Grade 1 – 3 NERDC English Curriculum for Primary 1 to 3. Vowels and diphthongs, rhyming word, apostrophes in possessives – Schemeofwork
English Curriculum for Primary 1
Week 1
Topic: Phonological Awareness
Performance objectives
- Identify and name sounds made by various animals; and
- Reproduce sounds made by animals.
- Auditory perception and discrimination
- Sounds of domestic animals such as cat, horse, dog, cock, cow, goat, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Identifies the sounds of various animals.
- Asks pupils to imitate the sound of the various animals
Student’s Activities
- Identify the sounds of the various animals as listed by the teacher.
- Try to produce the various sounds.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Picture books.
- Pictures of animals.
- Appropriate rhymes.
- Teacher‘s demonstration.
Evaluation Guide
- name various sounds that animals make; and
- Mimic sounds made by animals.
Week 1
Topic: Concept of Print II
Performance objectives
- Identify letters of the alphabet in printed words and sentences.
- The Alphabets A-Z.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes words on the board and call on pupils to name letters in the word.
- Writes sentences on the board and lets pupils name letters in the sentence.
- Frames a word in a sentence and guides pupils to name letters
Student’s Activities
- Points to and name letters in a word.
- take turns to frame printed words and name letters in the word
- Trace and letters in sand trays.
- Trace letters in writing books.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Frames
- World Charts
- Writing books
- Sand Trays
Evaluation Guide
- name the letters in given prints; and
- Match letters printed on cards to names of the alphabet.
Week 2
Topic: Concepts of Print III
Performance objectives
- Name upper and lowercase 1 letters in printed words and sentences; and
- Recognize and name upper and lower case letters in words and sentences.
- Identification of Upper and Lower case Letters.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify and name:
- All upper case letters; and
- Lower case letters
Student’s Activities
- Trace and letters in sand trays.
- Trace letters in wrong books.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Simple story books.
- Pupils’ text books.
- School library
Evaluation Guide
- Identify upper case and lower case letters in words and sentences; and
- Match letters printed on cards to names of the upper case and lower case letters.
Week 2
Topic: Phonemic Awareness I
Performance objectives
- produce and identify basic sounds correctly;
- distinguish the sounds of the different letters of the alphabet correctly; and
- Reproduce sounds of letters of the alphabet.
- Sounds of letters:
- Production of basic sounds in given words correctly, e.g. /a,/b/,/d/
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents and pronounces basic sounds correctly.
- Presents and pronounces letters of the alphabet correctly.
- Guides pupils to distinguish sounds of different alphabets correctly.
- Guides pupils to pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly.
Student’s Activities
- Produce sounds and pronounce letters correctly.
- Listen to teacher‘s pronunciation of letters of the alphabet.
- Identify sounds of given alphabets.
- Reproduce sounds of letters.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flash cards/Alphabet charts.
- Toys
- Pictures/ Drawing.
- Real objects.
- Tape recording / Sound charts.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce sounds of the letters of the alphabet correctly; and
- Identify letters and sounds in given words.
Week 3
Topic: Phonemic Awareness II
Performance objectives
- Listen to one-syllable words and recognizes words that begin with same letter sounds;
- Recognize words that end with same letter sounds;
- Identify rhyming words;
- Identify beginning and end sounds;
- Blend sounds to form one- syllable words e.g. ex, to, my, do, etc.; and
- Segment one – syllable words into separate letter sounds.
- Word sounds and syllables
Teacher’s Activities
- Use pictures to lead pupils identify sounds at the beginning and ending of a word e.g. dog, cat etc.
- Guides pupils to:
- identify and count the number of sounds in a syllable
- Identify letter sounds at the beginning, middle and end of spoken word: blend letter sound into words and
- segment words into letter sound
Student’s Activities
- Take turns to identify sounds or letters in words;
- Listen to sentences and clap to each syllable in a word (e.g. sis-ter; man-go; hap-py; etc.) Syllables in speech.
- Build new words by blending letter sounds.
- Distinguish between sounds at the beginning, middle and end of the words.
- Play listening games: Listen to poems, Rhymes etc. and clap each time they hear a word.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Word Cards
- Audio Tape
- Tape Recorders
- Listening Game syllables in words;
Evaluation Guide
- identify beginning and ending sounds in one syllable words;
- clap to the number of syllables in words;
- form three-letter words by blending letter sounds; and
- Recognize letter sounds at the beginning, middle and ending of one syllable words.
Week 3
Topic: Concepts of Print IV
Performance objectives
- Recognize that groups of words makes a sentence and
- Identify common punctuation marks in books and other printed materials
- Punctuation marks: question marks and comma etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Write common punctuation marks on the board and explains the meaning
- Guides pupils to locate punctuation marks in printed materials
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher‘s explanations.
- Identify punctuation in textbooks and other printed materials.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Simple story books.
- Pupils ‘text books.
- School Library.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify sentences in printed materials; and
- Recognize and name punctuation marks in books and other printed materials.
Week 4
Topic: Concepts of Print V
Performance objectives
- identify the beginning and end of written words and sentences;
- recognize that sentences are read from the top to the bottom of the page
- Recognize that books are read from the front (beginning) to the back (end)
- Eye movement:
- reading from left to right;
- Top to bottom, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
1. Guides pupils to identify:
- First and last word on a page; and
- Where to begin reading of printed words on a page.
2. Writes the some familiar words on the board and guide the pupils to read and point at the words as they read from left to right.
Student’s Activities
- Make correct eye movement and hold their reading materials correctly.
- Listen to story read and identify words that start the story, end the story, etc.
- Read and point to words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Word Charts.
- Flash Card
- Books and reading materials.
Evaluation Guide
- Read printed words correctly from left to right and from top to bottom.
Year 1 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 1 –
Week 4
Topic: Phonemic Awareness III
Performance objectives
- sing songs taught;
- recite rhymes;
- identify letter sounds in songs and rhymes;
- recognize rhyming words from given word sets; and
- Build rhyming word families.
- Songs and Rhymes
Teacher’s Activities
- Sings songs and recites rhymes with the pupils.
- Guides the pupils to repeat sounds of rhyming words in the songs and rhymes.
- Writes down sets of words on the board and lead pupils to identify word sets that rhyme.
- Uses Pocket Chart to help pupils build rhyming word families.
Student’s Activities
- Sing songs and recite rhymes after the teacher.
- Reproduce sounds of rhyming words in songs and rhymes.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Picture books with rhymes and songs
- Flash cards
- Tape recorder
Evaluation Guide
- Recite rhymes and sing songs;
- Make the letter sounds in rhymes and songs;
- Match rhyming words to given word; and
- Form new rhyming word sets.
Week 5
Topic: phonics 1
Performance objectives
- Say the sounds of the alphabet correctly;
- recognize sounds of different letters of the alphabet;
- Describe the shapes of letters of the Alphabet; and
- Arrange the letters of the alphabet in the correct order.
- The alphabet
Teacher’s Activities
- Says the sounds of the alphabets.
- Guides pupils to say the sounds of the alphabets.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher say the sounds of the alphabets.
- Participate in saying the sounds of the letters of the alphabets.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Cut – out letters of the alphabet.
- Sounds chart.
- Flash cards.
Evaluation Guide
- Recognize and say sounds of the letters correctly.
Week 5
Topic: concepts of Print VI
Performance objectives
- Identify words that begin and end sentences.
- Matching oral words to print
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads a story to the class and lets the pupils identify where the story start and ends in the book.
- Displays word chart on the wall and call on pupils to match words printed on flash cards to the words on the wall.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to words being read and identify words on word chart.
- Read words written on flash cards, find and match them to printed words in a book.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Word Charts.
- Flash Cards.
- Books and reading materials.
Evaluation Guide
- Read words that begin and end sentences in books; flash cards, wall charts.
Week 6
Topic: Phonics II
Performance objectives
- Build words by blending the sounds of letters of the alphabets.
- Blending sounds of Letters to form words e.g. /v/ -an (to form Van; or /c/ -an (to form Can); or /c/ -at (to form Cat); etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Prepare Pocket Charts.
- Makes sounds of letters of the alphabet for pupils to imitate.
- Guides pupils to blend the sounds of letters to form words e.g. /v/ -an (to form Van; or /c/ -an (to form Can); or /c/ -at (to form Cat); etc.
- Guides and directs drill exercises on blending sounds of letters to make new words.
Student’s Activities
- Imitate sounds of letters.
- Participate in class drills and exercises.
- Build new words by blending sounds of the alphabets.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Pocket Chart
2 Picture cards
3 Letter Cards
4 Word Charts
Evaluation Guide
1 pronounce the sounds of the alphabets correctly;
2 blend the sounds to build three letter words; and
3 build sounds of the alphabets to build at least five new, but simple, words.
Week 7
Topic: Phonics III
Performance objectives
- Read familiar words and text;
- Compare words with similar sounds;
- Apply long and short vowel rule correctly;
- Decode one-syllable word; and
- Monitor own reading and self corrects.
- Identification of familiar sounds in words e.g. house/mouse; try/fry; cat/bat/hat; etc.
Teacher’s Activities
1. Guides pupils to track familiar sounds:
– From words read aloud;
– When reading own writing; and
– In spoken words.
2. Provides pupils with appropriate drills and exercises to improve their reading.
Student’s Activities
- Track sounds in spoken words in texts read.
- Participate in reading drills and activities and self corrects own reading.
- Read assigned books and stories.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pocket Charts
- Picture Cards
- Letter Cards
- Word Charts
Evaluation Guide
- Track familiar sounds in words;
- identify sounds when re-reading own writing; and
- Read and self-correct own reading.
Week 8
Topic: Phonics IV
Performance objectives
- use sounds of letters to form three-letter words, e.g. mat, cat, bad, bag, man, dog, rag; and
- Break large words into smaller words.
