Access Lagos State Unified Commerce Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Commerce Syllabus for Senior Secondary School –
SSS2 Commerce Scheme of Work First Term
1 | Readiness Assessment Test /last Term’s works Test -Revision | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recall most of the concepts taught last term | -students, in pairs discuss the topics that were taught last term, -students as a class provide answers to the questions that will be given | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | -textbooks Charts Real life objects |
2 | Public enterprises I] meaning of public enterprises Ii] reasons for the establishment of public enterprises | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define public enterprises and state other names for it -state the reasons for the formation, describe the formation and management of public enterprises -discuss sources of capital of public corporation | -students a class give the definition of public enterprises and state other names for it -students, in pairs discuss the formation of public enterprises -students, in small groups, give presentations on the sources of capital and problems of public enterprises -students can visit some public enterprises | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Pictures showing the examples of public enterprises e.g. Nigeria Port Authority, Nigeria Railway Cooperation |
3 | Limited liability companies I] meaning of a company Ii] types of limited liability company Iii] formation of a company Iv] characteristic of a company V] difference between article and memorandum of association | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define a company -describe the formation of a company -discuss the characteristic of a company -identify types of limited liability company -differentiate between article and memorandum of association | -students as a class, give the definition of a company and describe its formation – students, in pairs discuss the characteristics of a company -students, in small groups identify types of limited liability company and differentiate between article and memorandum of association with samples | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Pictures of companies http://www.bizhent/ |
4 | Limited liability companies (contd.) I] sources of capital of a company Ii] difference between private limited and public limited company Iii] advantages and disadvantaged of limited liability company | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -enumerate and discuss sources of capital of a company -compare and contrast private limited liability company and public limited company -discuss the merits and demerits of limited liability company | -students , in pairs , the source of capital for limited liability company -students in small groups compare and contract private limited and public limited liability company -students , in small groups give presentations on the advantages and disadvantages of limited liability company using a projector or adaptor in classroom | Collaboration and communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -creativities and imagination | Textbook -picture of different companies Http:// the web |
5 | Cooperative societies I] definition of cooperate society Ii] characteristic of cooperative Iii] types of cooperative society Iv] similarities and differences between cooperative society and public company V] advantages and problems of cooperative society | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define cooperative society -describe the types and characteristic of cooperative society -compare and contrast cooperative society with company -justify the impact of cooperative society to the economy and the society at large | -students as a class, define cooperative society and highlight its characteristics -students , in pairs, discuss the impact, advantages and disadvantages of cooperative society to the economy of the country and society at large -students, as a class form peer cooperative societies amongst selves | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks -chart showing Cooperative society -real dividend warrant Share certificate AGM booklet http://lednote.comecoperativesociety |
6 | Commodity exchange I] meaning of commodity exchange Ii] trade-able commodities Iii] types of commodity exchange Iv] requirement for trading V] methods of trading | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define commodity exchange -mention trade-able commodities -highlight the requirements for trading -describe the types of commodity exchange -discuss method of trading | -students as a lass define commodity exchange and give examples of trade-able commodities -students, in pairs discuss the requirements for trading -students, in small groups, discuss types of commodity exchange and methods of trading | -collaboration and -communication -Leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacy | Textbooks Charts showing trade –able commodities i.e. gold, energy silver, copper etc Http:// |
7 | Mid Term Break |
8 | Benefits and constraints of commodity exchange I] benefits of commodity exchange Ii] constraints to commodity exchange | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Give justification for commodity exchange -explain the criticisms of commodity exchange | -students, in pairs discuss the benefits of commodity exchange -students, in small groups discuss the criticisms of commodity exchange | collaboration and -communication -Leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacy | Textbooks Charts showing trade-able commodities |
9 | Purchase and sale of goods in home and foreign trade I] procedure and documents used in business e.g. order, indent, consular ivoice, letter of enquiry etc | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -classify business documents into documents used in home and foreign trade -discuss the importance of each document in trading | -students, as a class mention the documents used in trade -students , in pairs classify business documents into documents used in home trade and foreign trade -students in small groups, discuss the use of each document -students in small groups, prepare each document identified and present in the class | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Some documents used in trade,anagementideas.comconstraints |
10 | Terms of trade I] trade discount, cash discount, quantity discount, etc Ii] trade abbreviation such as (C.O.D) cash on delivery, (C.I.F) cost insurance and freight, etc | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define discount justify reasons for discount given by the sellers to buyers; -differentiate between trade discount -state the full meaning of trade abbreviations and their actual meaning | -students, in small groups, discuss the meaning of discount and its types -students, in pairs, discuss the difference between trade discount, -students, as a class, state the full meaning of trade acronyms and their actual meaning -students can go on excursion to chain store supermarkets to see how trade and cash discount it been given | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy | Textbooks -pictures and charts Showing activities in supermarkets and chain stores www.kalyan: |
