Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for JSS 2 Federal

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Christian Religious Studies Curriculum
Christian Religious Studies Curriculum

CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2. The Miracles of Jesus


1THE BAPTISM OF JESUS CHRIST1) The Baptism of Jesus. Mtt.3:3-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22 2a) Significance of Jesus’ Baptism b) The importance of Baptism to the life of a Christian. .-Teacher leads the Students to discuss the baptism of Jesus. -Teacher explains the Significance of Jesus’ baptism. -Students list the importance of baptism in the life of Christians
2THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS1) Temptation of Jesus. Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13 2)Significance of the temptation of Jesus-Teacher leads class discussion on the temptation of Jesus -Teacher discusses the temptation of Jesus with the Students.
3THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS1)Temptation in the life of Christians   2) Ways of overcoming temptations. -Prayer, being strong in faith etc.-Students list the temptations in the life of Christians. -Teacher guides them. -Students discuss ways of overcoming temptation.  
4CALL OF THE DISCIPLES1) Jesus calls His first four disciples. Mtt.4:18-22, Mark 1:14-20, Luke 5:1-11. -The call of the twelve disciples/ Apostle. Mark 3:13-19   2) What it takes to be a disciples of Jesus Christ. Matt. 8:18-27, Luke 9:57-63, Luke 14:25-33-Teacher guides the class to dramatize the call of the first four disciples -Students memorize the names of the twelve disciples/Apostles.   -Teacher explains what it takes to be disciples of Jesus.  
5MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES  1) Why Jesus called the disciples. Matt. 4:18-22, Luke 5;1-11 a) The preaching of Gospel and healing of the sick. Matt. 10:1-15   2) The mission of the twelve apostles. Matt 12:1-6    -Teacher explains why Jesus called the disciples -Students identify the mission of Jesus’ disciples.  
6MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES1) Mission of the Seventy two. Luke 10:1-24. 2a) Outcome of the mission of the 12 and 72. b)Effect of the disciples activities on Nigerian Christians-Explains the mission of the twelve apostles. -Students identify the mission of the twelve apostle and the seventy two disciples.
7SERMON ON THE MOUNT OR THE BEAUTITUDE.1) The beatitudes matt. 5: 1-12 2) Christians as the salt and light of the world. Matt. 5:13-16-Teacher leads the class discussion on the teaching on the beatitudes. -Students recite the beatitudes. -Teacher explains Jesus’ teaching of Christians as salt of the earth and light of the world.  
8SERMON ON THE MOUNT OR THE BEAUTITUDE1) Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness. Matt. 6:14-15, Revenge Matt 5:38-42 2) Fasting and prayer. Matt 6;5-13-Teacher leads discussion on Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness, revenge, fasting and prayer. -Students participate in the discussion.
9SERMON ON THE MOUNT1) Jesus’ teaching on love of money. Matt.6:19-34. 2) Jesus’ teaching on worrying. Matt. 6; 25-34.-Teacher guides Students to discuss Jesus’ teaching on love of money and worrying.
10JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES1)Meaning of parables a) Why Jesus taught in parables (for people to see, hear and understand). 2) The parable about the Kingdom –  Parables of the Sower. Matt.13:1-19, 18-23.-Teacher leads discussion on meaning of parables. -Teacher explains reasons why Jesus taught in parables. -Students participate in the discussion.   -Teacher explains the parables of the Sower and its meaning.
11JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES1) Parable of wheat and Tares. Matt. 13:13-3, 4-30, 36-43 2)Interpretation of the parable-Teacher reads the Bible passage and explains it. -Students participate in the Bible reading.
12JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLES Parable illustrating God’s love; 1) The Prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32. 2) The lost sheep. Luke 15:3-7 3) The lost coin. Luke 15:8-10-Students narrate the parable of the prodigal son, lost sheep and lost coin and their interpretation.

CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2


1JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLESParable about our earthly possessions. 1) The rich fool. Luke 12:13-21 2) The rich man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31-Teacher narrates the parables of the rich fool, the rich man and Lazarus. -Students participate in the discussion.
2JESUS’ TEACHING IN PARABLESParables about maturity and responsibility. 1) The ten Virgins. Matt 25:1-13. 2) The talents. Matt 25:14-30 Matt 25:14-30 a) The unforgiven steward. Matt 18:21-35-Students read Bible passage and discuss on the parables of the ten Virgins, talents and unforgiven stewards. -Teacher guides and leads the discussion.  
3THE MIRACLES OF JESUS1) The meaning of miracle. -Turning water into wine. John 2:1-11 2) Calming the storm. Matt 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41  -Teacher explains the meaning of miracle. -Explains the miracle of turning water into wine. -Teacher leads class discussion on Jesus calming the storm. -Students participate in the discussion.
4THE MIRACLES OF JESUS1) Feeding of the five thousand. Matt 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17 2) Feeding of four thousand. Mark 8:1-6-Students identify what Jesus fed the five thousand people with and what was left after reading the Bible -Teacher narrates Jesus’ feeding of four thousand.
5THE MIRACLES OF JESUS1) Walking on the sea (water). Matt.14:22-23, Mark 6:45-52 2) Healing miracles of Jesus. -The centurion’s servant. Matt. 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10  -Teacher guides the Students to read Bible passages and explains it. -Students participate in reading and explaining the Bible passage read.   -Teacher tells the Students that Jesus equally performs healing performs healing miracles. -Reads Bible and discusses the story.
6THE MIRACLES OF JESUS1) Jesus heals the paralytic. Matt. 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12   2) The Gerasenes demoniac. Mark 5:1-20      -Teacher leads discussion on how Jesus healed the Paralytic -Students participate in the discussion and also reads from the Bible passage.     -Teacher reads the Bible passage and narrates the story
7THE MIRACLES OF JESUSJesus’ power over death. 1) Raising of widow’s son at Nain   2) Raising of Lazarus. John 11:1-45-Teacher explains the story of how Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain. -Teacher leads discussion on how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. -Students participate in the class discussion.
8JESUS SUBJECTS HIMSELF TO CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LAWS.1) Meaning and importance of Law in the society. b) Problems of  a lawless society and consequences of violating laws 2) Jesus’ attitude to civil and religious laws of his time(Matt.5:17-20; Matt. 22:15-22)   a) Love as the supreme law. John 13:34-35; 1cor.13;1   Qualities of love Luke 2:51, 1 Cor.13:1-13(patient, kind, not boastful etc.)-Teacher discusses the meaning and importance of Law with the Students. -Teacher explains to the Students Jesus’ attitude towards civil and religious laws. -Students participate in class discussion.   -Teacher explains how Jesus describes love as the supreme law. -Students read the Bible passage and identify the qualities of love.
9THE PASSION OF CHRIST1) The Triumphant entry. Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44.   b) Significance of the triumphant entry. 2) The last supper. Matt. 26:17-30. It’s significance.  -Teacher tells the story of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. -Students participate in the discussion. -Teacher leads the class to discuss the last supper.    
10THE PASSION OF CHRIST1) The betrayal and arrest of Jesus. Mark 14:43-52, Matt. 26:47-56. 2) The trials and Peter’s denial. Matt. 26:47-68, 69-75. -Instances that can lead a Christian to deny Christ and his/her neighbor.Teacher tells the story of the betrayal and arrest of Jesus.   -Teacher leads discussion on the trials of Jesus and peter’s denial. -Students list instances that can lead a Christian to deny Christ and his/her neighbors.

CRS Scheme, Federal Christian Religious Studies Scheme of work for JSS 2


1THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF JESUS1) The crucifixion. Matt. 27:32-44 -Jesus words on the cross.   2) The death of Jesus. Matt.27:45-56 -The burial of Jesus. Matt. 27:57-61-Teacher leads class discussion on Jesus’ crucifixion. -Students enumerate the words of Jesus on the cross. -Teacher guides Students to state the events that heralded Jesus’ death on the cross. -Teacher explains what happened at Jesus’ burial. -Students participate in the discussion. -They ask and answer questions.    
2THE RESURRECTION AND APPEARANCE    1) The Resurrection. Matt. 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12. -Significance of Jesus’ resurrection.   2) The appearance of Jesus. Matt.28:16-20, Luke 24:13-49, Mark 16:9-18; John 21:1-14-Teacher leads class discussion on the resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. -Students discuss the significance of Jesus’ resurrection. -Students state various appearances of Jesus.
3THE ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST1) The Great commission. Matt. 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18   2) The Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Matt.16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53 -Signs that will accompany those who will spread the gospel.-Teacher leads discussion on the great commission.   -Teacher narrates the story of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. -Students discuss and list the signs that will accompany those who will obey the great commission.
4THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT1) The promise of the Holy Spirit. John14:26, 15:26, Acts 1:3-5. 2) The coming of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-13-Teacher guides Students to discuss the importance of the promise of the Holy Spirit. -Teacher narrates the story of the fulfillment of the promise.
5THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT1) Peter’s first speech and its effects. Acts 2:41-47.-Teacher leads in the discussion and summarizes Peter’s speech.
6FELLOWSHIP IN THE EARLY CHRUCH1) Social and religious life of the early church. -Togetherness in the Early church. Acts 2:41-47, 5;1-11   2) Murmuring in the Early church. Act 6:1-2  -Teacher leads discussion on the social and religious life of the early church.   -Explains what brought about murmuring in the early church.
7FELLOWSHIP IN THE EARLY CHRUCH1) Selection of the deacons. Acts 6:1-7   2) Comparism of the early life of the early church and Christian today.– Students discuss what gave rise to the selection of the deacons. -Students mention the names of the deacons. -Teacher guides Students in discussing the difference between the early church and Christians today.
8OPPOSITION TO THE GOSPEL MESSAGE1) Arrest of Peter and John. Act 3:11-44, 4:5-31 2) Arrest and martyrdom of Stephen. Act 6:8-17, 1-60.– Students read the relevant Bible passage. -Teacher guides Students in identifying reasons for the arrest of Stephen.
9OPPOSITION TO THE GOSPEL MESSAGE1) Persecution of the church by Saul. Acts 8:1-3, 9;1-43   2) Martyrdom of James. Acts 12:1-3-Students read the Bible passage for illustrations. -Students with the aid of the teacher narrate the story of how James was killed and why.
10THE MINISTRY OF PETER1) Peter and Simon the magician. Act 8:14-25 2) Healing miracles of Peter. Raising of Dorcas from the dead. Acts 9:32-42.-Teacher describes Peter’s encounter with Simon the magician.   -Teacher narrates the story of the raising of Dorcas from the dead.
11THE MINISTRY OF PETER1) The conversion of Cornelius. Act 10:1-48. -Peter defends his action in Cornelius house. Acts 11:1-18   2) Peter’s divine release from prison and death of Herod. Acts 12:1-24– Students dramatize conversion of Cornelius with the teacher’s guidance.   -Teacher explains how Peter defended his action in Cornelius’ house. -Teacher narrates the story of Peter’s divine release from prison.

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