Biology Scheme of Work SSS 3 Lagos State

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Biology Scheme of Work

Biology Scheme of work for SSS 3 . Lagos State Ministry of Education, SS3 Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School

SSS 3 Biology Scheme of Work First Term

1Resumption Test/
Regulation Of Internal Environment –
I. Definition of
Homeostasis. –
A. Homeostasis
B. The Kidney C. Structure, location. Functions and Diseases of the kidney
D. Effect of kidney diseases and remedy E. Condition Affecting The functions of the kidney ii. The Liver A. Structure, location. Functions and Diseases of the liver. B. The effects of Liver diseases and Remedy.
iii. Practical: Dissection of Rabbit/Rat.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Explain Homeostasis ii. Describe the structure and functions of kidney and liver. iii. Name some kidney and liver diseases and explain their symptoms and effect.  
iv. identify the treatment
of the mentioned kidney and liver diseases.
• Whole class discussion
on homeostasis.
• Students, as a class,
V watch a short video
on the structure and
functions of the kidney and
• Students, in small group discuss some kidney and
liver diseases and how they
are treated. Students to visit a general
hospital to see patients undergoing dialysis.

• Problem solving & Critical thinking.
• Creativity &
 Imagination. Collaboration &
• Flashcards, Liver
(Real Specimen),
Rabbit, Dissecting
Tray, Scalpel,
Scissors, Forceps,
Dissecting Pins,
• Charts Showing The Position of
. Kidney And Liver.
•. Biology Practical Textbook.
• Model of Kidney made by students

2Endocrine Glands.
i. Animal hormones and their functions
ii. Effects of over
production and under secretion of
iii. Plant hormones:
Types and Functions.
iv. Modern application of Auxin.
By the end of the lesson, students, should be able . to:
i. Describe endocrine system.
ii. Name major endocrine V glands, their positions in the body and their functions.
iii. Describe the general functions of hormones.
iv Name some animal hormones and their
• Whole class discussion on the meaning of endocrine system.
• Small groups discussion on the types of endocrine glands and the hormone they secret. •Students, in the same groups, identify various animal hormones and their function
– Critical thinking and Problem Solving.
– Leadership and
– Collaboration and Communication.

• Charts and photographs showing the endocrine glands:
• Photographs showing the effects of overproduction and underproduction of hormones (e.g. giantism, dwarfism)
• Slides.  
Nervous Coordination           i. Meaning of Coordination.
ii. Organization of
Central Nervous System  
iii. Central Nervous
A The brain (Structure and Function.
B. The Spinal Cord               iv. Spelling Drills
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define coordination                  ii. describe the structure of the brain and explain the functions of its different
B. write structural differences between the brain and the spinal cord.
• Whole class discussion on nervous coordination. 
• Small groups discussion on structure of the brain and it function.
Student in the same groups, structurally differentiate between the brain and spinal cord.
Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal
. – Collaboration and
– Creativity and
• Photographs, V Charts of the
Nervous System and Video Clips.
• Dissected
Vertebrate to show the position of brain and spinal cord.
• Skull of a small mammal.
• Video clip.
4Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
i. Somatic Nervous
System ii. Autonomic Nervous
iii. Parasympathetic
Nervous System.
iv. Differences between
hormonal and Nervous Coordination.
v. Neuron
vi, Structure and Functions of a Neuron,
vii. Reflex and Voluntary Actions.
By the end of the reason, students should be able to:  i. Identify Peripheral
Nervous System.
ii. Describe a typical Neuron.
iii. Explain the process of impulse transmission.
v. Describe reflex arc and reflex action,
vi. Distinguish between a reflex action and a conditioned reflux.
• Students, as a class, watch a short video on neurons and share their thought.
• Students, in pairs, draw a typical neuron, paste on classroom wall for a gallery work • Students, as a class
discuss differentiate
between reflex action and conditioned reflex.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,- Leadership and Personal
– Collaboration and Communication
– Creativity and Imagination

