Economics Scheme of Work SSS3 Lagos State

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Access Lagos State Free Unified Economics Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Economics Curriculum for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

SSS3 Economics Scheme of Work First Term

1Student readiness Assessment Test/Economic  lesson from Asian Tigers, Japan, Europe and America Economic history of the Asian Tigers and Japan (1960-2000) review of the development strategies employed by the Asian Tigers, Japan, Europe and AmericaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1] identify the countries under Asian Tigers 2]account for the factors that led to the rapid development of these countries
3] describe the massive turn round in the Japanese, European and American economy;
4] relate lessons from it to the sustainable development in Nigeria
1] Students as a class brainstorm on the identification of the Asian continent on the map of the world
2] students in groups to fix out the member countries  of Asian Tigers 3]Students in pairs identify lessons from the Asian Tigers, Japan , Europe and America’s economic history and relate it to the sustainable development in Nigeria
Critical thinking and problem solving Collaboration  and communication Leadership and personal development and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Pictures of Sian Tigers, Japan, Europe, and America Economic history Web Resources: Https:// 

2Human capital development definition and characteristic of human capital Factors that affect the efficiency of human capital Distinguish between human and physical capital Brain drain and its effects on the Nigerian economy Arresting brain drainBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1]analyse the concept of human capital development and its characteristics 2]identify and explain the factors affecting human capital development 3]distinguish clearly between human and physical capital 4]discuss the term brain drain and its effects on Nigeria economy  1]students as a whole class brainstorm on the meaning and characteristics of human capital development and brain drain 2]students in small groups, enumerate factors mutilating human capital development and share with the class 3]students in pairs differentiate human physical capital with examples and share with the class 4]students in groups identify and discuss causes and effects of brain-drain on Nigeria economy and share with the classCollaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Charts, pictures of capital development Web resources https:en.m.wikipedia/human-capital

3Petroleum and the Nigerian Economy   Development of petroleum industry in Nigeria Contribution of petrol Nigerian Economy (positive and negative) Roles of NNPC in the exploration, production, refining marketing and distribution of petroleum products Roles of OPEC in the exploration, production, refining , marketing and distribution of petroleum productsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1]evaluate and explore the growth of the petroleum industry in Nigeria and the impact (positive and negative) on Nigerian economy 2]analyse the operation of NNPC and OPEC in the production and marketing of petroleum in Nigeria and their advantages and disadvantages 3]distinguish between the roles of NNPC and OPEC to Nigeria economy1]students as a class brainstorm on the growth of petroleum industries in Nigeria and their impacts to the economy 2]students in groups, discuss the operation of NNPC and OPEC in production and marketing of petroleum in Nigeria and share with the class 3]students in pairs differentiates the roles of NNPC and OPEC to Nigeria Economy in their groups, students are made to come up with petroleum productsCollaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentAudio visual resources Documentaries from NNPC Real objects (e.g.) kerosene) Pictures of petroleum products Magazines   Web resources wikipetroleum-industryin-nigeria

4Manufacturing and construction meaning of manufacturing and construction Types of manufacturing (crafts, food, processing etc) contribution of manufacturing and construction sector to Nigeria GDP Roles of manufacturing and construction in economic developmentBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1]describe manufacturing and construction 2]identify types of manufacturing activities in society 3]appraise the contribution of manufacturing and construction to the economic development of a countryStudents watch a video clip on manufacturing activities Student as a class discuss the meaning and activities manufacturing and construction company in the country Students in pairs identify and explain types of manufacturing activities and share with the class Students in each small groups, justify the impact of manufacturing and construction company to the economic development of a country and share with the class, while others criticize each other’s presentation Collaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Pictures of manufacturing and constructing company   Web resources https://smallbusinesschron,com

5Service industries meaning of  service industries Examples of service industries (tourism, transport, banking, insurance, warehouse, advertisement etc) Contribution of service industries to the development of Nigeria  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] explain the meaning of sources of industries with examples 2] describe types of economic activities; 3] list the role of service industries to the development of an economyStudents watch video clips in rendering of services and how it brings about development to the Nigeria economy whole class, brainstorm on the meaning of service industries with examples from the video clips watched Students in groups; online and discuss the impacts of the service industries to the development of Nigeria economyDigital literacy Critical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development1]audio visual resources 2]pictures of service industries, charts 3]web resources: https//   

