SSS2 Electrical Installation and Maintenance Scheme of Work First Term
WELCOME TEST/ Earthing System -Definition of earthing -Types of Earth Electrode
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define earthing -itemize types of eacth electrode -differentiate between earthing lead and earth continuity conductor
-Teacher defines earthing -state types of earth electrode -describe each type and where is applicable -students in groups observe displayed earth electrode
Earthing system IEE regulations regarding earthinng -items to be earthed -testing the effectiveness of earthing
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -state the IEE regulations regarding earthing -identify the items to be earthed -describe the effectiveness of earthing through testing
-Teacher explains the IEE regulation regarding earthing -students in small groups state items to be earthed -describe the effectiveness of eathing
Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development
Electrical tools -types of tools: -hand tools -machine tools -uses of electrical tools
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -identify electrical hand tools and machine tools -state the uses of each tools used in the workshop -re-arrange hand tools and machine tools
-Students in groups explain different types of tools -explain their uses identify the stated tools by their names Students observe displayed tools and equipment
Collaboration and communication
Hand tools e.g. hammer, pliers, screw driver, side cutter etc Machine tools e.g. portable electric drilling machine Web resources
Handling of electrical tools -position of an individual in handling the tools
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -state the procedure steps to handle electrical tools demonstrate cutting of pipe Demonstrate how to cut Outline the precaution in handling electrical tools
-Teacher picks one of the tools e.g. ‘hacksaw and stand at an angle to the table with vie and demonstrate cutting of a pipe -students observe the cutting of pipe on a vice table
Maintenance of Electrical tools -steps taken in maintaining the selected tools e.g. clearing , greasing the iron parts (s)
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -state the procedures to follow in maintain electrical tools -apply grease to iron part(s) of electrical tools -clean some electrical tools
-Teacher explains some of the steps to be taken in maintaining the electrical tools i.e. cleaning and greasing Students in groups clean and apply grease to lubricate the iron parts of selected tools
Collaboration and communication
Pliers, flies, chisel, grease, towel Web Resources
Insulator -definition of insulator -types of insulator -uses of insulator
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define insulator -state different types of insulator -outline the uses of
-teacher displays some insulating materials -students to groups to discover where each insulator is applicable
Insulator -discover where each insulator is applicable
Conductor -definition of conductor -types of conductor -uses of conductor
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define electrical accessories -identify some electrical accessories -predict materials used to make electrical accessories
-Teacher displays some electrical accessories -define electrical accessories -students justified why insulating materials are used for electrical accessories Students identify some of the accessories
Electrical Installation and Maintenance Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
Armored cable -definition of armored cable -types of armored cable -applications of armored cable
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define armored cable -Identify types of armored cable -join and terminate armored cable -Discover where armored cable can be used
-Teacher defines armored cable -Displays armored cable types of armored cable -students state where armored cables are applicable -Students observe the displayed armored cable
Armored cable -construction -parts of armored cable -pars of amored cable -procedure for point and termination of armored cable -advantages and disadvantaged of armored cable e.g. MICC -Installation and IEE regulation e.g. MICC
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -Draw the constructional features of armored cable -Label parts of armored cable -Describe the steps /procedures for joint and termination of armored cable -Explain the advantages and disadvantages of armored cable e.g. MICC -Select basic tools and materials needed to carry out simple MIC cable installation
-Teacher draws the construction of MICC cable -Label its parts -State the procedures for joint and termination of armored cable -List advantages and disadvantages of armored cables -Students in groups discuss the procedure for termination
Types of joints Married joint, T-joint, Britania joint etc -tools and materials used in cable joining -IEE regulations
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -State types of joints -Explain different types of joints and where it is applicable -prepare cable for joint -select tools and materials used in cable joining
-Teacher displayed the specimen of married joint, T-Joint and Britannia joint -Explain different types of joints and where each can be used -students identify the different joints by their name
Critical thinking and problem solving
Aluminum, copper conductor, pliers cutter etc, charts , posters, soldering iron, blow lamp and pot and ladle Web Resources
Illumination -Definition of illumination -concept and factors of illumination -laws regarding illumination
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define illumination -define terms used in illumination e.g. luminous intensity, luminous flux -State inverse square law -solve problems on illumination
