Week 1

Topic: Use of Capital Letters, Punctuation Marks – Full Stop, Comma, etc.

Performance objectives

  1. get an understanding that capital letters‘ and higher cases‘ mean the same thing
  2. use capital letters/higher cases correctly; and
  3. Use the punctuation marks e.g. comma, semi-colon, exclamation marks, etc. correctly.


  1. Various uses of capital letters/higher cases
  2. Uses of full stop and comma. E.g. at the end of sentences and for listing a series of items respectively and for separating ideas or clauses in sentences.             

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes sample sentences using higher cases, punctuation marks such as full stop, comma, colon, semi- colon, etc.
  2. Explains various uses of comma.
  3. Asks pupils to give similar examples
  4. Asks them to write their own examples in their books

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the examples given by the teacher
  2. Listen to teacher‘s explanation
  3. Make similar sentences of their own
  4. Write teacher‘s examples in their books
  5. Do several exercises on the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected passages from course book.
  2. Sample sentences showing the various uses of capital/higher cases and the punctual marks.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Use the capital letters/higher cases and punctuation marks correctly.

Week 2

Topic: Writing Three to Four Sentences on Everyday Activities using Present and Past Tenses

Performance objectives

  1. Use habitual sentences in both present and past tenses. Examples:


  1. Audu dances well.
    1. He eats amala very well


  • Audu danced yesterday.
    • He ate amala.


  1. Writing three to four sentences on habitual activities using present and past tenses.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher explains what habitual sentences mean.
  2. He writes samples of habitual sentences in present tenses as well as in past tenses.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation
  2. Write examples of habitual sentences in their book
  3. They write similar sentences as homework.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts on sample tenses
  2. Work book.
  3. Any other relevant their book

Evaluation Guide

  1. Write habitual sentences correctly.

Week 3

Topic: Handwriting

Performance objectives

  1. read simple passages on the content column;
  2. copy the passage into their exercise books in their own handwriting;
  3. write clearly and legibly; and
  4. Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.


  1. Passages highlighting national values e.g. discipline, honesty and courage.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads to give a model example.
  2. Writes passage on the board.
  3. Guides the pupils to identify some difficult words in the passage
  4. Shows them the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
  5. Asks pupils to copy passage into their notebooks
  6. Supervises and makes corrections where necessary.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s reading.
  2. Read the passage following teacher‘s example.
  3. Identify some difficult words in the passage
  4. Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
  5. Copy the passage into their writing exercise book.
  6. Do corrections where necessary.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Passages under content column.
  2. Any other relevant reference materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read given passages correctly; and
  2. Copy correctly the given passage into their exercise books.

Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3 Schemeofwork

Week 4

Topic: Writing Answers to Questions on Simple Comprehension Passages

Performance objectives

  1. write answers to questions based on a passage
  2. read simple passages effectively;
  3. skim simple passages for main ideas; and
  4. Identify words and verbs already learnt.


  1. Writing answers to comprehension passages from the course book, supplementary readers and any other structures
  2. Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.
  3. Copying identified words and structures in legible handwriting.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
  2. Asks questions on them
  3. Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher’s pattern
  2. Reading and explanation.
  3. Read it slowly the second time, noting the main points and details
  4. Copy in their own handwriting on the chalkboard into  their exercise book

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book.    
  2. Supplementary readers.              
  3. Any other relevant material.      

Evaluation Guide

  1. write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read;
  2. skim given passage for general ideas; and
  3. Identify words and structures already learnt.



Week 1

Topic: Pronunciation of Consonants and Consonant Clusters

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
  2. differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
  3. Produce consonant clusters correctly.


  1. Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context
  2. Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g.: /b/ bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/
    • dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood /g/ – grass, /k/ – clipper, quick, /pl/ please, /pr/ – price, /s/ slate, /sm/ smiles, /tr/ train, /st/ stone, /spr/ spread e.g.
      • This blade is very sharp.
      • I ate bread this morning.
      • Spread the clothes on the grass

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
  2. Demonstrates correct articulation of articulation of the sounds
  3. Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
  4. Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds

Student’s Activities

  1. Watch the teacher write the sounds on the board.
  2. Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
  3. Pronounce the words after the teacher.
  4. Practice the correct pronunciation of the words/sounds in sentence context.
  5. Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Objects.
  2. Pictures of objects.
  3. Flash cards.
  4. Flannel board
  5. Wall charts
  6. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly and
  2. differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly

Week 2

Topic: Making Simple Statements and Responding to Simple Commands with Emphasis on Stress and Intonation.     

Performance objectives

  1. make simple statements correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to simple commands appropriately.


  1. Making simple statements using the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Responding to simple commands appropriately.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes model statements with the appropriate stress and intonation.
  2. Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
  3. Guides pupils in making statements and responding to commands.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s statements and commands.
  2. Repeat the statements after the teacher.           
  3. Follow teacher‘s commands appropriately.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary text.
  3. Charts containing simple sentences.

Evaluation Guide

  1. construct simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
  2. Respond to given commands correctly.

Week 3

Topic: Simple Dialogues Expressing Present, past and Future Actions.

Performance objectives

1              participate in simple dialogues using present, past and future tenses.

2              ask and answer simple questions correctly using present, past and future tenses; and

3              practice the use of the rising and falling tunes in questions and answers correctly.


1              Simple dialogues – dialogues in present, past and future actions.

2              Asking and answering simple questions using present, past and future tenses with the appropriate intonation e.g.

i.              Question: Where is the teacher? Answer: He is in the class.

ii.             Question: Who is Mall am Dikko? Answer: Mallam Dikko is the head teacher

Teacher’s Activities        

1              Explains what dialogue is

2              Gives examples of dialogue shown in the content column.

3              Gets pupils to engage in dialogues in present, past and future tenses, ensuring that the correct stress and intonations are observed.

4              Guides pupils to practice the use of the rising and falling tones correctly.

Student’s Activities

1              Listen to teacher‘s explanation.

2              Repeat the dialogues after the teacher observing the correct stress and intonation (rising and falling tones).

3              Practice the dialogues in twos and in groups, both inside and outside the classroom.

Teaching & Learning Material  

1              Course book

2              Sentence strip.

3              A volunteer pupil for rehearsal.

4              Other suitable materials.

Evaluation Guide

1              ask two questions and answer them correctly through simple dialogues; and

2              engage in dialogues using the rising and falling tones.

