CCA: Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 – 6

53 Min Read
Cultural and Creative Arts Currriculum

Grade 4 – 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School. Elements of Design, Nigerian Art works – Schemeofwork

Table of Contents
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 4Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: 2 Classification of Arts and Nigerian Art works. ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Elements of DesignContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Principles of Design.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Types of Colors and Textures.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: creative use of colors and textureContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: print making (leaf and thumb printing)ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Drawing and Shading (Still Life)ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Modelling: Paper Mache’       ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: PERFORMING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Nigerian Musical Instruments and sounds they produceContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material Evaluation GuideTopic: Foreign Musical InstrumentsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Classification of Musical Instruments and SoundsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Definition of Drama and theatreContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Some elements of Drama and TheatreContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Definition of Dance.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Features of Nigerian Traditional dances.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Basic movements in dance.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Topic: Care of the Environment.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideCultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5Topic: Types of DrawingsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Card Making and DecorationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: introduction to weaving using paperContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Mosaic      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Calabash/Woo d Painting and Decoration.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Nigerian Traditional Architecture.Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: PERFORMING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Creating a play withContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Creating Music with Sulfa NotationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Music Notes and their valuesContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:          Dance MotifsContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Components of danceContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Techniques in dance.ContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: ActingContentsTeacher’s Activities                  Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: impersonationContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Role playContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: DEVELOPING A CHARACTER IN A PLAYContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Types and Importance of Apprenticeship system.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideCultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 6ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Imaginative and Creative Drawing.Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 2: PERFORMING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Choral SingingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Theatrical elements and personnelContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Casting and rehearsalContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Introduction to play productionContents Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Forms of dance.Teacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONSContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic:          Recycling.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide

Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 4


Week 1

Topic: Meaning, Origin and uses of Arts.             

Performance objectives

  1. Meaning of Arts.
  2. Origin of Arts.
  3. Uses of Arts.


  1. Meaning of Arts
  2. Origin of Arts.
  3. Uses of Arts:
    • To educate and instruct,
    • For relaxation, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of Arts.
  2. Mentions the Origin of Arts.
  3. Lists the Uses of Arts.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations and copy notes on the meaning, origin and uses of Arts.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Illustration of Art works, Printed materials, Photographs, Note Books, Biros, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of Arts.
  2. State the origin of Arts.
  3. Mention three uses of Arts in the society.

Week 2

Topic: 2 Classification of Arts and Nigerian Art works. 

Performance objectives

  1. Classify Arts.
  2. Name some Nigerian Art works.
  3. Draw an Arts work.


  1. Classification of Arts.
  2. Nigerian Art works.
  3. Drawing of Art works.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the classes or branches of Arts.
  2. Displays some Art works and uses them to explain Nigerian Art works.
  3. Illustrates an Art work

Student’s Activities

  1. Name some Art works.
  2. Mention some Nigerian Art works.
  3. Draw an Art work.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Illustration of Art works, Works of Arts, Printed materials, Books, Old Calendar, Drawing Book, Pencil.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List two branches of Arts.
  2. Name three Nigerian Art works.
  3. Draw an Art work.

Week 3

Topic: Elements of Design

Performance objectives

  1. Give the meaning of elements of design.
  2. List the elements of design.
  3. Illustrate lines and colors.            
  4. Give one use of each element of design.


  1. Meaning of elements of design,
  2. Listing of elements of design.
  3. Uses of elements of design.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains with illustrations the meaning of elements of design.
  2. Guides the Pupils to list the elements of design.
  3. States the uses of elements of design

Student’s Activities

  1. State the elements of design.
  2. Observe teacher’s illustrations.
  3. Make a drawing using one element of design.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Drawing books, Pictures and illustrations showing elements of design, Pencils, Colors.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List t three elements of design.
  2. Make a drawing showing two elements of design.

Week 4

Topic: Principles of Design.

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of principles of design
  2. List the principles of design.
  3. Give one use of the principles of design.


  1. Meaning of principles of design.
  2. Listing of the principles of design.
  3. Uses of the principles of design.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of principles of design.
  2. Lists the principles of design e.g.

i).             Proportion

ii)            Rhythm

iii)           Repetition.

Student’s Activities

  1. State the principles of design
  2. Identify the principles of design.
  3. State one use of the principles of design.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pencil, Note Books, list the principles of Magic/Chalk Boards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List the principles of design
  2. Give one use of the principles of design.

Week 5

Topic: Types of Colors and Textures.

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and mention different Colors.
  2. State sources of color.
  3. Identify different texture of materials e.g. soft, rough, etc.
  4. Make a color wheel of the primary colors.


  1. Colors in our environment.
  2. Types of colors – Primary and Secondary.
  3. Sources of colors.
  4. Types of textures – soft, rough etc.
  5. Color wheel of the primary and secondary colors.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Identifies different colors in the locality.
  2. Explains the types of colors using a color wheel.
  3. Explains the sources of colors; leaves, seeds, stem, roots, etc.
  4. Explains textures using clay/plastering, fabrics or any object
  5. Guides the pupils to make color wheel.

Student’s Activities

  1. Name colors.
  2. List sources of colors.
  3. Touch and feel texture of plaster are, fabrics or any object
  4. Make a color wheel of the primary colors.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Poster of color, crayon, drawing book, pencil, leaves, stem, roots of plants, rocks, clay, fabrics. Seeds plastering

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name three colors.
  2. List sources of color.
  3. Identify soft or rough textures.
  4. Make color wheel of the primary and secondary colors.

