Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS1 Federal

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Information Technology Scheme of work
Information Technology Scheme of work

Education Resource Centre Teaching Scheme. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS1


1OVERVIEW OF COMPUTER SYSTEM -Definition of computer -Two main constituents of a computer a) computer hardware b) computer software      TEACHER’s ACTIVITIES Leads students to define computer — Guide students to state the two broad classes of computer. —States characteristics of a computer. STUDENTS  ACTIVITIES —Participate in class discussions. —Identify various parts of hardware and software. —States characteristics of a computer. RESOURCE MATERIALS A computer set. -parts of computer, charts and pictures.  
2COMPUTER HARDWARE -System unit -peripherals COMPUTER SOFTWARE. -System software -Application software      TEACHER’s ACTIVITIES —lists examples of hardware and software. —Displays a computer set. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES —Identify a computer as electronic machine RESOURCE MATERIALS Parts of computer, charts and picture.  
3DATA AND INFORMATION -Definition of data and information —differences between data and information    TEACHERS’ ACTIVITIES. —Lead students to define data and information. —State differences between data and information. STUDENTS   ACTIVITIES . —participate in class discussions. —Identify data as written by the teacher. —Observe the keyboard letter arrangement as data. RESOURCE MATERIALS   Computer; charts and materials.  
4DATA  AND INFORMATION Differences between data and information Examples of data and informationTEACHER’S ACTIVITIES List examples of data and information Displays key arrangement On the key board as a type of data -Guides students to type in alphabets or numbers in a related form into computer as information. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -observe the keyboard letter Arrangement as data. -Enter alphabets or numbers into data and information. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, Charts and material.
5COMPUTING  DEVICES 1(PRE-COMPUTER AGE TO 19th CENTRY) Features, Components and use of;i) Abacus ii) Slide rule iii)Napcer’s bon iv)Pascal calculator v) Lerbnitz multipler vi) Jacquard’s Loom vii) Charles Babbage viii) Analytical Engine ix) Hollerith Census machine x) Burrough’s  machine . TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Guide students to state  the features of each computing device. -Displays their components to student. State their uses’ STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Identify the size and components of each device -Participate in class discussions RESOURCE MATERIALS Charts, pictures, and any available pre—computer age computing device.  
6COMPUTING  DEVICES II (20TH CENTURY TO  DATE ) -Features Components and uses of: i) ENIAC ii)EDVAC iii) UNIVAC 1  TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -state the features of each computing device -Display their components to students -States their uses STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Identify size and components of each device -Copy notes from chalkboard. RESOURCE MATERIALS Desktop computers, Laptop, Charts and Pictures.
7COMPUTING DEVICES II (20TH  CENTURY TO DATE) Feature; components  and uses of: Iv)Desk Top Personal Computer V)Laptop and Notebook Computer vi) Palm Top Computer  TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -States the features of each Computing device. -Displays their components to students -States their uses. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. -Identify the size and components of each device. RESOURCE MATERIALS Desktop computer, Laptop, palmtop, charts and pictures.
8INPUT DEVICES. -Definition of input devices -Types of input devices:- Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Microphone, Joystick, Card-reader, Light pen, Digital Camera etc,TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to define  an input device -Displays input device to students -Leads students to list input devices. STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Participation in class discussions. -Identify various input devices as displayed in class. RESOURCE MATERIALS Keyboard, Mouse,scanner, Microphone, Joystick, Light pen, Cards reader, Digital Camera etc.
9INPUT DEVICES -Mouse -Feature of a mouse -Functions and operation.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIIES -Displays the mouse in the class for students. -Guides students to operate the mouse STUDENTS ‘ ACTIVITIES -Identify the mouse and its features. -Operate the mouse. RESOURCE MATERIALS Mouse, computer system.  
1OKEYBOARD Structure and function. -Keys on the keyboard:- Function keys , Numeric keys, Alphabetic keys, special Character keys, cursor control keys, command keys.TEACHERS ACTIVITIES Displays keyboard in the class for students. -Guides students to operate the keyboard . STUDENTS ACTIVITIES -Identify the keyboard and its features –RESOURCE MATERIALS Keyboard, computer system.  

