Grade 4 – 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School. Elements of Design, Nigerian Art works – Schemeofwork
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 4
Week 1
Topic: Meaning, Origin and uses of Arts.
Performance objectives
- Meaning of Arts.
- Origin of Arts.
- Uses of Arts.
- Meaning of Arts
- Origin of Arts.
- Uses of Arts:
- To educate and instruct,
- For relaxation, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of Arts.
- Mentions the Origin of Arts.
- Lists the Uses of Arts.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations and copy notes on the meaning, origin and uses of Arts.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Illustration of Art works, Printed materials, Photographs, Note Books, Biros, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of Arts.
- State the origin of Arts.
- Mention three uses of Arts in the society.
Week 2
Topic: 2 Classification of Arts and Nigerian Art works.
Performance objectives
- Classify Arts.
- Name some Nigerian Art works.
- Draw an Arts work.
- Classification of Arts.
- Nigerian Art works.
- Drawing of Art works.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the classes or branches of Arts.
- Displays some Art works and uses them to explain Nigerian Art works.
- Illustrates an Art work
Student’s Activities
- Name some Art works.
- Mention some Nigerian Art works.
- Draw an Art work.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Illustration of Art works, Works of Arts, Printed materials, Books, Old Calendar, Drawing Book, Pencil.
Evaluation Guide
- List two branches of Arts.
- Name three Nigerian Art works.
- Draw an Art work.
Week 3
Topic: Elements of Design
Performance objectives
- Give the meaning of elements of design.
- List the elements of design.
- Illustrate lines and colors.
- Give one use of each element of design.
- Meaning of elements of design,
- Listing of elements of design.
- Uses of elements of design.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains with illustrations the meaning of elements of design.
- Guides the Pupils to list the elements of design.
- States the uses of elements of design
Student’s Activities
- State the elements of design.
- Observe teacher’s illustrations.
- Make a drawing using one element of design.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Drawing books, Pictures and illustrations showing elements of design, Pencils, Colors.
Evaluation Guide
- List t three elements of design.
- Make a drawing showing two elements of design.
Week 4
Topic: Principles of Design.
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of principles of design
- List the principles of design.
- Give one use of the principles of design.
- Meaning of principles of design.
- Listing of the principles of design.
- Uses of the principles of design.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of principles of design.
- Lists the principles of design e.g.
i). Proportion
ii) Rhythm
iii) Repetition.
Student’s Activities
- State the principles of design
- Identify the principles of design.
- State one use of the principles of design.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pencil, Note Books, list the principles of Magic/Chalk Boards.
Evaluation Guide
- List the principles of design
- Give one use of the principles of design.
Week 5
Topic: Types of Colors and Textures.
Performance objectives
- Identify and mention different Colors.
- State sources of color.
- Identify different texture of materials e.g. soft, rough, etc.
- Make a color wheel of the primary colors.
- Colors in our environment.
- Types of colors – Primary and Secondary.
- Sources of colors.
- Types of textures – soft, rough etc.
- Color wheel of the primary and secondary colors.
Teacher’s Activities
- Identifies different colors in the locality.
- Explains the types of colors using a color wheel.
- Explains the sources of colors; leaves, seeds, stem, roots, etc.
- Explains textures using clay/plastering, fabrics or any object
- Guides the pupils to make color wheel.
Student’s Activities
- Name colors.
- List sources of colors.
- Touch and feel texture of plaster are, fabrics or any object
- Make a color wheel of the primary colors.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Poster of color, crayon, drawing book, pencil, leaves, stem, roots of plants, rocks, clay, fabrics. Seeds plastering
Evaluation Guide
- Name three colors.
- List sources of color.
- Identify soft or rough textures.
- Make color wheel of the primary and secondary colors.
Week 6
Topic: creative use of colors and texture
Performance objectives
- State the uses of colors in society.
- Draw and color items using different colors.
- Color an item using dye from leaf or roots.
- State uses of textures.
- Use of colors
- Uses of textures
- Drawing and coloring of items
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains colors.
- Mentions uses of colors.
- Demonstrates use of colors from leaves or roots.
- Asks Pupils to feel different surface texture of objects around them.
- Draw surface textures e.g. spike, rough, etc
Student’s Activities
- Identify colors by name and use them
- Make and use color of every leaf or roots in the environment
- Feel different surface texture of object around them
Teaching & Learning Material
- Colors, Pencils, Crayons, Colored items, Drawing books, Pencils, different texture of objects, Roots, Leaves or bark of trees.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention 3 different colors.
- Color a paper or fabric.
- Draw one of the surface textures.
Week 7
Topic: print making (leaf and thumb printing)
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of leaf and thumb print
- Identify Suitable leaves used for printing
- Print leaves and thumb to create design
- Meaning and types of printing, e.g. Leaf Printing and Thumb Printing.