-Students explain illumination in their own words before the lesson is being taught -teacher explains concept and factors of illumination -Solve some examples of illumination Calculations -Students solve calculations on illumination
Critical thinking and problem solving Critical thinking and problem solving
Types of lamps -types of lamps -construction and principle of operation
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -state different types of lamps, e.g. incandescent lamps, discharge lamp etc -identify types of lamps -describe the working principle of discharge lamps
-students one after the other mentions types of lamps they know -teacher explains the working principle of discharge lamp -students go online to make research on the working principle of discharge lamp (Home work)
Critical thinking and problem solving Digital –literacy
Types of lamps -calculations involving Illumination of a factory -measurement of illumination using the
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -State the regulations guiding discharge lamp -solve calculations involving illumination of a room or factory -measure illumination
-Teacher explains how to know Teacher illumination of a room or factory -Describe the operation of photometer and its parts -students plan and design the illumination of a classroom or
Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and imagination
Soldering -definition -Tools and materials used for soldering -methods of soldering -Advantages and disadvantaged of soldering
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define soldering -Select tools and materials used for soldering -describe methods of soldering -explain the advantages and disadvantages of soldering
Students one after the other defines soldering in their own words before teacher’s explanation -students explain types of conductors and discuss their advantages and disadvantages -explain the methods of soldering e.g. blow lamp -students observe displayed sizes of cables and lugs Carry out soldering exercise on joint -teacher summarizes the whole lesson
Critical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and discussion Leadership and personal development
Different types of conductors Soldering iron, blow lamp, pot and ladle and flux Web resources
(a)Basic concepts of entrepreneurship (b) entrepreneurship education (c) qualities of an entrepreneur (d) importance of entrepreneurship
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1] explain the term entrepreneurship; 2] examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically; 3]outline the importance of entrepreneurship 4] analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur
1] whole class discussion on the meaning of entrepreneurship 2] students in small groups, discuss the term entrepreneurship education and share their knowledge with the class 3] students; as a class discuss the importance of entrepreneurship 4] students in the same groups, critically analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur
Communication and collaboration -critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development
Soldering -Operation and maintenance of blow lamp -The use of pots and ladle in soldering big sizes of cable -comparison between soldering and brazing
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -State the procedures for using blow lamp -Operate the blow lamp for soldering -Operate the blow lamp for soldering -justify reason for using pot and ladle in soldering big sizes of cable -distinguish between soldering and brazing
-Teach demonstrates the use of blow lamp and pot & ladle -Describe the significance of heat transfers of conductors -Students states the methods involved in the use of pot and ladle for soldering big sizes of cable
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -Identify cable/wires used for overhead installation -Select tools and equipment used for overhead installation
-Teacher displays or sketch tools/ equipment used in overhead installation -Explain the uses of each tool and equipment -students observe and draw tools and equipment
Creativity and imagination
Drawing vices, safety belt, ladder, insulators charts and posters
Electrical Installation and Maintenance Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
Welcome Test / overhead installation -tools and equipment used for overhead distribution and transmission
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -identify cable/wires used for overhead installation -select tools and equipment used for overhead installation
-teacher displays or sketch tools/ equipment used in overhead installation -explain the uses of each tool and equipment -students observe and draw tools and equipment
Creativity and imagination
Drawing vices, safety belt, ladder, insulators, charts and posters Web Resources
Overhead installation Types and uses of stay wire -Draw of lines and cross –arms Join and terminations and electrical continuity -Advantages and disadvantages of overhead installation
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -State types of stay wires -Demonstrate drawing of lines and cross-arms -identify different types of installators used in overhead system -make joints and termination -explains the advantages and disadvantages of overhead installation
-teacher explains the types and uses of safety wire -Discuss cross-arms used in high tension transmission -Demonstrates jointing terminations and electrical continuity -students sketches cross-arms used in high tension -carryout overhead cable jointing and termination -Test for continuity
Creativity and imagination Critical thinking and problem solving
Drawing vices, safety belt, ladder, insulators, charts and posters on overhead installation Web Resources
