Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS 2 Federal

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Civic Education scheme of work
Civic Education scheme of work

National Values Education Scheme, Federal Civic Education Scheme of work for JSS 2. Effects of lack of contentment –


1National values: Integrity, meaning of integrity, Attributes of integrity.-defines integrity as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. -honesty, trustworthy, contentment, probity. etc.Leads the students to explain the meaning of integrity Makes them list the attributes.Participate in the discussion in the class List the attributes.
2Attributes of IntegrityTruthfulness, sincerity, non-compromise of principles, fair play, mobility, decency, upstanding etc.Guides them to explain the attributes.Participate in the contribution.
3Examples of people of integrity in our society.Lists the names of people of integrity e.g. Doctor Nnamdi Azikiwe, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, Chief Obafemi Awolowo.Guides them to draw four people of integrity.Draw four people of integrity.
4Need for people of integrity in the society.For community development, peaceful co-existence for the younger generation.Guides the students to explain the need for people of integrity.Participate in the class discussions on the need for people of integrity.
5National values: contentment: meaning of contentment; attributes of contentment.Meaning of contentment and explanation of attributes of contentment; satisfaction and lack of envy.Leads the students to define contentment, lists some of the attributes of contentment.Participate in the discussion.
6Attributes of contentment.Rejection of greed and corruption, humility, self-control, and self-discipline.Guides the students to compile local sayings, adages, and proverbs that promote contentment.Participate in the compilation.
7Effects of lack of contentment.Corruption, greed, envy, theft, prostitution, robbery, cheating, etc.Guides the students to dramatize the effect of lack of contentment in the society.Engage in the drama.
8National values: discipline; meaning of discipline and attributes of discipline.Defines discipline as training to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience; self-control moderation and modesty, respect of legitimate authority.Guides discussion on the meaning and attributes of discipline.Participate in the discussion and ask questions.
9Attributes of discipline.Respect for rules and regulations, perseverance and dedication to duty.Organizes talk on attributes of discipline.Listen to the talk.
10National values: courage, meaning of courage, types of courage.Explain the meaning of courage, lists the types of courage- physical courage (wiliness to exercise physical energy to get things done).Guides discussion on the meaning of courage. Leads discussion on the demonstration of physical courage.Participate in class discussion.
11Types of courage.Identify the types of courage: moral courage- the ability to choose to do what is right irrespective of the pressure to do otherwise. Spiritual courage: courage to exhibit one’s spiritual faith and live according to its tenets.Guides discussion on the demonstration of moral courage and spiritual courage.Participate in the class discussion.
12Attributes of a courageous person.Commitment, endurance, determination, steadfastness, diligence, boldness, bravery, faith etc.Invites guest lecturers from relevant agencies- ICPC, EFCC, police etc. on the need for moral courage.Listen to the guest lecturers.


