Business Studies Scheme of Work for JSS1 Federal

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Business Studies Scheme of Work
Business Studies Scheme of Work

Education Resource Centre JSS1 Business Studies Scheme of work Federal.. The office, cooperative activities –


1INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS STUDIES a. Business Studies MeaningImportance   b. Components Office practiceCommerceBook-keepingKeyboarding   c. Career OpportunitiesTeacher: Explain the meaning of business studies and its importance Students: state the meaning of business and its importance
–     Diagram of various business enterprises should be shown with charts.
Teacher: Lead students to identify the components of business studies.
The students participate in class discussion on the components of business studies. Diagrams of various business enterprises. Teacher: guide the discussion on the
  importance of and career opportunities in business studies. Students participate in listing examples of career opportunities in business. –     Photographs of people doing different jobs in business.
2THE OFFICE a. An Office Meaning, Types – small and large offices b. Functions of an Office c. The Different offices in an organizationTeacher: lead discussion on the meaning and types of an office. Students: participate in the discussion. Resources: charts and diagrams of offices Teacher: Explain the functions of an office. Students: list some functions of an office on the chalk board. Resources: charts and diagrams of offices
3THE OFFICE STAFF The Clerical Staff: meaning, FunctionsQualitiesTeacher: Explain the meaning of a clerical staff. Guide the students on the functions and qualities of a clerical staff Students: participate in the discussion of a clerical staff and mention the qualities and functions. Resources: charts, diagrams and pictures of a clerical staff.
4OFFICE STAFF Confidentiality of Office Information RIGHT ATTITUDE TO WORK Punctuality and Regularity MeaningAttributesCommitmentInterestPromptnessConsistencyRewardSanctionsTeacher: Explain the need for keeping information confidential in the office. Guide the discussion on punctuality and regularity. Students: participate in the discussion; copy the notes from the chalk board. Resources: use relevant books and publications
5DEVOTION TO DUTY MeaningEffect on productivity and developmentTeacher: Guide the students on the discussions on the meaning of devotion to duty. Students: participate in the discussion on the effect of devotion to duty on productivity and development. Resources: use charts, relevant books and publications
6THE DEPARTMENTS IN AN OFFICE OR ORGANIZATION Various Department in an Organization AdministrativePurchasingAccountingSalesPersonnelPlanningTransportTeacher: Guide the discussion on various departments in an organization. Organize a visit to an a organization for students to see these functions of the various departments. Students: participate in the discussion and write report on visitation to an organization. Resources: charts, diagrams and photographs of departments in an organization.
7THE DEPARTMENTS IN AN OFFICE OR ORGANIZATION Functions of the Various DepartmentsTeacher: Ask students on what they saw during the visit. Students: participate in class discussion. Write notes on the chalkboard
8INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCE Commerce Meaning, Importance Activities which aid Commerce.Teacher: Explain commerce as trade and aids to trade. Lead discussion on different aids to trade. Students: explain the different aids to trade which constitute commercial activities. Resource: photographs of banks, transport and traders, insurance, communication.
9DIVISION OF COMMERCE Commerce Divisions TradeAids to trade Types of Trade:Home TradeWholesaleRetail saleForeign TradeImportExportTeacher: explain the divisions of commerce. Draw a diagram showing divisions of commerce. Lead students to mention products involved in home and foreign trades. Students: State the divisions of commerce. Draw the diagrams showing divisions of commerce in their notebooks. Copy notes from the chalkboard. Resource: Charts showing diagrams of commerce. Photographs of train, ship, lorry, airplane, warehouse etc.
10  PRODUCTION Meaning of productionTypes of production – industry, commerce, services   Industrial: ExtractiveManufacturingConstructiveTeacher: State the meaning of production and explain the types of production. Students: Define production and identify the types. Resources: Charts showing types of production
11Commercial: trade and aids to trade. Services. Effects of production on environment or societyTeacher: Arrange a visit to a workshop, carpentry shop, a hair salon and garden. Students: State the effects of production on the environment. Materials: A newspaper cut, on the effect of pollution on the environment or society.
12HONESTY IN BUSINESS Meaning of truthfulnessAttributes of truthfulnessFactors that cause people to lieRewards for being truthfulConsequences of not being truthfulMeaning of fair playAttributes of fair playTeacher: Ask the students to explain truthfulness. Ask students to enumerate the attributes of truthfulness. Ask the students to list consequences of not being truthful. Ask the students to explain the meaning of fair play and dramatise truthfulness. Provide students with appropriate materials on truthfulness to read and ask them to write down lessons learnt.


1FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Factors of Production LandLabourCapitalEntrepreneurTeacher: Discuss on the factors of production and give examples. Students: Mention the factors of production. Materials: Pictures of a business concern
2OCCUPATION Meaning of Occupation Division of Occupation PrimaryIndustrialCommercialServicesTeacher: Explain occupation and different types or categories of occupation. Students: enumerate different occupation Materials: A chart showing the different divisions of occupation.
3OCCUPATION Factors which affect occupationDifferences between Direct and Indirect Services.Teacher: Draw a diagram on the chalkboard to illustrate division of occupation. Students: Copy the diagram and notes to their notebook
4ETHICS IN SOURCING CHEMICALS Meaning of ethicsEthics of sourcing chemicalsTeacher: Discuss the ethics of sourcing chemicals. Students: Participate in discussing the
 From licensed chemical vendorsGood handling techniquesGood distributionProper disposalmeaning and ethics guiding sourcing of chemical Materials: A charts, magazine, picture.
5ENTREPRENEURSHIP Meaning of:EntrepreneurshipEnterpriseSelf employmentFacilities available for Self EmploymentTeacher: Explain the meaning of Entrepreneurship and enterprise. Discuss self employment. Students: Listen and participate in class discussion, ask and answer questions. Materials: charts, video clips, textbooks
6Successful EntrepreneursYour localityNigeria iii         InternationalTeacher: lead discussion on successful entrepreneurs, students to mention successful entrepreneurs and their secrets. Charts, video clips, etc.
7Importance of entrepreneurship in: IndividualsFamilySocietyTeacher: Guide discussions on the importance of entrepreneurship. Students: Listen attentively and participate in class discussion
8FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Meaning of business organisationTypes of business organisation SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPTeacher: Lead discussion on ownership of Business Organisations using charts. Students mention forms of business and explain Sole Proprietorship.
9PARTNERSHIPLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYDiscuss features of Partnership and limited liability Company. Pictures, magazines.
10COOPERATIVE SOCIETIESAdvantages and disadvantages of each form of businessDiscuss features cooperative societies. State advantages and disadvantages of each form of business organization. Pictures, magazines
11REVISIONRevise in detail, all term’s topics
12EXAMINATIONConduct exams


1CONSUMER, MARKET AND SOCIETY 1. Meaning of: ConsumerMarketSocietyNeed for Consumer EducationImportance of Consumer EducationConsequences of lack of consumer educationTeacher: explains the meaning of consumer, market and society and discuss on the need for consumer education with appropriate illustration and examples. Students participate in the discussion of consumer, market and society. Identify the need for consumer education. Materials: posters, charts showing market scenes.
2NEED FOR MONITORING AND CONTROL OF CHEMICALS Meaning of chemicalsChemicals suitable and not suitable for use.Need for monitoring and controlling:FoodDrugsChemicalsTeacher: explain the meaning of chemical and discuss on the chemicals suitable and not suitable for use. Students participate in the discussion on the chemicals suitable and not suitable for use and identify the need for the monitoring and control of food, drugs and chemicals. Textbooks and materials.
3INTRODUCTION TO BOOK KEEPING Meaning of Book KeepingImportance of Book KeepingEssential qualities of book keepingCommon book-keeping practicesTeacher: explain the recording of business transactions and the principle of book- keeping. Students: identify financial transactions and mention the importance of keeping financial records. Charts, receipts, invoices and adding machines to be used.
4SOUCE DOCUMENTS Meaning of source documentsUses of source documentsTypes:InvoicesSales invoicePurchasesReceipts for payments madeCash register tapesCredit notesDebit notesChequesTeacher: explain the contents of each source document and list the uses of source documents. Students to identify different source documents and explain the uses of each source document. Source documents, books of original entry, journals, calculator, chalk board to be used
5JOURNALS Journal meaningTypes of journals Forms of a journalTeacher: define journal and guide the students to discuss the different types of journals. Students observe a form of a journal as shown by the teacher. Ruler, pencil and specimen of source document to be used.
6DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING Meaning of double entry book keepingDouble entry treatment of assetsDouble entry treatment of liabilitiesDouble entry treatment of expenses.Teacher: explain double entry book-keeping and state the rule for debit and credit entries. Students participate in the discussion on double entry and practice the problems involving debit and credit. Sample Business transaction charts.
7LEDGERS Meaning of ledgersClasses of ledgersClassification of accountsRealNominalPersonalImpersonalTeacher: explain ledger and discuss the differences between a journal and a ledger. Students practice account opening and post entries A textbook is used.
8INTRODUCTION TO KEYBOARDING Meaning of keyboardingImportance of keyboardingCorrect sitting posture for keyboardingTeacher: write the meaning of key-boarding and guide the discussion on the importance of keyboarding Students explain the meaning of keyboarding and list the importance of keyboarding to individuals and business. Typewriter and computer to be used.
9PARTS OF A COMPUTER KEYBOARD Parts of the computer keyboardThe uses Similarities and differences between the typewriter and computer keyboard.Teacher discusses the different parts of the computer keyboard and their uses. Students examine the parts of a computer and typewriter keyboard Computer and typewriter to be used.
10CARE OF THE COMPUTER Care of the computerItems used for the care of the computerThe keyboard rowsTopUpperHomeBottomDivision of keyboard Left and right hand sideTeacher: discuss care of the computer and demonstrate how to take of computer. Students mention how to take care of the computer. Duster, dust cover and brush to be used.
11THE RECEPTION OFFICE Meaning of Reception OfficeMeaning of ReceptionistImportance of a receptionistQualities of a receptionistTeacher describe the reception office and explain with examples the meaning of and importance of a receptionist. Students respond to questions from the teacher and explain the qualities of a
 How to receive and treat visitors.Documents handled by the receptionistreceptionist. Charts and diagrams of receptionist and samples of visitor’s book.
12OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence Records. Meaning TypesUsesWays mails come into an organisationHandling of mailsTeacher guide discussion on correspondence records, types and uses and outline the procedure for handling mail.   Specimen document of correspondence records.


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