Week 6

Topic: creative use of colors and texture

Performance objectives

  1. State the uses of colors in society.
  2. Draw and color items using different colors.       
  3. Color an item using dye from leaf or roots.
  4. State uses of textures.


  1. Use of colors
  2. Uses of textures
  3. Drawing and coloring of items

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains colors.
  2. Mentions uses of colors.
  3. Demonstrates use of colors from leaves or roots.
  4. Asks Pupils to feel different surface texture of objects around them.
  5. Draw surface textures e.g. spike, rough, etc       

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify colors by name and use them
  2. Make and use color of every leaf or roots in the environment
  3. Feel different surface texture of object around them

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Colors, Pencils, Crayons, Colored items, Drawing books, Pencils, different texture of objects, Roots, Leaves or bark of trees.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention 3 different colors.
  2. Color a paper or fabric.
  3. Draw one of the surface textures.

Week 7

Topic: print making (leaf and thumb printing)

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of leaf and thumb print
  2. Identify Suitable leaves used for printing
  3. Print leaves and thumb to create design


  1. Meaning and types of printing, e.g. Leaf Printing and Thumb Printing.
  2. Suitable leaves used for printing, e.g. fresh leaves with hard veins, beautifully
  3. Making of prints with leaves and thumbs.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of leaf and thumb printing.
  2. Asks pupils to pluck leaves within the environment.
  3. Demonstrates Leaf and thumb printing.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify sizes, shapes of leaves suitable for printing.
  2. Make prints on paper or fabric using leaves or thumb.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Papers, Colors, Leaves, Charts, Thumb, Pictures, Pencils etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain leaf and thumb printing
  2. Identify leaves suitable for printing
  3. Make leaf and thumb

Week 8

Topic: Drawing and Shading (Still Life)

Performance objectives

  1. Name the materials used in drawing still life objects.
  2. Identify still life objects around them.
  3. Draw and shade a still life object around them.


  1. Drawing still life objects.
  2. Setting still life objects for drawing.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Names some materials used in drawing and shading of still life objects.
  2. Lists some still life objects.
  3. Draws some still life objects and shades them

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe teacher’ drawing and shading of still life objects.
  2. List some materials used in drawing and shading still life objects.
  3. Draw and shake a still life object.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, drawing books, drawing boards, cups, vases etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name 5 materials used in drawing and shading still life objects.
  2. List 4 still life objects found in your environment and shade them.

Week 9

Topic: Modelling: Paper Mache’       

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of paper Mache’.
  2. Identify materials used in paper Mache’.
  3. Name objects produced using Mache paper Mache’.
  4. Make objects using paper Mache’.


  1. Meaning of paper Mache’.
  2. Materials for making paper Mache’, e.g. old
  3. Newspapers, Mortar and Pestle, Starch, Mold, etc.
  4. Objects produced from paper Mache’.
  5. Producing objects from paper Mache’.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of paper Mache’.
  2. Displays and names Objects for paper Mache’.
  3. Demonstrates how to produce the objects.

Student’s Activities

  1. Discuss the meaning of paper Mache.
  2. Name materials used for paper Mache.
  3. List objects that can be produced with paper Mache
  4. Produce objects.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Old Newspapers, Starch, Mortar, Pestle, Charts, Books, slides Molds.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State meaning of paper Mache’.
  2. Name materials for paper Mache’.
  3. Produce an object from paper Mache’.



Week 1

Topic:    Definition of Music

Performance objectives

  1. Define music
  2. Define noise
  3. State sources of music
  4. Differentiate between noise and music.


  1. Definition of Music:
  2. Sources of music: Voice and instruments.
  3. Meaning of noise:
  4. Difference between music and noise.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of music
  2. Explain the sources of music.
  3. Explains the meaning of noise
  4. Guides the pupils to differentiate between music and noise.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s definition and writes it down in the notebook.
  2. List sources of music.
  3. Produce sounds and classify them into music or noise.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Tables and chairs, wooden clappers, gongs, teaching charts.
  2. Textbooks Notebooks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define music.
  2. Define Noise
  3. List 5 sources of noise
  4. State two differences between noise and music.

Week 2

Topic: Nigerian Musical Instruments and sounds they produce

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and name some musical instruments found in their locality.
  2. Explain how they produce sounds.


  1. Definition and listing of musical instruments in the locality like:
    1. Udu, Ekwe, Agogo, Kalangu, Gangan, Kakaki, Nsak, Ifiom. Obodom, Duma etc.
  2. Production of sounds through hitting, shaking, beating, rubbing of instruments, blowing in the air, plucking, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines and lists some musical instruments in Nigeria.
  2. Explains to pupils how instruments produce sound.
  3. Guides the pupils to play the available musical instruments.
  4. Guides the pupils to imitate the sounds from the instruments.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s definition of musical instruments.
  2. List out some musical instruments in their locality, according to their sound production
  3. Play some available musical instruments.
  4. Produce and differentiate the sounds from the instruments played.

