Senior Secondary Teaching Syllabus Humanity. Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for SS 1 – Schemeofwork
1 | Jesus’ teaching about Himself | Jesus as the lamb, the door and good shepherd.( John 1:29-34, John 10:1-8) Jesus as the light of the world ( John 3:19; 8:12;9:4-5;12:35-36; 1 John 1:5-7) | Lead the students to discuss the qualities of a good shepherd. Explain the significance of Jesus as the door and lamb.Picture of a shepherd and his flock.Lead the students to discuss their experience of walking in the dark. Darkroom and torchlight. |
2 | Jesus as the True Vine | Jesus as the true vine (John 15:1-7)Jesus as the living bread and water (John 6:1-41; 4:7-15) | Lead the students to talk on the living a life outside Christ.Discuss on value of bread and water.Bread and water. |
3 | Love | God’s love for man. Meaning of loveExtent of God’s love for man.Need for man to respond to God’s love (John 3:16-18) | Explain types of love and ask students to demonstrate love.Love drama |
4 | Love for One Another | Types of love for manQualities of love (no one can claim to love God without loving his brothers and sisters. (1 John 4:7-8; 2 ; Corinthians 13:1-13; 1John 3:17-18)Various ways of showing love to one another and to one’s country | Guide the students to read and identify qualities of love in the scripture.The Holy Bible and gift items. . |
5 | Justification by faith | Meaning and need for justification (Romans 3:23, Galatians 3:19-21) Faith in Jesus as a condition for justification ( Romans 4:1-5; Galatians 2:16-21; Romans 1:16-17; 4:1-5; 5)Fruit of justification. Galatians 2:19-21; 5:22) | Use the students to dramatize a law court where an offender is granted an unconditional pardon |
6 | New Life in Christ | Meaning of old life as living in sin. (Galatians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:5-7)Characteristics of old life and need for change (Romans 6:1-4, 15:18-19) | Role play of a harlot and drug addict who received Christ.Pictures of successful God fearing man and woman in the society, |
7 | New Life in Christ continues. | Characteristic of new life in Christ and the need to stick to it ( Roman 6:12-19, Colossians 3:1-6) | |
8 | Sonship | Meaning of being Son of God.Jesus as a son of God (Romans 8:3; 17,32) | Lead the student to read the passages and list their rights and duties as children of God.Students as children of God. |
9 | Christians as Children of God | Rights and Responsibilities of Christians as children of God ( Ephesians 1:5)Rights and Responsibilities of the citizen of Nigeria ( the constitution of Nigeria) | Lead the students to discuss the rights and responsibilities of students as Nigeria citizen.Copy of the constitution of Nigeria. |
10 | Faith and Works. | Definition of faith and work (Hebrew 11:1-3, 6). Concept of faith as requirement for salvation (Paul’s teaching on faith and work) ( Galatians 1:14; Ephesians 2:8; 9) | Lead the students in faith works interrelationship.Discuss how faith and works are interrelated. |
11 | Faith and Works | James teaching on faith and works. Genuine saving faith manifests itself through works James 2:14-26)Compare and contrast Paul’s and James teaching on faith and works | Video clips of the rich young ruler in (Luke 18: 18-27)Talk on the good works that demonstrates Christian faith. |
12 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
13-14 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
1. | The Fruit of the Spirit | Definition of “fruit” as in the context.The fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21The fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-25How to bear the fruit of the spirit (Acts 2:38; Romans 10:9-10 | Lead the students to examine themselves in the light of both the spirit and the flesh.One good fruit as fruit of the spirit and one bad fruit as fruit of the flesh. |
2 | Spiritual Gifts | Definition of spiritual gifts and talents.Values/Distribution and use of spiritual gift.Differences between spiritual gifts and talents. | Guide the students to read relevant passages give them assignment on the effective use of spiritual gifts in the Church |
3 | Spiritual Gifts | List of spiritual gifts (1Chorinthians 12:4-8, 28, Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:6-8)Hierarchy of spiritual gift. (1Chorinthians 12:28;31;14:1,4,5)How to identify and exercise your own spiritual gift(s). | List of spiritual gifts |
4 | Forgiveness | Meaning of forgivenessJesus teaching on forgiveness ( Matthew 6:12, 14, 15)How to achieve forgiveness If the offender realises his/her mistakes and asks for pardon.If someone intervenes on behalf of the offender Philemon 1If the offended decides on his/her own to forgive the offender for the sake of God (Matthew 6:12) | Lead the students to read the passages.Discuss the consequences of unforgivenessAsk the students to make list of their offenders and they should resolve to forgive them. |
