Nigerian Secondary Curriculum. SS 2 Clothing and Textiles Scheme of Work Federal.Trends In Fashion –
1 | PATTERNS Taking of body measurement Drafting of bodice block – male and female | Teacher: Displays paper patterns and explain the marking, then demonstrate how to draft patterns. Resources: Paper patterns, tape measure, pencil, block pattern, ruler |
2 | PATTERNS Drafting of block for skirt or short | Teacher: Demonstrates how to draft a block for a skirt. Resource: Brown paper, ruler, tape measure, pencil |
3 | PATTERNS Drafting of block for sleeve | Teacher: Demonstrates how to draft a block for a sleeve. Resource: Brown paper, ruler, tape measure, pencil |
4 | ADAPTATION OF PATTERNS Definition Adaptation of block patterns to different style of choice and fit. | Teacher: Defines alteration of patterns. Displays the paper pattern and explains the markings and notations on them. Resources: Ruler, pencil, brown paper, charts on pattern adaptation. |
5 | ALTERATION OF PATTERNS Definition – addition or reduction Alteration for fit and style – commercial or drafted. Advantages and disadvantages of using pattern in garment construction | Teacher: Defines alteration, demonstrates the adjustment of patterns to a given measurement, demonstrate how to reduce or enlarge pattern sizes. Resources: Block pattern, tape measure, ruler, pencils etc |
6 | FREE HAND CUTTING Cutting of bodice front and back Skirt front and backSleeve. Advantages and disadvantages of free hand cutting. | Teacher: Leads discussion on measurement required for a garment. Demonstrates how to cut a garment freely. Resource: Scissors, pins, tailor’s chalk, thread, needle etc. |
7 | FREE HAND CUTTING Practical – construction of a simple baby dress | Teacher: Leads discussion on the features of a baby dress. Demonstrate how to cut a simple baby dress. RESOURCE: Catalogue, pencil, tape measure, brown paper |
8 | GARMENT FEATURES Arrangement of Fullness Gathers Pleats – knife, box | Teacher: Discusses the factors to consider when arranging fullness. Leads discussion on the use of different style features effectively and appropriately. RESOURCES: Garment with different styles and features, catalogue, tape, measure, pencil, eraser etc. |
9 | GARMENT FEATURES Arrangement of Fullness Smocking for childrenShirring | Teacher: Leads discussion on the basic rules that governs the arrangement of fullness RESOURCES: Same as above |
10 | GARMENT FEATURES Arrangement of Fullness Tucks Darts – waist, bust etc | Teacher: Leads discussion on the basic rules that govern the arrangement of fullness RESOURCES: Same as above |
11 | COSTUME AND FASHION DESIGNING Trends In Fashion . Definition of fashion and fashion designing. Trace and compare fashion trend over the years. Distinguish between fashion and fashion fad. | Teacher: Explains the differences between fads and fashion. Discuss the fashion of yesterday and today. RESOURCES: Photographs of parents, grandparents, old magazine, catalogue. |
12 | COSTUME AND FASHION DESIGNING Sketching appropriate styles for costume designing using different style features to flatter the design e.g. collar, sleeveCutting out patternsAdaptation of basic blocks for costume. | Teacher: Guides students in sketching appropriate styles. Guides students to adapt the sketched style on the block pattern. RESOURCES: tape, material, block patterns, sewing machine, pins etc. |
13 | Revision | Revision |
14 | Examination | Examination |
Nigerian Secondary Curriculum. SS 2 Clothing and Textiles Scheme of Work Federal.Trends In Fashion –
1 | GARMENT FEATURES STYLE FEATURE Drafting patterns for collars and cuffs | Teacher: Demonstrates how to draft pattern for the different style features – collars and cuffs. Resources: Garment with different style features, brown paper, pencils, tape measure |
2 | GARMENT FEATURES STYLE FEATURE Drafting patterns for yokes and pockets | Teacher: Guides students to list the functions of different style features. Demonstration Resources: Garment with different style features, brown paper, pencils, tape measure |
3 | GARMENT FEATURES STYLE FEATURE Drafting patterns for Belts and frills | Teacher: Leads discussion on how these features can be used to flatter the figure. Demonstrates how to draft pattern for Belt and frills. Resources: Garment with different style features, brown paper, pencils, tape measure |
4 | DECORATIVE DESIGNS Embroidery work-decorative stitches e.g. satin stitches stem stitch etc. Points to consider when planning embroidery workTypes of embroidery design e.g. self made, iron on, transfer etc. | Teacher: Guides students to enumerate them. Discusses points to consider when planning an embroidery work. Demonstrates how to transfer designs unto fabrics using tracing paper/carbon etc Resources: Pressing iron, album, samples of embroidery threads etc. |
5 | DECORATIVE DESIGNS Materials for Embroidery Threads – anchor, raffeneNeedles – Crewel, sharp Types of embroidery work e.g. household articlesTransferring designs unto fabric – using tracing paper. | Teacher: Guides students to identify different types of design used for embroidery. Discusses and demonstrates the method of transferring designs unto fabrics. Resources: Embroidery machine, samples of embroidery needles, textbook. |