Week 4

Topic: Oral Comprehension    

Performance objectives

  1. to listen carefully to a story;
  2. answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words;
  3. re-tell the story in their own words; and
  4. Tell similar stories.


  1. A story that will interest the pupils but built on any topic such as Road Safety, National, Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.
  2. Provide stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English e.g. the house that Jack built;
  3. Prepare them for future life.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Tells the story slowly stressing important points with the correct intonation
  2. Asks questions
  3. Gives pupils the opportunity to tell their own stories.
  4. Guides and supervise pupils ‘activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
  2. Re-tell the story
  3. Answer questions on the story.
  4. Tell similar stories in groups, about children‘s club or society they know, orally.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book or Supplementary Readers.
  2. Relevant pictures or real objects

Evaluation Guide

  1. answer questions on the main points in the story;
  2. relate story in their own words; and
  3. Participate in telling similar stories.

Week 5

Topic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.

Performance objectives

  1. produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly
  2. Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and sentence contexts.


  1. Pronunciation practice: e.g. a, e, i, u /i e / and / ea. / here hare ear air fear fare/fair beer bear/bare e.g. the hare was here yesterday.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Demonstrates and pronounce the words or show objects or their pictures while repeating the words correctly.
  2. Let’s the pupils imitate him.
  3. Engages pupils in drills, using the minimal pair
  4. Dictates words to the pupils to copy.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Produce the sounds used in each pair of words correctly.
  3. Write dictation based on the use of these words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Relevant pictures of objects.
  2. Flash cards
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book

Evaluation Guide

  1. distinguish between the sound /id/ and / ed / by pronouncing them Correctly;
  2. Write correctly five words dictated by the teacher.

Week 6

Topic: Aural Discrimination

Performance objectives

  1. pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation; and
  2. Distinguish between the different sounds in words and sentences.


1              Aural discrimination of the sounds:

i. / 3/ and / ^: / burn – born, firm – form, perch – porch

–              I can burn this bush. A new child is born

–              The firm sent a form to me

ii. / D / and / Ɔ: / cot – court, spot – sport.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Reads the sentences containing the sounds
  2. Distinguishes between the sounds.
  3. Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
  4. Asks pupils to repeat after him.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s reading.
  2. Repeat after teacher.
  3. Distinguish between the sounds.
  4. Pronounce the words.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flash cards.
  2. Sentence strips.
  3. Flannel board.
  4. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
  2. Distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.



Week 1

Topic:    Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals in Speaking and Writing

Performance objectives

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals
  2. use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences


  1. Regular plurals e.g. ball/balls; boy/boys.
  2. Irregular plurals e.g. child/children; foot/feet

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher presents the correct use of regular and irregular plurals in speeches.
  2. The correct use of irregular and irregular plurals in writing.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
  2. to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Pictures of objects
  3. Charts
  4. Flash cards

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings; and
  2. Pupils to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.

Week 2

Topic: Use of Auxiliary Verbs

Performance objectives

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
  2. Use auxiliary verbs in sentences.


  1. Auxiliary verbs e.g. may, can, will.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to present and demonstrate the correct use of auxiliary verbs in sentences.
  2. Facilitates flash card games to aid pupils understanding of auxiliary verbs.

Student’s Activities

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences
  2. Pupils play games with flash cards facilitated by teacher.
  3. correctly use auxiliary verbs

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts
  2. Flash card games

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
  2. use auxiliary verbs in sentences

Week 3

Topic: Expressing Future Actions in the Negative

Performance objectives

  1. make correct sentences in the simple future tense; and
  2. Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.


  1. Expressing future actions in the negative e.g. We will not be going to church next Sunday;

Q – Mummy, will we eat rice today?

A – No, we will not.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher explains and demonstrates what future action is.
  2. Teacher gives examples and asks questions in the future tense.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
  2. Give examples themselves.
  3. Ask and answer teacher‘s questions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Sentence strips.
  2. Course book
  3. Other supplementary resources like newspapers or magazines.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Use future actions in the negative through sentence construction.
  2. Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.

Week 4

Topic: Using Past Continuous Tense

Performance objectives

  1. identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.


  1. Past continuous tense e.g. -He was going to school when he fell‘; ‗He was coming to the house when he met John‘.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Teacher explains past continuous tense.
  2. Demonstrates the correct use of past continuous tense in sentences

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher‘s explanation
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary materials
  3. Charts

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
  2. Use past continuous tense in sentences.

Week 5

Topic: Present Perfect Using –Ed and –en ending

Performance objectives

  1. identify present perfect using – ed ending
  2. identify present perfect using – en ending
  3. express correct use of present perfect with – ed ending; and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect with – en ending.


  1. Present Perfect using –Ed ending e.g. I have cleaned the kitchen; I have washed my clothes.
  2. Present Perfect using –en ending e.g. John has stolen a pencil; I have eaten my food.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher to explains present perfect using both – Ed and – en endings.
  2. Leads pupils in constructing sentences in the present perfect tense

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils to identify correctly present perfect tense in sentences.
  2. use present perfect tense in sentences

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Course book
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify present perfect tense in sentences; and
  2. express correct use of present perfect in sentences

Week 6

Topic: Present Perfect with “since” and “for”

Performance objectives

  1. identify present perfect with “since”
  2. identify present perfect with “for”
  3. express correct use of present perfect with “since” ; and
  4. Express correct use of present perfect with “for”.


  1. Present Perfect with “since” e.g. I have been awake since 8 o‘clock; Lunch has been ready since 2 hours ago.
  2. Present perfect with “for” e.g. I have been sick for two days; Mum has been in the market for two hours.

Teacher’s Activities        

1 Teacher to explain the correct use of present perfect with “since” and “for”.

Student’s Activities

1 Pupils correctly use present perfect with “since” and “for”; following teacher‘s examples.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Charts
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. identify present perfect with “since” and “for”; and
  2. Use “since” and “for” in sentence construction.

Week 7

Topic: Interrogation with Response Using Present Perfect.    

Performance objectives

  1. use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
  2. Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally in writing.


  1. Interrogation and Responses using present perfect e.g. Interrogation: Have you finished your homework?

Response: No, I have not. Interrogation: Are you going to play football with me today?

Response: Yes, of course.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes series of statements using the using the present perfect tense
  2. Transforms each statement into a question
  3. Gives the appropriate answer to pupils.

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils say the statement after the teacher using the present perfect tense.
  2. Repeat series of statements using the present perfect tense of verbs after the teacher.
  3. Transforms each statement into questions again following teacher‘s example.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. charts
  3. Supplementary materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
  2. Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally and in writing.

