Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1

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Cultural and Creative Arts Currriculum

Year 1 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1. functional Arts, Crafts in the home,traditional rhymes – 

Table of Contents
THEME: ARTS AND CRAFTTopic: functional Arts.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Meaning of CraftTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Types of Crafts   ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic: Drawing of different craft items      ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME: PERFORMING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTHEME 3: CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONSContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning MaterialEvaluation GuideTopic:  Body Make – upContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudent’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Introduction to Craft MakingContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Designing Patterns of Basic Shapes.ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideTopic: Paper Craft Making and Decorations        ContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation GuideContentsTeacher’s Activities        Student’s ActivitiesTeaching & Learning Material  Evaluation Guide


Week 1

Topic: Introduction to Arts

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to: explain what Arts is


  1. Meaning of Arts

Teacher’s Activities       

  1. Explain what Arts is with visual aids.

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention the meaning of Arts.

Teaching & Learning Material   

  1. Pictures, Real Arts, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing Books

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain meaning of Arts.

Week 2

Topic: functional Arts.

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to: 

  1. Identify types of functional Art works in the home.
  2. Draw diagrams of functional Art works in the home.


  1. The meaning of functional Arts.
  2. Types of functional Art works:

i).            Woven items, e.g. mats, baskets, fans, clothing, etc.

ii).           Carvings, e.g. carved objects.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explain what functional Art is.
  2. Show illustrations of functional Art works.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify different types of functional Art works.
  2. Draw diagrams of functional Art works in the home.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures, Real Arts, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing Books

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Identify functional Art works used in the home.
  2. Illustrate a functional Art work.
  3. Apply one color to the object drawn.

Week 3

Topic: Meaning of Craft

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able:

  1. Define Craft.
  2. identify Craft works


  1. Definition of Craft

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Defines what Craft is.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen attentively to teacher’s explanation

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts, real objects, drawing book, pencil, crayon.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Explain what craft is.

Week 4

Topic: Types of Crafts   

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Name different Craft works. .
  2. Identify different Crafts in the home.
  3. Produce a colored diagram of a Craft item.


  1. Types of Crafts:
  2. Embroidery:
    • Table cloth
    • Hand kerchief
    • Small purse.
  3. Crafts in the home:
    • wall hanging
    • Simple objects.
  4. Drawing of crafts items:

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explain types of crafts.                 
  2. Shows real and illustrated craft work.
  3. Groups pupils to produce a colored drawing.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify different crafts.
  2. Mention crafts used in the home.
  3. Draw and color a craft works.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Pictures, real craft items, pencils, crayons, drawing books

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to;

  1. Name two types of crafts
  2. Identify three different crafts in the home.
  3. Draw and paint a craft

Week 5

Topic: Drawing of different craft items      

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different craft items.
  2. draw different craft items


  1. Examples of craft items:

i). Beads

ii).           Local Mats

iii).          Local clay pots

iv). Woven Cloths e.g.

  • “Aso-Oke ”,
    • “Akwete cloth:”
    • “Saki cloth”
    • “Parmala cloth”

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Shows illustrations of craft items
  2. Groups pupils to draw different craft items.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify different craft items.
  2. Draw different craft items.
  3. Apply color to their drawings

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pictures and real craft items, pencil, crayons drawing books and ruler.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. identify two craft items in the home
  2. Illustrate one craft items.
  3. Apply colors to their drawing.

Year 1 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1. functional Arts, Crafts in the home,traditional rhymes –


Week 1


Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. recite some traditional rhymes;
  2. Identify the lyrics of a given rhyme.


  1. Children’s rhymes

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains what rhymes are;
  2. Finds out from the pupils the rhymes they are familiar with;
  3. Plays recorded rhyme recitation;
  4. Displays written rhymes on cardboard sheets;
  5. Encourages individual and group recitation of rhymes.

Student’s Activities

  1. Recite the traditional rhymes they already know;
  2. Listen to the recorded traditional rhymes;
  3. Identify rhymes in their language;
  4. Copy the written rhymes in their notebooks;
  5. Practice reciting the rhymes;
  6. Recite rhymes in groups

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Tape recorder and player; C.D players
  2. Phones for recording; Cardboard papers Notebooks;
  3. Pencils and cleaners.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Recite one children’s rhymes.
  2. Identify the lyrics of a given rhyme.



Week 1

Topic: Ceremonies

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. identify the different types of ceremonies;
  2. give example of each type of ceremonies;
  3. mention important values derived from some of the ceremonies;
  4. identify materials associated with ceremonies


  1. Types of ceremonies: Traditional, Religious carnivals and National.
  2. Examples of Ceremonies;
    • Traditional- naming, marriage, fishing, durbar, etc.
    • Religious – Christmas, Sallah.
    • National – National Arts and Culture Festival,
    • Carnivals, e.g. Abuja, Calabar.
  3. Important values derived from ceremonies
  4. Materials associated with ceremonies, e.g. Animals, Food, and Clothing.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the different types of Ceremonies.
  2. Leads pupils to mention the examples of ceremonies
  3. Explains the important values like unity, honesty, loyalty, derived from the ceremonies.
  4. Guides the pupils to mention things associated with ceremonies.