11 | Terms of Trade (contd) I] meaning of | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: | -students, as a class, identify various means of | -collaboration and communication -leadership and | Textbooks Charts showing Different forms of |
Payment such as bank draft Standing order, Legal tender, Promissory note, credit card etc | -identify various means payment in business transactions -discuss the uses of each means of payment and where it can be used; Create samples of means of payment | Payment in business transactions -students, in small groups, discuss the uses of each means of payment and where it can be used -students, in pairs design and prepare samples of some given means of payment and present in the class | personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy | Payment -visible means of payment | |
12 | Revision | ||||
13 | Examination |
Access Lagos State Unified Commerce Free Scheme of work for SSS2. SS2 Commerce Syllabus for Senior Secondary School –
Commerce Scheme of Work SSS2 Second Term
1 | Readiness Assessment Test/last term’s work Test Revision | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recall most of the concepts taught last term | -students in pairs discuss the topics that were taught that were taught last term -students as a class provide answers to the questions that will be given | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Charts Real life objects |
2 | Credit I] meaning of credit Ii] sources of credit e.g. loan Overdraft , mortage, etc Iii] functions of credit to both buyers and sellers | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define credit, mention and discuss sources of credit to buyers -discuss the link between sources of credit and credit instruments -discuss the merits and demerits of credits to both buyers and sellers | Students, as a class, give the meaning of credit -students, in pairs discuss various sources of credit -students in small groups , dramatize buying and selling on credit -students, in small group, design and prepare samples of source of credit and present in the class on a play card | communication -Leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacy | Textbooks Charts of various credits instruments Play card |
3 | Trade association I] meaning of trade association Ii] aims and functions of trade association Iii] chambers of commerce Meaning and functions | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define trade association -highlight the aims and the functions of trade association; Define chambers of commerce and discuss its functions | -students as a class, define trade association -students, in pairs, discuss the functions of trade association -students, as a class discuss the meaning of chambers of commerce and its functions -students visit chamber of commerce office for better understanding of their functions and performance | communication -Leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -digital literacy | Textbooks Charts of different trade association Picture of chambers of commerce building execution to Nigerian stock exchange house (NSE) |
4 | Other forms of trade association I] consortium, cartel, merger , syndicate, price rings, etc. | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -discuss other forms of trade association and give practical examples Mention and describe types of merger; Justify the reason why companies merge -discuss the criticisms against merger | -students in pairs discuss other forms of trade association such as consortium, carte, syndicate -students in groups discuss reasons why firms merge students in groups discuss the criticisms annalist merger | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Pictures of organizations that have merged |
5 | Insurance I] definition of insurance Ii] importance of insurance to individuals and business Iii] basic principles of insurance Iv] types of risk e.g. insurable and non insurable risk, speculative risk, etc | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -list and discuss various insurance -distinguish between underwriter -describe terminologies in insurance is so called; Differentiate between endowment policy and whole life policy | -students in pairs discuss the various types of insurance -students in pairs discuss the terminologies of insurance -students , in small groups , discuss the endowment policy and whole life policy insurance and share with the class | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbook -chart showing different types of insurance policies -insurance documents |
7 | Mid Term Assessment and Break | ||||
8 | Consumer protection I] meaning of consumers protection Ii] reasons for consumers protection Iii] means of consumers protection Iv] right of consumers | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define consumers projection -give justifications for consumers protection; -state the rights of consumers -discuss various means by which consumers can be protected | -students, as a class give the definition of consumer protection -students, in pairs discuss reasons why consumers must be protected -students in small groups discuss various means by which consumers can be protected | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Pictures of offices of consumer protection agencies www.wikipedia |
9 | Consumer protection (contd) I] agencies responsible for consumers protection Ii] government legislations that protect consumers | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -list and discuss agencies that protect consumers; Enumerate and discuss various legislations that protect consumers | -students, in pairs discuss agencies that protect consumers -students in small groups, discuss various legislations that protect consumers -students can visit some of the government agencies that protect consumers | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy | -textbook Picture of offices of consumer protection agencies |
10 | Transportation I] meaning and importation Ii] forms of transportation Land, air, pipeline, etc. Iii] advantages and disadvantaged of each form of transportation Iv documents used in transportation v] factors to be considered in choosing means of transportation | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define transportation; Discuss the importance of transportation Mention different forms of transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each -list and explain factors to be considered in the choice of a means of transportation | -students as a class define transportation and state its importance -students, in pairs discuss the various forms of transportation -students in pairs discuss factors to be considered in the choice of means of transportation -students, in small groups, create different types of documents used in transportation (land, air, rail, pipeline) etc. | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -Digital literacy | -textbooks -charts showing documents used in transportation |
11 | Revision | ||||
12 | Examination | ||||
13 | Examinations |
Commerce Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term
1 | Readiness Assessment Test/last term’s work | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recall most of the concepts taught that term | Students, in pairs, discuss the topics that were taught last term -students, as a class, provide answers to the questions that will be given | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | -textbooks Charts -real life objects |