English Curriculum for Primary 4


Week 1

Topic:  Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. Read class appropriate informational texts e.g. health, environment, consumer rights, safety etc.;
  2. Identify main ideas in the texts; and
  3. Identify supporting facts in the texts


  1. Reading Class appropriate informational texts e.g. texts on diet and nutrition, benefits of eating for healthy living, etc.
  2. Guides pupils to identify supporting facts in a text

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to read the story.
  2. Guides pupils to identify main ideas in the texts
  3. Guides pupils to identify supporting facts in a text.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the informational texts
  2. Work in pairs or groups to identify main ideas in the texts.
  3. Work in pairs or groups to identify main facts in the texts

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Newspapers, magazines
  2. Course book     
  3. Supplementary readers
  4. Pictures               

Evaluation Guide

  1. read the informational texts;
  2. discuss the main ideas in the texts; and
  3. list the main facts in the read texts

Week 2

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. read descriptive passages with understanding;
  2. identify new words used for describing people, animals, things and places; and
  3. Answer factual and other questions.


  1. Identify and explain new words used for describing people, animals, things and places.
  2. Answer factual and other questions based on the passage.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read the passage
  2. Guides pupils to identify and use new descriptive words,
  3. Asks and guides pupils to answer factual and other questions on the passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passage as guided by the teacher.
  2. Work in groups to identify descriptive words in the passage.
  3. Answer factual and other kinds of questions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary reader.
  3. Selected descriptive passages.
  4. Flip chart/ cardboard chalk/white board.

Evaluation Guide

  1. read descriptive passages; and
  2. use new words in 5 sentences

Week 3

Topic: Comprehension III

Performance objectives

  1. read class appropriate stories and poems with understanding;
  2. answer questions on the poems and stories;
  3. identify and interpret similes and metaphors; and
  4. Understand characters, setting plots.


  1. identify words, similes and metaphors,
  2. Explain the characters, setting and plots in poems and stories.
  3. Reading Class appropriate stories and poems to:
    1. identify words, similes and metaphors,
    1. Explain the characters, setting and plots in poems and stories.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read selected stories and poems.
  2. Explains similarities and differences between simple stories (prose) and poems.
  3. Asks and guides pupils to answer questions.
  4. Explains the language of poetry to pupils e.g. Rhymes and rhythm, etc.
  5. Identify similes and metaphors

Student’s Activities

  1. Read stories and poems.
  2. Discuss similarities and differences they observed in stories (prose) and poems with the teacher’s guidance.
  3. Answer questions individually, in pairs or in groups.
  4. Identify similes and metaphors in poems

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected stories and poems
  2. Course books
  3. Flash cards
  4. pictures and drawings
  5. Real objects
  6. Supplementary reading Materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read stories and poems;
  2. list 3 features of poems;
  3. mention at least 3 examples of similes and metaphors; and
  4. explain the meaning of character and setting plot

Week 4

Topic: Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. read the selected passage;
  2. identify issues related to the passage; and
  3. Answer questions on the passage.


  1. Reading Passage on a range of issues (e.g. Cooperation, foods and drug safety, Road safety, etc. and:
    1. identifying issues related to the text,
    1. use context clues to understand text

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides the pupils to Read the passage.
  2. Answer simple questions in pairs or groups.                       
  3. Identify new words and
  4. Ideas related to the passage.    

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the passage.
  2. Answer simple questions in pairs or groups.
  3. Identify new words and ideas related to the passage.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected passage on cooperation
  2. Flash cards.
  3. Cardboards or chalk/white Board
  4. Relevant pictures and Diagrams

Evaluation Guide

  1. read selected passage;
  2. identify issues related to the passage; and
  3. Answer questions on the passage.

Week 5

Topic:  Comprehension V

Performance objectives

  1. set purpose for reading;
  2. read story books and other reading materials independently for entertainment, enjoyment or information; and
  3. select books and other reading materials independently


  1. Independent reading:
    1. Reading independently for a purpose;
    1. Independent selection of books and other reading materials.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to read story books, supplementary readers, etc independently
  2. Guides the pupils to understand the purpose of independent reading
  3. Helps pupils to develop reading habits.
  4. Guides pupils on how to select books and other reading materials
  5. Guides pupils to summarize what they have read

Student’s Activities

  1. Read story books and other reading materials independently
  2. Recognize the purpose of reading any text
  3. Show interest in reading independently
  4. Select books and other reading materials on their own
  5. Pupils to summarize what they have read

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Story books
  2. Supplementary Readers
  3. Charts on how to select books in the library
  4. Newspaper, magazines etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. read story books and other reading materials;
  2. mention at least 3 purposes of reading different texts;
  3. explain how to select books and other reading materials; and
  4. summarize at least one book read

Week 6

Topic: Concepts of print

Performance objectives

  1. identify different types of fonts, illustrations, graphics etc;
  2. use title, title page, table of content, glossary and index to locate information; preview text using text features e.g. headings, graphics, titles, diagram, etc; and
  3. Recognize different kinds of text- poems, plays, drama, letters, biographies etc.


  1. Recognizing charts, maps, graphs, pictures, etc. in printed materials and texts
  2. Parts of text e.g. title, title page, table of content, glossary, index etc.
  3. Previewing text using text features.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to recognize and use charts, maps, graphs, pictures etc.
  2. Guides pupils to identify parts of texts e.g. title of text, title page, table of content, glossary, index etc.
  3. Guides pupils to locate information in texts using parts of text.
  4. Guides pupils to preview a text using headings, graphics, titles etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Recognize and use charts, maps, graphs, pictures etc.
  2. Identify parts of text e.g. title of text, table of content, glossary, etc.
  3. Locate information in text using parts of text
  4. Preview texts using text features e.g. headings, graphics, titles etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Recommended books
  2. supplementary readers
  3. Story books

Evaluation Guide

  1. Recognize and use maps, graphs, pictures, etc;
  2. Identify parts of texts;
  3. Locate information from texts using parts of text; and
  4. Preview a text using text features.



Week 1

Topic:    1              Writing Simple Sentences about Events in Correct Sequence. (A Passage on Consumer, Market and Society)

Performance objectives

  1. Explain who a consumer is using simple sentences;
  2. Explain the meaning of a market;
  3. List three key market operators in simple sentences; and
  4. In simple sentences, discuss the roles of market in the society.