- Combining sounds to form two and three letter words (e.g. ―tonight from ―to‖ and ―night‖; ―into‖ from ―in‖ and ―to‖; etc.).
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads given words emphasizing the sounds in the words.
- Guide pupils to read given three letter words using sounds
Student’s Activities
- Practice by imitating teacher‘s action.
- Read given two and three letter words.
- Clap to the number of syllables in a word.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Flash cards of given three letter words.
2 Chart of common three letter words
3 Class text
Evaluation Guide
- Read given three letter words and correctly using sounds.
Week 9
Topic: Phonics V
Performance objectives
- Break words into sounds;
- Break words into smaller words;
- Break words into parts and identify the word parts;
- Use letter-sound correspondence to build and read unfamiliar words; and
- recognize and use vowel diagraphs and r-controlled letter sounds to read unfamiliar words
- Decoding Strategies:
- Sounding out words in text
- Break words into smaller words
- Words parts (compound words, digraphs)
- Apply long and short vowels
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to:
- Read words placed in a row (e.g. doll – dot
- Dill and match text to the words).
- Teaches correct pronunciation of words syllable by syllable while clapping and counting syllables in words;
- Guides pupils to separate words into consonant and vowel sounds / parts.
- Build words by blending word parts (long vowels/short vowels/ diagraphs, etc.) to form new words.
Student’s Activities
- Match pictures to words read aloud.
- Listen and clap to syllables in words
- Use pronunciation and listening games to:
- recognize words from sounds
- identify word parts;
- Break words into small parts,
- build and read unfamiliar words
- Identify, read and build compound words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pocket Charts
- Listening Games
- Tape Recorders
- Audio Tapes
- Flash Cards
- Word walls
Evaluation Guide
- Sound out words they listen to;
- Identify smaller word in compound words;
- Identify the word parts in speech, words read aloud, etc.; and
- Build and read compound words and contractions.
Week 10
Topic: Fluency I
Performance objectives
- Correctly read letters of the alphabets;
- Read given text with fluency; and expression;
- Reflect appropriate pacing, intonation, punctuation when reading orally;
- Sight-read about 100-300 easily sounded words; and
- Read accurately without hesitations, omissions, repetitions, or mispronunciations.
- Reading Aloud with:
- Pacing,
- Intonation
- Punctuation;
- Reading Variety of texts (poems, fantasy, etc.).
- Independent Reading.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Prepare Pocket Charts.
2 Makes sounds of letters of the alphabet for pupils to imitate.
3 Guides pupils to the letters of the Alphabet fluently with in the correct order.
4 Helps pupils reflect pacing, punctuation and correct intonation while reading given text.
5 Gives class appropriate reading assignments to pupils to build speed and vocabulary.
Student’s Activities
1 Imitate sounds of letters.
2 Participate in class drills and exercises on reading.
3 Read a variety of texts (story books, newspapers, etc.).
4 Identifies and practice correct pronunciation of new words.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Pocket Chart
2 Picture cards
3 Letter Cards
4 Word Charts
5 Story books
6 News Papers
7 Magazines
8 Charts
9 Content Specific Texts
Evaluation Guide
1 read the alphabets in the correct order without hesitation;
2 pronounce the sounds of the alphabets correctly;
3 recognize and express appropriate pacing, punctuations and intonation in reading; and
4 sight-read high frequency words in texts.
Week 11
Topic: Fluency II
Performance objectives
- recognize common words (e.g. my, you, I, are, is, yes, no, etc.) by sight;
- Read class appropriate texts and sentences accurately without hesitation; and
- Use decoding to identify new words in reading passages.
- Recognition of common one letter word ( e.g. A and I ) two letter words (e.g. is, my) and three letter words like (and, she, was)
Teacher’s Activities
- Write common one letter word ( e.g. A and I ) two letter words (e.g. is, my) and three letter words like (and, she, was)
- Guides the pupils to:
- correctly pronounce the words;
- identify the words as letters of the alphabet; and
- Use the words in oral context in own speech.
- Guides and directs oral drill reading exercises.
Student’s Activities
- Pronounce given words correctly.
- Use words in own speech.
- Participate in drill exercises involving sight-reading of simple words and sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupil textbooks
- Story books
- School Library.
Evaluation Guide
- Sight-read common one-letter, two-letter and three-letter words correctly;
- Use words in own speech; and
- Sight- read simple sentences accurately without hesitation.
Week 12
Topic: comprehension I
Performance objectives
- Identify main characters and setting of a story;
- Correctly answer questions about texts or stories read aloud,
- Explain sequence of events in stories (3-4) and indicate first, second, last, etc.; and
- Re-tell and dramatizes stories and parts of stories.
- Listening Comprehension:
– Answering questions from stories.
– Making connections and responding to story themes, plots and settings.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads a story to the class
- Guides pupils to identify characters in the story;
- Explain sequence of events;
- make connections between story themes and characters in the story e.g. problems encountered, how the problems were solved, lessons learnt, etc.; and
- Re-tell and dramatize parts of the story.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to story read by the teacher.
- Identify characters and settings in a story.
- Answer questions based on story.
- Re-tell parts of the story.
- Dramatize the story.
- Draw pictures to depict parts of the story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Story books. School Library.
Evaluation Guide
- answer questions based on stories read to them;
- describe sequence of events in a story;
- retell the story;
- dramatize parts of a story; and
- Draw pictures that depict events in the story.
Week 13
Topic: Comprehension II
Performance objectives
- Describe information gained from texts in own words;
- Answer written comprehension questions based on materials read;
- Make predictions based on illustrations in stories or portions of stories; and
- Justify predictions of events in stories (draw a conclusion)
- Written Comprehension:
- Making connections and responding to story theme plots and settings.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain in own words the instructions and message in the text or story;
- Answer questions based on what is read;
- Make connections between story themes, characters in the story and life experiences; and
- Use pictures or portions of the story to make predictions and justify such predictions.
Student’s Activities
- Read stories or texts from books.
- Explain in own words instructions in texts or story.
- Answer questions based on text or story.
- Dramatize the story based and connect information in story to life experiences.
- Make predictions about Events in the text or Story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupil’s text books
- Story books.
- The School Library
Evaluation Guide
- Explain in own words meaning of information in print texts;
- Correctly answer questions based on texts or stories read;
- Predict events based on illustrations in texts or stories; and
- Justify predictions with information from the text or story
Week 14
Topic: Comprehension III
Performance objectives
- Explain simple written instructions;
- Recognize main ideas drawn from looking at pictures, illustrations, tables, charts, graphs, etc.;
- Make predictions based on information contained in texts; and
- Justify predictions of events in stories (draw a conclusion)
1 Reading informational text:
– Pictures,
– Illustrations,
– Tables,
– Charts,
– Graphs, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain in own words the instructions and message in the text;
- Answer questions based on what is read;
- Interprets to the class appropriate Charts, Graphs, Tables, etc.;
- Make predictions based on information contained in Tables, graphs, Charts, etc.
- And justify such predictions.
Student’s Activities
- Read and interpret given pictures, graphs, tables, charts, etc…
- Explain given instructions in own words.
- Answer questions based on materials read.
- Make and justify predictions about events based on contents of given Tables, Charts, graphs etc.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils Text books
- Charts.
- Graphs.
- Tables
Evaluation Guide
- carry out simple instructions correctly;
- interpret information contained in Pictures Tables, Charts, Graphs, etc.;
- predict events based on illustrations in texts and other given materials; and
- Justify predictions with information from the text.
Week 15
Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition I
Performance objectives
- Name some basic words categories correctly;
- Sort pictures and words into basic word categories e.g. foods, colors, shapes, etc.; and
- Recognize and use abbreviations in simple sentences.
- Word Categories:
– Colors
– Shapes
– Foods
– Animals,
– Toys, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses pictures to lead pupils to:
- identify word categories, and
- Groups words into the different categories.
- Read stories to pupils and check their understanding by making them use key words in the story, in a new sentence.
Student’s Activities
- Match pictures to words read aloud.
- Participates in Picture –Word matching game.
- Identify word families and sort words into categories/ families.
- Construct sentences using key words in the stories read.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Story books.
- Text books,
- Picture books.
- Word Cards.
- Poems.
- Dictionaries.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify word categories;
- Group words based on word categories correctly; and
- Use simple titles and abbreviations (Mr. Mrs. Dr. etc.) in sentences.
Week 16
Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition II
Performance objectives
1 recognize and explain common abbreviations;
2 use abbreviations appropriately in sentences; AND
3 correctly add endings to base word.
- Abbreviation and word endings e.g.
– Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rev. etc.
– -s, -Ed, -es, -ing, etc.
– Symbols e.g. ₦; K; -; +; =; ÷; ×; %; &; #; *; etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of abbreviations, like Mr. Mrs. Dr. Rev. etc.
- Guides pupils to:
- identify common word endings like – s; -es; -ed; and – ing; and
- Add endings to base word.
Student’s Activities
- Listens to teacher explanations.
- Construct words using abbreviations.
- Participate in drills and exercises involving abbreviations and adding endings to common words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Story books.
- Text books,
- Picture books.
- Word Cards.
- Poems.
- Dictionaries.
Evaluation Guide
1 identify and use abbreviations of common words; and
2 correctly add endings to words to build new words.
Week 17
Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition III
Performance objectives
1 explain the concept of synonyms and antonyms;
2 identify antonyms and synonyms correctly in own speech and in written texts and stories; and
3 identify homonyms.
- Synonyms Antonyms, Homonyms
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupil to Identifies words with (a) similar meanings; and (b) opposite meanings
- Gives the synonyms and antonyms of common word
- Identifies synonyms, antonyms and homonyms in stories.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the Teacher‘s explanations.
- Take turn to give the synonyms and antonyms of common words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Story books.
- Text books.