- Suitable leaves used for printing, e.g. fresh leaves with hard veins, beautifully
- Making of prints with leaves and thumbs.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of leaf and thumb printing.
- Asks pupils to pluck leaves within the environment.
- Demonstrates Leaf and thumb printing.
Student’s Activities
- Identify sizes, shapes of leaves suitable for printing.
- Make prints on paper or fabric using leaves or thumb.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Papers, Colors, Leaves, Charts, Thumb, Pictures, Pencils etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain leaf and thumb printing
- Identify leaves suitable for printing
- Make leaf and thumb
Week 8
Topic: Drawing and Shading (Still Life)
Performance objectives
- Name the materials used in drawing still life objects.
- Identify still life objects around them.
- Draw and shade a still life object around them.
- Drawing still life objects.
- Setting still life objects for drawing.
Teacher’s Activities
- Names some materials used in drawing and shading of still life objects.
- Lists some still life objects.
- Draws some still life objects and shades them
Student’s Activities
- Observe teacher’ drawing and shading of still life objects.
- List some materials used in drawing and shading still life objects.
- Draw and shake a still life object.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, drawing books, drawing boards, cups, vases etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Name 5 materials used in drawing and shading still life objects.
- List 4 still life objects found in your environment and shade them.
Week 9
Topic: Modelling: Paper Mache’
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of paper Mache’.
- Identify materials used in paper Mache’.
- Name objects produced using Mache paper Mache’.
- Make objects using paper Mache’.
- Meaning of paper Mache’.
- Materials for making paper Mache’, e.g. old
- Newspapers, Mortar and Pestle, Starch, Mold, etc.
- Objects produced from paper Mache’.
- Producing objects from paper Mache’.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of paper Mache’.
- Displays and names Objects for paper Mache’.
- Demonstrates how to produce the objects.
Student’s Activities
- Discuss the meaning of paper Mache.
- Name materials used for paper Mache.
- List objects that can be produced with paper Mache
- Produce objects.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Old Newspapers, Starch, Mortar, Pestle, Charts, Books, slides Molds.
Evaluation Guide
- State meaning of paper Mache’.
- Name materials for paper Mache’.
- Produce an object from paper Mache’.
Week 1
Topic: Definition of Music
Performance objectives
- Define music
- Define noise
- State sources of music
- Differentiate between noise and music.
- Definition of Music:
- Sources of music: Voice and instruments.
- Meaning of noise:
- Difference between music and noise.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of music
- Explain the sources of music.
- Explains the meaning of noise
- Guides the pupils to differentiate between music and noise.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s definition and writes it down in the notebook.
- List sources of music.
- Produce sounds and classify them into music or noise.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Tables and chairs, wooden clappers, gongs, teaching charts.
- Textbooks Notebooks
Evaluation Guide
- Define music.
- Define Noise
- List 5 sources of noise
- State two differences between noise and music.
Week 2
Topic: Nigerian Musical Instruments and sounds they produce
Performance objectives
- Identify and name some musical instruments found in their locality.
- Explain how they produce sounds.
- Definition and listing of musical instruments in the locality like:
- Udu, Ekwe, Agogo, Kalangu, Gangan, Kakaki, Nsak, Ifiom. Obodom, Duma etc.
- Production of sounds through hitting, shaking, beating, rubbing of instruments, blowing in the air, plucking, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines and lists some musical instruments in Nigeria.
- Explains to pupils how instruments produce sound.
- Guides the pupils to play the available musical instruments.
- Guides the pupils to imitate the sounds from the instruments.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s definition of musical instruments.
- List out some musical instruments in their locality, according to their sound production
- Play some available musical instruments.
- Produce and differentiate the sounds from the instruments played.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/Magic/ Magnetic boards.
- Notebooks
- Pictorial materials showing the diagram of Nigerian musical instruments.
- Some Nigerian Musical instruments available in the locality.
Evaluation Guide
- Name 3 musical instruments in the locality.
- Name 6 musical instruments in Nigeria.
- Give four ways of sound production of musical instruments.
Week 3
Topic: Foreign Musical Instruments
Performance objectives
- Identify and name some foreign musical instruments
- Explain how they produce sounds
- Explain the differences in the production of sounds.
- Play some foreign musical instruments.
- Definition of foreign musical. Instruments.
- Foreign Musical instruments like: Piano (Keyboard), recorder Saxophone, Guitar, kit drum etc.
- How to produce sounds from foreign instruments
- Playing of foreign musical instruments
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines and lists some foreign musical instruments.
- Explains how the instruments produce sound
- Guides the pupils to play some available musical instruments
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy down notes.
- List some foreign musical instruments they have seen or learnt about.
- Play some available foreign musical instruments.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/Magic/ Magnetic boards
- Notebooks
- Pictorials showing foreign musical instruments, some foreign musical instruments.
Evaluation Guide
- Name four foreign musical instruments
- Give three ways of sound production by foreign musical instruments.