Teaching & Learning Material 

  1. Chalkboard/Magic/ Magnetic boards.
  2. Notebooks
  3. Pictorial materials showing the diagram of Nigerian musical instruments.
  4. Some Nigerian Musical instruments available in the locality.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name 3 musical instruments in the locality.
  2. Name 6 musical instruments in Nigeria.
  3. Give four ways of sound production of musical instruments.

Week 3

Topic: Foreign Musical Instruments

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and name some foreign musical instruments
  2. Explain how they produce sounds
  3. Explain the differences in the production of sounds.
  4. Play some foreign musical instruments.


  1. Definition of foreign musical. Instruments.
  2. Foreign Musical instruments like: Piano (Keyboard), recorder Saxophone, Guitar, kit drum etc.
  3. How to produce sounds from foreign instruments
  4. Playing of foreign musical instruments

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines and lists some foreign musical instruments.
  2. Explains how the instruments produce sound
  3. Guides the pupils to play some available musical instruments

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy down notes.
  2. List some foreign musical instruments they have seen or learnt about.
  3. Play some available foreign musical instruments.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/Magic/ Magnetic boards
  2. Notebooks
  3. Pictorials showing foreign musical instruments, some foreign musical instruments.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name four foreign musical instruments
  2. Give three ways of sound production by foreign musical instruments.
  3. Play one foreign musical instrument.

Week 4

Topic: Classification of Musical Instruments and Sounds

Performance objectives

  1. Classify Nigerian musical instruments.
  2. Classify foreign musical instruments.


  1. Classifications of musical instruments;
    • Aero phones
    • Chordophones
    • Idiophones
    • Membranophones

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Classifies Nigerian and foreign musical instruments giving at least two examples of each.
  2. Differentiate between local and foreign musical instruments.

Student’s Activities

  1. Copy down notes on the classes of musical instruments with the examples given.
  2. Listen to the differences as explained by the teacher and take notes.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalk/Magic boards notebooks, Pictorial materials showing pictures of both Nigerian and foreign musical instruments.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Give at least three classes of musical instruments with examples.
  2. Name at least two classes of foreign/ Nigerian musical instruments with an example from each.

Week 5

Topic: Definition of Drama and theatre

Performance objectives

  1. Define Theatre
  2. Define Drama
  3. Differentiate between drama and theatre.


  1. Definition of Drama.
  2. Definition of Theatre.
  3. Differences between
  4. Drama and Theatre.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines theatre and drama giving examples.
  2. Highlights differences between Theatre and Drama.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and copy the, definitions and differences between Theatre and Drama

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/Magic board
  2. Video recorded drama
  3. Pictures of a theatre setting.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define Drama
  2. Define Theatre
  3. Highlight two differences and similarities between Drama and Theatre.

Week 6

Topic: Some elements of Drama and Theatre

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and name elements of drama and theatre


  1. Elements of Drama: The script, the actors, the stage and the audience.
  2. Theatrical elements: The set, lights, costumes, sounds, make-ups etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Lists and explains elements of Drama.
  2. Lists and explains elements of theatre.
  3. Illustrates and shows the pupils examples of some available elements.
  4. Introduces an example of the script of a play which will be used for class work.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and copy notes
  2. Take notes of the pictorials shown.
  3. Get a copy of the specified script for reading at home and in class.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Textbooks, notebooks, chalk/magic boards, Pictorials and illustrations

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name two elements of drama.
  2. Name three elements of theatre.

Week 7

Topic: Definition of Dance.

Performance objectives

  1. Define dance
  2. Explain the distinguishing features of various traditional dances.
  3. Perform a dance for a particular occasion in the school.


  1. Definition of dance.
  2. Features of traditional dance.
  3. Dances for different occasions in Nigeria.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines dance.
  2. Leads the pupils to choreograph and perform a traditional dance.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations and take down notes. 
  2. Participate in a dance led and guided by the teacher

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard, magic board, VCD or DVD of traditional dances, Pictures of dancers

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define dance.
  2. Participate in the dance created for the class work.

Week 8

Topic: Features of Nigerian Traditional dances.

Performance objectives

  1. State some features of specific traditional dances in Nigeria.
  2. Identify traditional dances in Nigeria.


  1. Characteristics and features of traditional dance in Nigeria.
  2. Names of some traditional dances e.g. Atilogwu, Swange, Nyok, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains and writes on the chalk board features of traditional dances.
  2. Identifies and names traditional dances of some parts of Nigeria.
  3. Plays a video of a performance or video traditional dance for pupils to watch.
  4. Takes pupils to watch a live traditional dance performance.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations and takes down notes
  2. Note the differences between dances from different areas.
  3. Watch a live performance or video of a dance.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard, Magic board, Television, DVDs, VCDs etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the characteristics of traditional dances.
  2. List three similarities and differences between traditional dances.
  3. State three features noticed in the dance performance e.g.
  4. Costume, movements of the dancers, expression and so on.

Week 9

Topic: Basic movements in dance.

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of natural and basic movements in dance.
  2. State the meaning of time, space, effort and mood in dance.
  3. Respond to music using body movements.


  1. Meaning of natural and basic body movements.
  2. Meaning of time, space, mood and effort in dance.
  3. Responding to music using movements.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of natural and basic body movements.
  2. Guides and assists pupils to respond to music through body movements.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
  2. Listen and respond to music by moving their bodies.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboards, Magic boards, Textbooks, notebooks, CD or cassette players or Phones.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of natural movements.
  2. State meaning of time, space, mood and effort in dance.
  3. Demonstrate music through body movements.



Week 1

Topic:    Mode of Greeting

Performance objectives

  1. Identify how to greet in different parts of Nigeria.
  2. List when and occasions to greet.
  3. Identify the benefits of greeting.


  1. Greeting practices in Nigeria e.g. Handshake, Hugging, Bowing down, Verbal, Patting on the back, Kissing on the cheek, Genuflecting.
  2. Time and occasions to greet.
  3. Values derived from greeting e.g. Love, Unity, Togetherness, Peace, Respect, etc,

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains different ways of greeting among the tribes in Nigeria.
  2. Explains when and occasions to greet.
  3. Demonstrates some of the ways of greeting.
  4. Leads pupils to know the values associated with greeting.

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in class discussion.
  2. Practice the various ways of greeting in the class.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures and Charts showing mention four ways of various ways of greeting.

Week 2

Topic: Care of the Environment.

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of environment.
  2. Explain how to care for an environment.
  3. List materials for caring for an environment.
  4. Demonstrate how to take care of an environment.
  5. State benefits of caring for an environment.


  1. Meaning of Environment.
  2. How to care for an environment.
  3. Materials/Tools for environmental care.
  4. Practical care of an environment.
  5. Benefits of caring for an environment.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of environment.
  2. Displays materials for environmental care.
  3. Leads Pupils in practical care of the environment.
  4. Explains and leads pupils to see the benefits of taking care of an environment.

Student’s Activities

  1. Take note of the materials for taking care of an environment.
  2. Practice how to take care of an environment.
  3. Mention some benefits derived from taking care of an environment.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chart showing different forms 1 of environment, Brooms, Shovel, Rake, Knives Trash Bins, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List materials for caring for the environment.
  2. Demonstrate four ways of caring for an environment,
  3. Mention two benefits of caring for an environment.

Grade 4 – 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School. Elements of Design, Nigerian Art works – Schemeofwork

Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5


Week 1

Topic: Types of Drawings

Performance objectives

  1. Identify different types of drawings.
  2. Produce different types of drawing.


  1. Types of drawing e.g. Nature drawing, Still Life drawing, and Life drawing.
  2. Produce different types of drawing.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains different types of drawing:

i). Nature drawing,

ii) Still Life drawing,

iii). Life drawing.

  • Demonstrates different types of drawing.
  • Asks Pupils to draw Nature; Still life; Life drawing.

Student’s Activities

  1. State the types of drawing.
  2. Observe and select one of the types of drawing.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Paper, Pencils, Erasers, Crayons, Boards, Chalkboard Illustrative photographs, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  • Name five objects they can draw.
  • List three types of drawing.
  • Produce one still life drawing.

Week 2

Topic: Card Making and Decoration

Performance objectives

  1. List types and uses of Cards.
  2. List materials for making Cards.
  3. Make Cards for a particular ceremony.


  1. Types and uses of Cards.
  2. Materials for making/decorating Cards.
  3. Making and decorating Cards e.g. greeting cards, Invitation cards.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains types and uses of Cards.
  2. Displays materials for making and decorating Cards.
  3. Demonstrates how to make and decorate Cards.

Student’s Activities

  1. Examine materials for Card making.
  2. Name types and uses of Cards.
  3. Produce Cards for different occasions.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Different types of Cards, Sketch books, Crayons, Brushes, Pencils Paper, Cardboard sheets.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List types of Cards and their uses.
  2. Make one Card for a particular occasion

Week 3

Topic: introduction to weaving using paper

Performance objectives

  1. Define Weaving.
  2. Mention types of Weaving.
  3. Weave a mat with strips of paper using plain weave.


  1. Definition of weaving
  2. Types of weaving
    • Plain
    • Twill
    • Mat weaving

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines Weaving.
  2. Guides Pupils to discuss different types of weaving.
  3. Assists Pupils to weave paper mat using plain weave method

Student’s Activities

  1. Define weaving
  2. Explain types of weaving
  3. Weave a mat using paper strips

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Strips of paper, Photographs, Chalkboards, Illustrations, Charts, hands looms, Yarns.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of weaving.
  2. List two types of weaving.
  3. Weave paper mat using plain weave method.

Week 4

Topic: Mosaic      

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of mosaic
  2. List material tools used in making mosaic
  3. Make mosaic to reflect ills of hiv/aids, cultism


  1. Meaning of mosaic
  2. Materials for making mosaic
  3. Production of mosaic

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines and discuss the Mosaics.
  2. Displays and discusses materials used in Mosaic making.
  3. Demonstrates how to produce Mosaic.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation of mosaic.
  2. List materials used for Mosaic production.
  3. Produce a Mosaic reflecting a societal ill e.g. cultism.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Broken bottles, Buttons, Beads, Pencils, Card boards, Sheets, Boards, Glue, Scissors, Charts, Books, Old Calendar.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain Meaning of mosaic
  2. List 4 Materials for making mosaic
  3. Produce one mosaic item

Week 5

Topic: Calabash/Woo d Painting and Decoration.

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the uses of Calabash.
  2. List uses of carved or painted Wood.
  3. Paint a carved wood or calabash.