- Picture books.
- Word Cards.
- Poems.
- Dictionaries.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the concept of synonyms and antonyms; and
- Identify antonyms and synonyms correctly in own speech and in written texts and stories.
Week 18
Topic: Vocabulary Acquisition IV
Performance objectives
- Explain meaning of new words in content-specific texts correctly;
- Use of new Vocabulary and grammatical constructions in own speech;
- recognizes and understand the meaning of 100-300 new words; and
- Manipulate word families.
- Numeracy, science, health, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Identify new and unfamiliar words in texts and stories read;
- Find the meaning of the new words; and
- Correctly use the new words in own speech.
Student’s Activities
- Find out the meaning of words in a dictionary.
- Participate in discussing new words and their meanings.
- Use words in new sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Story books.
- Text books,
- Picture books.
- Word Cards.
- Poems.
- Dictionaries.
Evaluation Guide
- explain the meaning of words;
- correctly use new words in own speech; and
- Demonstrate correct use of 100 -300 words in own speech.
Week 19
Topic: Concepts of Print I
Performance objectives
- Identify the front cover, back cover, Title, Author of a book, etc.;
- Identify upper and lowercase letters in printed words and sentences.
- Parts of a book:
- Front Cover
- Back Cover,
- title, pages
- Author, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads a story to pupils.
- Guides them to identify front cover, Back cover, Title and Author of the story book read.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the story.
- Take turns to identify parts of the book i.e. front cover, title, title page, back cover, author, etc.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Simple story books.
- Pupils ‘text books.
- School Library.
Evaluation Guide
- name the parts of a book; and
- Identify contents of the different parts.
Week 1
Topic: Sounds and Letters
Performance objectives
- Produce and identify basic sounds correctly; and
- Pronounce letters of the alphabet correctly.
- Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a, /b/, /d/.
- Correct pronunciation of letters of the alphabet e.g. A, B, C.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents and pronounces basic sounds correctly.
- Guides pupils to pronounce and identify basic sounds correctly.
- Presents and pronounces letters of the alphabet correctly.
- Guides pupils to pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly.
Student’s Activities
- Produce sounds and pronounce letters correctly.
- Identify sounds of given words.
- Listen to the teacher‘s pronunciation of letters of the alphabet.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flash cards/Alphabet
- Toys
- Pictures/ Drawing.
- Real objects.
- Tape recording / Sound charts.
Evaluation Guide
- Pronounce sounds of the letters of the alphabet correctly;
- Identify letters and sounds in given words.
Week 2
Topic: Songs and Rhymes
Performance objectives
- Listen to songs and rhyme attentively;
- Sing songs taught; and
- Recite rhymes.
- Clear recitation of various rhymes
- Depicting nature, care, kindness and love.
- Short songs which appeal to children‘s sentiments.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents a rhyme reads it aloud, pronouncing the words clearly.
- Writes the rhyme on the chalk board and encourages pupils to recite the rhyme clearly.
- Introduces song by singing it clearly and encourages pupils to sing the song.
Student’s Activities
- Listen while teacher recites rhymes.
- Recite rhymes after the teacher.
- Recite rhymes alone sounding words clearly.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Picture books with rhymes and songs
- Flash cards
- Tape recorder
Evaluation Guide
- Listen to rhymes attentively; and
- Recite rhymes and sing songs with demonstration where appropriate.
Week 3
Topic: Simple greetings and Commands
Performance objectives
- Greet and respond to simple greetings with appropriate tones;
- Give and carry out simple commands; and
- Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands.
- Greetings at home and appropriate time for particular greetings e.g.: Pupil: ―Good morning dad, how do you do? ‖ Dad: ―Good morning Ade, How do you do? ‖
- Greetings at school e.g. Pupil: ‗‘Good morning Madam/Sir/Mr. Obi. ‘‘Teacher: ―Good morning Olu, how are you? ‖ Pupil: ―I am very well thank you Sir.‖
- Greetings in the community, neighbors, elders/clan heads, nurse, doctor. e.g. ―Good afternoon ‘Doctor/ Sir/Madam etc.
- Simple commands at home: e.g. ‗wake-up!‘, ‗go to bed‘, ‗greet your daddy‘
Teacher’s Activities
- Creates home and school atmosphere through role play characters e.g. Father, mother, elder, teacher etc.
- Demonstrates appropriate greeting for each character
- Encourages pupils to greet one another with appropriate gestures
- Gives commands and demands appropriate responses from pupils.
Student’s Activities
- Role-play members of the family, home, school and class community.
- Demonstrate appropriate greetings for different people.
- Greet and respond to greetings from colleagues.
- Obey the teacher‘s commands.
- Model giving and obeying commands in pairs.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures depicting modes of greeting among various groups
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- greet and respond to simple greetings; and
- Give and respond to commands using the appropriate tone.
Week 4
Topic: Identification of persons, objects, colors and animals.
Performance objectives
- identify self, family members e.g. father, mother brother and sister etc.;
- identify named objects: at home, on the way to and from school, and in the school compound;
- identify primary colors associating them with objects appropriately;
- identify named animals and
- Clearly pronounce names of objects, persons, colors identified.
- Introductions, such as: ―What is your name? ‖ ―My name is Tinu‖. ‗‘What is your father‘s/mother‘s/brother‘s/sister‘s name? ‘‘
- Identification of objects at home e.g. bed, mat, radio. ―What is this? ‖ ―Show me a cup‖. Etc.
- Identification of major colors: white, red, blue, yellow, black.
- Description of things according to their colors. e.g. ‗yellow bag‘, ‗red bucket‘. ―Give me the green book‖ etc.
- Identification of animals
- Domestic animals e.g. ‖cats, dogs and goats‖
- -Wild animals e.g. Lions, Elephants and Hyenas.
Teacher’s Activities
- Introduces himself to the class ―My name is Abu‖.
- Asks different pupils their names, names of family members.
- Guides different pairs of children to introduce themselves to one another.
- Presents different household, classroom, and school objects, and guides pupils to identify them by name, e.g. a bag, a table.
- Associates colors with objects in the classroom.
- Guides pupils to identify objects of named colors.
Student’s Activities
- Say their names and those of family and class members clearly.
- Participate in self-introduction.
- Identify given objects by names and colors.
- Explain what domestic and non- domestic animals are with examples.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures
- Charts
- Real objects
- Brightly colored picture books.
Evaluation Guide
- introduce themselves
- identify persons by names;
- identify major colors; and
- Name some domestic and wild animals.
Week 5
Topic: Expressing possession
Performance objectives
- Use singular forms of possessives to express ownership.
- Using the possessives my, yours, his, hers, in simple correct sentences e.g.:
- This is my pen.
- This is your pen.
- This is his/her pen.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains possessive forms: forms that show ownership.
- Lists possessive words.
- Uses possessives in sentences and encourages pupils to repeat his examples.
- Asks pupils to make their own sentences
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher‘s explanation.
- Repeat teacher‘s examples.
- Make their own sentences using possessives in clear correct sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real objects
- Picture of objects
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- Name some possessives; and
- Use singular forms of possessives in simple correct sentences.
Week 6
Topic: Expressing gratitude and farewell.
Performance objectives
- Express gratitude correctly.
- Say farewell to people correctly.
- Expressing gratitude through role play
- Expressing farewell in various ways and situations.
- Expressing farewell.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils to mention occasions when we should express gratitude e.g. when we receive gifts, when people show us kindness or are polite to us.
- Makes sentences expressing gratitude to children, parents, elders.
- Asks pupils to repeat the sentences.
- Guides children to role play a situation which allows them to express gratitude.
- Makes sentences expressing farewell in various ways e.g. goodbye, farewell, bye-bye.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher and repeat the teacher‘s expression.
- Dramatize different situations for using ―thank you‖, Ma/Sir/Daddy etc. e.g. after eating our food, when we receive gifts from people.
- Role play ―farewell‖
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures depicting relevant situations.
- Wall charts
- Course books
- Audio/video tapes.
Evaluation Guide
- express gratitude to their peers correctly;
- make sentences using thank you; and
- Say farewell, bye-bye, good bye to people correctly.
Week 7
Topic: Asking and Answering Questions
Performance objectives
- ask simple questions using ‗what‘; and
- answer simple questions correctly
- Simple questions and answers, such as:
I. ‗What is your name? ‘‗My name is Olu‘.
ii. ‗What is your father‘s name? ‘‗My father‘s name is Ahmed‘.
Teacher’s Activities
- Asks simple questions from pupils using ‗what‘.
- Leads them to give correct answers to the questions.
- Pairs pupils and guides them as they take turns to ask one another questions and answer them.
Student’s Activities
- Answer teacher‘s questions e.g. ―My name is Akpan‖.
- Ask one another simple questions, giving correct answers to the questions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Flannel graph
- Real objects
- Audio-visual materials
Evaluation Guide
- answer two simple questions correctly.; and
- Ask two simple questions correctly using ‘what‘.
Week 1
Topic: Introducing Nouns and Pronouns
Performance objectives
- identify Nouns and pronouns in phrases and sentences; and
- Correctly use nouns and pronouns in sentences.
- Nouns: e.g. Lagos, house, Hauwa, etc. Pronouns: e.g. she, they he, it etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains nouns and pronouns and their uses
- Guides pupils to identify and use nouns and pronouns in sentences
Student’s Activities
- Identify nouns and pronouns
- Use nouns and pronouns in sentences
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Real objects
- Pictures
- Flash card
Evaluation Guide
- identify nouns and pronouns in phrases/ sentences; and
- Use nouns and pronouns in phrases and single sentences of the own.
Week 2
Topic: Indicating Singular/ Plural forms.
Performance objectives
- singular forms of objects; and
- Identify Plural forms of object.
