Grace 6 Nigerian Curriculum Civic Education for Primary 6. National Honors Awards, Valuing Nigerian Goods, National Values –
Week 1
Topic: National Honors Awards
Performance objectives
- Define National Honors
- State types of National Honors Award
- Enumerate the reasons for giving members of the society National Honors
- National Honors Award is an award on members of society for their contributions towards national development
- Types of National Honors: e.g.
- MON- Member of the order of Niger
- CON- Commander of the Order of the Niger
- CFR- Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria- President.
- GCFR-Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
- OFR – Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
- Reasons for National Honors:
- Reward for hard work, obedience, patriotism
- Encouragement
- Excellence
- Meritorious service outstanding feat
- Selfless service
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to define National Honors Award
- Assists pupils in mentioning the various National Honors Awards bestowed on deserving members of the society
- Gives examples of such awardees in their community
- Guides pupils to discuss the reasons for National Honors Award
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in the discussions
- Respond to the questions and take down salient points
- Contribute to the discussion and take down notes
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures
- Newspaper cutting
- Video clips
- Posters
Evaluation Guide
- Explain what National Honors Award is
- Mention and explain two types of National Awards
- Give three reasons why members of the society are given National Honors
Week 1
Topic: Valuing Nigerian Goods
Performance objectives
- Mention some of the values of Nigerian food items as a way of promoting nutrition education
- Values of Nigerian Foods Items:
- Freshness
- No Preservatives
- No additives,
- Promoting balanced diet, etc
- Valuing Nigerian made goods brings national pride, contentment, hard- work, better life, Employment, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion on the values of some Nigerian food items as a way of promoting diet and nutrition education
- Leads pupils to identify reasons why we should value Nigerian goods
Student’s Activities
- Participate in Class discussions
- Give reasons why Nigerian goods should be valued
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pictures of Nigerian foods and goods
- Video clips
- Relic, etc
Evaluation Guide
- Mention the nutritional values of Nigerian foods
- Give two reasons why Nigerian goods are valued
Grace 6 Nigerian Curriculum Civic Education for Primary 6. National Honors Awards, Valuing Nigerian Goods, National Values –
Week 2
Topic: National Values
Performance objectives
- Mention the characteristics of tolerance
- Describe the attributes of cooperation
- Explain what national unity means
- Identify values that promote peace
- Tolerance:
- Respect for other people’s behavior and ways of doing things;
- Forgiveness;
- Accommodation;
- slow to anger,
- Peace, etc
- Cooperation:
- Communal efforts;
- shared responsibilities;
- Helping each other in times of need; – willingness to assist,
- National Unity, etc
- Unity:
- emphasizing things that unite us;
- respecting the national objectives, coat of arms;
- strengthening national bonds, etc
- Values that promote peace e.g. humility, forgiveness, moderation, tolerance, humanness, self-control, etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Explains the nature and characteristics of tolerance
- Guides the description of cooperation and explains it attributes
- Explains what constitute national unity
- Asks pupils to recite the national pledge and sing the national anthem
- Guides the pupils to discuss values that promote peace
Student’s Activities
- Ask questions based on the teacher’s explanations
- Describe the attributes of:
- Tolerance,
- Cooperation
- Recite the national pledge and sing the national anthem
- Read about values of peace
Teaching & Learning Material
- Posters
- Pictures
- Newspapers
- Samples of Nigerian goods
- Report on settlement of conflicts
Evaluation Guide
- Mention three characteristics of tolerance
- Describe two attributes of tolerance and cooperation
- Discuss what national unity means
- Identify and explain three values that promote peace
Grace 6 Nigerian Curriculum –
Civic Education Curriculum for Primary 1
Civic Education Curriculum for Primary 2
Civic Education Curriculum for Primary 3