- Play one foreign musical instrument.
Week 4
Topic: Classification of Musical Instruments and Sounds
Performance objectives
- Classify Nigerian musical instruments.
- Classify foreign musical instruments.
- Classifications of musical instruments;
- Aero phones
- Chordophones
- Idiophones
- Membranophones
Teacher’s Activities
- Classifies Nigerian and foreign musical instruments giving at least two examples of each.
- Differentiate between local and foreign musical instruments.
Student’s Activities
- Copy down notes on the classes of musical instruments with the examples given.
- Listen to the differences as explained by the teacher and take notes.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalk/Magic boards notebooks, Pictorial materials showing pictures of both Nigerian and foreign musical instruments.
Evaluation Guide
- Give at least three classes of musical instruments with examples.
- Name at least two classes of foreign/ Nigerian musical instruments with an example from each.
Week 5
Topic: Definition of Drama and theatre
Performance objectives
- Define Theatre
- Define Drama
- Differentiate between drama and theatre.
- Definition of Drama.
- Definition of Theatre.
- Differences between
- Drama and Theatre.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines theatre and drama giving examples.
- Highlights differences between Theatre and Drama.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and copy the, definitions and differences between Theatre and Drama
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/Magic board
- Video recorded drama
- Pictures of a theatre setting.
Evaluation Guide
- Define Drama
- Define Theatre
- Highlight two differences and similarities between Drama and Theatre.
Week 6
Topic: Some elements of Drama and Theatre
Performance objectives
- Identify and name elements of drama and theatre
- Elements of Drama: The script, the actors, the stage and the audience.
- Theatrical elements: The set, lights, costumes, sounds, make-ups etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Lists and explains elements of Drama.
- Lists and explains elements of theatre.
- Illustrates and shows the pupils examples of some available elements.
- Introduces an example of the script of a play which will be used for class work.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and copy notes
- Take notes of the pictorials shown.
- Get a copy of the specified script for reading at home and in class.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Textbooks, notebooks, chalk/magic boards, Pictorials and illustrations
Evaluation Guide
- Name two elements of drama.
- Name three elements of theatre.
Week 7
Topic: Definition of Dance.
Performance objectives
- Define dance
- Explain the distinguishing features of various traditional dances.
- Perform a dance for a particular occasion in the school.
- Definition of dance.
- Features of traditional dance.
- Dances for different occasions in Nigeria.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines dance.
- Leads the pupils to choreograph and perform a traditional dance.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations and take down notes.
- Participate in a dance led and guided by the teacher
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard, magic board, VCD or DVD of traditional dances, Pictures of dancers
Evaluation Guide
- Define dance.
- Participate in the dance created for the class work.
Week 8
Topic: Features of Nigerian Traditional dances.
Performance objectives
- State some features of specific traditional dances in Nigeria.
- Identify traditional dances in Nigeria.
- Characteristics and features of traditional dance in Nigeria.
- Names of some traditional dances e.g. Atilogwu, Swange, Nyok, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains and writes on the chalk board features of traditional dances.
- Identifies and names traditional dances of some parts of Nigeria.
- Plays a video of a performance or video traditional dance for pupils to watch.
- Takes pupils to watch a live traditional dance performance.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations and takes down notes
- Note the differences between dances from different areas.
- Watch a live performance or video of a dance.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard, Magic board, Television, DVDs, VCDs etc
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the characteristics of traditional dances.
- List three similarities and differences between traditional dances.
- State three features noticed in the dance performance e.g.
- Costume, movements of the dancers, expression and so on.
Week 9
Topic: Basic movements in dance.
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of natural and basic movements in dance.
- State the meaning of time, space, effort and mood in dance.
- Respond to music using body movements.
- Meaning of natural and basic body movements.
- Meaning of time, space, mood and effort in dance.
- Responding to music using movements.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of natural and basic body movements.
- Guides and assists pupils to respond to music through body movements.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
- Listen and respond to music by moving their bodies.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboards, Magic boards, Textbooks, notebooks, CD or cassette players or Phones.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of natural movements.
- State meaning of time, space, mood and effort in dance.
- Demonstrate music through body movements.
Week 1
Topic: Mode of Greeting
Performance objectives
- Identify how to greet in different parts of Nigeria.
- List when and occasions to greet.
- Identify the benefits of greeting.
- Greeting practices in Nigeria e.g. Handshake, Hugging, Bowing down, Verbal, Patting on the back, Kissing on the cheek, Genuflecting.
- Time and occasions to greet.
- Values derived from greeting e.g. Love, Unity, Togetherness, Peace, Respect, etc,
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains different ways of greeting among the tribes in Nigeria.
- Explains when and occasions to greet.
- Demonstrates some of the ways of greeting.
- Leads pupils to know the values associated with greeting.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussion.