  1. Uses of Calabash.
  2. Uses of carved/painted Wood.
  3. Carved/Painted Wood or Calabash with design condemning child abuse.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains uses of Calabash.
  2. Explain how carved/painted Wood or Calabash can be used for decoration.
  3. Demonstrates how to carve/paint Calabash/Wood.

Student’s Activities

  1. List uses of Calabash.
  2. State how carved or painted Wood/Calabash can be used for decoration,
  3. Make their own painting.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Calabash, knives, colors, wood, pieces, chisel, mallet, brushes, paper, drawing books, etc

Evaluation Guide

  1. State three uses of Calabash.
  2. List two ways painted wood or calabash can be used for decoration.
  3. Paint or decorate wood or calabash reflecting ills of society e.g. child abuse.

Week 6

Topic: Nigerian Traditional Architecture.

Performance objectives

  1. Describe the nature of Nigerian architectural designs.
  2. List the tools/materials used for building traditional houses in Nigeria.


  1. Meaning of Nigerian traditional architecture.
  2. Forms of traditional architectural design e.g. mud house.
  3. Tools/materials for building traditional houses in Nigeria e.g. Mud, Thatch, Wood, Bamboo, Cane, Tarpaulin, Knife, Grass, Cutlass.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines and describes the nature of Nigerian traditional Architecture.
  2. Guides Pupils in describing various forms of Nigerian traditional Architecture
  3. Asks Pupils questions on tools production, traditional architecture.
  4. Shows examples of materials /tools used in traditional architecture.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s definition of traditional Architecture.
  2. Copy notes on Nigerian traditional architecture, tools and materials for building.
  3. Answer questions asked by the teacher on traditional architecture, tools and materials for building.
  4. Observe/touch the materials and tools.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Mud, Thatch, Wood, Bamboo, Cane, Trampoline, Knife, Grass, hoes, shovels, water, head pans, Cutlasses, drawings, photographs, Chalk Boards, drawing books, pencils, eraser, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define traditional architecture in Nigeria.
  2. List three tools and materials for building traditional houses in Nigeria.



Week 1

Topic:    Songs/ Music with Nigerian identity.

Performance objectives

  1. Identify some values relating to patriotism in a given song.         
  2. Compose lyrics with Nigeria as a theme.


  1. Songs that promote values like patriotism in Nigeria.
  2. Art of composing poetic lines/texts to be put to music.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains patriotism and its importance in society.
  2. Plays a given song with patriotism as a theme.
  3. Assists pupils to identify the values in the song through the lyrics.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  2. Listen as the song is played and copy notes.
  3. Write out words that can be used as a song as guided by the teacher.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Write out words that can be used as a song as guided by the teacher.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of patriotism
  2. List any two values.
  3. Write lyrics of a song portraying patriotism.

Week 2

Topic: Creating a play with

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of a given value.
  2. Create a play scenario based on the given theme.
  3. State the uses of drama in teaching values.


  1. Meaning and importance of Honesty, integrity, Right attitude to work, etc.
  2. Uses of drama in teaching values.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the given values.
  2. Explains the importance of values
  3. Guides pupils to create a play scenario for performance.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation of the given values.
  2. Participate in the play creation process.
  3. Participate in the play performance.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Textbook, notebooks, chalkboard or magic board

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain any two mentioned values.
  2. State two uses of drama in teaching values.
  3. Create and present a play sketch based on a given value or values.

Week 3

Topic: Creating Music with Sulfa Notation

  1. Performance objectives
  2. Write values of sulfa names.      
  3. Set words to sulfa notation
  4. Clap rhythm of the phrase set to music
  5. Play the notes on an instrument.


  1. Music values Rhythm
  2. Sulfa names on a chart Creating music

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains what sulfa values mean
  2. Assists the pupils to compose text.
  3. Guides the pupils to clap to rhythm
  4. Plays a phrase for the pupils to learn

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation on sulfa values.
  2. Compose text to a popular tune
  3. Clap a rhythm
  4. Listen to the teacher’s piano playing and imitating the teacher

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Manuscript,
    • Chalk board,
    • Pencil,
    • Eraser
    • Ruler
    • Piano
    • Notebook

Evaluation Guide

  1. Complete the following in complete phrase e.g. s /d: s: d: m / s: – :- :
  2. Compose a simple text to music
  3. Clap rhythm
  4. Play a phrase on the piano

Week 4

Topic: Music Notes and their values

Performance objectives

  1. Explain music notes
  2. Give examples of music notes
  3. Write the value of music notes
  4. Clap the rhythms of the music notes


  1. Music notes
  2. Names of music notes e.g.
    • Semibreve (.)
    • Quaver (.)
    • Semiquaver (.) etc.
  3. Values of Music notes e.g.
    • Semibreve has 4 beats
    • Minim has 2 beats etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains music notes e.g.
    1. They are symbols drawn in the staff indicating the sound duration of the music notes
  2. Lists music notes and explains the differences between them.
  3. Explains the values of the music notes
  4. Values of Music notes e.g.
    • Semibreve has 4 beats
    • Minim has 2 beats etc

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
  2. Clap the rhythmic pattern of the music note assisted by the teacher.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Chalk boards, Magic boards.
  • Music manuscripts Pencils
  • Erasers, Rulers
  • Pianos

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain music notes
  2. Give four examples of music notes.
  3. Mention the values of music notes.
  4. Clap the rhythms of 4 crotchets;
    • 2 minims and
    • 2 semibreves.