  1. Meaning of consumer, market and society.
  2. Key operators in the market e.g. consumers, goods and service providers, government, etc.
  3. Impact of market on society.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of consumer, market and society in simple sentences e.g. „A consumer buys goods and services‟.
  2. Discusses the impact of market on society using simple sentences.
  3. Takes learners on a trip to a market.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in explanation of consumer, market and society in simple sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Posters, charts, fliers showing market scenes.
  2. Magazines, pictures, newspapers, cutting of relevant information on consumer and society.
  3. Textbooks.

Evaluation Guide

  1. explain the meaning of consumer, market and society;
  2. list three key market operators; and
  3. Give two impacts of market on society.

Week 2

Topic: Guided Informal Letter, e.g. Letter to a Friend

Performance objectives

  1. make appropriate use of guidelines to write an informal letter; and
  2. Write an informal letters.


  1. An informal letter. E.g. A letter to an elder sister, a brother, a father, a mother, a friend.
  2. Features of informal letter: Letter to a friend is based on: tolerance, humaneness, personal in tone, intimate with secret/gossip, to share and enjoy warmth.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Teacher explains meaning of informal letter.
  2. Lists the formal features of an inform letter.
  3. Guides pupils to write informal letters.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to and write down in their books meaning of, and features of informal letters.
  2. Write informal letters to relatives and friends.
  3. Participate in class discussions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A suitable guided informal letter formats.
  2. An informal letter prepared by the teacher.

Evaluation Guide

  1. use the guidelines correctly to write an informal letter; and
  2. Write informal letter correctly.

Week 3

Topic: Narrative and Descriptive Composition Descriptive:

1. My Family

2. My School

Performance objectives

  1. narrate a story;
  2. write a composition on a given topic;
  3. describe the essential characteristics of their family or school; and
  4. describe the members of the family, noting their special characters


  1. Describe piece of writing, bringing out important events or highlight.
  2. Communicate these thoughts in a continuous prose.
  3. Get, through the help of pupils, the different exciting events in their lives.
  4. Describing the members of the family (including pets)
  5. Describing a typical day in the life of the family.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Prepares model compositions on narrative and descriptive and use these to guide pupils.
  2. Discusses the content of the composition with pupils; each mentioning their own memorable days.
  3. Let’s them say why it is memorable.
  4. Let them write it as a creative piece of writing to be displayed on the notice board.

Student’s Activities

  1. Write compositions (narrative and descriptive) given by the teacher.
  2. Copy the model compositions given by the teacher.
  3. Talk about their experiences with regard to the events.
  4. Read over the work on the chalkboard.
  5. Write two or three paragraphs on their own memorable day.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Picture charts of exciting events.
  2. Model narrative and descriptive passages.
  3. Course book.
  4. Composition prepared by the teacher.
  5. Supplementary reader.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to narrative their own story;
  2. Write their own composition on a topic of their interest;
  3. Describe their family or school environment; and
  4. Describe members of their family noting their special characters.

Grade 1 – 6 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 to 6 – Schemeofwork.com


Week 1

Topic:    Simple Conversation using the Appropriate Words

Performance objectives

  1. engage in simple conversation involving, excuse, obligation, permission etc;
  2. Use modal auxiliaries to make sentences such as: „can i come in‟? and
  3. Use modal auxiliaries in sentences in contextual situations so as to bring out their meaning.


  1. Practice in excusing, obligation, permission etc
  2. “can‟ meaning possible
  3. “Must‟ meaning obligation “ought to‟ meaning what is right.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. List the modal auxiliaries
  2. Creates short stories around the family using modal auxiliaries
  3. Asks questions on the story e.g. can Adamu wash the plate?
  4. Constructs a dialogue for the same purpose
  5. Guides the pupils to dialogue in pairs emphasizing on the modal auxiliaries.

Student’s Activities

  1. Make sentences after teacher’s modal examples with „can‟, „cannot‟, „may‟, „May not‟, „must‟, „must not‟, „ought to‟, „ought not to‟, etc.
  2. Create a short scene where the pupils role play and use auxiliaries in their conversation
  3. Make sentences on their own with modal auxiliaries.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Real objects
  2. Approved course book
  3. Pictures showing actions of the conversations

Evaluation Guide

  1. use each of the modal auxiliaries correctly; and
  2. Say short sentences using auxiliaries.

Week 2

Topic: Aural Discrimination in Vowels and Consonants

Performance objectives

  1. distinguish between the sounds /˄/ in bud and sound /3:/ in bird /a/ in bag and /a:/ in bark;
  2. recognize the sounds in words;
  3. draw the contrast between sounds when they use the words; and
  4. Discriminate between two pairs of consonants e.g. /t/Ϛ/ chin /Ϛ/ shin /v/ vest /f/ first.


  1. Discriminate between the sounds /˄/ and /3:/ cup curb luck lurk gull girl bust burst
  2. Aural consonants as chop/shop, catch/cash, very/ ferry, have/half
  3. Distinguishes the pair of voiced and voiceless consonant sounds.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes out the words and the sounds symbols
  2. Pronounce the sounds
  3. Drills the pupils on the sound distinctions in the words
  4. Writes and pronounce vowels and consonant sounds in the word contexts.

Student’s Activities

  1. Practice the new vowel and consonant sounds and in word context
  2. Write the words and the sound symbols in their note books
  3. Differentiate the voiced and voiceless consonants.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Any suitable book on English phonetics
  3. Tape recorder with speech cassettes.

Evaluation Guide

  1. do oral drills;
  2. recognize the sound;
  3. contrast the two vowel sounds; and
  4. Distinguish between two pairs of consonant words.

Week 3

Topic: Oral Composition Descriptive and Narrative

e.g. – An Interesting experience: “A visit to my village‟” – “„My Father’s house”.               

Performance objectives

  1. narrate the highlights of ”a visit to my village‟;
  2. narrate a story;
  3. describe how things are been done or a place, e.g. “my father’s house‟; and
  4. Pick out important features in any event with emphasis on time, place, occasion and significance.


  1. Narrating an interesting experience with the following: – “A visit to my village‟, “My first day in school‟
  2. Describing places or how things are done e.g. “My school‟, “How to cook rice‟.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Leads discussions dramatization based on “A visit to my village‟ or an interesting experience in ” my school‟ or any descriptive topic
  2. Organizes out of class activities to visit places of interest and asks the pupils to narrate or describe their experiences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Narrate some events they witnessed
  2. Participate actively in teacher initiated activities
  3. Describe their memorable days individually.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Text books showing various events
  2. Video clips of events
  3. Real objects to describe how things are done.

