Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS1 Lagos State

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Clothing and Textile Scheme of work 1
Clothing and Textile Scheme of work 1

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Clothing and Textile Scheme of work SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

SSS1 Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work First Term

1Introduction To Textiles Yarn, fiber and fabricBy the end of the lesson students should be able to; 1, Justify textiles 2, Describe textile terms yarn, fiber, fabric etc 3, Relate the origin of fibers to fabricStudents as a class discuss/observed how to relate fibers to fabric. -Students in small groups justify yarn, fibers and  fabrics as a textilesi. Citizenship ii. Leadership and personal development iii. Digital literacyReal Objects; -Samples of different texture of fabric – Cotton wool, animal skin. Web resources>yarn-fiber-and-fabric  
2 & 3Fibers And FabricBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; 1. Memorize the textiles terms 2, Classify fibers 3, Describe the manufacturing process of eadhi fiber eg sorting,’ combing etc 4, Identify the properties! characteristics of different fabricsclass discussion on •the difference in fabric texture (characteristics) -Field trip to textile and industries visit to local looms e.g. Aso Oke–    Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration  1. Chart showing the production of Aso Oke 2. Samples of different texture of fabrics 3. Web Resources https://textilestuycentre>introduction-to-textiles  

4-Career In Clothing And Textiles -Textile designers -Retail buyer -Fashion designers MerchandiserBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; 1, Identify different job opportunities open to a person trained in the area of clothing And textiles 2. Differentiate between formally trained clothing expert and road side tailorStudents as a class, Participate and discuss on career opportunities in clothing and textiles.’ Students in groups differentiate between formally trained clothing expert and road side tailor.i. Communication and Collaboration ii Citizenship ii. Digital literacyChart/Video Clips showing professionals in clothing and textiles Web resources https// > career in the fashion industry.
5 & 6Textile Test e.g. handling, burning, chemicals, microscope etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; 1, Carry out different test for the identification of different fabrics 2. Describe their observations.Students in small groups discuss, observe and practice various method of testing fabric. -Write down notes on their observations. -students make a field trip to textile industry.–    Critical thinking Problem solving –               Leadership and personal development  Samples of different tested fabrics Items for testing fabric for example; Matches/cookers, sodium hydroxide, tetra sulphate etc. Web resources<textile-test
8fabric finishes: mercerizing Sanforizing etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; i. Justify fabric finishes 2. Itemise the importance of fabric finishes 3. Identify the different types of fabrics finishes used on textilesStudents in small group Brainstorming and observe the different samples of fabrics finishes, Textile industry visitation – Form notes from observationi. Citizenship ii. Leadership and personal development iii. Digital literacySamples of fabrics with different finishes Web Resources<fabric-finishing
9  locally Made Fabrics e. g -Aso Oke Okene Cloth -Akwete – Print e.g. tie and dye, batik, Screen printing etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; 1. State the uses of the local fabrics made in Nigeria 2. Share views on the local fabrics made in Nigeria 3. Recognize the local communities where these fabrics are made in Nigeria– Students as a participant and group visit local fabric factory. -Students in pairs deliberate on different types of local fabrics Students as an individual groups the fabrics made in Nigeria.i. Citizenship ii. . Communication and Collaboration iii. Leadership and personal developmentChart / Samples of Local fabrics made in Nigeria Pictures of local weavers, YouTube (i) (2) link>youtube

10-Work Ethic- Components Rules and regulations -Dedication ProfessionalismBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to; 1. Define work ethics 2. Identify the components of work ethics 3. Translate the importance and benefits of work ethics– students as a group discuss work ethics -students in pairs discuss the importance and benefit of work ethics. -Write short note Video / Web resources Charts and magazine in work ethics Web Resources https://www.youroff  

11Projects – Baby DressBy the end of the project, students should be able to; use local fabrics to produce baby dressWhole Class discussion on local fabrics steps involved in – choosing styles, group made use of local fabrics to produce baby Sewing Kit. Catalogue. Websites Video clips via Youtube

Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term

1Welcome Test / Revision Of First Terms workBy the end of the lesson, students . should be able. to; 1. Resume and participate in the welcome test. 2. Recall all the topics taught in first termi.. Welcoming and preparation of students for second term. ii. Participation in the welcome test and revisionsi. Critical thinking, ii. Citizenshipi. First term examination question paper. ii. Students note book. ,
2Sewing Tools And Equipment Scissor Needles – ThreadBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:   1. Identify and use different sewing tools and equipment e.g. scissor for cutting. 2. Discuss the factors that influence the choice of tools and equipment e.g. money. 3. Describe the care of tools and equipment e.g. oiling, dusting etc.Whole class discussion on different sewing tools and equipments   Demonstration of care and handling of swing tool.   Student in pairs care ii. Make short notes on findings for sewing tools and submit.   -Student as an individual care sewing equipment in the department. i.  Citizenship ii. Collaboration and Communication ‘Real Objects pins, needle powder machine oil, etc   ii. Video clips and web resources<Sewing-tools-and-equipment