- Singular forms e.g. ball, 1 boy, and girl. Plural forms e.g. balls, boys, girls
Teacher’s Activities
- Gives examples of Singular forms
- Gives examples of Plural forms
Student’s Activities
- Identify Singular forms
- Identify plural forms of Objects
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real objects
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Flash card
Evaluation Guide
- identify singular forms;
- identify plural forms; and
- Use real objects to show singular and plural forms.
Week 3
Topic: Use of Articles “A “and “An”
Performance objectives
- identify objects that use articles ―”A” or “An”
- Identification of objects using articles ―a‖ e.g. A goat; A dog
- Identification of objects using articles ―an‖ e.g. An egg; An umbrella
Teacher’s Activities
- Gives examples of objects using articles ―”a”
- Gives examples of those using article ―”an”
Student’s Activities
- Identify objects using article ” a”
- Identify objects using article “a”
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real objects
- Pictures
- toys
Evaluation Guide
- identify objects that use:
- article “a”
- article “an”
Week 4
Topic: Present and Past Actions
Performance objectives
- Identify Present and Past actions E.g. I eat every morning. I ate rice yesterday.
- Identification of Present and Past actions
Teacher’s Activities
- Gives examples of present and past actions e.g. eat/ate;
Student’s Activities
- Identify present and past actions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wall charts
- Pictures
Evaluation Guide
- Orally express present and past actions.
English Curriculum for Primary 2
Week 1
Topic: Phonemic Awareness I
Performance objectives
- Learn sounds through songs; and
- Repeat sounds they hear.
- Using Songs and Rhymes to identify sounds.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teaches relevant songs to the pupils involving particular sounds.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher
- Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wall chart showing the rhyme and
- Flash card showing the key words in the songs
- Approved course book.
Evaluation Guide
- Sing songs to emphasize some given sounds.
Week 2
Topic: Phonemic Awareness II
Performance objectives
- produce the vowel sounds correctly
- pronounce words correctly; and
- Use combination of sounds to produce words.
- Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to decode unknown words – Production of sounds /a/ as in bat; /s: / as in sat.
- Pronunciation of given words correctly.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.
- Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ sat/rat/hat.
- Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
- Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher as he pronounces sounds.
- Say them after the teacher
- Identify each of the sounds on the chalkboard.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Sound charts and flash cards
- Wall chart containing words with /a/ and /s/
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce the sounds in isolation;
- pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
- Make simple sentences with given words containing sounds.
Week 3
Topic: Phonics I
Performance objectives
- pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
- differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
- Produce consonant clusters correctly.
- Pronunciation of consonants and consonant clusters
– Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context e.g. /b/, /d/ in words e.g. bed, dog
– Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g. bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/ – dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood e.g.
(a) This blade is very sharp.
(b) I ate bread this morning.
(c) Frogs live in water.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
- Demonstrates correct articulation of the sounds.
- Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
- Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds
Student’s Activities
- Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
- Pronounce the words after the teacher.
- Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Objects
- Pictures of objects.
- Flash cards.
- Flannel board
- Wall charts
- Course book
Evaluation Guide
- Pronounce consonant sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly; and
- Differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly
Week 4
Topic: Phonics II
Performance objectives
- identify mono and bi- syllabic word;
- read multi-syllabic words using prefixes, suffixes and known words parts;
- apply basic syllabication rules; and
- use structural analysis to decode words
- Identification of mono, bi- syllabic and multi syllabic words:
- Identification of mono and 2 bi-syllabic words e.g. go/sit, teacher/under
- Reading of multi-syllabic words such as umbrella, diamond etc.
- Basic syllabication rules.
- Basic decoding skills.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides simple words for pupils to read.
- Guides pupils to pronounce the words.
- Makes sentences with the words.
- Guides pupils to apply basic syllabication
- Guides pupils to use structural analysis to decode words.
Student’s Activities
- Pronounce the words correctly
- Read the sentences individually and in parts.
- Apply basic syllabication rules.
- Use structural analysis to decode words
Teaching & Learning Material
- Teacher-made words and sentences
- Words in flash cards.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce the correct words;
- read the sentences correctly; and
- Decode words using structural analysis.
Week 5
Topic: fluency 1
Performance objectives
- Read different kinds of texts with fluency and confidence.
- Reading different kinds of 1 texts:-
- fiction
- non-fiction
- Informational, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of the different texts
- Ask the pupils to read the texts
Student’s Activities
- Read the texts after teacher‘s sample reading.
- Recall information in the texts.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Texts with illustration on charts
- Cardboard
- Chalkboard
- Children‘s text.
- Pictures and drawings.
Evaluation Guide
- Given texts and recall information in them.
Week 7
Topic: fluency II
Performance objectives
- Read class appropriate passages
- Accurately
- With expression
- With appropriate speed
- Repeated reading and fluency building strategies:
- Reading class appropriate passages
- Answering factual questions based on the passage
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides simple passages on HIV/AIDS and drug
- Reads the passages the in class.
- Guides pupils to read the passages.
- Asks questions based on the passages.
Student’s Activities
- Read the passages in class fluently.
- Identify keywords related to the topic of the passages and find out meanings.
- Answer questions based on the passages.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected reading passages on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse
- Charts and pictures to the passages
Evaluation Guide
- read the passages fluently;
- identify key words;
- say the meanings of key words; and
- Answer questions on the passages.
Week 7
Topic: Comprehension I
Performance objectives
- Listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
- Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.
- Answering Factual Questions from class appropriate Passages, Stories/Rhymes e.g. simple passage from the course book, a short poem or rhyme on food safety etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads the passages to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
- Emphasizes the pronunciation of the key words.
- Demonstrates stories/rhymes to pupils on the need to wash hands before and after eating.
- Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher.
- Pronounce the key words.
- Retell the story in the passage.
- Answer questions on what they have heard
Teaching & Learning Material
- Supplementary readers.
- Pupils course book.
- Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
- Flash cards showing the key words.
Evaluation Guide
- Answer the factual questions from what the teacher reads out to them.
Week 8
Topic: Comprehension II
Performance objectives
- identify main ideas and supporting facts in stories
- State the title of their story; and
- Identify the characters in the story.
Listening to and retelling stories e.g.
– Talk about facts learned in informational text (e.g. danger of food dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.)
– Identifying the characters and events in the story.
– Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story.
Teacher’s Activities
- Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns on the dangers of food contamination/ poisoning.
- Guides them in the narration and events in the story.
- Explaining the beginning, contents and closing of a story characters of the story and their actions to them.
- Asks them questions based on the story
Student’s Activities
- Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
- Mention the characters in the story
- Answer questions on a given story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
- Different pictures to illustrate the story.
Evaluation Guide
- narrate a story correctly;
- state the title of their story;
- identify characters in the story; and
- State the moral of story.
Week 9
Topic: Comprehension III
Performance objectives
- listen to class appropriate passages read to them;
- retell the story in the passages; and
- Answer simple comprehension questions.
- Oral comprehension games
- Read passages that interest pupils
- Read class appropriate stories to the pupils
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
- Tells the story in the passage to the pupils.
- Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
- Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.
Student’s Activities
- Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
- Retell the story in the passage
- Answer simple questions based on the story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of objects and persons
- Charts
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- retell the story in the passage; and
- Answer given questions from the story.
Week 10
Topic: Comprehension IV
Performance objectives
- Read the simple sentences and answer factual question on them
- Reading class appropriate texts:
- Reading simple sentences on a series of informational texts e.g. Danger of wrong use pesticides
- Answering factual questions on them.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provide simple sentences for pupils to read
- Guides pupils to read
- Ask factual question about sentences and guides pupils to answer them.
Student’s Activities
- Read sentences silently and aloud
- Find answers to questions individually, in pairs or groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected sentences from various sources based on health or other issues of interest to the children.
- Flip charts and cardboards.
- Supplementary reading materials.
Evaluation Guide
- read out the sentences correctly; and
- Answer questions correctly.
Week 11
Topic: Comprehension V
Performance objectives
- read the passages correctly; and
- Identify facts and other kinds of information in the passages.
- Reading class appropriate passages and identifying facts and other kinds of information in them e.g. the use of herbal medicines, occupations, customs and traditions of the people.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides relevant passages.
- Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
- Explains to pupils how to find facts and other kinds of information from passages.
- Asks pupils to identify facts and other kinds of information.
Student’s Activities
- Read silently and aloud.
- Identify facts and other information in passages individually, in pairs or in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected passages from supplementary readers and course book.
- Flip charts and cardboards.
- Chalk/white board.
Evaluation Guide
- Read passages and identify facts and other kinds of information.
Week 12
Topic: Comprehension VI
Performance objectives
- read the given narrative and expository passages fluently;
- answer questions on the passages;
- dramatize the story in the given passages;
- make predictions
- recall sequence of events
- draw conclusions; and
- Recognize cause and effect.
- Application of comprehensive passages to both narrative and expository passages
- Reading simple passages based on narrative and expository texts.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides relevant passages.
- Reads the passages for pupils.
- Guides pupils to read the passages fluently.
- Ask questions from the passages.
- Guides pupils to dramatize the stories in the passages.
Student’s Activities
- Read orally and aloud the given passages.
- Answer questions on the passages.
- Dramatize the stories on the passages.
- Recognize cause and effect in a passage.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected narrative and expository passages by the teacher.
- Supplementary readers.
Evaluation Guide
- read the given passages fluently;
- answer questions from the passages; and
- Dramatize the stories from the passages.
Week 13
Topic: Vocabulary I
Performance objectives
- increase their vocabulary through the knowledge of antonyms and synonyms; and
- Use antonym and synonym words in sentences.
Antonyms and Synonyms:
- Simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms.
- Sample sentences of antonyms and synonyms.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher provides simple passages containing antonyms and synonyms
- Guides pupils to read the passages
- Identifies antonyms and synonyms words.
- Guides pupils to read simple sentences on synonyms and antonyms.
- Guides pupils to make their own sentences with antonyms and synonyms.
Student’s Activities
- Read simple passages on antonyms and synonyms.
- Read simple sentences given by the teacher.
- Make their own sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Teacher -prepared passages on antonyms and synonyms.
- Teacher‘s examples of antonyms and synonyms on charts.
Evaluation Guide
- read passages on antonyms and synonyms;
- read sentences on antonyms and synonyms; and
- make their own sentences orally on antonyms and synonyms
Week 14
Topic: Vocabulary II
Performance objectives
- read passages on registers based on different subjects;
- identify new words from such passages;
- explain the meaning of new words;
- recognize and understand between 250 to 100 new vocabulary words ; and
- Understand multiple meaning words.
1 Registers in different subjects:
– Reading passages based on registers of medicine, law, computer, etc.
– Multiple meaning words (e.g. bank account, river bank)
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides reading passages on various registers.
- Guides pupils to read the passages.
- Guides them to identify new words in the passages.
- Explains the meaning of new words.
- Guides pupils to understand multiple meaning words.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils read the passages on various registers.
- Identify new words.
- Explain the meaning of new word.
- Give examples of multiple meaning words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Passages on different registers.
- New words from the passages.
- Readers on various registers.
Evaluation Guide
- read passages on various registers correctly;
- identify new words in the given passages;
- explain correctly the meaning of new words; and
- Give at least 3 examples of multiple meaning words.
Week 15
Topic: Concepts of Print I
Performance objectives
- recognize different print resources;
- interpret information from diagrams, charts and graph;
- recognize parts of a book- title, author, and illustration; and
- recognize that a group of sentences make up a paragraph and paragraphs make a story
- Basic concepts of print e.g.
– Picture reading, identification of signs e.g. road signs.
– Interpretation of diagrams, charts and graphs to give information.
– Parts of a book-title, author, illustrations, etc.
– Meaning of paragraph and passage.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the basic concepts of print.
- Guides pupils to recognize signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
- Guides pupils to interpret the signs, charts diagrams.
- Guides pupils to recognize parts of a book.
- Guides pupils to recognize what makes a paragraph and a passage.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teachers explanations on concepts of print.
- Identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs.
- Interpret the signs, charts and diagrams.
- Recognize parts of a book.
- Identify a paragraph and a passage.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Graphs
- Diagrams
- Road signs
- Newspapers
- Books
Evaluation Guide
- explain the concept of print;
- identify signs, diagrams, charts and graphs;
- interpret signs, charts and diagrams;
- mention the different parts of a book; and
- Define a paragraph.
Week 16
Topic: Concepts of Print II
Performance objectives
- identify color of things;
- observe objects and describe them
- list names of the principal colors; and
- Describe objects with reference to their colors, e.g. a red cap, a white shirt, etc.
- Description of objects according to their colors
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher provides many objects with different colors.
- Describes objects according to their colors.
- Guides students to name the colors of these objects.
- Asks pupils the color of the different objects.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils observe and listen to the teacher presenting and describing real objects in terms of colors.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Describe objects or pictures with regard to their colors.
- Write sentences to describe objects by color.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real objects of different colors
- Picture/charts of different objects in their different colors.
Evaluation Guide
- identify colors;
- observe objects and describe them;
- list names of principal colors; and
- Write the description of objects with reference to their colors.
Week 1
Topic: Review OF Year One‘s Work
Performance objectives
- use the structures learned in year one appropriately
- Review of work in the first year
Teacher’s Activities
- Give oral test to find out areas where pupils need more support.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher.
- Practice the exercise given by the teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant instructional materials for teaching the structure, pronunciation and speech patterns identified by the teacher.
Evaluation Guide
- Answer oral questions correctly.
Week 2
Topic: Using Sounds and Combinations of Sounds to Spell and Pronounce Words
Performance objectives
- produce the vowel sounds correctly;
- pronounce words correctly;
- Use combination of sounds to produce words.
- Production of sound /a/ as in bag; /a: / as in bark.
- Spelling and pronunciation of given words correctly.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes the sounds /a/, /a: / in isolation on the board.
- Produces the sound in the words as in fat/ farm, pack/park.
- Asks the pupils to pronounce after him.
- Guides the pupils to identify the sound in given words.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher as he pronounces the sounds.
- Say it after the teacher.
- Identify each of the sounds on the board.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Sound charts and flash card
- Wall chart containing /a/ and words and /a:/ and words
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce the sound in isolation;
- pronounce words that contain the sounds; and
- Make simple sentences with given words containing the sounds.
Week 3
Topic: Answering Factual Questions from Simple Passages Stories/Rhyme s Read
Performance objectives
- listen to passages/rhymes/stories; and
- Answer questions involving the identification of facts and meaning of what they listened to.
- A simple passage from the course book.
- A short poem or rhymes.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads the passages to pupils
- Emphasize the pronunciation of the key words
- Demonstrate stories/rhymes to pupils
- Asks pupils questions on what they have listened to in the passage/stories and rhymes.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher
- Pronounce the key words
- Retell the story in the passage
- Answer questions on what they have heard
Teaching & Learning Material
- Supplementary reader
- Pupils course book
- Wall chart showing poems or rhymes
- Flash cards showing the key words.
Evaluation Guide
- Answer the factual questions from what the teacher read to them.
Week 4
Topic: Asking and Answering Questions on Present, Past and Future Actions
Performance objectives
- answer questions on present actions;
- answer questions on past actions;
- answer questions on future actions; and
- Respond to ‗what questions on the above actions.
- Q – What are you doing now?
- A – I am writing.
- Q – What did you eat last night?
- A – I ate rice last night. Q – What will you eat tomorrow morning?
- A – I will eat bread tomorrow morning.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides ‗what questions for the pupils.
- Guides the pupils to answer the questions.
- Correct the pupil’s oral works.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher‘s questions about present, past and future actions.
- Answer questions on present, past and future actions.
- Ask and answer question in groups and in pairs.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Sentence strips
- Pictures showing various actions.
Evaluation Guide
- Answer questions on various actions either present, past and future.
Week 5
Topic: Expressing Ownership
Performance objectives
- use possessive pronouns correctly; and
- Use the structures in meaningful situations to indicate possession.
- Using possessive pronouns as (singular) e.g. my, his, hers, mine.
- Using possessive pronouns as (plurals) as ours, theirs, and yours.
Teacher’s Activities
- Makes some sentences using the structure: ―This is my book‖ etc.
- Uses simple drills to provide practicing exercises for pupils.
- Guides the pupils ‘activities.
Student’s Activities
- Repeat the sentences after the teacher.
- Answer questions individually and in pairs.
- Express possessive words in sentences.
- Identify possessive words in given sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures
- Real objects sentence – strips showing possessive pronouns
- Flash cards
- Approved course book.
Evaluation Guide
- participate in oral questions and answer session
- use possessive word correctly
- Express possessions correctly in meaningful situation.
Week 6
Topic: Songs and Rhymes
Performance objectives
- Read simple rhymes fluently;
- Memorize the rhyme after discussing the content;
- Learn sounds through songs; and
- Recite rhymes using the appropriate intonations.
- Rhymes based on some virtues e.g. nature, love, family, kindness.
- Songs that can help the pupils to learn sounds in words.
Teacher’s Activities
- Read the rhyme(s) slowly (several times) to the pupils.
- Demonstrate the action involved in the rhymes.
- Explain the message in the rhyme to the pupils.
- Teach relevant song to the pupils involving particular sounds
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher.
- Read the rhymes aloud together, in groups and individually.
- Listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
- Sing the song with emphasis on the sounds taught.
- Memorize the rhyme.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Wall chart showing the rhyme.
- Flash card showing the key words in the rhymes.
- Approved course book.
Evaluation Guide
- read simple rhymes correctly; and
- sing song to emphasize some given sounds
Week 7
Topic: Listening to and Telling Stories
Performance objectives
- tell a story;
- state the title of their story;
- identify the characters in the story; and
- State the moral of the story.
- Telling story using an appropriate style of narration;
- Identifying the characters and events in the story; and
- Explaining the beginning content and closing of a story.
Teacher’s Activities
- Asks pupils to narrate stories in turns.
- Guides them in the narration.
- Explains the characters of the story and their actions to them.
- Asks them questions based on a given story.
Student’s Activities
- Narrate a story with the teacher‘s guide.
- Mention the characters in a story
- Answer questions on a given story.
- Explain the moral lessons in the story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Picture showing a story teller and his audience.
- Different pictures to illustrate the story.
Evaluation Guide
- narrate a story correctly;
- state the title of their story;
- identify characters in the story; and
- State the moral of story.
Week 8
Topic: Simple Oral Comprehension/ Games
Performance objectives
- listen to a short passage read to them;
- retell the story as it was read to them; and
- answer simple comprehension questions
- Reading passages that will interest the pupils.
- Reading short stories to the pupils.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads interesting passages to the pupils, emphasizing important words.
- Tells a story to the pupils.
- Selects some pupils to re-tell the story.
- Asks pupils simple questions based on the story.
Student’s Activities
- Listen carefully to the passage read by the teacher.
- Retell the story to teacher and other pupils.
- Answer simple questions based on the story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of objects and persons.
- Charts
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- listen attentively to a given passage/story;
- retell the story directly; and answer given
- Questions from the story.
Week 9
Topic: introducing individuals
Performance objectives
- introduce themselves individually; and
- Introduce themselves in pairs by using appropriate words.
- Guiding pupils to introduce themselves
- Using words like – my name is Mary
- This is my friend to introduce themselves
Teacher’s Activities
- Introduces his or herself to the pupils
- Emphasizes on the words that makes that introduction
- Ask people to introduce themselves individually
Student’s Activities
- Introduces themselves individually by mentioning their names.