- Practice the various ways of greeting in the class.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures and Charts showing mention four ways of various ways of greeting.
Week 2
Topic: Care of the Environment.
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of environment.
- Explain how to care for an environment.
- List materials for caring for an environment.
- Demonstrate how to take care of an environment.
- State benefits of caring for an environment.
- Meaning of Environment.
- How to care for an environment.
- Materials/Tools for environmental care.
- Practical care of an environment.
- Benefits of caring for an environment.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of environment.
- Displays materials for environmental care.
- Leads Pupils in practical care of the environment.
- Explains and leads pupils to see the benefits of taking care of an environment.
Student’s Activities
- Take note of the materials for taking care of an environment.
- Practice how to take care of an environment.
- Mention some benefits derived from taking care of an environment.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chart showing different forms 1 of environment, Brooms, Shovel, Rake, Knives Trash Bins, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- List materials for caring for the environment.
- Demonstrate four ways of caring for an environment,
- Mention two benefits of caring for an environment.
Grade 4 – 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School. Elements of Design, Nigerian Art works – Schemeofwork
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5
Week 1
Topic: Types of Drawings
Performance objectives
- Identify different types of drawings.
- Produce different types of drawing.
- Types of drawing e.g. Nature drawing, Still Life drawing, and Life drawing.
- Produce different types of drawing.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains different types of drawing:
i). Nature drawing,
ii) Still Life drawing,
iii). Life drawing.
- Demonstrates different types of drawing.
- Asks Pupils to draw Nature; Still life; Life drawing.
Student’s Activities
- State the types of drawing.
- Observe and select one of the types of drawing.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Paper, Pencils, Erasers, Crayons, Boards, Chalkboard Illustrative photographs, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Name five objects they can draw.
- List three types of drawing.
- Produce one still life drawing.
Week 2
Topic: Card Making and Decoration
Performance objectives
- List types and uses of Cards.
- List materials for making Cards.
- Make Cards for a particular ceremony.
- Types and uses of Cards.
- Materials for making/decorating Cards.
- Making and decorating Cards e.g. greeting cards, Invitation cards.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains types and uses of Cards.
- Displays materials for making and decorating Cards.
- Demonstrates how to make and decorate Cards.
Student’s Activities
- Examine materials for Card making.
- Name types and uses of Cards.
- Produce Cards for different occasions.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Different types of Cards, Sketch books, Crayons, Brushes, Pencils Paper, Cardboard sheets.
Evaluation Guide
- List types of Cards and their uses.
- Make one Card for a particular occasion
Week 3
Topic: introduction to weaving using paper
Performance objectives
- Define Weaving.
- Mention types of Weaving.
- Weave a mat with strips of paper using plain weave.
- Definition of weaving
- Types of weaving
- Plain
- Twill
- Mat weaving
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines Weaving.
- Guides Pupils to discuss different types of weaving.
- Assists Pupils to weave paper mat using plain weave method
Student’s Activities
- Define weaving
- Explain types of weaving
- Weave a mat using paper strips
Teaching & Learning Material
- Strips of paper, Photographs, Chalkboards, Illustrations, Charts, hands looms, Yarns.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of weaving.
- List two types of weaving.
- Weave paper mat using plain weave method.
Week 4
Topic: Mosaic
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of mosaic
- List material tools used in making mosaic
- Make mosaic to reflect ills of hiv/aids, cultism
- Meaning of mosaic
- Materials for making mosaic
- Production of mosaic
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines and discuss the Mosaics.
- Displays and discusses materials used in Mosaic making.
- Demonstrates how to produce Mosaic.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation of mosaic.
- List materials used for Mosaic production.
- Produce a Mosaic reflecting a societal ill e.g. cultism.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Broken bottles, Buttons, Beads, Pencils, Card boards, Sheets, Boards, Glue, Scissors, Charts, Books, Old Calendar.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain Meaning of mosaic
- List 4 Materials for making mosaic
- Produce one mosaic item
Week 5
Topic: Calabash/Woo d Painting and Decoration.
Performance objectives
- Mention the uses of Calabash.
- List uses of carved or painted Wood.
- Paint a carved wood or calabash.
- Uses of Calabash.
- Uses of carved/painted Wood.
- Carved/Painted Wood or Calabash with design condemning child abuse.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains uses of Calabash.
- Explain how carved/painted Wood or Calabash can be used for decoration.
- Demonstrates how to carve/paint Calabash/Wood.
Student’s Activities
- List uses of Calabash.
- State how carved or painted Wood/Calabash can be used for decoration,
- Make their own painting.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Calabash, knives, colors, wood, pieces, chisel, mallet, brushes, paper, drawing books, etc
Evaluation Guide
- State three uses of Calabash.
- List two ways painted wood or calabash can be used for decoration.
- Paint or decorate wood or calabash reflecting ills of society e.g. child abuse.
