Biology Scheme of Work SSS 2 Lagos State

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Biology Curriculum
Biology Curriculum

Biology Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Government Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

SSS 2 Biology Scheme of Work First Term

1Resumption Test
Types of
Reproduction with examples in Plants and Animals (Sexual and Asexual)
> Forms of Asexual reproduction with

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
I. define reproduction
ii. name the types of reproduction in living organisms with examples.
iii. outline, the differences between asexual and. sexual reproduction into tabular form.
iv. describe forms of asexual reproduction and give examples of organism that exhibit each one.
Whole class discussion on reproduction
Students, in small groups, brainstorm on forms of asexual reproduction.

– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and
– Collaboration and

Audio Visual resources
• Charts, Flashcards, samples of stem, cutting of cassava/sugarcane, bryophyllum leaf, video clips.    Web resources

2Sexual Reproduction. i. Types of sexual reproduction with . examples
a. Conjugation.
b. Fusion of male and female gametes.
c. Meiosis.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define sexual
reproduction.                    ii.. Describe conjugation in
Spirogyra with diagrams.
iii. Analyze the processes involved in melosis.
• Whole class brainstorm on the meaning of sexual
• Students, in small groups, create chats on conjugation
in Spirogyra.
Students, as a class discuss processes involved in meiosis and share with the class.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal 
-Collaboration and Communication

Audio Visual
-Charts, Flashcards, Video Clips.   Web resources
3.Reproductive Health:         i. Types of harmful traditional incision and care of reproductive organs. ii. Importance of pre-natal and post-natal care iii. Causes and Symptoms/effects of STIs, HIV end AIDs on iv. Risk involved in child delivery and importance of knowledge of genetic disorder in family.  By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Discuss types of harmful traditional incision and care of reproductive ii. State the effects of STIs, HIV and AIDs on foetus and infant iii. illustrate the causes symptoms and prevention of STIs, HIV and AIDs iv.   Justify causes of birth defects and their health related problemsStudents, as a class discuss traditional incision and care of reproductive Students, in pairs, search materials online on birth defects, genetic disorder in the family and make their presentation in all the topics and as such exchange views as for the week, they ask themselves questionsCritical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal 
-Collaboration and Communication

Audio Visual
* Pictures, Charts, Flashcards, Video Clips. *  Google.Search Web Resources  

4Cellular Respiration i. Definition of Cellular respiration ii. Process of Anaerobic respiration (Glycolysis and  Kreb’s cycle iii. Anaerobic respiration / fermentationBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i.  the equation for aerobic and anaerobic respirationStudents are given printed materials on cellular respiration Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration and are asked to silently read through for 10 minutes. Students are allowed to discuss what they have read in groups for 5 mins. Students to explain the chemical formula for Aerobic Respiration
C6, H12, 06,      6CO2 ÷ H20 +
Energy to an art student that student will understand.
• Problem solving & critical thinking.
• Collaboration &Communication.
• Digital literacy.  
Audio Visual
• resources
• Yeast, Video clips, Relevant charts,
• diagrams, Flashcards, overripe fruits.
Web resources
5.Respiratory System a.  Types of respiratory
b. Characteristics of respiratory surfaces.
c.  Mechanisms of respiratory stems in fish, toad, mammals and plants.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify and name the respiratory organs in fish, toad, mammals and plants.
ii. Justify the characteristics of respiratory surfaces.  iii. Discuss briefly the mechanism of respiratory system in fish, man and plants
•Students are to divide themselves into four groups. Each group should pick one of the following organism  (i) Toad:
(ii) a named mammal e.g. Rabbit         (iii) Fish (iv) Plants.
• Students are to search and study the respiratory organ of each organisms using the link “”. They should exchange ideas by brainstorming.
• They should make models of the organism using local materials like paper Mache. Students to do a project independently, create the model of stomata using paper matches.
Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal 
-Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources
. Video clip
• Models of respiratory system of different organisms using balloons, glass tubes, bell jar, and
• rubber sheet.
Web resources
6importance of
Excretion to living organisms.
ii. Types of Excretory systems in organism:
iii. Excretory mechanism some organisms
Insects, Flatworrns,
Mammals and in
Flowering plants.  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Name and matchorganisms with their excretory systems (match item test)
ii. Compare excretion in flowering plants and in
human in a tabular form.                                     iii.  Describe the mechanism of excretion in insects, flatworm and flowering Plants.
  • Whole class discussion on the meaning of excretion.
• Small groups discussion on the differences
between excretion in flowering plants and in humans.                                   • Students, as a class discuss the mechanism of excretion lb Insects, flatworm and flowering Plants.  
Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal 
-Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources
• Samples of Excretory System:
i.Skin    ii Kidney
iii. Liver  iv. Bile      v. Lung
•. Well labeled relevant Charts
• microscope Web thsourcehtps://wwwkhari
8.Tissues and Supporting systems in Animals.   i. Definition, Biologic
significance/functions of skeleton
ii. Forms of skeleton (Chitin, cartilage,
bones, Hydrostatics)
iii. Types of Skeleton (Exoskeleton and
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Define and Explain the functions of skeleton to mammals.
ii. Distinguish between bones and cartilage in a tabular form.
iii. Name forms and types of skeleton with  examples.
• Whole class watch a video about different tissue types examining its structure, function and specific location in the body
• Willie watching, note microscopic images of each tissue type and produce biological drawings. Use this website
•Students, in small groups, are guided to dissect any animal
in a bit to locate the tissue and organs of the animal. Students, in the same groups, mention the bones found in the animal.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.  Leadership and Personal.
– Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources • Samples of Arthropods, Earthworms, Snails,
Bony Fish
• Different Bones,
different Vertebrae, model of Mammalian Skeleton,
•Presentation of
– Prepared skeletal
system of Rabbit) Rat. Relevant Charts,
Web resources