Week 5

Topic:          Dance Motifs

Performance objectives

  1. Explain motifs in dance.
  2. State how they can be
  3. Applied to the study and practice of dance.
  4. State the importance of dance motifs.


  1. Motifs in dance.
  2. Application of motifs in dance.
  3. The importance of motifs in dance.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of motifs and how they can be used in dance.
  2. Explains the importance of motifs in dance.
  3. Gives examples of dance motifs like joy, sadness, excitement, love, God and so on.
  4. Demonstrates an example of body movements that portrays a given emotion.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.
  2. Observes teacher’s demonstration and demonstrate alongside with teacher.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. CD or cassette player, VCD/DVDs, Television sets, Phones.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the importance of motifs in dance.
  2. List four motifs that can be used in dance
  3. Display two dance movements with two different motifs.

Week 6

Topic: Components of dance

Performance objectives

  1. Mention some components of dance;
  2. Explain some components of dance.


  1. Components of dance: Movement, Time, Space etc, expression, costume make-up and music.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. States and explains components of dance.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Textbook, Note books, Chalkboard/Magic boards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List two components of dance.

Week 7

Topic: Techniques in dance.

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the use of warm- up exercises
  2. Explain techniques in dance.
  3. Display techniques in dance


  1. Basic techniques in dance.
  2. Basic warm-up exercises for dance

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Leads pupils in a warm-up exercise session explaining its importance.
  2. Enumerates and explains techniques in dance.
  3. Assists pupils to learn certain techniques using movements

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in warm-up exercises.
  2. Listen to teacher’s explanation.
  3. Learn and display some techniques

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Textbook, Note books, CDs or cassette players, music, phones.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Display two warm-up movements.
  2. Name 2 dance techniques.
  3. Display two techniques

Week 8

Topic: Acting

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of acting.
  2. Explain who an actor is.
  3. Mention 5 popular actors.


  1. Meaning of acting:
  2. Definition of an actor?
  3. Names of popular actors in Nigeria.

Teacher’s Activities                  

  1. Defines acting.
  2. Leads pupils to understand who an actor is.
  3. Leads pupils to mention names of popular actors in Nigeria.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation on acting.
  2. Give names of two popular actors or actresses they have watched in the movies especially in Nigerian movies.
  3. Give two names of foreign actors in movies they have watched.
  4. Describe the role or roles they would love to emulate.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalk board/magic boards, Textbooks, Notebooks; VCDs; DVDs; Television.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of acting;
  2. List two names of favorite Nigerian actors and two foreign actors.

Week 9

Topic: impersonation

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of impersonation.
  2. Explain the difference between impersonation and acting.


  1. Meaning of impersonation
  2. The differences between acting and impersonation

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Define impersonation
  2. Explains the differences between acting and impersonation giving examples

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s definition of impersonation and notes the differences between acting and impersonation

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Textbooks, Notebooks, Chalk of board/magic boards.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of impersonation.
  2. Give an example of impersonation.

Week 10

Topic: Role play

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of role play.
  2. Mention the functions of role play
  3. Identify occasions when role play can be used.
  4. State the differences between role play and acting.


  1. Meaning of role play:
  2. Functions of role play.
  3. When to use role play.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines role play.
  2. Lists functions of role play.
  3. Mentions when role play can be used.
  4. Explains differences between role play and acting e.g. anyone can undertake role play without necessarily having acting skills like the teacher, school counsellor etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation of the meaning and purpose of role play and copy notes.
  2. Try out different roles with the guidance of the teacher like doctor, pastor, imam, for Specific purposes.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalk board/magic/ magnetic boards, textbooks, note books, Pictures or illustrations of different people and professions.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of role play.
  2. Mention one difference between acting and role play.
  3. State any three occasions for the use of role play.
  4. Play out any one of the roles.

Week 11


Performance objectives

  1. Explain how to develop their parts in a play they are acting.
  2. Mention basic tools of an actor.
  3. Perform body and voice exercises.


  1. Developing a character in a play
  2. Basic tool of an actor: body and voice
  3. Body and voice exercise

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explain the meaning and importance of development as an actor
  2. State the basic tools of an actor and lead pupil to start body and voice training

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and copy notes
  2. Discuss with the teacher how characters can be developed
  3. Participate in body and voice exercise to improve the flexibility of the body and audibility of the voice

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/magic boards, textbooks, note books.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention 3 ways of developing a Character.
  2. Mention two basic tools of the actor.
  3. Name two uses of body and voice exercises.

Grade 5 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5. Types of drawings, decorating Card, apprenticeship system – Schemeofwork 


Week 1

Topic:    Meaning and Objectives of Traditional Apprenticeship System.

Performance objectives

  1. Define apprentice- ship system.
  2. List the objectives of apprenticeship system.
  3. List some trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.


  1. Meaning of apprenticeship system
  2. Objective of apprenticeship system.
  3. Trades where apprenticeship system is practiced e.g. Blacksmith, Carpentry, Tailoring, Jewelry making, Mechanics, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of apprenticeship system.
  2. Leads the Pupils to understand the objectives of apprenticeship system.
  3. Leads the Pupils to mention trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations.
  2. Suggest possible trades where apprenticeship system could be practiced.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Different Master Craftsmen and Apprentices.
  2. Motor Mechanic workshop.
  3. Tailoring workshop
  4. Jewelers shop. Etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define Apprenticeship system.
  2. List three objectives of apprenticeship system.
  3. Mention three trades where apprenticeship system is practiced.

