Catering and Craft Scheme of Work SSS 2 Lagos State

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Catering Craft Scheme of work 2
Catering Craft Scheme of work 2

Catering and Craft Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Schemes of Work SS2 Catering Craft for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

SSS 2 Catering and Craft Scheme of Work First Term


1Welcome Test/ RevisionBY the end of the lesson,Students participate in welcome test.
-Students actively involved in revision of last term examination work.
Critical thinking and problem solving
-Communication and collaboration
Examination past questions
-Students note book.
2Introduction to Bar -Meaning of Bar -Types of Bar -Functions of Bar -Factors to consider when planning a barBy the end of the lesson students should be able to l. Discuss the meaning of Bar 2. Enumerate of Bar 3. Highlights factors to consider when planning a Bar-whole class discussion on types . and function of Bar – Small group discussion on the factors to consider when planning a BarCommunication and collaboration.   -Digital literacy.-Pictures showing different types of bar -Chart showing types of Bar.

3Bar Equipment and their functionsBy the end of thee lesson students should able to: 1. Identify bar equipment. 2. Discuss the functions of BarGroup discussion and presentation on Bar equipment and their functions -Field trip to nearby Bar and lounge– Citizenship – Digital literacy -Creativity and imagination.– Pictures showing bar equipment. – Field trip – Real object, different types of bar equipment.
4Introduction to beverages. -Meaning of beverages -Types of beveragesBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of beverage 2. Itemise types of beverages. 3. Differentiate between between Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic beverages– Whole class discussion and presentation of beverages-Digital literacy -Critical thinking and problem solving -CitizenshipReal objects; different kinds of alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic drinks. -Pictures of different types of beverages  
5Beverages in relations to still room serving of beverages. -Meaning of stiill room -Equipment found in a still room -Food items found in a still roomBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the meaning of still room
2. Point out items found in the still room 3. Outline the equipment and functions of the still room in food and beverage establishment
-Group discussion on still room serving of beverages– Critical thinking and problem solving
-Communication and collaboration -Leadership and personal development.
Real objects, Equipment andd food found in still room  
6The service area of ancillary service areaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.Describe Ancillary service 2. State rooms in ancillary area-Group presentation-Communication and collaboration -Leadership development -Digital literacy  


6The service area of ancillary service areaBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.Describe Ancillary service 2. State rooms in ancillary area-Group presentation-Communication and collaboration -Leadership development -Digital literacy  

  7Mid-term Test Open Day Mid-term Holiday
8The dispense Bar equipment and bar arrangementBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Name dispense bar equipment 2. Make arrangement for bar equipment-Group work on dispense bar equipment and arrangement -Field trip-Communication and collaboration -Creativity and imagination-Pictures of equipment in dispense bar -Charts showing the layout of bar arrangement
9Demonstration on preparation and serving of beveragesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able: 1. Demonstrate, prepare and serve different beverages-Group demonstration and practical work-Communication and collaboration -Critical thinking and problem-Real object; practical equipment and material
10Meaning of Costing and control in Catering Establishment -Concept of cost -Element of cost -Dish costing bill preparation and presentationBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Discuss the meaning of costing 2. Identify main elements of cost 3. Enumerate dish costing 4. Prepare and present dish costing bill-student in small group discuss the meaning of costing -Students pair ideas on the main element of costing and dish costing -Small group to prepare and present dish-costing bill-Critical thinking and problem solving. -Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Citizenship-Samples of prepare costing -Chart showing elements of cost

11Control System -Meaning and functions of control system -Portion control -Triplicate checking system -Duplicate checking system -Cancellation, Wine and drink checkBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Explain control  system 2. Discuss portion control with examples 3. State the important of portion control 4. Analyse wine cancellation drink check– Group discussion on control of system – Pairs work on portion control-Critical thinking and problem solving. -Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Citizenship Personal development-Samples of portion control -Samples of Triplicate and Duplicate checking system