9.Components of the
Mammalian Skeleton
I. Definition and Types of Reproduction
ii. Reproduction in lower organisms (Amoeba, paramecium,
Earthworm etc.) iii. Structural Adaptation (Fish, tadpole, toad, lizard, snail, crab, prawn, bird etc.)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Differentiate between the two types of reproduction,
ii. Describe reproduction in lower organisms like Amoeba, Paramecium etc.
iii. Justify the ability of a cell to respond to external stimuli.
• Teacher shows video on the topic components of mammalian skeleton. • Students individually draw and label the parts of a long bone using these guide lines.
(A) Give your diagram a caption or heading (B) Your diagram must take up at least half a age.                               (C) Your diagram should be in pencil.
(D) Label lines should be drawn with ruler.
(B) Label lines should not cross.
The teacher summarizes the video lesson and ask students to make a model of mammalian skeleton (group project).
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal development.
– Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources
• Prepared slide a conjugation Spirogyra.
• Chart illustrating binary fusion.
• Model of mammalian skeleton.
Web resources http://basicbiology,net
I. Definition and types of joints
ii. Functions of joints.
iii. Mechanism of joint movement. c
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define joints.
ii. outline the functions of joints,
iii. describe briefly how muscle end bones bring about movement at the elbow.
• Whole class watch a short
video and give a definition
of joints.
•Students, in pairs discuss
the functions of joints and
share with the class.
Small groups discussion
on mechanisms of joints
movement .
– Critical thinking and
Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal
development. .
– Collaboration and

Audio Visual
• Samples of different joints
from different
• Charts showing diagram of
different joints.                 Web resources
11Supporting Tissues in Plants
i. Types of plant supporting tissues.
ii. Structure/features of plant supporting tissues.
iii. Functions of plant supporting tissues.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Name and describe plant supporting tissues under the sub- headings.
• Location
• Structure
• function
ii. Explain how the structure of the joint – adapts it to its function,
iii. Describe briefly how. muscle and bones bring about movement at the
• Student should be shown video on supporting tissues in plant using this link https:/
• To show an overview of types of plant tissues, location and investigation of leaf epider.
• Students are to observe structure of fresh parenchyma cells. 
• The teacher then gives summary of the lesson at the end of the video.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal
– Collaboration and Communication  
Audio Visual resources
• Charts showing the cells of supporting tissues in plants, empty sachet of water, sachet of water (filled) (To demonstrate
turgidity in plant).               Web resources
12Revision/Practical/ Projects on Supporting
Tissues in Animals

Audio Visual resources
• Pot.
• Small mammal
• Heating stove e.g.
Stove Methylated spirit.

Biology Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Government Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

Biology Scheme of Work SSS 2 Second Term

1Resumption Test/Alimentary Canal/Digestive system *  Alimentary Tract of Animals i. invertebrates ii.  vertebratesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Describe the digestive system of Earthworm, Tapeworm, Cockroach, Birds, Man
 ii. State the similarities and differences between the alimentary canals of
birds: and grasshopper.
iii. Draw and label correctly
the alimentary canal of
bird and man.
• Students, in small groups, watch a video clip on alimentary tract of animals through the ink below: and share their thought.
.• Students, in small groups, discuss the similarities and differences between the alimentary canals of birds and grasshopper and leader present to the class.
• Individual students, draw a well labelled diagram of alimentary canal of bird and man.
• Students in the same groups, create a model of alimentary canal of man and rabbit.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal
– Collaboration and Communication
– Digital literacy

Audio Visual

• Charts, Domestic fowl, grasshopper small mammal.
• Dissected specimens showing alimentary canals of earth-worm, bird and rabbit.
• Charts of Digestive .
system of a housefly, cockroach, sheep, man.
• Models of digestive tracts made with improvised materials by students.
Web resources
2Feeding Habits.
i. Categories and Mechanism (filter and fluid feeding, piercing, sucking etc
ii. Modification in
organisms to reflect feeding habits (Feeding in Amoeba, Hydra and Man).
iii. Adaptation of
Dentition to mode of Nutrition in Herbivores,
Carnivores and
Omnivores (Man).
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Enumerate the various
feeding habits in organisms.
i. Discuss the mechanism and modification of feeding in mosquito larva, tapeworm, butterfly, mucor, mart, Amoeba, Hydra. =
ii. Describe foe types
structure of the tooth in herbivores; carnivores add omnivores/explain how the teeth of Rabbit and Dog are adapted to suit their mode of feeding.
• The teacher distributes printed copies of the
lesson text
• Students take turns to
read through the lessons.
• Students form a group with teacher’s guidance
to discuss feeding mechanism of living organisms.
•Teachers summarizes the topic did give group
. assignment to students to
(I) categorize some organisms into filter, fluid and piercing and sucking
insects, (II) to discuss adaptation of dentition to mode of nutrition.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal
– Collaboration and Communication
– Digital literacy

Audio Visual resources
• Charts, Butterfly,
teeth of dog, rabbit
• Upper and Lower :jaw of dogs and
rabbits to show
Diasterma and
Carnassials teeth.
• Teeth models of some animals, made with paper Mache.
Web resources
3Transport System
i. Need for trans portation / materials for transportation, e.g. food, oxygen, waste,
i. Media of Transpor-tation (Cytoplasm, Lymph, Blood iii. Composition and Function of blood and lymph  iv. Spelling Drills of Biological Technical term
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i, Highlight the need for transport systems in organisms.
ii. List the materials and media of transportation in living organisms.
iii. Explain the composition, structure and functions of mammalian blood.
• Students, as a class discuss the reasons for transport systems in living organisms.
• Students, in small groups, compare and contrast structures and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal. development.
– Collaboration and Communication

Audio Visual resources
• Relevant Charts, Video clips.
• Diagrams showing arteries, veins,
capillaries and
Vascular bundles.
Web resources https//www.longdom. org

4Circulatory System in Mammals
i. Structure of the Mammalian heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.
ii. Type and Mechanism of Circulation.                        iii. Open and Closed / Single and Double Circulation.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able
to:  i. Draw and Label the structure of Mammalian Heart, Arteries, Veins and Capillaries.
ii. Explain the double circulation in mammals.                                     iii. Distinguish between
arteries and veins.
* Whole class discussion on circulatory system in mammals *Small groups discussion on the differences between arteries and Veins. *Students, in the same groups, make a model of mammalian heart, using locally sourced materials.– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal development,
– Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources
Charts, Model/real specimen of mammalian heart.
Flashcards. Project  on types of circulation (models).  
Web resources

5Mechanism of Transport in Higher Plants, a, Absorption and transport of water and mineral salts
b. Transpiration            c. Translocation.
By the end, of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Explain the mechanism of transport in higher plants
Teacher begins the class by sharing a printed copy of the topic Mechanism of transport in higher plants.
Students in groups to study the above materials.
Students to make experiment on transpiration in plant
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal development,
– Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources Diagram showing the distribution of vascular bundle, Herbaceous plant e.g. Water Leaf, Eosine Solution, blade/knife, water, beaker, hand lens,
Web resources
6Cell Division a Mitosis b Meiosis