• Charts showing the diagram of a typical neurone.
• Model of Neurone with recycled materials made by students.
https://www.verywellmins. com
5 .Sense Organs
i. Definition and Types,
ii. Organ of Smell (Nose)
iii, Process involved in perception of smell.
iv. Organ of Taste (Tongue).
v. Taste buds on Tongue and part played in tasting.
vi. Skin as a Sense Organ.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
I. Defined Sense organs and list major sense organs. 
ii. Describe Organs of smell and taste.
iii. Identify different parts of the tongue associated with sweetness, bitterness, salty an sour taste.
iv. Name the different types of Sensory cells of the skin and name the stimuli they receive,
v. Draw the skin showing the different receptors present.
.. The class will begin with teacher showing the video
. on sense organs. 
•. Teacher guide students to
• discuss about what they observed and their thoughts on the content.
• The teacher should handout the “Diagram of organ of smell and taste. Onto the board using a projector or put into a power point document and project so that the teacher can point to, whale they explain. As the teacher explains, students will write the name of each organ in their books and explain process involved in perception of smell
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
.- Leadership and Personal
development. .
– Collaboration and Communication
– Creativity and Imagination.
. .
•Photographs, Charts showing the different areas of the tongue sensitive to different taste.
• Models, objects, perfume, Ammonia gas
•Pricking Objects, ice cubes.

6The Eye
i. Structure and Function of the Eye.
ii. Mechanism of the Eye.
iii. Eye Defects and Corrections (Diagram Inclusive)
iv. Care of the Eye.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able i. Describe the mammalian eye. .
ii. Explain the mechanism and functions of the
iii. Describe he various eye defects and corrections.
• Students, as a class, discuss the various parts
of the eye. .
• Small groups discussion on
eye defect. ‘
Students, in the same groups, create a model of the eye and submit at the next lesson.
– Critical thinking and
Problem solving
– Leadership and 
Personal development. Collaboration and Communication
• Model of mammalian Eye, photographs,
Charts showing the well labelled diagram of the
mammalian eye.


8The Ear. Structure and function of the parts of the Ear.Mechanism involved in hearing and maintenance of balance.Deafness and Causes of deafness.Care of the Ear.By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Describe the structure of the Mammalian Ear and state the functions of each part.Explain the functions of the Ear as it relates to hearing and maintenance of balance.Explain the causes of
The teacher uses www. to show video on the topic “The Ear”At the end of video, teacher divides the class into 4 groups and ask each group to discuss the sub-topics under the “EAR”.The teacher takes note of each group presentation and explain the whole topic to the class for better understanding.  Teacher ask students to discuss Mendel’s experimental methods-. Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal
– Collaboration and Communication
• Model of mammalian Ear, photographs, Charts showing the model of the mammalian Ear. Video clip on the topic.

9.Genetics: i. Definition.
E. Genetic Terminologies. i. Transmission and expression of characteristics organisms.
iv. Mendel’s working Genetics (Mendelian’s Laws).

i. Define Genetics arid list transmittable characters in plants and animals respectively.
ii. Describe how
chromosomes are involved in the transmission of
characteristics from one generation to another.
iii. Recognise that
– chromosomes are responsible for inherited characteristics.
iv. Define genetic terms: Genes, Alleles,
Genotype, Phenotype,
Dominant and.
Recessive, Alleles. v.  Explain the part played by Gregor Mendel in genetics and state Mendalian’s first and second law.
• The teacher ask students to road as the video s
projected on the board.
• The teacher forms group based on the sub-topics
under Genetics and ask each group to take down notes as video is playing
• Each group to explain what they learnt from their subtopic.
• .The teacher gives printed material to each group and discuss the whole topic. Assignment: Teacher ask students to discuss
Mendels experimental
Digital literacyCardboard and paper for genetic crossing. edu

Biology Scheme of work for SSS 3 . Lagos State Ministry of Education, SS3 Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School

Biology Scheme of Work SSS 3 Second Term

1Resumption Test/ • Chromosomes
I. Basis for Heredity:
• Location, Structure, Roles of chromosomes in the process of
transmission of
hereditary characters from parents to offspring.
ii. Probability  genetics,                    iii. Application of the • principle of Heredity in Genetics: In
• Medicine, in
• Agriculture.
v. Linkage, Sex
Determination and
sex linked characters.