1Nigeria as a Federation: -Meaning of a federation. -Need for federation.-Meaning of federation. -Need for federation: national integration, unity in diversity, controlling activities of states.Guides the students to explain the meaning of federation, discuss the need for federation.Participate in class discussion on the meaning of federation and need for federation.
2Characteristics of a Federation.Sharing of powers between central and state government, states have constitutionally defined control over their own affairs; central government control the states; constitution of federal system.Guides students to describe the characteristics of a federation.Participate in the discussion on the characteristics of a federation.
3Relationship that exists among federal, state, and local government.Relationship- power to legislate, power to carry out function in accordance with constitutional provisions; provide form of governance etc.Explains to the students the tiers of government; federal, state, and local government.Participate in class discussion.
4Differences that exist among federal, state, and local government.Differences- functions; legislative powers; concurrent and exclusive powers etc.Cites examples to bring out the differences among the three tiers of government.Debate the differences among the three tiers of government.
5The rule of law.Meaning of law and rule of law.Guides students through class discussion on the meaning of law and the rule of law.Take part in the guided discussion and ask good questions.
6Benefits of rule of law.Benefits of rule of law as against arbitrary rule; punishment for breaking the law, equality of all citizens before the law.Asks students to find out benefits of the rule of law as against arbitrary rule.Identify the benefits of the rule of law as against arbitrary rule.
7Protection of human rights and rule of law.Ways of protecting human rights: representing the affected person in the court, drawing attention to cases of human rights violations through protest marches, media coverage and hunger strike.Guides students through discussion to explain how individuals and groups can assist in protecting citizens’ rights.Take part in class discussion, ask question and take notes.
8Groups that assist in protecting human rights of citizens.Civil society organization; CLO, CDHR, CRP etc. trade unions, students’ unions, ethnic associations, legal and council.Give students assignments to identify groups that assist in protecting human rights of citizens.Carry out assignment on identifying groups and individuals who assist in protecting human rights of citizens.
9Consumer rights and responsibilities: universal rights of a consumer.Right to satisfaction of basic needs rights to safety, information, choice, redress, consumer education, representation to the head and healthy environment.Explain each of the eight universal consumer rights.Role-play the eight universal consumer rights.
10The responsibilities of a consumer.Be aware, demand and keep proofs of transactions e.g. receipts, invoice, warranties, thinks independently, speak out and respect the environment.Discuss and demonstrate the responsibilities of a consumer.Participate in the class discussion and role play the responsibilities of a consumer.


1Democracy: meaning of democracy, democratic institutions and their functions.Definition of democracy: government of the people by the people and for the people. List democratic institutions- INEC- conducts election- political parties- presents candidates for election etc.  Guides students to define democracy and to mention the democratic institutions and their roles.Define democracy and list the democratic institutions and their functions.
2Features of democracy.States features of democracy such as: protection of individual rights should not be guaranteed, the constitution should be supreme and above every other law in the land, rule of law should be in application.Leads students to identify the various features of democracy.Participate in the identification of the features of democracy.
3Pillars of democracy.Explain the meaning of the pillars of democracy. Pillars of democracy- people, democratic institutions, rule of law majority rule, minority right, transparent electoral process etc.Guides students to define pillars of democracy, and list the pillars of democracy.Participate in class discussion and take notes.
4Importance of democracy: arms of government.-importance of democracy -arms of government- executive, legislative and judiciary.Invites a guest lecturer to discuss the importance of democracy as well as the arms of government.Listen to the guest lecturer and ask questions and take notes.
5Election and voter responsibilities: concepts of election and voter responsibilities.Meaning of election, voter and voting.Guides the students to define election, voter and voting.Participate in the class discussion.
6Types of election and their differences.Differentiate between the types of election- direct election, indirect election, by-election, primary election, run-off election or second ballot.Identify the procedures for the different types of election.Participate in the class discussion, ask questions and take note.
7Basic qualification of election.Discuss basic qualifications for elections- must be a citizen, must be of the required age and education qualification etc.Invites a guest speaker to talk on basic qualifications of elections.Listen to the guest speaker.
8Procedure for voting and importance of election.Procedure for voting- confirming voters names in the register, issuance of voters’ card etc. Importance of election.Invites a guest speaker to talk on the procedure for voting and importance of election.Listen to the talk, ask questions, and take note.
9Electoral malpractices: meaning and forms of electoral malpractices.Definition of electoral malpractices. Forms of electoral malpractices- fake ballot papers and manipulation of votes, multiple voting, underage voting etc.Guides students to explain the meaning of electoral malpractices and the forms of electoral malpractices.Participate in the class discussion and take note.
10Causes and consequences of electoral malpractices.Causes- greed, tribalism, favoritism, poverty, godfatherism. Consequences- break down of law and order, voters’ rights violation, leads to riot and violence, leads to death etc.Asks questions to guide the students to explain the causes and consequences of electoral malpractices.Answer the questions and participate in the discussion.
11Prevention of electoral malpractices.Prevention includes- registration strictly for qualified voters, secret voting should be encouraged, electoral bodies should be truly independent, defaulters should be jailed etc.Invites a guest speaker to educate the students on the prevention of electoral malpractices.Listen to the guest speaker, ask questions and take note.

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