Education Resource Centre Teaching Syllabus. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS2 –
1 | CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT(CPU) -Arithmetic and logic unit and control unit -Function of ALU and Control unit | -Teacher leads students to list CPU components e.g. ALU, Control unit, etc. -States functions of ALU and control unit e.g. explains ALU-accept and executes any arithmetic and logic operations while control unit controls all operations inputted to the system. |
2 | MEMORY UNIT -Types of memory -Description of: i) Primary memory ii) Secondary memory | – Teacher leads students to list types of memory e.g. i) Primary memory(main memory) ii) Secondary memory(auxiliary) -Description of: primary memory i) Random access memory(RAM) ii) Read only memory(ROM) Secondary memory: Flash drive, hard disk, compact disk(CD), digital video disk (DVD) |
3 | MEMORY UNIT -Differences between primary and secondary memory | – Teacher leads students to display auxiliary storage devices as secondary storage e.g. floppy disk, flash drive, compact disk, etc. -Units of storage: Bits, nibble, bytes, kilobytes(KB), megabytes(MB), gigabytes,(GB), terabytes (TB) |
4 | MEMORY UNIT i) Conversion from one unit to the other ii) Comparison of auxiliary storage devices. | – Teacher leads students to compare presently available storage devices(size, memory capacity) e.g. size, speed, technology(optical, magnetic and semiconductor) – Teacher leads students to carry one simple arithmetic on conversion from one unit to another. E.g. 1Kilobyte (KB)=1000 bytes etc. |
5 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Definition of logic gate -Types of logic gates | – Teacher leads students to define logic gate -Guides students to list types of logic gates e.g. AND, NOT, OR, by the use of drawing charts. |
6 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Symbols of each logic gate -Input and output signals for AND, NOT, OR gates. | -Displays symbols of logic gates on a chart – Teacher guides students to identify the signals in each gate symbol. |
7 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Truth table construction for AND, NOT, OR -Equation for: AND, NOT,OR gates. | – Teacher guides students to construct truth table for gate -Write logic equations, etc |
8 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Uses of logic gates -Logic circuits II(AL)Alternative logic gates) | – Teacher leads students to state the differences among the three gates -As building blocks for hardware/electronic components. -Description of alternative logic gates. |
9 | ALTERNATIVE LOGIC GATES II -Types of alternative logic gates -Symbols of each logic gate -Input/output signals | – Teacher leads students to list types of alternative logic gates, e.g. NAND, NOR, etc. -Displays symbols of alternative logic gates on a chart -Guides students to identify the signals in each gate symbol, i.e. NAND, NOR. |
1O | ALTERNATIVE LOGIC GATE II -Truth table construction -Equation for: NAND, NOR gates -Uses of logic gates | – Teacher guides students to construct truth table for each gate: i.e. NAND, NOR -Write a logic equation for each -Uses of logic gates: As building blocks for hardware or electronic components etc -Construction of simple comparators using NOR/NAND, XOR gates |
11 | COMPUTER DATA CONVERSION -Definition -Types of registers -Function of each register and main memory | – Teacher leads students to define: i) Register ii) Address iii) Business – Teacher guides students to list types of MDR, CIR, and SQR. -State the functions of each register and main memory. |
12 | COMPUTER DATA CONVERSION -Differences between register and main memory -Outline steps -Factors affecting speed data transfer | – Teacher guides students to identify differences between register and main memory -Outline steps in data conversion e.g. ‘data-fetch-execute’ cycle in a simple form. -States factors affecting data transfer: BUS-Speed, BUS-Width, etc. |
13 | Revision | Revision |
14 | Examination | Examination |
Education Resource Centre Teaching Syllabus. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS2 –
1 | CONCEPT OF COMPUTER FILES -Definition -Types of data items -File structure organization | – Teacher leads students to define each term i) Computer ii) Record iii) Field iv) Data item -Guides students to list the types of data item: numeric, alphabetic, alpha-numeric -File structure organization(from data item) |
2 | CONCEPT OF COMPUTER FILES -Type of file organization -Methods of accessing files -Classification of file | – Teacher leads students to list types of file organization i) Serial ii) Sequential iii) Indexed iv) Random -Methods of accessing of files, e.g. as above -Classification of: i) Master file ii) Transaction file iii) Reference file -Criteria for classifying files: Nature of content. -Organization method -Storage medium |
3 | HANDLING COMPUTER FILE: -Basic operation on computer files -Steps involved in creating sequential file -Steps involved in accessing sequential file above using basic file | – Teacher guides students to list basic operations on computer files, e.g. creation, deletion, copy, retrieval, view, update, open, close. -Outlines steps involved in file creation using BASIC processing statements e.g. Exam file with math and English and hands-on-experience(H-O-E) -Outline steps involved in file accessing using BASIC processing statements. |
4 | HANDLING COMPUTER FILES -Basic file processing -Effect of file insecurity -Methods of file security | -Describes file insecurity and its effects i) Data loss and is causes ii) Over writing -Leads students to mention file security methods: i) Use of back ups ii) Use of antivirus iii) Password iv) Proper label of storage devices, etc. |