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:                          i. List the stages of Mitosis and Meiosis
ii. distinguish between Mitosis and Meiosis

• Whole class watch a video on mitotic and meiosis cell division
• the teacher ask students to stages of Mitosis and Meiosis cells division in their note book.
 Students are asked to make two group presentation on the topic. Each group to talk on meiosis and mitosis Teacher compares presentation and bring out facts about the lesson.
Critical thinking and Problem solving
Leadership: and Personal development
Collaboration and

Audio Visual resources
• Prepared model of mitotic and meiotic division with beads and thread (5tUdeflt project)
Web resources

8Practical on Digestion skeletal system and Circulatory SystemBy the end of the lesson students should be able
to: i. Identify specimens on digestive systems, Skeletal system and
circulatory system.
ii. Draw well labelled  diagrams to specifications..
• Activity One • The teacher dissects a pigeon to study the alimentary canal.
STEP 1: students to observe the teacher dissect and displayed alimentary canal of a pigeon. STEP 2 Students try to identify parts using the model of the alimentary canal of a bird.                              • students to draw the alimentary canal of a bird.
Activity Two   • students to draw the mammalian skeleton from the model of mammalian skeleton in the biology lab or check web to draw      • Activity Three students to make the model of the heart using locally sourced materials for their termly project.
Critical thinking and Problem solving Leadership add
Personal development.
– Collaboration and
– Creativity and
. .
Audio Visual resources
• Small Mammal (Rabbit), Bird (Domestic Fowl), Practical textbooks, Dissecting sets, Dissecting Board, water Chloroform, Bowl with lid, Cotton wool.
Web resources https://www.pinterest.

9Reproductive systems in Vertebrates a. Structures and functions of male and female mammalian reproductive systems. b. Differences between male and female reproductive organs.
c. Structure of the
gametes (sperm and ovum).
d. Fertilization,
development of
embryo and birth.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
I. Draw well labelled diagrams of male and female reproductive systems in man, bird, lizard and sh.
ii. Distinguish between the male and female
gametes in animals,            ii. Analyze the functions of the egg from the stage of fertilization to development of embryo and birth.
• Whole class discussion on reproductive system in vertebrate.
Students, in pairs, differentiate between male and female gametes in animals.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and Personal development
– Collaboration and Communication
– Creativity and
Audio Visual resources
• Charts, Eggs.
• Dissected Lizard, fish, rabbit or any other vertebrate showing male and female reproductive system.
• Slide of sperm cells and ovum.
Web resources
10.. Comparison of
Reproduction in
B. Reproductive
Behaviours in Animals.
By the end of the lesson students should be
able to:
i. Compare reproduction in vertebrates on mode of .growth, feed of
embryo and are n:a care.
ii. Describe with examines the reproductive
behaviour in animals
Students, as a class discuss the meaning of reproductive behavior Whole class compare the reproduction in vertebrates.Critical thinking and Problem solving,
– Leadership and.
Personal development
– Collaboration and Communication
Audio Visual resources Relevant charts Video on the reproduction.
Web resources https://www.CK12. org


Biology Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Government Ministry of Education Unified Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork

Biology Scheme of Work SSS 3 Third Term

Resumption Test
Reproductive System in
Flowering Plants.
i. Structure and Functions of
organs (flower) of flowering plants.
ii. Types
ovaries/ flower Practical inclusive).                            iii. Placentation in flowering plants
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Describe the structure of a flower with a well labelled diagram
ii. Match the parts with their functions.
iii, Justify the
mechanism of placentation in flowing plants with examples
• The teacher shows a video on reproductive system in
flowering Plants.
• Students to examine a whole flower of pride of Barbados, receptacle, sepals petals, stamen, ovary, styles and stigma as described in the video above. Students to make models of a whole flower and other floral
Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and
Collaboration and
– Creativity and Imagination
Audio Visual resources
• Natural flowers e.g. Hibiscus, Pride of Barbados.
• Chart/diagrams of plancentation with examples.
• Flash cards.
Web resources
Pollination in plants
i. Types of Pollination,                ii. Feature of self
pollinated and cross pollinated flowers,
iii. Agents of Pollination (Water, Insects, Wind,
Practical on
iv Process of Development in flowering plants.
v. Germination of seeds.             vi. Types of germination.             vii. Conditions necessary for germination
viii Practical on germination
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Describe the types of pollination,
ii Distinguish between wind and insect
pollinated flowers
iii. Explain the fertilization and process of
development of plants iv. Explain the conditions necessary for germination of seeds
• Whole class discussion on pollination.
• Students as a class examine wind and insect pollinated flowers and differentiate between them.
Small groups discussion on fertilization
– Critical thinking and
Problem solving
– Leadership and Personal development.
– Collaboration and Communication
Creativity and

