Commerce Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Commerce Scheme of work
Commerce Scheme of work

Education Resource Centre Secondary Business Teaching Scheme. Federal Commerce Scheme of Work for SS 1. Foreign Trade – Schemeofwork


Meaning, Scope, functions,Characteristics, E- commerce, meaning, and functions
Teacher should discuss commerce in detail, identify the differences between commerce and e-commerce. Students to participate actively in class discussion from the board. Resources; diagrams/charts.
2HISTORY OF COMMERCE Historical background of commerce in Nigeria.Factors affecting the growth of commerce.The barter system.The teacher guides the students’ discussion on evolution of commerce in Nigeria and leads the discussion on barter system. Resources; cowries and museum materials.
3OCCUPATION MeaningClassifications; industrial, commercial and services occupation.Factors that determine types of occupation and employment.Teacher discusses occupation and types in detail and lists factors affecting employment. Students participate actively in the class discussion. Resources; a diagram illustrating types of occupation.
4PRODUCTION Meaning and types of industry (primary & secondary).Commerce (aids trade).Services/tertiary (direct & indirect)Teacher discusses production in details. Students copy notes. Resources; illustrate with a diagram.
5PRODUCTION Factors determining the volume of production.Factors of production ; land, labor, capital, entrepreneur.Division of labour; meaning, advantages and disadvantages.Limitations to division of labour.Specialization and exchange.Interrelationship between production, division of labour, exchange and specialization.Teacher picks a production of simple products like envelop in the class and divides labour amongst the students. Students participate actively in their groups. Resources; charts, eco-journals.
6TRADE Meaning and types of trade.Home tradeForeign tradeEntrepot tradeRelationship among the different types of trade.The teacher uses the diagram to illustrate the different types of trade. Students copy the illustration. Resources; diagram and chart.
7HOME TRADE Characteristics and functions of retail trade, highlight the features, advantages and disadvantages of retail trade.Factors to be considered before setting up retail shop.Small scale retailing; hawking, mobile shops, kiosk etcMeaning, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each.The teacher could arrange visit to two or more retail shops and interview the owners. Students participate actively. Resources; charts, journals, pictures.
8SMALL SCALE RETAILING Store/market trader- meaning, characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages.Unit/tied shop- meaning, characteristics, features, advantages and disadvantages.Reasons for survival or small scale retailers.Problems of small scale retail business.The teacher arrange visit to market shops and interviews the owners. Students argue for and against the elimination and survival of retailers and wholesalers in trade. Resources; charts, pictures, journals.
9LARGE SCALE RETAIL TRADE; TYPES Super market; meaning, features, advantages and disadvantages.Departmental store; meaning, features, advantages, and disadvantages.Multiple/chain store; meaning, features, advantages and disadvantages.Teacher explains the organizational set-up of each of the retail trade. Students participate fully in the discussion. Resources; examples of supermarkets and departmental store in Nigeria.
10LARGE SCALE RETAIL Mail order business r firms; meaning, features, advantages and disadvantages.Hyper market- meaning, features, adv. & disadvantages.Variety store/one top shop- meaning, features, advantages and disadvantages.Retail/whole sale co-operative society; meaning, features, advantages and disadvantages.  Teacher examines the organizational set up of each type of retail trade, and also examines the role of wholesaler in the chain of distribution.
11MODERN TREND IN RETAILING Branding –meaning, advantages and disadvantages.Self services; meaning, advantages and disadvantages.After sale services- meaning, advantages and disadvantages.Describe necessary documents used in home trade. 
12MODERN TREND CONTD. Vending machine; meaning, advantages, and disadvantages.Reasons why retail trade may fail.   


1WHOLESALE TRADE Meaning and functions to the;ManufactureRetailer.Differences between wholesaler and retailer.Channels of distributionFactors to be considered before choosing a particular channel of distribution.Teacher discusses functions of wholesale in detail. Students copy notes from the board. Teacher illustrates with diagram the channels of distribution. Resources; diagram, charts.
2MIDDLE MEN Meaning, elimination and survival of the middlemen.Criticism/reasons that may warrant the elimination of middlemen.Types of wholesalers.Merchant wholesaler; functions and types.Agent middlemen; types, brokers, manufacturers, agent and aunctioneers.Commission agent, delcredere agent.Teacher discusses the activities of middlemen in business. Students participate in argument for and against the elimination of middlemen in the chain of distribution.
3WARE HOUSING Warehousing;- meaning and importance.Types of warehousing, bonded warehousing.State/queen’s warehousingPublic warehousingManufacturer’s warehousing.Teacher lists and explains in detail types of warehousing. Students participate actively in discussing of types of warehousing.
4FOREIGN TRADE Meaning and types (bilateral and multilateral)Advantages and disadvantages of foreign trade.State barriers to foreign trade.Differentiate between export, import and entrepot.Procedures for foreign trade.Teacher guides students in class discussion, gives division of foreign trade and lists the barriers. Students writes notes on the topic. Resources; diagram and documents of foreign trade and brochures from custom and exercise etc
5BALANCE OF TRADE AND BALANCE OF PAYMENT Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payment.Reasons for imposing tariffs/restrictions in foreign trade.Teacher differentiates between balance of trade and balance of payment. Students participate actively in the discussion. Resources; documents used in foreign trade (samples)
6DOCUMENTS USED IN FOREIGN TRADE Mail transfer, documentary credit, letter of hypothecation.Foreign bill of exchange, travelers cheque, telegraphic transfer, etcCustom and exercise functions.Nigerian export promotion council;- functions. 
7NIGERIAN AIRPORT AUTHORITY Nigerian airport authority and Nigerian ports authority;- functions.Nigerian export authority;- functions.Commodity exchange;- meaning, types of tradeable commodities, agricultural produce, solid minerals, oil and gas. (list commodities and classify)Requirements for trading, grading system, warehousing, clearing system, standardizing.Teacher discusses function of Nigerian ports authority, and Nigerian airport authority, guides students to some commodities produced in Nigeria. Students differentiates types of commodities, i.e agricultural produce, solid minerals, oil and gas. Resources; organize excursion to airport, etc, use pictures, charts, and sample of commodities.
8COMMODITY EXCHANGE CONTD Types (spot, forward features), method of trading, open, outcry, electronic.Benefits of commodity exchange.Increase in agricultural production.Stabilization in agricultural product pricing. Encourage exploration of solid minerals,Foreign exchange earnings,Increased agricultural output and quality.Constraints to commodity trading;Inadequate supplyPoor storageBad weatherEthical issuesMiddlemen, inadequate knowledge of commodity exchange.Teacher guides students to identify commodities to be exchanged. Students copy notes on commodity exchange. Resources; pictures, charts, samples of commodities.
9COMMODITY EXCHANGE Differentiate between commodity and stockItems traded; tangible and intangible methods of pricing.Sole proprietorship; meaning, features and sources of capital, advantages and disadvantages.Partnership; meaning, types, formation and agreement.Teacher leads discussion on sole proprietorship. Students suggest the advantages, disadvantages and the sources of capital. Resources; journals and charts.
10PARTNERSHIP CONTD Sources of capital;- advantages and disadvantages.DissolutionTeacher leads discussion on partnership, and distinguishes between sole proprietorship and explains different types of partnership. Students participate in class discussion and copy notes. Resources; sample of partnership deed.


1CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Types of occupationCareer opportunityRequirements for the various careers, factors to be considered before choosing career.Career hazardThe teacher invites a business executive like a banker or insurance broker, to give a talk on their profession. Students listen to and ask questions. Resources; pictures of workers at work.
2CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES; Definition, formation, characteristics and history of co-operative movement.Types of co-operative societies;Consumer co-operativeProducer cooperativeWholesaler cooperativeRetailer cooperativeThrift and credit societiesMulti-purpose.Teacher leads students to discuss on co-operative societies. Students participate actively in the class discussion. Resources; co-operative society’s constitution.
3CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES CONT Advantages, disadvantages, and problems of co-operative societies in Nigeria.Public enterprises; meaning, formation, management and sources of capital.Teacher leads students to discuss on co-operative societies. Students participate actively in the class discussion. Resources; co-operative society’s constitution.
4PUBLIC ENTERPRISES CONTD Reasons for government ownership of public enterprises.Advantages and disadvantages of public enterprises.Discuss various types of public enterprises and their methods of formation.Teacher identifies and makes a list of public enterprises in the locality. Students identify public enterprises in their locality. Resources; memorandum and article of association.
5LIMITED LIABILITIES COMPANIES Meaning,Types; private and publicFormation (legal requirement for the formation of a limited liability company), memorandum of association, article of association, prospectus, certificate of incorporation and trading.Teacher gives examples of private and public limited liability companies in their locality. Resources; memorandum and article of association, share certificates.
6LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES CONTD Sources of capital;Shares, debentures, retained profit, loans, and overdraft, etcOther sources of capital; trade credits, equipment/leasing.Advantages and disadvantages of limited companies.Liquidation/dissolution of a limited liability company.Teacher gives examples of private and public limited liability companies in their locality. Resources; memorandum and article of association, share certificates.
7TRADE ASSOCIATION AND OTHER ENTERPRISES Definition and examplesAims and functionsChamber of commerce;- meaning, aims, functions, and structure.Consortium, cartel, amalgamation/merger/combine trust holding.Teacher organizes a visitation to local chamber of commerce. Students participate in the visitation to a local chamber of commerce. Resources; pamphlets on trade association constitution.
8MONEY Meaning, history/ evolution of money.Qualities of moneyTypes and forms of money.Similarities and differences between money and other communities used for exchange in trade by barter.Teacher explains in detail the history and forms of money. Students participate actively in the discussion. Resources; forms of money, paper, coins etc.
9TRANSPORTATION Meaning, importance and forms.Land (road & rail) advantages and disadvantages.Water (advantages and disadvantages). 
10TRANSPORTATION CONTD. Forms of transportation; air transportation;-  advantages and disadvantages.Pipeline; advantages and disadvantages.Identify documents used in transportation.Teacher shows different documents used in transportation. Students provide some documents too. Resources; delivery notes, advice note etc
11COMMUNICATION DefinitionTypes;- oral, written, visual, non-verbal etcAdvantages and disadvantages of communication.Teacher leads discussion on types of communication. Students mention and explain types of communication. Resources; charts, computer, phones etc.

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