Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Federal

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Civic Education Curriculum

National Values Education Scheme, Federal Civic Education Scheme of work for JSS 3. The constitution, Negative behavior


1The Constitution: meaning of constitution.Meaning- a body of agreed rules and principles stating how powers of governing a country are given and how these powers are to be exercised.Explain the concept of the constitution.Listen to the explanation on the meaning of constitution.
2The constitution: colonial Nigeria constitution: Clifford and Richard’s constitution.Clifford’s constitution of 1922 and Richard’s constitution on 1946.Guides students to identify the promulgators of Clifford and Richard’s constitution.Identify the promulgators of Clifford and Richard’s constitution.
3The constitution: MacPherson and Lyttleton constitutions.Macpherson constitution of 1951 and Lyttleton constitution of 1954.Leads students to identify the promulgators of Macpherson and Lyttleton constitutions.Participate in the class discussion.
4The constitution: independent constitution.Independence constitution of 1960.Leads students to read about independence constitution.Read about the independence constitution.
5The constitution: features of colonial constitution.Features of colonial constitution.Guides students to explain the features of colonial constitution.Listen and take notes on the features of colonial constitutions.
6The constitution: post 1960 constitution.Republican constitution of 1963.Guides students to explain the republican constitution.Participate in the class discussion.
7The constitution: presidential constitution of 1979.1979 presidential constitution.Leads students to explain the 1979 constitution.Participate in the class lesson.
8The constitution: 1989 presidential constitution.1989 presidential constitution.Guides the students to explain the 1989 presidential constitution.Participate in the class discussion.
9The constitution: 1999 presidential constitution.1999 presidential constitution.Leads the students to explain the 1999 presidential constitution.Participate in the class discussion and ask question.
10The constitution: features of post 1960 constitutions.Describing features of post 1960 constitutions.Invites a guest speaker to talk on the features of post 1960 constitutions.Listen to the speaker, ask questions and take note.
11Supremacy of the constitution: meaning of the supremacy of the constitution.Meaning of the supremacy of the constitutions. Only one constitution for the country.Guides the students to explain the supremacy of the constitution.Participate in the class discussion.
12Supremacy of the constitution: the provisions apply to all states and individuals.Provisions of the constitution apply to all states and individuals.Guides students to identify from the constitution the relevant chapters that deals with supremacy of the constitution.Perform the task, ask questions and take note


1National value: right attitude to work.Meaning of right attitude to work: positive ways a worker carries out his or her work with the aim of helping oneself and mankind.Leads discussion on the meaning of right attitude to work.Participate in discussion and debate.
2National value: right attitude to work.Attributes of right attitude to work: honesty, discipline, integrity, diligence, commitment, punctuality, regularity, consistency and transparency etc.Uses tales to explain the attributes of right attitude to work.Listen and make contributions.
3National value: right attitude to work.Importance of right attitude to work: higher productivity, efficiency, progress, recognition, improved national image etc.Uses stories to explain the importance of right attitude to work.Listen to the stories and answer the likely questions.
4National value: right attitude to work.Consequences of not having the right attitude to work: declining productivity, lack of motivation, indiscipline, national disasters- air/sea/road etc.Guides the students to list the consequences of not having the right attitude to work.Participate in the discussion.
5Negative behavior: meaning of negative behaviors.Meaning of negative behaviors: they are non-desirable attitudes lacking in helpful qualities or characteristics which members exhibit which adds nothing to the growth of the society.Leads students to explain negative behavior.Participate in class discussion.
6Negative behavior: types of negative behaviors.Types of negative behaviors: stealing, lies, cheating, fighting, truancy, hatred, bribery, human trafficking, drug trafficking, cultism, examination malpractice, fornication etc.Guides the students to list the types of negative behaviors.Participate in listing the types of negative behaviors.
7Negative behavior: effects of negative behavior on the society.Effects of negative behavior on the society: high crime rate, inefficiency, value disorientation, high rate of mental disorder, lack of respect for elders.Asks students to list the effects of negative behaviors.List the effect of negative behaviors.
8Negative behavior: promoting positive behavioral changes.Promoting positive behavioral changes: mass election on the consequences of negative behavior, incentives or rewards for people who behave well, offenders should be punished and exposed for public ridicule etc.Uses guided questions to list the ways of promoting positive behavioral changes in the society.Participate in class discussion, questions and answer sections.
9Elections and electoral bodies in Nigeria: meaning of elections, importance of elections.Meaning of elections: a means of choosing or electing representatives to full political position or offices Importance of elections: it gives the people free choice of electing leaders in the society, easier way to change bad government; it promotes competition among the political parties and candidates etc.Guides the students to explain the meaning and importance of election.Participates in the discussion.
10iElections and electoral bodies in Nigeria.Identify the electoral bodies- INEC and SIEC. Need for free and fair election.Asks the students to find out the full meaning of the acronyms- INEC and SIEC.Give the full meaning of the acronyms.
iiElectoral malpractices and prevention.Electoral malpractices and their prevention.Guides them to explain electoral malpractices and their preventive measures.Participate in class discussion.

National Values Education Scheme, Federal Civic Education Scheme of work for JSS 3 –


1Democratic process: voting.Meaning of voting- a fundamental human right of an individual that is eligible to choose a candidate of a recognized political party.Leads discussion on the meaning of voting.Participate in the class discussion.
2Democratic process: voters’ registration.Voters’ registration: this demands that the details of the voter should be in the voters’ register beginning with the surname of the voter.Uses a voter’s card to explain the voters’ registration.Participate in the discussion.
3Democratic process: importance of voting.Importance of voting: It allows the masses participate in the political activities, it gives the electorate quality of votes, it also makes the public to know the eligible candidates in the society etc.Guides the students to explain the importance of elections.Participate in the explanation.
4Democratic process: the process of voting.The process of voting: displaying of election materials by INEC, cross-checking of voters’ register by INEC, issuance of voters’ card to eligible voters etc.Uses pictures or video clips of previous elections to explain the process of voting.Watches the pictures or clips.

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