Building Construction Scheme of Work SSS3 Lagos State

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Building Construction Curriculum
Building Construction Curriculum

Access Lagos State free Building Construction Scheme of work SSS3. SS3 Basic Building Curriculum for Senior Secondary School

SSS3 Building Construction Scheme of Work First Term

1The Revision of SS i-ii workWelcome test   
2 – 4Stair cases: Definition of stair   Types of stairs   Parts of stairs   Functional requirements of stair construction   Setting out timber stairs   Layout of Timber stairs   Timber stair construction   Problems in timber stair Construction   Concrete stair construction   Formwork for concrete stairs   Placement of reinforcement 1 bars   Fixing of balustrade   Functional characteristics of materials for balustrade.   Construction of metal stairsBy the end of the lesson students should be able to:   Acquire knowledge about stairs   Understand the fundamentals of stair constructionStudents as a class brainstorm on the meaning of the term stairs   Students as a class go to a two-storey building to observe stairs and their details   Students as an individual discuss parts of stairs and sketch types of stairs with their details   Students in pairs identify the functional requirements of stair construction.   Students in small groups demonstrate the procedures for setting out timber stairs.   With the use of sketches and models of joint students show the methods of construct timber stairs   Students in small groups discuss defects of materials used for timber stairs.   With the use of model students as a class discuss the steps involved in erecting formwork.   Students in pairs demonstrate the methods of making                Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES Training materials like wood, nails, bricks, cement, sand and granite, bricklayer laying tools, video blips, • charts and • drawings

   reinforced concrete stairs. Students as a class embark on. a tour to observe stairs Reinforcement placing.   Students in small groups demonstrate the methods of -fixing balustrade in concrete stars   Students in pairs use models discuss types of metal for stair construction.   Students as a class discuss the functional characteristics of balustrade materials with emphasis on the following: – rotting effect of moisture on timber -rusting iron/steel due to dampness -concrete cracks decomposition due to poor mixing, poor design, etc.    

5 – 6Wall finishes Plastering i Tools and requirement ii Materials for plastering iii. Reparation of the wall iv. Surface v. Plastering process vi. Plastering sequence vii. Properties of plaster viii. Plaster board lathingBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: Define plastering and properties of mortar   ii. Know the reason for the application of plaster on internal surfaces   iii. Identify tools and requirements for standard plastering   iv. Know how to prepare the background to receive plastering   v. Know how to arrange the mortars and potter additive to materialsi. Students as a class define plastering and the mortar Characteristics   ii Students in pairs explain the reason for applying mortar on walls   iii. Students in small groups identify the uses of tools for plastering.   iv Students as an individual apply mortar on wall surfaces use tools to finish plastering on wall                Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real plastering materials video clips charts diagrams chalk board practice.
 Drawing installation – Method of construction – Inspection chambers – Septic tanks and soak away pits.By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i. Construct drains   ii. Lay inspection chamber   iii. Construct septic tanks and soak-away pitsi. Students in small groups test for leakage by using water   ii. Students in small groups test for leakage and flow by using air / smoke test                Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration.                 Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES Video, still pictures, pipes (6” and 9”.) Diagrams, video, charts and other materials for laying pipes arid preparing inspection chamber      

8-10Preparing and maintenance of drainage Define drainage Principles of Drainage system Factors for selecting a type of Drainage scheme Materials for drainage Methods of joining pipes Functions of traps Functions of an inspection chamber. Protection against flooding Methods of laying and bedding drains Methods of testing drains Functions of soakaway Construction of materials Construction of septic tanksBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: Explain the principles of Drainage. Explain the types of drainage scheme. Explain the factors to consider in selecting a type of drainage scheme. Describe the materials for a drainage system Explain with the aid of sketches the methods of joining pipes. Describe the functions of traps Explain the functions of an inspection chamber, Demonstrate the measures for protecting against flooding. Demonstrate the methods of laying and bedding drain Demonstrate methods of drain.Students in pairs discuss drainage, stating its importance to health and sanitation, discuss the principles of drainage.   Students as an individual discuss the types of drainage using sketches.   Students in small groups discuss the factors or selecting a type of drainage scheme and the materials for drainage.   Students as a class discuss the methods of joining different types of pipes using sketches.   Students in pairs use models of trap to discuss the functions of a trap.   Students as a class discuss the functions of an inspection chamber.   Students as an                Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership &                           personal                          development6” and 9” pipes, yarns video, charts, diagram PPK.  .