Catering and Craft Scheme of Work SSS 2 Second Term


1Welcome Test / Revision,By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:    1. Answer the following questions from last term questions. 2. Recall the memory of previously topics in the last term work.– Student actively participate in the welcome test – class discussion on revision of last term work-Critical thinking and problem solving. -Communication and collaboration  – First term past questions paper – student note book  
2Introduction to Kitchen equipment -Classification -Uses -Care and maintenance of various Kitchen equipmentBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Classify Kitchen equipment with examples 2. State the use of Kitchen equipment 3. Make appropriate use of Kitchen equipment 4. Demonstrate maintenance of various Kitchen equipment– whole class discussion and: presentation of – Student in pairs work on care and maintenance of various Kitchen equipment – Role play on care and maintenance-Citizenship -Leadership and Personal development -Digital literacy  -Real objects; different types of Kitchen equipment -Pictures of different types of Kitchen equipment
3Standard and local measuring equipmentBy the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: 1. Identify standard and local measuring  equipment 2. Make use of standard and local measuring – whole class discussion standard and local measuring -Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Leadership and Personal development   Real objects: samples of different cleaning agents
4Cleaning Agents -Meaning of cleaning agents -Classification of cleaning agents -Importance of  cleaning agents -Local cleaning agentsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able: 1. Explain the meaning of cleaning agents 2. Classify cleaning agents with examples 3. State the importance of cleaning agents-Group work and presentation on cleaning agent-Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Leadership and personal developmentReal objects; samples of different cleaning agents

5Method of cooking. -Boiling e.g stocks, soups, sauces. Means and demonstrationBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. Differentiate between stocks, sauces and soups 2. Classify stocks 3. Describe the preparation of stocks, sauces and soups    4. Demonstrate the preparation of stocks, soups and sauces
Whole class demonstration on stocks, soups and sauces-Creativity and imagination -Critical thinking and problem solving -Leadership and personal developmentReal object:ingredients and materials for preparation of stocks, soup and sauce https://youtube/mZRGPkvtaQg
6Method of cooking, -Roasting -Grilling -Barbecue , Demonstration practicalBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain ‘roasting’ 2. Differentiate between grilling and barbecue 3. Demonstrate the-Group discussion and demonstration on roasting grilling and barbecue-Leadership and personal development -Digital literacy -Communication and collaboration


  preparation of roasting, grilling and barbecue   
7Mid-term Test Open day. Mid- term Holiday

8Methods of cooking -Baking e.g Cake, meat pie, sausage roll, biscuits, cookies and sconesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Describe the various methods of making cakes 2. Identify the ingredients for making pastries 3. Make different types of cakes and pastries-Group demonstration and presentation on baking-Communication and collaboration – Creativity and imagination – Critical thinking and problem solving-Real object; ingredients and materials for baking. -Pictures of some baked product
9Cakes Decoration -Royal icing, Fondant and butter icingBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State different methods of decorating cakes 2. Decorate cakes using different cake decoration-Group discussion and demonstration on cakes demonstration-Leadership and personal development -Communication and collaboration – Creativity and imaginationReal objects; ingredients and materials for cakes decoration -Pictures of decorated cakes. -Resource person on cakes decoration

10(a)  Basic concepts of entrepreneurship (b)Entrepreneurship education (c) Qualities of an entrepreneur (d). Importance of entrepreneurshipBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. explain the term entrepreneurship; 2. examine the concept entrepreneurship education critically 3. Outline the importance of entrepreneurship; 4. analyse the qualities of an entrepreneur Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Leadership and Personal development   

11Method of cooking. -Steaming: puddings, egg custard, moin-moin. -Stewing: soup. -Frying: smaill chops, fish, meat  Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Leadership and Personal development   

Catering and Craft Scheme of Work SSS 2 Third Term


1Welcome TestBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. recall their last term examination questions and topics       2. Review of last term topicsStudent participate in the revision of last term workCritical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration  1st term examination questions paper Student note Text book
2Costume and fashion designingBy the ned of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.  explain fashion designing and styles development and of several values into costume design. 2. select a style for which pattern is to be made 3. adapt block to make patter for different styles featuresWhole class discussion on fashion designing and development on costume design. Demonstration on how to sketch a style for patternCritical thinking and problem solving Creativity Personal DevelopmentAudio resources Catrilogs, magazines, Noel
patterns, material, scissors
tape, sewing machine,
needled, pin e t c. Web Resources  
3Adaptation of basic block for costume designing