Education Resource Centre Teaching Scheme. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS1


1OUTPUT DEVICES -Definition of output device: Monitor, Printer speaker, plotter -Features and uses of output device -Monitor:- structure types and functions I-e Monochrome and colour.  TEACHER ACTIVITIES  Leads students to define output devices -displays the output devices in for students -Leads students to list output devices. -States the features of monitors. STUDENTS ACTIVITIES -Identify the output devices as displayed -Switch on the monitor RESOURCE MATERIALS. Monitor, Microphone.  Speakers, Charts.
2OUTPUT DEVICES:-printers, types Impact Dot matrix printers, line printers, character printers -NON-Impact. Inkjet Printers, Laser jet Printers, Thermal Printers -Comparative study of common printers.  TEACHERS ACTIVITIES Displays different types of printers. -State the features and their differences. -Guides students to operate the printer. STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Operate the printer under teacher’s guidance -Copy notes from the chalkboard into their notes RESOURCE MATERIALS Printers, charts, Computer system.  
3COMPUTER SYSTEM SOFTWARE -Definition of software Types of software: System software( operating system, translator, tools/utility program) and Application softwareTEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to define computer software -Guides students to name different types of software STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Identify operating systems displayed on the screen. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with windows or Unix operating system installed.
4COMPUTER SYSTEM SOFTWARE -Examples of operating system e.g. Graphical user interface (GUI), MS windows, Linux. -Command line(Linux, Microsoft, disk operating system (DOS) -Examples of translators e.g. Assemblers, compilers, interpreters                                                                         TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to list examples of operating system -Displays operating system environment on the screen STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Participate in class discussions -Identify DOS directory at the C. prompt RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with DOS installed charts and pictures.
5COMPUTER APPLICATION SOFTWARE Examples of utility programs(Editors, Anti-virus) -Definition of application software -Types of application software( User application program i.e program written by numbers) and (Application packages) -Categories of application packages e.g. word processing, spread sheet, graphics, database, games.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Lead students to define application software -Leads students to state categories of application packages STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Identify application packages as displayed RESOURCE MATERIALS Application packages, charts and pictures  
6COMPUTER APPLICATION SOFTWARE -Packages for specialized areas: Accounting software, Payroll Programs, Banking Software, Educational Management Software, Statistical Packages, and Hospital Management Software etc.  TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to list packages for specialized areas STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Identify different packages for specialized areas RESOURCE MATERIALS Pictures and charts
7PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE -Definition of programming language -Levels of programming language: Machine Language(ML), -Low Level Language( LLL), High Level Language( HLL) -Features of each level  TEACFHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to define programming language -Displays a stored programming language on the screen -States the various programming language levels. -Describe features of each programming language level. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. -Identify a programming language when displayed on the screen -Describe the features of each level of programming language. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, A high level language stored or installed e.g. BASIC environment.
8PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE -Examples of programming language -Comparison of levels of programming languageTEACHER’S ACTIVITIES Guides students to compare the various levels of programming language. STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Compare the various levels of programming languages. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, charts.
9BASIC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE -Meaning of “BASIC” (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instructional Code) -Basic Statement: LET, READ, INPUT, DATA, END,L PRINT -Basic characterTEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to state the full meaning of ‘BASIC’ -List Basic character set -List some Basic statement STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -State the full meaning of ‘BASIC’ List BASIC character set and some BASIC statements. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with BASIC program installed, chart  
1OBASIC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE -BASIC Arithmetic operator -BASIC Arithmetic expressionsTEACHERS ACTIVITIES -Writes BASIC notations for arithmetic expressions -Leads students to write simple BASIC program Students Activities -Write simple BASIC program -Run BASIC program installed, chart RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with BASIC program installed, chart.    
11  BASIC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE -Evaluation of arithmetic expression -Simple BASIC programTEACHERS’ ACTIVITIES -Write BASIC notations for arithmetic expressions -Guides students to run BASIC program on computer STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Write simple BASIC program -Run BASIC program in the computer RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with BASIC program installed  