6Agencies that regulate the financial market Agencies that regulate money markets (CBN, NDIC etc) Tools/instruments used in money markets Agencies that regulate capital markets the weapon used. Objectives of regulating capital markets  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] appraise the meaning of financial market and identify regulatory agencies in Nigeria 2]describe the different tools used in money market1] students as a class, brainstorm on the meaning of financial market and identify the regulatory agencies in Nigeria  and discuss with the class 2] students in groups, describe the weapons used by central bank to regulate the money market and share with the class 3] justify the objectives of regulating capital markets in Nigeria    Critical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development Creativity and innovation CitizenshipAudio-visual resources Pictures Documents from any regulatory agency   Web resources markets

8Functions and roles of regulatory agencies (CBN, NDIC,SEC etc) Significance of these agencies in the Nigeria economyBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] scrutinize the functions of CBN, NDIC, SEC etc 2]identify and enumerate the significant of the agencies to Nigerian economy1]students in small groups analyse the functions of CBN, NDIC, SEC, etc. and discuss with the class 2] students in pairs relate the impacts of the regulatory agencies to the Nigeria EconomyCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development Creativity and innovation CitizenshipAudio-visual resources Pictures of regulatory agencies Card board Web resources regulatory –bodies Nigeria-functions-html

9International trade (a) meaning and types reasons for international trade (b) barriers of international trade (c) differences between domestic and international trade (d) advantages and disadvantages of international tradeBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] describe international trade with the different types 2]identify and justify reasons and barriers to international trade 3]distinguish types and international trade by their advantages and disadvantages1]students as a class discuss the meaning and types of international trade and share with the class 2]students in groups, justify the reasons and barriers to international trade and discuss with the class 3]students are asked to mention some imported and exported goods in Nigeria and relates their advantages and disadvantages to the Nigeria economyCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual resources Pictures of sea ports with container used Charts of international trade Commodities (imported and local Web resources https://efinancemangement/international-trade
10International trade (a) reasons for trade protections 2] theory of comparative cost advantage and its shortcoming 3]globalization (meaning , features, challenges and opportunities, it presents to the Nigeria Economy By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] justify the reasons for trade protection and instruments used 2]distinguish between comparative and absolute cost advantage of the economic and their shortcoming; 3]describe globalization and its features1] students in small groups, defend the reasons for trade protection, identify the instrument use and discuss with the class 2]students in same small groups, analyse the differences between comparative cost advantage and absolute cost advantage of economic activities of the country and their shortcomings and on a play card and discuss with the class 3]students as a class discuss the meaning of globalization and its featuresCollaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentAudio –visual resources Pictures Exported /imported goods Web resources https://corporatefinciainstes Economics/protectionism

Balance of payment Balance (trade BOT) definition and measurement Terms of trade (TOT): definition and measurement Balance of payment (BOP) current account , capital account and monetary movement account (Emphases on surplus and deficit balance of payment) Financing deficit BOP devaluation of currency: meaning and its effects on the economy of the country (Nigeria)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1]analyse the concept of balance of payment 2]describe the items of balance of payment 3]evaluate balance of payment surplus and deficit 4] analyse how to finance balance of payment deficit and suggest ways to financial balance of payment deficit 5]relate and address devaluation of money to Nigeria economyStudents are asked to explain the items of DOF with the aid of their textbook while the teacher moderateCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentAudio-visual   Web resources uk/measuring-balance-of-payments  


Access Lagos State Free Unified Economics Scheme of work for SSS3. SS3 Economics Curriculum for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

Economics Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term

1Students Readiness Assessment Test Economic Growth and development Definition and definition between Economic between economic Growth and development underdevelopment and its characteristic Solutions to underdevelopment strategies for economic developmentBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1]analyse the concept of economic growth and development 2]distinguish between economic growth and economic development 3]describe the features , problems and solutions to an underdeveloped economy 4] proffer strategies for economic development1] students as a class brainstorms on the concept of economic growth and development and discuss with the class 2]students in groups, (small/large)distinguish between economic growth and economic development and share with the class 3]students in same groups, identify  and discuss the features and problems of an underdeveloped economy and suggest solution to these problem identified 4]individual students , suggest strategies for economic developmentCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal development ImaginationAudio-visual resources Pictures Charts Web resources

2Economic development Planning Meaning and reasons for planning Stages in economic development planning Necessary of economic development planning Problems of economic development Planning in Nigeria (using Nigeria as a case study)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] describe economics development planning 2]justify the objectives and reasons for economics development planning 3]relate the problems of planning to Nigeria’s situation and proffer solutions 4]describe the stages in economics development planning1] whole class, discuss the meaning of economic development planning and share 2]students are made to analyse the stages of economic planning 3]students in small groups, evaluate the objectives and reasons for economic development planning and discuss with the class 4] students in some groups, relate the problems of planning to Nigeria’s situation and suggest way out 5]]students in pairs describe the stages involve in economic development planning and share with the classCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentVisual resources pictures Charts Web resources