6 | DECORATIVE DESIGNS Traditional Designs Traditional background of beads and sequinsMethods of designing beads e.g. bead stitched down separately. Beads/sequins thread linked and sewn down. | Teacher: Explains the traditional background of beads and sequins. Leads discussion on how to use bead/sequins to form decorative designs. Practical demonstration on methods of designing beads. Resources: Samples of beads, sequins, embroidery thread and needle. |
7 | DECORATIVE DESIGNS Needle Craft Definition and usesTatting Crochet | Teacher: Discusses the types of needle craft and practical demonstration RESOURCES: Tatting tool kit, pair of scissors, crochet hooks, chart showing picture of needle craft. |
8 | DECORATIVE DESIGN Needle Craft Appliqué Patch work e.g. baby cot cover, pillowcase etc. | Teacher: Demonstrates to students how to make them and then supervises them. Resources: Charts showing pictures of appliqué, patchwork, tape measure, etc. |
9 | DECORATIVE DESIGN Macramé Making decorative articles using the needle craft e.g. table dolly, centre piece. | Teacher: Practical demonstration on making of different macramé knot e.g. flat, spiral, Josephine knots. Resources: Macramé twine, pair of scissors, tape measure etc. |
10 | DECORATIVE DESIGNS Needle Craft Making of soft toys – duck, dog, teddy bear etc. | Teacher: Practical demonstration and supervision of students. Resources: Different materials, pair of scissors, tracing paper, tracing wheel, pencil, tape measure. |
11 | Revision | Revision |
12 | Examination | Examination |
Nigerian Secondary Curriculum. SS 2 Clothing and Textiles Scheme of Work Federal.Trends In Fashion –
1 | HOUSEHOLD LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning Definition and importance. Methods of dry cleaning Dry cleaning agents e.g. French chalk, talcum powder, kerosene etc | Teacher: Defines dry cleaning, discusses the different methods of dry cleaning and types of dry cleaning agents. Resources: Samples of dry cleaning agents. |
2 | HOUSEHOLD LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning Types of dry cleaning – home and commercial General rules for removing stains during dry cleaning. Advantages of dry cleaning | Teacher: Discusses the general rules for removing stains during dry cleaning. Discusses the advantages of dry cleaning clothes. Demonstrates how to use dry cleaning agents to remove stains. Resources: Samples of dry cleaning agents, samples of soiled George wrapper, textbook. |
3 | CARE OF CLOTHES Clothing Repair Meaning of repairsTypes of repairs – patching, darning etc | Teacher: Discusses the meaning of repairs in clothing and textiles. Demonstrates how to repair clothes using patching, darning. Resources: Samples of torn garment, pieces of plain fabric, needle, threads, sewing machine, textbook. |
4 | CARE OF CLOTHES Clothing Repair. Other simple repairs e.g. loose buttons, broken zippers, slack elastic | Teacher: Guides students to list other types of repairs in clothing. Demonstrate the repair of broken zippers, slack elastic etc Resources: Buttons, zipper, elastic, pieces of fabric, needle etc. |
5 | CARE OF CLOTHES Renovation Processes Meaning of renovationReconstruction/Remodelling | Teacher: Explains the meaning of reconstruction/remodelling and differentiate them. Discusses on renovation techniques. Guides students to renovate some household articles. Resources: Samples of torn materials, faded garment, scissors, etc. |
6 | CARE OF CLOTHES Renovation Process Dyeing Definition Types of dye e.g. acid, vat, basic etc Methods of dyeing e.g. tie-dye, batik | Teacher: defines dye and discuss on the different types of dye stuff, methods of dyeing and supervises students to renovate old garment by dyeing. Resources: Samples of different dyes, plastic basin, wooden stick, water, scissors, needle and thread, nylon twine etc |
7 | DRESS SENSE Good grooming Meaning of good groomingPrinciples of good grooming e.g. exercise, relaxation, sleep etc | Teacher: Explains the meaning of good grooming and its principles. Resources: magazines showing picture of a well groomed individual |
8 | DRESS SENSE Good grooming Harmonization of colours Primary, secondary and tertiary colour Group of colours – warm, cool, contrast etc. | Teacher: Distinguishes between proper and improper dressing. Discusses on colour combination. Resources: Colour wheel chart, colour triangle. |
9 | DRESS SENSE Wardrobe planning Meaning of wardrobe Principles of wardrobe planning – basic rules Clothes for different occasions | Teacher: Explains the meaning of a wardrobe, discusses on the points to consider when planning the wardrobe. Explains clothes suitable for different occasions – their features Resource: A wardrobe or cupboard, hangers. |
10 | DRESS SENSE Wardrobe planning Factors influencing decision to buy or make clothes. Selecting and purchasing readymade cloths | Teacher: Discusses on the factors that could influence decisions to buy or make clothes. Guides students on ways of selecting and purchasing good readymade clothes. Resources: Sample of different dresses, textbooks. |
11 | DRESS SENSE Dress Accessories Definition of dress accessories Types of dress accessories e.g. handbags, shoes, ties etc. Factors to consider when choosing accessories. Making simple accessories e.g. hat, necklace, earning. | Teacher: Guides students to mention the different types of accessories. Explains how to select matching accessories for different clothes and occasions. Demonstrates how to make some simple accessories e.g. necklace, hat Resources: Samples of beads, necklace, earring. Charts showing different accessories, textbooks. |
12 | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination |