Year 1 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1. functional Arts, Crafts in the home,traditional rhymes –
Week 1
Topic: Introduction to Arts
Performance objectives
- Pupils should be able to: explain what Arts is
- Meaning of Arts
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain what Arts is with visual aids.
Student’s Activities
- Mention the meaning of Arts.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures, Real Arts, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing Books
Evaluation Guide
- Explain meaning of Arts.
Week 2
Topic: functional Arts.
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Identify types of functional Art works in the home.
- Draw diagrams of functional Art works in the home.
- The meaning of functional Arts.
- Types of functional Art works:
i). Woven items, e.g. mats, baskets, fans, clothing, etc.
ii). Carvings, e.g. carved objects.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain what functional Art is.
- Show illustrations of functional Art works.
Student’s Activities
- Identify different types of functional Art works.
- Draw diagrams of functional Art works in the home.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures, Real Arts, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing Books
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Identify functional Art works used in the home.
- Illustrate a functional Art work.
- Apply one color to the object drawn.
Week 3
Topic: Meaning of Craft
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able:
- Define Craft.
- identify Craft works
- Definition of Craft
Teacher’s Activities
- Defines what Craft is.
Student’s Activities
- Listen attentively to teacher’s explanation
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts, real objects, drawing book, pencil, crayon.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Explain what craft is.
Week 4
Topic: Types of Crafts
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Name different Craft works. .
- Identify different Crafts in the home.
- Produce a colored diagram of a Craft item.
- Types of Crafts:
- Embroidery:
- Table cloth
- Hand kerchief
- Small purse.
- Crafts in the home:
- wall hanging
- Simple objects.
- Drawing of crafts items:
Teacher’s Activities
- Explain types of crafts.
- Shows real and illustrated craft work.
- Groups pupils to produce a colored drawing.
Student’s Activities
- Identify different crafts.
- Mention crafts used in the home.
- Draw and color a craft works.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures, real craft items, pencils, crayons, drawing books
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to;
- Name two types of crafts
- Identify three different crafts in the home.
- Draw and paint a craft
Week 5
Topic: Drawing of different craft items
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Identify different craft items.
- draw different craft items
- Examples of craft items:
i). Beads
ii). Local Mats
iii). Local clay pots
iv). Woven Cloths e.g.
- “Aso-Oke ”,
- “Akwete cloth:”
- “Saki cloth”
- “Parmala cloth”
Teacher’s Activities
- Shows illustrations of craft items
- Groups pupils to draw different craft items.
Student’s Activities
- Identify different craft items.
- Draw different craft items.
- Apply color to their drawings
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures and real craft items, pencil, crayons drawing books and ruler.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- identify two craft items in the home
- Illustrate one craft items.
- Apply colors to their drawing.
Year 1 NERDC Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1. functional Arts, Crafts in the home,traditional rhymes –
Week 1
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- recite some traditional rhymes;
- Identify the lyrics of a given rhyme.
- Children’s rhymes
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains what rhymes are;
- Finds out from the pupils the rhymes they are familiar with;
- Plays recorded rhyme recitation;
- Displays written rhymes on cardboard sheets;
- Encourages individual and group recitation of rhymes.
Student’s Activities
- Recite the traditional rhymes they already know;
- Listen to the recorded traditional rhymes;
- Identify rhymes in their language;
- Copy the written rhymes in their notebooks;
- Practice reciting the rhymes;
- Recite rhymes in groups
Teaching & Learning Material
- Tape recorder and player; C.D players
- Phones for recording; Cardboard papers Notebooks;
- Pencils and cleaners.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Recite one children’s rhymes.
- Identify the lyrics of a given rhyme.
Week 1
Topic: Ceremonies
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- identify the different types of ceremonies;
- give example of each type of ceremonies;
- mention important values derived from some of the ceremonies;
- identify materials associated with ceremonies
- Types of ceremonies: Traditional, Religious carnivals and National.
- Examples of Ceremonies;
- Traditional- naming, marriage, fishing, durbar, etc.
- Religious – Christmas, Sallah.
- National – National Arts and Culture Festival,
- Carnivals, e.g. Abuja, Calabar.
- Important values derived from ceremonies
- Materials associated with ceremonies, e.g. Animals, Food, and Clothing.
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the different types of Ceremonies.
- Leads pupils to mention the examples of ceremonies
- Explains the important values like unity, honesty, loyalty, derived from the ceremonies.
- Guides the pupils to mention things associated with ceremonies.
Student’s Activities
- Suggest types of Ceremonies.
- Give examples of Ceremonies.
- Suggest benefits derived from ceremonies.
- Mention materials associated with specific ceremonies.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of Ceremonial events, Ceremonial food types, Clothing and costumes, Picture of animals, books, video films.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- List the major types of Ceremonies.
- List two Ceremonies in their locality.
- Mention two items associated with specific Ceremonies.
Week 2
Topic: Body Make – up
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Mention parts of the body.
- Identify make – up used on different parts of the body, e.g. face, hands and legs.
- beautifying parts
- Parts of the Body to be beautified.
- Body make-ups
- Local make – up materials for beautifying different parts of the body.
Teacher’s Activities
- Mentions parts of the body to be beautified.
- Displays materials for making – up.
- Guides the pupils into beautifying different parts of the body.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to teacher’s explanation on traditional local make – up materials.
- Describe familiar local make – up materials.
- Apply make-up to different parts of the body.
Teaching & Learning Material
Pictures of persons wearing traditional make – up materials e.g. „‟tiro‟‟, „‟tangele‟‟, camwood, „‟ndon‟‟ or Nzu (white chalk), „‟kaya and kwaliya‟‟, „‟Gazar
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Identify three parts of the body where make-up is applied.
- Identify two materials for body make – up.
- Apply a local make-up to any part of the body.
Week 3
Topic: Introduction to Craft Making
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Identify more types of Craft.
- Identify materials for craft making.
- Other types of craft:
- paper craft
- fabric craft
- woven craft
- Materials for craft making:
- paper
- fabric
- wood
- scissors
- knife
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains further what crafts are.
- Explains other types of crafts.
- Displays some materials for craft making.
Student’s Activities
- Listen to the explanation
- Identity types of crafts
- Observe displayed materials for crafts making
Teaching & Learning Material
- Paper, Glue, Scissors, Colored Pencils, Fabric Scraps, Pieces of Wood, etc.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- State the meaning of crafts.
- Identify 3 types of crafts.
- identify some materials for making crafts
Week 4
Topic: Designing Patterns of Basic Shapes.
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Design simple patterns using basic shapes.
- Draw basic shapes e.g. Circles.
- Make patterns using different shapes.
- Designing patterns using basic shapes.
- Drawing basic shapes.
- Making patterns using basic shapes.
Teacher’s Activities
- Lists and explains basic shapes.
- Explains what patterns are
- Demonstrates how to make patterns.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and draw different basic shapes.
- Make simple patterns using basic shapes
Teaching & Learning Material
- Diagrams of Basic shapes, Pencils, Colors Pencils, Eraser, Drawing books.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Make one design using basic shapes.
- Produce 3 patterns using different shapes.
Week 5
Topic: Paper Craft Making and Decorations
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Identify crafts made from paper.
- State uses of paper craft.
- draw basic shapes of paper craft,
- Make paper crafts.
- Types of paper craft:
i). Kite
ii). Fan
iii). Aero plane
- Uses of paper crafts.
- Designing paper crafts
- Making paper crafts
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays different paper crafts.
- Explains the uses of paper crafts.
- Illustrates basic shapes of paper crafts.
- Demonstrates how to make basic paper crafts.
Student’s Activities
- Identify paper crafts.
- Observe illustrations of basic shapes for paper craft works.
- Observe how to make paper crafts by folding, gluing, etc.
- Produce a basic paper craft item
Teaching & Learning Material
- Paper, Paper Gum, Glue, threads, Pencils, Scissors or Razor Blade, etc.
Evaluation Guide
Pupils to:
- Identify crafts
- State uses of paper crafts.
- Make paper crafts for play or decoration
Week 6
Topic: Pattern Making using Motifs and Colors.
Performance objectives
Pupils should be able to:
- Create simple motifs.
- Apply Color to Patterns.
- Drawing of different Motifs.
- Arranging Motifs to make simple repeat patterns.
- Coloring Patterns
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains What Motifs are.
- Draws different types of Motifs.
- Illustrates how to make simple repeat patterns.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and observe the drawing of different types of Motifs.
- Draw simple motifs.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Diagrams of different types of Motifs, Pencils, Colors, Eraser, Drawing Books.
Evaluation Guide
- Draw their own motifs.
- Produce simple pattern using Motifs.
- apply colors to the patterns
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 1
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 2
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 3
Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 4
Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Primary 5
Cultural and Creative Arts CCA Curriculum for Primary 6
CCA: Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Lower Primary 1 – 3
CCA: Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 – 6