- Introduce themselves to their partners in pairs.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils in the class
- Picture that shows two people introducing themselves.
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- Make correct introduction of themselves.
Grade 1 – 3 NERDC English Curriculum for Primary 1 to 3 – Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Introducing Adjectives and Adverbs
Performance objectives
- identify and correctly use:
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Adjectives e.g.
- This is a beautiful dress
- The car is yellow.
2 Adverbs:
- He eats slowly
- She runs fast.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher to present Adjectives and Adverbs.
- Guides pupils on the correct use of: Adjectives and Adverbs.
- Leads pupils to identify adjectives and Adverbs in short sentences
Student’s Activities
- Read adjectives and adverbs presented by the teacher
- Identify them in sentences
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Charts
- Chalk board.
Evaluation Guide
- identify adjectives and adverbs in sentences
Week 2
Topic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals of nouns
Performance objectives
- identify regular and irregular plurals; and
- Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.
- Regular plurals: Plurals with ‗spending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls.
- Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child- children
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher writes out on the board examples of regular and irregular plurals.
- Guides them in the formation of plurals.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
- Form regular and irregular plurals
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Chalkboard
- Pictures
- Flash cards
Evaluation Guide
- Give the plural forms of five words.
Week 3
Topic: Simple Present and Past Tense of Common Verbs
Performance objectives
- Identify and use simple past and present tense of common verbs.
- Production of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form e.g. run/ran; come/came
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher to present and demonstrate use of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
- Guides pupils to use present and past tense of common verbs in sentences
Student’s Activities
- Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of simple present and past tense of common verbs in tabular form.
- Pupils produce their own sentences using the present and past tense of common verbs.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard
- Pupils charts on display
Evaluation Guide
- correctly identify and produce a list of simple present and past tense of common verbs;
- Make simple sentences using present and past tense of common verbs.
Week 4
Topic: Correct Use of Apostrophe in Possessives
Performance objectives
- Correctly use apostrophes in possessives.
- Apostrophes in possessives e.g.
- It is the boy‘s toy.
- It is a boy’s college.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher to present and demonstrate use of apostrophes in possessives.
- Leads pupils to use apostrophes in simple sentences.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher‘s presentation on the use of apostrophes in possessives.
- Produce their own sentences using apostrophes in possessives.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard
- Pupils charts on display.
Evaluation Guide
- Correctly identify apostrophes in possessives.
- Use apostrophes in possessives.
Week 5
Topic: Using the Present Continuous Tense
Performance objectives
- identify and use present continuous tense correctly
- Identification and use of present continuous tense. E.g. I am eating; He is running.
- Guided examples of present continuous tense.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify present continuous tense in sentences
- Leads them to make sentences using present continuous tense
Student’s Activities
- Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
- Use present continuous tense correctly in sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard
- Pupils charts on display.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify present continuous tense in sentences.
- make four sentences using the present continuous tense
English Curriculum for Primary 3
Week 1
Topic: Phonemic Awareness
Performance objectives
- Pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.
- Aural discrimination of the sounds
- / 3/ and / ^/ burn – born firm – form perch – porch
– I can burn this bush. A new child is born
– The firm sent a form to me
ii. / ↄ / and /ↄ:/ cot – court spot – sport.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads the sentences containing the sounds
- Distinguishes between the sounds.
- Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
- Asks pupils to repeat after him.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to and repeat after the teacher.
- Distinguish between the sounds.
- Pronounce the words.
- Read the sentences following the teacher‘s example.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flash cards.
- Sentence strips.
- Flannel board.
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
- Distinguish between the sounds in words and in sentences using the correct stress and intonation.
Week 2
Topic: Phonics I
Performance objectives
- produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly; and
- Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and in sentence contexts.
- Pronunciation of vowel sounds and diphthongs
- Vowels egg a, e, I, o, u. and
- Diphthong
- Production of vowels and Diphthongs in words and sentences
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates and pronounces the words containing the vowels and diphthongs.
- Shows objects or pictures while repeating the words correctly.
- Engages pupils in role play.
- Dictates words containing vowels and diphthongs for pupils to copy.
Student’s Activities
- Produces the sounds in each of the words correctly.
- Write dictations based on the use of these words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant pictures of objects.
- Flash cards
- Flannel board.
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- Pronounce the sounds correctly
- Write correctly the words containing vowels and diphthongs as dictated br the teacher
Week 3
Topic: Phonics II
Performance objectives
- Produce must syllabic words 2 and 3 syllables words
- Identify 2 and 3 syllables words
- Complete 2 and 3 syllables words
- Production of must syllabic words
- 2 syllables words e.g. teacher, coffee, father, and mother.
- 3 syllables words e.g. photograph
- Identification of the words in sentences
- Completion of 2 and 3 syllables words
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains with example 2 and 3 syllable word
- Leads pupils to give and pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words.
- Identifies 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
- Guides pupils to complete 2 and 3 syllable words.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively
- Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
- Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
- Complete 2 and 3 syllable words
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flash cards.
- Sentence strips.
- Flannel board.
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- Produce 2 and 3 syllable words.
- Identify 2 and 3 syllable words in sentences.
- Complete 2 and 3 syllable words
Week 4
Topic: Phonics III
Performance objectives
- identify regular and irregular plurals
- Use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.
- Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals:
- regular plurals: with ‗s‘ ending-e.g. ball/balls; girl/girls
- Irregular plurals, e.g. man/men; ox/oxen, child/children.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes out examples of regular and irregular plurals.
- Guides pupils in the formation of plurals.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils reproduce in writing teacher‘s examples of regular and irregular plurals.
- Form regular and irregular plurals.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Chalkboard
- Pictures
- Flash cards Etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Give the plural forms of five words.
Week 5
Topic: Fluency I
Performance objectives
- read simple sentences correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation
- Respond to simple commands appropriately.
- Responding to simple commands with emphasis on stress and intonation e.g.
– Reading simple sentences with appropriate stress and intonation.
– Simple commands.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation
- Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
- Guides pupils in making sentences and responding to commands.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher‘s sentences and commands.
- Repeat the sentences after the teacher.
- Follow teacher‘s Commands appropriately.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Supplementary text.
- Charts containing simple sentences
- Flash cards
Evaluation Guide
- read simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
- Respond to given commands correctly.
Week 6
Topic: Fluency II
Performance objectives
- read class appropriate stories and poems
- Identify values and lessons in given stories and poems.
- Reading class appropriate stories and poems on:
– Discipline
– Courage
– Courtesy
– Road safety etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents class appropriate story and poem for pupils to read.
- Leads pupils to read and retell what they have read
- Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.
- Guides pupils to dramatize the story.
- Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons in the stories and poems.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in reading the story and poem.
- Dramatize the poem.
- Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Poetry and story books
- A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
- Pictures depicting values in the poem.
- Posters
- Flash cards.
Evaluation Guide
- read given simple stories and poems; and
- Identify values/ lessons learnt.
Week 7
Topic: Comprehension I
Performance objectives
- listen carefully to a story;
- answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words; and
- Re-tell the story in their own words.
- Oral Comprehension based on:
(a) Stories – e.g.
– stories built on any topic such as Road Safety, National Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Dangers of Chemicals, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.;
– Stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English, e.g. ―The house that Jack built‖.
Teacher’s Activities
- Tells a story slowly, stressing important points with the correct intonation.
- Asks questions and gives pupils the opportunity to re-tell the story.
- Guides and supervises pupil’s activities.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
- Re-tell the story.
- Answer questions on the story.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book or Supplementary Readers.
- Relevant pictures or real objects.
Evaluation Guide
- answer questions on the main points in the story; and
- relate a story in their own words;
Week 8
Topic: Comprehension II
Performance objectives
- read simple non-fiction passages correctly;
- answer questions on the passages
- explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage; and
- identify and discuss issues of national values in a given passage
- Reading class appropriate passages (non-fiction) and answering questions on them e.g.
– Simple passages based on national values e.g. discipline and courage; respect for elders etc.
– Identification and use of new words in sentences
– Identification and discussion of issues of national values in the passage.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to read a given passage silently individually or aloud in turns.
- Asks questions and guides pupils to answer them.
- Guides pupils to identify and explain the meaning of difficult words
- Leads pupils to use new words in the passage in sentences.
- Guides pupils to identify and discuss national values in the passage.
Student’s Activities
- Read the passage silently to get the main ideas contained in it.
- Read it again to get the details.
- Identify and explain the meaning of difficult words in the passage.
- Identify and discuss national values in the passage.
- Answer the comprehension questions.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book.
- Simple passages from magazines and other relevant materials available to the pupils.
- List of new words to learn from passage on flip chart or chalk board.
Evaluation Guide
- read given passages correctly; and
- Answer questions on the passage.
Week 9
Topic: Comprehension III
Performance objectives
1 read simple poems; and
2 identify values and lessons in given poems.
1. Reading simple poems on
– Discipline
– Courage
– Courtesy
– Road safety etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents a relevant poem.
- Guides pupils to read and dramatize the Poem.
- Explains the meaning of the poem to pupils.
- Leads pupils to identify the values and lessons.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in reading the poem.
- Dramatize the poem.
- Identify values and lessons in pairs or in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Poetry books
- A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
- Pictures depicting values in the poem.
- Posters
- Flash cards
Evaluation Guide
- Read a given simple poem; and identify values/lessons learnt.
Week 10
Topic: Comprehension IV
Performance objectives
- Read folktales/ stories correctly.
- Identify values in the folktales/lessons learnt.
- Folktales and short stories on how to use chemicals safely; and identifying and discussing values and lessons learnt.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to read the given folktales/short stories.
- Explains the meaning of folktales and their sources.
- Guides pupils to discuss the folktales/short stories—characters, lessons learnt, etc.
- Guides pupils to recall the folktales/ short stories.