Evaluation Guide

  1. describe some events accurately; and
  2. Narrate interesting experiences they have witnessed.

Week 4

Topic: Using Question Tags

Performance objectives

  1. Ask and respond to question tags;
  2. Making sentences adding question tags; and
  3. Use tags in asking question either positive or negative


  1. Positive:
    • Tomorrow is Monday, isn’t it?
    • You are a boy/girl, aren’t you?
    • She is quite attractive, isn’t she?
    • We shall see each other again, shan’t we?
  2. Negative:
    • You didn’t come to school, did you?
    • This book isn’t yours, is it?

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Let’s pupils use tags correctly as in content columns
  2. Engages the pupils in various conversations involving positive and negative tags
  3. Guides pupils to generate questions using tags
  4. Shows the pupil’s questions and what tags to be used i.e. positive tag or negative.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher and ask questions using tags
  2. In pairs, they engage in conversation using correct questions with correct tags
  3. Identify what tags to be used for various questions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Teacher’s guide
  3. Other relevant materials.

Evaluation Guide

  1. use tags correctly in questions; and
  2. Make sentences adding the question tags.

Week 5

Topic: Stress and Intonation

Performance objectives

  1. utter each expression with the correct stress;
  2. use intonation pattern to express meaning; and
  3. Distinguish the contrast between the two expressions both in statement and in question.


  1. Stress pattern can be represented as: / stressed; \unstressed e.g. / WRIting it now / SEnd it now /BEAutiful girl
  2. Intonation and stress change the meaning of sentence, e.g. you want me to stay (statement) you want me to stay? (Question).

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Expresses the stress pattern e.g. “writing‟ has only one stress “wri‟
  2. Says the expression once and lets pupils say after him/her three times
  3. Guides the pupils to point out differences in meaning
  4. Provides sentences and pronounce them in the appropriate intonation and stress pattern.

Student’s Activities

  1. Say each phrases expressing correct stress
  2. Use pronunciation pattern provided by the teacher in sentences to show stress and intonation
  3. Answer questions on stress and intonation.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Any practical book on phonetics.

Evaluation Guide

  1. do oral drill;
  2. make correct sentences with correct stress and intonation; and
  3. Do oral exercise.

Week 6

Topic: Songs and Poems

Performance objectives

  1. read and sing poems and songs as instruments of speech training;          
  2. memorize and recite poems;     
  3. sing and enjoy the song;
  4. discuss meaning and effect of poem; and
  5. Identify the theme of poem.


  1. Read and sing.
  2. Poems and songs. Discuss the theme of poem (subject matter and meaning).
  3. Songs as another useful instrument of speech training and memorization.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Leads pupils to study the poem.
  2. Reads poems to pupils to arouse interest.
  3. Let’s pupils take turns reading the poem.
  4. Reads the song as a poem.
  5. Let’s the pupils read after him/her.
  6. Encourages them to memorize the songs.
  7. Teaches the pupils to sing the song and enjoy it.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher read the poem and sing song.        
  2. Take turns in reading the poem and singing the songs.  
  3. Memorize the poem and the song.        
  4. Read the poem in group chorally and individually.            
  5. Read the poem and sing the song to get details of the meaning.
  6. Learn to sing and enjoy the song.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A short poem on a cardboard.
  2. Flash cards showing key words in the poem and songs.
  3. Simple poetry books
  4. Other relevant materials.
  5. Charts containing the song.
  6. Course book.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read the song as a poem;
  2. memorize and recite it correctly;
  3. discuss the meaning and effect of the poem;
  4. identify the theme of the poem; and
  5. Memorize the song, song and enjoy it.



Week 1

Topic:    Using past, present and future tenses accurately

Performance objectives

  1. Correctly use:
    • Past tense
    • Present tense
    • Future tense.


  1. Past tense e.g. I ate yesterday
  2. Present tense e.g. I eat rice everyday
  3. Future tense e.g. I will eat salad tomorrow.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the use of past, present and future tenses.      
  2. Guides pupils to use the past, present and future tenses.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify past, present and future tenses.
  2. Use past, present and future sentences in making statements/sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Substitution tables

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify past, present and future tenses; and
  2. Make correct use of past, present and future tenses.

Week 2

Topic: Nouns and pronouns

Performance objectives

  1. Identify nouns and pronouns; and
  2. Use nouns and pronouns in making sentences.


  1. Identification of nouns and pronouns
  2. Use of nouns and pronouns.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains nouns and pronouns.
  2. Guides pupils to identify nouns and pronouns.
  3. Guides pupils to use nouns and pronouns in sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify nouns and pronouns
  2. Use nouns and pronouns in making sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Real objects Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify nouns and pronouns in statements/ sentences; and
  2. Construct five sentences using nouns and pronouns.

Week 3

Topic: Adjectives and Adverbs

Performance objectives

  1. Identify adjectives and adverbs; and
  2. Use adjectives and adverbs in making sentences.


  1. Identification of adjectives and adverbs
  2. Use of adjectives and adverbs.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains adjectives and adverbs.
  2. Guides pupils to identify adjectives and adverbs.
  3. Guides pupils to use adjectives and adverbs in making sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify adjectives and adverbs
  2. Use adjectives and adverbs in making sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book Real objects
  2. Pictures

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify adjectives and adverbs in statements/ sentences; and
  2. Make correct use of adjectives and adverbs.

Week 4

Topic: Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to use the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs correctly.


  1. Comparative forms of adjectives e.g. He is taller than his father; Bimpe is more intelligent than Ayo
  2. Comparative forms of adverbs e.g. Ahmed walks more slowly than Eze.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Gives examples of the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.
  2. Guides pupils to use the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.
  2. Use comparative forms in sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book     
  2. Charts containing comparative and superlative

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs;
  2. Use comparative forms in sentences.

Week 5

Topic: Question Tags

Performance objectives

  1. Ask and respond to question tags;
  2. Make sentences, adding the question tags; and
  3. Use the negative and positive tags correctly.


  1. Question tags when body of sentence is positive and the tail is negative e.g. she is beautiful, isn’t she? Today is Wednesday, isn’t it?
  2. Question tags when the body is negative and the tail is positive e.g. she will not come, will she? You did not fail, did you?

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains when to use question tags
  2. Gives examples and asks pupils to repeat after him/her.
  3. Guides pupils to use question tags.