By the end of the lesson student should be able to:
1. explain fashion designing and style development of several
valves into costume design
2 sketch a style for which pattern is to be made
3. Adapt block to make pattern for different styles features
Individual practical work on pattern.
Assist the student to brainstorm and discuss the construction of different features in garment Group discussion on different style of figure in garment construction.
Critical thinking and problem solving Personal development Communication and collaborationSame as week 2 and 3   Web resources You Tube elewa You Tube km dove  

4Decorative designs:
embroidery work
Chain etc.  
By the ned of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Make a self-garment, draft patter for the different stylesfeatures
2. Discuss the construction of different features.
3.  Use the different style feature to flatter the figure during construction.
student brainstorm on the general use of decorative stitches guide the student to discuss part to consider when planning embroidery work students, as an individual to make of the decorative stitchesCritical thinking and problem solving Students leadership demonstration on different types of stitches gallery workAudio Resources Album showing Decorative stitches Sample of different embroidery threads student in mount specimens in a folder and label them. Web resources https://modellingsite  
5Decorative design Embroidery works continue   By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. explain different decorative styles used in  embroidery 2. Outline the parts to consider when planning embroidery works examine the type of design used for embroidery.Display sample of the labelled for observation and discuss with the students teacher to demonstrate how to transfer embroidery work on fabrics students to make specimen of decorative designCritical thinking and problem solving Students leadership demonstration on different types of stitches gallery workAudio Resources Thread e.g. Raffene Lorex Needle Tracing paper Carbon Embroidery machine Web resources


7Decorative Design Traditional designBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Discuss the traditional
background of beads and sequin embroidering    2. List the different methods of designing beds and sequin
3. Work with beads designing personal clothes
students to make specimen of decorative design  Communication and collaboration -Digital literacy -Leadership and Personal development  Sample of beads, sequins, textbooks
8Decoration design needle craftStudent should be able to: 1. List different types of needle craft 2. Make decorative articles using different types of needle craft 3. Apply the knowledge obtain in the study of decorative design making soft toys.Group discussion on needle craft Demonstration on practical on embroidery designDigital literacy Communication and collaboration  flash card showing types of beads work, Real materials e.g.
Beads, Tatting tools kits, pair o scissors, knitting needle pins, tape measure, hooks, chart showing pictures different needle craft      Video clip.

9Basic concepts of  marketing (a) Meaning of Marketing (b) Methods of marketing (c) Importance of Marketing (d) Marketing /distribution channel chartStudent should be able to: 1. describe the term marketing 2. examine the methods of marketing 3. analyse the importance of marketing 4. create a low chart of the marketing of channel distribution1. Students, as class discussion on the term marketing. 2. Whole class discussion on the
different methods of marketing. 3. Small group discussion on why
marketing is important.  
-Communication and collaboration – Creativity and imagination – Critical thinking and problem solving https://newsresearchgae/figures/marketing/channels-and-distribution-channels-and-dstribution-for-plaintain-in-Abidan-cole-devoire-figi-72377027 Pictures Charts

10Marketing continued (a) product branding (b) Product packaging (c) Costing (d)  PricingStudent should be able to: 1. highlight the factors to be considered in product price tag 2. Distinguish between the term packaging and branding 3.  develop a feasibility study for selling the profitable business or a production unit 4. Creatively design a befitting package for these products.  1. Whole class discussion on the factors to be considered before fixing a product price. 2. distinguish between the term packaging and branding 3. develop a basically study for sitting a profitable business for a production unit. Creativity design a befitting package by the product.-Communication and collaboration – Creativity and imagination – Critical thinking and problem solvingBranded product Packaged product Pictures Charts>blog www.regrouped/      


At the end of the session Students are able to:

6.             Identify different methods of cooking

7.             Enumerate basic principles of organizing menu

8.             Prepare and serve coffee and cocoa drink

9.             Highlight the nutritional needs of infants and toddler

10.          Discuss the nutritional needed of aged and elderly

11.          Plan dishes for diabetic and hypertension patients.

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