BST: Basic Science Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Federal

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basic science scheme of work
basic science scheme of work

BST Scheme of work, FCT Basic Science Scheme of work for JSS 3, Community Health, Personal School –


1FAMILY TRAITS 1. Family traits (skin, color, height, albino) etc. 2. Meaning of dominant and recessive traits. 3. Importance of family traits -Intelligence -Disease Resemblance Family Genealogy. 4. Variation and evolution  -Brings pictures of family members that illustrate peculiar family traits. -Participates in discussions and identify these families among themselves.    
2PERSONAL SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH (I) 1. Family life Education. a. Meaning and types of families. b.Duties of members of the family c. Puberty in boys and girls d. Teenage, pregnancy and its consequences. e. Assertive and communication skills. f. Carrier guidance g. Sport promotion Agencies and body in Nigeria i. Sport Association ii. NAPHER SP iii. Nigeria institutes of sports.  -Explains the meaning of family and school health education. -Participate in role playing e.g. play let of a family.
3PERSONAL SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH (II) 1. Agencies/organizations promoting health education in Nigeria e.g NGO, ministry of health, NAFDAC, WHO etc. 2.personal health: description of ageing death 3. life enhancing measure against ageing e.g. Exercise , Nutrition, rest and sleep 4. Supporting, dying, grieving and ageing persons. 5. Meaning of drug use, misuse and abuse. 6. Categories of drugs. -prescription of drugs/medicine. -non-prescription of drugs/medicine    Identify family members 1. Uses picture to explain ageing stages of life. 2. narrate/state experience with behavior of aged parents and relatives.
4FAMILY HEALTH 1. Types of diseases and mode of transfer. 2. disease vectors 3. Life of mosquito and other vectors. 4. control measures 5. STLS, HIV/AIDS, COVID – 19 6. Consequences and prevention  -Teacher brings pictures/posters of diseased persons to the class. -Teacher guides the students to draw the life cycle of mosquito. -Teacher explains the meaning of STLS, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19 -Students mention consequences STLS, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19
5.PATHOGENS,DISEASE AND PREVENTION 1.Nature of communicate disease 2. Mode of transmission of the diseases. 3.Factors and caustic agents 4. Prevention and management of non-communicate diseases.  Discuss the nature of communicable diseases.
6DRUGS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE. 1. Effects of drugs abuse. 2. prevention of drug abuse 3. Activities of drug control agencies NAFDAC, NDLEA. 4. Misuse of herbal medicine.Teacher uses chart, pictures, films to guide the discussion.
7WRITING CHEMICAL EQUATIONS Symbols elementsChemical formulaeSimple chemical equations  Teacher uses charts to explain the first twenty elements
8ATOMIC STRUCTURE An old theory of the atomThe electronThe protonThe neutronThe atomic model  Teacher uses models and charts to explain the atomic structure
9ACIDS, BASES, AND SALTS Acids in natureBasesNeutralizationAlkalis, soluble basesSaltsImportance of acids, bases and salt.Cut small strips of blue litmus paper and use each strip to test the nature of the liquid in ripe and unripe fruits
10.METALS AND NON-METALS Characteristics of metals and non-metalsReactivity of metals and non-metals, activities seriesExtraction of iron and manufacture of street Extraction of tinAlloys of tin and their usesElectroplatingTeacher leads the  students to collect some samples of substances and classifying them into metals and non-metals
11.ENERGY CONVERSIONS (I) Changing potential energy to kinetic energyChemical energy to electrical energyHeat energy to electrical energy.Leads the students to demonstrate various energy conversions.
12ENERGY CONVERSIONS (II) Mechanical energy to electrical to heat energyChemical energy to mechanical to sound energyAppliances, application of energy conversionLeads the students to demonstrate various energy conversions.
13Revision / Examination 


1RESOURCES FROM LIVING AND NON LIVING THINGS 1.Resources From  Living Things –Examples of plant and animal sources -Economic importance of the resource 2.Resource from non-living things -Example; locations in Nigeria.  Brings samples of solid minerals to the class -Students should collect samples of solid mineral in their locality. -Guide students to draw map on Nigeria showing location of mineral deposits.  
2LIGHT, SOUND AND ELECTRICAL ENERGY. 1. Reflection, refraction, vision, dispersion and rainbow, polarization, interference 2. Production and transmission of sounds. 3. reflection of sounds, echo, reverberation 4. Hearing, ultra sonic sound. Application of echoes 5.flow of elections 6. Circuits; series and parallel. 7. fuses and circuits breaker 8. electric meter reading and billing 9. resistance and resistivity-uses charts to demonstrate. -guides students on activities. – Demonstrate reflection of sound
3RADIOACTIVITY. 1. meaning of radioactivity 2. Radioactive elements. 3. Types of radiation and properties. 4. uses of radioactivity 5. dangers of radioactive rays 6. Meaning of half – life 7. Nuclear fission and fusion-leads discussion on meaning of radioactivity -students should recognize some radioactive elements.
4.ENERGY TRANSFER. 1.Transfer of Heat Energy 2. Conduction
3. Convention 4. Radiation
– Leads the Students on the function of the Thomas- flask.
5.ENERGY TRANSFER (II) Condition of electricity conductor and insulatorsElectrical circuitsOpposing the currentUse of ammeters and voltmetersTransfer of electrical energy from one place to another  Leads the students to connect a circuit and see how it works  
6.ENERGY TRANSFER (III) Types of circuitFusesTransfer of sound energyPlastic and noise  Display a circuit containing the following: cell, switch, inductor, lamp, voltmeter, ammeter and fuse
7.FAMILY TRAITS (I) Dominant and recessive traitsTracing family genealogy  Students to write down the resemblances and differences of their family members.
8.FAMILY TRAITS (II) Nuclear and extended familiesFamily treesLeads the student to list the names of members of their nuclear and extended families
9.DRUG ABUSE Effect of drug abusePrevention of drug abuseDrug control agencies  Display simples of drugs Displays charts to illustrate the harmful effects of drug abuse
10.METABOLISM IN HUMAN BODY Digestion of foodAbsorption of food in the body  Display charts and pictures on digestion of food.
11.SENSE OF ORGANS(I) Component of nervous systemThe brainThe spinal cordSimple reflex action  Leads the student to have a feel of bodies at different temperature
12.SENSE OF ORGANS (II) The eyesThe earThe noseThe tongue  Display charts showing eyes, ear and nose.
13Revision / Examination 

BST Scheme of work, FCT Basic Science Scheme of work for JSS 3 –


1MAGNETISM 1.loadstone 2. laws of magnetism 3. magnetic poles and magnetic fields 4. care of magnet 5. methods of making magnets 6. Magnetic shieldingStudents 1. identify magnetic poles fields through activity Teacher 2. Tell a story about loadstone as the earliest form of magnet.  
2.WEATHER Relative humidity and propitiation Atmosphere  pressureWindClouds and stormsWeather maps.  Take students to the school Geographic garden to se various weather features
3.POLLUTION Air pollutionWater pollution  Display some pollutants
4.1. Treatment of sewage 2. Oil spillageUse charts and pictures
5.RESOURCES FROM LIVING THINGS Resources from plantsResources from animalsCash crops.  Display various resources from plants and animals
6.FEEDING IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Adaptation of month part for feedingAnimal foods and methods of feedingBirdsInsects  Students to examine the skulls of animals in the science laboratory
7.1. Insects 2. Methods of feeding of the housefly 3. How plants make their food. 4. Food storage in plants 5. The carbon cycleLeads the students to examine the roots of some plants

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