5 | HANDLING COMPUTER FILES -Difference between computer files and manual files -Advantages of computerized files -Limitations | – Teacher lead the discussion to identify differences between computer files and manual filing system -Advantages are: more secured, fast to access, less laborious, more reliable, neatly modified -States limitation of computerized file e.g. Expensive to set it up -Irregular power supply, etc. |
6 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Symbols of each logic gate -Input and output signals for AND, NOT, OR gates. | -Displays symbols of logic gates on a chart -Guides students to identify the signals in each gate symbol. |
7 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Truth table construction for AND, NOT, OR -Equation for: AND, NOT,OR gates. | – Teacher guides students to construct truth table for gate -Write logic equations, etc |
8 | LOGIC CIRCUITS -Uses of logic gates -Logic circuits II(AL)Alternative logic gates) | – Teacher leads students to state the differences among the three gates -As building blocks for hardware/electronic components. -Description of alternative logic gates. |
9 | ALTERNATIVE LOGIC GATES II -Types of alternative logic gates -Symbols of each logic gate -Input/output signals | – Teacher leads students to list types of alternative logic gates, e.g. NAND, NOR, etc. -Displays symbols of alternative logic gates on a chart -Guides students to identify the signals in each gate symbol, i.e. NAND, NOR. |
1O | ALTERNATIVE LOGIC GATE II -Truth table construction -Equation for: NAND, NOR gates -Uses of logic gates | – Teacher guides students to construct truth table for each gate: i.e. NAND, NOR -Write a logic equation for each -Uses of logic gates: As building blocks for hardware or electronic components etc -Construction of simple comparators using NOR/NAND, XOR gates |
11 | COMPUTER DATA CONVERSION -Definition -Types of registers -Function of each register and main memory | -Leads students to define: i) Register ii) Address iii) Business -Guides students to list types of MDR, CIR, and SQR. -State the functions of each register and main memory. |
12 | COMPUTER DATA CONVERSION -Differences between register and main memory -Outline steps -Factors affecting speed data transfer | -Guides students to identify differences between register and main memory -Outline steps in data conversion e.g. ‘data-fetch-execute’ cycle in a simple form. -States factors affecting data transfer: BUS-Speed, BUS-Width, etc |
13 | Revision | Revision |
14 | Examination | Examination |
Education Resource Centre Teaching Syllabus. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS2 –
1 | ALGORITHMS AND FLOW CHART -Definition -Characteristics of Algorithms -Functions of Algorithm | – Teacher leads students to define algorithm and flow chart -List the functions of algorithm – Teacher guides students to list characteristics of algorithm, e.g. finite, effective and unambiguous, etc |
2 | ALGORITHM AND FLOW CHART -Writing algorithm for solving a given problem. | Teacher guides students to write a simple algorithm for: -Computing average of a given set of numbers -Evaluation of equation: Y=a (b-c)2/d+2. -Printing out the first ten odd numbers etc. |
3 | ALGORITHMS AND FLOW CHART -Flow chart symbols -Use of each flow chart symbol | -Demonstrate flow chart symbols: I/O, process, decision, etc -States what each symbol represent -Guides students to draw appropriate flow chart to solve a given problem. |
4 | BASIC PROGRAMING II -Build in functions -Basic notations | Teacher leads students to identify build-in functions: i) SQR ii) INT(X) iii) SIN(X) iv) ABS(X) v)RND(X) vi) COS(X) vii) TAN(X) viii) LOG(X) ix) EXP(X) |
5 | BASIC PROGRAMMING II -Basic notation | -Basic notation of algebraic expressions i) |
6 | BASIC PROGRAMING II Write a basic program to compute algebraic equations | Teacher leads students to write BASIC programming using built in functions: i) Find square root, S, round up to an integer ii) Find square root of numbers with a given range. iii) Find the cosine of known values iv) Find the tangent of a given angle v) Plot sine wave curve, plot cosine curve. |
7A | INTERNET Definition and some computer internet terms | -Teacher leads students to define: i) Internet ii Some basic terms: Browse, browser, chart room, cyber café, cyber space, download. |
7B | INTERNET Definition of internet and some basic terms | – Teacher guides students to define some basic terms: Home page, HTML, HTTP, Intranet, Internet service provider, upload, protocol, web browser, web page, web site. |
8 | INTERNET Main browsers: – Features in main browsers | – Teacher leads students to list the main browsers: i) Internet explorer ii) Netscape navigation iii) Opera iv) Firefox -Leads students to list the features in main browser, window, title bar, menu bar, tool bar, address bar, etc. |
9 | INTERNET Internet services | -ITeacher instructs students to visit some websites -Write notes on the board on what they learnt on their visit website, e-mail. -Email discussion group -Telnet -Usenet -FTP -WWW, etc |
10 | ELECTRONIC MAIL(E-MAIL SERVICES) -Definitions | – Teacher leads students to define: i) Electronic mail ii) E-mail; services a. Sending/receiving e-mail b. Charting iii) Steps involved in operating mail box iv) Steps involved in creating e-mail account. |
11 | ELECTRONIC MAIL(E-MAIL SERVICES) -Features in an e-mail address -Definition of charting | – Teacher guides students to write e-mail and website addresses and identify the differences in their features e.g. i) e-mail address ii) website -Definition of chatting -Steps involved in chatting. |
12 | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination |