CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2. The Miracles of Jesus –
1 | THE BAPTISM OF JESUS CHRIST | 1) The Baptism of Jesus. Mtt.3:3-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22 2a) Significance of Jesus’ Baptism b) The importance of Baptism to the life of a Christian. . | -Teacher leads the Students to discuss the baptism of Jesus. -Teacher explains the Significance of Jesus’ baptism. -Students list the importance of baptism in the life of Christians |
2 | THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS | 1) Temptation of Jesus. Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13 2)Significance of the temptation of Jesus | -Teacher leads class discussion on the temptation of Jesus -Teacher discusses the temptation of Jesus with the Students. |
3 | THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS | 1)Temptation in the life of Christians 2) Ways of overcoming temptations. -Prayer, being strong in faith etc. | -Students list the temptations in the life of Christians. -Teacher guides them. -Students discuss ways of overcoming temptation. |
4 | CALL OF THE DISCIPLES | 1) Jesus calls His first four disciples. Mtt.4:18-22, Mark 1:14-20, Luke 5:1-11. -The call of the twelve disciples/ Apostle. Mark 3:13-19 2) What it takes to be a disciples of Jesus Christ. Matt. 8:18-27, Luke 9:57-63, Luke 14:25-33 | -Teacher guides the class to dramatize the call of the first four disciples -Students memorize the names of the twelve disciples/Apostles. -Teacher explains what it takes to be disciples of Jesus. |
5 | MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES | 1) Why Jesus called the disciples. Matt. 4:18-22, Luke 5;1-11 a) The preaching of Gospel and healing of the sick. Matt. 10:1-15 2) The mission of the twelve apostles. Matt 12:1-6 | -Teacher explains why Jesus called the disciples -Students identify the mission of Jesus’ disciples. |
6 | MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES | 1) Mission of the Seventy two. Luke 10:1-24. 2a) Outcome of the mission of the 12 and 72. b)Effect of the disciples activities on Nigerian Christians | -Explains the mission of the twelve apostles. -Students identify the mission of the twelve apostle and the seventy two disciples. |
7 | SERMON ON THE MOUNT OR THE BEAUTITUDE. | 1) The beatitudes matt. 5: 1-12 2) Christians as the salt and light of the world. Matt. 5:13-16 | -Teacher leads the class discussion on the teaching on the beatitudes. -Students recite the beatitudes. -Teacher explains Jesus’ teaching of Christians as salt of the earth and light of the world. |
8 | SERMON ON THE MOUNT OR THE BEAUTITUDE | 1) Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness. Matt. 6:14-15, Revenge Matt 5:38-42 2) Fasting and prayer. Matt 6;5-13 | -Teacher leads discussion on Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness, revenge, fasting and prayer. -Students participate in the discussion. |
9 | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | 1) Jesus’ teaching on love of money. Matt.6:19-34. 2) Jesus’ teaching on worrying. Matt. 6; 25-34. | -Teacher guides Students to discuss Jesus’ teaching on love of money and worrying. |
10 | JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES | 1)Meaning of parables a) Why Jesus taught in parables (for people to see, hear and understand). 2) The parable about the Kingdom – Parables of the Sower. Matt.13:1-19, 18-23. | -Teacher leads discussion on meaning of parables. -Teacher explains reasons why Jesus taught in parables. -Students participate in the discussion. -Teacher explains the parables of the Sower and its meaning. |
11 | JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES | 1) Parable of wheat and Tares. Matt. 13:13-3, 4-30, 36-43 2)Interpretation of the parable | -Teacher reads the Bible passage and explains it. -Students participate in the Bible reading. |
12 | JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES | Parable illustrating God’s love; 1) The Prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32. 2) The lost sheep. Luke 15:3-7 3) The lost coin. Luke 15:8-10 | -Students narrate the parable of the prodigal son, lost sheep and lost coin and their interpretation. |
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CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2 –
1 | JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES | Parable about our earthly possessions. 1) The rich fool. Luke 12:13-21 2) The rich man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31 | -Teacher narrates the parables of the rich fool, the rich man and Lazarus. -Students participate in the discussion. |
2 | JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES | Parables about maturity and responsibility. 1) The ten Virgins. Matt 25:1-13. 2) The talents. Matt 25:14-30 Matt 25:14-30 a) The unforgiven steward. Matt 18:21-35 | -Students read Bible passage and discuss on the parables of the ten Virgins, talents and unforgiven stewards. -Teacher guides and leads the discussion. |
3 | THE MIRACLES OF JESUS | 1) The meaning of miracle. -Turning water into wine. John 2:1-11 2) Calming the storm. Matt 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 | -Teacher explains the meaning of miracle. -Explains the miracle of turning water into wine. -Teacher leads class discussion on Jesus calming the storm. -Students participate in the discussion. |
4 | THE MIRACLES OF JESUS | 1) Feeding of the five thousand. Matt 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17 2) Feeding of four thousand. Mark 8:1-6 | -Students identify what Jesus fed the five thousand people with and what was left after reading the Bible -Teacher narrates Jesus’ feeding of four thousand. |
5 | THE MIRACLES OF JESUS | 1) Walking on the sea (water). Matt.14:22-23, Mark 6:45-52 2) Healing miracles of Jesus. -The centurion’s servant. Matt. 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10 | -Teacher guides the Students to read Bible passages and explains it. -Students participate in reading and explaining the Bible passage read. -Teacher tells the Students that Jesus equally performs healing performs healing miracles. -Reads Bible and discusses the story. |
6 | THE MIRACLES OF JESUS | 1) Jesus heals the paralytic. Matt. 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12 2) The Gerasenes demoniac. Mark 5:1-20 | -Teacher leads discussion on how Jesus healed the Paralytic -Students participate in the discussion and also reads from the Bible passage. -Teacher reads the Bible passage and narrates the story |
7 | THE MIRACLES OF JESUS | Jesus’ power over death. 1) Raising of widow’s son at Nain 2) Raising of Lazarus. John 11:1-45 | -Teacher explains the story of how Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain. -Teacher leads discussion on how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. -Students participate in the class discussion. |
8 | JESUS SUBJECTS HIMSELF TO CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LAWS. | 1) Meaning and importance of Law in the society. b) Problems of a lawless society and consequences of violating laws 2) Jesus’ attitude to civil and religious laws of his time(Matt.5:17-20; Matt. 22:15-22) a) Love as the supreme law. John 13:34-35; 1cor.13;1 Qualities of love Luke 2:51, 1 Cor.13:1-13(patient, kind, not boastful etc.) | -Teacher discusses the meaning and importance of Law with the Students. -Teacher explains to the Students Jesus’ attitude towards civil and religious laws. -Students participate in class discussion. -Teacher explains how Jesus describes love as the supreme law. -Students read the Bible passage and identify the qualities of love. |
9 | THE PASSION OF CHRIST | 1) The Triumphant entry. Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44. b) Significance of the triumphant entry. 2) The last supper. Matt. 26:17-30. It’s significance. | -Teacher tells the story of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. -Students participate in the discussion. -Teacher leads the class to discuss the last supper. |
10 | THE PASSION OF CHRIST | 1) The betrayal and arrest of Jesus. Mark 14:43-52, Matt. 26:47-56. 2) The trials and Peter’s denial. Matt. 26:47-68, 69-75. -Instances that can lead a Christian to deny Christ and his/her neighbor. | Teacher tells the story of the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. -Teacher leads discussion on the trials of Jesus and peter’s denial. -Students list instances that can lead a Christian to deny Christ and his/her neighbors. |
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CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2 –
1 | THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF JESUS | 1) The crucifixion. Matt. 27:32-44 -Jesus words on the cross. 2) The death of Jesus. Matt.27:45-56 -The burial of Jesus. Matt. 27:57-61 | -Teacher leads class discussion on Jesus’ crucifixion. -Students enumerate the words of Jesus on the cross. -Teacher guides Students to state the events that heralded Jesus’ death on the cross. -Teacher explains what happened at Jesus’ burial. -Students participate in the discussion. -They ask and answer questions. |
2 | THE RESURRECTION AND APPEARANCE | 1) The Resurrection. Matt. 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12. -Significance of Jesus’ resurrection. 2) The appearance of Jesus. Matt.28:16-20, Luke 24:13-49, Mark 16:9-18; John 21:1-14 | -Teacher leads class discussion on the resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. -Students discuss the significance of Jesus’ resurrection. -Students state various appearances of Jesus. |
3 | THE ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST | 1) The Great commission. Matt. 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18 2) The Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Matt.16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53 -Signs that will accompany those who will spread the gospel. | -Teacher leads discussion on the great commission. -Teacher narrates the story of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. -Students discuss and list the signs that will accompany those who will obey the great commission. |
4 | THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT | 1) The promise of the Holy Spirit. John14:26, 15:26, Acts 1:3-5. 2) The coming of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-13 | -Teacher guides Students to discuss the importance of the promise of the Holy Spirit. -Teacher narrates the story of the fulfillment of the promise. |
5 | THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT | 1) Peter’s first speech and its effects. Acts 2:41-47. | -Teacher leads in the discussion and summarizes Peter’s speech. |
6 | FELLOWSHIP IN THE EARLY CHRUCH | 1) Social and religious life of the early church. -Togetherness in the Early church. Acts 2:41-47, 5;1-11 2) Murmuring in the Early church. Act 6:1-2 | -Teacher leads discussion on the social and religious life of the early church. -Explains what brought about murmuring in the early church. |
7 | FELLOWSHIP IN THE EARLY CHRUCH | 1) Selection of the deacons. Acts 6:1-7 2) Comparism of the early life of the early church and Christian today. | – Students discuss what gave rise to the selection of the deacons. -Students mention the names of the deacons. -Teacher guides Students in discussing the difference between the early church and Christians today. |
8 | OPPOSITION TO THE GOSPEL MESSAGE | 1) Arrest of Peter and John. Act 3:11-44, 4:5-31 2) Arrest and martyrdom of Stephen. Act 6:8-17, 1-60. | – Students read the relevant Bible passage. -Teacher guides Students in identifying reasons for the arrest of Stephen. |
9 | OPPOSITION TO THE GOSPEL MESSAGE | 1) Persecution of the church by Saul. Acts 8:1-3, 9;1-43 2) Martyrdom of James. Acts 12:1-3 | -Students read the Bible passage for illustrations. -Students with the aid of the teacher narrate the story of how James was killed and why. |
10 | THE MINISTRY OF PETER | 1) Peter and Simon the magician. Act 8:14-25 2) Healing miracles of Peter. Raising of Dorcas from the dead. Acts 9:32-42. | -Teacher describes Peter’s encounter with Simon the magician. -Teacher narrates the story of the raising of Dorcas from the dead. |
11 | THE MINISTRY OF PETER | 1) The conversion of Cornelius. Act 10:1-48. -Peter defends his action in Cornelius house. Acts 11:1-18 2) Peter’s divine release from prison and death of Herod. Acts 12:1-24 | – Students dramatize conversion of Cornelius with the teacher’s guidance. -Teacher explains how Peter defended his action in Cornelius’ house. -Teacher narrates the story of Peter’s divine release from prison. |
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