Week 6
Topic: Nigerian Traditional Architecture.
Performance objectives
- Describe the nature of Nigerian architectural designs.
- List the tools/materials used for building traditional houses in Nigeria.
- Meaning of Nigerian traditional architecture.
- Forms of traditional architectural design e.g. mud house.
- Tools/materials for building traditional houses in Nigeria e.g. Mud, Thatch, Wood, Bamboo, Cane, Tarpaulin, Knife, Grass, Cutlass.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines and describes the nature of Nigerian traditional Architecture.
- Guides Pupils in describing various forms of Nigerian traditional Architecture
- Asks Pupils questions on tools production, traditional architecture.
- Shows examples of materials /tools used in traditional architecture.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s definition of traditional Architecture.
- Copy notes on Nigerian traditional architecture, tools and materials for building.
- Answer questions asked by the teacher on traditional architecture, tools and materials for building.
- Observe/touch the materials and tools.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Mud, Thatch, Wood, Bamboo, Cane, Trampoline, Knife, Grass, hoes, shovels, water, head pans, Cutlasses, drawings, photographs, Chalk Boards, drawing books, pencils, eraser, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Define traditional architecture in Nigeria.
- List three tools and materials for building traditional houses in Nigeria.
Week 1
Topic: Songs/ Music with Nigerian identity.
Performance objectives
- Identify some values relating to patriotism in a given song.
- Compose lyrics with Nigeria as a theme.
- Songs that promote values like patriotism in Nigeria.
- Art of composing poetic lines/texts to be put to music.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains patriotism and its importance in society.
- Plays a given song with patriotism as a theme.
- Assists pupils to identify the values in the song through the lyrics.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation.
- Listen as the song is played and copy notes.
- Write out words that can be used as a song as guided by the teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Write out words that can be used as a song as guided by the teacher.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of patriotism
- List any two values.
- Write lyrics of a song portraying patriotism.
Week 2
Topic: Creating a play with
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of a given value.
- Create a play scenario based on the given theme.
- State the uses of drama in teaching values.
- Meaning and importance of Honesty, integrity, Right attitude to work, etc.
- Uses of drama in teaching values.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the given values.
- Explains the importance of values
- Guides pupils to create a play scenario for performance.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation of the given values.
- Participate in the play creation process.
- Participate in the play performance.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Textbook, notebooks, chalkboard or magic board
Evaluation Guide
- Explain any two mentioned values.
- State two uses of drama in teaching values.
- Create and present a play sketch based on a given value or values.
Week 3
Topic: Creating Music with Sulfa Notation
- Performance objectives
- Write values of sulfa names.
- Set words to sulfa notation
- Clap rhythm of the phrase set to music
- Play the notes on an instrument.
- Music values Rhythm
- Sulfa names on a chart Creating music
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains what sulfa values mean
- Assists the pupils to compose text.
- Guides the pupils to clap to rhythm
- Plays a phrase for the pupils to learn
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation on sulfa values.
- Compose text to a popular tune
- Clap a rhythm
- Listen to the teacher’s piano playing and imitating the teacher
Teaching & Learning Material
- Manuscript,
- Chalk board,
- Pencil,
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Piano
- Notebook
Evaluation Guide
- Complete the following in complete phrase e.g. s /d: s: d: m / s: – :- :
- Compose a simple text to music
- Clap rhythm
- Play a phrase on the piano
Week 4
Topic: Music Notes and their values
Performance objectives
- Explain music notes
- Give examples of music notes
- Write the value of music notes
- Clap the rhythms of the music notes
- Music notes
- Names of music notes e.g.
- Semibreve (.)
- Quaver (.)
- Semiquaver (.) etc.
- Values of Music notes e.g.
- Semibreve has 4 beats
- Minim has 2 beats etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains music notes e.g.
- They are symbols drawn in the staff indicating the sound duration of the music notes
- Lists music notes and explains the differences between them.
- Explains the values of the music notes
- Values of Music notes e.g.
- Semibreve has 4 beats
- Minim has 2 beats etc
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
- Clap the rhythmic pattern of the music note assisted by the teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalk boards, Magic boards.
- Music manuscripts Pencils
- Erasers, Rulers
- Pianos
Evaluation Guide
- Explain music notes
- Give four examples of music notes.
- Mention the values of music notes.
- Clap the rhythms of 4 crotchets;
- 2 minims and
- 2 semibreves.
Week 5
Topic: Dance Motifs
Performance objectives
- Explain motifs in dance.
- State how they can be
- Applied to the study and practice of dance.
- State the importance of dance motifs.
- Motifs in dance.
- Application of motifs in dance.
- The importance of motifs in dance.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of motifs and how they can be used in dance.
- Explains the importance of motifs in dance.
- Gives examples of dance motifs like joy, sadness, excitement, love, God and so on.