2 | Warehousing I] meaning Ii]types of warehouse Iii] importance of warehousing | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define warehousing -distinguish between warehousing and a warehouse Give different classification of a warehouse -highlight the importance of a warehouse | -students as a class define a warehouse -students in pairs discuss the differences between warehouse and warehousing -students in small groups discuss different classifications of warehouse -students can visit a warehouse | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving Digital literacy | Text book Charts and pictures of a warehouse |
2 | The stock exchange I] meaning Ii] functions Iii] speculators on the stock Exchange e..g. Bull, bear, stag Iv] securities traded on the stock exchange | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -trace the history of Nigerian capital market -define stock exchange market -identify and describe the speculators on the stock Exchange market -differentiate various types of security traded on the stock exchange market e.g. shares bond, debenture, etc -distinguish between primary and secondary market | -students in small groups discuss the history of Nigerian capital market. -student in pairs, discuss speculators on stock exchange market -students, in small groups give presentations on securities traded on the stock exchange market -students can go on excursion to Nigeria stock exchange market for better understanding of the topic. | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving Digital literacy | Text books -share certificate -debenture certificate Company prospectus www.welcome.foretime/fxtm/stock/ |
4 | Second Tier | By the end of | -students as a | Collaboration and | Textbooks |
Securities market I] meaning Ii] requirement for listing on the market Iii] advantages and disadvantages of second tier securities market | Lessons, students should be able to: -define second tier securities market; State the requirements for listing of companies on the market, students, in pairs discuss the merits and demerits of second tier security market | Class, define second tier security market -students, in pairs discuss the requirements for listing of companies on the market -students, in pairs discuss the merits and demerits of second tier security market | communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Pictures of companies on the second tier security market | |
5 | Capital i] meaning Ii] accountant view of capital Iii] economist view of capital Ic] layman’s understanding of capital V] types of capital | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -differentiate between accountant and economist view of capital -describe the various types of capital | -students , in pairs discuss the accountant and economist view of capital -students, in in small groups, prepare a prospectus and financial statement of academy | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -creativity and imagination | Textbooks Financial statement of a company Company prospectus |
6 | Capital (Contd) I] importance of working capital Ii] meaning of profit Iii] accountant and economist view of profit | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -describe the importance of working capital -solve mathematical questions on working capital Differentiate between accountant and economist view of profit) -differentiate between cross profit and net profit Solve question on cross profit and net profit | -students , as a class, define profit Students in pairs discuss the accountant and economist view of capital -students in small groups, discuss the various types of capital -students , in small groups prepare a prospectus and financial statement of a company | -Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -creativity and imagination | Textbooks -financial statement of a company Company prospectus |
6 | Capital (contd.) I] importance of working capital Ii] meaning of profit Iii] accountant and economist view of profit | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -describe the importance of working capital Solve mathematical questions on working capital -differentiate between accountant and economist view of profit -differentiate between cross profit and Net profit -solve question on cross profit and net profit | -students as a class define profit Students in pairs discuss the account and economist view of profit -students in pairs solve mathematical questions on working capital and profit those in the school cooperative society , give brief account of profit made so far as example | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving | Textbooks Charts showing Different types of capital Financial statement of a company |
7 | Mid Term Test and Break | ||||
8 | Turnover I] meaning of turnover Ii] factors affecting turnover of a business Iii] difference between turnover and rate of turnover | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define turnover of a business -distinguish between turnover and rate of turnover -solve questions on | -students as a class, give the definition of a turnover -students in pairs discuss the difference between turnover and rate of turnover | -Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving -creativity and imagination | Textbooks -charts showing terminologies of turnover |
Iv] calculation of turnover of a business | Calculation of turnover | -students, in pairs, solve mathematical questions on turnover of a business | | ||
9 | Communication I] meaning of communication Ii] types of communication Iii] Nigerian traditional means of communication e.g. drum, guns, etc Iv] satellite | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: -define communication; -explain various types of communication Describe the importance of communication, relate the various traditional means of communication to the modern means -explain the term satellite and state its functions | -students as a group class, define communication -students, in pairs discus types of communication -students demonstrate different means of communication in the classroom -students, in small groups , relate and compare the traditional means of communication to the modern communication | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving Digital literacy | Textbooks Communication Devices |
10 | Communication (Contd) I] communication service rendered by post office Ii] meaning of courier services Iii] functions of courier services Iv] comparison of courier services with the Nigerian postal services | By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: State and discuss the various postal and payment services rendered by NIPOST -describe courier service -compare and contrast courier services and public postal services | Students, in small groups discuss various postal and payment service by NIPOST -students, in pairs, compare and contrast courier services with public postal services -students can visit Nigerian postal and courier organizations to ask more questions on their services and for better understanding | Collaboration and -communication ‘leadership and personal development -critical thinking and problem solving Digital literacy | Textbooks Stamps Bank drafts |
11 | Revision | ||||
12 | Examination | ||||
13 | Examination |