3General Safety Precautions In Clothing And Textiles .By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.øbogfiise safety precautions. 2. Observe and itemise safety precautions while using: a. each sewing tools and equipment.. b. the laboratoryi. Grouping of students to discuss, practice and utilize safety precautions in the laboratory.   ii. make notes from observationsi. Citizenship ii, Critical thinking iii Team work .i.  Chart showing proper use/handling of various tools and equipment. ii. Samples of tools and equipment. iii. Web resources>clothing-safety-precaution  
4The Sewing MachineBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to;   1. Justify sewing machine 2. Itemize sewing machine types, advantage and disadvantage, and brands. e.g. singer. 3. Identify the factors affecting the selection of sewing machine-whole class discussion i. Class grouping (of 10) deep on types of sewing thinking and observation of the sewing machine.   – Student in pairs identify factors affecting selection of sewing machine.i. Citizenship. ii. Deep thinking iii Leadership and personal development 

5The Sewing Machine Continues .By the end of the lesson, students  should be able to: 1. Recognise the parts of sewing machine and their functions, 2. Demonstrate the setting and threading of the sewing machine, 3. Discuss the cares, common faults. -Prevention of common faults in sewing machine. 4. Operate/use the sewing machine.-Whole class discussion. Class grouping (of 10), -Brainstorming, on how to set in the thread and operate/use the sewing machine. ii. Project; Tailor shop visitation, give report on your observations and practice. . .i. Citizenship. ii. Problem solving (Creativity and Imagination) iii Leadership and personal developmenti. The sewing machine. ii. Sewing machine chart. iii. Video clips on how to thread and  use the sewing machine. YouTube >Butterfly sewing   Web Resources:>sewingmachine
6Sewing Process -seam stitch etcBy the end of the lesson students should be able to i. Differentiate between stitch and seam 2. Identify types, uses and rules for working stitches, and seam.. 3. Describe arrangements of fullness 4. Discuss the types and factors to consider when arranging fullness.i. Class grouping, discussion and demonstration of the differences in stitch seam and fullness. ii. Practice and create an album with different types of stitches, seam or fullness.  iii. Summit for marking.i.  Citizenship ii. Collaboration and Communication  i.  Charts/ album showing stitches seams and arrangement of fullness ii Fabrics and Sewing kit. Web resources>sewing-process   :

8Sewing Process ContinuesBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Describe edge finishing 2. Recognize types, reasons and point to consider when choosing edge. finishing 3. Identify the types and functions of pocket.Students as a group discuss how to use edge finishing Students in pairs use edge finishing to produce pocketi.   Collaboration and  Communication.  ii.  Citizenshipi. Samples of sewn garment with edge finishing and pocket ii. Sewing Kit iii. Web/video Resources-YouTube Link edge finishing-pocket(1) https://www.profess>article>Google
9Advance Technology And Fashion Features  – Lining. -InterfacingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain advance in technology in fashion features. 2. Select fabric for lining/interfacing e.g. satin, fine polyester etc Describe ways of fixing lining and interfacing.-Whole class discussion on advance in fashion -Student in pairs select fabrics for lining/interfacingi. Communication ii. Collaboration iii. Creativity and imaginationi. Fabrics for lining and interfacing satin. ii. Web Resources>blogs>insight>Advance

10Garment Construction: Free Hand CuttingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Describe free hand cutting. 2. Itemise tool and equipment needed for tree hand cutting.i. Class grouping of 10  ii. Critical thinking, interaction and demonstration of free hand cutting Fashion house visitation -students as a class demonstrate free hand cutting -student in small groups itemise tools and equipment needed for free hand cuttingi. Collaboration and Communication. ii. Citizenship iii. Leadership and personal developmenti. Tools and equipment for tree hand cutting e.g. Table, tape rule, tailor chalk, scissors etc ii. Website! Video Clips YouTube
11Project -Skirt or KnickersBy the end of the project, students should be able to; use free hand cutting to produce skirt! knickers for themselvesClass interaction and participation on the steps included in free hand cutting to produce Skirt or Knickers for themselvesi. Critical thinking, and problem solving ii. Leadership and personal development iii. Collaboration and communication.i. Sewing Kit ii, Catalogue iii, Video clips- You tube – charts – Pictures