Student’s Activities

  1. Make sentences that involve question tags.       
  2. Do oral drills on negative question tags.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Substitution table
  2. Course book
  3. Flash card

Evaluation Guide

  1. Ask and respond to question tags correctly;
  2. Make sentences, adding the question tags correctly; and
  3. Use the positive and negative tags correctly.

Week 6

Topic: Adverbial Clauses using “if‟ and “when”

Performance objectives

  1. Use adverbial clause of condition (if) correctly; and
  2. Use adverbial clause of condition (when) correctly.


  1. Adverbial clause of condition (if) e.g. If we know our rights as Nigerians, nobody can abuse them;
  2. Adverbial clause of condition (when) e.g. when we pay our taxes, the government will do more for the citizens.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains adverbial clauses of condition using “if” and “when”
  2. Guides pupils to use adverbial clauses in making sentences.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify target adverbial clauses.
  2. Use of adverbial clauses of condition “if” and “when”.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Flash Cards        
  3. Picture

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify adverbial clause of condition “if” and “when”; and
  2. Make correct use of clause of condition “if” and “when”.

English Curriculum for Primary 5


Week 1

Topic: Phonics I

Performance objectives

  1. Use the intonation required in statements, questions commands and requests; correctly; and
  2. Use stress correctly to convey meaning.


  1. Intonation patterns in statements, questions commands and requests e.g.
    1. “Is he coming?‟ (Falling, Rising Intonation)
    1. “Will you read the book very fast?‟ (falling, rising, rising, rising)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Introduces the lesson by showing the charts containing these sentences to pupils and guiding them to read the sentences.
  2. Supervises pupils‟ practice and use of the appropriate intonation.

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat the sentences after the teacher, using the intonation pattern provided by him/her e.g. “Will you do the sums accurately?”
  2. Practice the falling/rising intonation pattern typical of a statement, question, command and a request.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Books on sounds, stress and intonation of English.
  3. A chart of some sentences differently stressed
  4. Audio-player

Evaluation Guide

  1. Use the appropriate stress and intonation in giving commands and requests; and
  2. Use stress and intonation in dialogues to demonstrate questioning.

Week 2

Topic:  Phonics II

Performance objectives

  1. Produce the sounds of each word correctly;
  2. Recognize the sounds;
  3. Draw the contrast between sounds when used in words; and
  4. Use each word in correct sentence.


  1. More on Aural Discrimination: Vowels, Consonants, Diphthongs, digraphs and trigraphs.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Produces the pairs of sounds which contrast and lets pupils repeat after him. e.g.: /. / And /a: /, as in „cat. And „cart. „Pat. And „part. /^/and /. / As in „one. And .warn. /p/ and /f/ as in „pill. And „fill. /. / And/t. / as in „shop. And „chop. Etc.
  2. Writes the words containing the sounds in minimal pairs on the chalk board.
  3. Guides pupils to produce the sounds in isolation and in words.
  4. Guides pupils to construct sentences with each pair and bring out the contrast.

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat the pairs of sounds produced by the teacher in isolation and in words
  2. Construct sentences with each pair to bring out the contrast.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Charts containing the minimal pair
  3. Speech cassettes
  4. Any other suitable material on phonetics

Evaluation Guide

  1. Distinguish between three pairs of sounds;
  2. Recognize the sounds;
  3. Draw the contrast between three pairs of sounds when used in words; and
  4. Use the three pairs of words in sentences to bring out their meanings

Week 3

Topic:  Comprehension I

Performance objectives

  1. Read content specific materials e.g. on health, consumer education and other kinds of information,
  2. Identify main ideas in materials read,
  3. Identify and summaries supporting details.


  1. Reading from content specific materials e.g. relevant passages on road safety, health, consumer rights, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Selects and presents appropriate passages e.g. health, road safety, consumer rights.
  2. Explains relevant unfamiliar words
  3. Explains to pupils how to read these passages and obtain information.
  4. Guides pupils to read passages and answer questions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Examine materials presented by teacher.
  2. Read passages.
  3. Identify and use new words in sentences.
  4. Answer questions based on passages.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Passages from relevant materials e.g. Road Safety Guide.            
  2. Materials from other sources.   

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to read passages to get relevant information

Week 4

Topic: Comprehension II

Performance objectives

  1. read non-fiction passages; and
  2. Identify and discuss main ideas in non-fiction passages.


  1. Identify main ideas, sequence of events, characters, plot, setting, etc.
  2. discuss similarities and differences,
  3. Summarize and draw conclusions.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of non-fiction and differentiates it from fiction.
  2. Presents a selected non-fiction passage reflecting important national values or issues, e.g. unity, security.
  3. Guides pupils to read passage.
  4. Guides pupils to identify and discuss main ideas in the passage.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the given passage silently.
  2. Work in pairs or groups to identify main ideas in particular paragraphs.
  3. Participate in plenary presentation/discussion

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected non-fiction passages from various sources       
  2. Course books   
  3. Flip charts/card board Papers

Evaluation Guide

  1. read a given passage fluently and at the right speed; and
  2. Identify main ideas in a given non-fiction passage.

Week 5

Topic:  Comprehension III

Performance objectives

  1. read simple selected children’s novels and poems;
  2. answer factual and other questions from selected children’s novels and poems,
  3. Identify similes and metaphor.


  1. Reading and answering questions from Class Appropriate texts and Poems

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains to pupils why they need to read.
  2. Exposes pupils to different kinds of children’s novels and poetry collections.
  3. Guides the pupils to read simple children’s novels and poems.
  4. Guides pupils to identify and discuss good reading habits.
  5. Guides pupils to answer factual questions from the selected novels and poems.

Student’s Activities

  1. Set daily/weekly targets for reading children’s novels and poems.
  2. Acquire good reading habits.
  3. Answer questions from teacher and other pupils.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Supplementary readers
  3. Books from the library (children’s novels and poetry collections)

Evaluation Guide

  1. keep a record of books read;
  2. answer questions based on books and poetry collections read; and
  3. Identify good reading habits.

Week 6

Topic:  Comprehension IV

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to read passages and draw out meanings from information that is not expressly stated in the text.


  1. Reading for implied meaning
  2. Reading relevant passages on national service institutions

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Selects relevant passages that
  2. Illustrate the concept of implied meaning.
  3. Explains to pupils what is meant by implied meaning.
  4. Guides pupils to read the passage.
  5. Guides pupils to use context and other methods to draw out implied meanings from the passage.
  6. Guides pupils to answer questions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Follow teacher’s explanations
  2. Read passage silently.   
  3. Work in pairs or in groups to get implied meanings to the passage.
  4. Discuss ideas from the passage.
  5. Answer questions on passages.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected passages.
  2. Course book.
  3. Flip charts/ card boards
  4. Chalk/white board

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read a given passage;
  2. Answer relevant questions on the passage; and
  3. Draw out implied meaning from the passage.

Week 7

Topic: VOCABULARY      

Performance objectives

  1. read and use context clues from a passage to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words,
  2. Use common spelling patterns to determine the meaning of new words.


  1. Reading for vocabulary development:
  2. Reading relevant passages on marriage, family, health, sports, safety (registers).

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Selects passages that contain the new words that children need to learn.            
  2. Makes a list of new words and explains their meanings and uses.           
  3. Guides children to discuss the new words and their uses.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read the given passages.
  2. Identify and discuss new words.
  3. Use new words in making sentences.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Selected passages with new vocabulary reflecting certain fields e.g. marriage, family, health, sports.
  2. List of new words from the passage.
  3. Course book.
  4. Dictionary

Evaluation Guide

  1. Read relevant passages; and
  2. Use common spelling patterns to determine the meaning of new words,
  3. Use new words in making sentences.

Grade 5 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 5 – Schemeofwork.com


Week 1

Topic:   Guided Formal Letter Writing.

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to write official or formal letters, using the correct format.


  1. Formal features of official or formal letter.
  2. The style of such letters.
  3. Letter to the village Head/ school Teacher.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Writes a sample of formal letter on the board.
  2. Discusses with the pupils and guides them to note the formal features:
    1. Address and date at the top right hand corner
    1. Name and address of the person to whom the letter is written (addressee/recipient) by the left;
    1. Greeting (salutation): „Sir‟ or „Dear Sir‟
    1. Subject of the letter (must be brief and straight to the point)
    1. Subject of the letter just below the salutation
    1. Body of the letter
    1. Ending: Yours faithfully,
    1. First name and surname.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
  2. Read the example of the letter provided by the teacher.
  3. Copy the letter in their books.
  4. Do the exercises given by the teacher, starting the letter with greetings, body of the letter, ending the letter.
  5. Practice the lexical and structural items appropriate for this type of letter, e.g. „I should be grateful if you would…‟, etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Chart with model format letter.

Evaluation Guide

  1. write a formal letter; and
  2. Explain the format of a formal/official letter.

Week 2

Topic: Guided Narrative Composition on “the Day l Met the Federal Road Safety Corp Officials on the Road‟.

Performance objectives

  1. report incidents accurately and clearly; and
  2. Describe the functions of the Road Safety Officials on the road in the essay.


  1. Narrate an incident that took place on the day l met FRSC officials.
  2. Reporting on the Road embellishment.
  3. Describing exactly the incident.
  4. Giving the date, place and time of the incident.
  5. Vehicles involved: it could be between a cyclist and a pedestrian who has just bought some food he wants to eat. Between a motorcyclist and a lady who was answering a call on the road.
  6. Discussing role played by the Road Safety Officials immediately after the incident.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Discusses with pupils an accident scene witnessed.
  2. Explains to pupils the important points to consider in presenting a report on road accident as specified in the content.
  3. Leads pupils to make their own report.
  4. Guides them in writing their report.
  5. Leads the pupils to discuss the roles played by the Road Safety Officials.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher’s account of a road accident.
  2. Describe any road crashes they may have witnessed.
  3. Write a report of such a crash.
  4. Emphasize the role played by the Road Safety Officials in the essay.

Teaching & Learning Material            

  1. Samples of a narrative of an incident written by the teacher.
  2. Samples of road accident accounts from articles in newspaper, etc.
  3. Extract from an eye witness.
  4. Video of an accident scene.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to write a report of a road crash witnessed.

Week 3

Topic: Descriptive Composition (Elements of Soil)

Performance objectives

  1. List the types of soil;
  2. State major characteristics of soil and its properties; and
  3. Write simple descriptive composition about soil.


  1. Elements of Soil:
  2. Characteristics of soil, clay, loamy, sandy.
  3. Characteristics and properties in relation to land use potentials.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Collects soil samples for the pupils to see.
  2. Classifies soils according to types.
  3. Names the types of soil and properties;
  4. Gives a controlled composition for pupils to write on soil.
  5. Student’s Activities
  6. Observe soil samples.
  7. Classifies the soils according to types.
  8. Name the types of soil and their properties.
  9. Discuss their characteristics.
  10. Write an essay on soil following the teacher’s guidelines.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Soil sample
  2. Seedlings
  3. Water
  4. Guided composition model.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Write on the suitability of different types of soil for plant growth;
  2. Explain major characteristics of soil and its properties; and
  3. Write simple descriptive composition on soil.

Week 4

Topic: Writing and Responding to Formal and Informal Invitations

Performance objectives

  1. Write formal invitation; and
  2. Distinguish a formal invitation from an informal one.


  1. Writing of formal invitation as opposed to informal of invitation letters e.g. weddings, birthday parties, chieftaincy, graduation and other ceremonies.
  2. Writing informal letters e.g. letters to parents friends and relations.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains that in a formal invitation every feature must be formal. The language more polite than in informal letters. The invitation is done in writing not by words of mouth.
  2. Guides pupils to draft invitations.
  3. Guides pupils to write informal letters.
  4. Supervises their activities.

Student’s Activities

  1. Make a list of occasions for formal invitation.
  2. Give reasons for formal invitations, e.g. important dignitaries need invitation as evidence, for description and reminder.
  3. Read the sample invitation cards provided by teacher.
  4. Draft formal invitation of their own with the teacher guiding them.
  5. Write an informal letter to a friend with the help of the teacher.
  6. Discuss the features of the informal letter.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Sample of invitation cards.
  3. Sample of informal letters.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Write formal invitation;
  2. Write formal letters; and
  3. Write informal letters.

Week 5

Topic:  Responding to Formal Invitations

Performance objectives

  1. Write a suitable reply,
  2. Indicating acceptance or regret; and
  3. Use the appropriate language for such replies.


  1. Writing of acceptance or regrets in response to formal invitations (acceptance or regrets could be in card forms)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Discusses model responses to formal invitation conveying acceptance or regret on the same.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher.
  2. Write responses to specified invitations.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Samples of replies (in telegram or card form) to formal invitations.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Write a draft of formal replies to official invitation.