Student’s Activities
- Read given folktales/short stories
- Discuss the characters and lessons learnt etc. in pairs or groups and make presentations.
- Recall folktales/ short stories.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Collection of popular folktales/short stories
- Course book
- Flash cards of new words
- Chalk/white board
Evaluation Guide
- Read folktales/short stories
- Recall the folktales/short stories.
Week 11
Topic: Comprehension V
Performance objectives
- read information on charts, diagrams, calendars, etc.;
- Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars.
- reading charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars etc. to obtain information
Teacher’s Activities
- Shows pupils relevant charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.
- Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
- Asks questions and guides pupils to find answers to them from the charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars etc.
Student’s Activities
- Observe charts, graphs, diagrams, calendars presented by teacher
- Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Calendars.
- Course book.
- Relevant charts, diagrams, graphs.
Evaluation Guide
- Read charts, diagrams, graphs, calendars etc.
- Answer questions on charts, diagrams, graphs and calendars.
Week 12
Topic: Comprehension VI
Performance objectives
- write answers to questions based on a passage
- read simple passages effectively;
- Skim simple passages for main ideas.
Written Comprehension:
(a) Answering questions from comprehension passages taken from the course book or supplementary reader’s e. food additives, food adulteration and food safety;
(b) Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.
(c) Copying identified
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
- Asks questions on them.
- Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.
Student’s Activities
- Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher‘s pattern reading and explanation.
- Read them slowly the second time, noting the main points and details.
- Answer the questions provided in their own handwriting on the chalkboard and into their exercise books.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book.
- Supplementary Readers.
- Any other relevant material.
Evaluation Guide
- write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read; and
- Skim given passage for main ideas.
Week 13
Topic: Comprehension VII
Performance objectives
- Read selected stories on their own
- Retell the stories
1. Extensive/ independent Reading:
– Reading selected stories and chapters from books
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher selects appropriate fictional material and chapters from the book
- Asks questions on the book
Student’s Activities
- Pupils read selected material independently
- They answer questions on what they have read.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Supplementary reading materials
Evaluation Guide
- Read given materials correctly.
- Answer questions on the materials correctly.
Week 14
Topic: Comprehension VIII
Performance objectives
- Describe a simple event or a natural disaster and explain the probable cause(s) of such event.
- Pick out important features of the event with emphasis on the causes.
- Descriptive Comprehension: description of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm that wreaked havoc on the community.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads discussion on a given topic.
- Asks pupils to describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed e.g. a rainstorm.
- Guides pupils to explain the probable cause(s).
Student’s Activities
- Pupils describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed
- Explain the causes of the event or natural disaster.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures showing the effect of an event or a natural disaster e.g. a rainstorm.
- Real objects.
Evaluation Guide
- Describe an event or a natural disaster witnessed.
Week 15
Topic: Vocabulary
Performance objectives
- substitute words in poems
- explain the relationship between words; and
- Develop new words.
- Vocabulary Acquisition:
- Using poems on discipline, courage, courtesy, road safety etc. expand children‘s vocabulary.
- Substitution of words poems.
- Explanation of the relationship between word
- Development of new words.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents a class appropriate poem.
- Guides pupils to read the poem.
- Guides pupils to substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
- Explains relationship between words to pupils.
- Guides pupils to develop new words.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in reading the poem.
- Read the poem.
- Substitute words in the poems with appropriate words.
- Explain the relationship between words
- develop new words
Teaching & Learning Material
- Poetry books
- A flannel board containing the poem to be taught.
- Pictures depicting values in the poem.
- Posters
- Flash cards.
Evaluation Guide
- read given simple poems
- explain the relationship between words; and
- Substitute four words in the poem with others.
Week 16
Topic: Concepts of Print I
Performance objectives
- Recognize that title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, diagrams are components of printed materials, etc.
- Obtain information from charts, diagrams and calendars etc.
- Recognition of title page, margins, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, labels, etc. in printed texts/materials.
Teacher’s Activities
- Shows pupils title page, illustrations, margins, picture, charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. in texts.
- Illustrates to pupils how information can be obtained from the above.
- Asks questions and guides pupils to identify graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.
Student’s Activities
- Observe, graphs, diagrams, labels etc. In texts presented by teacher.
- Answer teacher‘s questions individually, in pairs or in groups.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Supplementary Reader
- Course book.
- Relevant charts, diagrams, graph, labels, signs etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify diagrams, graphs, title page, illustrations, margins, pictures, in texts etc.
Week 17
Topic: Concepts of Print II
Performance objectives
- Correctly recognize reading materials e .g newspapers, journals, magazine, reference books, ICT, etc.
- Recognition of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides samples of reading materials e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines, reference books, ICT.
- Leads pupils to identify the materials.
- Explain their special features.
Student’s Activities
- Observe reading materials and explain their special features
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected reading materials.
- Course book
Evaluation Guide
- List and explain the features of some reading materials.
Week 1
Topic: Use of Capital Letters, Punctuation Marks – Full Stop, Comma, etc.
Performance objectives
- get an understanding that capital letters‘ and higher cases‘ mean the same thing
- use capital letters/higher cases correctly; and
- Use the punctuation marks e.g. comma, semi-colon, exclamation marks, etc. correctly.
- Various uses of capital letters/higher cases
- Uses of full stop and comma. E.g. at the end of sentences and for listing a series of items respectively and for separating ideas or clauses in sentences.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes sample sentences using higher cases, punctuation marks such as full stop, comma, colon, semi- colon, etc.
- Explains various uses of comma.
- Asks pupils to give similar examples
- Asks them to write their own examples in their books
Student’s Activities
- Read the examples given by the teacher
- Listen to teacher‘s explanation
- Make similar sentences of their own
- Write teacher‘s examples in their books
- Do several exercises on the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Selected passages from course book.
- Sample sentences showing the various uses of capital/higher cases and the punctual marks.
Evaluation Guide
- Use the capital letters/higher cases and punctuation marks correctly.
Week 2
Topic: Writing Three to Four Sentences on Everyday Activities using Present and Past Tenses
Performance objectives
- Use habitual sentences in both present and past tenses. Examples:
- Audu dances well.
- He eats amala very well
- Audu danced yesterday.
- He ate amala.
- Writing three to four sentences on habitual activities using present and past tenses.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher explains what habitual sentences mean.
- He writes samples of habitual sentences in present tenses as well as in past tenses.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation
- Write examples of habitual sentences in their book
- They write similar sentences as homework.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts on sample tenses
- Work book.
- Any other relevant their book
Evaluation Guide
- Write habitual sentences correctly.
Week 3
Topic: Handwriting
Performance objectives
- read simple passages on the content column;
- copy the passage into their exercise books in their own handwriting;
- write clearly and legibly; and
- Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
- Passages highlighting national values e.g. discipline, honesty and courage.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads to give a model example.
- Writes passage on the board.
- Guides the pupils to identify some difficult words in the passage
- Shows them the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
- Asks pupils to copy passage into their notebooks
- Supervises and makes corrections where necessary.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s reading.
- Read the passage following teacher‘s example.
- Identify some difficult words in the passage
- Observe the spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.
- Copy the passage into their writing exercise book.
- Do corrections where necessary.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Passages under content column.
- Any other relevant reference materials.
Evaluation Guide
- read given passages correctly; and
- Copy correctly the given passage into their exercise books.
Year 3 NERDC English Language Curriculum for Primary 3 – Schemeofwork
Week 4
Topic: Writing Answers to Questions on Simple Comprehension Passages
Performance objectives
- write answers to questions based on a passage
- read simple passages effectively;
- skim simple passages for main ideas; and
- Identify words and verbs already learnt.
- Writing answers to comprehension passages from the course book, supplementary readers and any other structures
- Identifying structural words and verb forms already dealt with.
- Copying identified words and structures in legible handwriting.
Teacher’s Activities
- Presents short comprehension passages and guides pupils to study the passages
- Asks questions on them
- Tells pupils to write the answers in their exercise books.
Student’s Activities
- Read the passages silently and quickly for the first time after teacher’s pattern
- Reading and explanation.
- Read it slowly the second time, noting the main points and details
- Copy in their own handwriting on the chalkboard into their exercise book
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book.
- Supplementary readers.
- Any other relevant material.
Evaluation Guide
- write answers to a few questions based on a passage they read;
- skim given passage for general ideas; and
- Identify words and structures already learnt.
Week 1
Topic: Pronunciation of Consonants and Consonant Clusters
Performance objectives
- pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly;
- differentiate between words in each pair in isolation and in sentence context; and
- Produce consonant clusters correctly.
- Production of consonant sounds in isolation, words and in context
- Pronunciation practice on consonant clusters e.g.: /b/ bl – blade, /br/ – bread, /dr/
- dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood /g/ – grass, /k/ – clipper, quick, /pl/ please, /pr/ – price, /s/ slate, /sm/ smiles, /tr/ train, /st/ stone, /spr/ spread e.g.
- This blade is very sharp.
- I ate bread this morning.
- Spread the clothes on the grass
- dry /fr/ – frog, /f/ – flood /g/ – grass, /k/ – clipper, quick, /pl/ please, /pr/ – price, /s/ slate, /sm/ smiles, /tr/ train, /st/ stone, /spr/ spread e.g.
Teacher’s Activities
- Writes the words and the sounds on the board.
- Demonstrates correct articulation of articulation of the sounds
- Asks pupils to repeat the sounds after him.
- Corrects identified pupils‘ problems with the sounds
Student’s Activities
- Watch the teacher write the sounds on the board.
- Copy the articulation of the sounds into their books.
- Pronounce the words after the teacher.
- Practice the correct pronunciation of the words/sounds in sentence context.
- Have more practice in pronouncing such words for the teacher to assess.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Objects.
- Pictures of objects.
- Flash cards.