Access Free Lagos State Senior Secondary School Clothing and Textile Scheme of work SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –

Clothing and Textile Scheme of Work SSS1 Third Term

1-Welcome Test! Revision of last terms work] Body measurement -Shoulder -Wrist etc.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Participate in the  welcome test 2. Recall all the topics taught in second term 3. State the part of the body to be measured and take body measurementStudents participate actively in welcome test and revision -Class engagement and grouping of Students in pairs to take their measurement-Collaboration. Communication. -Leadership and personal development -Digital Literacyi. First term examination question paper.  ii. Students note book.>Body-measurement
2Principle of Design Balance Harmony, repetition etc. :By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i. Explain principle of 2.ldentify,the types of principles of design e.g. balance etc 3. Recognise the factors that influence principles of design.Students are shared into groups to identify principles of design -Students as a class explain principle of design -student in pairs recognise factors that influence principles of design.Citizenship Communication and collaboration – Digital LiteracyFabrics Charts and Video   Resources Showing principal of design.
3Element of Design-line form, coloretcBy the end of the lesson, 1. Justify basic design 2. Recognise and state the element of designs 3. Discuss the fundamental principles of elements of fashion design.Class discussion on how to relate the elements of design to fashion design -Students makes e shod note based on your observation.Communication Collaboration. -Leadership and personal development -Digital Literacyi. Chart showing proper use/handling of various tools and equipment. ii. Samples of tools and equipment.   iii. websites (Google)>academy>lesson 
4House Hold LaundryBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.Prepare clothes for laundering e.g. sorting, mending etc. 2. Identify different  leaning methods suitable for washing different types of clothes e.g. hand washing – rubbing, kneading Machine washing-Class are shared into groups each groups practice and demonstrate steps involved in laundry. -Students in pairs identify different cleaning methods suitable for washing.-Citizenship -Communication and Collaboration – Digital LiteracyReal Object -Tools and equipment for laundering e.g. soap, bucket, washing machine   Website video clips: You tube>how to wash with hands

5House Hold Laundry ContinueBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   1. Identify different methods of finishing given to garment e.g. ironing, pressing etc. 2. Describe other laundry process e.g. bleaching, bluing, stiffening-Class group practice and practical on laundry finishes -Students are grouped to practice different methods of finishing given to garment -Students in pairs describe other laundry process.-Communication and Collaboration Citizenship -.relate the laundry – Digital Literacy – Flash Cards  Same as week 4 – Charts – Pictures – Flash Cards
6House Hold Laundry.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   1. Distinguish between ironing and pressing 2. State the general rules observe when ironing 3. Describe different equipment use for storing clothes-Students are grouped to demonstrate laundry finishes.   Visitation to laundry workshops (dry cleaner)– Digital Literacy – Citizenship – Collaboration and communication  Website, video resources,  Chart or real objects on household laundry  

8Stain Remover e.g Bleach Kerosene Milk etcBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:   1.Dicuss the different types of stain and their origin e g animal vegetable or plant etc 2 Recognise different Stain removing agents e.g. bleach, methylated spirit etcStudents as a class discuss the different types of stain and their origin. Students pairs are given a fabric with stains to figure out how to wash off stainsCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration CommunicationSamples of stain removing agent Website video clips  
9Stain Removers ContinuesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. Enumerate the general guidelines needed for stain remover 2. Select the different treatment needed for removing specific stainsClass discussion and practical on how stains are removed Field trip to dry cleaners Write short notesCritical thinking and problem solving Collaboration and communication Digital LiteracyChart with different Stain Removal, Real stain removals Website,
video resources>stainremover

10Dress For different OccasionsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to 1. ltemise and recognise clothes for different occasions 2. Choose the right clothes for any occasion.Brainstorming and class discussion of the suitable fashion/dress for each occasion. Fashion drama class-Students in small groups choose the right clothes or any occasion Catalogue Fashion album and Magazine. Web resources https://www.legit>dress-for-occasions

11Project – Display of items produced by StudentsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. examine, observe and pick out the best items 2. discuss how each items are producedClass interaction and participation and display of items produce by students.-Collaboration and Communication -Digital Literacy -CitizenshipWebsite Video clips You tube


At the end of the session, Students are able to

  • Classify fibre into different categories
  • Differentiate between fibre and fabric
  • Handle different types of fabrics e.g. sorting and stain removal
  • Demonstrate how to take measurement and pattern drafting
  • Predict fashion for coming year
  • Make baby dress using free hand cutting
  • Decorate dresses with different decorative stitches
  • Work with beads designing of a dress

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