3International economic organization Historical development of these organization (ECOWAS) , ECA, IMF, IBRD, ADB, oPEC, WACH, GATT, UNCTAD) Aims and objectives and roles of these organizationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Trace the history of the economic organization, 2] differentiate between the meaning of these organisations 3]justify their advantages , disadvantages and objectives of these organizations  1]whole class search the history of the economic organizations through the link provided by the teacher and discuss with the class 2]differentiate between the meaning of these organizations 3]students in small/large groups  judge the advantages, disadvantages and objective of the organizations and discuss with the class Digital literacy Collaboration and communication Critical thinking and problem solving Leadership and personal developmentVisual resources Pictures Charts Web resources https://ecowas  

4Current Economics plans Needs Vision 2030 MDG’s   Meaning and objectives of MDGs, NEEDS and vision 2030By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] appraise and differentiate the meaning of these economic planning instruments 2]identify the objectives of each planning instrument 3]analyse the effects of these instruments on the Nigerian economy1] Students are grouped into small groups. Each group is required to analyse the operations of one of these instruments 2]students in groups identified and discuss the objectives of each planning instrument 3]individual students, identify and explain the effect of those instruments on the Nigerian economyCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentVisual resources Pictures Charts Web resources

5Economic development challenges Meaning and effects of poverty Methods of poverty alleviation (NAPEP, NDE etc) HIV/AIDS and the economy Iv]corruption and the economy V]power and energy inadequacyBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] appraise and discuss the developmental challenges in Nigeria 2] device means of eradicating these developmental challenges in Nigeria    1] pictures of people who are wallowing in poverty are shown to students to state the likely causes of their poverty 2]students in pairs made list out of the effects of poverty on people and countries and share with the classCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentCharts on vicious cycle of income Web resources www.en.m.wikipedia

6Economic reform Programmes Consolidation of financial institutions privatization and commercialization EFCC and CPC NAFDAC, SONBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1] describe economic reform programme in Nigeria such as consolidation of financial institution, 2] analyse a successful economic reform programme in other countries that Nigeria can adopt 3]appraise the roles of SON and ICPC in Nigerian economyWhole class discuss the meaning of economic reform programme in Nigeria Students in pairs identify and recommend a successful economic reform programme in other countries that Nigeria can adopt Students in groups discuss the roles/value of SON and ICPC in Nigerian EconomyCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Leadership and personal developmentPictures Visit to trade fair Web resources En.w.wikipedia.or visit to trade fair


Achievement Standards for Economics Students in SS3

At the end of the session, students are able to:

  • Identify the countries under Asian-Tigers, account for the factors that led to the rapid development of these countries, describe the massive turn round in the Japanese, European and America economy, also relates lessons from it to the sustainable development in Nigeria .
  • Analyse, identify and explain human capital development and the factors affecting it. Also discuss the term brain –drain and its effects on Nigeria economy.
  • Describe manufacturing and construction sector, identify types of manufacture activities in the society. Also appraise the contribution of manufacturing and construction to the economic development of a country. Appraise the meaning of financial market and identify regulatory agencies in Nigeria, and also describe the different tools used in money market.
  • Scruntize the functions of CBN, NDIC, SEC, etc the students can identify and enumerate the significant of the agencies to Nigeria Economy.
  •   Describe international trade with the different types, they can also identify and justify reasons and barriers to international trade. Distinguish between Home trade and Foreign trade, their advantages and disadvantages. Justify the reasons for trade protection and instruments used. Distinguish between comparative and absolute cost advantage of the economic and their shortcomings, also describe globalization and its features.
  • Analyse the concept of balance of payment, describe the items of balance of payment evaluate balance of payment surplus deficit.
  • Analyse the concept of economic growth and development, distinguish between Economic Growth and economic development. Also describe the features, problems, solutions to an underdeveloped economy.
  • Describe and justify the objectives and reasons for economic development planning, relate the problems of planning to Nigeria’s situation and proffer solutions, describe the stages in Economic development Planning.
  • Trace the history of the economy organization, differentiates between the meaning of these organizations and justify their advantages, disadvantages and objectives of these organizations.
  • Appraise and differentiate the meaning of these economic planning instruments, identify the objectives of each planning instruments and analyse the effects of these instruments on the Nigeria economy.
  • Describe economic reform in Nigeria, such as consolidation of financial institution, analyse a successful economic reform programme in other countries that Nigeria can adopt, they are also appraise the roles of SON and ICPC in Nigeria Economy.   

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