Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for JSS3 Federal

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Christian Religious Studies Curriculum
Christian Religious Studies Curriculum

CRS Syllabus Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS3. Paul’s trials before Agrippa –


1SOME TEACHINGS OF PAUL1) Dignity of labour -Paul’s teaching on Dignity of labour. 2Thes.3:6-15, Col.3:23 2)Types of work people do(Teaching, medical practice, Engineering, Banking etc)-Teacher gives the meaning of dignity of Labour. -Students discuss Paul’s teaching on Dignity of labour with the teacher’s guidance. -Students discuss different work that people do.
2SOME TEACHINGS OF PAUL1) Characteristics of Dignity of labour. -Punctuality, honesty, commitment, handwork, cooperation, love.   a) Obedience to constituted authority. Rm. 13:1-7, Eph.6:5-8 b) Why is it necessary to obey constituted authority?  Teacher leads class discussion on the characteristics of Dignity of labour. -Students identify characteristics of dignity of labour.   -Teacher guides Students to explain Paul’s teaching on obedience to the constituted authority. -Teacher leads class discussion on why we should obey the constituted authority.
3SOME TEACHINGS OF PAUL(CONT’D)1) Love(Rom.13:8-10; 1Cor.13 2) Why should we show love to one another. Rom. 13:8-10, 1Cor.13.-Teacher guides Students to explain why we should show love to other. -Students listen, participate  and debate in the discussion on how to show love to others
4PAUL’S TRIALS.1) Paul’s arrival in Jerusalem. 2) Paul’s arrest. Acts 21:17-40  -Students read on the passage and the teacher guides the class discussion on the accusations leveled against Paul.
5PAUL’S TRIALS1) Paul before the Jewish council. 2) The plot to kill Paul. Acts 22:30, 23:1-35.  -Teacher leads Students to discuss what happened at the Jewish council. -Students participate in the discussion ask and answer questions.
6PAUL’S TRIALS1) Paul before the Roman Governors. -Paul before Felix. Acts 24:1-27   -Moral lessons.-Teacher guides Students to discuss what happened at the Paul’s trial before Felix.   -Students identify lessons they learnt from Paul’s trial before Felix
7PAULS TRIALS1) Paul before Festus. Act 25:1-21   2) Moral lessons-Students read the Bible passage while teacher leads class discussion on the trials of Paul before Festus. -Teacher guides Students to give lessons from Paul’s trial before Festus
8PAULS TRIALS1) Paul’s trials before Agrippa. Act 25:13-25   2)Moral lesson-Teacher read the Bible passage while the teacher leads discussion on Paul’s trial before king Agrippa. -Students mention the lessons learnt from the trial of Paul before king Agrippa.
9PAUL’S TRIALS1) The cause of division among the members of the council. 2) Reasons why Paul appealed to Caesar Augustus.-Teacher leads class discussion on what caused division among the members of the council. -Teacher guides the discussion on why Paul appealed to Caesar.
10PAUL’S TRIALS1)Paul’s  case revealed the weakness of those in authority 2) The great commission. Matt 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16.  -Teacher leads Students in discussing how Paul’s case revealed the weakness of those in authority. -Students recites the great commission.
11THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH1) The Beginning of the growth of the Church. Acts 2:1-47 2) Marks of growth in the church. (organizing crusades, Revivals, Crusades, Vigils, Prayer meetings etc)-Teacher leads Students in discussing the great beginning of the growth of the Church.     -Guides the discussion on factors responsible for the growth of the churches.
12THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH1) Activities carried out during evangelism. 2)Some prominent church leader in Nigeria-State activities carried out during evangelism


1UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Christian organizations in Nigeria (Christian Association of Nigeria etc.)   2) Aims and objectives of Christians Association of Nigeria.-Teacher guides Student to identify the Christian organizations in Nigeria.
2UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1)Nigeria fellowship of evangelical Students (NIFES) -Aims -Origin-Teacher leads Students in discussing the activities of Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES).
3UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies (NABIS). -Origin -Aims-Teacher guides the Students in discussing the origin and aims of Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies.
4UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANSDefinition of interdenomination and their activities-Teacher guides Students in discussing the meaning of interdenomination. -The activities of interdenomination.
5UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Christians giving. Phil.4:14-20, 2Cor.8:3-5, 9;6-15. 2) Reasons for Christians giving.-Teacher guides Students in discussing Paul’s teaching on Christian giving. -Students explain the reasons for Christian giving.
6UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Teaching that will foster unity. -Faith and works. James 2:14-18 2)Moral lesson  -Students define faith and works. -Teacher guides Students in discussing James teaching on faith and works
7UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Paul’s teaching on Humility. Phil. 2:3-11, Peter. 5:5-11   20Moral lesson.-Students give the meaning of humility. -Students read the Bible passage and the teacher guides Students in discussing the teaching of Paul on humility.
8UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS1) Impartiality. James 2:1-13   -Moral lesson .-Students define impartiality. -Teacher leads discussion on the teaching of James concerning impartiality
9UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS         UNITY AMONG CHRISTIANS        1)Forgiveness   -Paul’s teaching on forgiveness. Gal. 6:1-2     1) Reasons why we should forgive (For peace of mind, to be healthy, to ease pain etc.)-Students explain the meaning of forgiveness. -Teacher guides the discussion on Paul’s teaching on forgiveness.   – Students discuss why we should forgive others with the teacher’s guidance.
10CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE COMMUNITY1) Christians living in non Christian’s community. Matt. 5:13-16 2) Christian attitude to persecution. 1Peter 3:13-17, James 1:12-15, 1Peter 1:6-9-Teacher guides discussion on Christians as salt of the earth and light of the world. -Teacher leads Students to describe Christian’s attitude to persecution.

CRS Syllabus Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS3


1PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE1)  Explanation of peaceful co-existence i.e. Living in peace with others. 2)Reasons for people’s desire for peaceful co-existence-Teacher guides the Students in discussing peaceful co-existence.
2INSTANCES IN THE BIBLE  OF PEOPLE DESIRING PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE1) Abram and lot separate. Gen.13:1-8. a) Significance of the story. 2) Jacob flees from Laban. Gen. 31:1-11 b) Significance of the story.  -Teacher explains why Esau and Jacob desire peaceful co-existence.     -Teacher guides Students in discussing the need for peaceful co-existence between Abraham and Lot.
3INSTANCES  OF PEOPLE DESIRING PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE1) Isaac and Abimelech. Gen.26:2-29 2) Significance of the story.-Teacher narrates the story of Isaac and Abimelech and why they desire peaceful co-existence.  
4INSTANCES OF PEOPLE DESIRING PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE1) Philemon and Onesimus. Phil.1 :1-30 2) Moral lesson.-Students read the Bible passage while the teacher leads the discussion on how Philemon and Onesimus desired peace co-existence.
5HOW WE CAN SHOW PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE1)  Call for dialogue -Tolerance -Forgiveness -Call for reconciliation or settlement of disputes. Etc. 2) Call for reconciliation or settlement of dispute.-Teacher asks Students how they can show peaceful co-existence.   -Students respond to the questions.
6ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM FROM ABRAHAM AS ONE FATHER1) The birth of Ishmael. Gen 16:15-16. 2) The birth of Isaac. Gen. 21;1-3-Teacher explains the explanation on the origin of Christianity and Islam as being of one father (Abraham.)

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