Audio Visual resources
• Samples of flowers
that are pollinated by and wind pollinated flowers).
• Germinating seeds of monocotelydons (maza) and Dicotyledons (bean).
• Plant of seeds of
maize and beans by students.
Web resources
3Fruits:    i Types of Fruits (Classification)
ii Structure of Fruit iii. Dispersal of
iv. Agents of Dispersal. v Practical on Fruits
By the end of the lesson students should be able to
i Describe the structure of a typical fruit.
ii Explain the various classifications of fruits,
iii. Distinguish between fruits and seed,
iv Name the different agents of dispersal.
• Whole class observe fruits provided by the teacher and describe the structure of each
• Hold each fruits in front of the class and discuss the similarities and differences in skin seeds and flesh. • students as a class examine fruits inside and complete as requested in the handout. Individual students draw a longitudinal section of a mango fruit.
Critical thinking and Problem solving
Leadership and
Collaboration and

Audio Visual resources
• Different kinds of
fruits (real specimens)
• Seeds
• Charts showing
classification of fruits.
• Blade/Knife .
• Boards.
Web resources
• Definition
• Aquatic Habitat
i. Marine Habitat;
a. Characteristics of a Marine Habitat.
b. Major zones of the
Marine Habitat (intertidal, littoral, oceanic) c. Distribution of organisms in the Marine
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:    I. Define habitat.
ii. Explain the various zones in marine habitat.
iii. Recognise the adaptive features of organisms in the Marine Habitat.
v. Construct food chain in the Marine Habitat.
• Students, as a class discuss the meaning of habitat,
• Small groups discussion on various zones in the marine
habitat.   •  Students, in small groups,  investigate adaptations of animals that live in two different ocean using the videos, image and creature profiles provided in this lesson from PBS Learning media www./
– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and  Personal
– Collaboration and Communication
– Creativity and
Audio Visual resources
• Relevant Charts, pictures, water,
bowl, salt.
• Pictorial chart showing the
major zones of the marina habitat
• Video clip. Web resources

5a. Estuarine Habitat Characteristics of
Estuarine Habitat,
ii Types of Estuary.
iii. Distribution of plants and animals in Estuarine Habitat.
iv. Adaptive features of plants and animals in Estuarine Habitat.
b. Freshwater Habitat
Characteristics of
Freshwater Habitat.
ii. Types of Freshwater Habitat.
iii. Zones of Freshwater Habitat.
iv. Distribution of
organisms in Freshwater Habitat.
v. Adaptive features of organisms in the
Freshwater Habitat.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Describe estuarine
ii. Outline the characteristics of estuarine habitat.                    iii. Name the two (2) types
of freshwater habitat. iv. Explain the energy flow in freshwater habitat. v, Construct a food chain in freshwater habitat
• Whole class discussion on. estuarine and fresh water habitats. • Students, as a class discuss the characteristics of estuarine and fresh water habitats.  • Small groups discussion on energy flow in a fresh water habitat. Students, in the same groups, create chart on food chain both fresh and estuarine habitats– Critical thinking and Problem solving.
– Leadership and Personal development.
– Collaboration and Communication Creativity and
Imagination .
Audio Visual resources
• Relevant Charts, pictures, water, bowl, salt, fish, crab, crayfish. (samples of aquatic organisms). • Video clip. • Relevant Charts, pictures, water, bowl, lettuce, water leaf, fish.
• Video clip. Web resources Httpis://passngwttot.yco m
6Terrestrial Habitat
i Characteristics of a Marsh.
ii. Formation  a Marsh. iii. Types of Marshes.
ii. Plants and animals that live in Marshes.
v. Adaptive features of plants and animals in the Marsh.
I. Characteristics of a
i1i. Strata in the forest.
iii.. Distribution of plant  and animals that inhabit a forest.
iv. Adaptive features of plants and animals in a forest.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Recognise types of
marches ii. Give examples of plants examples of plants and animals found in marshes.
iii. Highlight the
characteristics of a forest.
iv. Give examples of the plants and animals in
the forest with their adaptive features.
• Students s a class use 20 pro-made cards with images of habitats or maps.
• 20 pro-made cards for animal images see table for ideas of animals/habitat. Polar bear Iceberg Muskoxen Und      ra Trout River Deer Meadow Frog Pond Owl tree • individual students pick a Card • find their partners and place cards in basket, grab another card and find new partner.
– Critical thinking and Problem solving. 
– Leadership and . Personal development.
– Collaboration and Communication Creativity and
Audio Visual resources
• Relevant Charts pictures water, bowl, salt, fish, crab crayfish
aquatic organisms).
• Video clip.
• Relevant Charts
pictures, water, bowl, lettuce, water leaf, fish.
• Video clip:
Web resources https:///