Week 2

Topic: Types and Importance of Apprenticeship system.

Performance objectives

  1. List types of apprenticeship system.
  2. Enumerate the importance of apprenticeship system.
  3. List some right attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.


  1. Types of apprenticeship system e.g. Father /son, Mother/daughter, Master Craftsman /Apprentice, Master Trader/Apprentice.
  2. Importance of Apprenticeship system e.g. acquisition of skill, acquisition of values.
  3. Attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the types of apprenticeship system.
  2. Leads the Pupils to understand the importance of apprenticeship system.
  3. Explains the attitudes acquired through apprenticeship system.

Student’s Activities

  1. States the meaning and types of apprenticeship system.
  2. Mention some importance of apprenticeship system.
  3. State certain values acquired in apprenticeship system.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts showing different Craftsmen and their apprentices, Motor Mechanic workshop, Tailoring workshop, Bakery.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List four types of apprenticeship system.
  2. Mention two importance of apprenticeship system.
  3. Mention two values acquired from apprenticeship system.

Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 6


Week 1

Topic:    Introduction to life Drawing

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of life Drawing.
  2. Draw a full human figure.
  3. Identify different parts of the body.


  1. Meaning of Life Drawing.
  2. Parts of the body e.g. head, hand, leg, etc.
  3. Figure Drawing.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of Life Drawing.
  2. Guides Pupils to name parts of the body.
  3. Assists Pupils to draw models.
  4. Visits galleries with pupils to see Art works

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations.
  2. Name parts of the body.
  3. Draw the model (person) chosen.
  4. Display finished works.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Human model, drawing papers, pencils, erasers, artist donkeys (seat for the artist), drawing boards, charts, calendars.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Plain the meaning of life drawing.
  2. Name parts of the body.
  3. Draw a living human figure.

Week 2

Topic: Imaginative and Creative Drawing.

Performance objectives

  1. Define imaginative drawing.
  2. Draw from imagination.


  1. Imaginative and creative drawing.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Defines imaginative drawing.
  2. Guides Pupils to draw from memory e.g. rainy day.

Student’s Activities

  1. Defines imaginative drawing.
  2. Create and draw from memory.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pencil, drawing book, colored pencils, eraser.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Define imaginative drawing.
  2. Draw a rainy day from imagination.

Week 3

Topic: Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods.

Performance objectives

  1. Explain Fabric decoration.
  2. Mention methods of decorating Fabrics by tie and dye.
  3. List materials for tie and dye.
  4. Produce tie and dye Fabrics.


  1. Fabrics decoration.
  2. Methods of making tie and dye.
  3. Materials for making tie and dye.
  4. Making tie and dye Fabrics.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of tie and dye.
  2. Explains different tie and dye methods.
  3. Demonstrates how to
  4. Produce tie and dye Fabrics.
  5. Assigns Pupils into groups to produce tie and dye Fabrics.

Student’s Activities

  1. Discuss methods of tie and dye with teacher and ask questions.
  2. Produce tie and dye Fabrics.
  3. Display the finished works.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Cotton fabric (calico), dye stuffs, chemicals, dye bath, ropes, gloves, pegs, wooden sticks, water. Strings for tying.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of tie and dye.
  2. List methods of tie and dye.
  3. Produce Tie and dye Fabrics using tie and dye methods.
  4. Display finished work.

Grade 6 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts – CCA Curriculum for Primary 6. Life Drawing, tie and dye, Casting and rehearsals – Schemeofwork


Week 1

Topic:    Rhythmic Pattern

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of rhythm
  2. Mention the types of rhythm
  3. Clap simple patterns of rhythm.


  1. Meaning of rhythm
  2. Types of rhythm
    • Simple and
    • compound rhythms
  3. Clapping of rhythms
    • Rhythm in twos 2/4
    • Rhythm in threes 3/4
    • Rhythm in fours 4/4 etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains rhythmic movement of any piece of music in time
  2. Lists the different types of rhythmic patterns;
    • Simple rhythm
    • compound rhythms
  3. Writes out some rhythms for the pupils to clap to: – 2/ 2…….|…….|……..| – 4 4

………….|………………….| – 6 6…../………….||

Student’s Activities

  1. Explain rhythm.
  2. Mention types of rhythmic patterns
  3. Clap given rhythms

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Table
    • chalk chalkboard/magic boards
    • Rulers
    • Manuscripts
    • Pencils

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain rhythms
  2. Identify a particular rhythms in a given music e.g. d.d.
  3. Clap the following rhythm:

i). rhythm in twos

ii). rhythm in three

Week 2

Topic: Choral Singing

Performance objectives

  1. State the meaning of Choi singing
  2. List different types of singing
  3. Identify the melody in singing.
  4. Practice and perform
    • Solo song;
    • Duet; etc.
  5. Practice and perform a choral piece


  1. Meaning of choir: A group of people singing together in different parts.
  2. Parts of a choir: Treble (Soprano) Alto, Tenor, Bass
  3. Types of singing: Solo, Duet, Trio Quartet, etc
  4. Melodic parts in a four part singing

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. States the meaning of a choir:
  2. Identifies and explains the 4 parts in a choir-
  3. Lists and explains types of singing
  4. Guides pupils to sing solos, duets.
  5. Guides the pupils in singing in 4 parts.