Week 6

Topic:  Writing and Responding to Letters of Congratulation s and Sympathy

Performance objectives

  1. Write a letter of congratulations; using the appropriate style or dictions; and
  2. Use the correct register (words) of this area.


  1. Expressing congratulations and sympathy through controlled writing.
  2. Congratulations on occasions of success, birthday, birth of a baby, wedding, promotion, etc.
  3. Sympathy on bereavement, loss of valuable goods, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Discusses occasions which call for congratulations and sympathy, with the pupils contributing.
  2. Guides pupils to acquire the appropriate style for expressing congratulations and sympathy.
  3. Reads the passages dealing with the subjects.
  4. Gives pupils exercises to do while supervising their works.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify occasions that call for congratulations/sympathy.
  2. Identify suitable language for expressing congratulations, or sympathy with the teacher guiding them.
  3. Read sample congratulatory or sympathy messages provided by the teacher.
  4. Draft messages of their own; these could be formal or informal depending on the relationship between the sender and the recipient (addressee).

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Suitable materials from other sources e.g. newspapers.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Contribute to the class discussion on writing sympathy letter or a congratulatory letter;
  2. Write a letter of congratulations; and
  3. Use the correct register of this area.

Week 7

Topic: Responding to Letters of Congratulation s or Sympathy

Performance objectives

  1. Distinguish between formal and informal acknowledgements;
  2. Use the language appropriate for each; and
  3. Write and send such acknowledgments.


  1. Acknowledging receipt of letters of congratulations or sympathy. (This is to enable the sender to know that the letter was received).

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to acquire the appropriate style for acknowledging letters of congratulations or sympathy.

Student’s Activities

  1. Read samples of acknowledgement letter provided by the teacher.
  2. Use the appropriate words in such letters with the teacher’s guidance.
  3. Draft formal and informal acknowledgment letters of their own.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Model acknowledgement of Congratulatory and Sympathy letters.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Produce verbal acknowledgment of congratulatory and sympathy messages;
  2. Write acknowledgment letters of congratulatory and sympathy messages; and
  3. Distinguish between formal and informal acknowledgments.

English Language Curriculum for Primary


Week 1

Topic:    Structured dialogues involving expression of ideas, with appropriate Stress and intonation patterns.

Performance objectives

  1. Express themselves clearly in structured dialogues;
  2. Listen to questions on given topics and answer promptly and correctly;
  3. Use the correct speech rhythm in their answers; and
  4. Use structured items that occur in both the questions and the response appropriately.


  1. Structured dialogues on issues such as personal hygiene and food hygiene

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Presents topic(s) for discussion;
  2. Prepares questions before hand, on the topics.
  3. Guides pupils in their discussion
  4. Ensures appropriate use of stress and intonation patterns.
  5. Summarizes what has been learned.

Student’s Activities

  1. Engage in dialogues/discussion on given topics.
  2. Answer questions posed by the teacher;
  3. Use correct intonation, stress and rhythm in dialogues/ discussion.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Teacher’s guide
  3. Other appropriate sources.
  4. Newspaper Cuttings on the various topics

Evaluation Guide

  1. Engage in dialogues on personal hygiene and food hygiene;
  2. Give answers to questions; and
  3. Use the correct rhythm, stress and intonation in their answers.

Week 2

Topic: Using the telephone

Performance objectives

  1. Use accepted structure employed in telephone conversations;
  2. Use correct intonation and stress pattern in questions and statements.


  1. Telephone Conversation /Dialogue.
  2. Intonation and stress patterns in questions and statements.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Makes use of series of classroom drama situations, e.g. uses GSM phones to exchange calls with the class monitor:
  2. The caller gets the receiver and they converse.
  3. The receiver can say the following: “Hold on just a second, I will see if he is around”. Or “I’m afraid he is not in. who should I say called please? ‟‟

Student’s Activities

  1. Repeat the various forms of starting a telephone conversation   e.g.  “Hello, May I help you?”
    • Caller: “May I speak to Buhari, please”.
    • Receiver: “Buhari is not at home, do you want to leave a message?”

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A book containing a play let or any improvised material suitable for classroom drama.
  2. A dialogue on a chart of a person making/ receiving a phone call.

Evaluation Guide

  1. apply appropriate intonation in oral drills;
  2. demonstrate how to be polite during a telephone conversation; and
  3. Demonstrate clarity in speech and use very pleasing tones.

Week 3

Topic: Oral Composition (talking about self and family).

Performance objectives

  1. Introduce themselves;
  2. Speak about the family giving appropriate information; and
  3. Use correct intonation, stress and rhythm patterns in expressions.


  1. Self and family

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Begins the lesson by introducing himself to the class.
  2. Leads each pupil to introduce himself/herself.
  3. Guides pupils to talk about their families.
  4. Sees that each pupil uses the correct intonation, stress and rhythm patterns in expressions.

Student’s Activities

  1. Introduce themselves following the teacher’s model
  2. Pupils talk about their families.
  3. Speak in correct intonation, stress and rhythm

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Course book
  2. Suitable passages introducing the topic.
  3. A chart containing public speech and dialogue;
  4. Audio player.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Make correct sentences when talking about self and family; and
  2. Discuss simple topics using the correct intonation, stress, and rhythmic patterns.

Week   4

Topic: Debates on simple and familiar topics.

Performance objectives

  1. Act as moderators; and
  2. Speak for the motion or against it.


  1. Debates and discussions on simple and familiar topics, e.g. “Herbal Medicine is better than Conventional Medicine”.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Tells the pupils that a debate is an organized way of arguing your case or points of view.
  2. Introduces the register of debate to pupils i.e.: words, structure, terms, mannerisms etc.
  3. Guides pupils to prepare a programmer of events.
  4. Organizes a debate, with a chairman, panel of judges, proposers, opposes of the motion, listeners.
  5. Guides pupils to participate in a debate.

Student’s Activities

  1. Act as moderators while some pupils are reading the prepared speech.
  2. As many pupils as possible should also act as moderators as well as speakers.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A debate topic written on the board
  2. Recorded TV or radio debate.
  3. A copy of a written sample debate

Evaluation Guide

  1. Dramatize a role in debate;
  2. Take a stand in an argument (for or against); and
  3. Speak on a given topic


English Language Curriculum for Primary 1

English Language Curriculum for Primary 2

English Language Curriculum for Primary 3

English Language Curriculum for Primary 4

English Language Curriculum for Primary 5

English Language Curriculum for Primary 6

Mathematics Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6

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