Student’s Activities

  1. Suggest types of Ceremonies.
  2. Give examples of Ceremonies.
  3. Suggest benefits derived from ceremonies.
  4. Mention materials associated with specific ceremonies.

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Pictures of Ceremonial events, Ceremonial food types, Clothing and costumes, Picture of animals, books, video films.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. List the major types of Ceremonies.
  2. List two Ceremonies in their locality.
  3. Mention two items associated with specific Ceremonies.

Week 2

Topic:  Body Make – up

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Mention parts of the body.
  2. Identify make – up used on different parts of the body, e.g. face, hands and legs.
  3. beautifying parts


  1. Parts of the Body to be beautified.
  2. Body make-ups
  3. Local make – up materials for beautifying different parts of the body.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Mentions parts of the body to be beautified.
  2. Displays materials for making – up.
  3. Guides the pupils into beautifying different parts of the body.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to teacher’s explanation on traditional local make – up materials.
  2. Describe familiar local make – up materials.
  3. Apply make-up to different parts of the body.

Teaching & Learning Material  

Pictures of persons wearing traditional make – up materials e.g. „‟tiro‟‟, „‟tangele‟‟, camwood, „‟ndon‟‟ or Nzu (white chalk), „‟kaya and kwaliya‟‟, „‟Gazar

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Identify three parts of the body where make-up is applied.
  2. Identify two materials for body make – up.
  3. Apply a local make-up to any part of the body.

Week 3

Topic: Introduction to Craft Making

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify more types of Craft.
  2. Identify materials for craft making.


  1. Other types of craft:
    1. paper craft
    2. fabric craft
    3. woven craft
  2. Materials for craft making:
    • paper
    • fabric
    • wood
    • scissors
    • knife

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains further what crafts are.
  2. Explains other types of crafts.
  3. Displays some materials for craft making.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen to the explanation
  2. Identity types of crafts
  3. Observe displayed materials for crafts making

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Paper, Glue, Scissors, Colored Pencils, Fabric Scraps, Pieces of Wood, etc.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. State the meaning of crafts.
  2. Identify 3 types of crafts.
  3. identify some materials for making crafts

Week 4

Topic: Designing Patterns of Basic Shapes.

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Design simple patterns using basic shapes.
  2. Draw basic shapes e.g. Circles.
  3. Make patterns using different shapes.


  1. Designing patterns using basic shapes.
  2. Drawing basic shapes.
  3. Making patterns using basic shapes.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Lists and explains basic shapes.
  2. Explains what patterns are
  3. Demonstrates how to make patterns.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and draw different basic shapes.
  2. Make simple patterns using basic shapes

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Diagrams of Basic shapes, Pencils, Colors Pencils, Eraser, Drawing books.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Make one design using basic shapes.
  2. Produce 3 patterns using different shapes.

Week 5

Topic: Paper Craft Making and Decorations        

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify crafts made from paper.
  2. State uses of paper craft.
  3. draw basic shapes of paper craft,
  4. Make paper crafts.


  1. Types of paper craft:

i). Kite

ii).           Fan

iii).          Aero plane

  • Uses of paper crafts.
  • Designing paper crafts
  • Making paper crafts

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Displays different paper crafts.
  2. Explains the uses of paper crafts.
  3. Illustrates basic shapes of paper crafts.
  4. Demonstrates how to make basic paper crafts.

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify paper crafts.
  2. Observe illustrations of basic shapes for paper craft works.
  3. Observe how to make paper crafts by folding, gluing, etc.
  4. Produce a basic paper craft item

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Paper, Paper Gum, Glue, threads, Pencils, Scissors or Razor Blade, etc.

Evaluation Guide

Pupils to:

  1. Identify crafts
  2. State uses of paper crafts.
  3. Make paper crafts for play or decoration

Week 6

Topic: Pattern Making using Motifs and Colors.

Performance objectives

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Create simple motifs.
  2. Apply Color to Patterns.


  1. Drawing of different Motifs.
  2. Arranging Motifs to make simple repeat patterns.
  3. Coloring Patterns

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Explains What Motifs are.
  2. Draws different types of Motifs.
  3. Illustrates how to make simple repeat patterns.

Student’s Activities

  1. Listen and observe the drawing of different types of Motifs.     
  2. Draw simple motifs.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Diagrams of different types of Motifs, Pencils, Colors, Eraser, Drawing Books.

Evaluation Guide

  1. Draw their own motifs.
  2. Produce simple pattern using Motifs.
  3. apply colors to the patterns


Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1

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