Underground installation -tools and materials used for installation Types of cable for underground installation -advantages and disadvantaged of underground
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -List tools and materials used for underground installation -select appropriate types of cable for underground cable -prepare depth for
-Teacher identifies different types of cable used for underground installation work -explain when and where to use them -explains the method of preparing trench display or draw materials used for joint and termination -Students mention the
Critical thinking and problem solving Imagination
Various types of underground cable e.g. sheathed cable, screened, H-types cable etc , gland boxes, plot and ladles , plumbers metal gas/blow lamp Web Resources www.electricaltechnology
Installation -advantages and disadvantaged of underground overhead installation
Cable layout -replicate method of making cable joints/termination, solder underground cable joints -Distinguish the advantages of underground installation over-head installation
Tools and materials for underground installation -Demonstrate the method making cable, joints/termination and emphasize the importance of IEE regulation to underground cable work
Trunking wiring system -description of various types of trunking in industrial installation -Advantages of trunking
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -Define trunking -describe various types of trunking -select suitable trunking for industrial installation -explains the advantages of trunking
-The class begins with students defining trunking and describing various types of trunking -explains the advantages of trunking over conduit system -students observe and carry out trunking wiring after teacher’s summary of the lesson
Creativity and imagination Critical thinking and problem solving
PVG trunking, pipe of different sizes e.g. 16mm2, 20mm2, 25mr etc cables, charts and posters Web Resources
Ducting wiring system -definition of ducting -precaution of ducting wiring system -description of various types of ducting -advantages of ducting
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define ducting -describe various types of ducting -select suitable ducting system for industrial installation -explains the advantages and disadvantages of ducting
-Teacher defines ducting and describes various types of ducting -explains the advantages and disadvantages of ducting and emphasize the importance of IEE regulations for trunking and ducting -students in groups justify the precautions for installation and ducting
Introduction to testing Definition of testing and inspection
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -define testing and
-Teacher explains testing and inspection and gives reasons for testing and inspection
Creativity and imagination Critical thinking
Instruments e.g. insulation resistance tester, mergers, chart, soft-wares and testire
-types of tests -steps taken in carrying out testing -sequence of testing
Inspection -mention types of tests -explain the importance of testing and inspection -state the sequence of tests
Of domestic installation -students in small groups discuss the steps taken in carrying out testing and the sequence of the test
And problem solving
Lamp Web resources
Mid Term Break
Testing and inspection continuation polarity test
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -Explain polarity test -outline steps to be taken in carrying out polarity test -sketch the diagram of polarity test
-Teacher displays the instruments required -demonstrate their uses -students observe display instruments -sketches the diagram of polarity test
Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and imagination
Ohmmeter, bell set, test link etc
Basic concepts of marketing (a)meaning of marketing (b) methods of marketing (c) importance of marketing (d) marketing/distribution channel chart
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Describe the term. Examine the method of marketing,Analyse the importance of marketing Create a flow chart of the marketing of channel distribution
1] students, as a class, brainstorm on the term marketing 2] whole class discussion on the different methods of marketing 3] small group discussion on why marketing is important 4] small groups activities on chart of distribution channels of marketing
Communication and collaboration Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development -creativity and imagination
Marketing continued (a)product branding (b)product packaging (c) costing (d) pricing
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1] highlight the factors to be considered in product price-tag 2] distinguish between the term packaging & branding 3] develop a feasibility study for setting up a profitable business or a production unit 4] creativity design a befitting package for their products
1] whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price 2] students in pairs, discuss the differences between packaging & branding 3] Students, in small groups, present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (group product) 4] students , in the same groups, produce or come up with befitting packages for their products
Communication and collaboration Critical thinking and problem solving -leadership and personal development Creativity and imagination
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: -Explain insulation resistance test -outline steps to be taken in carrying out the test -Sketch the diagram of insulation resistance test
-Teacher explains the insulation resistance test, displays the instruments required and demonstrates their uses -students observe the displayed instruments -sketches the diagram of insulation resistance tests
Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and imagination