 a. Grassland  i. Characteristics of Grassland.
ii. Types of Grassland i. Distribution of plants and animals in Grassland. v. Some adaptation of Grassland communities,  Arid Land.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Define grassland                 ii. State the adaptations of plants and animals in grassland communities.
iii. Describe the characteristics of arid land.
• Whole class discussion on the meaning of grassland.
Students, in small groups, identify the adaptive features of animals found in grassland communities and share, with the class..  
 Audio Visual resources
• Sandy soil. • Pictorial Charts. • Pictures
• Video clip. Web resources

9Ecology of Populations a, Ecology of Succession
I. Definition,
ii General characteristics and nature of succession            iii. Types of succession.            iv. Differences between primary and secondary succession.
v. Characteristics of a stable community or climax community,
b. Overcrowding
i. Definition.
ii. Factors that may cause overcrowding.
iii. Effects of overcrowding. iv. Adaptation to avoid overcrowding.  
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i..Explain ecological succession.
ii. Describe the process of ecological succession.
iii. Outline the
characteristics of a climax community.
iv. Analyse the factors may cause
v. discuss how living organisms adapt to avoid overcrowding
Students, as a class discuss:
i. Ecological succession and overcrowding;
ii. Processes of ecological succession;
iii. Characteristics features of a climax community.
Students, in small groups, discuss the factors causing overcrowding, proffer possible solutions and share with the class.
• Critical thinking and Problem solving. •Leadership and Personal development.
• Collaboration and Communication
• Creativity and Imagination  
Audio Visual
• Pictures.
• Flashcards.
• Relevant Charts. School compound
• Video clip.
• Pictures of overcrowded area.
Web resources

10Food Shortage
ii. Effects of food
shortage on the size
• of population
By the end of the lesson, students should be able
to: i. Define food shortage. ii. Outline the government efforts to reduce food shortage
iii. Explain the effects of food shortage on
population size.

• Whole class watch a short video on food shortage and share their thought on it.
• Students, in small groups, discuss the role of government in eradicating food shortage and effect of food shortage.

Critical thinking and
Problem solving,
– Leadership and 
Personal development.
Collaboration and
. Communication
Audio Visual
• Charts.
• Pictures.
• Samples of unhealthy plants.
• Samples of fresh vegetables.
Samples of spoilt vegetables.
Web resources

Biology Scheme of work for SSS 2. Lagos State Government Ministry of Education Unified Schemes of Work Biology for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork


At the end of the session, students are able to:

  • Discuss types bf harmful traditional incision and. care of reproductive organs;
  • Identify the effects of STIs, HIV and AFDS on foetus and infant;
  • Justify the causes of birth defects;
  • Analyze the process of meiosis.
  • Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration;
  • Identify and name the respiratory organs in fish, toad, mammals and plants;
  • Describe the mechanism of excretion in insects and flowering plants;
  • Explain the functions of skeleton to mammals;
  • Distinguish between bone and cartilage;
  • Make of use of the model of a skeleton to explain the different vertebrae in human;
  • Describe supporting tissues in plants under this heading (i) Location (ii) Structure (iii) Functions, Perform practical to demonstrate turgidity in plants;
  • Describe reproductive behaviors in animals;
  • Justify the mechanism of placentation in flowering plants;
  • Describe the structure of fruits;
  • Differentiate between a Seed” and a Fruit;
  • Construct food chain of any habitat;
  • Describe the process of ecological succession;
  • State the characteristics of a climax community;
  • Explain the effects of food shortage on population size.

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