Education Resource Centre Teaching Scheme. Federal Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS1


1COMMUNICATION SYSTEM -Full meaning of ICT -Types of ICT e.g. Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Data Networks, Information Systems, Satellite communications. -Broadcasting: Radio, Television, Satellite TV systems.  TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES  -Leads students to state the full meaning of ICT -State types of communications. -List types of broadcasting STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Identify ICT gadgets RESOURCE MATERIALS. Computer, Radio, Television    
2COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS -Telecommunications: ( Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Mobile phone system (GSM), Circuit switched packet telephone system, Satellite telephone system, Fixed wireless telephone system -Data Networks: (Personal Area Network (PAN), Local Area Network(WAN), Internet.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Display available ICT gadgets, radio, television and computer. -Shows satellite dish in an out-of-class activity. STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Access information on internet or other information devices RESOURCE MATERIALS Internet facility, GSM phone, fax machine.  
3COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS -Information system: Data processing system, Global positioning system(GPS) -Applications of ICT: Teleconferencing, video conferencing, tele-presence, telecommunication and networking, tele-computing, messaging, information search, retrieval and archival.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to list ICT application areas -Leads students to list ICT based gadgets STUDENT ACTIVITIES Identify application areas of ICT in an out-of-class activity or through internet or on pictures RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, television, internet, ICT-based gadgets available.
4APPLICATION AREA OF ICT -ICT-based gadgets – mobile phones, computer, fax machines, automated teller machine(ATM), dispensing machines, point of sales machine, automated cash register(ACR), radio set, etc. -Operation of ICT based gadgetsTEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Guides students to operate ICT-based gadgets STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Operate ICT-based gadgets under teacher’s supervision. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with DOS installed, charts and pictures.
5BASIC COMPUTER OPERATIONS -Description of the booting process -Types of booting: Cold and warm -Components of window desktop: Icons, taskbar, background.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to describe booting process -Leads students to identify icons on the desk top STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Power the computer under the supervision of the teacher -Observe light blinking as booting continues RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, power source.  
6BASIC COMPUTER OPERATIONS -Running an application program e.g. Microsoft word -The process of shutting down the computer    TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Guides students to run an application program in the computer. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Run application program under teacher’s supervision RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer system
7WORD PROCESSING -Definition of Word Processing and Word Processor -Examples of Word Processors: Microsoft  Word, word perfect, word star. -Features of word processors    TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Leads students to define word processing and word processor -States the features of a word processor STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. -Open word processing environment under teacher’s supervision. -Carry out basic word processing  operations, hands-on-experience(h-o-e) RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer, word processing packages.
8WORD PROCESSING -Word processing environment -Using a word processor to: create, edit, format, save, retrieve, print and close.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES Guides students to carry out basic operations on word processing hands-on-experience(h-o-e) STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Create document, edit document, save document, close document file and exit word. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer system  
9PRESENTATION PACKAGES -Definition of presentation package -Example of presentation packages e.g. Microsoft power-point -Features of presentation package: Creation of slides, insertion of pictures, insertion of video and audio, animation, slide shows, creating graphics, creating of organization and other charts.TEACHER’S ACTIVITIIES -Leads students to define and list presentation package -States the features of a presentation package STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Identify a presentation program environment RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with presentation package    
1OUSING PRESENTATION PACKAGE -Microsoft power point(Open the application, create a new presentation, insert slide contents: text, graphics and pictures)TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Guides students to identify the features of a presentation program -Leads students to carry out basic operation on presentation program STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Carry out simple presentation operation with power point. RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with presentation package (e.g. Power point).  
11  USING PRESENTATION PACKAGE -Microsoft power point-Animation contents, add new slides, save presentation, close –presentation, close application.TEACHERS’ ACTIVITIES -Lead students to carry out basic operation on presentation program. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES -Carry out simple presentation operation with power point RESOURCE MATERIALS Computer with presentation package(e.g. Power point)

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