- Demonstrates an example of body movements that portrays a given emotion.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
- Observes teacher’s demonstration and demonstrate alongside with teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material
- CD or cassette player, VCD/DVDs, Television sets, Phones.
Evaluation Guide
- State the importance of motifs in dance.
- List four motifs that can be used in dance
- Display two dance movements with two different motifs.
Week 6
Topic: Components of dance
Performance objectives
- Mention some components of dance;
- Explain some components of dance.
- Components of dance: Movement, Time, Space etc, expression, costume make-up and music.
Teacher’s Activities
- States and explains components of dance.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Textbook, Note books, Chalkboard/Magic boards.
Evaluation Guide
- List two components of dance.
Week 7
Topic: Techniques in dance.
Performance objectives
- Explain the use of warm- up exercises
- Explain techniques in dance.
- Display techniques in dance
- Basic techniques in dance.
- Basic warm-up exercises for dance
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils in a warm-up exercise session explaining its importance.
- Enumerates and explains techniques in dance.
- Assists pupils to learn certain techniques using movements
Student’s Activities
- Participate in warm-up exercises.
- Listen to teacher’s explanation.
- Learn and display some techniques
Teaching & Learning Material
- Textbook, Note books, CDs or cassette players, music, phones.
Evaluation Guide
- Display two warm-up movements.
- Name 2 dance techniques.
- Display two techniques
Week 8
Topic: Acting
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of acting.
- Explain who an actor is.
- Mention 5 popular actors.
- Meaning of acting:
- Definition of an actor?
- Names of popular actors in Nigeria.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines acting.
- Leads pupils to understand who an actor is.
- Leads pupils to mention names of popular actors in Nigeria.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher’s explanation on acting.
- Give names of two popular actors or actresses they have watched in the movies especially in Nigerian movies.
- Give two names of foreign actors in movies they have watched.
- Describe the role or roles they would love to emulate.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalk board/magic boards, Textbooks, Notebooks; VCDs; DVDs; Television.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of acting;
- List two names of favorite Nigerian actors and two foreign actors.
Week 9
Topic: impersonation
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of impersonation.
- Explain the difference between impersonation and acting.
- Meaning of impersonation
- The differences between acting and impersonation
Teacher’s Activities
- Define impersonation
- Explains the differences between acting and impersonation giving examples
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher’s definition of impersonation and notes the differences between acting and impersonation
Teaching & Learning Material
- Textbooks, Notebooks, Chalk of board/magic boards.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of impersonation.
- Give an example of impersonation.
Week 10
Topic: Role play
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of role play.
- Mention the functions of role play
- Identify occasions when role play can be used.
- State the differences between role play and acting.
- Meaning of role play:
- Functions of role play.
- When to use role play.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines role play.
- Lists functions of role play.
- Mentions when role play can be used.
- Explains differences between role play and acting e.g. anyone can undertake role play without necessarily having acting skills like the teacher, school counsellor etc.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher’s explanation of the meaning and purpose of role play and copy notes.
- Try out different roles with the guidance of the teacher like doctor, pastor, imam, for Specific purposes.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalk board/magic/ magnetic boards, textbooks, note books, Pictures or illustrations of different people and professions.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of role play.
- Mention one difference between acting and role play.
- State any three occasions for the use of role play.
- Play out any one of the roles.
Week 11
Performance objectives
- Explain how to develop their parts in a play they are acting.
- Mention basic tools of an actor.
- Perform body and voice exercises.
- Developing a character in a play
- Basic tool of an actor: body and voice
- Body and voice exercise
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain the meaning and importance of development as an actor
- State the basic tools of an actor and lead pupil to start body and voice training
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes
- Discuss with the teacher how characters can be developed
- Participate in body and voice exercise to improve the flexibility of the body and audibility of the voice
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/magic boards, textbooks, note books.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention 3 ways of developing a Character.
- Mention two basic tools of the actor.
- Name two uses of body and voice exercises.
Grade 5 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5. Types of drawings, decorating Card, apprenticeship system – Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System.
Performance objectives
- Define apprentice- ship system.
- List the objectives of apprenticeship system.
- List some trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.
- Meaning of apprenticeship system
- Objective of apprenticeship system.
- Trades where apprenticeship system is practiced e.g. Blacksmith, Carpentry, Tailoring, Jewelry making, Mechanics, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of apprenticeship system.
- Leads the Pupils to understand the objectives of apprenticeship system.
- Leads the Pupils to mention trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations.
- Suggest possible trades where apprenticeship system could be practiced.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Different Master Craftsmen and Apprentices.
- Motor Mechanic workshop.
- Tailoring workshop
- Jewelers shop. Etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Define Apprenticeship system.
- List three objectives of apprenticeship system.
- Mention three trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.
Week 2
Topic: Types and Importance of Apprenticeship system.
Performance objectives
- List types of apprenticeship system.
- Enumerate the importance of apprenticeship system.
- List some right attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.
- Types of apprenticeship system e.g. Father /son, Mother/daughter, Master Craftsman /Apprentice, Master Trader/Apprentice.
- Importance of Apprenticeship system e.g. acquisition of skill, acquisition of values.
- Attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the types of apprenticeship system.
- Leads the Pupils to understand the importance of apprenticeship system.
- Explains the attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.
Student’s Activities
- States the meaning and types of apprenticeship system.
- Mention some importance of apprenticeship system.
- State certain values acquired in apprenticeship system.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts showing different Craftsmen and their apprentices, Motor Mechanic workshop, Tailoring workshop, Bakery.
Evaluation Guide
- List four types of apprenticeship system.
- Mention two importance of apprenticeship system.
- Mention two values acquired from apprenticeship system.
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 6
Week 1
Topic: Introduction to life Drawing
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of life Drawing.
- Draw a full human figure.
- Identify different parts of the body.
- Meaning of Life Drawing.
- Parts of the body e.g. head, hand, leg, etc.
- Figure Drawing.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of Life Drawing.
- Guides Pupils to name parts of the body.
- Assists Pupils to draw models.
- Visits galleries with pupils to see Art works
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations.
- Name parts of the body.
- Draw the model (person) chosen.
- Display finished works.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Human model, drawing papers, pencils, erasers, artist donkeys (seat for the artist), drawing boards, charts, calendars.
Evaluation Guide
- Plain the meaning of life drawing.
- Name parts of the body.
- Draw a living human figure.
Week 2
Topic: Imaginative and Creative Drawing.
Performance objectives
- Define imaginative drawing.
- Draw from imagination.
- Imaginative and creative drawing.
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines imaginative drawing.
- Guides Pupils to draw from memory e.g. rainy day.
Student’s Activities
- Defines imaginative drawing.
- Create and draw from memory.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pencil, drawing book, colored pencils, eraser.
Evaluation Guide
- Define imaginative drawing.
- Draw a rainy day from imagination.
Week 3
Topic: Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods.
Performance objectives
- Explain Fabric decoration.
- Mention methods of decorating Fabrics by tie and dye.
- List materials for tie and dye.
- Produce tie and dye Fabrics.
- Fabrics decoration.
- Methods of making tie and dye.
- Materials for making tie and dye.
- Making tie and dye Fabrics.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of tie and dye.
- Explains different tie and dye methods.
- Demonstrates how to
- Produce tie and dye Fabrics.
- Assigns Pupils into groups to produce tie and dye Fabrics.
Student’s Activities
- Discuss methods of tie and dye with teacher and ask questions.
- Produce tie and dye Fabrics.
- Display the finished works.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Cotton fabric (calico), dye stuffs, chemicals, dye bath, ropes, gloves, pegs, wooden sticks, water. Strings for tying.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of tie and dye.
- List methods of tie and dye.
- Produce Tie and dye Fabrics using tie and dye methods.
- Display finished work.
Grade 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts – CCA Curriculum for Primary 6. Life Drawing, tie and dye, Casting and rehearsals – Schemeofwork
Week 1
Topic: Rhythmic Pattern
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of rhythm
- Mention the types of rhythm
- Clap simple patterns of rhythm.
- Meaning of rhythm
- Types of rhythm
- Simple and
- compound rhythms
- Clapping of rhythms
- Rhythm in twos 2/4
- Rhythm in threes 3/4
- Rhythm in fours 4/4 etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains rhythmic movement of any piece of music in time
- Lists the different types of rhythmic patterns;
- Simple rhythm
- compound rhythms
- Writes out some rhythms for the pupils to clap to: – 2/ 2…….|…….|……..| – 4 4
………….|………………….| – 6 6…../………….||
Student’s Activities
- Explain rhythm.
- Mention types of rhythmic patterns
- Clap given rhythms
Teaching & Learning Material
- Table
- chalk chalkboard/magic boards
- Rulers
- Manuscripts
- Pencils
Evaluation Guide
- Explain rhythms
- Identify a particular rhythms in a given music e.g. d.d.
- Clap the following rhythm:
i). rhythm in twos
ii). rhythm in three
Week 2
Topic: Choral Singing
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of Choi singing
- List different types of singing
- Identify the melody in singing.
- Practice and perform
- Solo song;
- Duet; etc.
- Practice and perform a choral piece
- Meaning of choir: A group of people singing together in different parts.
- Parts of a choir: Treble (Soprano) Alto, Tenor, Bass
- Types of singing: Solo, Duet, Trio Quartet, etc
- Melodic parts in a four part singing
Teacher’s Activities
- States the meaning of a choir:
- Identifies and explains the 4 parts in a choir-
- Lists and explains types of singing
- Guides pupils to sing solos, duets.
- Guides the pupils in singing in 4 parts.
Student’s Activities
- State the meaning of Choir.
- Mention the melodic parts in a choir
- List types of singing
- Perform songs in solos, duets etc.
- Organize a choral performance.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Piano/recorder Chalkboard/magic boards. Manuscripts
- Rulers
- Pencils
- Pens
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of choir
- List 4 parts in a choir
- Mention 3 types of singing
- Identify melody pattern in a given song.
- Perform a duet
Week 3
Topic: Theatrical elements and personnel
Performance objectives
- Identify elements of a play production;
- Mention the various people involved in a play production.
- Theatrical elements: Script
- Stage Audience Set
- Light Costume
- People involved in play production.
- Playwright
- Director Actor Designers
- Stage manager Business manager
Teacher’s Activities
- Mentions and explains the various elements for the pupils to take notes.
- Lists the various personnel involved in a theatre production and the roles they play.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation and take down notes
- Take notes of the people involved in a production and ask questions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalk board/magic/ magnetic boards, textbooks, note books, Pictures or illustrations of different people and professions.
Evaluation Guide
- List three element of the theatre
- List five people in the theater
- Mention their roles
Week 4
Topic: Casting and rehearsal
Performance objectives
- Explain the process of casting
- State the meaning of rehearsal
- Identify personnel responsible for casting an rehearsing a play
- Rehearse a drama sketch using the personnel learnt and their roles.
- Meaning of Casting and rehearsals.
- Personnel’s involved in casting and rehearsals.
- Drama rehearsal.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of casting and rehearsal.
- Leads the pupils to construct a drama sketch based on any emerging issue (e.g. respect for elders).
- Takes the role of the director and casts the play allotting the other roles to pupils like actors, actresses, stage manager etc.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the teacher and take down notes
- Participate in the process of rehearsal for the production of the play on any given value.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/magic board, script or a written scenario for an improvised drama.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of casting and rehearsal.
- Identify the person responsible for casting and rehearsing a play and explain his/her duties
- Play a part in the preparation and production of the play.
Week 5
Topic: Introduction to play production
Performance objectives
- State what play production is?
- Meaning of Play production:
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of play production.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and copy out the meaning of play production in their notebooks.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/magic board, text book, notebooks.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of play production.
- Mention 2 aspects of play production
Week 6
Topic: Forms of dance.
Performance objectives
- State the forms of dance.
- Demonstrate one form of dance.
- Traditional: Dance portraying a particular culture and entrenched in the culture and traditions of the people.
- Contemporary/Modern: An individualistic dance that encourages the art of choreography and creativity.
- Ballet: A theatre dance with its roots in Italy. Dance performed and enjoyed by the upper class.
- Demonstrating forms of dance.
Teacher’s Activities
- Mentions and explains the forms of dance for pupils to copy notes.
- Guides the pupils to perform different forms of dance.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanations and copy into their notebooks.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Chalkboard/magic boards, text books, note books, pictures of dancers engaging in the three forms of dance. DVDs or VCDs, Television sets.
Evaluation Guide
- List three forms of dance.
- Mention two differences noticed in each.
- Demonstrate one form of dance.
Week 1
Topic: Care of Tools and Equipment used in Arts; Performing Arts and Entertainment.
Performance objectives
- Identify materials used in the care of Tools/Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
- Identify methods of caring for the Tools /Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
- Materials used in the care of Tools/ Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
- Care of Tools/ Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the uses of each material in the care of Tools and Equipment.
- Displays materials used in the care.
- Guides the Pupils to understand the methods used in caring for Tools and Equipment.
- Demonstrates how to care for tools and equipment.
Student’s Activities
- Observe the displayed materials.
- Explain how to care for a particular Tool/Equipment.
- Practice how to care for a particular Tool/Equipment.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Duster, Mops, Cleaning Agents, Brushes, Polishes, Water, Apron, Napkins, Sponges, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- List materials used for caring for Tools/Equipment.
- Care for a given Tool or Equipment.
Week 2
Topic: Recycling.
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of Recycling.
- Mention the importance of Recycling.
- Name some materials to be recycled.
- Produce recycled articles.
- Meaning of Recycling
- Importance of Recycling e.g. saving money, preserving the environment, Avoid waste, Develop new products.
- Materials to be recycled e.g. Plastic, Paper, and Old clothing articles.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the meaning of Recycling.
- Leads the Pupils to understand the importance of Recycling.
- Displays materials to be recycled.
- Displays recycled products.
- Demonstrates how to recycle a named material.
Student’s Activities
- State the meaning of Recycling.
- Explain the importance of recycling.
- Observe the materials to be recycled and products got from them.
- Recycle a named material.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Paper, Pictures, Old Clothing, Glue, Mosaics, Toys from paper Mache, Scissors, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention two importance of Recycling.
- Recycle a named material.
Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 4
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5
Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 6
CCA: Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Lower Primary 1 – 3