  Explain the term cesspool Explain the functions of Soakaway. Demonstrate the methods of constructing manholes. Demonstrate the method of – constructing septic tank.sketches and illustrations to demonstrate measures of preventing flooding in drainage. Students in small groups demonstrate the methods of laying and bedding drain pipes with charts and sketches, Students demonstrate the methods of testing drains Students discuss cesspool and soakaway with emphasis on their functions using sketches, Students in pairs demonstrate the methods of constructing manhole using sketches. Students as a class go to site to observe manhole construction and methods of constructing septic tank. With the use of sketches students in pairs discuss the differences between cesspool–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal development 

11Plumbing system of pipe works -One pipe system – Two pipe system -Single  By the end of the. lesson students should be able to: (i).  Define plumbing (ii) Identify and use materials for domestic plumbing (iii) know the system of pipe works (iv) Be able to fix and explain onei. Students as a class identify materials that are of good quality and standard for fixing plumbing problems.   ii. Students in small groups fix and explain one pipe system, two pipes system and single stale system.–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Plumbing materials, video chart, diagram and plumbing tools https:///

Building Construction Scheme of Work SSS3 Second Term

1FENCE AND FENCING – Type of fencing Material of fencing Construction offenceBy the end of the. lesson students should be able to: (i). Define and identify fences and its erection process. (ii) list types of fences and boundary wall used in building construction (iii) identify and list materials used for fencing and boundary walls (iv). Set out and construct boundary wall using bricks, block and other durable materials.(i) Students as a class visit a construction site where boundary wall is being erected and identify the materials used (ii.) Students in small groups discuss the characteristics of the materials used .in the construction . (iii.) Students as an individual list local types of fencing materials (iv) Students in pairs Construct boundary wall using the available materials. PROJECT ACTIVITIES–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES Video clips, Charts, pictures, visits construction sites. .

2ACCESS – Types – Function and material for construction – Construction technique for road in the siteBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i). Define access in the construction site (ii) list and prepare a temporary access road for building drawing   (iii) identify and state construction techniques use for temporary road within and around the site.Students as a class visit a local site where boundary wall is being erected. – Students as a class watch video clips/slide offence being erected – Students in small groups engage in construction of fence and repair existing school fence–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES Video clips, Charts, pictures, visits construction sites.  

3GATES                                Definition                                    Types of gate                                   Material and classification      Production fixing and maintenanceBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: (i). define Gates in relation to building construction (ii) identify and list types of gates and classificationStudents as a class visit a nearby gate construction site. – Students in small groups participate in fixing the gate to the entrance of a construction site – Students in small groups fix a damage gate–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership & personal developmentAUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Steel, school gate, visit to a nearby construction site. Video clips, picture drawings.  

  maintain and repair the existing school gateProject Proposal -Project Writing   
4-5– Definition Types of floor finish – material for floor finishes Laying procedures Advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finish – Factor necessary for considering when selectingBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: Identify and describe types of floor finishes. Describe the materials for types of floor finishes Describe the procedures for laying floor finishes. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes List factor affecting floor finishes Fix the floor finished according to specification Do the necessary housekeeping after the application of the floor finishes.Students as a class                     Use models and sketches to discuss types of floor finishes. Students as a class go to completed buildings to observe types of floor finishes. Students in small groups discuss the materials for types of floor finish and the procedure for laying floor finishes. Students as a class demonstrate methods of laying floor finishes Students in pairs discuss advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes.–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership &             personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOJRCES Tiles, (ceramics or plastic) or woodblock tile cutter, measuring table, lath, spirit level; cement (OPC) while port-land cement, wire brush soft brush towels of different site. Video, chart, internet, chalk board. . .

6LAND SCAPPING WORKBy the end of the lesson students should be able to: – Identify and list material for landscaping – -interpret plan and other perimeter drawings – select the tools for earthmoving – select other earthmoving equipment – Cut, fill and ram the undulation terrain for landscaping processi. Students as a class identify and list materials for landscaping, Interpret floor plan. and other perimeter drawing ii. Students in pairs identify tools and equipment for earthmoving iii. Students in small groups carryout the following activities -cutting, hacking and laying inter locking bricks, – lay kerbs to divide areas required.–               Critical thinking Problem solving –               Communication & Collaboration –               Leadership &             personal developmentAUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES – All the tools and equipment required for good housekeeping – earthmoving tools -The floor plan -The site plan. -Video chart, posters -calculators
  – -level the soil with relevant tools – -lay Krebs and interlocking paring concrete according to the drawing. – Transfer trees and shrubs according to the required floor and other • beautiful plants. – Treat and maintain the landscape project till maturity – Do proper house Keeping– debris clearing – tree planting, shrubs implanting and transfer – maintenance of landscaping equipment – visit to site where – landscaping process is going on  


At the end of the on the students:

  • understand the fundamentals of stairs construction
  •  know the reason for the application of plaster on internal surfaces
  • know how to construct drains an inspection chambers
  •  know the methods of joining different typeset pipes
  •  know the factors that must be considered when selecting a type drainage scheme
  •  are able to identify and use materials for domestic plumbing
  •  understand the erection process of fencing
  •  are able to identity materials used for fencing and boundary walls
  •  understand the procedures for laying out floor finishes
  •  identify materials for landscaping
  •  interpret plan and other perimeter drawings

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