By the end of the lesson,
Chromosomes students should be able to:
Heredity: I. Describe Chromosomes Structure, and recognize roles of Chromosome in the chromosomes in the process of transmission of hereditary character from of parent to offspring, characters ii. Apply principles of Heredity in Genetics in the field of:
A. Medicine B. Agriculture                                 iii. List and elucidate sex-linked characters of human beings
iv. Solve problems on
application of probability to the formation of gamete in plants and animals.
• The teacher encourages them to study the topic extensively on the internet before the actual class.
The teacher gives out printed material to each student. He or She draws the diagram of Chromosome on the board before the lesson begins.
• Teacher ask to read through the lesson for five minutes, then ask students to explain how characters are transmitted from parents to offspring.
• The teacher entertains opinions from students.
• The teacher finally discuss the content of the lesson.
• Home/Work: Student to explain probability in genetics.
• Students to mention – application of genetics in medicine and Agriculture.
Problem solving & Critical thinking
• Digital literacy Collaboration &

• Slides showing structure of chromosomes, charts.

i. Morphological variations in the physical appearance of individuals
a. Size, Height and weight. b. Colour (Skin, Eye, Hair,
Coat of animals)
ii Physiological Variations roll tongue.
1. Ability to taste
iii. Application of Variation:
Crime detection. Blood Transfusion, determining paternity.
ii. Theories of Evolution.
– By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Define variations and give
examples of morphological and
physiological variations.
ii. Discuss advantages of
iii. Distinguished between
continuous and discontinuous
variation with examples.
 iv. Discuss causes of
v. Discuss the application of variations in human life.
• Teacher shows a video clip on variation in population.
• Teacher ask students to obtain their finger prints on a plain paper- by using their biro to paint their finger, if ink is not present and then identify whorl, Arch or loop finger print type. Teacher gets a set of twin to come to mass if they don’t have in their class, then ask students to mention variation seen in them.
• Problem solving &
Critical thinking ,
• Digital literacy
Creativity &

• Stamp pad with ink for thumb printing.
Tables showing blood groups and
• Students are made to observe one another to list morphological features.
• Students are made to roll their tongues so as to appreciate physiological features.

i. Evidence of
Evolution. i. Theories of Evolution

By the end of the lesson,
of students should be able to:                 i. Discuss the evidences
of Evolution, that evolution has taken place. ii. Discuss the progressive change in anatomy of organisms from water to land. iii. Compare and Contrast the Darwin’s 1’theory and Lamarcks theory of evolution. iv. Discuss the role of: • Illustration Isolation in the formation of new species
• Teacher gives printed copy of lesson on evolution for students to study. 
•Teacher groups student and ask them to differentiate between Darwin’s and Lamarck’s theories of evolution. 

Problem solving & Critical thinking
• Digital literacy
• Collaboration & Communication
• Fish, Charts showing progressive evolutionary changes in the anatomy of vertebrate heart.
• Charts showing vertebrate embryos.

Adaptation Behavioural Adaptation in social animals a.  Termites b.  Bees ii.  Structural Adaptation e.g. Adaptive Colouration and Functions e.g. Camouflage in Chameleons. iii.  Composition, Types (interspecific and intraspecific)By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Define Adaptation, Structural adaptation ii. Explain the term behavioural adaptation  as regards the castes in TermitesBees iii. Discuss types of competition with examples
* Teacher distributes printed materials on behavioural adaptation in social animals to students. She can ask them to read for the minutes. *Teacher divides class into groups.
*The teacher ask the students to discuss the whole topic. *The teacher ask students at random to mention some adaptations and economic importance. The teacher then, summarizes lesson.

Problem solving and critical thinking Collaboration and communication• Life specimen on castes of termites Queen, King, workers and Soldiers
• Toad.
• Different types of feets beaks of birds.
•.Different mouthparts of insect. (Life specimen and Charts)
• Field trips to farmland.
• Maize seedling in a nursery
Rats in a cage.

Biological Diagram/Drawings a. Determination of magnification of drawings b.  Appropriate headings/ titles for biological drawings c.  Size of biological drawing d.  Quality of biological drawings e.g. clarity of lines, neatness of labels labs sings of biological drawings,By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Determine appropriate title and magnification of drawings.
ii. Adhere and draw to specification.
iii. Draw a neat diagram taking into consideration neat labeling and clarity of lines.
The teacher explains all the rules of biological drawings and ask students to draw the Transverse section of orange following the rules.   Pencils, rulers,
Eraser, Drawing
Books, Specimen,
Biology Practical
Spelling Drills of Biological Technical TermsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Write correct spelling
Students to visit this web Teacher uses thesame web to teach spelling drills of biological technical terms.Problem solving and critical thinking   
MID-TERM BREAK AND TEST/OPEN DAY   textbooks. https://biologydictionary. net

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