Student’s Activities

  1. State the meaning of Choir.
  2. Mention the melodic parts in a choir
  3. List types of singing
  4. Perform songs in solos, duets etc.
  5. Organize a choral performance.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Piano/recorder Chalkboard/magic boards. Manuscripts
    • Rulers
    • Pencils
    • Pens

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of choir
  2. List 4 parts in a choir
  3. Mention 3 types of singing
  4. Identify melody pattern in a given song.
  5. Perform a duet

Week 3

Topic: Theatrical elements and personnel

Performance objectives

  1. Identify elements of a play production;
  2. Mention the various people involved in a play production.


  1. Theatrical elements: Script
    • Stage Audience Set
    • Light Costume
  2. People involved in play production.
    • Playwright
    • Director Actor Designers
    • Stage manager Business manager

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Mentions and explains the various elements for the pupils to take notes.
  2. Lists the various personnel involved in a theatre production and the roles they play.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation and take down notes
  2. Take notes of the people involved in a production and ask questions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalk board/magic/ magnetic boards, textbooks, note books, Pictures or illustrations of different people and professions.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List three element of the theatre
  2. List five people in the theater
  3. Mention their roles

Week 4

Topic: Casting and rehearsal

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the process of casting
  2. State the meaning of rehearsal
  3. Identify personnel responsible for casting an rehearsing a play
  4. Rehearse a drama sketch using the personnel learnt and their roles.


  1. Meaning of Casting and rehearsals.
  2. Personnel’s involved in casting and rehearsals.
  3. Drama rehearsal.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of casting and rehearsal.
  2. Leads the pupils to construct a drama sketch based on any emerging issue (e.g. respect for elders).
  3. Takes the role of the director and casts the play allotting the other roles to pupils like actors, actresses, stage manager etc.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the teacher and take down notes
  2. Participate in the process of rehearsal for the production of the play on any given value.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/magic board, script or a written scenario for an improvised drama.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of casting and rehearsal.
  2. Identify the person responsible for casting and rehearsing a play and explain his/her duties
  3. Play a part in the preparation and production of the play.

Week 5

Topic: Introduction to play production

Performance objectives

  1. State what play production is?


  1. Meaning of Play production:


Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of play production.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and copy out the meaning of play production in their notebooks.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/magic board, text book, notebooks.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of play production.
  2. Mention 2 aspects of play production

Week 6

Topic: Forms of dance.

Performance objectives

  1. State the forms of dance.
  2. Demonstrate one form of dance.


  1. Traditional: Dance portraying a particular culture and entrenched in the culture and traditions of the people.
  2. Contemporary/Modern: An individualistic dance that encourages the art of choreography and creativity.
  3. Ballet: A theatre dance with its roots in Italy. Dance performed and enjoyed by the upper class.
  4. Demonstrating forms of dance.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Mentions and explains the forms of dance for pupils to copy notes.       
  2. Guides the pupils to perform different forms of dance.                                

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanations and copy into their notebooks.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Chalkboard/magic boards, text books, note books, pictures of dancers engaging in the three forms of dance. DVDs or VCDs, Television sets.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List three forms of dance.
  2. Mention two differences noticed in each.
  3. Demonstrate one form of dance.


Week 1

Topic:    Care of Tools and Equipment used in Arts; Performing Arts and Entertainment.

Performance objectives

  1. Identify materials used in the care of Tools/Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
  2. Identify methods of caring for the Tools /Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.


  1. Materials used in the care of Tools/ Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.
  2. Care of Tools/ Equipment in Arts, Performing Arts and Entertainment.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the uses of each material in the care of Tools and Equipment.
  2. Displays materials used in the care.
  3. Guides the Pupils to understand the methods used in caring for Tools and Equipment.
  4. Demonstrates how to care for tools and equipment.

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe the displayed materials.
  2. Explain how to care for a particular Tool/Equipment.
  3. Practice how to care for a particular Tool/Equipment.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Duster, Mops, Cleaning Agents, Brushes, Polishes, Water, Apron, Napkins, Sponges, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List materials used for caring for Tools/Equipment.
  2. Care for a given Tool or Equipment.

Week 2

Topic:          Recycling.

Performance objectives

  1. Explain the meaning of Recycling.
  2. Mention the importance of Recycling.
  3. Name some materials to be recycled.
  4. Produce recycled articles.


  1. Meaning of Recycling
  2. Importance of Recycling e.g. saving money, preserving the environment, Avoid waste, Develop new products.
  3. Materials to be recycled e.g. Plastic, Paper, and Old clothing articles.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains the meaning of Recycling.
  2. Leads the Pupils to understand the importance of Recycling.
  3. Displays materials to be recycled.
  4. Displays recycled products.
  5. Demonstrates how to recycle a named material.

Student’s Activities

  1. State the meaning of Recycling.
  2. Explain the importance of recycling.
  3. Observe the materials to be recycled and products got from them.
  4. Recycle a named material.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Paper, Pictures, Old Clothing, Glue, Mosaics, Toys from paper Mache, Scissors, etc.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Mention two importance of Recycling.
  2. Recycle a named material.


Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 4

Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5

Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 6

CCA: Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Lower Primary 1 – 3

Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary School

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