5 | Forgiveness cont. | Effects and consequences of unforgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)Rewards of forgivenessOur sins will be forgiven-we-will have good rapport with others progressing our community etc | Read parable on forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35) |
6 | Rights and Obligations of Family Members | Meaning and types of familyRights and duties of family members in the Bible (Colossians 2:18-21)Rights and duties of family members in our nationConsequences of failure of family members to perform their duties | Students to describe their traditional family set up. Discuss the role of their family members. Read (Colossians 2:18-21) discuss source of conflict in the family.Picture of a family |
7 | Humility | Meaning of humility (Philippians 2:1-11)Jesus demonstrated humility (Matthew 26:14-39; Luke 22:24-27, John 13:1-17)Ways of demonstrating humility solution to pride (Matthew 18:1-4, Luke 1:47-56) | Share with the students your personal observation of how both the pride and humble behave in the society. |
8 | Humility cont. | Benefit of humility (James 4:10, 1Peters 5:6, 1john 2:15-16).Consequences of pride (James 4:6-7; 1 Peters 5:5; Matthew 23:12). | Role play on the topic. Share personal experience of how humility has been rewarded. |
9 | Effective Prayer | Jesus taught his disciples how to pray (Matthew 6:7-13)James teaching on prayer (James 1:1-8; 4:1-3; 5:12-20)Types of prayer Reasons for unanswered prayer (Matthew 6:7-13) | Ask the student to explain the meaning of prayer.Explain types of prayer like adoration, meditation, thanksgiving, petition, confession and intercession compose a short prayer.Picture of Jesus at prayerPicture of a praying monk in meditation. |
10 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
12-13 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
1 | Living a Life of Witnessing to Christ | Peter’s message on Christian living (1 Peters 1:13-17; 2:9-25: 4:1-15)Paul’s statement on children of the light (Romans 13:11-14). | Explain the message of being a true witness for Christ, the importance of living through good examplesPicture of prisoners. |
2 | Social Vices and Witnessing to Christ. | Social vices and interesting to Christ.Importance of tolerance and peaceful co-existence | Discuss some bad practices in our nation today.Suggest ways to avoid them mention some positive aspects of living a life for Christ.Picture of drugs addicts and alcoholics. |
3 | Civic Responsibility | Meaning of civic Responsibility and Examples. | Lead student to define civic responsibility and mention some of their civic responsibility. |
4 | Christian attitude towards Persecution | Peters message to Christians under persecution ( 1 Peters 1:5-9; 4:12-19)Jesus’ message on love of enemies (Matthew 5;38-48) | Explain how Christ our model was persecuted. Mention places in Nigeria where Christians are denied their rights. Discuss people they know that have survived persecutionVideo film of persecution of early ChristiansPicture of Christ on the cross. |
5 | Christians attitude towards Persecution cont. | Suffering and Christian faith.Christian attitude towards persecution (Colossians 1:2) | |
6 | Impartiality | Meaning of impartialityEquality of human beings before God ( James 2:1-3)Warning against prejudice (James 2:1-13) | Read the passage mention instances of partiality and impartiality in our society today.Explain the need to treat everyone equally. Video of mother Teresa of Calcutta.Picture of Dr. and nurses treating patients in hospitals. |
7 | Impartiality cont. | “The Golden rule” (Matthew 7;12; Luke 6:31) Negative effects of Nepotism, favouritism and tribalism on society. | Explain how “Golden rule” can lead to a human and just society. Write short note on nepotism, favouritism and tribalism on the society.Outline the negative effects. |
8 | The Resurrection and Second Coming of Jesus Christ | Meaning of resurrectionPaul’s teaching on resurrection and second coming (1Corinthians 15) | Explain the significance of resurrection in the life of Christians. |
9 | Preparation for Second Coming of Christ. | Jesus’ teaching on second coming of Christ (Matthew 25:31-46)Jesus talks on the last judgement when he comes Paul’s teaching on how to prepare for the second coming (1 Thess 4:13-18). | Lead the students to need the passages and outline signs of second coming of Christ. |
10 | Resurrection and Christian Faith. | The importance of the resurrection of Christ to Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15:3-8,12-20) | Explain that if Christ did not resurrect, our faith would have been in vain.Picture of resurrected Christ. |
11 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
12-13 | Examination | Examination | Examination |