- Flannel board
- Wall charts
- Course book
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce consonants sounds in isolation, in words and in sentences correctly and
- differentiate between sounds in pairs of words correctly
Week 2
Topic: Making Simple Statements and Responding to Simple Commands with Emphasis on Stress and Intonation.
Performance objectives
- make simple statements correctly with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
- Respond to simple commands appropriately.
- Making simple statements using the appropriate stress and intonation.
- Responding to simple commands appropriately.
Teacher’s Activities
- Makes model statements with the appropriate stress and intonation.
- Gives commands to pupils, paying attention to the correct stress and intonation.
- Guides pupils in making statements and responding to commands.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s statements and commands.
- Repeat the statements after the teacher.
- Follow teacher‘s commands appropriately.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Supplementary text.
- Charts containing simple sentences.
Evaluation Guide
- construct simple sentences with the appropriate stress and intonation; and
- Respond to given commands correctly.
Week 3
Topic: Simple Dialogues Expressing Present, past and Future Actions.
Performance objectives
1 participate in simple dialogues using present, past and future tenses.
2 ask and answer simple questions correctly using present, past and future tenses; and
3 practice the use of the rising and falling tunes in questions and answers correctly.
1 Simple dialogues – dialogues in present, past and future actions.
2 Asking and answering simple questions using present, past and future tenses with the appropriate intonation e.g.
i. Question: Where is the teacher? Answer: He is in the class.
ii. Question: Who is Mall am Dikko? Answer: Mallam Dikko is the head teacher
Teacher’s Activities
1 Explains what dialogue is
2 Gives examples of dialogue shown in the content column.
3 Gets pupils to engage in dialogues in present, past and future tenses, ensuring that the correct stress and intonations are observed.
4 Guides pupils to practice the use of the rising and falling tones correctly.
Student’s Activities
1 Listen to teacher‘s explanation.
2 Repeat the dialogues after the teacher observing the correct stress and intonation (rising and falling tones).
3 Practice the dialogues in twos and in groups, both inside and outside the classroom.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Course book
2 Sentence strip.
3 A volunteer pupil for rehearsal.
4 Other suitable materials.
Evaluation Guide
1 ask two questions and answer them correctly through simple dialogues; and
2 engage in dialogues using the rising and falling tones.
Week 4
Topic: Oral Comprehension
Performance objectives
- to listen carefully to a story;
- answer questions on the main points in the story in their own words;
- re-tell the story in their own words; and
- Tell similar stories.
- A story that will interest the pupils but built on any topic such as Road Safety, National, Values, Disaster Risk Reduction, Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS etc.
- Provide stories that will encourage them to tell their own stories in simple English e.g. the house that Jack built;
- Prepare them for future life.
Teacher’s Activities
- Tells the story slowly stressing important points with the correct intonation
- Asks questions
- Gives pupils the opportunity to tell their own stories.
- Guides and supervise pupils ‘activities.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher telling or reading the story.
- Re-tell the story
- Answer questions on the story.
- Tell similar stories in groups, about children‘s club or society they know, orally.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book or Supplementary Readers.
- Relevant pictures or real objects
Evaluation Guide
- answer questions on the main points in the story;
- relate story in their own words; and
- Participate in telling similar stories.
Week 5
Topic: Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs.
Performance objectives
- produce vowel sounds and diphthongs correctly
- Distinguish between vowels and diphthongs by pronouncing them correctly in words and sentence contexts.
- Pronunciation practice: e.g. a, e, i, u /i e / and / ea. / here hare ear air fear fare/fair beer bear/bare e.g. the hare was here yesterday.
Teacher’s Activities
- Demonstrates and pronounce the words or show objects or their pictures while repeating the words correctly.
- Let’s the pupils imitate him.
- Engages pupils in drills, using the minimal pair
- Dictates words to the pupils to copy.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher.
- Produce the sounds used in each pair of words correctly.
- Write dictation based on the use of these words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Relevant pictures of objects.
- Flash cards
- Flannel board.
- Course book
Evaluation Guide
- distinguish between the sound /id/ and / ed / by pronouncing them Correctly;
- Write correctly five words dictated by the teacher.
Week 6
Topic: Aural Discrimination
Performance objectives
- pronounce and distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation; and
- Distinguish between the different sounds in words and sentences.
1 Aural discrimination of the sounds:
i. / 3/ and / ^: / burn – born, firm – form, perch – porch
– I can burn this bush. A new child is born
– The firm sent a form to me
ii. / D / and / Ɔ: / cot – court, spot – sport.
Teacher’s Activities
- Reads the sentences containing the sounds
- Distinguishes between the sounds.
- Pronounces the words paying attention to the stress and intonation.
- Asks pupils to repeat after him.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher‘s reading.
- Repeat after teacher.
- Distinguish between the sounds.
- Pronounce the words.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flash cards.
- Sentence strips.
- Flannel board.
- Course book.
Evaluation Guide
- pronounce given words using the appropriate sounds; and
- Distinguish between the sounds in words and sentences using the correct stress and intonation.
Week 1
Topic: Use of Regular and Irregular Plurals in Speaking and Writing
Performance objectives
- identify regular and irregular plurals
- use regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences
- Regular plurals e.g. ball/balls; boy/boys.
- Irregular plurals e.g. child/children; foot/feet
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher presents the correct use of regular and irregular plurals in speeches.
- The correct use of irregular and irregular plurals in writing.
Student’s Activities
- Identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
- to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings
Teaching & Learning Material
- Real objects
- Pictures of objects
- Charts
- Flash cards
Evaluation Guide
- identify regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings; and
- Pupils to use regular and irregular plurals in speeches and writings.
Week 2
Topic: Use of Auxiliary Verbs
Performance objectives
- identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
- Use auxiliary verbs in sentences.
- Auxiliary verbs e.g. may, can, will.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher to present and demonstrate the correct use of auxiliary verbs in sentences.
- Facilitates flash card games to aid pupils understanding of auxiliary verbs.
Student’s Activities
- identify auxiliary verbs in sentences
- Pupils play games with flash cards facilitated by teacher.
- correctly use auxiliary verbs
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts
- Flash card games
Evaluation Guide
- identify auxiliary verbs in sentences; and
- use auxiliary verbs in sentences
Week 3
Topic: Expressing Future Actions in the Negative
Performance objectives
- make correct sentences in the simple future tense; and
- Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.
- Expressing future actions in the negative e.g. We will not be going to church next Sunday;
Q – Mummy, will we eat rice today?
A – No, we will not.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher explains and demonstrates what future action is.
- Teacher gives examples and asks questions in the future tense.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils listen to the teacher‘s explanation.
- Give examples themselves.
- Ask and answer teacher‘s questions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Sentence strips.
- Course book
- Other supplementary resources like newspapers or magazines.
Evaluation Guide
- Use future actions in the negative through sentence construction.
- Respond correctly to interrogative sentences using contracted forms of “will” and “shall”.
Week 4
Topic: Using Past Continuous Tense
Performance objectives
- identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
- Use past continuous tense in sentences.
- Past continuous tense e.g. -He was going to school when he fell‘; ‗He was coming to the house when he met John‘.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher explains past continuous tense.
- Demonstrates the correct use of past continuous tense in sentences
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher‘s explanation
- Use past continuous tense in sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Supplementary materials
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- identify past continuous tense in sentences; and
- Use past continuous tense in sentences.
Week 5
Topic: Present Perfect Using –Ed and –en ending
Performance objectives
- identify present perfect using – ed ending
- identify present perfect using – en ending
- express correct use of present perfect with – ed ending; and
- Express correct use of present perfect with – en ending.
- Present Perfect using –Ed ending e.g. I have cleaned the kitchen; I have washed my clothes.
- Present Perfect using –en ending e.g. John has stolen a pencil; I have eaten my food.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher to explains present perfect using both – Ed and – en endings.
- Leads pupils in constructing sentences in the present perfect tense
Student’s Activities
- Pupils to identify correctly present perfect tense in sentences.
- use present perfect tense in sentences
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard
- Course book
- Supplementary materials.
Evaluation Guide
- identify present perfect tense in sentences; and
- express correct use of present perfect in sentences
Week 6
Topic: Present Perfect with “since” and “for”
Performance objectives
- identify present perfect with “since”
- identify present perfect with “for”
- express correct use of present perfect with “since” ; and
- Express correct use of present perfect with “for”.
- Present Perfect with “since” e.g. I have been awake since 8 o‘clock; Lunch has been ready since 2 hours ago.
- Present perfect with “for” e.g. I have been sick for two days; Mum has been in the market for two hours.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Teacher to explain the correct use of present perfect with “since” and “for”.
Student’s Activities
1 Pupils correctly use present perfect with “since” and “for”; following teacher‘s examples.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- Charts
- Supplementary materials.
Evaluation Guide
- identify present perfect with “since” and “for”; and
- Use “since” and “for” in sentence construction.
Week 7
Topic: Interrogation with Response Using Present Perfect.
Performance objectives
- use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
- Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally in writing.
- Interrogation and Responses using present perfect e.g. Interrogation: Have you finished your homework?
Response: No, I have not. Interrogation: Are you going to play football with me today?
Response: Yes, of course.
Teacher’s Activities
- Makes series of statements using the using the present perfect tense
- Transforms each statement into a question
- Gives the appropriate answer to pupils.
Student’s Activities
- Pupils say the statement after the teacher using the present perfect tense.
- Repeat series of statements using the present perfect tense of verbs after the teacher.
- Transforms each statement into questions again following teacher‘s example.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Course book
- charts
- Supplementary materials.
Evaluation Guide
- use present perfect tense in question forms correctly; and
- Give appropriate responses to such question forms orally and in writing.
English Language Curriculum for Primary 1
English Language Curriculum for Primary 2
English Language Curriculum for Primary 3